What does it mean to be at a wake in a dream? Why do you dream about the funeral of a living person? Dream Interpretation - I dug up a coffin with a living grandmother

If in a dream you attended a wake, this is a sign that changes will soon come in your life.

Which ones exactly depend on the personality of the person you commemorated, the mood of those around you, your feelings and other details.

Now we will look at why we dream of a wake, taking into account these nuances.

Who's dead?

If you remember a person you know who is actually alive, then a long, prosperous life filled with bright events awaits you. And if in reality this person has already died, then wait for news from relatives.

Memorial dinner on the occasion of death stranger dreams of disagreements with others. And remembering your own child means preserving peace and mutual understanding in your own family for many years.

  • Remembering an old man is a wise, thoughtful act.
  • A young girl - for a romantic date.
  • For a guy - to get out of a difficult situation on your own.

As the dream book writes, a wake famous actor dream of fame and prosperity. And if it was a famous politician, then you will soon find a job you like.

To attend memorial events on the occasion of your own death means to begin a new stage in life. And seeing an animal’s funeral means having fun with your children or best friends.

What was happening around?

A dream in which the wake was very fun says that soon you will receive financial assistance. And if everyone present was sad and cried, remembering the deceased, then your plans are in jeopardy.

Seeing a lot of drunk people means experiencing difficulties communicating with children. And to be among strangers means to be distinguished by originality of thinking, to be the center of attention.

  • To see a deceased person at a wake - be careful in new endeavors.
  • Eating nothing at a funeral dinner means restoring physical health.
  • Dropping a spoon on the floor means pleasant guests will arrive in your home.
  • Dreaming of a fight at a wake means reconciliation with an old friend or girlfriend.
  • To be the last to leave a funeral dinner means to live a long time without getting sick.

If you dream that you are remembering a stranger in the company of your relatives, then in the future you can count on their help. And if you saw there best friend, - this means that your friendship is not afraid of any tests.

Memorial events in a restaurant mean a rich life. And remembering the deceased in an apartment means working hard to receive a decent salary.

Having figured out what the funeral actually means in dreams, you will not associate them with unpleasant events in life.


Interpretation of strange dreams: why do you dream of a wake?

Why do you dream of a wake? This is an interesting question, but a little scary. But this feeling is mostly due to our associations. Of course, the first thoughts that the memory of a wake evokes cannot be called positive. And the next ones too. Well, to fully understand the question regarding why the funeral is dreamed of, we should talk in more detail about different interpretations, which are given by dream books.

Interpretation concerning personality

So, first of all, you need to talk about why you dream of a wake... yourself. A terrible sight, after which you wake up in a cold sweat. What could this mean? Actually nothing bad, oddly enough. A modern book of interpretations assures that such a vision carries a positive attitude and portends excellent changes in life. Perhaps it will be career growth, wedding, establishment personal life, the birth of a long-awaited child or something else.

Seeing people having fun at your wake is also good. This means that a person’s financial condition will improve significantly in the near future. Perhaps the person’s salary will be increased or a bonus will be given. By the way, old dream book this has a slightly different meaning. If people at the dreamer's wake rejoice, dance and have fun, this means that he will live a very long and happy life. But if a person experienced bad emotions, then the dream foreshadows the loss of someone dear and beloved, or speaks of the loss of one’s status or position.

Miller's Dream Book

There are also a lot of interpretations that explain why the wake is dreamed of. For example, if a person has visited them, then one should not perceive the picture as something literal and instantly succumb bad mood. The interpretation of this vision first of all depends on general atmosphere, and also from the personality of the deceased. People's behavior is also important. In the general understanding, being present at such a not very pleasant event means that a person will soon have to prepare for upcoming changes. It is possible that these changes will affect the near future. That is why it is very important to pay attention to such a dream, regarding it as a warning, as well as an opportunity to pre-determine your actions.

It is also interesting to know why you dream about the funeral of a stranger. This means unexpected difficulties in mutual understanding with people around you, quarrels, scandals and conflicts. It is worth being more restrained during this period to avoid troubles.

English dream book

When a person sees the funeral of someone who is actually alive in reality, then this is a sign of pleasant events or successful decisions problems that have long been disgusting. An increase in position in society or rapid career growth is possible.

Why do you dream of a funeral for a dead person? This is a bad sign. Usually it foreshadows the receipt of unpleasant, perhaps even very bad news from afar (most often from relatives). People who specialize in the field of dreams advise, after what you have seen, to go to church and light a candle in memory of the deceased person you dreamed of and modestly remember him. This way you can neutralize bad influence of this vision.

Interpretation according to Freud

What interesting things can this book of interpretations tell? If a person sees his own funeral, then this marks the end of some stage in his life and the beginning of a new, very exciting one.

To see someone who is still alive being remembered in a dream means an excellent situation and progress of affairs. All family members will be happy and healthy, and work promises to be promising. To give more full interpretation sleep, you also need to listen to your own emotions. If they are positive, despite the current tragedy of the situation, then this is good luck. But the anxious and bad mood of the vision promises certain difficulties in life. The good news is that they will be short-lived - everything should be resolved within a few days.


Why do you dream of a Wake, dream book of a Wake, what does it mean to see a Wake in a dream?

Everyday dream book

Funeral - If you dreamed of a funeral, then such a dream should be interpreted only in accordance with other factors - who was remembered, what mood people were in during the funeral, whether the person whom you remembered in the dream is alive and well in reality, and much more.

Usually, seeing a wake in a dream is a sign that warns of changes in your life that will occur in the near future, and therefore it is very important to correctly interpret the dream in order to have time to mentally and physically prepare for the upcoming changes.

So, if you dreamed of the funeral of a person who is alive and feels well in reality, then real life You can expect a successful period soon.

If in a dream a wake echoes events in your real life, then you should be extremely careful in the immediate period after this dream - your enemies are not asleep and are quite successfully plotting against you, and any careless word or deed of yours can lead to dire consequences.

If it's in goes to sleep about your wake, then in reality you are entering a new life period, which is strikingly different from the one that just passed - an event awaits you that will affect your entire future life. This could be a promotion, a wedding, the birth of a child, an injury, or death. loved one and so on.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Wake according to the dream book:

Wake - attending a wake is a bad sign. For a sick person, such a dream means death, and for a healthy person, the death of someone close. Another meaning is the dreamer’s return to some of his old activities or projects.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

If you dream about the Wake, what is it for:

Wake - A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and then went with him, portends you receiving bad news about your relatives.


Funeral of the deceased

Dream Interpretation of the Dead's Wake dreamed of why in a dream the funeral of the deceased? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the funeral of a deceased person in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality - this foreshadows him for many years of a prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own wake, this means a disruption in plans; if those gathered are sad, and if they are cheerful and lively, it means that you will soon receive financial assistance. A wake in a dream, which results in an ordinary drinking session, portends difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present is a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business. A funeral for a dead cat or dog means in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Wake - dream of a wake - happy old age.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about a wake foreshadows sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans or the separation of lovers. A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and you went with him, then the dream foreshadows you receiving bad news about your relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones people dead, means their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah. If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon. The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased, and does not leave there, he will be on the verge of death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with you. dead person longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in a dream in the place where he usually performed it during life means that he is not doing well in the afterlife. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change in weather or very coldy begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illness and troubles / death.

It's even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give a photo to a dead person - the person in the portrait will die.

Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed.

Those who long to see him are poorly remembered.

Talking to a deceased friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, “ambassadors of the future.”

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness and wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash actions.

Father - warns against something that you will later be ashamed of.

A deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

A deceased brother is fortunate.

A deceased sister means an unclear, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness. IN folk superstition“seeing dead people in a dream means a change in weather.” And there is some truth in this, as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the dead, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into the dreams of people in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them. However, quite often we may see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energetic support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in dreams represent our own projections, showing the so-called “unfinished gestalt" unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Funerals and the number nine

Finding yourself at a wake in a dream means that you have made a serious mistake and lost the case. In nine days you will know about it. Don’t be upset – in another nine days you will receive an equally interesting offer.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake in a dream means a large crowd of people.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake for the deceased in a dream means grief.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

To a happy old age.

Being at a wake means you will return to your old activities and habits.


Why do you dream about funerals and wakes?



Funeral Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your loved ones; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you are present at the funeral of a person you don’t know, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

You will dream of a wake - a happy old age.

Personal Account Removed

A dead person will live a long time! And if you dream about a dead person, it means you rarely remember!


successful outcome; for the wedding; you are buried - long life; dead man alive - invitation to a wedding.
strangers, luxurious - you will achieve wealth
strangers, wretched - a difficult struggle for life
own - long life, health
family happiness.


To depression due to hangover syndrome.

Dream Interpretation - Dead father

The main information of this dream is that you really forgave everything to your father: his rudeness during his life and his departure. And this act can be considered your great spiritual achievement. The meeting took place in absentia, that is, being now on different planes of existence, you and your father fulfilled a mutual desire for purification, which will have the most favorable effect in your future family life (dream with the Moon in Cancer). /and not only family/. Conversation with him, jealousy, smoking - as a reflection of the desire for care and participation on his part. About smoking: Is this how you “fight” underlying anxiety, “calm your nerves”? (stealing from children)

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

Elena! This is not the first dream you have published that scares you with the specter of death! To be afraid of something means to invite it into your life!!! This is the main thing to understand and work on. This is your terrible fear!!! Everything will be fine in your sleep (grandmother said the same). And in your sleep you were able to calm down. And she didn’t take her daughter. For example, dead people dream of a change in weather. Or calling to remember them. Everything is fine!

In those dreams in which the deceased is cheerful, there is nothing dangerous or scary for you, and in the last dream she warned you about some kind of trouble, but... Find in a dream pectoral cross- a good sign indicating that your life will certainly improve, unless you yourself cross the dangerous line.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased stepmother. Boots. Telephone

You can’t understand why your problems are recurring (twenty-five again). It is not possible to get to the bottom of the matter (get through). Therefore, you begin to express, out loud or to yourself, dissatisfaction with fate (father). Fate is a field of activity: you can complain about the abundance of stones and stumps that have not been uprooted. Or you can start choosing stones and roots. Remembering that it is quite likely that in past lives, on the site of today’s field, there stood a white-stone palace with a Garden of Eden growing alongside it.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relative

It seems that something is coming back to you from the past - it does not have to be a literal person - and it is both familiar (has a familiar appearance - “aunt”) and unfamiliar (“she just looks like her”). This is probably a repetition of some situation from the past, but in a new context. It may also be that you will discover new facets in some seemingly familiar person. Perhaps even within herself. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relative

Good afternoon, Tatyana! “I dreamed that my recently deceased relative, Aunt Masha, came to me. She died this year on July 24.” - your ancestors are warning you about something or want to help. “She came into my apartment with a bag in her hands and was dressed all in black, like a nun.” - apparently this was a nun. “When I saw her, I immediately recognized her and was even a little scared, because I was literally at her funeral 2 weeks ago. And she, noticing my fear, said: “I’m not Aunt Masha. I just look like her.” - various inorganic beings, both demons and angels, very often take on the image of relatives in dreams. So as not to scare and inspire trust when establishing contact. “At that moment, my father appeared next to me (he died 12 years ago) and I asked him: “Who is she?”, and he answered: “I don’t know.” Although during their lifetime they were on good terms.” - a now your father has actually appeared to warn you of the impending danger. This is one hundred percent. This means that the situation is that a messenger was sent to you with this information, and this information itself, even if you did not understand it with your mind, caused fear. Then they sent you your deceased father so that any interpreter could confirm to you that serious problems await you. Try to be careful. Don’t do stupid things, don’t make rash decisions, don’t trust strangers, or even people you know. And pray to the Lord to deliver you from misfortunes, or at least turn them for good. Both good and negative events Life is experience and learning, and any knowledge is precious. And what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relatives

Hello, the dream may indicate a gloomy feeling in life. Perhaps you have lost the joy of life. Daughter can mean spontaneity, as well as emotionality and instinctiveness. Perhaps you take some things too seriously? Do you see life in black? Maybe you need to relax a little so that she stops being gloomy? What are you afraid to let out and show to other people? What are your qualities? Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relative

It is possible that they wanted to tell you that you don’t need to ask to dream. If necessary, he will dream himself. Don't bother anyone who has already left here. I think this is not a bad prediction. Just don't bother. Everything is fine. My opinion is this. If you really want to know that everything is fine with him there, ask him to give you a sign about it. Either in a dream or in reality. So that you see this sign and be sure to understand that this sign is from him. You can ask about this. I'm sure you will receive this sign. He won't scare you.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relative

Perhaps we are talking about the dreamer trying to imagine what cancer and death from cancer are. This is if dad died of cancer.

Dream Interpretation - A deceased friend demands the return of the dolls

The DREAM says that the dreamer parted with an old period of her life (her deceased friend Masha), but she could not part with the values ​​inherent in this period (the deceased friend returned and demands that her dolls be returned to her - nostalgia for childhood, carefreeness). I can only assume that in a recent relationship the dreamer was only akin to a puppet (doll), and life dictates its own rules and it is very difficult to survive in it, being just a puppet. The DREAM hints to the dreamer to reconsider her position in life, otherwise no one will help her with this (the dreamer really asks for help from her friend Misha). Sincerely, LIVIA.


Funeral of a long dead person

Do you really think that in a dream you communicate with him or with his soul?!.. If so, then perhaps my interpretation will not suit you, because I am inclined to think that dreams about the dead reflect one’s own projections and attitude towards them. The way the deceased behaves and feels in dreams is how you actually feel towards him. In particular, in the first dream, his indifference and preoccupation with another girl reflects the actual distance between you that has recently occurred and the preoccupation of each of you with your own life and your own affairs. According to the second dream, his resentment towards you reflects your own resentment and annoyance at yourself, at the circumstances and perhaps also at him for the fact that you communicated little, and your real relationship did not express your emotional attachment to him and significance in your life, and therefore, now, after his death, you are bothered by the feeling of omission, irretrievably lost opportunities...

Dream Interpretation - A deceased person is dissatisfied

Without excluding psychological interpretations (I consider any methods of constructing a picture of the world to be complementary), I will give an esoteric interpretation. As a rule, people who die are not dreamed of. If you dreamed about it, then, depending on the situation, it is either a reflection of your experiences, memories, desires... And that’s all. Or, as in this case, there may be other interpretations. Indifference is usually the “mood” of a departed person, if we assume that you can return in dreams - this is done for the sake of the one who sees the dream, and not at all out of feelings of melancholy, for example - it does not exist as such, there is only a reflection of your desires in That person ( This has some similarities with possible psychological interpretations). Your recent dream, where he is dissatisfied... - You can remember it, even talk to him if this makes it easier, but you apparently called him, also thinking “you forgot me.” His dissatisfaction is understandable. You need to be able to let go (this does not mean forget). Just don't expect an answer or a reaction

Dream Interpretation - Dead person

For the future, give this advice to your mother, if God forbid you ever have such a dream again, or something similar, you cannot tell such a dream to anyone. You need to do the following: the one who saw this dream comes to the washbasin in the morning, opens the tap, and in a whisper, when no one is looking, tells this dream (to the water), and then such dreams do not pose any danger. In your case, you need to do the following: give alms to three beggars, your mother should give as she saw this dream, and when she gives alms, she will say to herself the kingdom of heaven and call his name. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT AND VERY IMPORTANT THING IS NOT TO TELL THIS DREAM IN CONFESSION, DO NOT MAKE A REMEMBRANCE FOR IT, AND DO NOT TELL IT TO A PRIEST.

Dream Interpretation - Dead person

Don't worry! Your dream lies in the field of psychology, and warm memories, from the point of view of dream symbols, there is nothing in it that will come true in real life.

Dream Interpretation - Dead person

Perhaps your brother lacks attention. Give him due attention and, I believe, he will not bother you. Your friend will not die.

We got off the train and it’s great, which means you don’t need to go there yet, where grandpa is.

Dream Interpretation - Dreamed of a dead person alive

A dream where the Grandmother is alive, and the Grandfather is deceased but revived means that the Dreamer is internally preparing for the upcoming, but unpredictable changes in the emotional sphere (the Revived Grandfather does not say goodbye and is surprised to say that he will see his granddaughter again as she gets off the Train). And in order to foresee everything that will happen in your personal life, you just need to know that Grandmother and Grandfather on the Train are a symbol of strong, faithful Love and continuation of the Family (the power and strength of the Family, the continuity of Generations). So, Grandmother and Grandfather really hope that the Dreamer will become their Worthy Continuation. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Murder of an already deceased person

You will be reminded of a long-forgotten episode in which you acted fairly, but suffered material losses. Showing fear in this case is not the most the best option. Just don’t play your heart out, and let it be as it happens.

Dream Interpretation - Gift from a deceased person

It is possible to transfer some knowledge.

Dream Interpretation - Red wedding dress, the deceased person smoked

The dreamer quarreled with her boyfriend in a dream and did not speak for a long time - she shows infringed desires and hidden emotions due to existing disagreements with her boyfriend in reality, casting serious doubts on the Dreamer about the correctness of her emotional choice (partner). Red and lush Wedding Dress and beige high-heeled shoes - symbolizes the Dreamer’s desire to change and brighten up her social appearance, which is based on the conscious needs of the Dreamer. The deceased Neighbor sitting and smoking, the emotional detachment of the dreamer’s boyfriend from what is happening - symbolizes the lack of conscious aspirations young man V social area, in connection with which the Dreamer saw this dream.


Funeral of a long dead person

Dream Interpretation - Dead friend and black fog

Dreams do not affect reality, unless, of course, you program yourself to fulfill what you saw in your dream. But reality is reflected in dreams, and the subconscious, through the images of this reflection, tells us something. Your dream reflected your need for power (kisses). You are faced with the need to solve some problems and therefore you are confused (fog). You have the necessary power (sun), you just need to concentrate it (coins) on the solution and understand the problem holistically (black color). I dreamed about a deceased friend mainly so that the dream would be better remembered. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relatives

If you often dream about the dead, you need to go to church and remember them. You are just sad, understand, and it upsets them. They are trying to tell you that they are fine and not to worry.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relatives

Go to church. And watch your health - you may get sick (catch a cold).

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents, train and all kinds of nonsense

The first part of your dream suggests that your parents need your attention. In addition, your living relatives are very worried about you. The second dream says that you will witness or even take part in someone's business that will fail. A woman who asks you for advice will most likely also ask for help in reality. The window you are pointing at is a symbol of obstacles. I daresay that your advice to this woman will be correct. Regarding your running with your husband... Obviously, a situation will arise when uncertainty arises in your destiny associated with some prospects or proposals. How and what will happen is unknown - darkness. The outcome will depend on you.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased mother

You need to show reasonableness (eyes), free yourself from the feeling of abandonment (teeth and mother’s words), your current attitude towards the death of your mother deprives you of strength (crying).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The dream warns you of danger from an unfamiliar person. This applies to material matters. Be careful with new contacts.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Joy has nothing to do with predicting bad things. The possibility of change (dead person, door) exists, but the changes themselves in your life are postponed by a strong desire to have rest (sofa) and under the strong influence of public opinion (TV). The right choice and good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

Perhaps the dream has double meaning. Firstly, a year and a half is a short period after the death of a loved one, and therefore you can dream about him often. The dream indicates that your grandmother was to some extent an authority for you, perhaps in terms of building relationships in the family. The second meaning is distance in an intimate relationship with your husband (your grandmother pulls you onto your bed with your husband), which you have not yet fully realized and pretend that everything is fine.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

Deceased grandmother in a dream appears before significant changes. Unlike deceased parents, she comes to us as if from a greater distance and marks the onset of unusual events. Talking to your grandmother in a dream means difficulties, but what she told you is advice on how to overcome these difficulties. At the same time, the grandmother warns about personal problems and troubles due to relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

Your dream tells you that your grandmother from the other world is worried about you; it seems to her that you will be better off in the next world. You understand that you still have to live and live, and it’s too early for you to go to the next world. Look at what worries you and take measures to solve the problems that arise. You are determined and determination will help you overcome difficulties. Go to church, light a candle for the repose of your grandmother’s soul, ask her not to worry about you and not to call you to the next world.


Funeral of a long dead person

Your mother loves you very much and you have a good connection with her and naturally you miss her and it’s normal for you to dream about her. If you don’t want her to dream about it in your mind, ask about it or tune in to a dream that you would like to see, for example, traveling by sea or through the forest. Fall asleep with a feeling of sweet pleasure. Your mother is in fairly high strata and therefore she can really help and protect you. She is also bored and enjoys watching you. This is normal, because everything in the world is interconnected, so we should also pray for both the living and the dead. Be calm and joyful, everything goes on as usual according to the law of the universe.

Dream Interpretation - Mom who died from cancer more than a year ago, comes in a dream

You have not yet recovered from the loss of a loved one. This is generally difficult to come to terms with and difficult to continue living with. Your mother comes to reassure you, to make it clear that, being in another world, she loves you, remembers you and is always there. You have the opportunity to ask your mother for advice. You may forget this, but in real life there are some unresolved situations.

Sleep does not pose any danger! And there can be no talk of any anxiety! Forget about anxiety! A dream in which the dead are seen alive means that a matter will be “resurrected” for which you have lost hope of success. Tested on myself dozens of times. Therefore, this is even in some sense good dream. But it’s hard to say what will happen, only you know about it!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased husband and mother-in-law

The first part of the dream - (sues) - expresses your deep feeling of guilt, possibly imposed by someone, or which you feel in relation to someone. And in response to it, you defend yourself, realizing that nothing is your fault. To confirm this you are asking a question ex-husband. He reassures you, confirming that he was happy with you more than once. You woke up in peace, this was the purpose of his appearance in your dream - you don’t need to doubt anything, you have nothing to reproach yourself for - this is what he was trying to convey. Perhaps we can also remind you of that other son.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relatives and apartment renovations

Deceased relatives often simply cannot be removed; there are good reasons for this. Remember if they asked you to do something for them, for example, bring them clothes, food, etc. If they asked you to oblige. Do it, if you haven’t asked, then you need to remember them, but under no circumstances in church, give alms to the poor, go to their cemetery (if possible), and oblige. Bake an unleavened pie and give it to three neighbors, let them remember them.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

I don’t know about the name you shouted, but the grandmother’s words “He will be tall and you will leave in 7 years” should be taken seriously..

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

No, you don’t need to believe it, and you shouldn’t wait for it either. Get married the way you were meant to.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

Deceased people in dreams, loved ones, are our assistants, guides, and of course it’s worth listening to what they say. Although you don't need to take the information literally. Tall may not mean height at all, but rather social status.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

Your dream tells you that your late grandmother is worried about you and warns you against rash steps and actions. You are worried about your future and are rushing things. Number 7 tells you that your thoughts are busy creating a family, but with whom no one will tell you except your heart. And your grandmother smiled, knowing that soon you, without even knowing it, would meet your loved one. Maybe even several years older than you and whom you don’t take seriously yet.

Dream Interpretation - My boyfriend's deceased mother

As for pregnancy, the dream means delaying the resolution of the issue with him, the relationship will drag on, without certainty. For several months. As for death, this means parting with him for a while, perhaps he will go somewhere. I don't see any signs of separation


Funeral of a long dead person

Dream Interpretation - Dead father

If dad died more than 2 years ago, you should definitely remember him, and go to his cemetery, and also at home you will see a conversation about him among relatives, tell him what good he did during his lifetime, etc. There is no need to go to church .

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

If you were going to get married to him, then you should seriously think about your grandmother’s words; if you weren’t going to, then this is a projection of your memories of him, then the dream is of little significance for you.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

I understand my grandmother's answer. Your loved one loves and remembers you. Your love will always be in his heart. Chances are, no one loved him as much as you did. Over time, he will understand this and perhaps carry it around. But you are with him differently treat the very word “love” He tends to simplify relationships, but you want unity of souls. You are too different. Therefore, each of you will have your own life, without each other. But in each heart there will be a piece of the other.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandmother

Hello! It is you who feel sorry for yourself and torment yourself. The subconscious (grandmother) tells you in plain text that you are your perception of your relationship ( ring finger) you deprive yourself of Strength (the ring is not on your hand). The right choice.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandfather

A one-time dream about a dead person is very positive. Meaning. Namely, you will receive news that will make you happy.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased son

Dear Galina, your dream is evidence of moral discomfort stemming from internal discord, other people’s influence and sometimes from the inability to find a way out and get rid of obsessive thoughts (in a dream this is an image of washing clothes.) Your personality and soul are torn apart by conflicting aspirations, and it comes to terms with it in the end The bottom line is that there is no perfection in the world. Your consciousness is busy with the question of searching for the cause of your son’s death - (who or what is to blame, what was the cause, etc.), you yourself, through this dream, through the language of the image, receive information, a signal - revealing a secret for you. Your son was seriously ill (- You didn’t know about this?), his death was the result of many reasons, long ago and progressively..., of course, this is not a sudden case) You experience the bitterness of loss even in your waking dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Grandfather

Understanding (2) in in a broad sense words, rationality (grandfather) will open opportunities (doors) for you to gain stability (4) in life, which is confirmed by another number 4 (2011=2+0+1+1=4). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Dead grandmother. Bull. White tent

From any destructive force (bull) there is salvation (door), but it is not in illusions (window), but in new understandings, new views on life (on the roof) and in wisdom (grandmother,). Also, don't suppress yours feminine(girl in a tent), you need this for a holistic perception ( White color). Good luck..

Dream Interpretation - Deceased loved ones

Dreams about a wedding symbolize scandals, quarrels, troubles with loved ones, most often these are relatives. If there were no scandals at home after the mother-in-law’s dream, then such dreams foreshadow additional unforeseen expenses that will be necessary.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased loved ones

Just don't be afraid. Your dream reflected a change in your awareness of relationships with relatives and nothing more. The mother unconsciously feels this, which is reflected in her dream. Good luck. P.S. Old dream books intimidate and confuse people in every possible way, distorting the meaning of the symbols. For example, a wedding. How can it symbolize something bad? Of course, sometimes people get drunk at a wedding and fight... But what does the wedding have to do with it? A wedding is not a drinking party. These are different things and the symbols are also different.




Hello, please decipher my dream for me. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, from August 22 to 23...I was in some kind of public house, in a public shower...hiding...my split occurred...I was the second one to leave the house...I was the first one to stay in the shower...I looked, coming up to there is a man with a gun, looking out the window and shooting, killing me in my soul. I am the second, in horror I run into the house, to hide from the killer... and I, the first, have already been killed... Then I dream of my wake in the same shower, we are sitting at the table - me, my daughter, and a couple of women... And on the contrary I see my a dressed corpse sitting on a chair, and I see how it slowly falls from the chair, rolls down... and then I wake up... Naturally, this worries me all day, but I try to set myself up for the positive!………Thank you!


hello, I had a dream that all my colleagues from the organization where I work were at the wake of our leader in some good restaurant... nothing directly testified about the wake in the dream, for example, there were no wreaths, black and red flowers, sorrow and tears, but I knew that this was a wake...
I had a dream from Friday October 12, 2013 to Saturday

mammoth valentina:

I had to hold a wake, but I didn’t have time to do anything, people began to gather, and I empty table I haven't prepared anything


Good afternoon I dreamed of a wake for my ex-husband, who in real life is alive and well. Moreover, the only emotions I felt were joy when meeting the people who were there. However, I was disturbed by the fact that at the wake there was a person who is no longer alive. He was clean, beautiful and cheerful.


I was looking for a hall to rent for a funeral service, the man I approached with a request looked at me strangely and moved away when I approached him.


I dreamed of a funeral for a friend (in reality she is alive), there were a lot of people and her husband (he died 12 years ago) accused me of somehow upsetting her (my friend) and generally treating her badly. I, in turn, accused her husband (who died) of going out and cheating on his wife, although in reality this did not happen. In general, we argued, and there was a heavy aftertaste.




Hello! I dreamed that my grandmother died. I just heard that her heart couldn’t stand it. Her photo was on the table in a frame, there were few guests and there was almost nothing to eat on the table...a glass with a piece of bread and a photo. I didn’t sit at the table, I just stood nearby. I don't remember anything else. Tell me, is it worth worrying about this dream?

Oksana 35 years old:

from the beginning I’m at the cemetery in 2020, then I’m going to the funeral with sweets, buns, unfamiliar youth, I go to them, 2031, I go up to the cemetery, sit down on the sand, the deceased grandmother comes and says that in 2131, there will be an expensive turn, I answered that when I will be 91 years old, I don’t care how long the divorce will be, I’ll get a divorce when I’m 51 years old


My boyfriend and I were going to my brother’s wedding, when we arrived the words “well, let’s remember” were heard and the clinking of glasses was heard. Brother's late father was also there


I dreamed of a wake for my mother who had died a long time ago, and in the dream this caused surprise. What was also surprising was that dad drank cognac at the wake. There were people who were unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar. During this event, dad offered to bury new dishes in mom’s grave and even prepared boxes. I was horrified and returned all the dishes to their place.


Me and 2 other women were setting the tables, commemorating someone, but I didn’t know this person. The menu included soup, meat with side dishes, pies and wine.


Hello! I see in a dream that I accidentally end up at someone else’s funeral. when I ask whose, it turns out to be a famous writer who died in Stalin’s camps in 1937. there are a lot of people, everyone is sitting at the table. I also want to sit down, but they don’t allow me, they say that today only men are commemorating, and women will gather tomorrow at the house of my friend, who has nothing to do with the deceased, but really wants to arrange a memorial dinner.


Hello. I'm 18. Since childhood, I often have dreams that always come true. I've never just had a dream before. always towards something. So today in a dream I was at a concert in which some serious person was being remembered. At the same time, I saw his family next to the grave. but for some reason the dream was not frightening. warm environment, warm people. This is the first time I have dreamed like this. To be honest, I'm a little confused about what it was.


I dream of a wake (one year after my sister’s husband, he hanged himself (in real life)), we go to remember him in a cafe with family and friends, but once at the table I notice that only relatives have gathered. I give a speech, but my father starts shouting at me so that I don’t talk much about him (about my sister’s husband), I cry and leave. I saw Yura’s friends (deceased), but in another room. Then this plot is interrupted and my sister and I are in an unknown room with her little daughter who, like a gymnast, shows us the elements, and on her back she has a triangle made of pigment spots from the shoulders to the tailbone…. what could this mean...?


I felt like we were holding a wake, and on top of all this, some kind of letter arrived, it was very strange to me... at the wake everyone was talking about something...


I saw the captures ex-boyfriend.but he is alive, and we have not seen each other for many years. I went there with carnations. During the capture, his father gave me a gold chain with a gold cross.


Good afternoon
I dreamed that I was at the wake of a woman with whom I used to work. She is alive in reality. Her relatives, whom I personally know, were there. Children and husband, nephew. The room was not large, white.


Summer, nature, the sun is bright, everything is in white, a wooden table is standing right on the street and the people at this table are all in white and so am I, I can’t say it’s sad, but in a dream I know that I’m at someone’s wake.


My best friend died in real life. 40 days have not yet passed, I have many dreams related to him. Today I dreamed that I was late. But I came to his wake (for 40 days)..


I had a dream that my family and a friend were gathering for a wake on the occasion of the death of a deaf and mute girl I knew. There were also a bunch of gypsies there, and they even talked to one. At the wake, I cleaned tables and dishes. There I learned the story of the death of a friend - she saw something on a trip that others did not see - something red (a ship with scarlet sails?) and died, seemingly by drowning


I dreamed of a wake that I was a guest at it, and it was organized by another woman, my housemate. She invited guests to the house, but did not invite me. I stayed on the street.
The whole dream was in black tones.


I dreamed that I was doing a wake for my mother, but my mother died and then at her wake she was alive, crying that she was going to die, I calmed her down, she listened to me and calmed down.


Hello! I dreamed of a wake in ordinary apartment for a girl who was alive and well in life, people unknown to me were present at the wake, but there was no memorial table. The “dead” herself was there, she was smiling and having fun, she didn’t know that she had died, everyone knew that she was dead and they were grieving and didn’t know how tell her that she is dead. and then at the same time she dreamed of feces with worms


Mom's Native sister celebrated her wake. Well, I was there too. Here's something strange - ALL OF US who came to my aunt's wake were not allowed to look at her... although in my dream I understood that even at the table my aunt was sitting alive. Strange!


there was a wake in my corridor, on the wall there was an icon that I had never seen before. the one who led the wake asked several times angrily to bring cabbage soup to the table, and for a long time I could not find them, but they were at home. I was never able to submit them.


I dreamed about the house of my deceased grandmother, there were a lot of people there, as if my grandmother was having a funeral and after that a wake. I didn’t see my grandmother herself. All the people were unknown, they spoke as if they were my relatives. Then everyone lined up two deep and I was among them. Then everything got mixed up, already familiar people appeared with whom I communicate in everyday life.


hello. I saw women in a dream who were celebrating a funeral at the table when they were leaving, I wanted to give them food from the table but they refused and after that I decided to throw the funeral dinner in a bucket


I dreamed of my mother’s funeral, I remember exactly that it was 40 days, but she was also present at them and knew that it was her funeral. at the end she just said goodbye to me. the mentions in the dream were not in the place where they actually were.


About twenty years ago we lived in that house from the window of which I heard a noise and climbed out the window to look, there were a lot of people there, they were screaming, and someone was about to fall out of the window. Then a stranger’s apartment, many rooms, people came to the wake of a guy who killed someone and then killed himself, this apartment is not mine, but I seemed to know everything in it, it’s not clear what I did there, a lot of the relatives of the deceased were non-Russian.


I was at the wake of an unfamiliar woman, there were candles around her photo, I accidentally extinguished them, and then they lit up on their own after 10-15 seconds, in the dream I was still working in some store, I don’t remember anymore.


I dreamed that I was at my ex-boyfriend’s house, and everyone there was preparing food for the funeral, and I was also asked to help, I didn’t refuse and started helping, and after that his dad gave me 500 and 150 tenge. and sent me to get food. and in the dream we ate cookies made from only raisins and only nuts.


I found out about the death of my still living mother. It was very difficult, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I couldn’t cry. I came to work, sat in the corner, my mother’s daughter-in-law sat down with me. Then I was sitting at home in the kitchen alone, my mother’s daughter-in-law appeared again, then I hear a noise in the hallway (I’m surprised that the door is not closed) the granddaughter of my mother’s brother, who is related to me by blood (daughter-in-law’s husband), comes into the kitchen, only she is dressed on top and naked from below and her back is bare, animated. The daughter and son of my mother’s daughter-in-law come in animatedly behind her ( they are not related to me by blood) with hot pots and everyone sits down at the table. I am very surprised that they came to remember with their products and I feel uncomfortable and not comfortable with them, and I don’t understand why my granddaughter is not embarrassed by her nudity - they look at her like fool.


I had a black and white dream closer to five in the morning that I was attending the funeral of a person I supposedly knew, but I didn’t know exactly who it was. I don’t see the faces of the people sitting at the table, but I know that they are there. I don’t see who serves food in plates on the table, I only hear the voice of a person who places food in plates and serves cold appetizers. I don’t feel like eating, but they force me to. I pretend to eat. There was various food on my plate and I definitely remember that there were a lot of cookies. I felt like I was present in a familiar company of people with whom I worked.

And I:

Hello. Today I dreamed that I came to a church (beautiful, bright) and brought a memorial (a roll, cupcakes), which I left in the church. Tell me what to expect after such a dream from Thursday to Friday?


Hello!! My mother died two years ago, but today I dreamed that she was going through a year... and I went with my child to friends for years, was preparing for my daughter’s birthday and realized that we didn’t have time to remember because we had to leave urgently like my dad ( it was very sunny outside)


I bought fresh meat for the wake of my late father (he died in 2008). I bought veal flesh for goulash, and I wanted to buy bones for borscht. I didn’t pay, that is, I didn’t see money in my dream... In a dream, I knew that I needed to prepare dinner for the funeral. I also wanted to buy fresh fish or capelin or crucian carp (if I’m not mistaken), but one of my relatives dissuaded me, I don’t remember who. They told me that I had already bought a lot of things for this events... In reality, my father will have a death date of June 26, 2008.


I dreamed of my deceased grandmother on my mother’s side, she loved me very much, like a mother, it was as if she had come to someone’s funeral, she was so beautifully dressed in a gold dress in good mood she looked younger, even I thought I saw her and started hugging and kissing her, but she didn’t say anything to me, she just smiled


My classmates and I are celebrating something at the table, and I propose to remember our deceased classmates. We raise our glasses without clinking them...


hello, Natasha, I dreamed of a wake for my long-dead father-in-law, as if he had just died, various strangers came to the wake, all with beautiful garden flowers, my mother-in-law was also at the wake, she had also died long ago, but in the dream she was alive, and I also cast a spell in a dream, sat down at a large table and looked at the beautiful table to the wake, and then went to the store and woke up, there were friends from the past in the house


I dreamed of a village. I arrived there with my dad. Around lunchtime, my dad said that we needed to go to the cemetery, to visit my grandmother’s grave. We got ready and went. There was a large tent in the middle of the cemetery. I went there, a lot of people were sitting there and that was it They ate. I realized that every person who was there came to remember their relative. When I asked where my grandmother’s grave was, my aunt answered that it was behind the tent. I decided to go out and go there. When I went out, I saw a lot of people, spirits, near the graves. I got scared and went back. I started telling everyone what I saw there. Then we started collecting food and I woke up


Upon returning to my native village, I saw the neighbors preparing for the funeral, tables were being set, dishes were being placed, but I left and was in a hurry to go home.


I dream about a neighbor’s wake, but she is shaking, there are long tables, but they are empty, only bread and then they break it with their hands and vodka in glasses. There are a lot of people, why is this?


The granddaughter saw her deceased grandmother in a dream and she asked to give her a good wake. Soon 6 months since the grandmother has been gone


I dreamed of my own wedding, we were sitting in a restaurant, and behind us in the same restaurant there was someone’s wake


Hello! I dreamed that I was at the wake of a person I didn’t know, and the people around were mostly strangers. It wasn’t even a wake, it was just me helping set the table, bringing and taking away dishes. And the most important thing is that I had this dream on the eve of my parents’ day.
Please help me interpret your dream. I think that on the eve of parent’s day such a dream carries very important information...


I dreamed that I, my husband, my mother-in-law and my friend with whom we have not communicated for a long time are at the wake of my husband’s grandmother, besides us, my father-in-law who died two years ago is at the wake, we are sitting at a large table, I don’t remember what exactly is on the table, but the table all filled with food, my mother-in-law is sitting next to my father-in-law and talking about going to the cemetery to visit my grandmother’s grave, I also remember that they were talking about bread, and my friend is going to the store to buy bread in order to buy bread and give it to her mother-in-law for the trip.


Hello! I dreamed of a wake, but it was quite cheerful and there were a lot of people!
Thank you!


I'm in church. I light a few candles. I can’t light the last candle and I see a small hair clip in my hand and not a candle. A church minister, very tall and healthy, stands nearby and begins to sing a very beautiful song. After this, on the other half of the church, long tables are set and everyone sits down to eat, with unfamiliar women sitting nearby. The food is varied. I felt full, I was full.


I work in a restaurant and serve people who gathered for the funeral of their biker friend, the funeral was non-alcoholic!


I dreamed that my daughter died, but I didn’t see her, I just know her and I didn’t see the funeral either, and someone else’s child also died and they are holding a wake and I want to do a wake and I’m starting to find out how it’s done on what day, etc. .d But I didn’t see my own wake, but I only know what needs to be done.


Hello! I dreamed of a memorial service, but it looked more like a funeral. In my dreams I saw people I didn’t know personally. In total there were 5 people in the dream. I didn’t see the coffin. I saw a table with a white tablecloth, sparsely stocked with food. I was also very fussy about the event. I saw my godmother nearby, she’s my dad’s aunt.


I was present at the wake, some woman was organizing it, for whom I don’t know... Everyone had already sat down, some old woman came all crooked and began eating borscht from another woman’s plate. I said that now I’ll pour it into another plate for her. And she began to help clear the tables. And that grandmother left and everyone dispersed. And I saw a portion of mashed potatoes and thought that I hadn’t eaten it... and I thought that I would take it home, but the woman who organized the memorial took it for herself.


My friend and my mother were walking to the bus stop, we met our classmate and her mother, followed by many grandmothers in Russian folk costumes, started talking to a classmate, hugged, asked where they were, in response they heard that it was their grandmother’s memorial day and that she had been gone for 15 years


I dreamed that I was in the establishment where I work, officiating at the wake of my father-in-law, but he was alive. There, my husband did not perceive that his father was dead (i.e., in madness) And


I dreamed that people came to my apartment to remember some man, I don’t know anyone, just like the deceased, I also clearly saw the deceased’s wife, she was young beautiful girl with dark long hair She took me by the arm and sobbed very loudly. I also remember that I was preparing dinner for my family and these people just came and I was worried that there wouldn’t be enough food for everyone and in general they were very indignant why they came to me, that’s all


I dreamed that I was at the funeral of a person whom I knew but had not seen for a long time. And I give them money and other different things to everyone who comes. Money, different bills and different foreign currencies. What does it have to do with two 5000 ruble bills? I hide it in my trousers..... What a nonsense I am.)


Hello! I dreamed of a dead friend and her deceased daughter. My husband wanted to go for a walk with her and her daughter, but I didn’t allow it, but they persuaded me and I agreed for them to go for a walk, but only near the house. Then my husband and I ended up at their wake, had lunch, and when we left, we took more buns with us.


Grandmother died 25 years ago and today is the day of her death. And today I dreamed that many dead people came to her house to celebrate her funeral,


I was walking home. Mother opened the door. my mother started cursing and I hit her. then I went to a neighbor’s funeral. I didn’t have time to drink there, I woke up.


The funeral of my best friend, I dream that I am running to her funeral, when I come running I see my family at the dinner table, I don’t see the dead man! Currently, I have not been in touch with my girlfriend for 5 months)


I walked through the snow in open rubles and felt the snow melting. A friend of mine was with me; we were going to someone’s funeral. And when I came there (alone), it turned out that it was a wake for this friend


my relatives gathered for security but whose I didn’t see, at home, and then in the dining room I saw a funeral dinner and food, the day before I saw my father lying on the bed, but he died 20 years ago, I recently buried my aunt


to film some guy's wake. and this wake is being held by my ex-boyfriend. supposedly this is his good friend. but why am I there??? we broke up 3 years ago. And this isn’t the first time I’ve had a dream!


my foreman made a wreath before my eyes and, screaming at me, gave me this wreath so that I could make more of the same wreaths. I was also very scared of her scream and cried, took the wreath and went to my workplace


I dreamed as if the memorial was actually for a healthy sibling who seemed to have drowned in the ocean/sea, there were people - the memorials were quite noisy. at the end of the dream I saw a beautiful storm


We held my stepfather’s wake in reality on Monday, and on Tuesday I had a dream that after the wake I dropped clean white plates and they broke


A wake and a coffin with a long-dead person, but he comes to life in the coffin. I collect food from the funeral table.


Hello. I dreamed as if it was my father’s wake. Father really died and it’s not 40 days yet. and then I hear everyone saying that my aunt and uncle are divorced (although they live together and well, but my aunt is sick). and then their daughter comes all in tears and says that they really got divorced. what is this dream for?


I dreamed of the wake of my grandfather, who died almost 10 years ago, during all this time I never dreamed about it, but then I dreamed about it and the most interesting thing is that he was there too and was also preparing for his wake, and my grandmother was also there, she died 2 years ago


I dreamed that I was present at the memorial table for a stranger. There were a lot of people and food. I was eating, someone put food on my plate. I could even smell the food. Subsequently, it seemed to me that the wake turned into fun. People talked a lot and loudly, it even seemed like they were singing. The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday. What would that mean? Thanks for the help.


I dreamed that I was asking you to remember mine deceased mother and crying I woke up in tears


I had a dream about my son’s wake. Who has not been with us for more than two months. Funeral on the street. Many tables covered with a variety of food. Many people. But people are still smiling. On the ground the grass is green and the sun is shining brightly. My husband and I greet the gosyas and seat them.


Hello! I dreamed that a lot of people had gathered for the wake of a long-dead uncle. When it came time to put noodles in the soup, it turned out that his drunken wife had replaced the noodles with spreadable dough. All the people left the funeral without remembering the dead man. What does this mean? THANK YOU


I dreamed of a wake in the house of my classmate, that I was passing by her house, and there was a wake, but I didn’t know whose... I was walking along the road, and her mother was coming to meet her and calling her to the table, but I refused.


I dreamed of someone’s funeral in a very expensive restaurant, where everything was decorated with wood and crystal. I, all my relatives and friends were at this wake. Everyone was alive, healthy and happy. The sensations from sleep were bright. I am 9 months pregnant now in life. I had bad feelings throughout my pregnancy from the first day. In the dream, I was not pregnant and the child was nowhere to be found.


there was darkness, like in a horror film, scary music was playing, there were 3 women like witches at neighboring tables, there were grandmothers at the wake. Not long ago they buried


I dreamed of a funeral for my grandmother (she died in 2008) in the apartment, I walked in, there were a lot of people at the tables, went up to the bed on which my grandmother was lying and began stroking her head. She came to life and stood up, I began to loudly tell people that she was alive! She and I began to hug, cry and kiss, I promised to come to her more often. My brother was also in the room; my grandmother told him that he was doing everything wrong.
what could the dream mean?


I dreamed of a funeral for a person I didn’t know, music was playing, everyone was having fun, I was in a suit and tie, people I knew were present, and there was a cat sitting on the fence ash color and played! I drank a glass of vodka and had a snack and then I lost sleep!


Hello, I dreamed of my friend’s funeral, where everything was like at an ordinary funeral, but we saw him as a ghost and asked him all sorts of questions. One of my questions was this: I asked how long I had left to live (I asked 1 year he remained silent 2 he remained silent when I asked 3 he nodded his head which meant yes!!! a friend really died and I didn’t breathe at the 40 days of commemoration in a week like that a strange dream why can you help?????


I was sitting at the table remembering a man. His wife was sitting opposite me. I could see her face clearly. There were a lot of people.


I dreamed of a wake, as if there weren’t enough plates for them, everything was somehow unorganized, and I also dreamed of a big wave on the sea, but I managed to jump away. I also see in my dreams old apartment where we lived as a child, it has been sold, I see it all the time as if we live there and the owner will come, sometimes he comes.


A famous, living man was turned into a dried-up mummy. People and the priest gathered in my kitchen. And I read a speech in memory of this man. The speech was very beautiful and touching. Everyone was crying. But in general the situation was positive.


setting tables for the funeral of a deceased woman / many people


I dreamed of my friend’s deceased grandmother, as if she came to talk to me about something, and gave me three candies, and said that she had some kind of event


Her son’s mother invited her son to the wake of her deceased neighbor, where her still living husband and mother’s living brother were present. They gave me a drink of vodka and a taste of mineral water. I went out, but my grandmother didn’t let me come back, she was also ready to go.


Large, bright room. Not many people - about 20 people. Free space left side center of the table, I crouch. An elderly man came in, I gave up my seat, stood against the wall. They offered to sit down, I refused. Unobtrusive music was playing. I saw my mother (alive) in a black scarf, telling me what she did to me during my life, and then I realized that this was my funeral or wake.


The dream was as if I was helping some woman drag a stroller with two twin boys up the stairs, and when we got to the top, it was as if I had gone into a cafe or a dining room, I walked in, and there the tables were pushed together as if for a wake, that is, For some reason I decided that this was a wake, there were no people there.


It's like I'm driving with my friends in a car. I’m driving, although in my life I don’t have a car, I don’t drive. We're going either on vacation or to night club but the mood is good and cheerful. we see a building there, fun, we thought that this was a nightclub or restaurant, we decided to go in. We go inside and it’s like a restaurant and no fun. In one of the halls there is a group of men sitting, about 10 people. The men are all not simple, clearly they have status, not sad, but simply tense, as if they are solving business issues. My friends and I decided that now we would amuse them. let's go into this room... One strong strong man comes up to us and says: girls, don’t you see a wake here. And he politely sends us out. We are walking through the building and decided to go to the toilet before continuing on our way. further confusion... change of picture... I'm standing with a package in my hand, I don't know what's in it, one of the men says what do you have there? I say this: I unfold it and there are 5 fish large fish there are 5 of these... I wrap it up and decide what I need to take with me... the man went somewhere, I don’t know, and then there was some kind of chase, someone was chasing us. I woke up feeling anxious. What does it mean??


I just remember the round table, people familiar to me sat at it and remembered my my own grandmother and cookies were on the table


In a dream, I go looking for someone or something, I see private houses, I go into one and there is a funeral, but I don’t ask whose, and I don’t sit down to commemorate, but I just see serious glances at me and I understand that I’m not welcome here, and ridicule of some guy addressed to me. I answer him something, also with a grin, and leave. Then I go down the street, meet a girl, we go into the store with her, she buys something and they give her a large bill for change, she she tells me that if she changes it for less, her husband will be very angry. For some reason I’m looking for shoes for myself, but in my dream I can’t tell whether I’m wearing shoes or not. I see this girl’s shoes, there are several pairs in the bag, I want to try them on one couple, Meriya and we walk towards the house, we are on the way. I wake up


funeral of a brother. where my husband (a person who is not my husband at the moment) drank vodka very heavily


In a room with no electricity turned on, the mother (deceased) covered the table with a black tablecloth and treated the women. I didn’t see any food on the table, but there was liquid on my mother’s plate and she ate it with a spoon.


the day before the anniversary of my brother’s death, I had a dream, I don’t remember the details clearly, but I remember that someone brought carnations... a very vivid moment from the dream. I couldn’t make out what kind of flowers they were, they were alive and fresh. Then, realizing it, I told the one who was dying... that it’s customary to bring carnations to funerals. I remember this moment and replay it in my head all the time. What could this mean?




We have come home. There is a bus in our yard (a yard for two families). People had gathered at the neighbors' place - someone had died, someone was going to be buried. I ask: - who died? They answer: “The neighbor’s sister, who doesn’t live here, died.” We are on bad terms with our neighbors


In a dream, I was at the wake of an acquaintance who recently died in reality. Sat at the table with ex-friend and with a crippled stranger


I sent my husband on a long journey and he said that he must remember his father. and I was very worried in a dream about how I would drive the car to the house after my husband left. In fact, my husband and I are not going anywhere, and his father died in the winter several years ago. and in a dream this happens in warm time of the year.


My mother recently died, and today I dreamed of her wake, I remember that there were a lot of people, we were sitting at the table, there was a lot of food, everyone was crying, there was nothing special in the dream, I just don’t understand why I dreamed about that day when they buried my mother

Why do you dream of a wake? This is an interesting question, but a little scary. But this feeling is mostly due to our associations. Of course, the first thoughts that the memory of a wake evokes cannot be called positive. And the next ones too. Well, in order to fully understand the issue regarding why funerals are dreamed of, we should talk in more detail about the various interpretations given by dream books.

Interpretation concerning personality

So, first of all, you need to talk about why you dream of a wake... yourself. A terrible sight, after which what could this mean? Actually nothing bad, oddly enough. A modern book of interpretations assures that such a vision carries a positive attitude and portends excellent changes in life. Perhaps it will be career growth, a wedding, establishing a personal life, the birth of a long-awaited child, or something else.

Seeing people having fun at your wake is also good. This means that a person’s financial condition will improve significantly in the near future. Perhaps the person’s salary will be increased or a bonus will be given. By the way, the old dream book has a slightly different meaning on this matter. If people at the dreamer's wake rejoice, dance and have fun, this means that he will live a very long and happy life. But if a person experienced bad emotions, then the dream foreshadows the loss of someone dear and beloved, or speaks of the loss of one’s status or position.

Miller's Dream Book

There are also a lot of interpretations that explain why the wake is dreamed of. For example, if a person has visited them, then you should not take the picture as something literal and instantly succumb to a bad mood. The interpretation of this vision first of all depends on the general atmosphere, and also on the personality of the deceased. People's behavior is also important. In the general understanding, being present at such a not very pleasant event means that a person will soon have to prepare for the coming changes. It is possible that these changes will affect the near future. That is why it is very important to pay attention to such a dream, regarding it as a warning, as well as an opportunity to pre-determine your actions.

It is also interesting to know why you dream about the funeral of a stranger. This leads to unexpected difficulties in mutual understanding with other people, to quarrels, scandals and conflicts. It is worth being more restrained during this period to avoid troubles.

English dream book

When a person sees the funeral of someone who is actually alive in reality, then this is a sign of pleasant events or successful solutions to problems that have long been disgusting. An increase in position in society or rapid career growth is possible.

Why do you dream of a funeral for a dead person? This is a bad sign. Usually it foreshadows the receipt of unpleasant, perhaps even very bad news from afar (most often from relatives). People who specialize in the field of dreams advise, after what you have seen, to go to church and light a candle in memory of him and modestly remember him. This will help neutralize the negative impact of this vision.

Interpretation according to Freud

What interesting things can this book of interpretations tell? If a person sees his own funeral, then this marks the end of some stage in his life and the beginning of a new, very exciting one.

To see someone who is still alive being remembered in a dream means an excellent situation and progress of affairs. All family members will be happy and healthy, and work promises to be promising. In order to give a more complete interpretation of the dream, you must also listen to your own emotions. If they are positive, despite the current tragedy of the situation, then this is good luck. But anxiety and visions promise certain difficulties in life. The good news is that they will be short-lived - everything should be resolved within a few days.

Dream books do not give a definite answer as to why the funeral of the deceased is dreamed of. Some sources say that this is unfortunate. Others, on the contrary, predict a long life. Pay attention to the details of the dream to more accurately decipher it.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

If you see a wake in a dream or attend one, get ready for financial losses and unpleasant illnesses. Both troubles can be avoided if you avoid unexpected purchases and take care of your health.

To see a living funeral - pleasant events await you: promotion in the company, successful projects at work, a pleasant atmosphere at home. There may be a wedding or the birth of a child that will happen in your family.

Dreaming of a wake in a cemetery means depression, bad mood, loss of morale, or a mild but long-term illness.

Preparing for a wake - you will suddenly find yourself in the spotlight. At the same time, it depends on you whether the event will have a positive or negative connotation.

This source also explains why you dream of a wake strangers. In this case, you are warned against quarrels and misunderstandings when communicating with friends due to the fact that you cannot specifically explain your motives and actions.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

The funeral of a familiar person who is actually alive - to good health and the long years of this man's life.

Your own wake taking place in a sad atmosphere - your plans will be unexpectedly disrupted. If your own wake takes place in a cheerful atmosphere, this means financial assistance from outside.

A wake that turns into drinking means problems and misunderstandings with children and spouse.

A dead man revived at a wake means the business you are taking on will start unsuccessfully.

A funeral for a pet is a sign of a fun prank that your friends or relatives are preparing for you.

Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing a wake in a dream means a happy old age with your family.

Newest dream book

Funeral - soon you will be lucky: what you have planned will come true.

Dream book of the 21st century

This source positively deciphers what dreams of a wake mean. A calm, prosperous old age, love from family and friends awaits you.

Attend the wake - you will return to your previous activities or work.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Being at a wake means an unpleasant event, losses or quarrels with friends. Seeing a wake means the return of previous plans and old projects.

If in a dream you attended a wake, this is a sign that changes will soon come in your life.

Which ones exactly depend on the personality of the person you commemorated, the mood of those around you, your feelings and other details.

Now we will look at why we dream of a wake, taking into account these nuances.

Who's dead?

If you remember a person you know who is actually alive, then a long, prosperous life filled with bright events awaits you. And if in reality this person has already died, then wait for news from relatives.

A funeral dinner on the occasion of the death of a stranger symbolizes disagreements with others. And remembering your own child means preserving peace and mutual understanding in your own family for many years.

  • Remembering an old man is a wise, thoughtful act.
  • A young girl - for a romantic date.
  • For a guy - to get out of a difficult situation on your own.

As the dream book writes, the funeral of a famous actor dreams of fame and prosperity. And if it was a famous politician, then you will soon find a job you like.

To attend memorial events on the occasion of your own death means to begin a new stage in life. And seeing an animal’s funeral means having fun with your children or best friends.

What was happening around?

A dream in which the wake was very fun means that you will soon receive financial assistance. And if everyone present was sad and cried, remembering the deceased, then your plans are in jeopardy.

Seeing a lot of drunk people means experiencing difficulties communicating with children. And to be among strangers means to be distinguished by originality of thinking, to be the center of attention.

  • To see a deceased person at a wake - be careful in new endeavors.
  • Eating nothing at a funeral dinner means restoring physical health.
  • Dropping a spoon on the floor means pleasant guests will arrive in your home.
  • Dreaming of a fight at a wake means reconciliation with an old friend or girlfriend.
  • To be the last to leave a funeral dinner means to live a long time without getting sick.

If you dream that you are remembering a stranger in the company of your relatives, then in the future you can count on their help. And if you saw your best friend there, it means that your friendship is not afraid of any tests.

Memorial events in a restaurant mean a rich life. And remembering the deceased in an apartment means working hard to receive a decent salary.

Having figured out what the funeral actually means in dreams, you will not associate them with unpleasant events in life.


Dream Interpretation of Wake, why do you dream of seeing Wake in a dream?

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a wake according to the dream book:

Wake –

Summer dream book Why do you dream of a wake according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see a wake in a dream -

Maly Velesov dream book Why do you dream about the Funeral:

Funeral - Happy old age, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Funeral?

The meaning of the dream in the dream book: Funeral - Dreaming of a funeral means a happy old age, as the dream book - the fortuneteller reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream of a Funeral in a dream?

See in a dream

Wake - Seeing a wake in a dream means a happy old age; being at one in a dream means that you will return to your old activities and habits.

Numerological dream book Why do you dream of a wake:

Wake - Finding yourself at a wake in a dream means that you have made a serious mistake and lost the case. In nine days you will know about it. Don't be upset - in another nine days you will receive an equally interesting offer.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a wake according to the dream book?

Seeing a Funeral in a dream means oblivion.

Why do you dream of a memorial book? - To see a memorial book in a dream - someone will remind you of your duty.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why do you dream about the Funeral:

Funeral food - To the bad


A wake in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. As a rule, it portends misfortune, illness, and difficulties in relationships. However, sometimes such a plot is interpreted exclusively in a positive context, promising a long life, good health, and good luck.

Whose funeral did you dream about? Where did the wake take place in the dream? Did you prepare for a funeral in a dream?

Whose funeral did you dream about?

I dreamed of a funeral for a dead man

Felomena's dream book warns: seeing the funeral of a deceased person or being present there is an omen of material losses, as well as serious illnesses. Try to prevent failures: give up expensive things, pay attention to your health.

Dreaming about the funeral of a living person

If you dreamed of the wake of a living person, a happy period lies ahead. Everything will definitely get better at work and at home. There is a high probability of career growth. Important events for the family are also possible: for example, a wedding or the birth of a baby.

Why do you dream about other people's funerals?

A dream about the funeral of a stranger, a stranger to you, portends difficulties in communication. Serious quarrels and conflicts will flare up due to misunderstandings. Try to calmly explain your point of view to others, then disputes will be avoided.

Where did the wake take place in the dream?

I dreamed of a wake in a cemetery

When you dream that a wake is taking place in a cemetery, this reflects the melancholy, gloomy state of mind of the sleeper. Try to think positively, be sure to please yourself with something, otherwise depression will have a bad effect on you. future life and your health.

Did you prepare for a funeral in a dream?

Preparing for a wake in a dream

According to the dream book, taking a direct part in preparations for the funeral is a harbinger of surprise. The dreamer will be the subject of everyone's attention, without wanting it. Take advantage of the moment, try not to lose face.


Wedding and funeral at the same time

Dream Interpretation Wedding and funeral at the same time dreamed of why you dream about a wedding and a wake at the same time? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Wedding and a wake at the same time in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake in a dream means a large crowd of people.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake for the deceased in a dream means grief.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

To a happy old age.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Wedding - funeral. To get married is to die. If you dream of a wedding and a cemetery, there will be a dead person in the family. To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death. Take part in a wedding: for unmarried people - they will get married soon; for married people - children; dancing at a wedding - beware of people from the opposite direction; seeing your own wedding is family happiness; being at a wedding among men or women means confusion in life. Seeing a wedding train means you will light up someone’s woman’s heart with love or seduce a man; food at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hearing or taking part in a conversation about a wedding in a dream means sadness and chagrin. To be at a wedding or church ceremony in a dream is a sign of the disease of sadness and disappointment. A secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation.

For those getting married, such a dream predicts imminent death.

If in a dream you witness a quarrel at a wedding, then you will soon learn about the death of a loved one. If in a dream you marry your husband (wife), then the dream predicts death for you.

Seeing wedding guests in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. But if in your dream they are dressed in black, then sadness or a message about the death of a relative awaits you. If this happens in a dream on your own wedding, then the dream predicts you an unlucky family life. If the table is empty at the wedding, then you will face a collapse of hopes and a streak of bad luck. Wedding congratulations in a dream foretell receiving news of success in business.

If you dream that someone asks in a dream whether it is true that you got married, then expect big changes in your life. Often such a dream predicts that you will have a new lover (beloved).

Being at a friend’s wedding in a dream is a harbinger of imminent news of his death.

Talking to someone at a wedding or eating at a wedding means illness or trouble.


Death wake funeral

Dream Interpretation Death wake funeral dreamed of why in a dream Death, wake, funeral? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Death, a funeral wake in a dream, by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality - this foreshadows him for many years of a prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own wake, this means a disruption in plans; if those gathered are sad, and if they are cheerful and lively, it means that you will soon receive financial assistance. A wake in a dream, which results in an ordinary drinking session, portends difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present is a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business. A funeral for a dead cat or dog means in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Wake - dream of a wake - happy old age.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about a wake foreshadows sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans or the separation of lovers. A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and you went with him, then the dream foreshadows you receiving bad news about your relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage. If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience. If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed. To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about it. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married. A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning. Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity. Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

If in a dream you meet many relatives, friends and simply familiar faces at someone’s funeral, in reality this promises wealth through a profitable marriage. A dream in which you bury a relative foreshadows friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

Seeing the funeral of a family member in a dream means winning or the long-awaited discovery of a long-lost thing that is very dear to you. If you are present at your own funeral, this predicts you a long life and family happiness.

To find yourself in a dream by chance at the funeral of a complete stranger to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great losses. A magnificent, solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell salvos means confusion in matters of the heart.

A modest funeral with a minimum of those present - in reality you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will be revered not according to your merits, but for your intelligence and spiritual qualities.

The funeral of an old person is a sign of a quiet, peaceful life in solitude from the hustle and bustle and all sorts of worries. If in your dream a very young man or child is buried, this means that in reality you will succumb to harsh pressure and come to terms with the role of an eternal debtor.

If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this portends you delightful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. Disgusting weather at a funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and self-confidence for some time.

Walking in a funeral procession in a dream, carrying a cross, is a harbinger of lost hopes; carrying a coffin is a sign of unrequited love. Lowering the coffin with the deceased into the grave means you will soon recover from a chronic disease; filling it up means new worries.

Accompanying the coffin with the body of the deceased in a hearse and seeing how he winks at you - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will give such traits that he never had and cannot have because of his absurd character that is directly opposite to these qualities.

Dream Interpretation - Funerals and the number nine

Finding yourself at a wake in a dream means that you have made a serious mistake and lost the case. In nine days you will know about it. Don’t be upset – in another nine days you will receive an equally interesting offer.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake in a dream means a large crowd of people.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake for the deceased in a dream means grief.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A favorable dream means a long life for the one who is being buried (see also Dead). If you dreamed of the funeral of a person who has already died, it means that sadness will soon leave you. If you dream that you are looking out the window and see a funeral procession, you will be invited to a holiday. Hearing funeral music is a sign of fun. Find yourself at the funeral of a friend or relative on a sunny day - you will soon meet this person on a joyful occasion. If it rains, you will receive unpleasant news from him.

Imagine that the rain stops, the clouds dissipate and the sun brightly illuminates everything around.

If you buried your own child in a dream, it means that he will have a long life and will bring you a lot of joy. If you see your own funeral from the outside, such a dream could mean a wedding (for unmarried people) or a big celebration in the family (for married people). If you are buried, the dream predicts a long life for you. If you dreamed that your spouse was buried in the same grave with you, this is an extremely happy sign. You will live together happily ever after. Being at the funeral of a stranger means solving a long-standing problem.

Imagine that you are placing white lilies on the grave of a buried person.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

To a happy old age.

Being at a wake means you will return to your old activities and habits.


Funeral of a living person

Dream interpretation of a living person's funeral dreamed of why you dream about the funeral of a living person? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Funeral of a living person in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality - this foreshadows him for many years of a prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own wake, this means a disruption in plans; if those gathered are sad, and if they are cheerful and lively, it means that you will soon receive financial assistance. A wake in a dream, which results in an ordinary drinking session, portends difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present is a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business. A funeral for a dead cat or dog means in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Wake - dream of a wake - happy old age.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about a wake foreshadows sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans or the separation of lovers. A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and you went with him, then the dream foreshadows you receiving bad news about your relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Funerals and the number nine

Finding yourself at a wake in a dream means that you have made a serious mistake and lost the case. In nine days you will know about it. Don’t be upset – in another nine days you will receive an equally interesting offer.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake in a dream means a large crowd of people.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake for the deceased in a dream means grief.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

To a happy old age.

Being at a wake means you will return to your old activities and habits.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Attending a wake is a bad sign.

For a sick person, such a dream means death, and for a healthy person, the death of someone close.

Another meaning is the return of the one who had the dream to some of his old activities or projects.

Dream Interpretation - Alive

See dead alive, and in a dream he will claim that he is alive and did not die, you should immediately go to the temple and light candles for the repose of the dead.

Dream Interpretation - Alive

A live horse appears in the house - great happiness.

Seeing a live horse in the house means a letter from your son.


Merry wake

Dream Interpretation Merry wake dreamed of why you dream about a Merry wake? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Merry Wake in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality - this foreshadows him for many years of a prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own wake, this means a disruption in plans; if those gathered are sad, and if they are cheerful and lively, it means that you will soon receive financial assistance. A wake in a dream, which results in an ordinary drinking session, portends difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present is a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business. A funeral for a dead cat or dog means in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Wake - dream of a wake - happy old age.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about a wake foreshadows sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans or the separation of lovers. A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and you went with him, then the dream foreshadows you receiving bad news about your relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Funerals and the number nine

Finding yourself at a wake in a dream means that you have made a serious mistake and lost the case. In nine days you will know about it. Don’t be upset – in another nine days you will receive an equally interesting offer.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake in a dream means a large crowd of people.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake for the deceased in a dream means grief.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

To a happy old age.

Being at a wake means you will return to your old activities and habits.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Attending a wake is a bad sign.

For a sick person, such a dream means death, and for a healthy person, the death of someone close.

Another meaning is the return of the one who had the dream to some of his old activities or projects.

Dream Interpretation - Fun

To be cheerful in a dream is a harbinger of grief and disappointment. Watching fun is good news. Taking part in it and at the same time having a reason for this is a sign that big troubles await you. Seeing cheerful people is a sign good period in your life. Seeing acquaintances cheerful is a sign of meeting friends. If after this meeting something bad happens to you after such a dream, then your friend is insincere with you or is planning something bad against you. Having fun at lunch is a sign of ill health. Read in a dream funny stories- to receive good news. See interpretation: joke, anecdote.

Organizing fun predicts that you will soon take part in a social event that will bring you many pleasant moments.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Happy old age.


People dance at a wake

Dream Interpretation People dancing at a wake dreamed of why people dance at a wake? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see people dancing at a funeral in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality - this foreshadows him for many years of a prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own wake, this means a disruption in plans; if those gathered are sad, and if they are cheerful and lively, it means that you will soon receive financial assistance. A wake in a dream, which results in an ordinary drinking session, portends difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present is a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business. A funeral for a dead cat or dog means in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Dream Interpretation - Dancing

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Wake - dream of a wake - happy old age.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about a wake foreshadows sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans or the separation of lovers. A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and you went with him, then the dream foreshadows you receiving bad news about your relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Dancing

Dream Interpretation - Dancing

Dream Interpretation - Funerals and the number nine

Finding yourself at a wake in a dream means that you have made a serious mistake and lost the case. In nine days you will know about it. Don’t be upset – in another nine days you will receive an equally interesting offer.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake in a dream means a large crowd of people.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Celebrating a wake for the deceased in a dream means grief.


Dancing at the wake

Dream Interpretation Dancing at a funeral dreamed of why in a dream Dancing at a funeral? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Dancing at a funeral in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream in which you take part in the wake of a loved one who is alive and well in reality - this foreshadows him for many years of a prosperous existence in this world.

If in a dream you see your own wake, this means a disruption in plans; if those gathered are sad, and if they are cheerful and lively, it means that you will soon receive financial assistance. A wake in a dream, which results in an ordinary drinking session, portends difficulties with raising children and frequent absences of the husband.

A wake at which either a revived deceased or his spirit is present is a harbinger of an unsuccessful start in a new business. A funeral for a dead cat or dog means in reality that your friends or children will play a funny prank on you.

Dream Interpretation - Dancing

Dancing gives a person powerful psychological and spiritual release. In many primitive cultures, dance is a sacred act and, at the same time, is considered in a good way relaxation and rest. For more than thirty centuries, ritual dancing in front of religious idols was considered a symbol of praise and veneration of the divine. As a rule, such dances were performed to win the favor of the gods and receive their blessings.

In modern culture, dancing belongs more to the sphere of entertainment and is perceived by us as a distant echo of the ritual of flirting between the sexes. By dancing, we express our hope for a happy relationship in the future in a unique way. In this regard, for many, dancing takes on sexual overtones.

Do you dance alone in your sleep? This may indicate that dancing has a deeper meaning for you. From some people you can hear the expression “I dance as best I can,” used in a figurative sense and demonstrating the speaker’s attitude towards the world around him, and here there are options when you simply dance alone or perform a single dance in front of an audience.

If you are dancing with partners - this may indicate that you feel uncomfortable in society - it is important to consider what kind of dance you are dancing and how you are dressed. Do you “fit in” with the dance atmosphere? Another possible interpretation of dancing with partners is a reflection of the diversity of your acquaintances and connections. This is especially true if you are considering a romantic relationship with one of your dance partners.

Do others dance for you? This reflects your attitude towards these people, especially if the dance contains elements of flirtation and overtly sexual overtones. One of two things: either you feel passion for this person, or vice versa. Such dreams can amaze the sleeper with their frankness and openness.

In the case when you dance by yourself, determine: do the dance movements look natural alone or do you waltz as if a partner is spinning with you? You may feel that others do not recognize your authority or do not fulfill their obligations in their relationships with you.

If dance and music don't go together, or if you find yourself dancing without music, you may be questioning the validity of some aspect of your life or relationship.

When others dance for you, figure out: is the dance sexual, or is it more like a performance, of a ceremonial nature? Why?

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Wake - dream of a wake - happy old age.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

A dream about a wake foreshadows sadness, grief due to the failure of failed plans or the separation of lovers. A dream in which you saw that the deceased invited you to a wake, where you sat at the table, drank and ate, and you went with him, then the dream foreshadows you receiving bad news about your relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Dancing

Seeing yourself dancing at a ball like Natasha Rostova with Stirlitz foretells a pleasant pastime and a successful acquaintance. Seeing your lover dancing a waltz with your rival suggests that you have enough restraint and tact not to create a scandal, but to sort everything out soberly and calmly.

If you dreamed that you were dancing the cancan in a variety show, in reality you would act extremely imprudently and stupidly; if you dance on the ballet stage, you will spend your leisure time interestingly. Seeing square dancers is a sign of a funny incident. Children dancing in a dream is a sign of peace in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Dancing

Dancing in a dream - your elasticity and adaptability will help you / thoughts about love intimacy with a specific person.

Waltzing with someone means entering into a complex relationship with a specific person.

Dancing quickly means there is a lot to be done.

Dance - agility and confidence will lead you to success.

To dance in circles is to discuss something important; you will have an interesting conversation / you will be involved in an adventure.

To spin around in a dance is to deliberately try not to think about danger / to follow the wrong path to success / to be possessed by an evil force.

Dancing on a tightrope means coming into conflict with your conscience.

I'll have to dance until I drop - there's a lot to be done.

Not being able to stop dancing means feeling impending danger and not being able to avoid it.

To twist your leg means danger or harm.

Your legs don’t move, they are rooted to the floor - slowness, inertia of will will harm you / to feel that you are wrong.

A woman dreams that her partner is spinning her around in a dream - a danger from forgetfulness or confusion.

In bq3 the spirit throws up - secretly hoping to benefit from the courtship of a partner.

A dance partner is a person whose attitude towards you you do not fully know, and this confuses you; a person whom you are afraid of or whom you like against your will; the object of your desire.

Seeing a lot of people dancing furiously means getting drunk / some passions around you.

New dances are being danced - to plunge into the bustle.

To see an ancient ceremonial dance is to observe other people’s relationships, there is fun in someone else’s feast.

Seeing dancing gentlemen alone is something dangerous for you.

Dream Interpretation - Dancing, dance evening

Dancing in a dream is a sign of long-awaited good luck. If you dream of elderly people dancing, bright prospects await you in business. Seeing cheerful dancing children in a dream means a happy marriage, the emergence of a loving, friendly family. For young people, dancing in a dream is foreshadowed simple work and interesting entertainment.

Dream Interpretation - Dancing (dance)

"You'll dance with me!" threat: to violence, organized trouble. “Dance with Destiny” is a period of life depending on the nature of the dance and its performance. “To spin around in a dance with someone” association: “to turn someone’s head.” "Dancing 'till you drop" frantic activity.

They indicate a connection with the past, farewell to a loved one and memory of him. Usually, funerals in a dream do not mean anything if you see them after a funeral or on the eve of important dates - 9, 40 days, the birthday of the deceased or the day of death. This is a reflection of an emotional state, which is quite natural.

In other cases, a wake in a dream predicts the end of a relationship. The Muslim dream book writes that you may lose a loved one forever or unexpectedly restore a relationship with him.

Miller's book predicts a pleasant memory, a meeting. Vanga writes that this dream comes with news. Sometimes you dream about a wake in your hand. You may be invited to visit or to a restaurant to remember a loved one. That's how modern dream book interprets wakes most often and in different circumstances.

When interpreting, pay attention to the following points: whether a living or dead person was commemorated, whether a commemoration is really to take place or not, and what was remembered most of all. This is how modern books interpret a dream in which you will dream of the commemoration of a deceased person or the funeral of a living person.

Impressions after a funeral or memorial

Usually the dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they are caused by emotions. Especially if you imagine what actually happened. As a rule, unmemorable stories do not foretell changes in your life, but if something unusual happens, look at the dream book.

Seeing dishes on the table in a dream means new experiences. Focus your attention on what you are eating there. The food that you actually had at the holiday means the experience if you don’t remember it. Poor quality products predict illness and trouble.

If the dinner contained worms, focus on who exactly ate it. Especially if it contained raw meat or fish. This dream may mean the death or illness of this person. If you were offered such a dish and you refused it, it means that the danger has passed you.

Seeing something unusual at a recent wake means news. Such a dream should be interpreted symbolically. If a deceased person comes to life and starts drinking, getting drunk and singing songs, expect trouble with his relatives.

This dream predicts a family scandal and troubles. Perhaps a quarrel will occur under the influence of alcohol. The dead man is rowdy - to troubles with relatives. If he begins to put food on plates, beware of poisoning or a contagious disease. But sometimes a dream can mean that his soul is being commemorated. Especially if the food was delicious.

Commemorating a recently deceased person in a temple means that the dreamer will come to terms with the loss. Seeing the name of a familiar person on a note means his imminent death. But in some cases, the dream book writes that you will stop communicating with him.

If you remembered your deceased grandfather, you will soon need advice wise man. Praying in church at the service of the deceased means coming to terms with loss.

If you place food on the funeral table, interpret it by name. In this situation they mean sacrifice or compensation for loss. The interpretation of such a dream is also symbolic. Seeing in a dream the funeral of a recently deceased person, and then sitting with his relatives at the farewell table means an important conversation.

Eating food means sharing the inheritance. Sometimes taking a piece from a table means receiving something from a deceased person.

A dream in which you are given food to remember someone you know, but is alive, is news. In rare cases, a dream foretells the death of this person. Sometimes a dream prophesies a break in relations with a person.

Lovers dream of separation. If you began to remember your deceased dear friend in church with a note, you will soon learn the news. Perhaps some thing will remind you of him very soon.

If you dreamed that the person you are commemorating is alive, this is a surprise. Your assumptions may turn out to be false. Praying for a stranger or seeing his name on a note is news. Sometimes this is a sign that a person with the same name will die.

Putting food on the table in the temple means a sacrifice. It happens that a dream is seen as an attempt to return the past. Hearing a priest read a prayer for the dead means a message for the deceased, unless you recently attended a funeral.

The person whose name was named in the temple will end the relationship with you or become unnecessary. The dream predicts unpleasant memories, an attempt to return a dead relationship.

Pay attention to what foods you put on the table. Vodka and any alcoholic beverages dream of grief; bread predicts poverty.

Remembering the deceased with candies or sweets is a sign of joy. But often such a dream means giving up a pleasant lifestyle and holidays.

Remembering a stranger means breaking off relations with an acquaintance. Sometimes a dream comes with news about a funeral. To receive a commemoration of a relative or friend from a person you know is a sign of news.

But sometimes it is worth paying attention to the middle name of the deceased person. For example, Lyubov Alexandrovna means that the feelings of a man named Sasha have faded away forever, but you will remember the best moments of your life with him. Often a dream predicts death or a break in relations with the person whose name was heard in the dream.

Remembering a real dead person means that you will need someone’s advice. A deceased grandmother dreams of a need for female wisdom and experience. A deceased grandfather indicates a lack of masculine qualities from the dreamer.

Remembering the deceased mother means that the dreamer will have to take her advice or copy the behavior of the parent.

Remembering a husband or wife means a lack of marital love. From time to time, the dream indicates disappointment in the relationship with the chosen one, whom they met after the death of their spouse. You may miss the deceased.

Cemetery and funeral

The dream means deep regrets and tears. The dream book writes that commemorating a relative or friend in a cemetery means crying and grief. Sometimes this is a sign that you will miss his attention and love.

When a dead person comes to life, it means that you will soon meet someone similar to him. If he goes to the grave again, a person with the same name, position, or his relative will die. The dream book indicates that you may find out news about the deceased or meet a person similar to him.

Preparing food for remembrance means news in the house. At times, a dream warns you of making a decision that you will regret. To see someone else's house in which food is being prepared for remembrance - to the deceased. But for some people, the dream prophesies an invitation to a wedding.

Seeing a wake in a restaurant and meeting a relative or friend there is a sign of change. Every now and then the dream hints at separation. Going to a wake for a person who is alive means an unsuccessful attempt to establish a relationship with him. Celebrating a memorial noisily, but forgetting the name of the deceased means an imminent wedding or an invitation to a celebration.

If your father died, it means you will commit an unreasonable act. The house in which the funeral took place is dreamed of for a wedding. But sometimes a dream foreshadows the appearance of a deceased person or a move.

A table set with various dishes and delicious food portends changes in your life, events and news. Focus on the food that was there. If it turned out to be fresh and delicious dishes, expect good news and joy.

Inedible, poisoned and spoiled food dreams of illness, problems and grief. Fish soup, fish cutlets, boiled fish predict tears and grief. If a relative served it to you, expect coldness, indifference and empty talk.

When you get a bone or it gets stuck in your throat, beware of poisoning. Meat dishes at a wake indicate that your efforts will be in vain. Cutlets predict illness if they are overcooked, boiled beef or pork - tears, loss of strength.

Products name

Seeing and eating donuts, gingerbread, and flour products on the funeral table means suffering. Bread means poverty, worries, difficulties. Flatbread, pita bread and other foods, cookies or waffles predict trouble for you. Sometimes a dream symbolizes a spoiled holiday, a date, and pleasure. Remembering the deceased with cakes and delicious pastries is good news. Especially with aromatic fillings and jam.

Tula gingerbread predicts gatherings with guests and communication with relatives of the dead man. If he is alive, then you will learn news about his family life.

Funerals with kolev and traditional church dishes with candles mean tragedy, misfortune, and sometimes death. The dream book writes that this dream predicts separation and difficult experiences. Eating it means tears and failures; treating others means illness.

Accepting it from an acquaintance or stranger means unpleasant news. Perhaps some business will fail. If you put out another dish for the funeral, for example, puffed rice, sushi or popcorn, this means that your worries will dissipate and you will receive pleasant news in reality.

Eating sweets and enjoying it means quick recovery of strength. This dream hints you at joy and gain.

Using candies to remember the deceased or taking them from the funeral table is a sign of worry. Sometimes this is a sign that due to your own frivolity you can lose a loved one. Giving someone candy is a sign of deception. The dream book predicts an attempt to hide a bad deed.

Commemorating a deceased person with seeds or nuts is a sign of gossip. If you handed them out yourself, then in life you will give rise to bad rumors.

Accepting a remembrance of seeds from another person is empty chatter. A funeral with chocolates means a gift, vodka and wine means bitterness.