DIY drip irrigation from plastic bottles. Secrets of making drip irrigation from plastic bottles with your own hands Watering cucumbers in the open ground with plastic

Watering cucumbers with yeast

Many owners of summer cottages must allocate at least a few beds for cucumbers. Indeed, these “evergreen” crunchy vegetables are a universal product, the consumption of which is equally tasty in any form – pickled, salted or simply “freshly picked”. However, growing cucumbers requires certain conditions, the observance of which has a significant impact on the final result. So, the soil must be fertile, and fertilizing and moisture supply must be regular. How to properly organize watering of cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground? Today we will reveal some secrets of experienced gardeners.

In our latitudes, crops are grown in polycarbonate greenhouses and hotbeds, which allows for generous “reusable” harvests.

Cucumbers are considered a moisture-loving plant, which is why it is so important to maintain a certain level of humidity. True, an abundance of liquid can provoke rotting of the roots, and an excess of moisture in the greenhouse can lead to oxygen starvation. This increases the risk of leaf death and fruit deformation.

What is the norm for watering cucumbers in a greenhouse? Before the formation of the ovary, the plant is watered once every 5–7 days, 3–4 liters of water per square meter. With the appearance of flowers and the beginning of fruiting, the norm increases to 6 - 12 liters for the same area, with an interval of every 2 - 3 days. On cold or cloudy days, skipping watering is acceptable.

How to properly water cucumbers in a greenhouse - organizing the process

Only warm water is suitable for watering plants in a greenhouse to avoid the development of root rot. Water should be poured into special furrows between the bushes, and not near the root itself. Otherwise, the roots may become exposed and stop curling in the light - this negatively affects the quality and quantity of the harvest. Therefore, this situation must be corrected by hilling up the exposed roots.

Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse

How to water cucumbers in a greenhouse - basic rules

When watering, care must be taken to keep the soil around the plants dry to prevent rotting of the roots and stems. If the weather is hot outside, then the cucumbers in the greenhouse suffer from “overheating”. Plain water, which is recommended to be sprayed on greenhouse glass, will help reduce the heat. For the same purpose, you can use a weak aqueous solution of chalk.

However, in extreme heat, these measures often do not bring results and the leaves wither. You can bring cucumbers to life by spraying them with water from a watering can, about five liters per bush.

What temperature should the water be for watering cucumbers? About the same as soil temperature. The most optimal indicator is 20⁰С.

When should you water cucumbers? The best time is early morning, when water evaporation is low, as well as evening (before sunset).

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles for cucumbers in a greenhouse

The drip irrigation system is the most optimal for the following reasons:

  • ability to cover large areas
  • full system automation
  • significant water savings
  • ease of installation and operation
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations and atmospheric pressure

With drip irrigation, water supply is possible in two ways:

  • by gravity
  • via main water supply

In the first case, to install a drip system you will need a large container for storing water and a stand. You should also purchase a faucet with a valve and a hose with different holes.

Watering cucumbers in the ground

First, we build a platform with an adjustable height - this creates the pressure necessary for water to flow into the hose. The container is raised and fixed at the desired height. Now we attach a tap to the container, at a height of about 10 cm from the ground. A hose with holes along its entire length is attached to the tap at a distance of 30 cm from each other. We place the hose near the beds.

When water flows through the water supply system, we set a pressure limit on the hose. However, in this case the water will be cool, which is not very good for plants. So it is recommended to give preference to the first method, since the water in the container has time to heat up.

How to organize warm drip irrigation of cucumbers through a water supply? With the help of the video you will learn the secrets of skilled gardeners.

Proper watering of cucumbers in open ground - diagrams, photos, videos

The organization of this process is determined by the period of plant growth and development. Before the flowers appear, the watering rate is 5 - 7 liters of water per square meter, once every five days. With the appearance of flowers and fruits, we increase the amount of moisture and frequency of watering - at least once a day.

After planting the seedlings in open ground, water the plants thoroughly and give them time to get used to the new conditions. To retain moisture, it is recommended to mulch the soil, and after a week begin regular watering.

How should you water cucumbers? Using a watering can without a “shower,” carefully pour water, trying not to erode the soil. The frequency of such watering depends on the air temperature and soil characteristics.

If desired, you can automate the watering process by installing a drip system on your site. The design of this system is similar to a drip system for greenhouses, so you will need a large barrel and a hose. However, the disadvantage of this option is that the water will flow out too quickly. So you will have to attach a faucet to each hole in the hose.

Drip irrigation for cucumbers from plastic bottles in the ground

It's more simple and affordable option drip irrigation, which does not require special installation costs. We take a plastic bottle, cut off the bottom, and make holes in the lid. Now we bury the “watering can” in the garden bed next to the cucumber bush and fill it with water. Gradually, liquid will flow through the holes in the lid and nourish root system plants. All that remains is to replenish water supplies on time and you don’t have to worry about watering.

As a top dressing, you can also water the cucumbers with yeast to stimulate the growth of the plant and fruit. Prepare a solution of 10 grams of dry yeast and 10 liters warm water. After dissolving, add 50 g. sugar, leave for two hours and before watering, dilute again with water (50 liters).

Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse and in a garden bed, in open ground, can be organized different ways, including drip, based on capabilities and skills. However, the efforts made will not be in vain - the reward for the hardworking gardener will be bountiful harvest elastic crispy cucumbers of our own “production”.

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop that must be periodically watered and fed when grown in open ground. If you water too infrequently, it can affect the growth of bushes and yield. The fruits themselves may also suffer, becoming tasteless and bitter.

Not all vegetable growers have the opportunity to constantly be in the countryside to constantly water the cucumbers. In this case, drip irrigation of cucumbers is created in a greenhouse or vegetable garden, which will ensure a constant supply of moisture to the plants. For such purposes, do-it-yourself irrigation is created from plastic bottles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The watering system using plastic bottles is quite simple. To ensure the supply of moisture to the cucumbers, it is necessary to dig a bottle with small holes for water to seep in near each bush. This type of bottle watering has a number of advantages, which include:

  1. Low cost. This system is practically free, since to create it you only need plastic containers, which you can find on the street yourself or purchase at a low price.
  2. Ease of creation. To set up irrigation with plastic bottles, a person does not need any special skills, so anyone can do this job.
  3. Simplified care for cucumbers growing in the garden or in greenhouse conditions. To water in a greenhouse through plastic bottles, a person does not have to spend much time at his or her summer cottage. Using this scheme, a person will be able to go about his business and not worry about the plants.
  4. Protecting cucumbers from burns. Automatic watering of bushes using a drip method protects the leaves on the bushes from burns, since water will flow directly to the root.
  5. Autonomy. Most popular systems require a plumbing system. In this case, you only need bottles filled with water.
  6. Fluid temperature. The water used to water the cucumbers has the same temperature as the air in the greenhouse. This has a positive effect on plant growth.
  7. Easy dismantling and repair. There are times when some element in the system breaks down and has to be completely replaced. To do this, it will be enough to dig up the broken bottle and install a new one in its place.

Despite all its advantages, this irrigation system also has some disadvantages:

  • Difficulty in organizing irrigation over large areas. Therefore, if it is necessary to ensure the supply of moisture to large areas, it is recommended to use any other irrigation methods.
  • Frequent problems. Often, the holes in the bottles begin to become clogged with soil, and because of this, the flow of moisture into the soil slows down.
  • Inadequate watering. Such a system is quite primitive and because of this, it cannot completely replace irrigation in open ground. The gardener will sometimes have to irrigate the bushes himself using a watering can. To ensure proper watering, it is recommended to use special tapes connected to the water supply.

Materials used

Before starting drip irrigation after fertilizing, you need to decide what materials and tools will be needed to set up the system:

  • roulette;
  • shovel for digging containers into the ground;
  • an awl or nails to create holes;
  • bottles;
  • a lighter that will be used to heat a needle or nail.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of bottles, since they are the main material of the irrigation system. First you need to decide on the volume of containers. In this case, the choice directly depends on the area in which the cucumbers will be grown. If the temperature remains very high throughout the day, then for watering you will need large containers that could accommodate enough water. exact amount water. It must be remembered that the temperature in greenhouses is higher than outside and therefore the plants will need more water.

It is not recommended to use small volume containers, as this will require you to add liquid to it too often. Therefore, you should abandon half-liter bottles. The best option would be to use two-liter containers, which will last for a week and a half.

However, if the summer is too hot, you will have to use five-liter eggplants so that the bushes have enough moisture. You should think about the possibility of using such a large container in advance, as it takes up a lot of space.

You should also pay attention to choosing the right fabric. It is needed to protect the bottle openings from contamination. To do this, the fabric will have to be wrapped around the outside of the bottle so that soil cannot get inside. It is recommended to choose a fabric that is not very dense so that water can pass through it freely.

Arrangement methods

There are four main methods by which you can create a bottle irrigation system. Therefore, before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with each of them.

Digging into the ground

The most common way to arrange irrigation in open ground is to bury containers in the ground, bottom down. To do this, a small hole with a depth of at least 10 cm is made near each bush, into which the container will be placed. Then, using a tape measure, remove 3-5 cm from the beginning of the bottom of the bottle and make a mark. After this, holes in several rows are created in the marked area using a heated needle. About 10 holes need to be made.

The prepared bottle is carefully wrapped in cloth and placed in the ground upside down. Then it is buried and filled with water. Often, debris and soil fall into the water from above. To solve this problem, you should cover the neck with nylon or cloth.

Digging upside down

This method differs from the previous one in that the container will be placed in the ground upside down. Therefore, holes will have to be made in the lid or neck. To organize watering using this method, holes for containers are made near each bush. At the same time, you need to make them a little less than last time. Their depth should be equal to the size of the container neck.

Having finished creating the holes, you can begin preparing the containers. Using a well-heated nail, you need to make 5-10 holes on the lid or neck. If the soil is not very dense, then their number can be reduced.

After this, measure five centimeters from the bottom of the container and cut off the bottom of the container using scissors or a knife. Some gardeners do not cut it off completely and leave it to protect it from debris and quickly evaporate moisture. Then the neck is wrapped with cloth and it is placed in the ground.


Some people do not want to expose the root system of cucumbers and therefore they refuse to dig containers near the bushes. It is in such situations that it is recommended to use this method. To organize watering using this method, you must first make holes in the bottom of the container. Several holes are also made to pass the wire through which the container will be attached.

After this, a structure is mounted above the bush to secure the container. Its height should not be too high. It is necessary that the distance from the bottle to the ground is about 40 cm.

Application of attachments

This method is the most expensive, since you will have to purchase special attachments for the bottles. Using them, you don’t have to waste your time digging containers into the ground. It will be enough just to attach the nozzle to the neck and deepen it into the ground.


Making drip irrigation from plastic bottles with your own hands for cucumbers is not very difficult work, which almost everyone can handle. To do this, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations for creating an irrigation system and watch a video that describes the correct system and the process of creating it.

The drip irrigation system allows for dosed irrigation of plants right to the very roots. After spending a little time, you can assemble such a system at home, without the need to purchase expensive components. At careful attitude DIY drip irrigation from plastic bottles will last for several years.

Advantages of using drip irrigation in the country

The main advantages of drip irrigation are the receipt of the required amount of moisture by the root system, as well as minimal physical effort and material costs. This type watering is of interest to many summer residents and gardeners, since the drip irrigation system can be left unattended.

Watering beds using plastic bottles has a great advantage - it is almost completely autonomous. Thus, a person does not need to stand with or carry heavy buckets one after another to water the plants.

Unfortunately, a ready-made drip irrigation system connected to a centralized water supply is quite expensive. Therefore, summer residents and gardeners came up with good alternative– use old used plastic bottles. Of course, this option is not completely autonomous, since from time to time you will need to add water to the container.

But, nevertheless, such watering minimizes human resources, so you can pay more attention to other things or spend time relaxing. Drip irrigation using plastic bottles has the following advantages:

  • No need to purchase material. Plastic bottles are something that can be found in almost every home one way or another;
  • Ease of execution. By following simple instructions, you can do everything yourself, even if you have no experience in creating such systems;
  • Saving. Such irrigation allows you to significantly save time and effort that is spent on traditional types of irrigation;
  • Easy to use. All you need to do is go around the garden and fill the containers with water;
  • Rationality of watering. Water immediately flows under the top layer of soil, nourishing the root system of plants. Also, water will not spill over a large area and evaporate due to high temperature in the summer. Thus, homemade watering favors the full development and subsequent strengthening of the plant’s root system;
  • No waterlogging. When watering with a hose, a so-called “swamp” often forms in the holes. Drip irrigation helps avoid this;
  • Decreased growth. This system also allows you not to wet the excess surface. Thus, favorable conditions are not created for the growth of all kinds of weeds, and this, in turn, makes it easier to care for.

  • This method of irrigation will be especially useful for those summer residents who, due to circumstances, can only come to their dacha once a week. In this case, they will only need to fill the container before leaving. This volume of water will be enough so that the plants do not need moisture while the owner is away.

    Did you know? Drip irrigation from plastic bottles can work on the principle of solar distillation, which is good for hot summers. To do this, place half a 1.5-liter container of water next to the plant, and cover it with a five-liter eggplant without a bottom. When heated, the moisture will turn into steam, which will settle in the form of drops on the walls and then roll down to the soil. Thus, the stronger the heat, the better the soil will be moistened.

    Options for manufacturing a drip humidification system

    There are quite a lot of options on how to make such a system yourself. First, you need to consider all the options, and then choose the most optimal one, based on your capabilities and conditions.

    Also, do not forget that you need to carefully select the location of the bottles and the intensity of the water supply. Different systems suit different cropping patterns and this should always be kept in mind.

    The easiest way to make self-watering with your own hands is to puncture a small hole in the bottom of the container and place it near the plant. This does not require any special preparation from you, but it is necessary take into account the following nuances:

    • the hole must be microscopic. To do this, you need to pierce the container with a needle. A large hole will lead to rapid water consumption, which puts an end to the principles of efficiency and autonomy;
    • increasing the number of holes allows you to create a more humidified environment;
    • the container should be located as close to the stem as possible so that water flows directly to the root system;
    • The container can be buried a little next to the plant. This will avoid wasting water;
    • the container can be hung directly above the bush, if this option is suitable for the given crop;
    • a capacity of 5-10 liters allows you to leave the garden unattended for a whole week, which is especially important for summer residents living far from their dacha.

    The use of plastic bottles for irrigation occurs according to a fairly simple scheme - due to direct contact of water with the ground. Water begins to gradually seep in, and the soil, after getting wet, clogs the holes. Once the soil dries out again, the holes will open and water will begin flowing to the roots of the plants again.

    In this way, natural regulation of moisture in the soil occurs. If the soil is sufficiently saturated, then it simply will not absorb excess moisture. Once the container is empty, you just need to add water to it.

    Important! Drip irrigation from plastic bottles is not suitable for fastidious plants with thin roots.

    How to make drip irrigation (a buried container next to the plant)

    In order to water using plastic bottles, dropping them next to the plant, you need to follow simple instructions. Each bottle must be placed with its neck down, digging it in a little for greater stability.

    It is also necessary to make one small hole in the bottom of the bottle in order to facilitate the exit of water (the air will put pressure on the water and gradually displace it). The lid must be screwed loosely to ensure gradual seepage of water.

    To prevent the container from being blown away by the wind, it must be buried in the soil to a depth of about 10-15 cm. Good irrigation will be facilitated by installation directly near the root. It is worth noting that it is only possible to accurately place the bottle during planting, when the container is dug into the same hole as.

    If the plants have already grown quite well, then the hole should be placed at a distance of at least 15 cm from the plant trunk. You must act extremely carefully so as not to damage the root system of the plant. If it is carried out through plastic bottles in clay soil, then when moistened it can easily clog inside the holes.

    In order to prevent this, the outside of the plug should be tightened with a simple nylon stocking, or the bottom of the hole should be covered with hay or a piece of burlap. The lid is screwed on tightly, and the bottle is placed at an angle with the neck down, and the hole is then covered with earth. The optimal tilt angle is 30-45°.

    There is another way to organize drip irrigation. Using an awl, you need to make a lot of holes in the container. They are made in 5-6 rows, and the distance between the rows should be 2 cm.

    The plastic bottle is buried in a vertical position with its neck up in the same hole as the seedlings. The main inconvenience is that the container must be filled through a narrow neck. But at the same time, the water from the container practically does not evaporate. Due to the fact that almost the entire container is underground, even strong wind. And the land plot itself will look more attractive because of this.

    Important! Water should not immediately go into the soil. The essence of drip humidification is the gradual consumption of water over several days.

    Hanging bottle watering

    For creating hanging do-it-yourself drip irrigation of tomatoes in a greenhouse you will need:

    • any plastic bottle;
    • an awl or thin nail;
    • rope or wire.
    This option is suitable for those plants next to which there is some kind of support. Even if it is missing, installing pegs between the plants will not be a big problem. To make hanging drip irrigation, you need:
    • cut off the bottom to make a lid;
    • Make two holes at a distance of 1-2 cm from the cut bottom on opposite sides of the bottle. Through these holes you need to pass a rope or wire that will be tied to the support. You need to make a small hole in the bottle cap. If the flow rate of water is too slow, the hole can be expanded slightly;
    • Hang the bottle over the plant.

    When watering through plastic bottles suspension system there are two advantages: ease of manufacture and the ability to finely adjust the intensity of irrigation.

    Rod design

    In order to do Irrigation of plants in a greenhouse using bottles and a rod, you need:

    • Take a plastic tube with a small diameter. A regular ballpoint pen refill works perfectly; it must first be washed with gasoline or solvent, removing all remaining paste and the writing element itself;
    • Seal one end of the tube tightly. If it is a pen refill, then a match or toothpick will work well;
    • Secure the other end into the neck. You can also cut a hole of the required diameter in the sealed lid and install a tube in it;
    • Seal the tube attached to the neck. This can be done using ordinary plasticine, electrical tape and other improvised means;
    • Make holes with a needle at the end of the tube. They should be as close to the plug as possible. The number of holes and their diameter are selected individually, based on the required intensity of humidification. It will be quite sufficient if one drop of water flows out in a couple of minutes;
    • Cut off the bottom of the bottle and place it in the soil with the neck down;
    • Pour water into the bottle.

    You can also cut a tube into the wall of the bottle near the very bottom. This will allow you to avoid cutting the bottle and make it much easier to move it around. land plot. Watering in plastic bottles in a greenhouse has a great advantage - due to the length of the tube, the bottle can not be placed very close to the plant.

    If you place the bottle between several bushes, you can move the tube and water the seedlings one by one.

    Important! If you choose to humidify using a tube inserted into the wall, then do not forget to tightly close the bottle with a lid. This will prevent rapid evaporation of water.

    DIY drip irrigation (buried plastic bottle)

    Experienced gardeners recommend trying the drip irrigation option, in which the entire bottle is buried in the ground. In this case, you need to make several holes as close to the bottom as possible. After this, the bottle is buried in the ground, and only the neck remains on the surface, through which the water will be poured.

    It is worth noting that this method of drip irrigation provides less moisture, and this is not suitable for plants with long rhizomes.

    Drip irrigation from bottles: all the pros and cons

    Like any other type of irrigation, drip irrigation has certain advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages it is worth noting the following:

    • Anyone can do drip irrigation using plastic bottles. The manufacturing procedure does not require any special knowledge or skills;
    • creating a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles does not require a large financial investment. This is justified by the fact that plastic bottles are the most common and cheapest material for recycling;
    • The operating principle of drip irrigation almost completely eliminates the factor of wasted water consumption. This is especially true when the site does not have access to a central water supply system;
    • water from plastic bottles is distributed as evenly as possible and progressively moisturizes the root system of the plant;
    • in plastic bottles, water quickly warms up to a temperature that is comfortable for most plants;
    • A drip irrigation system made from plastic bottles can be easily installed, dismantled or replaced.

    But at the same time, there are certain Disadvantages of using such an irrigation system:

    • such a system will not be able to provide high-quality watering of a large area;
    • drip irrigation from plastic five-liter bottles cannot completely replace full irrigation, since drip irrigation only allows you to temporarily maintain the required level of moisture;
    • When used in loamy or heavy soils, the drip system from bottles clogs quite quickly and stops functioning.

    298 once already

It is impossible to grow cucumbers without watering. Saturating plants with moisture is daily painstaking work. Will help make it easier to care for when growing healthy vegetables homemade design from plastic bottles for drip irrigation of cucumbers, which you can make yourself.

Drip irrigation - organizing timely watering of plants using storage tanks and water. Simple, effective method moisture supply directly to each sprout. Water easily passes through the top layer of soil, filling the roots with life-giving moisture.

Experienced gardeners know firsthand that good harvest depends on the quantity and quality of timely irrigation. Cucumbers require warm water in large volumes. Drip irrigation will be an excellent help throughout the entire vegetable ripening season.

Water consumption for growing cucumbers is on average 5 liters per 1 m2.

Drip irrigation from bottles is much cheaper than a ready-made system

Overwatering threatens the development of fungal diseases. The drip system is an alternative solution. Specialty stores sell a variety of prefabricated irrigation systems. They take time to install. Not everyone likes the pricing policy.

Install drip irrigation yourself using plastic bottles - a solution that does not require financial costs. Using available materials, it is easy to make such a system for anyone.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bottle watering system

All the pros and cons collected by gardeners will help you make sure of the need for such an installation on your site.

First, about the advantages of the bottle system:

  • tangible saving water(a watering can or hose is used more);
  • autonomous operation systems (you can safely leave the garden bed unattended for several days);
  • versatility: the possibility of application does not depend on the type of soil, method of growing vegetables (greenhouse, vegetable garden);
  • availability of material;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • targeted targeted moisture ingress;
  • absence of hardened earthen crust around the plant;
  • reducing the need to loosen the soil around the bush;
  • slow evaporation of moisture (only on hot days will you have to monitor the condition of the plants: do they need additional watering);
  • saving money;
  • facilitating human labor;
  • the top layer of soil is not washed away;
  • roots get warm liquid(has time to warm up under the rays of the sun);
  • simplification of application of fertilizing (only to seedlings).

Drip irrigation saves the amount of liquid and allows it to flow directly to the roots

Weeds rarely germinate in such an area.

A homemade drain system often gets clogged. To prevent such a situation, old nylon tights - best option creating drainage. The material does not rot in the ground and has excellent throughput.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages:

  • frequent clogging of holes;
  • the impossibility of using such a system on a large plot: a lot of containers will be required, the garden does not look aesthetically pleasing;
  • limited volume liquids;
  • difficult to use on heavy soils (bottles often become unusable when they become clogged);
  • on hot days, plants receive little moisture from such a supply.

For cucumbers and tomatoes, drip irrigation using bottles will not replace a full-fledged one: Depending on the weather, the sprouts will need additional moisture.

Description of drip irrigation of cucumbers and tomatoes

Such a life support system for vegetables is entirely justified. With its help it is easier to achieve a good harvest of cucumbers or tomatoes. There are many ways to install such a structure. Let's look at some of them.

Lid up

A universal option. Common among summer residents. Suitable for greenhouse and open area.

Bottle system with cap up

Craft diagram:

  1. Measure 3 cm from the bottom. With an awl, a gypsy needle (whatever is in the house) pierce holes lengthwise to the point where the narrowing begins. The number of holes depends on the type of soil and container volume. On average - 10.
  2. Make a hole near the bush so that the dishes fit up to the neck (the conical tapering part should protrude above the ground).
  3. Wrap the bottle in cloth, place it in the hole, fill it with water, and close it with its original cap.

When empty, plastic containers may shrink under soil pressure. This can be avoided by simply piercing the lid and replenishing the liquid in a timely manner.

Lid down

Cut off the bottom completely. Screw the lid all the way, pierce it in a circle. Bury the dishes near the stem without damaging the roots. Wrap with gauze to protect from debris.

Root watering

Choose small flasks - 1.5 liters. Pierce the lid with a hot needle. Place nylon fabric between the lid and neck and screw tightly. If planned this system in advance, first dig the bottle halfway into the ground with the cut bottom up. Pour in the seeds and fill the container.

Special nozzles for root watering

The seedlings are planted - no problem. The flask can be placed at a slight angle by pushing the neck closer to the roots. Cut the bottom accordingly as well, maintaining a certain angle (more liquid can fit in).

A more expensive option is to screw the lids instead special nozzles(sold in garden centers). It is convenient to stick them near the root. The downside is that a strong wind can overturn such a structure.

Another method of root moisturizing requires cocktail straws, juice. Place the container between two stems. The required length to the root is measured from it. One end of the tube goes inside the container. A plug is placed on the other. A tube is pierced from the bottom of the seedlings so that the liquid flows to the desired place.


For a small bed of cucumbers, a hanging option is suitable. Make a frame of timber and wire along the row. Puncture bottles through hole on both sides. Thread the twine. Screw to the wire above the seedlings. Pierce the bottom.

Uniform moisture supply adjust required quantity punctures. Make sure that drops do not fall on the leaves. Otherwise, a burn is guaranteed.

Diagram of a suspended irrigation system

How to organize a system of plastic bottles in a country house or greenhouse

For a summer residence, larger containers should be selected. This will allow you to leave the area for longer, without fear that the bushes will die.

The experience of summer residents shows that liter bottle feeds cucumbers and tomatoes 5 days, three-liter - , 6 - .

Provided that there is accurate knowledge of the predominant type of soil. From it the calculated number of holes is calculated and the size of the container is selected. All that remains is to choose the appropriate option for installing drip irrigation. Prepare tools, materials, dishes. Take the time, install and enjoy the work done.

There are no boundaries for perfection. Having set aside a day to install such a structure, you can actually come up with your own version and you won’t have to water the plantings with your hands. The garden will thank you for your efforts with a generous harvest.

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop; without timely watering, you won’t get a good harvest. The fruits, even if they are born, will be bitter and tasteless; what can you do if you are constantly unable to stay at your summer cottage? Do-it-yourself drip irrigation of cucumbers using plastic bottles is a good solution to the problem, both for a greenhouse and in open ground. In dry summers, it is a real salvation for summer residents if there is no time to visit the garden regularly.

Watering cucumbers using bottles is very convenient

What is the advantage

Drip irrigation using plastic bottles has a number of advantages:

  • the material is available, organizing the system costs practically nothing;
  • the procedure is so simple that anyone can do the task with their own hands;
  • significant savings not only in money, but in effort and time, because filling bottles with water is not difficult;
  • you can safely leave the site for the city without worrying that the soil in the greenhouse will dry out and the seedlings will die;
  • the plant receives moisture directly to the roots;
  • water flows evenly and in doses, the roots are not washed away by a strong stream of water;
  • Drip irrigation in a greenhouse is especially good: thanks to this method, the surface of the earth remains dry, which does not allow weed seeds to germinate, it does not become compacted, if it is covered with a layer of mulch, then there is no need to loosen it;
  • there is also less evaporation, this prevents dampness and diseases from developing in the greenhouse;
  • when there is no central water supply at the site, this significantly saves water resources;
  • if used tap water, meters are installed in the house, this will have a slight effect on payments;
  • the liquid in the bottles warms up, which is important for the growth of cucumbers; cold water causes stress and illness;
  • The system is easy to install, replacing damaged containers is simple.

The intensity of watering can be adjusted by making additional holes in the lid

Are there any disadvantages

Despite the positive qualities of the method, it also has disadvantages:

  • on a large area in the open ground, it is difficult to organize such a system with your own hands, and it is also impractical;
  • this type of moistening is more suitable for temporarily maintaining the required soil moisture in a greenhouse and in open ground while the owner of the beds is absent, but it cannot replace high-quality, full-fledged watering;
  • When used on heavy soils with a lot of clay, the holes often become clogged.

Types of watering from plastic bottles

Although the advantages of this type of irrigation are obvious, it is worth considering its capabilities in more detail, choosing the method that is most suitable for the situation, It should be taken into account what is acceptable for greenhouse conditions, what is better suited for open ground. Plastic containers can be:

  • dig into the ground to a shallow depth;
  • install close to bushes with cucumbers;
  • secure to suspended structures.

Types of drip irrigation with bottles: hanging, in-dig, standing, with a canister dispenser, a bottle dispenser and a tube dispenser

This type is suitable for open ground and greenhouses at the same time. To make a miniature irrigation system from a bottle with your own hands, you need:

  • Measuring 3 cm from the bottom of the bottle, using a needle heated until red, or a thin nail, holes are pierced with an awl.
  • They are arranged in 3-4 rows, they can be placed in checkerboard pattern. You will have to determine how many punctures to make yourself; it depends on the type of soil: the denser it is, the more holes there are, but the exact number is determined over time. If the ground is too damp, the bottle is replaced with another one with fewer punctures.
  • Bottles are buried upside down between cucumber bushes.
  • It is allowed not to put on the cap, if you want to leave it, you need to make a hole in it, otherwise, after the bottle is empty, it will shrink and lose its shape.

Bottles are dug between cucumber bushes

The second method resembles the previous one, but in this situation the bottom is removed:

  • Holes are made at the top of the container, close to the neck,
  • There is no need to make punctures; foam rubber is tightly inserted into the neck of the bottle; this option is acceptable for very heavy loams; in sandy open soils, liquid will leak out almost instantly
  • Screw the cap on and drop the bottle upside down.
  • To prevent rapid evaporation of moisture, the cut bottom can be placed on top; it is more convenient to simply turn it over. Some advise not to cut it off completely, but to pour water, bending it a little.

If it is not possible to appear on the site often, during periods of long absence five liter plastic bottles are used:

  • holes are pierced in them on one side over the entire area of ​​the container;
  • a hole is cut in the wall on the opposite side, large enough to make it convenient to pour water;
  • The bottle is instilled in a lying position, with small holes down.

In this case, the period of self-watering will extend for several more days.

Five-liter bottles will provide cucumbers with water for several days

There is another option when the bottles are not placed in the soil, but suspended above the plant. The method is good for greenhouses:

  • the soil near the roots is not washed away;
  • the water in the container warms up well;
  • optimal humidity is created.

Here holes are made in the lid itself or near the neck; you don’t have to make them at all; you just need to adjust the cap so that water flows out on its own in a small amount. After filling the container with water, hang it upside down. Watering will occur independently.

But this method is more complicated due to the installation of supports with your own hands, and water sometimes gets on the leaves, which is undesirable. This can lead to burns in sunny weather. To avoid this, containers are hung close to the ground.

In open ground, the bottles can simply be laid out on the beds, after first making holes.

The irrigation structure can be made suspended

Secrets of watering preparation

The main secrets of preparing irrigation include:

  • Ordinary plastic bottles are suitable for watering directly into the ground, but it is important to organize the preparation process with your own hands correctly; for this you should know a few secrets:
  • For drip irrigation of cucumbers, two-liter bottles are best suited; sometimes you can use 5-liter containers.
  • The punctures in the plastic must be made very small, the size should not exceed 1, maximum 1.5 mm, otherwise the water will drain out too quickly.
  • To prevent soil from getting into the bottles, they can be wrapped non-woven material, burlap or use unnecessary stockings.
  • How much plastic container is needed for high-quality irrigation depends on the number of plants. Ideally, take a bottle for each bush; if there is little space, 1 container for 3 or 4 bushes is enough for cucumbers.
  • The frequency of site visits should also be taken into account. weather, soil features. In open ground, at the beginning of the growing season, 3 or 4 liters of liquid per week is sufficient for the bush; as soon as flowers appear and the first cucumbers begin to form, the norm increases to 6 liters. If the weather is hot, sometimes 12 liters are required at intervals of 3 days. During rain or cold weather, the standards are reduced. In a greenhouse, the evaporation process is more intense, so slightly more water is required.
  • Best time to install the system, the moment when the seeds are planted, then the roots will definitely not be damaged.
  • The containers are located at a distance of about 15 cm from the bush; the depth of its embedding should not exceed 10, maximum 15 cm. It should not be too deep; cucumbers have roots located close to the surface. The bottle can be placed straight, some use a slight tilt of 35-40 degrees.

Plastic bottles for drip irrigation are a good alternative for a gardener; they greatly facilitate his work and help preserve the soil near the roots.

The DIY drip irrigation method is not only suitable for cucumbers; it can be used for eggplants, tomatoes, shrubs and flowers.

If you try, you can make an automatic watering system from bottles and organize a shower for plants.

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If you have several greenhouses at your summer cottage in which cucumbers, tomatoes and others are grown vegetable crops, then you know exactly how much time and effort it takes to care for them. What to do if work and other matters do not allow you to be at the dacha every 2-3 days? How to ensure watering of vegetables in a greenhouse, prevent them from drying out and get a rich harvest? The solution to this problem is a drip irrigation system.

Such a system not only saves time and eliminates the need to visit personal plot every two days, but also provides other benefits. And for those who want to learn more about the benefits of drip irrigation and how to do it themselves, this article has been created.

DIY drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Drip irrigation - what is it?

Drip irrigation refers to a special crop irrigation system in which moisture drops into the ground to the roots of plants grown in a greenhouse. You can organize drip irrigation in the following ways.

DIY watering system

In our case we will consider last option, as the simplest and most inexpensive to manufacture. The creation of such a system will be described in more detail below, but now we will consider the general advantages of all drip irrigation systems.

  1. Saving water. Compared to a conventional hose or watering can, drip irrigation systems use significantly less liquid with equal or even higher irrigation efficiency.
  2. Reasonable moisture distribution. By overdoing it with watering the plants with a hose, a summer resident can turn the soil in a greenhouse into a marshy swamp. With drip irrigation this is not possible.
  3. Save time. Any drip irrigation systems - both connected to the water supply and autonomous - require less maintenance time compared to traditional methods glaze.
  4. By delivering water directly to the roots of plants, they growth accelerates, and with such a system the harvest in the greenhouse can be obtained faster. In addition, the roots of vegetables and other crops are not washed away.
  5. The ground remains mostly dry, air humidity in the greenhouse remains normal. As a result, the likelihood of weeds appearing and diseases developing in plants is reduced.
  6. Depletion rate reduction and soil erosion.

Wetting area for drip irrigation on different soils

Advantages and disadvantages of bottled drip irrigation

The structure of such a system is as follows: a plastic bottle with small diameter holes is dug in near each individual plant in the greenhouse. The bottle is filled with water, which seeps through small holes and nourishes the roots of the plants.

Organization of drip irrigation of tomatoes using plastic bottles

Important! Sometimes the bottles are not dug into the ground, but are suspended under the roof of the greenhouse near each individual plant. In such cases, it is important to ensure that most of the moisture does not fall on the leaves, but on the ground, directly at the roots.

The individual advantages of drip irrigation are discussed above, but what are the advantages of the scheme using bottles? They are as follows.

  1. Cheapness. In fact, the system using plastic bottles is free - the main material for arranging drip irrigation can be found at home or purchased at a nominal price.
  2. Easy to create. Setting up drip irrigation from plastic bottles does not require any technical knowledge or special skills from you; absolutely anyone can do it.
  3. Simplifying the care of seedlings and plants in greenhouses– with such an irrigation scheme, there is no need to frequently visit the garden plot. Now you can go on trips for work and other needs, without worrying about the condition of the future harvest.
  4. With bottles buried in the ground water will not get on leaves or flowers, which means the problem with sunburn of plants is solved.
  5. Autonomy– unlike other drip irrigation systems, which require a water supply and more or less constant pressure in it, drip irrigation from bottles only requires water itself.
  6. Available for vegetables, fruits and flowers water has the same temperature as air in a greenhouse, which has a positive effect on the condition and yield of some crops.
  7. Easy to repair or dismantle. If for some reason one of the elements of the system fails, then it is very easy to replace it - the bottle is dug out, and a new one is dug in in its place.

Methods for arranging drip irrigation from plastic bottles and other containers

But the system also has its drawbacks. The disadvantages of drip irrigation using bottles are presented below.

  1. The difficulty of creating such a system over a large area. Therefore, if you have many greenhouses, then it makes sense to think about another, more advanced method of drip irrigation.
  2. There is a possibility of bottle openings becoming clogged, especially when used on soils containing a large number of clay.
  3. Due to its primitiveness, such a system is not capable of completely replacing irrigation, so sometimes it will be necessary not only to add water to bottles, but also to supplement drip irrigation with the same watering can. For complete watering that requires a minimum of effort from you, it is preferable to use specialized drip tapes and dropper dispensers connected to the water supply.

Example of a simple drip irrigation system

Required materials and tools

To set up drip irrigation using ordinary plastic bottles, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • plastic bottles;
  • a piece of cotton fabric or old nylon stockings;
  • shovel for digging holes for bottles;
  • ruler for measurements;
  • sharp nail, thick needle or awl;
  • a lighter, a fire or another source of open fire on which a nail or needle can be heated.

Before you start arranging watering, you need to figure out what size bottles are suitable for the plants in your greenhouse. The choice depends on the crop being grown - some require more moisture, others, on the contrary, less. Also, consider the weather in your area - the higher the temperature, the more water you will need. And, of course, the volume of containers depends on how often you are willing to visit the dacha.

Plastic bottle for drip irrigation

Important! Please note that the temperature inside the greenhouse is higher than outside. And plants will need more water. The increased moisture consumption is compensated by faster ripening and, subject to the cultivation technology, a bountiful harvest.

Table. How long does a bottle of a certain size last for one plant?

0,5 2
1 4
1,5 5-6
2 7-8
5 12-16

Plastic bottles

As you can see, it is not advisable to use small-volume containers - bottles with a volume of 0.5 to 1 liter will require frequent “refilling”, which will force you to visit your garden plot as often as before.

The best option is a container with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, when using which you can come to the dacha once a week to “refuel” the containers, additional watering and perform other work that the plants in the greenhouse require. If the crop being grown requires a lot of water, then you should give preference large bottles volume of 5 liters. But keep in mind that a five-liter plastic container takes up a lot of space and a hole for it must be prepared of the appropriate size.

Some summer residents may have a question: “Why do you need fabric for drip irrigation? Are there not enough bottles with holes? The problem is that these holes can become clogged and clogged with soil over time. To prevent this, from the outside (and sometimes from the inside) that part of the bottle where the holes are located should be wrapped in an old nylon stocking or a piece of cotton fabric. Water will seep through it, but the soil will not get inside.

Cleaning a polycarbonate greenhouse in the fall

Here you will find everything you need to know about cleaning a polycarbonate greenhouse in the fall! We also recommend reading our other article about preparing soil in a greenhouse for tomatoes in the fall.

Another issue that requires consideration is how many holes and what diameter should be made. Their number should depend on the properties of the soil - the worse it absorbs moisture, the more holes will be required. So, if you bury a bottle in a hole with its neck down, then for sandy soils 2-3 holes are enough, and for clay ones - 4-5.

Relationship between hole size and watering amount

Advice! If clay soil does not absorb water well, the holes in the bottle cap can be replaced with a piece of foam rubber, which is used to plug the neck.

Holes in the bottle or cap are punched using a nail or needle heated on a stove/lighter. The optimal diameter is from 0.5 to 1 mm. Figures of 1.5-2 mm are the maximum permissible; with larger values, water will be consumed too quickly.

As for the ratio of bottles and plants in the greenhouse, then ideal option will be 1:1 - one plant per container. If there is not enough space or the crop does not require a lot of moisture, then you can use one bottle (preferably 2 or 5 liters) for 2, 3 or even 4 plants. But, accordingly, more holes will need to be made in the container.

Important! It is best to install a drip irrigation system from bottles at the time of planting seeds or seedlings in the soil of the greenhouse, so that when digging a hole you do not damage the root system of the crop.

Method number 1 - Dig into the ground

In total, there are four ways to arrange drip irrigation using plastic bottles. The most common of them is burying it in the hole upside down. It looks like this step by step:

The bottle is buried in a hole, bottom down.

Step 1. Near each plant separately or between two adjacent ones, a hole is dug with a depth of 10-15 cm and a diameter equal to the diameter of the bottle.

Step 2. Using a ruler, measure 3-4 cm upward from the bottom of the bottle.

Step 3. Using a hot nail or needle, holes are made from this point in the bottle in 2-4 rows in a checkerboard pattern. The number of holes depends on the density of the soil, but on average it is about 10-15 pieces.

Step 4. The container is wrapped with fabric or nylon so that all holes are closed. This is necessary to protect the holes from being clogged with earth.

Step 5. The bottle is inserted into the hole bottom down.

Step 6. To prevent debris or soil from getting into the water from above, cover the neck with a piece of gauze or nylon.

How to arrange drip irrigation through bottles

Important! If you do not want water to evaporate from the container into the air, put a lid on the neck, but make at least one hole on it (the lid), otherwise the bottle will shrink when empty.

Method number 2 - Stick it in the ground with the neck down

The second method differs in that the bottle is inserted into the hole the other way around, bottom up. Accordingly, the holes are made either in the neck or in the lid. It looks like this.

Step 1. A hole is prepared with a shovel near the plant in the greenhouse. The diameter remains the same as in the first method, but the depth of the hole is much smaller - the height of the neck of the container.

First you need to dig a hole

Step 2. Several small holes are made in the neck or lid itself using a hot nail. Their number depends on how dense the soil is and how well it absorbs moisture - the better, the fewer holes there should be, and vice versa.

Step 3. Measure 4-6 cm from the bottom and cut off the bottom of the bottle using stationery knife or regular scissors. If you do not want debris to get into the container from above or moisture to evaporate from it too quickly, the bottom should not be completely cut off, and then bent to the side, like the lid of a tin can.

Step 4. The part of the container where the holes are located is wrapped with cloth. If desired, the fabric can be placed inside the bottle itself.

You need to put a mesh cloth inside the bottle so that it does not become clogged with debris.

Step 5. The neck of the bottle is buried in the hole. If desired, the container can be buried at an angle of 45 degrees towards the root system.

Compared to the first method, digging a hole for a similar design of an irrigation system is a little easier, but in this case the water is not delivered to the entire root system of the plant, but only to the lower part. The choice of the more preferable option is up to you.

Method number 3 – Hang over plants

If you do not want to expose the root system of greenhouse crops, then the drip irrigation system can be placed not next to the plants, but above them. In addition, with this method, the soil around the roots is not washed away.

Step 1. A series of holes are made in the bottom of the bottle, as for the second method. And in the same way, part of the bottom is cut off from the container with scissors.

Step 2. Using a needle or nail, a couple more holes are made in the bottom of the bottle for wire or twine, on which the container will be hung in the greenhouse.

Step 3. The bottle is secured in such a way that the distance from the neck to the ground is from 35 cm to 50 cm.

Watering plants from a hanging bottle

Try to position the bottle so that most of the drops land on the ground near the stem, rather than on the leaves. This way, more water will reach the roots, and the likelihood of sunburn of the leaves will be significantly less.

Method number 4 - Using special attachments

The last method of creating a drip irrigation system will require you to spend a little more money, but at the same time it will save you from digging holes and working with nails and bottles. At your local garden supply store, you can purchase special dispenser attachments that can be screwed onto bottles (except five-liter bottles) instead of regular caps.

Watering cone on a plastic bottle

The container with such a nozzle is turned upside down and inserted into the ground at some distance from the plant stem.

An example of using a nozzle for drip watering indoor plants

This method is especially convenient when working with small crops or flowers.

Another variation of drip irrigation: only one hole is punched in the bottle, and a ballpoint pen is inserted into it. The writing tip is first removed, and the remaining ink is washed out with alcohol. The rod is directed to the area to be watered and fixed with garden varnish or simply plasticine.

Irrigation from below using a 2-liter plastic bottle

The original option is drip irrigation using droppers

As you can see, setting up a drip irrigation system from bottles in a greenhouse will not require much time and effort, and the results of the work will save you from a lot of hassle in caring for greenhouse plants.

Video - DIY drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Cucumbers are tasty and healthy vegetables that delight the gardener with crispy fruits from the very beginning of summer until almost autumn. They are great at fresh and in summer salads. And how nice it is to take a crispy cucumber out of a jar in winter! However, to get a good harvest, you need to grow your plants correctly. Cucumbers are very heat-loving; these guests from hot countries cannot tolerate cold nights and prolonged drops in air temperature. However, the lack of moisture is even worse for them. That is why today we are considering watering cucumbers in open ground, its features and variety of options. Indeed, gardeners have come up with a lot of ways to optimize watering and get excellent harvest even from a small garden bed.

The main difficulties associated with watering

Watering cucumbers must comply with a number of rules. First of all, you need to remember that this is a heat-loving vine that requires optimal humidity. But not every watering will be to the liking of cucumbers. Cold, hard tap water is not to their taste at all. It is especially harmful for them if additional water gets on the leaves, as happens with regular watering from a hose. This slows down plant growth and also provokes the emergence and development of powdery mildew. The fight against this disease is so difficult that most often it ends in defeat for the gardener or a severe decrease in yield. This means that in open ground it must be carried out in accordance with certain agrotechnical requirements. This is the only way to guarantee a good harvest. In addition, only a sufficient amount of moisture allows you to obtain good quality fruits.

Approximate irrigation scheme

Watering cucumbers in open ground depends on the period of plant growth and development. At the very beginning of the growing season, even before flowering begins, watering should be moderate, approximately 5-7 liters per square meter. It is produced every five days, depending on the air temperature. If you see that the soil is very dry, you need to water more often. During flowering and fruiting, plants require much more moisture. So in open ground it is necessary almost every day, you will have to plan more time for trips to your summer cottage during this period. In hot weather, you will need to water daily at the rate of 6-12 liters per square meter.

It is precisely because of the lack of moisture that the greens become bitter, which greatly reduces their nutritional value. You can only water them warm water, a heat-loving liana does not tolerate cold water. Its temperature should be no lower than 25 degrees. The best time to produce proper watering cucumbers in the open ground - it's evening.

By the end of summer, the frequency of watering is reduced, this is due to the fact that the soil cools down greatly at night, and excess water in cold soil contributes to the development of root rot.

Preparing water for irrigation

Since it is necessary to water cucumbers in open ground every day, you need to make sure that there are large containers on the site, which are filled with water from a hose in the evening. During the day it will warm up, excess chlorine will evaporate, and by evening the water will be ready. Rainwater is great for watering plants, but it is difficult to collect in sufficient quantities, and the amount of rainfall depends on the region in which you live. However, prepare a barrel under the roof drain, you will have water for irrigation periodically. The water from the well is quite soft, but very cold, so it needs to be allowed to warm up thoroughly. If you have your own well, then you need to remember that such water is very hard, it contains impurities and salts. To soften it, you will need a little vinegar or citric acid.

Features of the root system

Cucumber belongs to the pumpkin genus and has a characteristic strong root system, which is located mainly in the top layer of soil. However, unlike close relatives, it is significantly inferior to them in size. Only 1.5% of the total mass of the plant falls on the root system. It is shallow-rooted and is located near the very surface of the earth, at a depth of only 20-30 cm. That is why it is important to know how to properly water cucumbers in open ground. Strong water pressure, like the rake you use to loosen the soil, can damage small roots. To restore the damaged part of the root, the plant will need up to 10 days, which means it will not bear fruit until the restoration process is completed. Thus, it is better to use a watering can so that watering occurs as naturally and painlessly as possible for the plant.


This is especially important for summer residents whose garden plot located far away. How often to water cucumbers in open ground is a question that is relevant for many. At the same time, there are the most different opinions. Some people think that it is necessary to water every day, others prefer to maintain a certain regime. If you follow the recommendations of leading agricultural technicians, then you need to water abundantly, once every few days. This watering regime allows the soil to be well saturated with moisture, which means that the plants will not suffer from thirst. This goes against indoor floriculture, which recommends rare and not particularly abundant watering. However, today we are trying to establish how to properly water cucumbers in open ground, which means we need to take into account the specifics of these conditions. Light watering is good for pots, but outdoors will lead to thick crusts. In this case, it is better not to use loosening so as not to injure the roots. It would be much better to water abundantly, immediately for 2 days, and mulch.

Watering should be done in the morning or evening, but not during the day. It is not always possible to water at the root, and droplets of water on the leaves turn into small lenses that will lead to serious burns.

Watering in open ground

Not everyone uses it seedling method growing this crop, sometimes it is much simpler and easier to plant the seeds directly in the garden bed. Early ripening varieties grow well, and the gardener saves himself from replanting plants. In this case, it is recommended to water the ground well and dig a hole, plant the seeds and cover it with glass or film. This eliminates the need for watering, since a sufficient level of humidity is maintained in the mini-greenhouse.

After the seedlings become large enough for their greenhouse, the covering material is removed, after acclimatizing the plants. Now you need to transfer the seedlings to watering once every 5-7 days, carefully filling the hole with warm water.

Watering cucumbers after planting in open ground

However, another method is most common. Seedlings are grown in pots and then planted in open ground. Now the young cucumbers need to get used to the new conditions, so they may get a little sick. It is not recommended to water during this period. When transplanting seedlings into the ground, the bed is well-watered, which means it can maintain a normal level of humidity for a week.

After about a week, you can begin to water regularly. Do not forget that cold water is destructive for these plants and throws them back several steps in development. Depending on weather and climatic conditions, you yourself will determine how often to water cucumbers in open ground, but it is advisable to take breaks in watering for one or two days.

Common methods of watering cucumbers

When your seedlings have just sprouted, it is very useful to give them rain. Moreover, while she is in favorable conditions and is not affected by direct sun rays. As cucumbers grow older, this method of watering becomes less and less suitable. Once planted in open ground, you should completely forget about it. The first method is trickle watering. To do this, water is drawn into a watering can without a “shower”, then the entire soil is slowly spilled. At the same time, try to tilt the spout closer to the ground so that the soil does not wash away. This is how cucumbers are usually watered in open ground. How often to repeat this procedure will depend on the characteristics of the soil and air temperature.

The second method is more economical in terms of time spent. To do this, grooves are made in advance in the beds, between the rows. There is no need to make them too deep; 5-8 cm is enough. Your task is to fill them with water using a watering can, and then, when the moisture is absorbed, cover them with soil and loosen them well. The busier you are, the more suitable this type of watering of cucumbers in open ground is. How often it needs to be done is also an individual question, but with an average air temperature of +28 and well-watered grooves, the bed will last up to a week without watering.

Drip irrigation

This is the most revolutionary method of watering, which requires some investment or willingness from the gardener to work with my own hands. Drip irrigation of cucumbers in open ground is not so difficult to organize. To do this, it is enough to purchase necessary equipment and put together a simple circuit. You will need a large, elevated tank to fill with water. When heated in the sun, it becomes ideal for watering. It is necessary to connect a thick-walled hose with a number of holes in it. This is the simplest option, but in this case the water will flow out of the tank very quickly. Therefore, each hole is equipped with a special tap, which is adjusted to dripping. This type of watering allows you to fully automate watering and make it as comfortable as possible for plants.

Watering with plastic bottles

However, drip irrigation is a rather complex and expensive option; the gardener does not always have such resources. Therefore, a cheaper and simpler option was invented. This is watering cucumbers in open ground with plastic bottles. To do this, a two-liter plastic bottle is dug in near each bush, the top is cut off, and holes are made in the cap. After the bottle is dug in, it fills with water and gradually begins to release it directly to the root system of the plant. You no longer need to worry about the roots being washed away during watering or a crust forming on the surface of the earth. You fill the bottles with warm water and the job is done, the water will gradually seep straight to the roots of the plants.

Instead of a conclusion

Watering cucumbers is quite creative. Everyone can come up with their own ways to make their own work easier and provide themselves with a decent harvest of crispy fruits. For cucumbers, humidity level is one of the most important factors for growth and development, so be sure to follow the advice of professionals. There is nothing complicated about them, but by doing them, you get an excellent harvest.