Production of profiled sheets - what equipment is used? How to make a homemade machine for making corrugated sheets with your own hands Manual machine for making corrugated sheets with your own hands

The production of reliable, lightweight and inexpensive corrugated sheets used in the construction industry today is carried out using special manual and automatic equipment.


Corrugated sheeting – universal modern material for the construction of low-rise buildings, wall cladding, roofing and other construction tasks, made from galvanized cold-rolled steel sheet. To give such rolled products the required shape, only two methods are used - hot and cold rolled. Both of these operations involve passing flat sheets of steel through special rollers.

Due to its characteristics, hot-rolled technology is available exclusively at large metallurgical plants.

But cold rolling of steel blanks for the purpose of obtaining from them can be performed in semi-professional and even amateur conditions. The main thing here is to choose the right equipment and learn how to use it correctly.

The cold rolling production technology consists of two procedures following each other. First, the workpiece is passed through rollers, and then the resulting corrugated sheet is cut into specified geometric sections. The shape of the rollers determines, as you yourself understand, the shape of the finished product.

The simplest manual machine for making profiled sheets is capable of “giving” us products of only one shape. In cases where an automated line for the production of corrugated sheets is used, it, as a rule, makes it possible to produce products of different assortments and shapes. This variety is achieved due to the fact that automated equipment makes it possible to change the settings of the rollers.


Manufacturing is possible using three main types of installations:

  • manual machine;
  • mobile (mobile) type equipment with partial automation of work operations;

Any person can use a basic machine for the production of profiled sheets, provided that he is ready to make quite serious physical efforts to process steel sheets. On manual installations Workpieces of small thickness are usually rolled. The quality of the resulting products is at a low level. In most cases, such a machine is used to produce profiled sheets for fencing and fencing.

Manual equipment does not have to be purchased ready-made. There is a huge amount on the Internet detailed drawings and diagrams, guided by which you can independently make a simple bending machine. Let us note once again that there is no point in using it to produce truly high-quality profiled sheets. You simply won't succeed.

Partially automated equipment for the production of corrugated sheets allows us to produce much more professional products. Such units are equipped with an electric drive, they have a relatively light weight, which allows them to be transported and used directly on those sites where low-rise construction is carried out, the construction of storage facilities for agricultural products and warehouses, hangars, fences, and so on.

Semi automatic equipment In terms of the efficiency of its work and the quality of the profiled products produced, it is in no way inferior to fully automated lines. Moreover, it is mobile, which in some cases is of great importance.

A stationary automatic line is a whole complex of units. Depending on the specific configuration, it may include the following settings:

  • directly rolling mill with rollers of several sizes;
  • device for cutting profiled sheets;
  • equipment for applying polymer coating to finished products.

Also, automated lines sometimes include a unit for loading operations. It is clear that such complexes have a high cost. But their productivity is many times greater than the capabilities of manual and semi-automatic machines. It makes sense to invest in automatic equipment when you plan to work long and fruitfully in the field of manufacturing and selling profiled sheets with various geometric parameters.


Experts say that the minimum configuration of automated equipment for producing high-quality profiled sheets should include the following mechanisms and devices:

The corrugated sheet production line is controlled by special system. It can be relatively simple or truly complex. A simple control system does not provide high level automation of the production process, but people with low qualifications can work with it. But a complex equipment control system increases the efficiency of the line. True, not everyone will be able to understand such a system; to use it, it is necessary to attract specialists with a large amount of technical knowledge.


Harvesting during the production of profiled sheet products on automatic lines directly depends on the number of rollers for rolling. They are arranged in pairs above each other. There is a small gap between individual pairs of rollers. The steel sheet from which the corrugated sheet is made is slightly less than the specified gap in thickness (and sometimes these indicators are the same).

The initial workpiece is passed through rolling shafts, and a similar procedure is carried out several times in a row, since it is usually not possible to achieve the required sheet shape in one pass. In one pass, the workpiece is bent between the rollers by a certain amount. At the same time, minimal pressure is exerted on it, which ensures an ideal result of the final deformation.

It is important not to “overdo it” with the number of pairs of rolling shafts. If you pass the workpiece through too many of them, there is a possibility that the zinc coating of the steel sheet will be destroyed. In addition, the quality of profiled sheets is influenced by the quality of the steel alloys from which the rolling shafts are made and the level of cleanliness of their processing.

Experts advise purchasing equipment from foreign manufacturers (for example, Finnish) or domestic production lines, and never pay attention to units for the production of profiled sheets from Chinese companies. And one last thing. If possible, it is better to buy new rather than used lines for the production of corrugated sheets, since the technical capabilities of the latter are usually at a very low level due to their wear and tear.

Metal profiled sheet, without exaggeration, can be called the most universal building material. Due to high demand, its production, and, as a consequence, the manufacture and sale of machines for the production of corrugated sheets, is a very profitable business.

Example of a machine made from corrugated sheets with partial automation

There are two main types of equipment for the production of corrugated sheets - these are manual machines used for the production of small volumes of corrugated sheets, and automatic and semi-automatic rolling mills that produce metal profiled sheets on an industrial scale.

Manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets

Manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets, it can perform profiling of metal sheets up to 2.5 m long and is an alternative to powerful industrial rolling mills in cases where it is necessary to produce small batches of corrugated sheets.

For example, such a machine is practically indispensable in cases where it is necessary to install roofing coverings at remote sites. In these cases, delivery of a metal profiled sheet to the site can often cost much more than the cost of its manufacture.

The manual machine for profiled sheets is easy to maintain and is driven by human muscle power. Moreover, due to the lever system, much effort is not required.

A manual machine for making corrugated sheets, the price of which is about $2,000, will pay for itself within two to three weeks, even if you use it to produce only 50-100 sheets of corrugated sheets per day. Provided that the productivity of such machines can reach 300 m² of profiled sheets per day, and even more. As example of payback For such a solution, we will provide a calculation of the cost of profiled sheets produced on such a machine.


The average price of rolled thin-sheet galvanized steel is about 1300-1500 US dollars per ton. From this amount of metal, using a manual profile sheet machine, it is possible to produce approximately 250 m² of profiled sheet in just one day. Knowing that the price of galvanized steel corrugated sheet is about 8 US dollars per square meter, you can calculate that the cost of 250 m² will be 2000 US dollars. Thus, in addition to the cost of the metal, if you buy this amount of finished corrugated sheeting, you will pay approximately $600 for its production.

Based on the data provided and taking into account how much a machine for corrugated sheeting costs, it is easy to calculate the payback period of this investment. As a rule, it is only a few weeks.

The advantages and benefits of manual machines for corrugated sheets include the following:

  • small production area required to accommodate such equipment;
  • easy reconfiguration the number of waves or trapezoids of the profile;
  • high performance(two workers can produce up to 300 m² of corrugated sheeting in one shift);
  • does not require electricity consumption;
  • reliability and simplicity in maintenance and operation;

Many modifications of such equipment, such as, for example, the machine for making profiled sheets SPR-2.1, produced in Ukraine, can produce products not only from galvanized metal, but also from thin sheet steel with a polymer protective and decorative coating.

Many machine-building enterprises in Europe and the CIS countries make machines for the production of corrugated sheets, so buying a machine for corrugated sheets will not be difficult.

The machine for producing corrugated sheets works as follows:

  • using manual or stationary electromechanical scissors, a workpiece of the required size is cut from sheet steel;
  • the prepared workpiece is inserted into the machine sideways;
  • using a special handle, guides are activated, bending the entire length of the sheet of metal to the required angle;
  • Having thus formed one side of the profile trapezoid, the workpiece is moved on the work table to form the next trapezoid and so on;
  • after this, the sheet of metal is unfolded and the other side of all trapezoids of corrugated sheeting is formed in the same sequence;

You can buy a machine for making corrugated sheeting in a variety of modifications. They differ in the volume of equipment. For example, some types of machines are equipped with replaceable dies for the production of various grades of corrugated sheets. The manual machine kit may also include a special roller knife for cutting metal sheets. Depending on the configuration and manufacturer, the price of a machine for profiled sheets may differ several times, so be careful and choose only those options that you really need.

Industrial machines for the production of corrugated sheets

It is often said that in factory conditions, profiled sheets are produced on rolling mills. But it is more correct to call them corrugated sheet production lines, since the rolling mill or machine for the production of profiled sheets is only part of them.

Such a line usually includes the following equipment:

  • cantilever or two-support unwinder;
  • circular knife for cutting a steel billet from a roll;
  • multi-stand rolling mill;
  • guillotine shears for cutting profiled sheets;
  • receiving device with a retractable trolley;
  • automated system line control.

You can buy a machine for making profiled sheets in a different configuration. Many manufacturers offer as additional options replacement modules of rolling mills. Replaceable modules allow you to quickly switch from producing one grade of profiled sheet to another, without wasting time on replacing rolling mill rollers.

Rolling mill is a key element of the line for the production of corrugated sheets

You may also be offered a forklift to install the sheet steel coils on the decoiler and transport the profiled sheet from the receiving device to the packaging area or warehouse finished products.

Installing an automation system on a production line allows you to create a high-performance machine for the production of corrugated sheets, the price of which will be slightly higher than semi-automatic options, but the productivity will increase significantly. Namely, the payback period and profitability of investments depend on productivity.

The productivity of the line for the production of corrugated sheets is determined by the rolling speed. In modern automated lines, this characteristic can reach 40 m/min. In fact, the line productivity is slightly less than the rolling speed. This is due to the fact that it takes some time to cut each sheet of finished product. Therefore, at a rolling speed of 40 m/min, the line productivity will be 32-34 m/min.

Automation panel on a machine for the production of profiled sheets

The table below shows the cost of production lines for the production of certain types of profiles.

Cost of various machines for the production of corrugated sheets
for production
corrugated sheets,
price in rub. with VAT
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
2 137 500
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
1 710 000
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
1 898 820
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
2 057 220
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
3 727 500
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
3 135 000
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
3 195 800
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
1 463 000
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
2 350 300
Automated complex
for the production of corrugated sheets
2 369 300


Corrugated sheeting is the most versatile and modern covering. Today you can easily make corrugated sheeting for a facade or roof. Our article will tell you about the installation of profiled sheets and the technologies for producing the material.

Corrugated sheets can be used as:

Stages of production of profile sheets:

  • project development taking into account parameters;
  • production on rolling equipment;
  • transportation and delivery of products.

Requirements and production of material

Metal profile for roofing is made from steel using the cold method. Corrugated sheets come with or without a protective coating (polymer, enamel).

Each type of corrugated sheet has its own thickness. When using high-quality raw materials (for example, steel), the material is produced with a zinc coating of 26 microns.

If the thickness of the coating is reduced by half, then wear of the material increases. Therefore, it is very important to use both first-class raw materials and high quality equipment.

Requirements for designing the production of corrugated sheets:

  • the presence of a concrete floor with a flat surface in production premises;
  • use of equipment with a carrying capacity of more than five tons;
  • the minimum room temperature should be 4 degrees;
  • availability of special gates for unloading and loading finished material;
  • availability of premises for storing steel coils;

Requirements for equipment placement:

  • convenient location of machines for their unhindered maintenance and repair;
  • installation of unwinding devices near raw material storage areas;
  • if there is not enough space in the premises, place the warehouse in a neighboring building.

Technology and process of manufacturing profiled sheets

The first step is to draw up a design sketch and make mathematical calculations. After this, the color and thickness of the future material are selected.

Stages of corrugated sheet production:

  1. Installation of rolled steel into the unwinding device of the machine.
  2. Movement of corrugated sheeting along the machine to special scissors. They cut off the excess sheet.
  3. Adjustment of parameters of length and number of sheets using the control panel.
  4. Automatic rolling of steel sheets.
  5. Their further cutting in accordance with previously established parameters.
  6. Marking and packaging of finished sheets in film.

Rolling machines for the production of corrugated sheets

Production equipment includes in its structure the cold rolling method and the hot method of processing metal sheets. The most common method is cold processing. It does not require complete heating of the raw material at the beginning of work.

Thanks to special lines, the material is rolled and cut. possibly in the form of profiling, that is, the material takes on a profile shape.

Profiled sheets come in various modifications. The machine equipment is responsible for this. After the production of corrugated sheets, the type is determined.

In accordance with the stages of mechanization, the machine for metal profiles varies:

  • automated equipment;
  • manual machine for rolling corrugated sheets;
  • removable and mobile equipment.

Mobile equipment is used for the production of arched corrugated sheets. It is advisable to produce such sheets directly on construction site. Arched corrugated sheets are used in the construction of hangars, grain storage rooms or airfields.

Composition of the profile production line:

  • roll unwinder;
  • rolling mill for profile formation;
  • guillotine-shaped scissors;
  • receiving device;
  • automation.

Equipment workflow stages:

  1. Placing the galvanized sheet on a special unwinder;
  2. Receipt of strip feedstock into a special machine for rolling corrugated sheets, which contains a certain number of pairs of stands. This affects the quality of the product.
  3. After passing through the stands, the steel sheet acquires the previously planned geometry.

It is worth noting that today the demand for corrugated sheets is growing every year. Therefore, many experts believe that investments in the production of rolled steel quickly pay off. Large selection construction companies provide a wide range of similar services.


Profiled metal sheets or corrugated sheets are quite often used in construction. The material is both reliable and inexpensive. As a rule, corrugated sheeting is used when installing a temporary structure (for example, a warehouse hangar). The material is also used in the process of roofing installation and cladding work. The production of corrugated sheets does not involve large expenses. Some construction companies manufacture the material directly on sites.

Types of equipment for the production of corrugated sheets:

  • mechanical sheet benders;
  • pneumatic;
  • hydraulic;
  • magnetic;
  • semi-automatic;
  • automatic production lines.

Mechanical sheet benders

To produce a profiled surface of a metal sheet, the cold stamping method is used. But first you need to select several sheets with a previously applied zinc or polymer coating.

There is a special machine on which corrugated sheets are made in piece quantities. In particular, it can be used to bend additional elements - ridges, valleys, aprons and small sheets of corrugated sheets.

To operate such a machine, human muscular strength is required.

Let's consider the technical capabilities of metals for processing:

  • The thickness of the steel should not exceed 1 millimeter;
  • Maximum length the sheet should be about 2 meters;
  • The bending angle should be 150 degrees.

Place the sheet on the equipped table, press it with a bar and use a lever to bend the desired profile. A manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets is relatively inexpensive and does not take up much space. This machine is not suitable for bending profiles on polymer sheets, as the protective layer can be damaged. Vulnerable areas will become covered with rust and the sheet will leak.

Mechanized sheet benders

Mechanized equipment is represented by pneumatic, magnetic and hydraulic machines. The scope of application of mechanized equipment does not differ from the field of mechanical equipment. However, the reviews are much better. The sheet bender has an electromagnetic workpiece clamp. This allows you to bend steel, copper and aluminum profiles. For example, a manual machine for corrugated sheeting does not bend the workpiece along its entire length and does not automatically determine the angle of 360 degrees.

The pneumatic machine includes a punch. With this device metal sheet pressed into the matrix. To activate the punch it is necessary compressed air. The power of such a machine is significantly higher than that of a manual one. This allows for a 90 degree bend angle, as well as automatic calculation of length and thickness.

Using hydraulic equipment for profiled sheets, you can get various types profiles (read: " "). At the same time, the production of large volumes of corrugated sheets is ensured. Hydraulic press operates on the same principle as pneumatic. Sheet bending for corrugated sheets can include numerical control. Presses vary in their performance. If you are using semi-automatic or automatic devices, then you can select the punch and die settings. This allows you to see the sheet model in the graph and set the work speed. As a rule, only large factories can afford such expensive equipment. A private company or individual entrepreneurs can rarely afford to buy a press. Therefore, they use a manual machine to make corrugated sheets.

Corrugated sheet manufacturing technology

In order to produce a large batch of profiled sheets with different characteristics– the cold rolling method is used.

Production line includes:

Using universal technologies for the production of profiled flooring industrially, you can produce all profiles on one sheet.

The advantages of this method are:

  1. No rolls or errors in geometry.
  2. Exact geometry of each profile.
  3. Uniform metal stress along the length and width, as well as high quality work (profile lines do not crack).

Manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets, look at the video:

It is quite profitable to produce and sell corrugated sheets. That is why the machines are so popular among various enterprises.

The equipment is installed in separate workshops, in which certain requirements must be met:

  1. Using a lifting device that places the rolls on the unwinder. This process cannot be carried out manually.
  2. Minimum temperature in the workshop should be +4 degrees. This is due to the fact that polymer coatings crack at lower temperatures.
  3. Availability of space for rolls, manufactured orders and other materials.

If you decide to use profiled sheets for roof installation, then do not forget about sound insulation. Because when it rains, metal makes quite a lot of noise. Profiled sheets can be purchased directly from manufacturers. In addition, you can contact specialized stores that, in addition to selling the material, will provide free delivery. If you purchase corrugated sheeting at a factory, then most likely you will transport the material yourself. In any case, before purchasing profiled sheets, it is important to view photo and video materials on the Internet. From them you will learn, for example, how a manual sheet bender for corrugated sheets works.

Many products are made from sheet metal - drainage systems, shaped parts for sheathing or metal tiles, flashings for the base, corners for structures made of corrugated sheets, etc. All this can be done by a special bending machine for sheet metal. We’ll talk about how to make a sheet bending machine with your own hands in this article.

Types of sheet benders

All these devices are classified as sheet bending machines. The easiest way to make one with your own hands is the unit of the first group, a little more difficult - the third (rollers for sheet metal). So we’ll talk about them - from how to make a sheet bending machine with your own hands.

Simple manual

Shaped metal parts cost a lot of money. Even more than corrugated sheeting or metal tiles, so it makes sense to do the simplest machine for bending sheet metal, and with its help, make as many corners, ebbs and other similar parts as you need, and exclusively to your dimensions.

Bending machine - side view

If you're worried about appearance, then in vain. On sale today there is sheet metal not only galvanized, but also painted. In all designs, the sheet is fixed tightly, so that when working it does not slide on the table, which means that the paint does not rub off or get scratched. It is also not damaged in places of bending. So the products will look quite decent. If you try, they will look even better than what they sell on the market.

Powerful sheet bending machine from brands

This sheet bending machine will require a flat surface (table), preferably metal, three corners with a shelf width of at least 45 mm, and a metal thickness of at least 3 mm. If you plan to bend long blanks(more than a meter), it is advisable to take wider shelves and thicker metal. You can use brands, but this is for bending sheets of metal of great thickness and length.

You will also need metal ones door hinges(two pieces), two large diameter screws (10-20 mm), wings on them, a spring. Will still be needed welding machine- weld the hinges and make holes (or a drill with a metal drill).

For a homemade sheet bender, a 70 mm brand was used - three pieces of 2.5 m each, two bolts of 20 mm in diameter, a small piece of metal 5 mm thick (for cutting jibs), a spring. Here's the procedure:

  1. Two brands are folded, and notches are cut out at both ends for hinges. The edges of the recesses are beveled at 45°. The third tee is cut in the same way, only the depth of the recess is made a little larger - this will be the clamping bar, so it should move freely.

  2. Weld the loops on both sides (weld the front and back).

  3. Two jibs on each side are welded to one of the brands (the one farthest from you, if you “open” them). They are needed so that you can install the clamping bar clamp bolt on them.

  4. Weld the bolt nut to the jibs.

  5. Install the clamping bar (third cut tee), weld in the upper part metal plates with a hole in the middle. The diameter of the hole is slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt. Center the holes so that they are on the same vertical line with the welded nut. Weld.

  6. Cut the spring so that it raises the pressure bar by 5-7 mm. Pass the bolt into the “ear” of the clamping bar, put on the spring, and tighten the nut. After installing the same spring on the other side, the clamping bar rises on its own when unscrewed.

  7. Weld two pieces of reinforcement to the screw head to serve as handles for tightening.

  8. Weld a handle to the movable (closest to you) brand. That's it, you can work.

This option is very powerful - you can bend long workpieces and sheets of considerable thickness. Such scales are not always in demand, but they can always be reduced. The video suggests a similar design of a smaller size, but with a different fastening of the clamping bar. By the way, no one bothers you to also install a spring on the screw - it will be easier to raise the bar. What’s interesting about this design is that you can make beading on it, something that such devices usually cannot do.

From a corner with a different type of clamping bar

This model is welded from a thick-walled angle, the frame is made like an ordinary construction sawhorse, which is welded from the same angle. The handle is from a luggage trolley. The design of the screws is interesting - they are long, the handle is curved in the shape of the letter “L”. Convenient to unscrew/screw.

This homemade sheet metal bending machine has many features:

Now let's move on to the design of the clamping bar (pictured above). It is also made from a corner, but is laid on the machine with the curve upward. To ensure that the bar does not bend during operation, reinforcement is welded on - metal jumpers. Small metal platforms are welded at both ends of the strip, in which holes are drilled for bolts.

Another important point- the edge that faces the fold is cut off - to obtain more acute angle bending

The clamping bar is placed on the machine, and a spring is placed in the place where the nut is installed. The handle is installed in place. If it does not press the bar, it is raised above the surface due to the elastic force of the spring. In this position, the workpiece is tucked under it, positioned, and pressed.

Place a spring under the hole, then a bolt

Not a bad option for home use. It will not be possible to bend thick metal, but tin and galvanized sheets can be easily bent.

Sheet metal rollers or roller bender

This type of sheet bending machine can have three types of drive:

  • manual;
  • hydraulic;
  • electric.

Do-it-yourself rollers for sheet metal with manual or electric drive. Manual ones have 3 shafts, electric ones can have 3-4, but usually there are also three.

This machine needs a good solid foundation. This could be a separate bed or some kind of workbench or table. The basis of the structure is rolls. They are made the same size. The two lower ones are installed permanently, the upper one is movable, so that in the lower position it is located between the rollers. By changing the distance between the lower rollers and the upper one, the radius of curvature changes.

The machine is set in motion using a handle attached to one of the shafts. Then the torque is transmitted to other rollers through sprockets. They are selected so that the rotation speed is the same.

If the equipment is intended to produce pipes, the upper roller on one side is made removable, with a quick fixation system. Once the sheet is rolled into a pipe, there is no other way to pull it out.