Household electrical appliance. History of creation and development of home appliances

M-1 Key words and concepts

4.1. Power receiver

4.2. Household electrical receivers

4.3. Household electrical receivers

4.4. Cultural household appliances

4.5. Sanitary and hygienic devices

4.6. Common house electrical receivers

1. General characteristics of the city’s electricity consumers

2. Electrical receivers of residential buildings

If the processor core is temporarily unable to handle the processing overhead for a test in addition to its normal workload, then the test process may need to be interrupted during the compute-intensive phase of the device's operation.

Communication error detection

Additionally, there may be conflicts with low-latency or time-sensitive tasks. The length of the check procedure cannot be arbitrarily reduced, since a certain minimum number of consecutive memory locations must be checked to detect communication errors. Complexity also increases when software must coordinate address descrambling to accommodate the physical memory location.

3. Electrical receivers of public buildings

4. Electric lighting

5. Features of power supply circuits for pantographs of residential and public buildings

§ 1. General characteristics of urban consumers

Urban electricity consumers are:

    Residential buildings

    Public buildings located in the city

    Industrial enterprises located in cities

    One parity bit per memory cell

    However, more complex semiconductor process nodes have made such functions more economical to implement. The solution is to provide a parity bit per memory cell. Parity is calculated when memory is written to and stored with data. Reading the data again analyzes the parity and compares it with the reference value. If there is a difference, whether due to a data error or incorrect parity information, an interrupt or exception signal is set. In the second step, the kernel can either reload the application or finally shut down the device with the service code issue.

    Urban electrified transport systems

    Construction projects in the city

    Street lighting

    City public utility facilities

Residential and public buildings cities are characterized by a large and diverse range of electrical receivers (4.1)


4.1. An electrical receiver or current collector is the name of various devices and devices in which electrical energy is converted or operation is carried out based on the use of electrical energy.

The advantages of this implementation are obvious. Booting is also faster because parity check is activated immediately after the power-on reset. Special attention should be given attention to error protection and safe shutdown. In this way, emergency shutdown can be automatically triggered without delays caused by the system clock and software. The practical implementation of this concept can be seen in Figure 3.

Care is also necessary when monitoring other critical system parameters. The clock security system additionally verifies that the main system clock is operating correctly. Here too, an interrupt is generated in case of deviations from normal operation. The cortical core also provides a chip-level signal that is established when the core enters a blocking state. The standard also requires a fault-tolerant timing scheme. This is accomplished in part by a peripheral feature called a clock safety system, which switches the main clock signal in the event of a crystal failure to an internal fast oscillator.

then first of all lighting devices, refrigeration installations, heating And heating installations, household appliances, electrical fans And air conditioners, elevators etc.

To power the pantographs, a voltage of 380 and 220 V AC with a frequency of 50 Hz is predominantly used. A 2-wire or 4-wire power system with a grounded neutral wire is used. The power of current collectors ranges from tens of watts to tens of kilowatts. Industrial enterprises can use voltages of 6 and 10 kV, and the power of industrial power current collectors can be hundreds of kilowatts.

In addition, a way to control the external clock is needed. For this purpose, the expected external frequency is compared with the internal frequency. At the system level, the cost of the circuit that detects the zero crossing of the mains voltage can be saved in this way.

Equipped with two watchdogs

This ensures that at least one watchdog remains active in the event of a crystal failure and regardless of the clock configuration. This applies to electronic controls or motors in household appliances. As in dishwashers, refrigerators, dryers, washing machines or fans. In order for these home appliances to receive the necessary certification, the microcontrollers used must perform self-testing functions to ensure that they are always working correctly.

§ 2. Electrical receivers of residential buildings

These electrical receivers can be divided into 2 groups:

    Apartment electrical receivers

    Electrical receivers for general household purposes

Apartment electrical receivers:

    Lighting devices

    Household appliances

Electric lighting carried out using lighting devices - electric lamps incandescent with a power of 60-100 W or fluorescent lamps in the form of single-lamp or multi-lamp lamps (chandeliers). The luminous efficiency of incandescent lamps is 10-22 Lm/W. Illumination standard 35 lux. For educational and administrative premises - 150 lux. When using fluorescent lamps, illumination standards increase approximately 2 times. They provide significant energy savings, but can be noisy and have a low power factor (cos φ ≈ 0.5). Compensating capacitors are used to increase power. Fluorescent lamps have a stroboscopic effect - an invisible flicker.

"Energy efficiency" - how efficient are household appliances?

From life expectancy to energy efficiency: myths become obsolete when fact-checked. Electricity and water consumption on energy efficiency labels are used for comparability between washing machines. Tests are carried out under strictly standardized laboratory conditions, and consumption is measured by a clearly defined wash load, laundry soiling and water temperature. Increased efficiency also has a financial impact on the consumer, depending on the price of electricity and individual use of the device. Economics from a Resource Perspective Electricity and water are a personal relationship - for both producers and consumers. The introduction of the energy label has made consumers much more aware of energy efficiency in the home. The devices themselves have become more efficient.

"Lifespan" - how long do household appliances last?

V. and the University of Bonn on behalf of the Federal Protection Agency environment conclude that many devices are too environmentally short term services. At the same time, consumers are replacing many devices even though they still work well. 67 percent of respondents were satisfied with the life of their products, 19 percent expected longer duration life, 11 percent were not satisfied at all. Focused short life of a product produced by manufacturers using built-in flaws - so-called planned obsolescence - could not be proven in the current study. No manufacturing brand can afford to rely on planned wear and tear on its products. Fierce market competition would immediately penalize such an anti-consumer strategy because customers would turn to another brand. Especially in the area household appliances, consumer affinity for the brand is extremely high. Conversely, no consumer would be loyal to a brand if the product was defective beyond the warranty period. Electronic products are a complex interaction of design and construction - that is, there are limitations on what the product looks like and what it can do. This is environmentally and economically significant and has nothing to do with unnecessary failure of the product for the rest of its life. Additionally, many manufacturers offer ample warranties for their products, making it even easier for customers to see the durability of their products.

"Innovation" - which features mean more comfort and safety

  • Thus, electrical appliances are used well beyond the warranty period.
  • This fact clearly contradicts planned obsolescence.
Modern household appliances in recent years and decades has not only simplified housework, but also contributed to a better reconciliation of family, work and play.


4.2. Household electrical appliances are various devices and devices that operate on the basis of the use of electricity and provide living conditions in an apartment.

household electrical appliances (4.2.)

The main household electrical appliances in apartments include:

1). Heating and cooking appliances

Moreover, advances in technology not only save time, ease of operation, but also improve safety. Innovation is happening and consumers are deciding informally and responsibly for value-added home appliances in terms of comfort, efficiency and safety. Home appliances are so-called high-involvement products, the purchase of which involves a lot of research information in advance.

"Value for money" - is it expensive household appliances?

It can be assumed that cheaper components are used in cheaper devices. This is what the laws of the market require. In functioning market economies, consumers may demand low-quality, low-priced products as well as high-quality, high-quality products, depending on individual needs and discretion.

2). For food processing and storage (refrigerators, freezers)

3). Household appliances (4.3.)

4). Cultural and everyday life

5). Sanitary and hygienic

6). Water heaters


4.3. Household appliances are devices and devices for mechanization and automation of various household operations that reduce manual labor and improving the productivity of household operations.

Today, electronic products are more complex than purely mechanical products. Technological progress brings more comfort and efficiency. This is comparable to cars that also require a high percentage of electronic software for safe and comfortable driving.

Manufacturers strive to maximize the efficient use of raw materials in everyday economic life. Rules regarding product design in terms of maintainability limit entrepreneurial room for maneuver and therefore the ability to innovate.

). Space heating devices

Heating and cooking appliances:

– electric stoves with and without a programming device;

– ovens;

– electric stoves;

– toasters;

– barbecue makers;

– samovars;

– pressure cookers;

– teapots;

– high frequency electric furnaces.

Stationary electric stoves are produced with a power of 5.1-8 kW (for example, such as “Malva-6”, “Tail”, “Nika-3”, etc. of domestic and imported production).

What will happen to customer service? Warranty claims must still be submitted to the relevant authorities and extensions of up to 3 years are possible. Our in-house development and marketing departments have always worked separately on new generations of devices. Both brands must maintain their independence in the future regarding technology and device design.

From essential to good to have an assortment of household appliances. While stoves, ovens, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and washing machines Not to be missed in any home, for example, a dishwasher or dryer are goodies that help save time and, in the case of a dishwasher, water and energy. An iron should also be present in any well-equipped home, while an additional freezer has important, especially in large families. And hot days are easier to bear with a fan.

Electric heating devices:

– boilers (power up to 600 W);

– fireplaces (power up to 1.25 W);

– stationary electric heaters (power 3-25 kW);

– electric heating device using a heating cable.

This type of electric heating can be illustrated using Fig. 4.1.

Rice. 4.1. Diagram of an electric heating device using a heating cable: a) heating cable; b) section of the heated floor:

Appliances: This is what you need - and don't

What products should you not miss and what should you consider when purchasing household appliances? Here you will find an overview and all important information about purchase and operation. The electrical network was simply not enough for this; only smaller appliances could be used, such as electric irons or sewing machines. For them, however, the price of electricity was prohibitive. Only with the expansion of power networks did this slowly but surely change. However, the development of household electrical appliances began only after the end of World War II.

1 – thermoplastic shell; 2 – lead stocking; 3 – silicone coating; 4 – fiberglass; 5 – foil; 6 – heating core; 7 – linoleum; 8 – flooring (wood); 9 – cable; 10 – cement screed; 11 – foam concrete; 12 – reinforced concrete floor

Household appliances:

      Washing machines (power 0.4-4 kW);

      Vacuum cleaners;

    1. Dishwashers;

      In the 1950s it was difficult to take a household to cook on electric stove and washing clothes is no longer done by hand, but by machine. Dishwasher was a luxury for a long time, but then conquered more and more households. Household appliances with modern history- microwave oven.

      It entered the market in the late 1970s. Further development of home appliances - whether large appliances such as washers, stoves and dryers, or small appliances such as irons or kitchen appliances - now focuses primarily on increasing productivity and minimizing energy costs. They should be cheap to buy and consume and should last as long as possible.

      Power tools;

      Sewing machines, etc.


4.4. Cultural and household electrical appliances include various instruments and devices based on the use of electricity and satisfying cultural, aesthetic, musical, informational and other needs in a person’s everyday life.

cultural household appliances (4.4.)

Review: These Home Appliances Are Affordable

From the iron to the freezer, from the stove to the vacuum cleaner: be it cooking, baking, cleaning or cooling, there is a device for every activity in the house, making that work easier or even possible. There are also kitchen appliances that make basic operations like cutting, chopping or mixing much faster. Here is an overview of the most famous household appliances.

On the other hand, the group of large appliances includes, on the one hand, the so-called household appliances, as well as stand and built-in kitchen appliances. Kitchen utensils and other helpers for household belong to the group of small household appliances. Washing, cooking, baking and washing are what practical home helpers can do. What would your family be like if you had to do everything by hand - then you would get nowhere. And how the relevant household appliances work, how they perform the intended job and what functions should not be missing in modern device?

These include:

– televisions;

– tape recorders;

– radio receivers;

– radios;

– players;

– film projectors;

– electrical musical instruments, etc.

Currently, houses surround us large number heating appliances: irons, water heaters, kettles, toasters, etc. It's time to get to know them better.

In heating electrical appliances electrical energy converted to heat. Compared to other types, electric heating has a number of advantages, namely it provides a more uniform distribution of heat, as well as great opportunity temperature control by changing the current in the heating element. Electrical appliances provide better hygienic working conditions, since when electric heating there is no open flame, smoke, harmful gases, soot, ash, and the risk of fire is also reduced. There is no need to worry about fuel, its delivery and storage, removal of combustion products, etc.

The efficiency of most electric heating devices is 60-70%, and in some cases it reaches 95%, while the efficiency of gaseous fuel heating devices does not exceed 50-60%, at liquid fuel- 20-40%, with steam heating - 45-65%, and with coal - only 12-20%.

The basis of any electric heating device is the heating element, in which electrical energy is converted into thermal energy. Conductors made of special alloys with high resistivity are used as heating elements in household electrical appliances. high temperature melting and do not oxidize when heated in air. Such alloys are nichrome and fechral.

Electric kettles and coffee pots

Electric kettles and coffee pots are made with a double bottom, between the walls of which a plate-type heating element is placed. The heating element is covered on top and bottom with heat-resistant insulating plates made of micanite and is tightly pressed from below to the bottom of the device vessel by means of a metal disk. The ends of the heating element are connected to the output contact pins using thin flexible brass strips. The contact pins are installed on the side of the device, in a safety cage.

Teapots and coffee pots also come with heating elements in the form of a nichrome or fechral spiral, insulated with ceramic beads. Such a device for heating elements is more convenient for replacing it at home in case of burnout.

Latest models electric kettles and coffee pots are made with hermetically sealed tubular heating elements, which, depending on the design of the device, can be placed under the bottom or inside the vessel.

Electric irons

An electric iron is one of the first electrical appliances to appear in everyday life. Thanks to its simplicity, durability and ability to regulate temperature on work surface When ironing fabrics, electric irons are widely used in everyday life.

Currently produced by industry various types irons: without temperature control, with temperature control by thermostat, with temperature control and fabric humidification during ironing.

In everyday life, the most widely used are irons with heating elements in the form of a wire spiral, insulated with ceramic beads and placed in the grooves of the iron sole, as well as with plate heating elements. They are simple in design and make it easy to replace the heating element if it burns out. The service life of the spiral and plate heating elements is over 1000 hours.

Electric soldering irons

Electric soldering irons are widely used for soldering at home. They consist of a copper rod, a heating element, a small diameter metal tube through which an electrical cord passes, and a wooden handle. A layer of heat-resistant insulating material (mica or micanite) is applied to the copper rod, onto which nichrome or fechral wire is wound. This part of the rod heating element closed with a metal casing. The ends of the heating element wire are connected to a cord to connect the plug socket to the electrical network.

The power of the heating element, the size and shape of the soldering iron are determined by the nature of the work. For example, for soldering electrical and radio equipment, low-power soldering irons (from 35 to 60 W) with a straight or angled rod are used. For soldering large parts, soldering irons with heating elements of higher power (120 - 300 W), more “hammer” shaped, are used.

Tip temperature soldering rod reaches 250 - 300 degrees. Soldering irons are available with a heating element designed for a mains voltage of 36, 127 or 220 V.

Electric fireplace

Electric fireplaces are used for heating small rooms directed heat rays. They consist of a rectangular metal box with legs, inside of which spirals are mounted on ceramic rods located horizontally. The ends of the spirals are attached to contact pins mounted on back wall housings. A metal reflector is placed deep in the fireplace body, which creates a directed flow of heat rays. The surface of the reflector is polished to give it a mirror finish. The direction of heat rays is changed by turning the reflector or fireplace body.

The heating elements of the fireplace are protected from contact with the protected metal or fireplace body.

The heating elements of the fireplace are protected from touching them by a safety metal grate or mesh.

Their power consumption is 600 - 1500 W, and that of a fireplace with a fan is 1025 W, of which 25 W comes from the electric motor.