Passionflower - home care, growing from seeds. Passion fruit flower: features of cultivation and care at home Growing passion fruit at home

The passionflower vine has attractive flowers and tasty fruits. In stores they are sold under the name passion fruit. From the seeds of these fruits you can grow a plant.

Passionflowers (Passiflora) is a beautiful tropical or subtropical vine that can be grown relatively easily in winter gardens, on glazed balconies and in apartments.

In our passion fruit conditions mainly grown as ornamental plant, which captivates with the beauty of its exotic, interesting in shape, large, colorful flowers. But even at home we can collect our own fruits.

Preparing and sowing seeds
Passion fruit has dark seeds several millimeters long, encased in a sweet, jelly-like pulp that makes up the main edible part of the fruit.

  • We will select the seeds from the fruit and soak them in water for 2-4 days.
  • During this time, the gelatinous shell will separate, and in the bowl in which the seeds were soaked, a mucous mass will form, which we will strain through a sieve or gauze and rinse the contents several times warm water to separate clean seeds.
  • Then we sow them in the substrate (preferably peat with perlite or sand in a 1: 1 ratio), to a depth of about 0.5 cm and water so that the substrate is slightly moist.
  • Cover the pot with seeds with a plastic bag or jar.
  • Let's place the sowing in partial shade (it should not be in direct sunlight).
Seeds germinate best at a temperature of 22-28 ° C in different times: Some plants can germinate within 2-3 weeks, most germinate in 5-6 weeks, others within a few months. Therefore, do not worry if the plants begin to germinate even after a few weeks - we do not throw away the flower pots and still keep the substrate moist. If we are patient, we will definitely wait for a few plants.

Transplanting seedlings
When the seedlings grow by about 2 cm, we begin to gradually strengthen them - we open the pots for a minute and increase the ventilation period every day. After about a week, you can remove the coating. Seeds that have not yet sprouted can germinate without covering - plants that have already sprouted will create a suitable microclimate for their new "siblings".

We will grow the young plants in the seed pot to a height of 5-10 cm, and then transplant them individually into 6-8 cm pots in a mixture of compost soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 3.

Growing Passion Fruit
Tropical species do best at an annual temperature of 20-28 ° C. Warm greenhouses and conservatories are ideal for their cultivation, but they do well when grown in apartments in a sunny location.

Subtropical plants in summer are suitable for the same temperature as tropical ones, but they need more cold winter with a temperature of 8-18 °C depending on the species. These species will survive a warmer wintering only in a very bright place, but even so their leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off, the plants will weaken and will grow more slowly and bloom less during the season. Similar consequences, however, are too cold wintering at temperatures of 1-5 ° C.
  • Passion fruit stems are weak, creeping, up to several meters long, and are attached to the support with tendrils.
  • All multifloras are light-loving; a place in direct sun oriented to the south or west suits them. If there is a lack of light (for example, on a north window), passion fruit will also grow, but we won’t get flowers and fruits.
  • It is recommended to move tropical and subtropical multifloras outdoors in summer. It is best to bury flower pots with plants in a flower garden in a bright, sheltered place or place them on a balcony or terrace. From spring to autumn we water abundantly. They also like regular irrigation.
  • In winter (most importantly, for cold-wintering plants), we limit watering and water when the soil surface is completely dry.
  • From spring to the end of summer, we fertilize the plants every two weeks with fertilizers for flowering ornamental plants.

Passion fruit requires pruning to bloom.
Passion flower or passion fruit produces flowers only on new shoots. Therefore, plants require annual pruning, in which the stems are cut back by about a third (pruning is best done in late winter - early spring). New shoots produce one to four buds from about late spring to mid-autumn, and flowering lasts one to three days. The strong, richly branched passion fruit can have up to several dozen flowers in good conditions simultaneously.

Will passion fruit bear fruit?
Most types of passion fruit begin to form fruits only after pollination by pollen from another plant. We transfer pollen from one flower to another, for example, using cotton wool wound on a stick or tweezers, we tear off the anther from the flower of one plant and pollinate the flowers of another plant with it. However, there are species such as Passiflora edulis, which produces fruits even after pollination with its own pollen.

This is also interesting to you:

If you want to grow something tropical at home fruit plant, then Passion Fruit is an excellent option, it is unpretentious and is easily adaptable to room conditions. This vine grows quite quickly and can grow quite a lot of foliage during the summer season.

There are many types of passion fruit, differing as taste qualities, and growing conditions. In the store you can find two varieties of passion fruit: yellow and purple. For indoor growing Purple passion fruit is better, it is less demanding and has sweeter fruits. Yellow passion fruit has a sour taste, larger fruits, and naturally grows in a tropical climate, which is very difficult to recreate at home. You can read everything about caring for passion fruit at home in a separate publication.

Conditions for germination of passion fruit

To plant seeds, you must purchase a ripe fruit with slightly wrinkled skin, which indicates that the seeds are ripe and ready to germinate. Passion fruit seeds are removed immediately before planting, freed from pulp, washed, and then dried.

Planting is carried out in special soil for seedlings. Use several seeds at once to ensure you get a plant. Seeds are planted in separate planting containers, you can plastic cups, lightly sprinkling it on top of the soil. It is necessary to make a greenhouse over the seeds and place the cups in a bright place with a stable temperature of at least 20 °C.

The seeds germinate within a month, after its greenhouse you can remove it and care for it as an adult plant. Transplantation of such passion fruit is carried out after the plant has grown stronger, increased the required amount of greenery and mastered the capacity offered to it. Transplantation is carried out carefully using the transshipment method.

If you live in a warm climate where there are no harsh winters, you can grow tropical passion fruit in your garden. The plant is a little finicky and needs food space to grow, but with enough attention and care you will get a steady harvest of delicious fruit.


Part 1

Growing from seeds

    Use fresh seeds. Recently collected seeds Passion fruits germinate quickly, but older, dry seeds may take months to germinate, if at all.

    • A few days before you plan to plant the seed, buy a ripe passion fruit from the store. Open the fruit and select at least 6 seeds.
    • Place the seeds on a burlap sack and rub them until the juice sacs open.
    • Wash the seeds in water, let them dry for three to four days, then wash again and dry in the shade.
    • If you plant the seeds immediately, they should germinate within 10 to 20 days.
    • If you must store the seeds, place them in airtight plastic bags and store them in the refrigerator for a maximum of six months.
  1. Prepare a container for growing seedlings. Ideally, you will start your passion fruit seedlings in a separate, protected container and then transplant them into a prepared area in the garden. Select a container no larger than 1 square yard (90 square centimeters).

    • Fill the container with a potting mix made from equal parts compost, topsoil and coarse sand. Fill the container to a depth of 4 inches (10 cm) with this mixture.
  2. Make small grooves. Run the stick through the soil in your planting container, spacing 2 inches (5 cm) between furrows.

    • These furrows will drain excess water away from the seeds and emerging roots.
  3. Sow the seeds. Place the seeds 1/2 inch (1 cm) apart in the furrow. Cover them with a very thin layer of soil.

    • Water immediately after planting. Moisten the soil, but don't make it wet.
    • After planting, you need to periodically moisten the soil when its surface dries out.
  4. Replant the seedlings. When the seedlings have grown to a height of 8 - 10 inches (20 - 25 cm), they are ready to be transplanted to a permanent location in the garden.

    Part 2

    Growing from cuttings
    1. Prepare sandy soil. Fill the plastic flower pot a mixture of three parts agricultural sand and one part fertile soil. Mix the soil and sand well so that it is distributed evenly throughout the container.

      • The aboveground part of the cutting needs moisture most of all, since the cuttings do not yet have roots. In this regard, there is no need to use soil that holds large number moisture.
    2. Prepare cuttings. To take cuttings, select a mature, healthy passion fruit. Cut off a portion of the shoot that contains at least three buds, if not more, and cut just below the lowest bud.

      • Younger shoots grow more actively, so it is recommended to take cuttings from younger branches or from a younger part of the branch.
      • Immediately plant the cuttings in previously prepared sandy soil.
    3. Keep the cutting in a moist environment. Best place there will be a greenhouse. If you don't have access to a greenhouse, you can build a humidity chamber by stringing a transparent polymer film on a box-shaped frame made of bamboo.

      • Make sure the chamber is kept humid. Keep it in full sun and place it where the air is damp.
      • If you need to increase the humidity in the chamber, you can do this by using a humidifier or by placing bowls of water-covered gravel around the cutting.
    4. Replant as soon as roots form. The cuttings should form new roots within a week or two. From this point on, they can be treated as finished seedlings and transplanted to a permanent place in the garden.

    Part 3

    Transplanting seedlings

      Choose the right location. The ideal would be to find a site in full sun, with no competing roots nearby (such as tree roots).

      • “Full sun” means the site receives at least 6 hours of sun each day. sunlight, if not more.
      • The area should also be free of weeds. If there are still a small number of weeds, clear the area of ​​them before planting.
      • The passion fruit vine needs room to grow tall and wide. Ideally, there should be ready-made structures, such as a wire fence, balcony or pergola. If you don't have any, you can install a trellis for climbing plants.
    1. Improve the soil. Passion fruit requires light soil with a deep topsoil containing a large amount of organic material. The soil on your site most likely does not have these qualities, so you will need to improve it somewhat before planting.

      • Mix compost into the soil. Compost improves the soil structure and enriches it with nutrients. You can also use decomposed organic matter: manure, leaf humus, and other plant waste.
      • If the soil is very heavy, it can be improved by adding a small amount of coarse sand.
      • Also pay attention to the pH of the soil. The PH should be between 6.5 and 7.5. If the soil is too acidic, add ground dolomite or lime fertilizer.
    2. Transplant each seedling into a large hole. Dig a separate hole for each seedling. The hole should be twice as wide as the width of your plant in at the moment, and its depth is at least no less than the depth of the container in which your seedlings grew before.

      • Carefully remove the passion fruit seedlings from the container along with the root system.
      • Put root system in the center of the hole, then loosely fill the rest of the hole with soil until the plant is secure.
      • When planting, touch the roots as little as possible with your hands. The roots are very sensitive, and if you damage them, the plant will die.
    3. Mulch and fertilize the soil around the plant. Sprinkle granular bird droppings or other material around the plant. organic fertilizer slow action. Also cover the soil around the plant with a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips.

      • Fertilizers and mulch must be accessible to the root system. For best results, after spreading, gently press or dig a portion of the coating into the topsoil.
    4. Water well. Use a garden watering can or garden hose to gently water the seedlings after planting. Make sure the soil is very moist, but do not allow puddles to form as this is a sign that there is too much water for the soil to absorb any more.

    Part 4

    Daily and long-term care

      Feed regularly. Passion fruit is a big eater, so you will need to keep it well watered and fertilized throughout the growing season.

      • You should apply fertilizer in the spring and once a month in the summer. The final feeding should be done in mid-autumn. Use a slow-release, low-nitrogen organic fertilizer. Granulated chicken droppings would be a good choice.
      • If you live in an area where it rains frequently, water your passion fruit less often. However, during drought or in moderately humid areas, you need to water the vine at least once a week. Never allow the soil surface to dry out completely.
    1. Guide the vine. As the vines grow, you will need to guide their movement upward along your fence, trellis or other support. The plant will be healthier if the shoots curl upward, and a healthy plant will produce an excellent harvest.

      • Guiding a vine is a fairly simple process once you get the hang of it. When new shoots or tendrils begin to emerge, tie the base of the vine with thin rope or twine and tie supports to the wire. Leave the knot loose so as not to squeeze the vine.
      • When new side branches grow from the main shoot, they should be pinched at the level of the wire fence. The two side branches growing from the main stem should then be bent to the top wire of the support trellis to grow in opposite directions.
      • Once the side branches begin to grow in different directions, their side branches can grow and hang freely.
    2. Weeds around plants. Since passion fruit requires very nutritious soil and increased watering, such favorable environment often becomes a habitat for weeds. You should remove as many of these weeds as possible so they don't take over the passion fruit nutrients and water.

      • Clear a 2- to 3-foot (60 to 90 cm) radius of weeds around the passion fruit trunk. Use organic weed control methods and do not use chemicals. Mulch can prevent weeds from germinating. Another good method- manual weed removal.
      • Other plants and weeds may grow in the rest of the garden, but avoid keeping plants near the passion fruit that could spread disease or attract pests. In particular, plants from the legume family are dangerous for passion fruit in this regard.
    3. Prune as needed. The main purpose of pruning is to keep the plant in good shape and provide sufficient sunlight to the lower parts of the vine.

    4. If necessary, help the plant with pollination. Bees usually pollinate on their own, without your help. But if there are no bees in your area, you will have to do something yourself.

      • To hand pollinate plants, pollen is collected from male flowers using a small, clean brush. Shake the collected pollen onto female flowers using the same brush.
      • You can also touch the anthers and the surface of the stigmas of each flower with a large and index finger when walking along a hedge.
    5. Protect passion fruit from pests. In the early stages of the problem, there is no need to use insecticides. When using pesticides, use organic varieties as the chemicals can spoil the fruit and make it unsafe for consumption.

      • The biggest problem is caused by pests such as aphids, vine snails, and beetle larvae.
        • Aphids are usually repelled by sprinkling red pepper on the soil around the base of the plant.
        • You can get rid of the snail by preparing an organic tar-based insecticide. Pour this solution around the base of the main shoot and remove the damaged vine.
        • To get rid of beetle larvae, treat the plant with a systemic insecticide before flowering.

Exotic fruits are gaining popularity in the form of indoor plants. Passion fruit is no exception; growing this plant at home requires some knowledge and effort, but the result is worth it.

How to grow passion fruit

Passion fruits are used as food, but this plant is grown for home decoration. Edible passionflower (genus of plant) has a very beautiful flowers, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

From seeds

Pay attention! To obtain a plant from a seed, fresh seeds that have not had time to dry are used.

Seeds are selected only from ripe fruits. Unripe fruits contain unripe seeds and nothing will grow from them.

Before planting, the seeds must be placed on a cloth and gently rubbed to remove the outer shell. The prepared seeds need to be slightly dried and filled with water for 1-2 hours and dried again.

  1. The planting container should have a shallow depth. To grow a healthy plant, you need to mix the soil yourself using compost, sand and garden soil in a 1:1:1 ratio. Store-bought ready-made soil will not work.
  2. The mixture must be poured into a ready-made container, and depressions should be made on the surface of the soil at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Seeds should be placed in the furrows, spacing 1 cm between them, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
  3. You can germinate seeds in wet gauze, but there is a possibility of damage to the sprouts when transferring them to the ground.

Planted seeds should be watered with warm water and placed in a warm place, away from heating devices, since they dry out the air and the soil quickly loses moisture. As the soil dries out, it needs to be moistened.

Sprouts should be planted when their height reaches 20 cm. Growing from seeds will take more than one month.

From cuttings

When growing a plant from a cutting, a successful outcome is achieved in 90% of cases. For cultivation you will need a deep container. The soil is prepared from 3 parts sand and one part garden soil. The soil should be mixed until uniform. In such soil you can get good plant at home.

To get beautiful plant At home, you should choose and prepare the cuttings correctly. For planting, it is necessary to cut off young shoots that have 3 buds. The incision should be made along an oblique line.

The cutting is placed in the ground immediately after separation from the parent plant. The plant must be kept in greenhouse conditions until rooting. To do this, it is covered with a jar. The soil is always kept moist; the jar is not removed from the fruit until rooting.

Before roots appear (2 weeks), the plant should be placed on a windowsill in the sun. This will lead to increased evaporation of moisture and increased humidity in the improvised greenhouse. After 14 days, the plant can be transplanted to a permanent location.

Home care

At home, the fruit needs special care, without which it will not grow, bloom or bear fruit.


Passionflower Brazilian passion fruit needs high humidity. The soil in which the fruit grows should not dry out completely; it must be fully watered at least once every 7 days. The plant itself should be sprayed daily.

Daily spraying not only allows you to maintain an optimal level of humidity, but is also a good prevention of pests. Pests appear on plants with contaminated foliage.

If the air humidity in the room is low, then it would be a good idea to install a humidifier or containers of water close to the plant. The humidifier should be filled with boiled water, otherwise a white coating will remain on the leaves of the plant.

Top dressing

Caring for the fruit is carried out not only by watering, but also by feeding the sprout. The soil should be fertilized 3 times a year, but generously. For fertilizing, you should choose fertilizers with a low nitrogen content and long-lasting action; chicken droppings in granules are best suited.


Passion fruit is a vine-like plant that requires good support. A fruit always grows upward; if you do not give it this opportunity, it will not produce edible fruit.

Best for support metal will do frame with a small cell. As soon as the sprout sprouts its first tendrils, they must be carefully tied to a support. All branches formed on the main trunk should be directed in the direction opposite to it.


Passion fruit should be pruned once every 2 years in the spring months. Old and weakened shoots are pruned.

Pay attention! Old branches should not be cut to the ground. There should be a couple of buds left on them, from which new shoots will appear in the future.


Regardless of the planting method, after 2 years it is required to pollinate the passion fruit. This process must be carried out manually, since the anthers ripen somewhat earlier than the stigmas are ready for pollination.


What about viral diseases, here everything is much more complicated. Passionflower does not respond to any treatment, so the only way to save healthy vines from infection is to completely get rid of the diseased plant.

Passion fruit is a fastidious indoor vine that can decorate any interior. If you follow all the rules of care, you can get not only a beautifully flowering exotic plant, but also delicious fruits. According to the presented principle, it can be planted useful plant granadilla, which looks like passion fruit.

The passion fruit plant (passiflora) is a guest from the hot tropical rainforests, which, as it turned out, was able to settle down perfectly with us. However, in order to grow an exotic crop at home, you need to have an idea of ​​some of the nuances.

Passion fruit – evergreen, the stems of which are covered with green foliage resembling vines. Passionflower has unusually shaped and amazingly beautiful flowers, shimmering in various shades of the rainbow.

You can grow passion fruit not only for beauty. Its delicious juicy fruits will leave few people indifferent.

You can grow any type of exotic crop at home. But blue or winged passionflower is best suited for these purposes.

Purple passion fruit is a variety that is unpretentious. It does not require as much heat as representatives of other species, but its fruits are juicy and sweet. In addition, varieties such as sweet granadilla and giant granadilla are popular in our country. Laurel-leaved passionflower and banana passionflower are no less in demand.

How does passion fruit grow?

Passion fruit grows excellently at home, but this requires creating special conditions under which the tropical culture will feel comfortable.

It is very important to protect the plant from the cold. If the passion fruit leaves have become soft, yellowed or fallen off, then the passion flower is not getting enough heat or moisture.

When growing passionflower in a comfortable environment, it can begin to bear fruit within a year after planting. The plant lives for approximately 6 years.

How to grow a plant from seeds, seeds, cuttings?

Growing passion fruit can be done in different ways.

  1. From a seed. The seed removed from the fruit is freed from pulp and thoroughly dried. Planted shallowly in the ground. The pot with the seedling is placed in a warm place. It is important that the humidity is high. Systematic watering is provided.
  2. Seeds. Only fresh seeds will do. 2-3 days before planting, buy fresh passion fruit from which the seeds are extracted. They should be placed on a cloth and slowly rubbed until the juice sacs open. Next, the seeds are washed and dried (cannot be placed in the sun). Washing and drying must be repeated again. A mixture containing garden soil, sand and compost in equal proportions. Small grooves are made in the ground into which the seeds are placed. The top is covered with a thin layer of soil. The seedlings are watered and placed in a warm corner. Once the sprouts reach 20 cm, it is recommended to transplant them to a permanent location.
  3. Cuttings. Soil prepared according to a principle similar to that for planting seeds is poured into the container prepared for planting. It is important to choose the right cutting. All young shoots with 3 or more buds are cut obliquely above the lower bud. After cutting, the cutting must be planted immediately. For favorable growth It is recommended to take care to create a humid environment. A makeshift greenhouse will do. If everything is done correctly, then after 2 weeks the cuttings will take root. After this, the passion fruit is transplanted to a permanent place.

Caring for passion fruit at home

The exotic passion fruit vine is a capricious plant that needs careful attention. In addition to regular watering, you need to take care of feeding the plant. Since passionflower loves to “eat”, it is recommended to feed it frequently and generously. Start feeding in the spring, then again in the summer and again in the fall. Fertilizer should be slow-acting organic matter with a low nitrogen content. An excellent option is granulated chicken manure. In winter, fertilizers are not needed.

Important! Special attention requires attention to quality watering.

Despite the exotic guest’s special love for humidity, you should not overdo it. It is recommended to water the vines frequently, but only after the soil surface has dried. In winter, it is enough to water once a week.

When growing passionflower at home, you need to regularly spray it with a spray bottle. Lack of moisture will lead to sad consequences in the form of dropped leaves and buds.

The nuances of growing at home

Passion fruit is a fairly heat-loving fruit. It grows quickly and begins to cling to any support points. Therefore, you should worry about organizing the suspension system in advance. Most best option- net.

During growth, the vine and leaves of the plant grow rapidly, so initially you need to organize a strong foundation. There is no need to worry about additional garters, since the passion fruit tendrils themselves are reliable and cling tightly.

The plant is unpretentious in choosing soil, so it can even be planted in turf brought from a nearby forest.

For full growth, bright lighting is required. There is no need to worry about shading again.

Important! Passion fruit grows well in the shade. However, in this case you should not count on active flowering.

The room should be regularly ventilated; this is very beneficial for the plant. In summer she especially needs fresh air, therefore it is recommended to place the pot with the seedling near open window or take it out onto the balcony.

How to prune and replant correctly?


Important! You cannot cut off an old branch at the very base. Be sure to leave a few buds, a new shoot can grow from them.

It is necessary to prune passion fruit only before the flowering period. If you do this at a time when the plant has already bloomed, it will negatively affect it - the exotic guest will weaken, and its yield will be significantly reduced.


Young plants need to be replanted every spring, mature plants - once every 2-3 years. The new container must be larger than the previous one. But too much big pot You shouldn’t take it either, since all the vine’s strength in this case will be spent on root growth and green mass growth, while flowering will noticeably decrease.

Passion fruit is a tropical plant that can be safely grown at home. If all maintenance requirements are met, the exotic vine will delight gardeners with beautiful flowers and tasty fruits.