How to choose the right lumber. How to choose wood for building a house: which species is better to choose How to choose lumber

In a dacha farm, something always needs to be built, attached, repaired, or you just need a board. This means that lumber should be on hand. We will talk about how to choose them correctly. And so that my advice does not look like just a list of wood defects, I will give an example from life.

Board to board discord

When my good friend, summer resident Alexander Rykov, and I arrived at the timber trading base, the seller, having learned what kind of boards we needed, brought us to a small package of boards and began to praise the product:

Just look at these wonderful boards,” he cried, “one to one, it couldn’t be better.” Just for you! Drive the car, we'll load it in a moment!

Probably fascinated by such convincing eloquence, my companion reached into his pocket for money to pay, but I stopped him:

Wait, Sasha. The boards above are truly excellent, but let's take a look at what's inside this package just in case.

“You’ll ruin the boards, and then I’ll have to put them together again,” the seller said displeasedly.

“We will definitely buy boards,” I assured him. - But first we want to make sure that everything is as you tell us.

For some reason the seller shook his head reproachfully, but said nothing. And we, without hesitation, began to inspect the package.

So what?.. Of the sixty boards, nine were not what were declared. Among them were unedged boards, boards with wane (wane is the edge of a board, partially or completely left unsawed (with bark); boards with rotten places. And even slabs! I knew that slabs at sawmills are often simply burned.

It is clear that, having hidden non-standard, and therefore much cheaper, boards among the standard boards, the seller undoubtedly counted on the fact that, having actually bought a “pig in a poke,” we, like many others, would curse when we discovered defective boards at home, but Of course, we won’t take them back to the timber trading base. Like, is it necessary to make a fuss over several boards? And even with an unpredictable result? Because it’s good if everything works out quietly and peacefully. But it is not at all impossible that the seller, in response to the claims, will put on an innocent face and say that they have never had anything like this. And what, they say, how does he know that you haven’t replaced the boards? And quite reasonably he will advise: “You should have looked right away. And after a fight they don’t wave their fists.” And he will be right.

Therefore, I am sure: most summer residents would not get involved with deceivers of this kind. However, in our case the seller miscalculated...

Do you have a conscience if you sell defective boards at the price of high-quality boards? - I asked the seller, pointing to the obviously substandard boards.

These words contain the whole essence of modern trade: to deceive the buyer in any way. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble when choosing lumber, you need to arm yourself with knowledge. What I suggest you do...

Of course, Rykov and I bought the boards. But at our insistent request, the seller, although very reluctantly, nevertheless replaced not only the defective boards, but also those that seemed suspicious to us.

This is the first time I’ve met such corrosive clients,” he complained and, after hesitating, concluded: “It’s good that not everyone is like that.”

How to choose round timber at a sawmill

Having purchased logs from a forestry department or from a private trader, be sure to carefully inspect them before using them in business. Always remember that by putting logs with defects into a log house or using them for another purpose, you will inevitably create problems for yourself in the future. After all, such logs will last much less time than others, and therefore they need to be replaced. And this is not even very simple work. So, let's check...

First, tap each log with the butt of an ax. Healthy wood will respond with a booming sound, while wood damaged by insects or rot will produce a dull sound.

Then take care of the cut areas. One of the most common defects in logs is cracks. They are divided into metic, peeling and shrinkage cracks.

Metik (Figure 1) are radially directed internal cracks extending from the core. Such cracks are long in length, appear in a growing tree and increase in felled wood as it dries. Methic cracks in logs occur only at the ends.

Peeling cracks(Figure 2) pass between the annual rings and, as a rule, have a large extent. These cracks, like methic cracks, appear in growing wood and enlarge in cut wood as it dries.

Shrinkage cracks(Figure 3) are radially directed cracks that appear in felled wood under the influence of internal forces during the process of drying. All types of cracks, especially through ones, greatly damage the integrity of timber, and often reduce their mechanical strength.

Hence the conclusion - do not store logs (there is no need to talk about boards: this goes without saying) under open air. It is easy to understand that in this case the logs are exposed to precipitation - the wood is saturated with moisture and then dries out. Moreover, the logs dry out differently in different directions, and therefore cracks form. A similar phenomenon often occurs in logging and sawmills. Another fairly common defect in logs is list(Figure 4). The heel can be seen at the ends in the form of arched, less often ring-shaped sections of dark-colored wood. Heel increases shrinkage along the fibers, thereby causing cracking and warping.

When choosing logs, you should also take into account such an important circumstance as damage to them by insects. They damage mainly unrooted, freshly cut trees. Some of them make passages only in the bark (Figure 5), while many others go deeper into the wood (Figure 6). Both deep and superficial wormholes damage the integrity of wood and significantly reduce its strength and durability.

There are several other defects of timber, but when using logs in dacha farming they are not significant, so it is not necessary to know them.

Rice. 7
1. Croaker.
2. Plate.
3. Quarter.
4. Double-edged timber.
5. Four-edged beam – a) Wane.
6. Clean timber.
7. Semi-edged board – a) Wane.
8. Edged board.

If you need lumber

I will not list all types of materials (Figure 7), but will only talk about those that are mainly used by summer residents.

Naturally, the most popular material is boards. This is where, when purchasing them, you should, as popular wisdom advises, “keep your eyes open.” You can easily miss here.

(End to follow)

Alexander Nosov, shabashnik with many years of experience

On modern market lumber today you can find products of very different quality and purpose. Not all wood products are suitable for building houses and decorating premises. To choose the right lumber for construction or household needs, it is necessary to take into account the type of wood, its grade and processing method.


  1. Ask the trading company about the type of lumber. This characteristic has the greatest impact on the quality of raw materials and their cost. Wood of the first and second grades is well suited for the construction of structures that bear the main load, and for the finishing of premises. Grades three and four indicate that the lumber has not undergone strict processing standards. They can only be used for household needs.
  2. Check product sizing existing standards and typical values. To do this, it is more convenient to follow standard tables, which indicate the main dimensions of the most common types of lumber. For example, typical dimensions of timber are 100x100, 150x150 and 200x200 mm with a six-meter length. Their standard sizes It also has an edged board. Deviations in values ​​should not exceed established standards.
  3. Pay attention to the moisture level of the wood. As a rule, there are two categories of lumber. Wood can have natural moisture, and can also be dried (artificially or naturally). Dried wood is more suitable for construction work. Use the visual assessment method. If boards or timber have been left in the open air for a long time, the wood will have more dark shade.
  4. Compare materials by weight. Products with high natural humidity are significantly heavier than those that have been dried. Lumber that has not been dried should not be used for the construction of permanent structures, since over time they will deform and crack.
  5. Consider the price of lumber. High-quality processed and dried products according to standards cost approximately one and a half to two times more expensive when compared with wood natural humidity. Dried lumber in commercial establishments is usually stored in stacks, sealed in sealed packaging, and not in open form.

In turn, the strength and longevity of the future construction depends on the quality of the pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alov. That's why it's very important to re-notice and reject the wrong ma-te-ri-al.

Lumber should be made from coniferous wood: pine, spruce, fir, larch and cedar.

Ob-rez-noy pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al- this is a pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al having a rectangular cross-section with a possible start-up of ash-la (ob-zol - de -effect when ras-pi-lov-ki tree-vi-si-ny, drying along the edge of the board, for example, ko-ra de-re-va) , if he does not exceed the given norm-ma-ti-va-mi values.

The same group exists non-re-cut pi-lo-ma-te-ri-als, some of whose edges may have non-opi-le-ny, or o-opi-le-ny partly. Occasionally, a child is cut about a pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al with poorly sawn-off edges, this speaks of the fact that the enterprise is trying to get to the full extent - profit due to the eco-no-mia of the tree-vi-si-ny, trying to get out of the non-ob-ra-bo-tan-no-go ma-te-ri-ala on-re- produce as much production as possible.

It’s necessary to understand that such a pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al about-la-da-et is not very good-for-that-la- We and it is better to use it for the purpose of rasing ma-te-ri-ala in the construction of an object. For internal and external purposes, pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alas must look ideal.

Classification of lumber

The main types of pi-lo-ma-te-ri-als:

1. Pi-lo-voch-nick(round-lyak) - round forest, log.

2. La fet- a log, passed once on a pi-lo-ram and having flatness on both sides. “By the way” the product of the lu-che-niya la-fe-tov appears:

  • bad luck
  • uncut board

3. Ob-rez-noy ma-te-ri-al(when all the four-hundred-of-ones are about-pi-le-ny). Po-lu-cha-et-sya pu-them ras-pi-lov-ki la-fe-ta. Dedicated to:

  • beam,
  • cutting board
  • chalk bru-juice

4. Strictly po-go-press. It may be dry and damp. To ne-mu from-no-sit-sya:

  • dos-ka po-la,
  • ob-shi-voch-naya board (va-gon-ka and ev-ro-va-gon-ka),
  • folding,
  • small ones made from de-lia (plinth-tus, na-lych-nick, shta-pik, etc.).

5. Glued from de-lia. They are supplied with laminated veneer lumber, etc.

Pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alas are all-ma-do-ro-state-y product of de-re-in-work-bot-ki, so as the production yield is only 65%, and the remaining 35% is waste in the form of mountains (14%), op- lok (12%), ob-rez-kov, me-lo-chi (9%).

Ka-ches-your ma-teri-ala

From the speedy growth of pi-li-va-niya pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alov and from us-three ob-ru-do-va-niya for-vi-sit scatter-bros party sizes pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alov, both in thickness and length. The dispersion in size is reflected in the complexity of races to each other, in the result of something -I am behind the eyes and not in length.

Soooooooooo stand-dar-you, ha-rak-te-ri-zu-yushchie ka-ches-your pi-lo-ma-te-ri-ala, its dimension. This includes GOSTs, for example, GOST 8486-86, GOST 10950-78, and a large number of others.

Pi-lo-ma-te-ri-ala variety op-re-de-la-et how many knots per unit length, as well as how many of them. When choosing a ma-te-ri-ala for non-existing cons-tructions, for example, an inter-zhe-tazh-noy beam, a variety of pi-lo-ma-te- ri-ala is more important than her appearance.

According to the quality of the trees and work on the boards and beams for five varieties(selected 1, 2, 3, 5th), and the bars are of four grades (1, 2, 3, 4th) and must be matched with weight create certain requirements.

Pi-lo-ma-te-ri-ala from-bor-no-go, 1, 2, 3-grades from-go-to-la-yut su-hi-mi (with humidity no more than 22%) and cheese-ry-mi an-ti-sep-ti-ro-van-ny-mi. In the period from May 1 to October 1, from-go-to-le-nie damp an-ti-sep-ti-ro-van-nyh and damp pi-lo-ma -te-ri-alov to-pus-ka-et-sya in agreement with pot-re-bi-te-lem (for-kaz-chi-com). The humidity of the 4th grade p-lo-ma-te-ri-alov is not normal.

ABOUTprice ka-ches-tva pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alov, except for the keys of the decks, should be made according to the surface or edge, which is worse for a given board, and brus-kov and brus-ev square-no-go se-che-niya - according to the worst hundred.

Pa-ra-meter she-ro-ho-va-tos-ti on-top-khnos-ti pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alovshould not exceed 1250 microns for selected, 1, 2, and 3rd grades, and for the 4th grade - 1600 microns.

Wood defects in lumber

Nor-we og-ra-ni-niya po-ro-kov

By the rocks of the trees
according to GOST 2140-81
from boron1st2nd3rd4th
1. Bitches

1.1. The grown together are healthy, and in the bars and partially grown together and ungrown are healthy:

Up to the allowed size in fractions of the width of the side and in quantity on any one-meter section of length on each side, no more:
plastic and ribbed

thickness 40 mm or more

1/4, but
no more
15 mm





All over the edge


Let's go
Let's go

Let's go

Note. In the beams, the number of knots is not normal.
1.2. Partially fused Up to the total number of fused healthy branches in size in fractions of the width of the side and in the number per person one-meter-long section on each side, no more:
plastic and ribbed
edges: on pi-loma-teri-alas up to 40 mm thick
thickness 40 mm or more

10 mm





All over the edge


All over the edge


1.3. Decayed rotten and that-butter Not allowed Up to the total number of partially fused and ungrown healthy branches of the same size and no more caught we have their number

The tree that surrounds those tree branches should not have any sign of rot.

In saw-loma-ter-alas for non-existent constructions, the sum of the sizes of all knots located on a section 200 mm long should not you want to exceed the maximum size of the branches.


1. The bitches are less sized than maxi-small, but don’t teach them before they let them go.

2. B pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alah 40 mm thick and more (with the exception of boron grade), up to the length of time -tied and stitched knots with a small axis size of up to 6 mm and a depth of up to 3 mm without limiting the difference measures along the major axis.

3. Pa-son lets the scurrying bitches go according to the norms. It’s not allowed in the other sort.

4. The size of the bitch is op-re-de-la-yut distance between the ka-sa-tel-us to the edge of the bitch, pro-ve- den-ny-mi par-ral-lel-but pro-longitudinal axis pi-lo-ma-te-ri-ala. For the size of the length and sewing of the knots on the sheets of the p-lo-ma-te-ri-als and on all sides of the beams and brus-ev pri-ni-ma-yut po-lo-vi-nu the distances between ka-sa-tel-ny-mi, pro-ve-den-ny-mi pa-ral-lel -but about the longitudinal axis of the pi-lo-ma-te-ri-ala:

5. B pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alah more than 3 m long to be allowed on one branch of the same size, pre-us-mot-ren in the adjacent standards -but of a lower grade.

6. On site pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alov long, equal to its width, the largest sum of the dimensions of the branches lying on a straight line, per-re-se- Any knot in any direction should not exceed the maximum size of the knots.


By the rocks of the trees
according to GOST 2140-81
We limit the limits of rocks in pi-loma-teri-alas for varieties
from boron1st2nd3rd4th
2. Cracks

2.1. Plastic and edged, including end-on

Up to the length in fractions of the length of the pi-loma-teri-ala, no more Let's go
subject to preservation conditions
tse-los-tnos-ti pi-loma-teri-ala
Neg-sidesNeg-sided and deep-sided




2.2. Plastic end-to-end, including end-to-end Up to length in mm, no more: Up to the total length in fractions of the length of the pi-loma-teri-ala, no more:
100 150 200
2.3. End-to-end (except for cracks and shrinkage) Not allowed Up to one end of the length in fractions of the width of the pi-loma-teri-ala, no more: Allowed to maintain the integrity of the p-loma-teri-ala
1/4 1/3

Note. The acceptable dimensions of cracks are us-ta-nov-le-ny for pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al with humidity wood-ve-si-ny not more more than 22%, with high humidity these sizes of cracks are reduced by half.


By the rocks of the trees
according to GOST 2140-81
We limit the limits of rocks in pi-loma-teri-alas for varieties
from boron1st2nd3rd4th
3. The rocks of wood structure
3.1. Bend-lon into curl

Let's go
no more than 5%

Let's go
3.2. KrenNot allowed Let's go
no more than 20%
plastic area
Let's go
3.3. Kar-mashkiLet's go
on any
section of length
in quantity
1 piece
not long
more than 50 mm
Let's go to any
od-no-met-ro-vom teach-ske
length of pi-loma-teri-ala in pcs.,
no more
Let's go
2 4
3.4. Heart-fault and double-heart-fault Not allowed Let's go
without a magnifying glass
and ra-di-al-nyh
only in
thickness 40 mm
and more
Let's go
3.5. Pro-growthNot allowed Up to one-sided width in shares from the other side of the world, no more: Let's go
1/10 1/5 1/4
and length in fractions of the length of pi-loma-teri-ala, no more:
1/30 1/10 1/10
3.6. CancerNot allowed Up to Let's go
but no more than 1 m


By the rocks of the trees
according to GOST 2140-81
We limit the limits of rocks in pi-loma-teri-alas for varieties
from boron1st2nd3rd4th
4. Fungal infections

4.1. Mushroom poisonous spots (poisonous)

Not allowed

Up to the total area in % of the area of ​​the pi-loma-teri-ala, no more:

Let's go

10 20
4.2. For bologna mushroom stains and mold Not allowed Let the surface ones in view of the spots and stripes. Deep ones with a total area in % of the area of ​​the pi-loma-teri-ala, no more: Let's go
10 20 50
4.3. RotNot allowed Not allowed Let's go
only a dog
poisonous rot
in view of five-ten
and in general
area no more than 10%
square pi-loma-teri-ala
5. Biological damage

5.1. Worm-hole

Until the neg-lu-sided on the ash-filled parts of the p-loma-teri-ala

Before they teach on any one-met-ro-vos the length of the pipe-loma-teri-ala in pcs., no more:

2 3 6


By the rocks of the trees
according to GOST 2140-81
We limit the limits of rocks in pi-loma-teri-alas for varieties
from boron1st2nd3rd4th
6. Foreign inclusions, mechanical damage and processing defects

6.1. Foreign inclusions (wires, nails, metal pins, etc.)

Not allowed

6.2. Ob-zol (in cut p-loma-teri-alas) Os-triy won't let you in Let's go
tu-sing and os-try
provided that
plastic sheets
no less than
1/2 width,
and the edges no less,
than 3/4 of the length
Tu-sing until-let-ka-et-sya on the plates and edges of the size in fractions of the width of the sides of the p-lom-teri- ala without a limit on length, no more:
1/6 1/6 1/6 1/3
Up to the size of the edges in certain areas in fractions of the width of the edge, no more:
1/3 1/3 1/3 2/3
and length in fractions of the length of pi-loma-teri-ala, no more:
1/6 1/6 1/6 1/4


1. The bark on the ashes of ex-sports pi-lo-ma-te-ri-als is not allowed

2. Ob-re-cut pi-lo-ma-te-ri-alas, with-from-vets-tvu-yushchie on all-for-thre-bo-va-ni-yam op-re-de-len-no-go variety, but with ob-zo -scrap, which exceeds the established standard for this variety, before being transferred to the un-used -cut ones with drying grades.


By the rocks of the trees
according to GOST 2140-81
We limit the limits of rocks in pi-loma-teri-alas for varieties
from boron1st2nd3rd4th
6.3. Bevel sawIn pi-loma-teri-alas, one end (in ex-sport pi-loma-teri-alas, both ends) must be sawn perpendicular to the longitudinal axis pi-loma-teri-ala. Deviation from the perpendicularity of the end to the plate and edge up to 5% of the width and thickness of the pi-lom-teri -ala so-from-vets-tven-but.
6.4. Risks, waviness, breakout Allowed within the limits of deviations from the nominal dimensions established in GOST 24454-80 Allow a depth of no more than 3 mm Let's go
7. Boxed

7.1. Warpiness, longitudinal along the plane and edge, wingedness

Up to the arrow deflection in fractions of the length of the pi-lom-teri-ala in %, no more: Let's go
0,2 0,2 0,2 0,4
Note. In uncut saws, longitudinal warpage along the edge is not normal
7.3. Listed warp Up to the arrow deflection in percentages of the width of the pi-loma-teri-ala in %, no more: Let's go
1 1 1 2


1. We have established standards for pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al with a humidity of no more than 22%. With high humidity, these standards are halved.

2. Po-ro-ki trees-ve-si-ny, not mentioned in our current standard, are allowed to do so.

Pay attention to the quality of lumber

Acquired pi-lo-ma-te-ri-ala, with whom you are going to work, must be not only strong, and “healthy” - one but-ro-ny-mi in color, without traces of wood-weight-mi-harm-di-te-la-mi. There is no need to use a tree-vi-si-well, a female mushroom-com, to work. It is easy to determine by the color of the wood and by the splitting of the fiber in the place -zhe-niya. The color of the pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al can vary from cre-mo-vo-go and b-ro-go to si-ne-va- to-go and ze-le-no-va-to.

Ple-sen-ra-zha-et tree-ve-si-well only sleep-ru-zhi, that's why the tree-ve-si-well can still be saved, if it's there -ev-re-men-but clean it from the sp-se-no rub-ban-com and do a good job of drying it. Rot, especially poisonous, grows from the inside, destroys its structure and de-la-des it nep-ri-year-to-use.

When-about-re-taying pi-lo-ma-te-ri-ala es-tes-tven-noy moist-nos-ti, be-you-to-the-facing difficulties: after-le mont-ta-zha ma-te-ri-al began no sub-dry, change shape (to-beat), shrink, crack.

If you want to overcome the number of problems, you must choose one of the following solutions: ny: buy-drink already dried according to GOS-Tu on a special ob-ru-do-va-nii pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al or pro- dry already purchased. You can pro-su-sew pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al in the es-tes-tven-nyh us-lo-vi-yah. For this purpose, pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al uk-la-dy-va-et-sya under the open-covered sides on the through-nya-ke, behind -that-no place. Each layer of pi-lo-ma-te-ri-ala, laid for es-tes-tve-noy drying, prok-la-dy-va-et-sya in-cross- ny-mi uz-ki-mi brus-ka-mi.

In the process of es-tes-tve-noy drying, it is not-about-ho-di-mo to make sure that the pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al does not clog-the forest-not led under the pro-lo-zhen-mi beams. In this form it should dry for about 20-30 days

In order to correctly choose the post-tav-schi-kov ob-rez-nyh pi-lo-ma-te-ri-al carefully study the existing standards and you choose the class that is most suitable for you, as appropriate honestly, and for the price. In some cases, perhaps, you will be able to transfer to another tree of the same type , and not to look for op-re-de-len-nu-ro-du with more high-class ka-ches-tva.

Pop-ro-buy-evaluate how long it will take you to try with the quality of the cutting pi-lo-ma-te-ri-als. Call about different personal posts. Sometimes you have to buy various cons-truction elements from various supply chains. If you are definitely op-re-de-li-those pa-ra-met-ry not-about-ho-di-mo-go to you about-res-no-go pi-lo-ma-te- ri-ala, then you will be able to find something from a personal qua-chest, and at a lower price!

When performing many repair and construction work, wood is used, and the outcome of all operations directly depends on its quality, which is why it is very important to understand how to choose the right lumber for your home and what aspects you should pay attention to first of all. However, before proceeding with the descriptive part, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the basic terms of building components.

Thus, a carriage is a material obtained by longitudinal sawing of a round log and having two parallel processing planes; a special case of a carriage is an unedged board.

When the board is processed (propylene) on all 4 sides, the material is considered edged and, depending on the overall proportions, is divided into categories such as timber, edged board and whetstone (small section timber).

In a situation in which lumber is subjected to profile planing, planed molding is formed, which is used for finishing and critical construction work. Platbands, wooden skirting boards, floorboards are the main representatives of this category.

A by-product of industrial wood production is slab - a material that on one side has a smooth, processed surface, and on the opposite side - the natural structure of a log. Moreover, despite its unsightly appearance, slabs are also used to solve many construction problems related to the construction of temporary structures, decorative fences, and scaffolding. However, in order to ensure long-term operation of products made with the help of a slab, the bark should be removed from its surface in advance and the planes of the material should be opened with deep penetration compounds.

What to look for when choosing lumber

It should be noted right away that the quality building material Not only the characteristics of the raw material (type of wood, its moisture content, grade), but also the processing technology influence it. Therefore, before choosing lumber for your home, you should visually familiarize yourself with samples of the products offered and make sure of the quality of the resulting cut (there should be no tears, potholes, or chips). In addition, the use of poorly configured or outdated technological equipment during the sawing process, as well as violation of drying technologies, can cause significant deviations overall dimensions from the stated parameters, which is why at the stage of lumber procurement it is advisable to verify their compliance (measure with a tape measure at several control points). Moreover, measurements should be taken not only in the cross section, but also to determine the longitudinal dimensions, while simultaneously paying attention to the quality of the end processing.

Permissible deviations of lumber

If we talk about the methodology for discarding wood building materials, it should be noted that this process should be based primarily on the purpose of the products. After all, you must admit that the requirements for commercial timber differ significantly from the requirements for boards for the manufacture of formwork.

Presence of knots

As is known, knots influence not only the aesthetic criteria of lumber, but also their consumer properties (mechanical strength, durability), and if present in excess, they can change the uniformity of the wood and its integrity. The presence of knots has a particularly negative effect on the strength characteristics of lumber during the process of stretching and bending, which is why you should decide in advance on the standard of the board and purchase products according to strictly regulated criteria (the number of knots, their sizes and their distance from each other).


Such defects arise due to natural origin lumber and sometimes caused by improper processing (drying, storage). And therefore, when choosing wooden components, you should pay attention to these deviations first of all. The presence of cracks and their sizes are also strictly regulated depending on the class of wood.


Associated in most cases with incorrect conditions storage of lumber and lies in the fact that the commercial timber is bent in the form of an arc or a propeller, which will significantly complicate its use (difficulty of processing). You can check the listed defects using a string, for which you should stretch it in the area of ​​​​the edges of the board or beam and evaluate the resulting deviations.

Fungal infections

Visible even to the naked eye (wood has a darker shade) and negatively affects operational characteristics material. Therefore, such lumber can only be used as temporary structures that do not involve significant mechanical loads.

Common types of wood

Of course, the most acceptable option for lumber is materials made from coniferous wood. After all, they (due to their structure) are distinguished by their ease of processing and resistance to external aggressive factors (humidity). Well, the most popular representatives of this class are considered to be lumber made from pine, aspen, spruce and larch.

How to choose the right lumber?

How choose quality lumber? A buyer who is not a specialist in the field of woodworking is unlikely to be able to answer such a question. But the success of the entire event and the result depend on the choice of lumber for repair or construction. First of all, you should know the basic quality criteria for lumber.
Most main criterion choice- This quality of raw materials, from which lumber is made.
Correct and high-quality raw materials for lumber are forest harvested (cut down) in winter time (since in winter the moisture in the tree trunk is contained in the very minimum amount).
A huge advantage is reduction in the number of cracks during winter harvesting, the drying process of wood occurs much slower in cold weather.
Lumber made from winter forest much less susceptible to rotting, both during transportation and storage, and in the future.
Winter lumber is much easier to process, and in addition, it has increased strength and wear resistance, which is very important in wooden construction.
Lumber made NOT from “living” wood (for example: burnt trees - trees after forest fires, windfalls or dead wood - shriveled trees standing on the root) can only be used in temporary rough construction (formwork, flooring, etc.). Lumber from burnt wood, windfall or dead wood is a priori infected with harmful insects and is susceptible to rotting. Check with sellers what kind of wood the lumber is made from and pay attention to this special attention, since it is not always easy to determine this externally. From conscientious sellers, lumber made from windfall should cost several times less than high-quality wood made from “living” wood.

Second selection criterion - external characteristics lumber.

What is “edged” and “unedged” lumber?

Edged lumber - lumber with a rectangular cross-section with the presence of wane only within the established standards.
Unedged lumber is included in a separate group - these are lumber with an unsawed or partially sawn edge; wane is not standardized.

Lumber geometry

The quality of cutting edged lumber is a determining parameter. Violations of sawing technology can lead to quite sad consequences.

For example?

Rapid sawing of edged lumber or improperly operating equipment, as well as shrinkage during the drying period, can lead to too much variation in the size of a batch of edged lumber, both in thickness and in length. This, in turn, will certainly affect the difficulty of fitting them to each other, unsightly gaps will appear, and when installing beams, rafters and crossbars, they may turn out to be shorter than the required length. If you purchase your own lumber, be sure to take a tape measure with you. Don’t be lazy and take measurements of the lumber you decide to choose - this will help identify any shortcomings.

The result of inaccurate cutting can also be various chips and gouges, which significantly complicates processing and spoils appearance lumber. High-quality graded boards, as a rule, do not have chips or gouges.

What to do if, after all, a batch of edged lumber contains boards or beams with poorly sawn edges?

Poorly sawn edges, for example the ends, are a problem of nothing more than the appearance of the lumber. Poorly sawn edges do not affect the overall strength and reliability of the board. Often lumber is produced with some margin in length. Arm yourself with a tape measure and check whether the boards can be finished again by sawing off the unsuitable edges?

What is a defect in lumber and what defects make it worth refusing to purchase?

Knots greatly affect not only the appearance of lumber, but also its performance characteristics. Knots disrupt uniformity wood texture and material integrity. Often, in the place where the knots crumble, depressions or through holes. Knots are the reason for the decrease in strength unedged lumber when it is stretched along the fibers or when bent. Knots cause wood fibers to bend, disrupting the layering of the wood.

Each type of lumber has its own standards, according to which the permissible number of knots is strictly standardized; the sizes of knots and their distance from each other are also specified in the standards. Choose lumber grades that suit you (higher grades (1,2,3) - for heavy loads, lower grades (4) - for use with minimal loads)

What to do with cracks?

Cracks, alas, cannot be avoided: wood - natural material, and cracks appear in the wood as it grows under the influence of natural factors and internal stresses, arising in the trunk. Such a defect directly affects the quality of the material, as it reduces its strength, disrupts its integrity, and therefore shortens its service life. The abundance of visible cracks, of course, should alert the consumer.

Another factor on which the quality of lumber depends and which you need to pay attention to when choosing boards is the possible warping of the board. Warping of a board is a change in the bending of the board along its length into an arched shape. High-quality wood does not have warping, or it is not significant.

The so-called wingedness of the board. Winging of the board is a change in the shape of the board into a helical one, which, in turn, makes it difficult to process and use the wood, and therefore significantly reduces the quality of the lumber. You can check for the presence of such a defect with a thin, strong cord, applying it to the edge of the board.

The board should also be considered a defect cross-layered. It represents various deviations of the direction of the fibers from the longitudinal axis of the tree. Wood with such a defect does not tolerate lateral loads well. Wavy placement of fibers and curl are varieties of cross-layering.

Sprouting is a defect in a section of wood resulting from mechanical damage fiber. Such a section of wood spoils the appearance and makes finishing difficult.

Finally, fungal infections of the wood may occur. As a result, the mechanical properties of the wood and its color tones change.

In some cases, the low strength of lumber is caused by the use of young trees as raw material at the production stage.

Whenever a defect is discovered, should I raise the alarm and refuse to purchase?

Probably, such an approach would be irrational. It is necessary to distinguish what certain lumber is needed for: for formwork, walls, floors, rafters, finishing... Moreover, in the latter case, “defects” in the form of a picturesque pattern caused by knots and growths can be advantageously played out.

The most picky selection should be when choosing finishing profile elements. Considering the decorative functions of such elements, they should not have wood defects, with the exception of healthy fused knots small sizes(up to 20 mm), non-through end cracks up to 10 mm long and fiber inclination (cross-layer) up to 10%. Such strict requirements should only apply to the front (visible) surfaces of finishing elements. On surfaces that are invisible during operation, there may be larger defects, but also of normal sizes.

Lumber storage

Lumber should be stored in stacks, sorted by size. Air must pass freely through the constructed stack. This is necessary to preserve the properties and air dry the wood.

Spacers need to be laid along the length of the stack. The stack should be located in a well-ventilated place so that the long side of the lumber is perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing wind. To prevent the ends of thick boards and beams from cracking, they can be coated with lime.

You should not build a stack more than 3 meters high, as the lumber may become deformed under its own weight. Stacked wood should be protected from rain and other precipitation using pitched roof from roofing felt or roofing felt. It must overlap the stack by at least 0.5 m.

Perhaps purely professional terms are of no use to the average consumer. However, a competent salesman somewhere at a construction site, as a rule, uses these terms, and therefore a certain minimum vocabulary is necessary here. Let's decipher the basic concepts.

If a round log is passed through once circular saws at the sawmill, we get a material that has planes on both sides and is called carriage. If all four planes are sawn, the resulting edged material is divided into timber, edged board and small bar. The so-called planed moldings are lining, platbands, skirting boards, floor boards, etc. Glued laminated timber, laminated veneer lumber, as well as furniture panels called glued products.

Depending on the size cross section, edged material is divided into bars (width and thickness more than one hundred millimeters), boards (the width of which is greater than double the thickness) and bars (width no more than double thickness).

The main standard dimensions of sawn domestic timber: 100 x 100 mm, 100 x 150 mm, 150 x 150 mm. Usually sawmills are issued six-meter beam.

The edged board usually has standard thickness 25, 40, 50 mm , width 100 and 150 mm , and the length is six meters.

The small bar has two common sizes: 40 x 40 mm and 50 x 50 mm with two length options - 3 and 6 meters.

After passing through the sawmills, the lumber forms wide surfaces - faces, narrow surfaces - edges, and end surfaces - ends. The face that is furthest from the core of the log is considered the outer face, and the less distant face is considered the inner face.

During the sawing process when making timber or edged boards a by-product is formed - croaker . On one side the slab has a face, on the other there is a hump of untreated wood. But this material is quite can be used to create temporary building structures. When used as a decorative cladding (this is popular today) or for subfloors, it must be debarked and treated with antiseptics. Otherwise, within a year or two, all that will be left of him is dust.

Is one tree or another needed for different purposes?

Leading place on construction market belongs to pine needle materials. Needles are durable, easy-to-work wood that does not absorb moisture as intensely as hardwoods. That is why timber, boards, and moldings are made from pine needles. In addition, spruce, cedar, larch, and fir are used in construction from coniferous species. Oak, beech, ash, and mahogany are used as finishing and carpentry materials. Aspen is used mainly for cladding saunas and steam rooms, birch is used for making parquet and parquet boards.

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