Interesting facts about human parasites. The most amazing and useful parasites “Cells of the living universe”

Multiple sclerosis, arthritis, psoriasis, hypertension, peptic ulcer, cancer, heart attack, diabetes, stroke, impotence, fibroids, erosion, infertility, chronic prostatitis, vasiculitis, epididymitis, caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella, genital herpes virus - these diseases , like an inevitable disaster, entered every home.

The average life expectancy of our men has decreased, according to official data, to 57.8 years, but in fact to 52 years. The mortality rate is 1.6 times higher than the birth rate, many children are not healthy.

Medicine has succeeded in the fight against rapid infections - diseases that occur soon after infection and to which the body of the sick person actively reacts: high temperature, pain, vomiting, sneezing, etc. In this case, it is worth helping the person medicines, stimulating the body's defenses, and it recovers. But medicine turned out to be powerless in the fight against slow infections, because, like the patient himself, she misses the moment of infection of a person by its carriers and does not notice the initial stages of the disease. And when the disease manifests itself with numerous symptoms, it becomes practically incurable.

But it is these protozoa: Trichomonas, Giardia, Chlamydia, as well as fungi, roundworms, worms of the brain, genital area, pinworms, worms of the gastrointestinal tract, Trichina (muscle) - are slow infections.

Today their leading role in the occurrence of cancer has been proven.

As a rule, damage to the host body is caused under the guise of general disorders and ailments.

Mycoses- a fungal infection caused by infection with the fungus Candida albicans. Typically, fungi are harmless creatures living in the intestines, genitourinary tract, mouth and larynx. The growth of candida is inhibited by other bacteria and the action immune system. If anything disrupts the balance of the body (for example, overuse of antibiotics, a diet high in sugar, toxins from the outside), yeast-like fungi begin to multiply actively, creating a health threat. Factors that contribute to the growth of candida include allergies, oral contraceptives and steroids. During pregnancy, due to the increased pH in the vagina, the risk of candidiasis increases 20 times.

Candidiasis (candidiasis) - infectious disease skin, mucous membranes and internal organs, caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

The development of candidiasis is facilitated by immunodeficiency states, endocrinopathies, hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders (for example, diabetes mellitus), severe debilitating diseases, irrational use of certain medicines(antibiotics, corticosteroids, etc.), leading to dysbiosis, as well as injuries (for example, constant injury to the mucous membrane when wearing dentures), reducing the body’s resistance.

Carriers of Candida and patients with candidiasis can be sources of infection to others. Infection occurs through direct contact with the patient (kissing, sexual contact, infection of newborns during passage through the birth canal). It is also possible through contact with contaminated fruits and vegetables, which is observed, for example, in fruit pickers and sorters (occupational candidiasis). The development of candidiasis is facilitated by damage to the skin and mucous membranes, unfavorable conditions labor, violations of hygiene rules, for example, in maternity hospitals, nurseries.

The disease may be caused by the activation of yeast-like fungi found in the body in microbial associations (development of secondary candidiasis in pneumonia, tuberculosis, dysbiosis, etc.)

The most common form of candidiasis of the mucous membranes is candidomycosis stomatitis (thrush). Pinpoint plaques appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, palate, tongue, and gums white merging, they form films reminiscent of curdled milk. The pathological process often spreads to the tongue (yeast glossitis), tonsils (candidal tonsillitis), the red border of the lips (candidal cheilitis), and the corners of the mouth (jams). In women, a course of antibiotics can destroy beneficial bacteria in the vaginal tract, allowing yeast to grow, which causes white discharge and vaginal itching.

Regulation of bacterial-fungal balance in digestive system and the genitourinary tract - one of the conditions for the normal functioning of the body.

As the great scientist V.I. said. Vernadsky: “Not a single species can exist in the waste it creates.” And first of all, these impurities affect our nervous system, the cells of which are sensitive to all toxins. All signs of apathy, depression, neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergies in their purest form, obesity is nothing more than slagging in the body.

With increased slagging, a process of autointoxication occurs—self-poisoning with toxins, the increased release of which is caused by accelerated metabolism.

The issue of detoxification is a serious issue that can be solved through the use of enterosorbents.

Bioresonance therapy devices also provide assistance in removing toxins, waste, nitrates, nitrites, and heavy metals.

Can tumors form in the heart?

Of course not! How could such a thing come to mind, any doctor will say.

But in recent years Many cardiologists note the growth of tumor-like formations in the heart, which confuses even experienced surgeons. Apparently, De Seignac’s statement sunk too deeply into my soul:

“The heart is too noble an organ to allow such diseases as primary tumors to develop in it” (1783). I would like to hope that our vital organ - the heart - “has a unique ability to protect itself from the then still inexplicable factors in the emergence and development of tumor formations” (Fabius, 883).

For two centuries, obscure heart tumors were described only by pathologists as autopsy findings. L.V. Shkhvatsabaya in his scientific works noted the presence of tumor formations - cold abscesses, granulomas, calcified conglomerates - in the presence of helminthic lesions and echinococcal cysts in the membranes and cavities of the heart. Moreover, patients, as a rule, complain about completely different areas: the liver (enlargement, heaviness, pain), lungs (cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, weight loss, general weakness). Helminths are also localized in these organs, while the heart remains silent. Why is this happening? But because the heart is the last to give distress signals. Cardiac symptoms develop gradually and are characterized by the following indicators: severe shortness of breath, especially when moving, pronounced weakness, fever ( elevated temperature) for no apparent reason, persistent anemia, increased ESR, swelling of the arms and legs, “searching for a comfortable position,” short-term loss of consciousness.

"Cells of the Living Universe"

Ten years ago, when conducting courses of health improvement and restoration of the body in many regions of Russia and the Commonwealth countries, it was found that up to 60% of the children examined were infected with helminths. We (writes doctor Eliseeva O.I.) offered school directors, collective and state farm chairmen to organize free of charge at least the distribution of herbs for preparing decoctions for treating children. But, apparently, the leaders themselves were concerned with other problems, and the doctors said indignantly: “Where did you diagnose worms when the tests for “worm eggs” are negative?.. And Trichomonas in a child - “Are you crazy?! " Parents came to us with eczematous children and told how they submitted feces with moving worms to the laboratory for analysis, and received an answer - no worm eggs were found.” Why? Why is this happening?

People of the older generation remember very well the times of the 60s, when the USSR adopted a political policy - “Catch up and overtake America!” All Soviet people joined the race-competition. This race for records “at any cost” had disastrous consequences: forest and water resources were barbarously destroyed; In the struggle to increase productivity, our Earth-nurse became chemically damaged. Mining open method led to the expenditure of funds equal to the cost of production of the machines that extract them, etc. Unfortunately, medicine was also drawn into this movement...

According to WHO, the causes of death worldwide in 2000 were: steel:

On 78.9% of the territory of Siberia, opisthorchiasis is registered in people. The unfavorable demographic situation in Siberia does not allow us to hope for an improvement in the epidemic situation regarding opisthorchiasis in the country.

Elimination of physiology schools Pavlova, biologist Vavilova, oncologist Neviadomsky, genetics Dubinina and many other outstanding Russian scientists and other “transformations” have led to what we have: out of several tens of thousands of diseases, the vast majority of them are considered incurable. And they are incurable because the true causative agents of these diseases have not been identified.

If the patient does not have an injury or burn, then his illness was caused by one or another biological pathogen: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa or worms. It is the nature of these pathogens that must be identified individually in each patient. And, having identified them, free the patient from them while simultaneously strengthening the body’s defenses. This is the only way that can lead to complete recovery.

Anthelmintics for every home!

If helminths are simply not detected in you, although certain symptoms have long existed - loss of strength, colicky pain in the umbilical region and along the colon, itching in the anal area or allergic manifestations, persistent urticaria and roughness of the skin on the arms and legs, as well as grinding teeth while sleeping, then be sure to cleanse from helminths.

You can do this with the help of special complex non-chemical preparations, as well as with the help of BRT devices, the spectrum of action of which is even wider.

Pharmacopoeia and historical folk experience claim that bitter herbs have an anthelmintic effect.

It is obvious that responsibility for the level of health, first of all, must be borne by the person himself. A person’s illness is a burden to others at home and at work (parents, wife, children, colleagues at work). A person should know what kind of health he has, how to maintain it, strengthen it, how to prolong the remission phase between the stages of exacerbation of his disease. For this purpose, within the framework of the state industry program, networks of health offices have been created, where simple, tested, well-proven non-invasive methods of functional diagnostics are used (there is no need to donate blood, take a spinal cord puncture, or conduct other studies), which are highly informative and do not require a long time for their implementation.

You can get complete information about your health by undergoing a diagnostic test using the ART method. You will learn about the most initial manifestations diseases (when there is no clinic yet), you will learn the functional state of all physiological systems of the body.

After some time, the sporocyst germinates, its branches penetrate into the head of the snail, and then into its tentacles, where, thickening, they form peculiar blades that are brightly colored: their body is surrounded by white and green stripes, and the top is painted in a bright cinnabar color. Moreover, the tentacles, like miniature hearts, begin to pulsate, accurately signaling their presence. Naturally, the birds happily begin to eat the bright tentacles of the snail, simultaneously swallowing the mature branches of sporocysts, which contain a huge number of young flukes.

So in an original way leukochloridium and penetrates into the final host, who mistook it for a good portion of lunch.

It turns out that the hairworm changes the behavior of its owner with the help of special proteins produced by it, which directly and indirectly affect the structure nervous system grasshopper Moreover, these proteins influence the orientation of the insect in space.

The spider Plesiometa argyra, which lives in the tropical forests of Central America, weaves, as befits spiders, the finest and geometrically impeccable webs. But sometimes, instead of a precisely calculated pattern, it creates a small and shapeless, but very strong interweaving of threads, and then after that it dies.

It turned out that the spider changes its behavior after being bitten by a wasp larva, which then uses this weave as an aerial platform to weave its cocoon. When the platform is built, the larva injects the spider with another poison, this time fatal, and devours it.

Very unusual behavior is typical for the wasp wasp of the genus Glyptapanteles. This wasp first paralyzes the moth caterpillar Thyrinteina leucocerae and, while it remains motionless, quietly lays about 80 eggs in its body. Together with them, she infects the caterpillar with special toxic substances, which not only weaken its immunity to eggs, but also prevent the caterpillar from turning into a pupa, thereby preserving it as fresh food for its offspring.

But it turns out that wasp larvae not only feed on the caterpillar, but also change its behavior. And when the larvae should turn into pupae, they gnaw a hole in the victim’s body and climb out. The caterpillar still remains alive!

Once released, the larvae begin to spin cocoons around themselves. And the caterpillar protects them from external enemies: when stink bugs appear, it shakes its “head”, throwing predators off the larvae or from a branch. And the caterpillar remains alive throughout the entire larval pupation stage. And only when they hatch, the caterpillar dies. What mechanisms underlie such complex behavior of caterpillars? - unknown yet.

The small humpback bug secretes a fragrant and sweet secretion that irresistibly attracts ants from the genus Solenopsis. While interested gourmets enjoy the taste and aroma of a microscopic droplet that appears at the tip of the humpback's abdomen, she carefully places a tiny egg exactly on the joint between the ant's head and chest.

Soon the humpback larva hatches from the egg. It quickly penetrates the ant's head and begins to devour the brain of the unfortunate insect with appetite. The head of the still living, but already motionless ant sadly hangs down.

When all the contents of the head are eaten, the larva, already mature enough, gnaws the neck and the head falls off. It becomes a kind of “house” in which the larva completes its development, turning into an adult humpback.

From the book “100 Great Animal Records”, author Anatoly Bernatsky

The incubation period of lice and nits is not a stable value, since it depends on a number of factors, including temperature environment. On average this period is 3 weeks.

Lice begin to bite the host immediately after infection, since they need food every 2-4 hours. The bites of several insects rarely cause discomfort, since their saliva contains an anesthetic component.

Clear and permanent signs of head lice begin to appear after 3–4 weeks. During this time, up to 100 nymphs manage to grow - this period is called the incubation period. In warm climates, insects grow and reproduce faster: noticeable symptoms of the disease can appear within 16–18 days.

How does the disease manifest itself? Main symptoms:

Lice reproduction: details about nits and nymphs

In the developmental stage of lice, there is no larval stage - immature nymphs differ from adult lice only in size, and immediately after the end of the third molt they begin to feed and reproduce.

A lice egg and a nit are not entirely identical concepts - a nit consists of an egg and a sticky secretion, with which it adheres to the hair.

Head lice

Main stages of development

Stage Duration Brief description
Maturation of nits 5–8 days Optimal conditions are 30–32 degrees, humidity within 50%. When the temperature increases to 40 degrees Celsius or decreases to 22 degrees, all processes stop. Externally, nits look like small dots of white or yellow, they are often confused with dandruff.
Larvae of the first instar 1–10 days At temperatures below 10 degrees they develop slowly.
Nymph of the first age 5 days A second moult occurs, since the hard chitinous shell does not increase in size; as the insect grows, it sheds it.
Nymph II age 8 days The insect molts 3 times and turns into an adult – imago.

The process of transforming a nit into an adult in body lice at an ambient temperature of 25 degrees Celsius is 2 weeks, at a temperature of 30 degrees – 7–10 days.

Methods of dealing with nits

In the treatment of head lice, various means and methods are used, but the most effective is considered to be complete hair removal - lice cannot attach to smooth skin, fall off, and begin to look for a new host. After using any product, be sure to comb your hair thoroughly.

Type of insecticide Names of effective drugs
Shampoos Nittifor, Pedex, Pedikulen
Sprays Nyuda, Paranit, para Plus. In case of severe infection - Pediculen Ultra.
Ointments Nittifor, Foxilon, Parasidosis, Nyx.
Solutions, lotions Medifox, Medilis-super, Avicin.
Products for children Para Plus, Nyuda, Paranit
Drugs for pregnant women LiceGuard spray, the product can be used during lactation, for bronchial asthma.
Remedy for body lice A-Par

Before applying an anti-pediculosis drug, it is advisable not to wash your hair with regular shampoos - the products create a thin layer on the strands and skin. protective film, which prevents the penetration of the active substances of the drug.

Nits have a thick protective shell and adhere tightly to the hair, so even with the help of the most modern insecticides it will not be possible to get rid of them. The only method of control is thorough combing of hair using a special comb.

Folk remedies

Due to the low cost, rare allergic reactions Many people prefer to treat head lice with folk remedies.

Everything you wanted to know about lice, including information about the incubation period in the video:

These methods are quite effective, but there is one significant drawback - it is enough to apply special preparations 1-2 times, unconventional methods will have to be used every day for 5-7 days.

Simple recipes:

  1. Mix kerosene with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10, treat the hair with the solution, cover the head with a plastic bag and a scarf. Keep the product for at least 2 hours, if not discomfort, you can leave it overnight.
  2. Dilute table vinegar to a concentration of 3%, add 45 g of salt to 200 ml of solution, mix, add 5 ml of medical alcohol. Apply the product to clean, damp strands. For 48 hours, regularly moisten your hair with the medicine, after 2 days, wash your hair and comb out your curls.
  3. Grind black cumin seeds in a mortar and mix with an equal amount apple cider vinegar, treat the skin and hair with the solution, stand in the sun for 20–30 minutes, wash the strands in the usual way.

Educational and the most complete information about childhood lice in the video of Dr. Komarovsky’s School:

To avoid infestation with lice, you need to regularly examine your child’s head, comb his hair thoroughly every day, avoid crowds of people, do not use other people’s things, and do not give your combs and hats to strangers.

Attention! Some photos below the cut are not for the faint of heart

(Total 25 photos)

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1. Sacculina

2. Cordyceps unilateral

3. Anisakids

A person runs the risk of becoming infected with these worms by eating poorly processed food affected by them. sea ​​fish, shrimp, squid or octopus. The first infection with anisacidosis was recorded in 1955 in Holland, and the source was lightly salted herring.

If, while cutting up fish, you see “some kind of spirals” in its muscle tissue, caviar or milk, either mercilessly throw away the delicacy, or freeze the fish to -20 degrees and keep it in this state for at least two weeks. With this treatment, the worms and their microscopic larvae will die. After this, you can safely eat the fish - however, the knowledge that it is “wormy” does not cause much appetite.

4. Wolbachia

5. Sand flea

6. Wasp Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga

7. Vandelia Kandiru

8. Trichomonas

9. Leishmania

10. Tongue-eating woodlouse (Cymothoa exigua)

11. Trypanosoma

12. Toxoplasma

13. Blowfly Cochliomyia hominivorax

14. Hairy

15. Filaria

17. Clostridium Perfringens

The bacterium Clostridium perfringens can cause severe food poisoning and can also cause rapidly developing gas gangrene, in which tissue affected by the bacterium literally dissolves, releasing bubbles of foul-smelling gas.

18. Schistosoma

First, the larvae of this worm develop in freshwater mollusks, then they enter the water and attack mammals, burrowing under the skin. Schistosomes spread throughout the body and are especially dangerous when they accumulate in bladder and genitals. Schistosomiasis is severe, has many varied symptoms and causes great suffering.

19. River blindness

20. Meningococcus

21. Tsetse fly

22. Guinea worm

The worm is common in Africa, India and the Arabian Peninsula. Microscopic larvae live in fresh water, and when the time comes, they attack animals and people, burrowing under the skin. Adult worms can reach 2 mm in thickness and 1 m in length. After mating, the male worms die, and the females move into the subcutaneous layer, drill through the skin, and when a person is in the water, they release the larvae through the hole.

23. Plasmodium

24. Naegleria fowlera

25. Leukochloridium paradoxical