Security and fire alarm system. Automatic fire alarm installation Automatic fire and security alarm equipment

GI systems company carries out implementation and installation security and fire devices. Premises of any size - offices, country houses, industrial facilities will be protected by reliable equipment.

A properly designed system helps to accommodate various emergency situations at a protected facility, will effectively protect property and personnel. OPS devices make it possible to track gas and water leaks and the occurrence of a fire. A pre-installed program automatically gives a command to the fire and security equipment to perform an action (turn on the siren, start water supply, turn off the tap, etc.).

A special GSM system will duplicate the alarm signal on mobile phone, this notification capability allows you to manage the situation remotely. While traveling or on a business trip, the property owner will always be confident in the safety of the property. The ease of use of the GSM warning system has long been appreciated by owners of private households and commercial properties.

By using the services of competent specialists, you gain confidence in the trouble-free, reliable operation of fire alarm devices. Autonomous devices can be used to protect an object; their purpose is to scare off intruders and signal entry with a powerful sound signal. Autonomous detectors are designed to solve various problems. Information is collected by motion sensors, window devices, acoustic devices, etc., and then sends the data to the base unit.

You can order autonomous detectors and other security and fire equipment right now, contact the manager in any form convenient for you.

To create an appropriate level of security at a facility, it is necessary to install security and fire alarms. The OPS system is a combination technical means to detect a fire and identify attempts of illegal access to the protected perimeter. The two subsystems have common communication channels, similar algorithms for receiving, processing and transmitting information and alarm signals. In order to save money, it is best to combine them.

OPS systems are the most common today. These protective lines allow you to create an appropriate level of security for the protected object.

Thanks to a combination of technological means, the operation of such subsystems is based on several types of alarm systems: security, fire and emergency. The security alarm detects attempts at illegal entry, the fire alarm detects the presence of a fire, the emergency alarm warns of emergency situations (gas leak, water pipe break, etc.).

What are the main tasks of security and fire systems?

Fire alarm systems are built on a combination that are integrated with each other. However, the goals set are individual for each subsystem. The following fire alarm tasks are distinguished:

  • Reception, processing, transmission of information about the occurrence of a fire;
  • Determining the location of the fire;
  • Transmitting a command to the automatic fire extinguishing mechanism;
  • Starting the smoke removal subsystem.

Tasks burglar alarm are:

  • Detection of all attempts of illegal access to the protected area;
  • Recording the place and time of violation of access rules;
  • Transferring information to a computerized control panel.

Despite the fact that individual goals are identified for both subsystems, the installation of fire alarm systems at an enterprise is designed to fulfill one common task: to ensure a timely response to a conditioned factor and the transfer of relevant information about the ongoing event.

The video shows how the fire and security alarm works:

Comprehensive composition of integrated security and fire systems

OPS systems may differ from each other in their complex composition. First of all, it depends on the tasks that the security and fire alarm system performs. As a rule, this complex includes three main categories of equipment:

  • A device for centralized control and management of the operation of alarm systems (a computer equipped with a specialized software, central control panel, receiving and control mechanism);
  • Devices for receiving, collecting and analyzing information coming from fire alarm sensors;
  • Signaling and sensory mechanisms ( various types sensors and notification devices).

Management of the operation of the security system and control over its implementation is carried out by a centralized device. Despite this, each alarm can be controlled by separate enterprise security services. When installing such protective circuits, the autonomy of each subsystem as part of the entire complex is maintained.

Fire alarm systems are equipped with sensors that can detect the occurrence of an alarm. As a rule, technical specifications The sensor determines the parameters of the entire protection circuit. Mechanisms for receiving, collecting and analyzing information coming from OPS sensors are actuators. They allow you to execute a programmed algorithm of actions in response to an incoming alarm signal.

A special feature of the fire alarm system is the ability to install it in two ways. The first is an alarm system with closed (local) security, i.e., arming is carried out inside the facility with the transfer of relevant information to the security service of the institution. The second is arming in special units (private or non-departmental) and the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Classification of OPS system complexes

Security and fire alarm systems of various types can be installed at a protected facility:

  • Non-addressable (analog);
  • Targeted (survey and non-survey);
  • Combined (addressable-analog).

The non-addressable fire alarm system operates on a simple principle. The perimeter of the protected object is divided into several parts, in each of which a loop is laid. It combines several notification mechanisms. The loop receives information from the detector immediately after it is triggered. The disadvantage of this type of protective circuit is the possibility of false triggering of the device. The functionality of the loop and detectors can only be checked during a technical inspection. The control zone is limited to one loop, and it is impossible to determine the exact location of the emergency situation. Centralized control is performed by security and fire panel mechanisms. At large facilities, when installing such systems, it is necessary to perform a large amount of work on laying connecting wires.

The addressable fire alarm system can be interrogated or non-interrogated. When installing this type of protective line, addressable sensors are installed on the loop. When triggered, the code of a specific sensor is indicated. Non-interrogation lines are threshold lines based on their operating principle. If any notification device fails, there is no connection with the receiving and control mechanism. A feature of polling systems is the periodic submission of a request about the functionality of the notification mechanism. In survey schemes, the false alarm rate is reduced.

Today, the most common and effective are combined fire and security systems. In practice, they are called analog addressable.

It is possible to connect to this system various types sensors All information is processed by specialized electronic computing equipment. The system independently determines the type of sensor and sets the algorithm for its operation. The combined line allows you to quickly process information and make appropriate decisions. Expansion of such a subsystem with additional protective lines is possible without special effort and costs.

Types of fire and security notification devices

The fire and security system must be equipped with sensors. Fire sensors are divided into:

  • By the method of transmitting the received information (analog and threshold);
  • By location on the protected perimeter (external and internal);
  • Based on the principle of recording changes in space (volumetric, linear, surface);
  • According to the method of monitoring individual items (local or point);
  • By signal generation method (active, passive);
  • According to the operating factor (thermal, light, smoke, ionization, manual, combined);
  • According to the principle of physical influence (capacitive, seismic, radio beam, closing).

Among security sensors The following subtypes are distinguished (according to the type of notification mechanisms used):

  • Contact;
  • Magnetic;
  • Electric contact;
  • Infrared passive;
  • Active;
  • Volumetric radio waves;
  • Volumetric ultrasonic;
  • Microwave;
  • Acoustic;
  • Capacitive;
  • Vibrating;
  • Barometric.

The video shows more information about fire and security alarms:

Video surveillance and security alarm system – effective integration of devices

Video surveillance systems installed at the facility allow you to monitor the protected area around the clock in real time. Modern solution is a combination of security guard and video monitoring. Installation of such integrated systems will allow faster and better detection of the presence of a flame in a room or an attempt to illegally enter a protected area. Today, there are video cameras that can detect smoke entering the lens, the presence of fire, or other indicators of risk.

Thanks to the integration of a video surveillance device into the security system, the operation of security and fire installations is greatly facilitated. Video cameras allow you to promptly identify the location of smoke or the presence of a flame. This combination also helps to notify people of danger in time and carry out evacuation measures. Video cameras allow you to continuously monitor events taking place both inside the structure and in the surrounding area.

All data in the installed video surveillance subsystem is stored in an archive. Access to the archive is open at any time.

When introducing such a system into the work of an existing security guard, cameras from various leading manufacturers are used. Video surveillance on site has a number of capabilities:

  • Lighting control;
  • Sending text messages to persons responsible for ensuring safety, including fire safety, about the condition of the facility or the occurrence of an emergency;
  • Immediate notification of building security sector employees;
  • In the event of an emergency, it is possible to shut down engineering, communication and air conditioning subsystems;
  • Recording and playing video files;
  • Mode setting;
  • Setting the storage time for files in the archive;
  • Performing scaling of individual frames;
  • Search, view and analyze images according to the necessary parameters (by camera number, date, time, event, room).

Security and fire alarm systems(OPS) is something that no real estate property can do without. In Russia (as in other countries) there is a national GOST that regulates the installation and service OPS. Its compliance is monitored by the relevant services, applying strict measures against violators, which is not surprising - after all, a fire that occurs and is not extinguished in a timely manner threatens not only property, but the health and lives of people.

This is why it is so important to know:

What is OPS;

Types of security and fire alarm systems;

Their advantages and disadvantages;

What are the main components they consist of?

What functions do they perform?

What to consider when choosing an OPS.

If we ignore purely technical terms, a security and fire alarm system is a set of sensors, detectors, receiving and control devices, as well as auxiliary equipment designed to provide fire safety object. The connection of the complex elements into a single whole can be wired or wireless, depending on the specific situation and the wishes of the customer - but this does not affect the tasks assigned to the security system.

● Timely detection of the source of fire.

● Prompt notification of fire to people and fire services.

● Prevention of false positives.

● Activation of the automatic fire extinguishing system.

● Regulation of air flow (from the air conditioning system, ventilation, etc.).

● Smoke removal.

● Emergency control of building elements (doors, elevators, etc.).

Sensors(smoke, heat, flame, gas, etc.) detect the presence of a fire and transmit a signal to the reception, control and control panels, which process the signal to prevent false alarms and, when a fire is confirmed, turn on the sounders, fire extinguishing system and perform other programmed actions.

There are several types of alarm systems, differing in the type of sensor connection and other parameters. Let's look at some common types of OPS.

Threshold or addressless OPS

Sensors are connected to common loops without indicating the number and location. If there is an alarm from a sensor at the station, only the number of the loop to which the triggered sensor is connected will be known. Therefore, such fire alarm systems are installed only in small facilities with no more than 30 rooms.

The advantage of such OPS is its low cost. Disadvantages - a fairly large number of false alarms, difficulty in finding the source of fire (especially in smoky rooms), expensive installation due to high consumption installation materials and sensors (at least two per room).

Addressed OPS

The sensors are connected to loops with an exchange protocol, so information about each triggered sensor is visible at the station, i.e. there is an exact indication of the location of the fire. This increases the speed of response, but... other disadvantages of threshold fire alarm systems remain (it should also be taken into account that targeted fire protection systems are more expensive than threshold fire alarm systems). Such fire alarm systems are also installed in small areas.

Addressable analog OPS

If the first two types of OPS we considered were characterized by low cost of equipment and rather high cost of installation, then with addressable analogue OPS everything is different: high cost of equipment and low-cost installation. As a rule, such alarm systems are installed on large objects (shopping and office centers, etc.), but they can also be installed on a small object (if the issue of price is not relevant for the owner).

If in addressable and threshold alarm systems the decision about the presence of a fire was made by the detector, then in addressable analog alarm systems it was the control system that monitored the state of the sensors and made a decision based on changes in parameters. Such systems are among the most modern and reliable, since the level of reliability of the alarm signal is very high. In addition, notification of the relevant services is also carried out promptly.

The advantages of addressable analog OPS include:

Reliable operation of the system even in the event of a cable break;

There are algorithms that prevent false alarms (sensor sensitivity is automatically checked, there is a day/night mode, etc.);

It is possible to expand the system without serious material costs;

A large number of additional and service options that simplify working with the system;

Ease of interaction with automatic systems buildings (elevators, ventilation, etc.);

Ease and low cost of installation and maintenance.

The disadvantage is the need to use twisted pair cable for installation, with a limitation in length.

Combined OPS

The receiving and control equipment in such alarm systems has a modular structure, and there are both addressable analog modules and for connecting one- and two-port loops.

Security and fire systems (FS) are designed to detect unauthorized entry into the territory of an enterprise or detect a fire or smoke. The systems operate through a set of devices: control panels, sensors, detectors, radio controllers, include a monitoring station and power supplies. Security scheme fire system is calculated from an individual room/building plan and is regulated by regulations, so a professional approach is required when installing the system.

Security alarm for different types buildings will have their own characteristics: it will be a dacha or an office, several rooms or a huge complex. In a residential area, the system is installed so that children or guests cannot accidentally press the control panel button or change the sensor settings. If a security and fire system is installed in an office, then training of the employees involved is mandatory.

The security alarm system includes a security alarm device, wired or wireless sensors and warning (alarm) devices. In large systems, a computer with special software is used as an element for centralized control of fire and security alarms. In small systems, centralized control is assigned to the security panel - equipment that collects and processes information coming from security alarm sensors.

Sensors can provide diverse protection of your property: in case of unauthorized opening of a door, glass breakage, window opening, motion detection, ignition, smoke, etc. Depending on the tasks, vibration, acoustic, capacitive sensors, heat or smoke, flame detectors, manual call points etc. Today, detectors such as passive infrared, magnetic contact, perimeter and combined active detectors are actively used. Such a system will ensure your safety in many ways.

Security alarm sensors should be located taking into account the interior and design features premises so that they do not end up, for example, in a place where furniture is already standing. Our specialists carefully develop a security alarm project for each company in order to minimize the possibility of a serious failure.

Integration of fire and security alarms occurs at the level of centralized monitoring and control. OPS of houses, as a rule, are administered by various management posts that are not related to each other. Security alarms for apartments and houses promptly notify the security service in cases of unauthorized entry and record the date, place and time of violation of certain security lines.

The fire alarm, having detected a source of fire, promptly notifies about the fire and takes measures to automatic fire extinguishing. Since the main purpose of a fire alarm is to save human lives, it is entrusted with the task of identifying the source of fire and warning personnel.

Fire and security alarm detectors differ from each other according to the type of physical parameter being monitored. Depending on the principle of generating the information signal, active and passive detectors are distinguished.

  • Active detectors of a security alarm system respond to changes in the signal that they themselves generate.
  • Passive detectors record changes in parameters environment, which is caused by fire or intrusion by intruders.

Depending on the type of installation, fire and security systems can be wired or wireless (withGSM-communication). In a local fire alarm system, signal transmission is carried out over ordinary telephone wires. This system provides instant response and is more reliable, although it has a number of features associated with the installation of a wired system. In a network OPS, the signal is transmitted via a mobile communication channel. This type of security and fire systems is considered more convenient: when the sensors are triggered, an alert is sent via SMS or voice notification, and alerts can be sent to city line phones.

Used for both systems digital modem board to connect a repeater - it receives sensor signals and translates them into voice or text and transmits them to the PBX or control panel, notifying about an incident.

Typically, a security alarm is installed in three stages. First, specialists will install the cable. Then they connect the equipment. If a security alarm is installed during the construction stage, the connection will be made after finishing is completed. Alefo engineers then carry out commissioning of the security alarm system.

When installing an alarm system, our specialists take into account many aspects. One of the most important moments, which should be taken into account at the design stage of the security and fire system - this is cable wiring, because the successful functioning of the entire alarm system depends on it. So, for example, the gasket must be done with a 15% margin - in this case, the system will not only serve longer and more reliably, but it will also be possible to expand it. We also install switching boxes, if necessary, to maintain the efficiency of the system.

Often, some time after installation, it becomes necessary to install additional equipment that was not included in the original alarm design. There can be many reasons: there was no need for such actions or funds to pay for them, the site has expanded, etc. Therefore, Alefo is designing a home security alarm system taking into account possible expansion.

When installing security and fire alarms, we use reliable equipment from the companies System Sensor, Bolid, Jablotron, Paradox, Honeywell, and warning systems from manufacturers Roxton, Inter-M, JEDIA.

The installation of security alarms should be carried out in such a way that a variety of parameters are taken into account, important indicators of access violation or fire risk are recorded. We know that only the comprehensive use of all means will reliably protect your property from damage, and you from losses.