Is it possible or not to wear things after a deceased person? Prayer for the clothes of the deceased Is it possible to wear things after the deceased?

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Many people who have lost a loved one are concerned about what to do with the things of the deceased. Some people solve this problem immediately after the funeral, others consult with a priest. And someone keeps them and doesn’t give them to anyone. But sooner or later there comes a time when you need to decide something with them and make a choice. As you know, each person’s belongings are imbued with a special energy that the person himself possesses during his lifetime. Therefore, many religions, including the Orthodox, recommend getting rid of the deceased’s belongings in order to avoid trouble. Remember, no matter what advice religion or friends give, only relatives can decide how to deal with the things of the deceased, but it will not be amiss to familiarize yourself with the information presented below.

The question of whether it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person worries many people who have buried their loved ones. The point is that with death loved one pain and suffering are associated. A lot of negative energy gathers around him, which tends to accumulate in the room in which the deceased lived.

This energy especially accumulates on precious jewelry, clothing and bedding. It is for this reason that after the death of a loved one, you need to say goodbye to his things. Just to get rid of them you need to know some rules and recommendations of Orthodox believers.

Where to put the deceased's belongings

According to the traditions of the Orthodox faith, it is believed that the energy of the deceased is on his clothes after 40 days. If you still decide to give away clothes, then you need to distribute them not to one, but to several people. It should be noted that in many sources you can find information about the belongings of the deceased before and after 40 days. But this information contains different information about this date.

Some argue that this must be done before this time expires, interpreting this to mean that by doing so you will help the deceased finish his earthly affairs. Because those who take these clothes will remember him. There is another opinion. According to which, on the contrary, for 40 days after death you cannot give, but you need to keep clothes at home, since all these days the soul is still at home.

The Bible itself does not answer the question of whether it is possible to keep the things of the dead or to give them away. But despite this, it says that by distributing the clothes of the deceased to those in need, you are doing a good deed. Also, according to many priests, things need to be distributed, while handing them out, you need to ask that they remember the deceased and pray for him. This will make it easier for the soul to get to heaven.

Sincere prayer will help him in another world. Therefore, give away all the things, keep only a few pieces as a keepsake. And then this is only if desired. Ideally, it is better to get rid of all things. And since we see when it is possible to distribute the things of the deceased, even within the traditions themselves, opinions differ. Of course, it’s probably best to do this after 40 days, when the soul of the deceased passes into another world in peace.

Is it possible to wear the things of the deceased?

Along with the question of whether it is possible to store the things of the deceased, many are also interested in whether they can be worn. Of course, at a time when clothing was in short supply, especially outerwear, relatives, even during the life of the deceased, began to divide his things. This is a great sin. This cannot be done. Since it is believed that a person’s soul watches everything that happens in her house and can punish relatives for the atrocities.

Even bioenergeticists do not recommend touching things for the first 40 days after death. They do not even recommend sleeping in the room of the deceased so that he does not dream about it. But unfortunately, today not everyone has such an opportunity. After 40 days, things can be distributed to both relatives and strangers. Such things must be clean and tidy.

In cases where the clothes are already worn, they need to be burned. If you don’t know who to give it to, then just take it to church. The poor will definitely take it up there. Over the course of several recent years There is also a tendency for the funeral services themselves to take the clothes of the deceased and distribute them to those in need themselves.

Particular attention should be paid cash deceased. If during his lifetime he had large sum, then it is necessary to allocate funds from it for alms for the poor. And before becoming the rightful owner of this property, thank the deceased for such a gift and remember something good about him.

When can you give away a deceased child's belongings?

But as for children's things, it is not recommended to give them away. In the event of the death of a child:

  • His clothes need to be disposed of.
  • Never give your favorite toys to another child. Negative energy will be transmitted along with them, and the child to whom the things were given may experience the same torment as the deceased experienced.
  • It is also not recommended if your older child has died to store and dress his things for the younger one. According to many, this can cause irreparable harm to the health of your baby.

To summarize, it should be noted that the question “is it possible to wear things after a deceased person?” Orthodox traditions say that yes it is possible, the main thing before you do this is to properly cleanse them of the energy of the previous owner by sprinkling the clothes with holy water. But this only applies to the clothes of adults. Children's things must be burned and not given to anyone. Even the poor. To avoid accidentally causing even more harm to a stranger.

The Lord is always with you!

Death never brought anything positive. This is the pain of loss, suffering, serious illness or a voluntary decision to die. In any case, the deceased collects a lot around himself, which extends to his clothes, personal items, and jewelry. Therefore, many believe that the deceased’s belongings should be put away and never used. Let's try to figure out how serious everything is and answer the question: Why can't you wear the things of a deceased person?

Analytical information

After analyzing people's opinions, it is impossible to come to a definite conclusion about what to do with the things of a deceased person. Fortunately, now there is unlimited access to the World Wide Web, where you can ask questions in forums. No matter how sensitive this topic was, there were many who wanted to discuss it. So, most bloggers are still inclined to think that one should stay as far away from objects of the dead as possible. They explain their position by the negative energy that remains on those objects that the deceased used.

But despite categorical prohibitions, there are many daredevils who are ready, without a twinge of conscience or a sense of fear, to put on any thing of a deceased person, especially jewelry. They explain their decision with cleansing rituals: If you soak your clothes in salt water and sprinkle them with holy water, all the negativity will go away. Experienced psychics have their own point of view on this.

Negative energy

When a person dies, a piece of his soul remains in the things he used. This especially applies to:

  • favorite clothes,
  • jewelry,
  • bed linen.

Therefore, it is not advisable to use these items so that the negative does not pass on to a living person. But what to do if a relative left behind an expensive item that you can’t throw away? Or you just want to preserve the memory of a loved one.

Knowledgeable people advise in this case to wait 40 days for the deceased until the soul leaves the earth. Also, you should consider what kind of thing it is. Some materials store information about the previous owner for a very long time, passing it on to future owners.

Cloth. If the deceased loved and wore the item very often, it will retain personal energy for quite a long time. Those clothes that were used extremely rarely are safe from the point of view of energetic influence after 40 days.

Decorations. This separate conversation, because few people would agree to throw away a diamond ring, for example. A lot depends here on the metal itself and the stone. If the deceased wore jewelry constantly, and it was with him at the time of death, the energy is stored for a very long time, tens or even hundreds of years. This also applies precious stones. If an opal quickly forgets its former owner, then a diamond or diamond chooses its owner for centuries, absorbing a piece of his soul

It is also necessary to know for what purposes the deceased used the jewelry. If you just wore it as decorative ornaments- that's one thing. But if used for magical rituals- this is a completely different situation. Thoughtless appropriation of such items can result in very serious consequences, including punishment.

There are cases when, with decoration, a person receives additional abilities that the deceased possessed. It could be a gift, or it could be...

Bed sheets also stores information about the previous user for a long time. This is not surprising, because in a dream a person turns off his mind, allowing internal energy to be freed. Also, part of the information about the DNA code of the deceased comes out later. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such things.

This also contains the answer to the question of why relatives should not carry the things of the deceased. After all, information about the deceased will not be as close to a stranger as to people close to him. Accordingly, the energy sector will have a different impact. Although some information is still captured and transmitted regardless of family ties. For example, if a person died from a serious cancer disease, his things contain information about this disease and the corresponding energy. Positive influence she definitely won't.

What to do with the belongings of the deceased?

After the death of a person, it is necessary to complete order in his room and house.

You can, of course, not touch anything for three days, but then the chances are high that the soul of the deceased will return to its usual environment, and it will be difficult for it to break the threads with our world.

You need to put things in order very carefully. Throw away all unnecessary things, simply rubbish. Clean furniture, floors, walls, windows. Wash everything that can be washed. It is better to get rid of furniture that is not very necessary, because wood absorbs necrotic energy well. This is especially true for the bed. Such items can be taken outside and distributed to those in need, not forgetting to mention where they come from. This rule is suitable not only for furniture, but also for dishes, clothes, shoes and small trinkets.

Naturally, if a person close to you has died, it is impossible to give up all his things. I really want to keep them as a souvenir. And one simply cannot raise one’s hand to show disrespect for the deceased and throw away all his property. In this case, it is advised to take a large suitcase or box, carefully put all the deceased’s belongings in them, tie the box with ropes and tape, and hide it as far as possible for as long as possible. This technique is especially effective for reducing suffering and grief.

Naturally, not all things can be distributed or hidden. Those that remain must be properly discarded. Anything that burns can be burned. And the rest - carefully fold and take out trash can. In this way we show respect to the deceased.

Children's things

When someone dies, suffering, grief, despair and sorrow have no boundaries. This is the worst thing that can happen, especially for a mother. Therefore, some families leave the children's room untouched in memory of the baby. This is absolutely impossible to do. So the child’s soul suffers more, because people try to keep it on earth by any means necessary.

Children's things should not be stored. Only the most beloved and treasured objects can be neatly folded and hidden away so that you can look at them only occasionally.

You can't give such things as gifts either. Children strongly absorb necrotic energy. Their unprotected karma may suffer greatly.

Some rituals

Whatever it is, people try to approach every problem as practically as possible. This also applies to the issue of belongings of deceased people. There are several possible ways energy purification of the deceased's belongings.

  • Using holy water. For a true believer, Holy water can do the impossible. Indeed, thanks to it you can neutralize negative energy and drive away evil spirits. Clothes can be sprinkled by reading a special prayer. Wipe jewelry and small objects with holy water, making the sign of the cross and reading prayers.
  • Salt. This method occurs quite often and consists of the following: the clothes of a deceased person must be soaked for several hours in cold salt water. Only after this thoroughly wash, rinse, dry and iron very carefully on all sides.
  • Trust a professional in energy cleaning. Eat knowledgeable people, which carries out certain rituals to cleanse the home and belongings of the deceased. Energy information hygiene can also be carried out by the Holy Father, who will protect him from negative influence energy of the deceased.

Whatever theory you support, it’s always worth playing it safe. It is better to use all of the above methods and protect yourself and your family from a possible threat.

After the funeral of a relative, family members often ask the priest’s opinion about whether it is possible to wear things after the deceased person, and whether the clothes pose any dangers in terms of health and general well-being. Usually a lot of things remain from the deceased that he acquired during his lifetime. These are clothes and shoes, jewelry and various accessories, household items. What to do with all this? Do you really have to throw it away?

What to do with things left behind by a deceased family member

If you ask a clergyman about what to do with the belongings of a deceased relative, he will not give a definite answer. It all depends on the character of the deceased. If he was kind, calm and positive person, the use of his things will not cause harm to a living person. He will take over positive energy. And vice versa, if the deceased during his lifetime was an angry loser who exuded negativity left and right, you should not take his things for your use. They were imbued with negativity from their owner.

And only about the pectoral cross do all priests have the same opinion. This purely personal thing cannot be transferred to a stranger either during life or after death. It is best to bury the cross with the deceased. But if in the bustle the relatives forgot to check whether the deceased was wearing a cross, and later it turned out that he remained at home, it is strictly forbidden for relatives and strangers to wear it. It is also impossible to throw away a cross, even if it is made of simple and not precious metal. It is recommended to store it together with the documents of the deceased or with things that cannot be used (for example, awards, certificates, souvenirs).

Can relatives wear the clothes of a deceased person?

Orthodox priests believe that other relatives and strangers can and should wear clothes and shoes after a deceased person. Since ancient times, the belongings of the deceased were distributed after the fortieth day to neighbors, the poor and close relatives. Moreover, the property was transferred into the wrong hands at the doors of the temple, and this action represented a kind of benefit. The one who received an unexpected gift remembered the soul of the deceased with a kind word.

According to adherents of magical practices, you cannot wear things after a deceased person. At least blood relatives should not do this. You can use household items, but even trying on clothes or a pair of shoes you like is strictly prohibited. By acting contrary to this rule, a person incurs serious illnesses. Traditional medicine will be powerless. Only a strong sorcerer will help you qualitatively.

As for jewelry, according to magicians, it is better not to be tempted and also give them away to strangers. You can keep family heirlooms for yourself or give them to someone in memory of someone who has passed on to another world.

The priests say that such beliefs came from the evil one. They advise wearing silver jewelry without a doubt, having first blessed the items with church water and read the “Our Father” or another strong prayer.

However, if the soul does not have to carry the things left after the death of a loved one, and they are in very good condition, they can be taken to a church or charity organization.

Things that a person prepared during his lifetime “for death”, which for some reason were not useful, must not only be thrown away, but burned. This also applies to bedding, especially those items on which a relative died. If possible, it is recommended to expose the bed or sofa for 3 days sun rays. The stools on which the coffin stood are placed with their legs up on the damp ground. After a few hours, they are brought into the home and used for their intended purpose.

Traditions and signs

As a rule, church ministers reject secular superstitions. However, there are several conditions, strict adherence to which is recommended by every priest:

  1. Keep pectoral cross the deceased in a safe place and not allow it to fall into the wrong hands.
  2. Do not distribute clothing items until 40 days have passed since the person's death.
  3. Do not burn things or adapt them for other needs.
  4. Sprinkle with holy water everything that is left for oneself as a memory of the deceased or for carrying personally.

If you happen to accept things that were left in another family from a deceased person, say “The kingdom of heaven to the servant of God ( full name deceased)". Also thank the person who brought you the clothes. If they want to give you things of a deceased child or a cancer patient who has passed away, politely refuse and do not pick them up.

wear the things of a deceased person?" psychologists clearly answer that no. The clothes of a deceased relative, friend or just an acquaintance will be a constant reminder of the recent loss. This can have a bad effect on your emotional state, leading to depression and other mental disorders.

Church opinion

In the first 40 days after a person’s death, it is not recommended to take out his things, much less carry them. It is believed that the restless soul watches what is happening in her house.

Mirrors that hung in the apartment of the deceased should be hung up in the first 40 days. At this time, you can see the deceased in them, since his soul is in the house.

Opinion of bioenergetics

Bioenergetics specialists believe that it is undesirable to stay overnight in the house of the deceased, since the restless soul may come to you in a dream.

Popular beliefs:

1. Things absorb human energy.

If during his lifetime the deceased person had good energy and was kind, then these things will only bring benefits to their new owner. And if a person had bad energy, then his things can bring many unpleasant consequences.

2. Dead energy.

When a person dies, the soul leaves his body, after which the living one leaves his belongings, positive energy. Soon, dead, negative energy takes its place. And such things will not bring anything good to their new owner.

3. Energy of illness.

If before death a person suffered from a serious, incurable illness, then this will leave a mark on his energy, part of which will be transferred to his things. When wearing such clothes, we are exposed to the energy of the disease, which increases the risk of developing a similar disease.

4. Many peoples believe that one should not often remember the deceased. This can prevent a person from finding peace in the afterlife.

5. Under no circumstances should toys of a deceased child be given to other children. Often such a gift can lead to tragic consequences.

6. You cannot wear the shoes of a dead person. After forty days, it must be given to other people.

7. Money received from the sale of valuable belongings of the deceased should under no circumstances be spent on oneself. Such a purchase can only bring misfortune. This money must be donated to a good cause.

Also, for most people, wearing a deceased person's belongings is something that is wrong. But there are also those who can wear the clothes of the deceased the very next day.

What to do if the deceased left behind valuable things?

Jewels left behind by the deceased should be left overnight in holy water and after that they can be worn safely.

Things you don't want or can't give away can be burned.

Is it possible to cleanse things from the energy of the deceased?

Bioenergetics specialists believe that it is possible, and offer different methods for this:

2. Also good cleaner serves as salt. You need to pour it into water and put the thing there.

After this ritual, you should not drain the water or throw away the salt, as you can transfer negative energy to another person.

3. The item can be purified by fire. You need to light a candle and move it over the thing you want to cleanse.

But the best thing is to clear your house of things that remind you of the deceased.

Is it possible to wear the things of a deceased person, according to different religions?


A person wearing the clothes of a deceased person thereby honors his memory and remembers his soul. He must regularly pray for the deceased, go to church and mention the deceased in accordance with church canons.

The Christian Church denies the existence of things deceased dead energy. It is believed that it remains the same and can help its new owner in difficult life situations.


The deceased's belongings must be distributed to the poor. This must be carried out by the heir of the deceased.


To the question “Is it possible to wear things after the deceased?” the Jews answer that no. The things of a deceased person must not be touched for the first thirty days. After this period, they must be distributed to the poor or thrown away, except for shoes. In their culture, shoes are considered a life companion. If you wear it after the death of the previous owner, you can die the same death.

Incredible facts

What to do with the belongings of a deceased relative? Surely this question worries many after the pain of loss subsides a little.

How to properly dispose of the wardrobe left after his death? Is it possible to wear the shoes of the deceased, and is it worth keeping his jewelry?

Clothes of the dead

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Psychics advise burning the belongings of a deceased relative. In their opinion, such clothes will not bring joy and happiness to a person who wants to keep them.

But anyone who decides to wear the things of a deceased person can expect major troubles: from family quarrels to problems at work and relationships with friends and colleagues.

Therefore, you should not wear the clothes of the deceased, even if you really like this thing.

Is it possible to wear jewelry of the deceased?

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What about family jewels? After all, they are passed down from generation to generation from a deceased family member to a living one.

In order for jewelry to bring happiness to its new owner, it must be “cleansed.” Holy or pure spring water will help you with this, as well as special prayers that need to be read over these decorations.

After the ritual with water and prayers, jewelry will not only not cause you any harm, but will also protect you from everything bad, and also help attract joy and success.

Deceased's shoes

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What to do with the shoes of a deceased person? Is it possible to wear it, and if not, why not? For example, in Jewish culture, shoes are very important, and wearing them after the deceased is absolutely forbidden.

There are several reasons explaining this ban.

Is it possible to wear the shoes of a deceased person?

Reason #1:

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Some say that this injunction is based on the Talmudic statement that a dream in which a deceased person comes to take away an item of clothing is a good sign, unless the item is a shoe.

And since dreams are largely the result of our thoughts, upon awakening a person also continues to be haunted by the fear that wearing the shoes of the deceased is not very good, moreover, it is a bad sign.

Many people believe that dreams are a reflection of our reality, which means wearing the shoes of a deceased relative is definitely a bad omen.

Reason #2:

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Another reason to discard your deceased relative's shoes is that natural leather is a carrier of many infectious diseases.

Therefore, unless a person died from some terrible viral disease - for example, if he died in an accident or was killed, the ban on wearing his shoes should not apply.

Based on these considerations, some argue that the ban applies only to the pair of shoes in which the person died.

Others argue that all the shoes from the wardrobe of the deceased should not be worn by living people. It also needs to be gotten rid of, since it already contains the energy of the deceased, which means it will bring only misfortune to living people.

Reason #3:

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Some religions prohibit shoes made from the skin of a deceased animal whose death was the result of disease.

"You can't wear shoes made from the skin of a dead animal"!

The reason for this ban is the fear of transmitting the disease that killed the animal. In ancient times, it was believed that this infection could spread to someone who would subsequently wear shoes made from the skin of such an animal.

According to this interpretation, there is no problem with wearing shoes worn by a deceased person if he did not suffer from infectious diseases during his lifetime.