Deposit operations of a commercial bank. Deposit policy of a commercial bank (using the example of Rosselkhozbank JSC) Organization of deposit operations in Rosselkhozbank




on the topic “Formation and evaluation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank”

Knyazeva Maria Vyacheslavovna

Group: 54

Specialty: 080108 “Banking”

Head: N.A. Sorokina

Reviewer: I.Z. Osipova

Cleared for defense

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs F.G. Chistyakova

Kazan 2009


1.2 Classification of deposit operations of commercial banks

2. Organization and procedure for accounting for deposit transactions using the example of OJSC Rosselkhozbank

2.1 Characteristics of the activities of OJSC "Rosselkhozbank"

2.2 Work of OJSC Rosselkhozbank to attract deposit funds

2.3 Accounting and control of deposit transactions

3. The deposit insurance system in Russia and ways to improve it

3.1 Deposit insurance (guarantee) system in Russia and ways to improve it

3.2 Development of the deposit market and changes in crisis conditions


List of used literature


The specificity of a banking institution as one of the types of commercial enterprise is that the overwhelming majority of its resources are formed not at the expense of its own, but at the expense of borrowed funds. The possibilities of banks in raising funds are not unlimited and are regulated by the central bank in any state. Since 1996, the Central Bank Russian Federation(Bank of Russia) abandoned direct regulation of the relationship between the size of a bank’s capital and the volume of attracted funds and moved to indirect regulation through a number of mandatory economic standards, such as the capital adequacy standard, the maximum amount of risk per creditor, the maximum amount of attracting cash deposits from the population and others.

A commercial bank has the opportunity to attract funds from enterprises, organizations, institutions, the public and other banks in the form of deposits and open appropriate accounts for them. The funds attracted by banks are varied in composition. Their main types are funds raised by banks in the process of working with clients (deposits), funds accumulated by issuing their own debt obligations (certificates of deposit and savings certificates).

The most important component of the entire banking policy is the policy of forming a resource base. The formation of a resource base in the process of a bank's passive operations has historically played a primary and determining role in relation to its active operations. The main part of banking resources, as is known, is formed in the process of conducting deposit operations of the bank, from the effective and proper organization which ultimately determine the sustainability of the functioning of any credit institution. In this regard, the issues of increasing resource potential and ensuring its stability through effective liability management become particularly acute and relevant.

The resource base of credit institutions in the period from September 2008 was supported mainly by funds raised from the Bank of Russia and budget deposits. By 01/01/2009, the volume of loans, deposits and other borrowed funds received by credit institutions from the Bank of Russia reached 3.4 trillion. rubles, or 12% of the banking sector's liabilities (as of 01/01/2008 - 34.0 billion rubles, or 0.2%, respectively). In addition, state corporations place temporarily available funds in banks. These measures made it possible to replace funds withdrawn by clients (legal entities and individuals). The banking sector, even during periods of tense situations in the financial markets, continuously made payments, including settlements with budgets of all levels. Bulletin of the Bank of Russia dated March 25, 2009 No. 20 (1111).

Balances in customer accounts in 2008 increased by 20.4% - up to 14,748.5 billion rubles. (for 2007 - by 42.0%). The share of this source in the liabilities of the banking sector as of 01/01/2009 was 52.6% (as of 01/01/2008 - 60.9%). The decrease in the growth rate of funds in customer accounts was affected by the negative dynamics of balances of funds both on the accounts of corporate clients and on deposits of individuals, primarily in the fourth quarter.

The decrease in the ruble exchange rate against the US dollar and euro in the fourth quarter of 2008 increased the population’s propensity to save in foreign currency: in the total volume of deposits specific gravity the foreign exchange component increased from 12.9% as of 01/01/2008 to 26.7% as of 01/01/2009 (Appendix 1).

The main tasks for managing deposit operations of the bank are:

Do not allow the bank to have attracted and borrowed funds that do not generate income, except for the part that ensures the formation of required reserves;

Find the necessary credit resources for the bank to fulfill its obligations to clients and develop active operations;

Ensure that the bank makes a profit by attracting “cheap” resources.

In connection with the above, the purpose of this study is to analyze the procedure for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank using the example of Rosselkhozbank OJSC.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:

Study the economic essence of deposits, their classification;

Study the procedure for forming a deposit policy by a bank;

Study methods of control of deposit operations;

Analyze the deposit insurance system in Russia.

The subject of the study is the organization, accounting and control of deposit operations at OJSC Rosselkhozbank.

The object of the study is the deposit operations of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Agricultural Bank".

The theoretical basis for writing the work was the regulatory and legislative acts of the Bank of Russia, the works of Russian scientists, materials from periodicals, and statistical data from the Bank of Russia.

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of deposit policy of commercial banks

1.1 Formation of deposit policy of commercial banks

In order to attract resources for their activities, it is important for commercial banks to develop a deposit policy strategy based on the goals and objectives of the commercial bank as enshrined in the charter, obtaining maximum profits and the need to maintain bank liquidity. The deposit policy must, first of all, meet the following requirements:

Economic feasibility;


Internal consistency.

Economic feasibility here refers to the profitability of using the attracted resources of the population. This issue, of course, must be considered in the general context of active-passive management. When calculating the relative efficiency of attracting deposit resources from individuals, it is necessary to take into account both the costs associated with them, including reserve contributions, as well as the uncertain degree of their liquidity, and obvious benefits.

The system of interest rates on deposits should be focused on market conditions, while taking into account the emerging hierarchy of reliability of comparable instruments. Thus, a bank that keeps rates at a lower level than competitors that are close to it in terms of reliability risks losing part of its clientele.

The internal consistency of deposit policy can be viewed from several perspectives. This includes the time structure of deposit rates, and their differentiation by amounts, types of deposits in comparison with other comparable instruments of the same bank (certificates, bills, etc.), as well as by different categories of clientele (for example, for individuals and legal entities).

When considering a bank's deposit policy as one of the elements of banking policy as a whole, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the main goal of deposit policy is to attract the largest possible volume of monetary resources at the lowest price. The successful implementation of this multifaceted goal of the bank’s deposit policy involves solving, in the process of its formation, such tasks as:

Assistance in the process of conducting deposit operations in obtaining bank profits or creating conditions for making profits in the future;

Maintaining the required level of banking liquidity;

ensuring diversification of subjects of deposit operations and a combination of different forms of deposits;

Maintaining the relationship and mutual consistency between deposit operations and operations for issuing loans in the amounts and terms of deposits and loan investments;

Minimizing available funds in deposit accounts;

Carrying out a flexible interest rate policy;

Constantly searching for ways and means to reduce interest costs on attracted resources;

Development of banking services and improvement of the quality and culture of customer service.

The mechanism for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank is schematically presented in Figure 1.1. The successful implementation of the goals and objectives set by the bank in the process of developing and implementing deposit policy largely depends on the effectiveness of the functioning of this mechanism.

Each of the stages in the formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is directly related to the others and is mandatory for the formation of an optimal deposit policy and the correct organization of the deposit process.

The criterion for the quality of deposits is their stability. The larger the stable part of deposits, the higher the liquidity of the bank, since in this part the accumulated resources do not leave the bank. An increase in the stable portion of deposits reduces the bank's need for liquid assets, as it implies the renewability of the bank's liabilities.

Rice. 1.1. - The procedure for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank

Condition Analysis various types deposits, carried out by foreign researchers Lavrushin O.I. Banking: Textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006, showed that demand deposits have the greatest stability. This type of deposit does not depend on the level of interest rates. Its affiliation with a particular bank is largely determined by such factors as: quality and speed of service; bank reliability; variety of services offered to depositors; proximity of the bank to the client. According to a survey of foreign researchers, the balances of time and savings deposits are less stable. Their assignment to a specific bank is influenced by the level of interest rates. Therefore, they are susceptible to migration in the event of certain fluctuations in the level of deposit interest set by different banks.

An analysis of current practice shows that the formation of the deposit base of any commercial bank, as a complex and labor-intensive process, is associated with a large number of problems of both a subjective and objective nature.

Subjective problems include:

The scale of activity and weak capital base of Russian commercial banks;

Lack of interest of the bank's management in attracting funds from clients, especially the population, which is dictated by the tactical and strategic goals and objectives of the bank;

Insufficient level and quality of top and middle management;

the absence in most Russian banks of a scientifically based concept of deposit policy;

Disadvantages in organizing the deposit process: lack of an appropriate department in the bank; low level of marketing research of the deposit market; limited range of deposit services offered, and so on.

Among the objective factors, the following stand out:

Direct and indirect impact of the state and government agencies on commercial banks;

The influence of macroeconomics, the impact of global financial markets on the state of the Russian money market;

Interbank competition;

State of money and financial market Russia.

In connection with the above, one cannot help but say that the process of forming a deposit policy is closely interconnected with the bank’s interest rate policy, since deposit interest is an effective tool in attracting resources. During the times of state regulation, interest rates were established by law in accordance with the maturity of the deposit, and now banks can independently set competitive interest rates, focusing on the discount rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), the state of the money market and based on its own deposit policy. For certain types of deposit accounts, the amount of income is determined by the term of the deposit, the amount, the specifics of the functioning of the account, the volume and nature of related services and depends on the client’s compliance with the terms of the deposit.

The bank's payment of interest on deposits is the main part of operating expenses. Therefore, the bank, on the one hand, is not interested in a high interest rate, and on the other hand, it is forced to maintain a level of interest rate on deposits that would be attractive to customers. Trying to attract deposits, especially large deposits and long-term deposits, commercial banks offer clients high interest rates, despite rising interest costs. However, the attraction of funds from the population by banks is not unlimited.

One of the directions of the interest rate policy of a commercial bank is the calculation and analysis of the cost of all resources and deposit operations.

To do this you need:

Establish an acceptable interest rate on deposits;

Study the dynamics of the interest rate on attracted resources;

Analyze changes in interest expense on attracted resources in the total volume of bank expenses.

Interest rates on deposits are set by credit institutions by agreement with clients, taking into account the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A credit institution has no right to unilaterally change interest rates on deposits and the validity periods of these agreements with clients, except for cases provided for by the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” or the agreement with the client Federal law dated 02.12.1990 No. 395-I “On banks and banking activities.” The regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) on the procedure for calculating interest establish that income on the deposit is paid to the depositor in cash in the form of interest, which is accrued by the bank on the balance of the principal debt at the beginning of the operating day. When closing bank client accounts, interest is accrued until the day the account is actually closed. Bank of Russia Regulation No. 39-P dated June 26, 1998 “On the procedure for calculating interest on transactions related to the attraction and placement of cash, and reflection of these transactions in the accounting accounts.”

When calculating interest, the interest rate and the actual number of days for which funds are raised are taken into account. For a depositor choosing a bank to place funds, the determining factor (other things being equal) may be the procedure for calculating the interest rate. The fact is that when calculating it, banks proceed from exact quantity days a year (365 or 366).

In cases where a time deposit or another deposit (other than a demand deposit) is returned to the depositor upon his request before the expiration of the term or before the occurrence of circumstances stipulated by the bank deposit agreement, interest on the deposit (deposit) is paid in an amount corresponding to the amount of interest paid by the bank on demand deposits, unless the agreement provides for a different interest rate.

When returning the deposit, the bank pays the depositor interest accrued in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

Interest on the amount of the bank deposit is paid to the client-depositor upon his request at the end of each quarter separately from the deposit amount, and interest unclaimed during this period increases the amount of the deposit on which interest is accrued (i.e. interest is added to the deposit). The amount of interest accrued for the use of funds on the account is credited to the account at the end of each quarter.

The bank does not have the right to give preference to the shareholders (participants) of the bank over other clients of the bank, i.e. establish other conditions for raising funds (higher interest rate, more frequent period of capitalization (accrual) of interest), which are placed by bank clients on the same conditions (amount, term, etc.). At the same time, all legal entities and individuals (including potential clients of the bank) have the right to obtain from the bank information about the types and conditions of deposits accepted by the bank, about the conditions of currently valid deposit agreements, and bank accounts.

The bank has the right to unilaterally change the interest rate on deposits (on funds accounted for in the corresponding bank account) with a demand term, unless otherwise provided by the bank deposit agreement (bank account agreement). If the bank reduces the interest rate, the new interest rate is applied to deposits made before the notification to depositor clients about the change in interest rates, after a month from the date of the corresponding notification, unless otherwise provided by the agreement.

When the bank transfers, in accordance with the terms of the agreement, balances of funds from one balance sheet account for accounting for attracted funds to another balance sheet account for accounting for the same funds (for example, in the event of a change in the term of the deposit), maintained in the same bank, interest is accrued on balances of funds for each balance account (old and new) based on the actual number of calendar days of accounting for funds in each of these accounts.

Interest is calculated in one of the following ways:

Simple interest;

Compound interest;

With a fixed interest rate;

With a floating interest rate.

A progressively increasing interest rate is also applied depending on the time the funds are actually spent on the deposit. This procedure for calculating income stimulates an increase in the storage period of funds and protects the deposit from inflation.

The interest rate policy of a commercial bank related to the commercialization of its activities should:

Contribute to the generation of profit or the creation of conditions for its receipt in the future;

Regulate interest rates on deposits and lending operations and set them at a level that ensures the profitability of banking operations;

Ensure interconnection and consistency between deposit operations and loan issuance operations in terms of terms and amounts;

Maintain balance sheet liquidity;

Minimize interest rate risk.

In conclusion of this issue, it should be noted that interest rate policy is an integral part of the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank. This consists of observing a number of principles on which the bank’s optimal interest rate policy should be based. Among them, first of all, the principle of differentiation of interest depending on the storage period and size of savings, the principle of “social” differentiation of interest on deposits, the principle of ensuring the profitability of banking activities and the principle of preserving and protecting depositors’ savings should be mentioned. When forming an effective interest rate and deposit policy of a bank, a combination of all these principles is required.

1.2 Classification of deposits of commercial banks

Passive operations of a commercial bank characterize the sources of funds and the nature of the bank's relationships. It is they who largely predetermine the conditions, forms and directions of use of banking resources, i.e. composition and structure of active operations.

Banks open in the currency of the Russian Federation and foreign currencies: current accounts; current accounts; budget accounts; correspondent accounts; correspondent sub-accounts; trust accounts; special bank accounts; deposit accounts of courts, divisions of the bailiff service, law enforcement agencies, notaries; deposit accounts.

Current accounts are opened for individuals to carry out settlement transactions not related to business activities or private practice.

Current accounts are opened for legal entities that are not credit institutions, as well as individual entrepreneurs or individuals engaged in private practice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to make payments related to business activities or private practice. Current accounts are opened for representative offices of credit institutions, as well as non-profit organizations for making payments related to achieving the goals for which non-profit organizations were created.

To open a current account, an individual - a citizen of the Russian Federation must submit to the bank:

b) card;

c) documents confirming the authority of the persons indicated in the card to dispose of funds in the bank account (if such authorities are transferred to third parties), and in cases where the agreement provides for certification of the rights to dispose of funds in the account by third parties using an analogue of a handwritten signature, documents confirming the authority of persons authorized to use an analogue of a handwritten signature;

d) certificate of registration with the tax authority (if available).

To open a current account, a legal entity created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation must submit to the bank:

b) constituent documents of a legal entity;

Legal entities operating on the basis of a standard charter approved by the Government of the Russian Federation; operating on the basis of standard provisions on organizations and institutions of relevant types and types, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and charters developed on their basis; acting on the basis of the standard regulations and charter, submit the specified documents.

State authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies represent legislative and other regulatory legal acts adopted in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, decisions on their creation and legal status.

c) licenses (permits) issued to a legal entity in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the right to carry out activities subject to licensing, if these licenses (permits) are directly related to the client’s legal capacity to enter into a bank account agreement of the appropriate type;

d) card;

e) documents confirming the authority of the persons indicated in the card to dispose of funds in the bank account, and in cases where the agreement provides for certification of the rights to dispose of funds in the account using an analogue of a handwritten signature, documents confirming the authority of the persons, entitled to use an analogue of a handwritten signature;

f) documents confirming the powers of the sole executive body of a legal entity;

g) certificate of registration with the tax authority.

Deposit accounts are opened for individuals and legal entities to account for funds placed with credit institutions (branches) in order to receive income in the form of interest accrued on the amount of funds placed.

To open an account for a deposit with a bank for an individual - a citizen of the Russian Federation:

a) an identity document of an individual;

b) certificate of registration with the tax authority (if available).

If the bank deposit agreement provides for the possibility of making payments using the deposit account, a card is presented. At the same time, documents are submitted confirming the authority of the persons indicated on the card to manage the funds in the account (if such authority is transferred to third parties). If the agreement provides for certification of the rights to dispose of funds in the account by third parties using an analogue of a handwritten signature, documents confirming the authority of the persons authorized to use an analogue of a handwritten signature are submitted.

To open a bank deposit account for a legal entity created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

a) certificate of state registration of a legal entity;

b) certificate of registration with the tax authority.

Bank operations to attract funds from legal entities and individuals into deposits are called deposit operations.

Deposit operations are a broad concept, since they include all bank activities related to raising funds on deposit. A feature of this group of passive operations is that the bank has relatively weak control over the volume of such operations, since the initiative to place funds on deposits comes from depositors. At the same time, as practice shows, the depositor is interested not only in the interest paid by the bank, but also in the reliability of preserving the funds entrusted to the bank.

The organization of deposit operations must be carried out in compliance with a number of principles:

Obtaining current profits and creating conditions for obtaining them in the future;

Flexible policy in managing deposit operations to maintain the bank’s operational liquidity;

Consistency between deposit policy and return on assets;

development of banking services in order to attract customers.

Main regulations governing deposit operations:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 No. 395-I (as amended and supplemented);

Civil Code of the Russian Federation: Art. 834 - 844 (chapter 44), art. 845 - 860 (chapter 45), art. 395, 809, 818 part 2;

Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) dated June 26, 1998 No. 39-P “On the procedure for calculating interest on transactions related to the attraction and placement of funds”;

Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) dated February 10, 1992 No. 14-3-20 “On deposit and savings certificates of credit institutions” (as amended and supplemented on December 18, 1992, June 24, 1993, August 31, 1998 ., November 29, 2000) and others.

Deposit - funds in the currency of the Russian Federation or foreign currency placed by individuals for the purpose of storing and generating income. Income on the deposit is paid in cash in the form of interest. The deposit is returned to the depositor upon his first request in the manner prescribed for a deposit of this type by federal law and the relevant agreement.

Deposits are accepted only by banks that have such a right in accordance with a license issued by the Bank of Russia, that participate in the system of compulsory insurance of individual deposits in banks and are registered with an organization that performs the functions of compulsory deposit insurance. Banks ensure the safety of deposits and timely fulfillment of their obligations to depositors. Attraction of funds into deposits is formalized by an agreement in writing in two copies, one of which is issued to the depositor.

The right to attract deposits from individuals may be granted to banks whose state registration date has passed at least two years. When merging banks, the specified period is calculated for the bank that has an earlier state registration date. When transforming the bank, the specified period is not interrupted.

The right to attract deposits from individuals may be granted to a newly registered bank or a bank less than two years have passed since the date of state registration of which:

1) size authorized capital a newly registered bank or the amount of equity (capital) of an existing bank is at least 3 billion 600 million rubles;

2) the bank complies with the obligation established by the regulatory act of the Bank of Russia to disclose to an unlimited number of persons information about persons who have a significant (direct or indirect) influence on the decisions taken by the bank’s management bodies.

Modern banking practice is characterized by a wide variety of deposits and deposit accounts.

Deposit accounts can be very diverse and their classification is based on criteria such as sources of deposits, their intended purpose, degree of profitability, etc., but most often the criterion is the category of the depositor and the form of withdrawal of the deposit. Deposit operations are classified:

Deposits of legal entities (enterprises, organizations, other banks);

Deposits of individuals.

By maturity, deposits are usually divided into 2 groups:

Demand deposits,

Time deposits (with their varieties - deposit and savings certificates),

Demand deposits include funds in current, settlement, budget and other accounts related to settlements or intended use, funds in correspondent accounts of other banks (LORO), as well as deposits of individuals and legal entities. The bank pays low interest rates or does not pay at all for storing funds in demand accounts.

These include funds in current, settlement, budget and other accounts related to settlements or the intended use of funds.

Demand deposits are inherently unstable, which limits the scope of their use by commercial banks. For this reason, account holders are paid low interest or no interest at all. In the face of increased competition in attracting deposits, commercial banks seek to attract customers and stimulate the growth of demand deposits by providing additional services to account holders, as well as improving the quality of their service. For demand deposits, banks are required to maintain a minimum reserve of Central Bank Russian Federation (Bank of Russia).

Interest on demand deposits is credited to the depositor, as a rule, once a year at the beginning of a new calendar year.

Demand deposits are the most liquid. Their owners can use the money in demand accounts at any time. Money can be deposited or withdrawn into this account either in parts or in full without restrictions. In other words, the advantage of demand deposit accounts for their owners is their high liquidity. The main disadvantages of demand deposits for their owners are the payment of low interest on the account, and for the bank - the need to have a higher operational reserve to maintain liquidity. Thus, the features of a demand deposit account can be characterized as follows:

Deposits and withdrawals of money are carried out at any time without any restrictions;

The bank pays low interest rates or does not pay at all for storing funds in demand accounts;

The bank on demand deposits pays higher rates to the required reserve fund of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia).

Due to the high mobility of funds, the balance on demand accounts is not constant and is sometimes extremely variable. However, despite the high mobility of funds in demand accounts, it is possible to determine their minimum, non-declining balance and use it as a stable credit resource Zhukov E.F. Banks and banking operations. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

With the help of demand deposits, the problem of making a profit for the bank is solved, since they are the cheapest resource, and the costs of servicing clients’ settlement and current accounts are minimal. For most commercial banks, demand deposits occupy the largest share in the structure of attracted funds. However, the optimal share of these funds in the bank’s resources is considered to be 30-36%. In Russia, the share of these funds is much higher. An increase in the share of demand deposits in a bank’s financial resources reduces its interest expenses and allows for higher profits from the use of these funds in bank assets. But at the same time, current accounts are the most unpredictable element of liabilities. Therefore, their high share in borrowed capital greatly weakens the bank's liquidity. Due to this important task management is to determine the optimal structure of the bank's deposit base.

Time deposits are in second place in importance for banks, since they are stable and allow the bank to have depositors’ funds for a long time.

Time deposits are deposits attracted by banks for a specified period.

Time bank deposits are divided as follows:

With prior notice of withdrawal of funds (the client must submit an application for withdrawal in advance);

Time deposits.

Time deposits are classified depending on their term:

Up to 30 days

From 31 to 90 days

From 91 to 180 days

From 181 days to 1 year

From 1 year to 3 years;

Over 3 years.

The advantage of time deposit accounts for the client is to receive a high interest rate, and for the bank - the ability to maintain liquidity with a smaller operational reserve. The disadvantage of time deposit accounts for clients is low liquidity. For the bank, the disadvantage is the need to pay increased interest on deposits and, thus, reduce the margin.

Time deposits imply the transfer of funds to the full disposal of the bank for the terms and conditions of the agreement, and after this period the time deposit can be withdrawn by the owner at any time. The amount of remuneration paid to the client on a time deposit depends on the term, the amount of the deposit and the depositor’s compliance with the terms of the agreement. The longer the terms and the larger the deposit amount, the greater the amount of remuneration (percentage). Such a detailed gradation encourages depositors to rationally organize their own funds and place them in deposits, and also creates conditions for banks to manage their liquidity.

Deposits with prior notification of withdrawal of funds mean that the client must notify the bank in advance of withdrawal of the deposit within the period specified in the agreement. Depending on the notice period, the interest rate on deposits is determined.

If the depositor wishes to change the deposit amount - decrease or increase, then he can terminate the current agreement, withdraw and reissue his deposit on new terms. However, if the depositor withdraws funds from the deposit early, he may lose the interest stipulated by the agreement, partially or completely. As a rule, in these cases, interest is reduced to the amount of interest paid on demand deposits.

The determining factor in setting the interest rate on time deposits is the period for which the funds are placed: the longer the period, the higher the interest level. An important point is the frequency of income payments; the less frequently the payments, the higher the interest rate. Various methods of calculating interest are also used Balabanova I.T. Banks and banking activities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

By attracting time deposits, the problem of ensuring liquidity of the bank’s balance sheet is solved.

In 2008, the annual growth rate of time deposits in the national currency decreased significantly. Despite the rise in interest rates, the volume of time ruble deposits during the reporting year increased by only 9.7% (in 2007, the growth rate of this indicator was 55.8%). At the same time, in the fourth quarter of 2008, time deposits in national currency decreased in absolute terms by 7.4%. The population's ruble deposits decreased the most, with an outflow observed for both short-term and long-term deposits. As a result, during the reporting year as a whole, ruble deposits of the population in absolute terms decreased by 3.4%, and their share in the structure of all deposits in the national currency decreased from 47.7% as of 01/01/2008 to 45.5% as of 01/01/2009.

When considering this issue, it is also necessary to note the fact that the deposit policy of domestic commercial banks is beginning to apply instruments of foreign practice - this is a bearer certificate of deposit, which can circulate on the market like any other security.

A certificate is a written certificate from the issuing bank about the deposit of funds, certifying the right of the depositor or his successor to receive, upon expiration of the established period, the amount of the deposit and interest on it. The rules for issuing and issuing certificates are provided for by letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) No. 14-3-20 dated February 10, 1992 “On deposit and savings certificates of credit organizations” and are the same for all commercial banks in Russia. In accordance with these rules, a certificate of deposit can be issued only to legal entities registered in the territory of Russia or another state that uses the ruble as an official currency, and a savings certificate can only be issued to individuals residing in the territory of the Russian Federation or another state that uses the ruble in as legal tender.

The right to issue a savings certificate is granted to banks under the following conditions:

Carrying out banking activities for at least two years;

Publication of annual reports (balance sheet and profit and loss account), confirmed by an audit firm;

Compliance with banking legislation and regulations of the Bank of Russia;

Compliance with mandatory economic standards;

The presence of a reserve fund (balance sheet account 10701) in the amount of at least 15 percent of the actually paid authorized capital;

Compliance with mandatory reserve requirements.

Certificates can be issued either one-time or in series. They can be registered or bearer. The certificate cannot serve as a means of payment or payment for goods sold or services provided. Cash settlements for the purchase and sale of certificates of deposit, payment of amounts on them are carried out in a non-cash manner, and savings certificates - both in a non-cash manner and in cash.

Certificates are issued in the currency of the Russian Federation. The issuance of certificates in foreign currency is not permitted.

Owners of certificates can be residents and non-residents in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Bank of Russia.

Certificate forms must be printed only at printing enterprises licensed by the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

The certificate form must contain the following mandatory details:

Name "savings (or deposit) certificate";

Certificate number and series;

Date of making the contribution or deposit;

The amount of the deposit or deposit issued by the certificate (in words and figures);

The unconditional obligation of the credit institution to return the amount deposited or on deposit and to pay the interest due;

Date of claim of the amount under the certificate;

Interest rate for using a deposit or contribution;

Amount of interest due (in words and figures);

Interest rate upon early presentation of a certificate for payment;

Name, location and correspondent account of the credit institution opened with the Bank of Russia;

For a personal certificate: name and location of the depositor - legal entity and full name. and passport details of the depositor - an individual;

Signatures of two persons authorized by the credit institution to sign such obligations, sealed by the credit institution.

The absence of any of the required details in the text of the certificate form makes this certificate invalid.

The credit institution issuing the certificate may include in it other additional conditions and details that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, these Regulations and the content of the required details.

A personalized savings (deposit) certificate must have space to formalize the assignment of a claim (cession), and may also have additional sheets - appendices to the personalized certificate, on which assignments are drawn up.

Additional sheets (appendices) that are part of the certificate must be numbered.

The certificate form must contain all the basic conditions for the issue, payment and circulation of the certificate (conditions and procedure for assignment of claims), restoration of rights under the certificate if it is lost.

A certificate of deposit has two benefits. Firstly, unlike other deposit policy instruments, it is the subject of an exchange game, and, therefore, its owner can count on deriving additional profit as a result of favorable changes in market conditions. Secondly, if the government intends to freeze the deposits of enterprises, the acquisition of a certificate that is freely circulated on the market will give their owners some freedom of maneuver. In this situation, the certificate becomes an alternative means of payment.

In accordance with the additions to the Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) No. 14-3-20 dated February 10, 1992. “On deposit and savings certificates of credit organizations” certificates must be urgent. The circulation period for certificates of deposit (from the date of issue of the certificate to the date when the owner of the certificate receives the right to claim the deposit or contribution under the certificate) is limited to one year. The circulation period of savings certificates is limited to three years.

The owner of the certificate may assign the rights to claim the certificate to another person. For a bearer certificate, this assignment is carried out by simple delivery; for a personal certificate, this assignment is formalized on the reverse side of the certificate by a bilateral agreement. Personalized certificates can be transferred by the owner to another person through an endorsement (assignment). When the deadline for claiming monetary amounts arrives, the owner of the certificate must present it to the bank along with an application containing an indication of the method of redemption of the certificate.

So, drawing a conclusion from the theoretical material presented, we can say that for commercial banks deposits are the main and at the same time the cheapest type of resource. An increase in the share of this element in the resource base reduces interest expenses, but their high share weakens the bank's liquidity.

Funds raised by the bank from its clientele are credited to current, deposit and savings accounts. The balances in such accounts are summed up and given as a single indicator in the balance sheet. During the analysis, deposit funds raised are grouped by maturity in order to know for what period a particular amount of funds is raised. Increasing the share of demand deposits reduces the bank's interest costs and allows for higher interest profits. However, it should be borne in mind that these deposits are the most unpredictable financial instrument, so their high share in the resource base can weaken the bank’s liquidity. Time deposits are considered the most stable part of attracted resources. Increasing the share of time deposits in the resource base helps to increase the bank's stability and allows for effective management of the bank's liquidity and solvency.

When attracting funds for deposit from a client, a deposit agreement is concluded with him (Appendix 2). Banks independently develop a form of deposit agreement, which is standard for each individual type of deposit. The agreement is drawn up in two copies: one is kept by the depositor, the other - in the bank in the credit or deposit department (depending on who is entrusted with this work in the bank). The agreement stipulates the amount of the deposit, its validity period, the interest that the depositor will receive after the expiration of the agreement, the obligations and rights of the depositor, the obligations and rights of the bank, the responsibility of the parties for compliance with the terms of the agreement, and the procedure for resolving disputes.

Deposits can be made in cash only from individuals. From legal entities, contributions to deposit accounts are accepted only by non-cash means.

When closing a deposit, the client must submit to the bank a deposit agreement and a deposit book that must be repaid. The bank offers the client to issue a cash order for the amount of the deposit and interest on it.

The current economic situation forces banks to change their policy in the field of passive operations through the diversification of deposit operations.

Increasing competition between banks and other financial institutions for deposits of individuals and legal entities has led to the emergence of a huge variety of deposits, their prices and service methods. According to some foreign experts, in developed countries Currently there are more than 30 types of bank deposits. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics, which allows clients to choose the most appropriate and possible form of saving money and paying for goods and services that suits their interests.

The most important link in the work of a bank for a private depositor: the bank’s advertising fame, an extensive system and.........

Deposit operations of OJSC Rosselkhozbank

By implementing the appropriate deposit policy, it is advisable to expand the circle of clients by applying to them various conditions investments that would better suit their interests. When carrying out deposit transactions, it is important to ensure their consistency in time between monetary amounts and credit transactions. In managing deposit operations, control over time deposits, especially short-term ones, which most contribute to ensuring adequate balance sheet liquidity, is essential. When planning the dynamics of deposit and savings operations, banking specialists must organize practical work in such a way that the reserves of available funds in deposit accounts, that is, those that are temporarily not used to provide loans, are insignificant. Note that reserves of temporarily free bank resources are calculated by subtracting the amount of loan debt from the amount of balances on settlement, current and other deposit accounts. In order to increase the efficiency of passive operations, bank managers must constantly diversify services and improve the quality and culture of customer service, which will help expand opportunities for attracting deposits and savings deposits.

The deposit agreement is written in great detail. The interests of the depositor and the bank are equally explained. Time deposits are opened both in rubles and in foreign currency. The maximum rate in rubles is 10.2% per annum; in US dollars 4%; euro - 4.25%.

Rosselkhozbank has developed deposits for different age groups:

  • -children's deposits
  • -regular deposits for individuals
  • - pension deposits

Let's start with everything in order. In the financial analysis we will pay more attention to the Russian ruble.

The Agro-Debut deposit is opened in the name of your child. Those. Until you reach adulthood, you can accumulate funds on it and give them to your son and daughter. Here the leading role is played by the progressive interest rate. Starting from 5% when storing funds from 1 year, ending with 6.75% at the end of the deposit period. Interest is calculated through quarterly capitalization.

Such children's deposits increase profitability up to 7% per annum. Capitalization of the deposit, i.e. The increase in the first installment and the accumulated amount is made over a period of 5 years. The low minimum amount and free additional contributions show a high degree of accessibility for Russian citizens. The only thing is that the registration is done in the name of a third party, i.e. in favor of the child.

Agro-Stimul is a classic savings deposit with capitalization. Characterized by progressive urgency of demand. Those. it can be opened for either 91 days or 2 years. In this case, the interest rate will be higher, the longer the term. Interest can be withdrawn monthly.

The Agro-Ideal deposit allows you to make expense transactions up to a minimum balance of 20,000 rubles. This amount is the minimum down payment. Such deposits are opened for a period from 180 days to 2 years. The larger the down payment, the higher the interest rate. Options available:

  • 20,000 - 60,000 rubles
  • 60,001 - 100,000 rubles and above 100 thousand.

An interesting feature is that if you invest money for a year or 2, the percentage will be absolutely the same from 5.25% to 6.25%.

Agro-Classics is the contribution of “one firm decision”. You just need to invest 300 rubles. An increasing progressive rate is combined with a progressive amount and term. Invest more for a long period, you will get more. But here you need to immediately decide on the amount of the deposit, because... replenishment is not provided. Agro-Classic deposits offer the highest return among all presented.

The Agro-Bonus deposit is made by opening a main account and a demand account, where interest will be accrued. There are only 2 gradations: 180 days and 1 year. You can come and withdraw dividends every month.

The most favorable conditions at Rosselkhozbank for pensioners. The Pension deposit has a constant interest rate even if the money is withdrawn early. Since interest is calculated monthly, then special condition is capitalization. Any amounts of additional contributions and expense transactions up to the minimum balance of 500 rubles. Another proposed contribution, Pension Lux, has a higher interest rate and a minimum down payment amount.

Deposits for the wealthiest clients of Rosselkhozbank start from the amount of 500,000 rubles. Agro-Vip opens for periods of 180 days, 1 year, 1 year 6 months. Accordingly, additional contributions from 50,000 rubles. Expense transactions provide for the recalculation of accrued interest in accordance with the amount gradation.

For clarity, deposits of individuals of Rosselkhozbank are grouped in a table (deposit period is taken into account as 1 year, currency - rubles)

Table 3.1. Deposits of individuals

1. General characteristics JSC Rosselkhozbank
2. Characteristics of the deposit portfolio of JSC Rosselkhozbank
3. Types of deposits in JSC Rosselkhozbank
4. Organization of work to attract funds for deposits
5. Registration and execution of operations on deposits of individuals and legal entities
6. System of insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation
7. Accounting for deposit transactions
List of sources used


Banks are the center of the financial system. The stability of the financial system is the most important condition for economic development. For Russia, achieving a modern world level of banking organization is of paramount importance. The process of market transformations began precisely with the reform of the banking system, and to date, certain positive results have been achieved in this direction.

However, contradictions of a macroeconomic nature and a lack of experience in working in new conditions created serious problems for banks, periodically putting them on the brink of a systemic crisis. The present moment is characterized by a sharp reduction total number commercial banks, increasing concentration of banking capital and fierce competition in the banking sector of the economy.

One of the factors in overcoming existing difficulties is the presence of a sufficient number of highly qualified banking specialists and the current level of general financial culture of all economic entities.

The slowdown in the Russian economy has had a negative impact on the dynamics of business lending, while saturation of demand, worsening payment discipline and innovations in banking regulation have had a negative impact on the retail lending market, which has been a key driver for the banking sector over the past three years. A series of revocations of banking licenses recently added nervousness to the market, exacerbating the liquidity situation and provoking a flow of client funds to state banks. Largely thanks to the prompt actions of the regulator, a large-scale banking crisis was avoided. However, Russian banks are facing a difficult period: due to problems with fulfilling obligations or the high volume of questionable transactions, up to fifty banks will lose their licenses, and the rest will have to sacrifice profitability in favor of maintaining liquidity and capital reserves

Thus, the purpose of the internship was to study banking activities from the point of view of bank deposit operations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

– study of the bank’s organizational structure;

– study of a brief description of the bank and the main directions of its activities;

– analysis of the bank’s deposit portfolio;

– study of the features of registration and accounting of deposits in a bank.

1. General characteristics of JSC Rosselkhozbank

Joint Stock Company "Russian Agricultural Bank" is one of the largest banks in Russia. Created in 2000 in order to develop the national credit and financial system of the agro-industrial sector and rural areas Russian Federation, today it is a universal commercial bank, providing all types of banking services and occupying a leading position in financing the agro-industrial complex of Russia. 100% of the Bank's voting shares belong to the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management.

JSC Rosselkhozbank is an agent of the Government of the Russian Federation for the implementation of federal target programs in the agricultural sector. The bank has a wide and optimally formed correspondent network of more than 100 foreign partner banks and allows it to provide a full range of services to clients in international settlements and related lending and perform other interbank transactions.

The Bank's head office is located in Moscow. JSC Rosselkhozbank ranks second in Russia in terms of the size of its branch network - 73 branches operate in all regions of the country. Representative offices of the Bank are open in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and China.

“JSC Rosselkhozbank is one of the largest and most stable banks in the country in terms of assets and capital. The bank's loan portfolio as of January 1, 2017 amounts to 1.7 trillion rubles. Leading international rating agencies Fitch and Moody’s assigned long-term credit ratings BB+ and Ba2 to JSC Rosselkhozbank, respectively.

The Bank's mission is to implement the functions of a market instrument of state support in industries and segments of the economy, including the agro-industrial, fishery and forestry complexes, to promote the formation and functioning of the national credit and financial system, to effectively and comprehensively satisfy the effective demand of business and the population in high-quality banking and related financial products and services.

The Bank also has separate licenses to attract deposits and place precious metals, to carry out depository activities, to carry out dealer activities, to carry out brokerage activities, a license to carry out the development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) tools, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means, performance of work, provision of services in the field of information encryption, technical maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means (except if maintenance encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means, is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur), as well as a certificate of completion by the Bank of the procedure for assessing compliance with the requirements of the international Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard .

The supreme governing body of Rosselkhozbank JSC is the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Bank holds an annual General Meeting of Shareholders every year. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held no earlier than two months and no later than six months after the end of the financial year. The Bank's Supervisory Board, elected by shareholders and accountable to them, provides strategic management and control over the activities of the executive bodies - the Chairman of the Management Board and the Management Board. The Chairman of the Board, members of the Board and Deputy Chairmen of the Board carry out the current management of the Bank and implement the tasks assigned to them by the shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Bank.

The Chief Accountant is responsible for maintaining accounting and tax records, developing the Bank's Accounting Policy, the Bank's Accounting Policy for tax purposes, Accounting Policies in accordance with IFRS and Accounting Policies in accordance with RAP, developing an accounting and tax accounting methodology for all Bank operations, timely submission complete and reliable accounting (financial) and tax reporting for the Bank as a whole. The Chief Accountant reports directly to the Chairman of the Bank's Management Board.

The director and chief accountant of a regional branch are classified as managers of a credit organization who manage the regional branch. Ensure the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the regional branch in accordance with the powers granted.

The organizational structure of the bank is formed from various services and divisions, which are assigned certain responsibilities.

The existing management structure of the bank is linear-functional in its construction. The functional model is based on the need to allocate structural divisions of the bank according to the banking products offered to the market and the operations performed (lending, deposit activities, settlement and cash transactions, foreign exchange transactions, transactions with precious metals, guarantees and sureties, trust and other transactions). Adequately for these operations, the bank creates groups, departments, and departments that organize the corresponding type of banking activity.

The functional model is considered the classic and most common model of bank organization. This structure presupposes the presence of qualified managers in the bank - specialists in the relevant areas of activity.

This organizational management structure has a number of advantages:

– specificity of tasks, specificity of responsibility, i.e. good conditions are created for a high level of executive discipline;

– balance of powers granted to the employee to perform functions with responsibility for the results of activities;

- ease of construction.

The objectives of an individual division must be linked to the overall goal of the bank. In establishing coordination, an important role is played by establishing the authority of the unit when making decisions. For this purpose, JSC Rosselkhozbank is developing job descriptions that set out the specific rights and responsibilities of employees and their powers. Permissions are established through:

– business goals, when the absolute volume of work performed by the department, the volume of work per employee, and the planned costs of performing the work are established;

– limitation of powers: in this case, permitted and unauthorized activities are recorded, personal attitudes in the process of performing operations, narrowing of powers with the increasing routine nature of the tasks performed;

– allocation of a certain amount of resources.

The efficiency of JSC Rosselkhozbank, its leading position in the market and high competitiveness are evidenced by the financial results of its activities. Let's analyze the final indicators of Rosselkhozbank JSC according to Table 1.

Table 1. Dynamics of the main indicators of JSC Rosselkhozbank

The presented data indicate a positive dynamics of indicators during the period under review, with the exception of profit indicators in 2015, which was caused by negative changes in the state of the economy as a whole.

Operating income before provisions increased to RUB 73,606 million. versus RUB 39,408 million in 2015, the increase amounted to 34,198 million rubles. or 86.78%, which indicates an increase not only in quantitative, but also quality indicators bank work.

Net profit at the end of 2016 amounted to 515 million rubles. against a loss of RUB 75,209 million. in 2014.

This means that the growth of certain performance indicators of Rosselkhozbank JSC, including net profit, is a consequence of the growth in the volume of operations and improvement of the bank’s activities.

The volume of assets of Rosselkhozbank JSC as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 2,679,291 million rubles, showing an increase of 168,351 million rubles. or 6.7%.

The amount of customer funds placed with the bank also increased from RUB 1,796,083 million. in 2015 to 1,978,996 million rubles. in 2016 (respectively, by 182,913 million rubles or by 10.18%). The main source of growth was funds from clients who are not credit institutions.

2. Characteristics of the deposit portfolio of JSC Rosselkhozbank

Thanks to government support and many years of history, Rosselkhozbank JSC currently remains one of the leaders in attracting public funds for deposits. Meanwhile, there are many attractive offers from commercial banks with higher interest rates. JSC Rosselkhozbank enjoys the greatest trust of clients as a reliable bank with a wide range of deposits.

Deposits are in rubles and foreign currency. Types of deposits differ in terms of deposit replenishment, terms and conditions for closing an account. JSC Rosselkhozbank regularly updates the list of offers for its most faithful depositors - pensioners, for whom deposits are provided for preferential terms with a higher interest rate. An undoubted advantage is the coverage of the network of branches throughout the country. The necessary operations with deposits can be carried out in almost any locality, where representative offices of other banks may be completely absent.

Some types of deposits can be replenished by non-cash means; funds are credited directly to the account, which is convenient when paying wages and pensions. JSC Rosselkhozbank offers a number of different deposits for individuals.

Analysis of the deposit portfolio shows that there is a stable increase in the deposit portfolio over three years.

Compared to 2014, the amount of deposits in 2015 increased by 578,543 million rubles; compared to 2015, in 2016 deposits increased by 182,913 million rubles. This is due to several reasons:

– more favorable conditions provided for deposits;

– emergence of new types of deposits;

– increase in interest rates on deposits;

– attracting free funds into deposits of the majority of the population (individuals).

Deposits from the population are an important resource base for Rosselkhozbank JSC; their volume almost doubled in 2014-2016 and amounted to 624,430 million rubles.

An analysis of the dynamics of population deposits is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Dynamics of household deposits

Analysis of the dynamics of population deposits showed , that, although in general deposits are growing, there is a visible trend towards a slowdown in the growth rate over the past 2 years. This is due to the following reasons:

1) Today, some banks offer deposit rates higher than Rosselkhozbank JSC.

2) The simplification of the lending procedure resulted in the population taking out more loans than putting them into accounts.

3) Overall, a “consumer boom” that continues recent years, tends to suggest that the population spends more than saves.

Despite the slowdown in growth rates in deposits, Rosselkhozbank JSC retains one of the leading positions in the market for attracting household funds; the Bank is looking for ways to increase its resource base. And such paths were found (Table 3).

Table 3. Dynamics of deposits of legal entities

From the analysis of the dynamics of deposits of legal entities, it is clear that the growth rate is also decreasing, this affects the growth of the bank’s resource base.

In 2016, the trend of increasing growth of the resource base continued by attracting funds from legal entities to current, settlement, budget accounts and deposits.

Factors that influenced the growth of the resource base:

1) Attracting new enterprises to service foreign trade turnover (newly opening accounts and having accounts, but not carrying out foreign economic activities through JSC Rosselkhozbank).

2) Organization of work with existing clients:

– strengthening positions in developed market segments, establishing and maintaining long-term partnerships based on a combination of standard technologies and an individual approach to each client;

– targeted work with VIP clients and large clients - participants in foreign economic activity;

– intensifying work with small and medium-sized businesses to increase the volume of foreign trade transactions.

3. Types of deposits in JSC Rosselkhozbank

Currently, JSC Rosselkhozbank offers the placement of funds on deposit accounts as part of the Premium and Ultra service packages.

The Premium service package is represented by the following line of deposits:

1) “Golden Premium” deposit:

– The minimum down payment is 1,500,000 Russian rubles / 50,000 US dollars

– Payment of interest on deposits is made at the choice of the depositor:

b) on the day of expiration of the deposit term by transferring the amount of interest due to the Depositor's Account opened with the Bank;

c) monthly on the last working day of the month, as well as on the expiration date of the deposit by adding the amount of interest due to the deposit amount (capitalization);

d) monthly on the last working day of the month, as well as on the expiration date of the deposit by transferring the amount of interest due to the depositor's account opened with the Bank.

– If the Depositor’s Account to which accrued interest must be transferred according to this section is closed, the Bank capitalizes the accrued interest on the date of interest payment.

– Deposit replenishment: not provided

– Maximum deposit amount: unlimited

– The interest rate on this deposit varies from 6.05% to 7.70% per annum.

2) Deposit “Maximum savings Premium”:

– Deposit currency: Russian rubles

– Deposit replenishment: provided

– Expense transactions with maintaining the interest rate: not provided

– Interest rate: possibility of increasing the interest rate when moving to a new amount range

– Payment of interest is made at the choice of the depositor:

a) monthly on the last working day of the month, as well as on the expiration date of the deposit by adding the amount of interest due to the deposit amount (capitalization);

b) monthly on the last working day of the month, as well as on the expiration date of the deposit by transferring the amount of interest due to the Depositor's Account opened with the Bank

– Conditions for early withdrawal: In case of early withdrawal of the deposit, interest is paid at the deposit rate “On demand”

– Automatic extension of the deposit: not provided

– Minimum deposit amount: 1,500,000 rubles

– Minimum amount of additional contribution: 30,000 rubles

– Maximum deposit amount: 150,000,000 rubles

– The interest rate on this deposit varies from 6.15% to 7.05% per annum.

3) Platinum Premium deposit:

– Minimum down payment: 1,500,000 Russian rubles / 50,000 US dollars

– Deposit replenishment: provided no later than 30 calendar days before the end of the deposit period

– Minimum amount of additional contribution to the deposit: 30,000 Russian rubles / 1000 US dollars

– Expense transactions with maintaining the interest rate: provided for under the condition that the minimum balance on the deposit is maintained

– In case of early withdrawal of the deposit, interest is paid at the rate of the “On Demand” deposit in the corresponding currency

– Automatic extension of the deposit: not provided

– The interest rate on this deposit varies from 5.65% to 6.55% per annum.

The “Ultra” service package is represented by the following line of deposits:

1) Deposit “Your income”:

– Payment of interest on the deposit is made at the choice of the depositor:

a) on the day the deposit expires by adding the amount of interest due to the deposit amount;

b) monthly on the last working day of the month, as well as on the expiration date of the deposit by adding the amount of interest due to the deposit amount (capitalization);

c) monthly on the last working day of the month, as well as on the expiration date of the deposit by transferring the amount of interest due to the depositor's account opened with the Bank.

– If the Depositor’s Account to which accrued interest must be transferred according to this section is closed, the Bank capitalizes the accrued interest.

– Deposit replenishment is not provided

– The maximum deposit amount is not limited

– The interest rate on this deposit varies from 6.50% to 7.85% per annum.

2) Deposit “Your savings”:

– The minimum down payment is 500,000 Russian rubles / 20,000 US dollars

– Interest is capitalized monthly or transferred to an account at the Client’s choice

– The minimum amount of additional contribution to the deposit is 30,000 Russian rubles / 1,000 US dollars

– When the deposit amount moves to the next amount category (as a result of accrual of interest or replenishment), the interest rate on the deposit increases

– Maximum deposit amount 150,000,000 Russian rubles / 5,000,000 US dollars

– Expense transactions with maintaining the interest rate are not provided

– In case of early withdrawal of a deposit, the income on the deposit is calculated for the actual time the funds are in the deposit, and the rate depends on the period the funds are in the deposit.

– Deposit extension is not provided

– At the Client’s request, a card is provided within tariff plan“Amur Tiger – card for deposit” with free annual maintenance and interest accrual on the actual balance of funds on the card account at the rate of 7% per annum in rubles

– The interest rate on this deposit varies from 6.30% to 7.25% per annum.

3) Contribution “Your Opportunities”:

– The minimum down payment is 500,000 Russian rubles / 20,000 US dollars

– Interest is capitalized monthly or transferred to an account at the Client’s choice

– Deposit replenishment is provided no later than 30 calendar days before the end of the deposit period within the maximum deposit amount

– The minimum amount of additional contribution to the deposit is 30,000 Russian rubles / 1000 US dollars

– The maximum deposit amount cannot exceed an amount equal to five times the initial contribution

– The minimum deposit balance is determined by the client at his choice

– The minimum balance cannot be changed during the entire deposit period

– In case of early withdrawal of the deposit, interest is paid at the rate of the “On Demand” deposit in the corresponding currency

– Deposit extension is not provided

– At the Client’s request, a card is provided within the framework of the tariff plan “Amur Tiger – card for deposit” with free annual maintenance and interest accrual on the actual balance of funds on the card account in the amount of 7% per annum in rubles

– The interest rate on this deposit varies from 5.80% to 6.75% per annum.

4) Deposit “Your conditions”:

– The minimum down payment is 50,000 Russian rubles

– Payment of interest on deposits is made on the expiration date of the deposit by adding the amount of interest due to the deposit amount or by transferring to an account of the Client’s choice

– Deposit replenishment is provided throughout the entire validity period of the deposit within the maximum deposit amount

– The minimum amount of additional contribution to the deposit is not limited

– The maximum deposit amount is 50,000,000 Russian rubles

– Expense transactions with maintaining the interest rate are provided subject to maintaining the minimum balance on the deposit

– Minimum deposit balance of 50,000 Russian rubles

– The minimum balance cannot be changed during the entire deposit period

– In case of early withdrawal of the deposit, interest is paid for the actual time the funds are in the deposit based on the interest rate established by the bank deposit agreement

– Automatic extension of the deposit is carried out for the same period on the terms and at the interest rate in force at the Bank for the extension of this type of deposit on the day of extension.

– Number of extensions – no more than 10

– Subject to the conclusion of a bank deposit agreement “Your Conditions” within 30 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement for the “Ultra” Service Package, the deposit is subject to a premium to the standard rate in force for this type of deposit.

– At the Client’s request, a card is provided within the framework of the tariff plan “Amur Tiger – card for deposit” with free annual maintenance and interest accrual on the actual balance of funds on the card account in the amount of 7% per annum in rubles

– The interest rate on this deposit varies from 5.50% to 6.00% per annum.

4. Organization of work to attract funds for deposits

Opening of bank accounts and deposit accounts for clients is carried out by Rosselkhozbank JSC, subject to the client having legal capacity (capacity). Operations on bank accounts, deposit accounts of the appropriate type are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and are carried out in accordance with the established rules. In particular, at JSC Rosselkhozbank, the organization of work with bank deposits occurs in accordance with the “Rules for opening and closing bank accounts, accounts on deposits. The basis for opening a bank account or deposit account is the conclusion of a bank account agreement, a bank deposit agreement and the provision of all documents specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation. to a client of a bank account or deposit account is carried out only if the bank has received all documents and the client has been identified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. documents and information necessary to identify clients are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The client may be refused to open a bank account or deposit account if documents confirming the information necessary to identify the client are not submitted, or false information is provided, as well as in other cases, provided for by law Russian Federation.

Opening a bank account for (deposit) and an account for a deposit (deposit) is accompanied by making an entry about the opening of a personal account in the Registration Book. An entry about opening an account must be made in the registration of open accounts no later than the day following the conclusion of the bank account, deposit (deposit) agreement. .

In order to organize work on opening and closing bank accounts, accounts (deposits), JSC Rosselkhozbank adopts rules in accordance with 11 Instructions No. 28-I. From among its employees, the bank determines the officials responsible for working with clients, opening and closing accounts for clients, the official rights and responsibilities with which they must sign.

Bank officials receive documents for an account of the appropriate type, proper documents, the completeness of the presented authenticity in the cases and in the manner established by Instruction No. 28-I, based on the documents received, they check the client's legal capacity (capacity), as well as other functions provided for by the bank and job description . In these areas, bank officials interact with clients and their representatives, request and receive the necessary information.

Bank officials are authorized to identify the client in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, be authorized to sign and stamp the card. The bank is obliged to have copies of documents with information about their details) identifying the client or the person whose identity is established when opening an account (deposit).

To open a bank account or bank deposit account, original documents or their copies certified by the legislation of the Russian Federation are provided.

When opening a bank account, deposit accounts drawn up in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation into Russian, certified in Documents (copies thereof) collected by the bank when opening a bank account, deposit accounts are placed in a legal file.

Deposit accounts are opened for individuals and legal entities to account for funds placed with credit institutions (branches) in order to receive income in the form of interest accrued on the amount of funds placed.

5. Registration and execution of operations on deposits of individuals and legal entities

Subjects when performing deposit operations are individuals and legal entities. The subjects of deposit operations of legal entities are:

– private and state owned enterprises;

– cooperative enterprises;

– various funds;

companies engaged in financial, insurance and investment activities;

Art. Minors 18 years of age have the right to independently, without the consent of parents or adoptive parents, go to credit institutions and dispose of them. Also, funds to the depositor’s account are third, Article 841 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part two. At the same time, the depositor provided the funds in the account for the deposit.

For an individual citizen of the Russian Federation, bank accounts are submitted to:

a) an identity document of an individual;

b) certificate of registration with the tax authority (if available).

If the deposit agreement allows for the possibility of implementation using the deposit account, At the same time, documents are submitted, the powers specified in the disposal of funds located in the account, such powers are provided by a third party. In the case of the agreement, certification of the rights to dispose of funds located in the account is provided by persons using an analogue of a signature, documents confirming the authority are submitted entitled to use a handwritten signature.

a deposit in which the depositor is a citizen is recognized as a public contract. A deposit agreement concluded by legal entities does not have the property of being public. Legal entities do not have the right to transfer the funds in deposits (bank deposits). A bank deposit is concluded in writing in two copies, one of which is issued to the depositor. It contains:

– information about its participants;

– presentation of the subject;

– the essence of the transaction;

– obligations of the contracting parties;

– conditions for the implementation of the contract,

– methods of payment for services provided to each other;

– forms of responsibility of participants for failure to fulfill accepted obligations;

– terms of termination or extension;

– legal addresses of the parties.

The agreement must indicate and agree on the procedure for paying interest on the deposit (with capitalization, without capitalization), the interest payment interval (day, month, quarter, year). If these conditions are absent, then interest is paid quarterly, and unpaid interest increases the amount of the deposit (capitalization), on which interest is then accrued. Depending on the duration of the agreements and the amount of conditions for their return, the bank can differentiate its interest rates.

Cash deposits can be accepted under the following conditions:

– issuing a deposit on demand (deposit up to

– on the terms of return of the deposit after the expiration of the period specified in the agreement (time deposit).

The agreement is sealed with the signatures of authorized representatives of the contracting parties and seals (if it is a legal entity).

in confirmation of making a deposit, it issues a savings book or a savings certificate to an individual, and a certificate of deposit to a legal entity.

can be deposited in the bank in the name of a certain third party, as well as a legal entity. Under an agreement with an individual, the bank is obligated to make a deposit or part thereof upon the depositor’s first request. A legal entity does not have the right to demand the return of the deposit unless this is provided for in the agreement.

At JSC Rosselkhozbank you can issue a power of attorney in the name of your authorized person/representative.

Based on a power of attorney, you can grant your representative the right to:

  1. conclude a bank account agreement;
  2. deposit funds into the account;
  3. transfer funds from an account non-cash;
  4. receive cash from the account;
  5. receive account statements;
  6. terminate the bank account agreement.

The power of attorney can be issued both in the Bank’s division and outside the Bank, subject to notarization.

Also, at JSC Rosselkhozbank, you can draw up a testamentary disposition in favor of one or more persons, which will allow the client to transfer the deposit by inheritance.

The Client may draw up, replace or cancel a testamentary disposition submitted to the Bank. The submitted testamentary disposition does not limit the client’s right to dispose of funds in the client’s account.

A testamentary disposition can be executed for one, several or all client accounts opened with the Bank.

6. System of insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation

– a system that allows private depositors - individuals to receive funds when a credit institution is withdrawn from bankruptcy. To do this, banks pay insurance premiums for attracted deposits to a specialized fund, from where payments are made in the event of default.

The first system of mandatory persons appeared in the Great Founding of the Glass-Segal Act. The state provides such services - the Federal Corporation that insures everyone or savings institutions do the FDIC. account of these funds and banks that went bankrupt. At first, the insurance amount was thousand per person, this amount was increased to 100, and now it is thousand dollars.

Similar deposit insurance systems exist in other countries. In the UK, the Bank of England's Deposit Protection Council has been created. Here, deposits opened by individuals in all Western European bank branches located in the UK are compensated, both in pounds sterling and other currencies. The same systems exist in Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland and other Western European countries.

In Russia, the deposit insurance system for individuals first appeared with the adoption of the Federal Law “On Insurance of Individual Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation” No. 177-FZ of December 23, 2003. In 2004, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) was created. The purpose of the DIA is to ensure the functioning of the deposit insurance system. When performing the functions of compulsory deposit insurance, the Agency:

– maintains a register of banks participating in the system;

– carries out collection of insurance and control over their receipt into the compulsory deposit insurance fund;

– carries out measures to take into account depositors’ claims to the bank and pay them compensation for deposits.

the procedure for payment of compensation regulates the relations between banks of the Russian Federation, the DIA, the Central and the bodies of the IV of the Russian Federation in the field of insurance of deposits of individuals in banks.

The objectives of deposit insurance are:

– protection of the rights and legitimate interests of depositors of Russian banks;

– strengthening confidence in the banking system of the Russian Federation;

– stimulation of attracting savings from the population to the banking system of the Russian Federation.

The deposit insurance system is based on the following principles:

mandatory participation of all deposit insurance banks;

– reducing the risk of adverse consequences for depositors in the event of banks’ failure to fulfill their obligations;

– transparency of the deposit insurance system;

the cumulative nature of compulsory deposit insurance at the expense of regular banks - participants in the deposit insurance system.

Participants in the deposit insurance system are:

– banks of the Russian Federation;

– policyholders – banks entered in the prescribed manner in the register of banks;

– insurer – DIA;

– implementation of the functions provided for by this Federal Law.

At the same time, compulsory insurance of deposits in the Russian Federation serves as a condition for obtaining a license to attract citizens’ money.

compensation for deposit insurance in the Russian banking system is 100% of the amount of the insured bank deposit, but not more than 700 thousand, 000,000) rubles for all accounts in one bank. In this case, the currency is converted into rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate on the day the insured event occurred. payments on a deposit in one bank do not affect the amount of compensation in the event of default in another bank for the client.

For non-insurance, i.e., physical types of funds falling under deposits:

– funds in the accounts of individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, lawyers, notaries and other persons, if they are open to carry out entrepreneurial professional activities provided for by the Federal Law;

– bearer deposits;

– funds transferred to the bank for trust management;

– foreign branches of Russian banks;

money transfers without opening an account;

funds in unallocated metal accounts.

In order to be guaranteed in the event of withdrawal or bankruptcy, the depositor is guaranteed that the account he is opening is a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system. This can be obtained, for example, on the DIA website.

JSC Rosselkhozbank provides deposit insurance through JSC IC RSHB-Strakhovanie. The insurance company is part of the group of companies JSC Rosselkhozbank.

JSC IC "RSHB-Strakhovanie" provides a wide range of insurance services to corporate and private clients, operating on the basis of licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation SI No. 2947 dated 09.12.2014, SL No. 2947 dated 09.12.2014, PS No. 2947 dated 09.12.2014, OS No. 2947-02 dated 09.12.2014, OS No. 2947-04 dated 09.12.2014, OS No. 2947-05 dated 09.12.2014.

The company's authorized capital is 624 million rubles.

The strategic priorities of JSC IC RSHB-Strakhovanie are insurance of enterprises of the Russian agro-industrial complex and bank insurance.

The financial stability of the company is confirmed by the current reliability rating of the Expert RA rating agency at the ruAA level (which corresponds to the A++ rating on the previously used scale). The rating has a stable outlook. Previously, the company had an A++ rating with a stable outlook.

The high reliability of insurance operations is supported by reinsurance programs in leading domestic and international reinsurance companies: SOGAZ JSC, SKOR Reinsurance LLC, SPK Unity Re LLC, Swiss Re Europe S.A., Partner Reinsurance Europe SE, Hannover Rück SE, Mapfre Re Compania Reaseguros SA, Reinsurance Company Sava Ltd.

7. Accounting for deposit transactions

In accordance with “Methodological recommendations for verification of deposit operations” No. 25-1-322 dated March 27, 1996, deposit (deposit) operations are operations of credit institutions to attract funds from legal entities and individuals into deposits for a certain period or on demand, and also balances of funds on clients’ current accounts for their use as credit resources and in investment activities.

Deposit transactions can be classified as follows:

– by terms of placement (urgent, on demand);

– by type of depositor (individuals and legal entities);

– by type of deposit (cash, securities).

For accounts No. 425 “Deposits of non-resident legal entities”, No. 440 “Attracted funds of non-resident legal entities”, correspondence is allowed only with accounts No. 40814 “Non-resident legal entities and individuals - accounts type “K” (convertible)”, No. 40815 “ Non-resident legal entities and individuals – accounts of type “N” (non-convertible)”, No. 40807 “Non-resident legal entities”; correspondence with accounts of non-resident banks is permitted in accordance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Bank of Russia.

Transactions on account No. 426 “Deposits and other attracted funds of non-resident individuals” are carried out in accordance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of the Bank of Russia.

Second-order accounts are maintained by the terms of attraction, except for accounts for settlements using bank cards, as well as by entities that deposited funds into deposit accounts, including:

  1. Ministry of Finance of Russia.
  2. Financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.
  3. State extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation.
  4. Extra-budgetary funds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.
  5. Federally owned financial institutions.
  6. Commercial organizations that are federally owned.
  7. Non-profit organizations under federal ownership.
  8. Financial organizations that are state (except federal) property.
  9. Commercial organizations that are state (except federal) property.
  10. Non-profit organizations that are state (except federal) property.
  11. Non-state financial organizations.
  12. Non-governmental commercial organizations.
  13. Non-governmental non-profit organizations.
  14. Individuals.
  15. Non-resident legal entities.
  16. Non-resident individuals.

The credit of the accounts under consideration reflects:

– amounts received from the depositor (depositor), other funds or from the bank card holder (for the depositor or for the bank card holder) for crediting to his account;

– accrued interest, if the terms of the agreement provide for the addition of interest to the amount of the deposit;

– amounts of loans received for crediting to deposits (deposits) of individuals;

– accrued interest on the account of the bank card holder, if the terms of the agreement provide for the addition of interest to the account amount.

Transactions on received funds are carried out in correspondence with accounts: correspondent, clients, cash, and accrued interest - with accounts for accrued interest and expenses.

The debit of accounts No. 410 to 426 reflects:

– paid (transferred) amounts of deposits (contributions), other funds;

– interest paid, if under the terms of the agreement the interest was added to the amount of the deposit;

– transferred amounts on instructions from owners of deposits (deposits) of individuals when repaying loans and interest;

– expenses incurred using bank cards.

Operations are carried out in correspondence with accounts for recording client funds and correspondent personal accounts of the cash desk.

In analytical accounting, personal accounts of depositors are maintained by terms of attraction (except for bank card holders), interest rates, and types of currencies.

These accounts must reflect the amounts accepted by the credit institution under the deposit account agreement, including by issuing a personal savings book to the depositor.

The procedure for calculating interest on a deposit (deposit) and recording other funds in accounting are carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Bank of Russia on the procedure for calculating interest in credit institutions of the Russian Federation. Thus, on the accounts in question, records are kept of deposits on contractual terms, deposits, other attracted funds from legal entities and individuals, and the deposit of amounts for settlements using bank cards.

The credit balance indicates the bank's debt on borrowed funds. Loan turnover is the amount received from owners of deposits or bank cards for crediting funds to their accounts and interest accrued on deposits, if the terms of the agreement provide for their addition to the deposit amount. By debit – payment of the amount of deposits, interest and spent funds when using bank cards.


The place of pre-diploma internship was JSC Rosselkhozbank.

The purpose of the internship was to study banking activities from the point of view of bank deposit operations. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: the organizational structure of the bank was studied; studied brief description the bank and the main directions of its activities; an analysis of the bank's deposit portfolio was carried out; The features of registration and accounting of deposits in a bank were studied.

During the internship, the following conclusions were made.

The Bank's mission is to implement the functions of a market instrument of state support in industries and segments of the economy, including the agro-industrial, fishery and forestry complexes, to promote the formation and functioning of the national credit and financial system, to effectively and comprehensively satisfy the effective demand of business and the population in high-quality banking and related financial products and services. Net profit at the end of 2016 amounted to 515 million rubles. against a loss of RUB 75,209 million. in 2014. This means that the growth of certain performance indicators of Rosselkhozbank JSC, including net profit, is a consequence of the growth in the volume of operations and improvement of the bank’s activities. The volume of assets of Rosselkhozbank JSC as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 2,679,291 million rubles, showing an increase of 168,351 million rubles. or 6.7%. The amount of customer funds placed with the bank also increased from RUB 1,796,083 million. in 2015 to 1,978,996 million rubles. in 2016 (respectively, by 182,913 million rubles or by 10.18%). The main source of growth was funds from clients who are not credit institutions.

Analysis of the deposit portfolio shows that there is a stable increase in the deposit portfolio over three years. Compared to 2014, the amount of deposits in 2015 increased by 578,543 million rubles; compared to 2015, in 2016 deposits increased by 182,913 million rubles. Deposits from the population are an important resource base for Rosselkhozbank JSC; their volume almost doubled in 2014-2016 and amounted to 624,430 million rubles.

Currently, JSC Rosselkhozbank offers the placement of funds on deposit accounts as part of the Premium and Ultra service packages. The “Premium” service package is represented by the following line of deposits: “Golden Premium”; “Maximum savings Premium”; "Platinum Premium". The “Ultra” service package is represented by the following line of deposits: “Your income”; “Your savings”; "Your Opportunities"; "Your terms."

In accordance with the “Regulations on the rules of accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation” No. 205-P dated December 5, 2002, taking into account changes from March 24, 2004, first-order accounts with No. 410 are used to account for deposits 426 each. Each of them is divided into second-order accounts depending on the period of investment. The purpose of these accounts is to record, on contractual terms, deposits, deposits, other funds raised by legal entities and individuals, as well as deposited amounts for settlements using bank cards. The nature of the funds raised is determined by the terms of the agreement. All accounts are passive.

List of sources used

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one) November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) // ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. – URL:;base=LAW; n=170142.
2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part two) January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ (as amended on March 28, 2017) // ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. – URL:;base=LAW; n=170140.
3. On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia): Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2017) // ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. – URL:;base=LAW;n=172875
4. On banks and banking activities: Federal Law of December 2, 1990 No. 395-1 (as amended on July 26, 2017) // ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. – URL:;base=LAW; n=173879
5. On accounting: Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2017) // ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. – URL:
6. On approval of the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 N 34n (as amended on March 29, 2017) // ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. – URL:; base=LAW;n=111058.
7. On the Chart of Accounts for credit institutions and the procedure for its application: Bank of Russia Regulations dated 02/27/2017 N 579-P (as amended on 07/05/2017) // ConsultantPlus [Electronic resource]. – URL:
8. Arskaya, E.V., Seroshtan, M.S., Usatova, L.V. Accounting in commercial banks. Textbook / E.V. Arskaya. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2011. – 392 p.
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11. Volkova, N.I., Gerasimenko, R.A., Chashko, T.A. Management of banking activities: Educational and practical manual / Ed. Ed. P.V. Egorova. – Donetsk: LLC “Yugo-Vostok, Ltd”, 2014. – 388 p.
12. Gvelisiani, T.V. Accounting and reporting in banks: Textbook / T.V. Gvelisiani. – M.: State University Higher School of Economics, 2015. – 392 p.
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17. Korobov, Yu.I. Banking portfolio: In 3 volumes / Rep. Ed. Yu.I. Korobov, Yu.B. Rubin, V.I. Soldatkin. – M.: Somintek, 2012.
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22. Sokolinskaya, N.E., Zubkova, S.V., Kazakova, O.N., Kovaleva, N.A. Accounting in banks: Textbook / N.E. Sokolinskaya. – M.: KnoRus, 2015. – 232 p.
23. Tagirbekov, R.K. Fundamentals of banking: Textbook / ed. Tagirbekova R.K. – M.: INFRA – M, 2014 – 720 p.
24. Tarasova, A.Yu. Accounting in credit institutions: textbook / A.Yu. Tarasova; International University of Business and New Technologies (academy). – Yaroslavl: RIC MUBINT, 2014. – 168 p.

Report on practice at JSC Rosselkhozbank updated: October 4, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

OJSC Rosselkhozbank is a specialized commercial bank, 100% of the share capital is located in the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management (Rosimushchestvo). Full name Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Agricultural Bank" (hereinafter referred to as Rosselkhozbank).

OJSC Rosselkhozbank was established by the State Corporation “Agency for Restructuring of Credit Institutions” on January 21, 2000.

On March 15, 2000, Order No. 75-rp of the President of the Russian Federation was issued approving the proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation to create a Russian Agricultural Bank to form on its basis a national credit and financial system for servicing commodity producers in the field of agricultural production.

On April 24, 2000, OJSC Rosselkhozbank was registered by the Bank of Russia and received a license to carry out banking activities No. 3349 dated June 13, 2000.

In July 2001, the state, represented by the Russian Federal Property Fund (Rosimushchestvo), acquired 100% of the bank's shares.

On December 30, 2002, OJSC Rosselkhozbank received a license for the right to carry out transactions with funds of individuals No. 3349, and on July 25, 2007 - a General license for banking operations No. 3349,

OJSC Rosselkhozbank has a network of 78 branches and 1,300 additional offices. According to Interfax-CEA, as of January 1, 2008, the bank ranked ninth among Russian banks in terms of assets (RUB 236.4 billion), twelfth in terms of equity(19.2 billion rubles), twenty-first place - in profit before taxes (2.69 billion rubles).

The Bank has the right to carry out the following transactions:

Issuance of guarantees for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of obligations in monetary form;

Trust management of funds and other property under agreements with individuals and legal entities;

Acquiring the right to demand from third parties the fulfillment of obligations in monetary form;

Carrying out transactions with precious metals and precious stones in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Providing for rent to individuals and legal entities special premises or safes located in them for storing documents and valuables;

Leasing operations;

Provision of consulting and information services Charter of OJSC Rosselkhozbank.

The priority area of ​​activity of OJSC Rosselkhozbank is working with the population in the field of attracting deposits. In this area, the bank has a strong position due to the effective combination of the quality of settlement services with savings management capabilities. Depositors of OJSC Rosselkhozbank can choose the most convenient diagram protecting and increasing your savings. The bank offers clients a flexible system of deposits in rubles and foreign currency, special types of deposits that allow them to combine the efficiency of a current account and the profitability of a term deposit.

OJSC Rosselkhozbank offers legal entities and individual entrepreneurs the placement of temporarily free funds in ruble and foreign currency deposits (Appendices 3 and 4).

In 2008, the volume of attracted deposits from the population increased by 92% and reached 44 billion rubles. Even during the period of aggravation of the financial crisis, a monthly increase in deposits was recorded. At the end of 2008, the increase in funds on deposits and accounts of legal entities amounted to 34 billion rubles.

In addition, the Bank invites Management Companies of Non-State Pension Funds to place pension reserves and pension savings in time deposits.

All deposits of OJSC Rosselkhozbank are characterized by flexible terms, market interest rates and the ability to choose the frequency of interest payments - monthly, quarterly or at the end of the term. An individual approach to setting interest rates is possible.

When opening a deposit account, the condition that a legal entity or individual entrepreneur has a settlement (current) account with the bank is not mandatory. If the bank has such an account, the list of documents will be shortened.

Considering the deposits of Rosselkhozbank OJSC from the perspective of profitability, we can make an assumption about the preference for long-term deposits. From this point of view convenient solution are long-term deposits, the regime of which allows both an increase in the deposit amount during its validity period and partial withdrawal of funds from the account. During the validity period of such a deposit, all additional contributions will be subject to the interest rate established at the beginning of the year, despite the fact that interest rates on newly opened deposits at this time may be significantly lower. On the other hand, if interest rates do rise during the year, then the depositor has the opportunity to withdraw part of the deposit at any time without any loss and invest the received funds in a new deposit at the rate in effect at that moment.