At what height should the TV be placed on the wall? The height of installation of a TV in the bedroom on the wall and how to beautifully design it with a photo. Watching Full HD TV: useful nuances

After renovating the bedroom, many people also update the equipment in this room. After purchasing a TV, many people do not know at what height to hang it. After all, from him correct location Not only the ease of viewing will depend, but also security.


Before deciding at what height to hang the TV in the bedroom, you first need to decide where exactly it will be located. He the right choice The location will depend on both viewing comfort and the height at which the device itself will hang.

To determine the location, you need to lie down on a sofa or bed in the bedroom in a position that is comfortable and familiar to you. Now you need to determine which wall the TV should be mounted on to make it as convenient and comfortable as possible to watch.

Experienced experts say that the optimal location is a point drawn in a straight line from the center of the bed to the wall, and the height of this point will be adjusted later. It is with this arrangement that the TV will be clearly visible to all people located in the bedroom, and there will be no inconvenience when watching it.

If the device will be hung in a single bedroom or children's room, it must be placed along a diagonal line from the center of the bed. In this case, even when turning, there will be no discomfort when viewing, and the screen will be clearly visible from any position.

When a potential location for installing the TV has already been selected, you can directly begin to calculate the height at which it will need to be mounted.


You can choose the optimal height for placing the TV on the wall in one of two ways. The first is based on the general ease of viewing it, and the second is based on medical recommendations and manufacturer advice.

  • Determine the height level, where the bracket mounts will be located is possible if lie down in your favorite position on the bed, close your eyes for a second, and then suddenly open them and immediately look at the wall. The point where your gaze rests will be the middle of the television screen. This means that this is where the main bracket will be located. When choosing this option, you should understand that parameters such as the distance from the bed to the wall and the diagonal dimensions of the screen are not taken into account. This means that when choosing this method, you cannot be sure of the safety and comfort of your eyes when watching a TV hung in this way.
  • The second method is based on mathematical calculations and advice from doctors. The optimal distance between the eyes and a device with a liquid crystal screen is considered to be its diagonal multiplied by three, and for plasma screens this is the product of the diagonal and the number 4.

New TVs with an LED or 3D panel can have absolutely any screen diagonal size, but have different extensions, for example 720 or 1080 units. The mounting height of such TVs is calculated using a special formula:

  1. For TVs with screen expansion 720 units, the height of the mount is equal to the product of the screen diagonal by a factor of 2.3.
  2. For TVs with expansion 1080 units, this value is equal to the product of the diagonal by a factor of 1.6.

But when choosing a height, it is also necessary to take into account the distance from the bed and directly from the eye to the device screen.

Optimal distance

Many ophthalmologists say that the minimum distance from the eyes to the TV cannot be less than its diagonal multiplied by two. This recommendation is completely justified, but it does not take into account the type of screen of this device and its resolution. Therefore, this method of calculating the distance from the eyes to the screen is applicable only to older models.

The distance from the eyes to the LCD TV should be no less than the sum of its two diagonals, and from the plasma monitor to the eyes - no less than the product of its diagonal and the number 3.

To make watching a TV mounted to the wall not only convenient, but also safe, it is recommended to follow the following tips when installing it:

  1. Maximum deflection angle when viewing from the television screen should not exceed 30 degrees.
  2. Minimum height from the floor to install a TV cannot be less than 1 meter. Otherwise, there is a risk that the TV may accidentally get caught and fall.
  3. It is best to place sockets at a distance no more than 45 cm from the central bracket.
  4. It is very important to consider the height of the furniture, above which the gadget will be located. The minimum distance from the chest of drawers or armrests of the sofa to it is 25 cm.
  5. If possible, it is better to install an adjustable bracket. This will allow you, if necessary, to change the angle of the TV depending on the position on the bed and the number of people who will watch it.
  6. If the TV is installed in the children's bedroom, then it’s better not to limit yourself to just one bracket. It is best to purchase a special wall-mounted TV stand. In general, the height for its installation is selected by any of the methods described above.
  7. When purchasing a bracket, make sure that it can support the weight of your TV. It is best to purchase brackets specifically designed for your TV model.
  8. It is recommended to check periodically how securely the TV is mounted.

(LED TV, 3D HD TV) - this is convenient and modern, but their operation revealed a new problem - how, in addition to installing it on a shelf and bedside table, to install the device, at what height to hang the TV, and what design of fastenings can be used for this. Therefore, the question automatically arose - how to calculate the height that will be comfortable and safe for viewing, and how to calculate the most safe distance to the screen. Mathematical calculations are not very appropriate here, but practical tips and advice from professionals will come in handy.

At what height to hang the TV - position calculation

For the sake of comfortable rest and watching TV shows, in fact, a TV is bought, but for each room the height of its placement will be different. Why and at what height is it better to hang the monitor? Watching programs in the kitchen rather turns into listening, so the height of the screen is not very critical, and in the kitchen the television panel is hung above the design height so that it does not interfere with work. This type of mount does not cause discomfort when watching programs.

To decide at what height to hang the TV in the living room, they start from maximum viewing comfort. Medical studies have proven that the most optimal way is to mount the TV so that the distance from the bottom edge of the screen to the floor is 0.75-1 m.

Doctors also give practical advice on how to intuitively calculate the distance from the viewer to the TV screen. To do this, sit in the place from which you plan to watch TV, close your eyes, and after a minute open them. Where your gaze immediately falls is the middle of the screen.

At what height should I hang the TV on the wall in the bedroom? The recommended mounting height of the panel will be slightly higher than in the hall or living room, and you can determine the placement point of the device in the same way as with the previous solution, only lying on the bed. The main rule when calculating the mounting height of a television panel is your viewing comfort.

In modern TV models, the picture does not flicker, and the screen does not emit electromagnetic waves, that is, it does not pose a danger to the eyes. Therefore, watch LCD or plasma TV possible at any convenient distance, and installing the TV on the wall is possible in any case. But optimal ratio TV diagonals (diagonal is the distance between the corners of the screen) and the distance from it to the eyes of the audience still exist. The distance that doctors recommend setting when watching TV is 3-4 times the diagonal size of the device. Therefore, when purchasing, proceed from the size of the room in which the TV will be located.

Nowadays television receivers have different screen resolutions. HDTV receivers are televisions with a resolution of 1080p, which transmit images much clearer and brighter than devices with a resolution of 720p. Therefore, when choosing and purchasing an LED or 3D panel, take into account the screen resolution.

  1. When calculating at what height to hang a TV in the living room, the distance to the TV receiver with a resolution of 720p should be equal to the screen diagonal size multiplied by a factor of 2.3.
  2. The distance from a 1080p TV to the viewer should be equal to the screen diagonal size multiplied by a factor of 1.56.

The distance comfortable for the eyes from a plasma panel is from three to four screen diagonals, for a liquid crystal monitor - from two to three diagonals.

Example: It is recommended to watch a 42-inch TV at a distance of 84-126 (for LCD model) or 126-168 inches (for plasma model), or 210-320 cm and 320-430 cm.

At what height should you hang the TV in the living room?

When placing a TV in a living room or living room, take into account how many people will be watching it. To calculate the most best place for TV, consult with everyone, but do not forget about scientific approach. If you intend to install the TV on the wall in the living room and watch it from a chair or on the sofa, then it is best to hang the panel at a height of about a meter (0.7-1.4 m), based on the arithmetic average height of all family members.

If you have not yet purchased a TV, then you have a good opportunity to experiment: take a poster the size of your future TV, and using the scientific poker method, find the optimal panel height that is suitable for all family members.

If the living room is large, then install the TV low from the floor level - this will make it more convenient for everyone to watch the screen - both children on the floor and adults on the sofa or in armchairs. From height upholstered furniture in the living room, the recommended height for mounting a shelf or bracket under the TV panel is calculated. That is, the higher the sofa or armchairs, the higher the TV should be installed.

At what height should you hang the TV in the bedroom?

In any room, the height of the TV mount depends on the size of the furniture on which you will watch the TV. Therefore, at what height to hang a TV in the bedroom depends on the size (height) of the bed. How to calculate height? Just as in the previous case, the installation height of the TV in the bedroom is determined as follows: lie on the bed in a position that is comfortable for you (as if you are looking at the TV screen) and close your eyes, and after a minute open them. Where your gaze immediately falls is where the center of the screen should be.

Practice shows that in the bedroom the TV must be hung higher than in the living room, so apply one more rule here: the angle of deviation from the center of the screen to the viewer’s eyes should not be more than 30 0. This rule is recommended to prevent curvature of the spine.

Special fastenings for brackets that come with the kit help to adjust the deflection angle very well. hanging shelves or brackets. These mounts change the angle of the screen plane. It is recommended to use brackets that adjust the TV body in two planes.

What height is needed to install a TV in the kitchen?

In the kitchen, maintaining a comfortable TV installation height (the middle part of the screen should be at eye level) is difficult due to the usually small area of ​​the room. In addition, cooking leaves almost no time for watching, and usually people listen to TV. Hence the question: at what height from the floor should I hang the TV in the kitchen?

An LCD TV with a TFT matrix in the kitchen is great, since it has a wide viewing angle horizontally with an almost imperceptible decrease in contrast. But changing the viewing angle vertically will lead to darkness (rotate down) or brighten the screen (rotate up). Therefore, at what distance it is optimal to place the monitor in the kitchen is obvious: at the height from which TV is most often watched, and this can be structurally solved by rotating the bracket for each case. Adjusting the angle of rotation with the bracket will allow you to adjust the angle of inclination and viewing, which means you can watch the TV from any position.

How and at what height to hang a TV in a brick house. The video shows how to securely mount a Vogels wall mount with detailed instructions for assembly and installation of brackets. Place of installation: old building, brick walls, a decrepit layer of plaster. The wall is crumbling, so for strength, a couple of additional holes were made for attaching the bracket.

The installation height of the TV can be a little tricky. Often the opinions of family members differ, or the owner himself is lost among two or three options. In reality, there are no strict requirements and rules in this regard, but there are a number useful recommendations based on medical research and technical features devices. It doesn’t matter how many TVs there are in your house, what matters is which room you plan to install them in: the bedroom, kitchen, living room. Based on the purpose of the premises, you can begin to calculate the ideal location for the panel.

Several factors influence the choice of wall location for hanging a large screen and height relative to the floor. The purpose of the room is taken into account: is it a living room, bedroom or kitchen and the existing furnishings. After all, it is important that the TV on the wall fits harmoniously into the interior and does not spoil the aesthetics of the wall with wires. The main criteria in deciding where to place the TV in height are the dimensions of the room and the panel itself.

Square footage of the room

The square footage of a house or apartment is one of the main criteria that influences the choice of location for installing the TV and the dimensions of the device purchased for a particular room. IN one-room apartment For comfortable viewing, the TV panel should be placed in a diagonal direction from the center of the sofa, bed or sofa. This approach allows you to see what is happening on the screen from anywhere in the room.

It is important that there is a power source in close proximity to the selected location. The distance to an outlet, preferably a steam room, should not exceed 45 cm. It is also important that the TV panel is not opposite the window. Otherwise, glare on the screen will interfere with viewing.

Screen dimensions

The placement location is determined in direct proportion to the diagonal of the television screen and the distance to the device. The larger the TV panel, the longer the distance should be to the viewing locations, including the height in relation to the floor.

When moving away from the big screen viewing angle narrows. The interior items on which household members sit to watch TV programs affect the completeness of the view. You should take into account the height of the chairs, armchairs, sofa, as well as the arrangement of other furniture in the room, when choosing the optimal place on the wall for the TV.

Methods for determining the height from the floor to the TV panel

Having previously decided on a place on the wall, you can begin to select the mounting height relative to the floor. You can choose a mounting location for the bracket based on the feeling of comfort and aesthetics, or rely on mathematical calculations.

According to my own feelings

The method is simple, implemented collectively by adult household members. One needs to sit comfortably on the sofa, close your eyes for a few seconds, and when you open them, look at the wall. In the place where the “spectator” is looking, the second can mount a bracket. It would be useful to listen to the comments: to the left, to the right, a little higher or lower.

Important! With this method of selecting the height, the parameters of the distance from the viewing area to the screen and the diagonal of the TV, as well as the viewing angle, are not taken into account. So there is a possibility of eye strain.

Mathematical calculations

The calculation is carried out taking into account the recommendations of doctors: the screen should be located at eye level of the viewer. Otherwise, image distortion will occur. The formula also includes a coefficient that determines the distance from the wall where the TV is planned to be placed to the viewing point. The distance is determined by multiplying the coefficient by the length of the diagonal of the TV panel.

The multiplier value depends on the type of matrix (LCD or plasma) and resolution (720p or 1080p). For LED screens with a resolution of 720p, a multiplier of 2.3 is used, and for a resolution of 1080p, a factor of 1.6 is used. According to mathematical calculations, the optimal height for different conditions varies in the range from 1 to 1.3 meters.

Living room

In the living room, the owners receive friends, relatives, and celebrate family holidays. In a word, this is where people spend the most time, which means they watch TV from different points: because desk, from armchairs, from the sofa or behind dining table. Conventionally, the optimal point in the middle of the screen is at a distance of 70 to 175 cm from the floor, and in most cases at a height of 1.2 - 1.4 m.

What should you consider first in order to understand at what height to hang the TV in the living room:

  • from which place will you watch TV most often: from the table or from the sofa;
  • diagonal;
  • average height of all family members.

If in the vast majority of cases you plan to watch movies or TV shows while sitting on the sofa, then the height should be lower, if from the table, then higher. Doctors recommend the following.

  1. The head should not be thrown forward or backward, this provokes excessive stress on the cervical regions.
  2. Distance from eyes to screen should be proportional to the diagonal of the monitor. The established standard is 1:2(3), that is, if the monitor size is 100 cm, then the distance should vary from 200 to 300 cm for LCD panels, for conventional TVs it is 25% more.

Pay attention! The center of the monitor or its upper third should be opposite the person’s eyes.

We must not lose sight of the fact that television can have negative influence on vision in both adults and children. The cervical spine is also involved in the viewing process. Therefore, the advice of specialists on what is recommended should be taken into account.

Often the answer to a question is found by itself when the panel is placed in special niche in furniture. This is not always correct: with this arrangement, the height of the TV may be lower/higher than necessary if the level of the sofa does not meet the standard, plus it is important to take into account your own height. It would be a good idea to test for yourself how comfortable this height will be. If discomfort is observed, then the location should be adjusted.

Installing a panel in a bedroom or nursery

The height of the LCD panel in the bedroom depends on the arrangement and parameters of the furniture, ideal option- place the TV on the wall, perpendicular to the bed. This makes it convenient to watch movies while lying down or half-sitting. But parallel installation is also allowed.

The center of the screen should be in front of your eyes when viewing while sitting, but please note that the screen must be tilted approximately 30°. Distinctive feature LCD monitors are that when viewed at an angle, contrast is lost, the image darkens, which has a negative effect on vision. Panel tilt will provide a direct view from a “lying” or “half-sitting” position.

Important to know! For maximum comfort, choose adjustable brackets. With their help, you can change the tilt of the panel or rotate the TV left or right. If you decide to rearrange it a little, or like to watch movies in different positions, the direction of the screen can be easily adjusted.

TFT LCD panels have a fairly wide viewing angle, but are sensitive to vertical deviation: a low position increases the contrast and darkens the screen, while a too high position, on the contrary, brightens it.

As for the children's room, when calculating at what height to hang the TV, rely on the child's height. The panel should hang in such a way that children do not touch it with their heads or hands while playing; this can injure the children and also damage an expensive item.

The active lifestyle of the younger generation involves watching TV from different points: from the floor, from the bed, from behind a desk or even standing. Therefore, it is difficult to calculate the optimal position; the individual furnishings of the room play a big role here. It is important to take into account the angle of inclination so that the contrast and darkening of the picture does not harm children's eyes and does not create stress on the spine, which is not yet strong at a young age.

TV in the kitchen

Universal TV bracket

How to hang a panel yourself

If the user decides to refuse the services of specialists, then he can do it himself. For this you will need hammer or drill. Brick or concrete wall strong enough to withstand a weight of over 30 kg, but for drywall this is the limit. A set of hardware for attaching the wall part of the bracket is included in the package; just make a hole in the wall and secure the profile.

Important to know! In concrete and brickwork the hole is made with a hammer drill using a concrete drill, and in wood or drywall - with a wood drill.

Then attach the second part of the bracket to the panel and mount the TV to the wall. At this point the editing is completed, you can start watching the film.

A dream come true! A modern flat LED TV has been purchased! Now you can watch movies in high definition, surf the Internet and turn it into a home entertainment center. Only one question remains unresolved - how to choose the right place and at what height to hang the TV. The questions are simple at first glance, but, as practice shows, it is from correct installation The convenience and comfort of viewing it depends on the TV panel. If mistakes are made, it is often difficult to achieve full picture and sound quality.

The fact is that nowadays people watch TV on average at least three to four hours a day, not counting those options when TV simply works in the background. And on weekends, the time spent near the screen increases significantly. And this applies to both adults and children. That is why errors during its installation can cause various inconveniences and even lead to health problems.

Incorrect TV installation can lead to the following consequences.

Screen is too high– fatigue sets in quickly, the head is in an unnatural position, the neck muscles are tense all the time, headaches and even muscle spasms occur.

Screen is too low– the head is lowered all the time, a feeling of discomfort quickly arises, and headaches may appear.

There are a number of other factors that influence the choice of location and at what height it is best to place the TV.

The vast majority of modern TVs are equipped with wall mounting systems. And that's great. In this case, a flat TV takes up virtually no space and significantly saves free space, which is especially important for most people. modern apartments. Today, it is the TV wall mounting option that has gained immense popularity for the design of modern interiors.

However, there is also reverse side medals. After all, with wall mounting, changing the location of the TV on the wall is fraught with difficulties: sealing old mounting holes, drilling new ones, moving the brackets that hold the TV on the wall. That is why maximum attention should be paid to the question of at what height to hang a TV on the walls in rooms of different functionality.

Calculation of the minimum distance from the TV screen to the viewer and the height above the floor

To calculate at what height from the floor to hang a TV, experts advise first determining the distance from the TV to the viewer. To calculate the distance, the formula is used:

L is the distance from the screen;

D – TV diagonal size;

k is a coefficient depending on the resolution of the TV screen: for HD its value is 2.3, for Full HD resolution – 1.56 and for UHD – 0.7.

For example, you purchased a Full HD TV with a screen diagonal of 42 inches. To convert inches to centimeters, multiply by 2.54.

42 x 2.54 = 106.68 cm.

Now let's use the formula:

L = 1.56 x 106.68 = 166.42 cm.

The mounting height is calculated based on the obtained distance by drawing a conditional segment parallel to the floor from the viewer’s eyes to the wall on which it is planned to mount the TV. At this point you need to position the center of the screen. And the ray from the resulting horizon, deflected upward by 20°, will show the place where its upper edge should be located.

All calculations given are approximate. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that this minimum distances. In practice they turn out to be much larger. At what height the TV should be placed on the wall is also influenced by many other factors, such as, for example, the location of the window from where direct sun rays, the height of the seats from which viewing will be carried out, the height of the audience, the surrounding furniture and even the style of the interior of the room. However, at the same time, medical experts advise everyone to strictly adhere to the distance from the viewer to the TV screen and a height of about 135 centimeters to the center of the TV and at least 75 centimeters to the bottom edge of the equipment.

At what height should a TV be hung in the living room?

All of the above requirements primarily apply to the living room - a place intended for meeting guests and relaxing for the whole family. In this case, the characteristics of the room and furniture are taken into account. The main thing you need to understand is that several people can watch TV in the living room at once. different places, so you should try to hang the TV so that all viewers are comfortable. As a rule, the optimal height is from 1.2 to 1.4 meters.

Some users who had to face this problem share interesting practical experience on how to place a TV on the wall in the living room so that everyone can watch it comfortably. They claim that a piece of paper or a poster, the size of which corresponds to the size of the TV, can help. It is attached to the wall using mounting tape and seen from different points to see if it is conveniently placed. This method allows you to change and adjust the mounting location as many times as you like until the ideal option is found. If the most suitable place is found in this experimental way, then modern TV will reveal its most important features to every viewer. best qualities in the form of a rich, clear image and good sound.

Another tip on what height is best to hang the TV in the living room. IN recent years Large screen TVs are used for interactive video games that are controlled by gestures.

For example, tennis and other sports simulators, various fighting games, music and dance game projects. Naturally, in this case, the TV should be mounted a little higher, so that it is comfortable for both the player standing in front of the TV screen and the spectators sitting on the sofa.

At what height should you hang a TV in the bedroom?

Despite the fact that doctors recommend watching TV for a strictly defined amount of time and in no case while lying down, TV in the bedroom has become widespread in recent years. That is why the question at what height should the TV be mounted on the wall in the bedroom is always relevant.

It should be noted that installing TV in the bedroom has its own characteristics, which boil down to the following. Firstly, it is recommended to slightly increase the distance from the TV to the viewer. A distance of at least four screen diagonals is considered optimal. Secondly, when choosing a TV for the bedroom, you don’t have to chase large sizes. It is enough to purchase a TV with HD or Full HD resolution with a small screen. It will be quite enough for comfortable viewing in a small bedroom. This will reduce eye strain. And finally, if there is a high bed in the bedroom, then the height from the floor should be about 1-1.3 meters. At the same time, a mounting bracket with the ability to tilt or rotate the TV will add to the convenience of viewing, which will always allow you to choose the optimal angle for comfortable viewing.

The location of the viewer must also be taken into account. If you plan to watch TV while reclining or lying down, then the height from the floor should be significantly increased.

You can even use a special ceiling bracket. In this case, for comfortable viewing without loss of color reproduction, tilting the TV is a prerequisite. However, there is also a limitation here. The angle of inclination of the screen surface should not exceed 30°.

Some experts offer an interesting method for determining the height of the TV in the bedroom. In order to find out the exact location of the TV screen, you should sit on the bed, relax, close your eyes, and after a couple of minutes look at the wall. The place where your gaze immediately falls is determined by the center of the TV screen. Experts say that this technique is much more effective than calculations using formulas and correction factors.

At what height should the TV be placed in the kitchen? This is a question to which the most conflicting answers are given. It all depends on what function is assigned to the TV in the kitchen. It’s one thing when the kitchen in an apartment is a room purely for cooking and the TV is assigned the role of background broadcasting, but quite another when it is turned into a kitchen-studio or kitchen-dining room, where all household members gather to eat. In the first case, when choosing the height of the TV receiver, you should focus on the height of a standing person, and in the second, find a place for it using methods suitable for the living room, only taking into account the height of the people sitting at the table.

In addition, when choosing a place for a TV, safety issues are at the forefront, both for those around you and for the TV itself. Do not hang it near the stove, oven, or sink. It is advisable to avoid exposure to sunlight on the screen, which creates reflections and reflections, which can be eliminated by placing the TV away from windows and balcony doors or using curtains.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to satisfy all these conditions. Therefore, swivel brackets are suitable to help. These TV wall mounts are designed to be more secure and give you plenty of freedom to choose the optimal viewing position.

The main conditions when choosing a place for TV in the nursery is to ensure safety for the child. Considering that the children's room is both a sleeping area and a playroom, the TV should be installed so that the baby cannot touch it. This means that it should be slightly higher than the calculations. In this version main role will play the ability to set the angle of inclination.

An important role when choosing a place for TV in a nursery is played by the availability of furniture and the height of the child himself. It should be borne in mind that watching TV can be done both with sleeping place either from the table or from the floor. Children often watch TV in their room even while standing. Therefore, compromises in this matter cannot be avoided.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that the questions at what height the TV should be located in rooms of different functionality are not so simple. There are many initial conditions that need to be taken into account to solve these problems, but the main thing is safety and viewing comfort. If these conditions are met, then we can assume that you have succeeded in choosing a place for TV.

In this article I will talk about the pros and cons of having a TV on the wall in the bedroom. I will reveal the features of the choice. I’ll tell you about what height to hang the TV and what it depends on.

TV on the wall in the bedroom

The TV is playing modern life big role. In addition to the fact that many people learn a lot of useful and interesting things through it, it is also a popular element of leisure time. Although the TV is recognized as an important part of the living room, it is not uncommon to find its location in the bedroom.

The advantages of having a TV in the bedroom include the opportunity to relax and get distracted by watching a good movie or program, and to easily wake up to it in the morning. At the same time, doctors cite numerous shortcomings.

So, the main disadvantage of having a TV in the bedroom is the danger of insomnia.

Due to the fact that a person, having relaxed, loses control of time and spends too much time watching TV, he not only damages his eyesight, but also risks suffering from insomnia. In addition, watching TV while lying down is harmful to your back and eyesight.

It is not recommended to place a TV in a small bedroom. Due to its small dimensions, placing everything you need in it turns out to be a difficult task; the TV only aggravates the situation and does not improve the interior.

If the space of the room allows, you have the ability to control the time spent watching TV, you can safely place it in the bedroom.

Installation height and design option

TV panel plays an important role in . Often the location of other objects and the appearance of the entire interior as a whole depend on it.

To determine the location of the plasma at a distance from the ceiling, just lie on the bed and take your usual resting position.

Then it will be easier to decide on the wall on which to hang the plasma.
Experts say that the ideal location is a point to which you can draw a straight line from the center of the bed to the wall.

There are two ways to help determine the height of the panel. The first option is household.

It is based on the fact that a person, sitting comfortably on the bed, closes his eyes for a second, and then suddenly opens them and looks at the wall. The point at which the gaze falls should become the middle of the screen.

This method does not take into account the length from the wall to and the height of the TV device. Therefore, this method is not safe and can have a negative impact on health.
The second method is based on calculations and recommendations of doctors. The ideal distance between the eyes and the panel is its diagonal multiplied by 3. You can place the TV in

The comfort of viewing and the height of its location will depend on the rational choice of location.

Additionally, you can decorate the space around the panel, fitting it into the bedroom interior. When creating an accent wall, the area next to the panel can be decorated with contrasting wallpaper, possibly stone, sheathed wood panels a different shade or decorated with decorative plaster. Can be placed on a cabinet.

Panel sockets are a controversial issue, as they are not always taken into account when planning a bedroom. They can be placed in .

Selection rules

The screen size is calculated as the distance from the bed to the intended location of the plasma, divided by 3 for people with good vision, and by 4 for people with vision problems.

Determining the diagonal of the panel is very important. If the model is too large, the image will appear blurry. If the screen is small, the image will be difficult to see. All this negatively affects vision and causes the risk of its deterioration.

The minimum height for placement on the wall is 1 m. Otherwise, there is a risk of touching and dropping the device.

Before purchasing, you should make sure that it can support the weight of the TV panel. It is recommended to purchase a bracket that matches your device model.

The maximum angle of deviation from the panel screen when viewing is 30 degrees

It is better to choose a model from a line of proven brands. This guarantees image quality and the safety of the device itself.

But their production uses highly effective technologies to improve image quality, which makes them expensive.

They are also distinguished by their thoughtful design and equipment.
The leaders among manufacturers of budget models are Phillips and Supra.

Phillips and Supra fully meet the price-quality criterion and allow you to purchase a good panel at a low price.

The range of models is so wide that choosing the right one is not a problem. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the selection rules and study the features of brands.

As a rule, expensive models differ high quality, so it’s not worth saving on buying equipment

Whether or not to place a TV panel in the bedroom is everyone’s choice. But to resolve this issue, it is worth taking into account the nuances and considering the location of the device, taking into account the recommendations.