How to make a tourist candle. Camping tiles on a candle in a hurry. Making a long-burning camp candle

Dear visitors of the site “SAMODELKINDRUG”, in the material presented you will be shown how to make a candle from available materials long burning. This candle is designed to quickly light a fire or cook food and heat a tent... Every tourist, hunter and fisherman knows perfectly well how difficult it is sometimes to make a fire when the weather has taken you by surprise and is seriously raging, pouring rain and you can’t get out of the tent. It also happens that rain can continue for several days without interruption.

What to do in such a situation? You need to cook the food, you need to boil the tea. Of course, you can’t light a fire in a tent, and where can you get firewood in such bad weather? An excellent alternative is a long-burning candle! How to make it and what is needed for this? See below.


  1. wax (candle stubs)
  2. corrugated cardboard
  3. tin can (canned food)


  1. scissors
  2. can opener
  3. heating element
  4. pot of water

The process of making a long-burning camping candle.

And so, the first thing we did was prepare the materials - wax, a jar and cardboard. The can of porridge was opened and the contents were consumed. Then the author cut the cardboard with scissors, focusing on the height of the can. The length of the strip is selected for each type of can accordingly. Then the resulting segment is rolled into a roll and placed in the cavity tin can.Next, the contents of the jar are filled with wax melted in a water bath.
After the mold is filled, you should wait until the wax hardens and dries. The author decided to test finished product, and so on to comply with " fire safety“Took three bricks to line the hearth. I poured 1 liter of water into the kettle and put it on the fire and after 26 minutes the water boiled. The kettle actually got a little smokey, but it’s okay, you can get sooty like that on a fire..) The author also recommends using sprat cans because they have a larger area, which means the flame will be stronger. The disadvantages of this candle are the soot and the fact that the water took a long time to warm up. But in conditions when a storm is raging around you and there is no dry firewood, then this candle will be “the best gift of fate”

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This small camping tile only at first glance looks so miniature and almost toy-like. It is quite functional, and you can use it to cook both scrambled eggs and other quick-cooking dishes, for example, fry meat or boil tea or another drink in a mug. The fuel used here is a small paraffin candle. Cooler, of course, are the stoves in this Chinese store.

What is needed to work on this product?

A screwdriver or drill with a 5 mm drill bit, three 5 mm bolts and 6 cm in length, 9 nuts, 1 spark plug, 2 metal lids from canned food and 1 marker.


You will need to remove the O-ring from each cap first as it will burn when exposed to high temperature. Next we need to make three holes in the lid in order to get a triangle. Next, we’ll place the first lid, in which we made holes, to the second one and make marks with a marker in order to also drill three holes.

Place a bolt through one of the covers and secure it with a screw. Let's do the same with the second and third bolt. Then, tighten the nut on each bolt by about half a centimeter. We put on the second cover and secure it with screws.

The homemade camping mini-tile is ready. Let's check it first, light a candle, put it inside.

As an experiment, let's try frying quail egg, if you manage to do this, then you can make boiling water for tea or coffee without any problems. First, pour some oil on the tile. While the oil is heating up, crack an egg and place it on the top lid. As you can see, after 2 minutes the egg is ready. You can blow out the candle and remove the cooked dish.

With this device, you can prepare delicious food without haste, sitting at the computer or in your workshop. It will be prepared with special love and care, as this is what is made, let it be a quick fix, but independently.

Need a more substantial stove? Can be purchased inexpensively in the online store. They are still available there, but they are selling out quickly.

Mini stove with a stove made from a jar and a candle

Made from an aluminum can.

Making such tiles is very simple. Cut the edges of the jar and place a candle inside. Its fire is enough to warm your hands or a small tent. If you remove the parts from above, you can place the mug under the flame of a candle and warm your drinks.

Good day, friends.
I recently started thinking about a burner for NAZ, but somehow the dimensions don’t suit me. So I made some kind of candle. Exclusively for snitching))) Please do not judge strictly.
The idea itself is not new and something like this has already happened, but, as they say, there is a nuance. I hope this nuance will be an important addition to increase efficiency.
I won’t tell the mechanic, she is known. Just a chronology of production.

Needed: 3 tablets of dry fuel, 1 large church candle(necessarily a factory one, because they sell a lot of candles with “wax content”), a syringe box (old, Soviet, but you can use any tin).
Place the dry fuel tablets in a bag and carefully crush them.

(if anything, I didn’t pound with a hammer, but used it as a press)
Next, break the candle, put the fragments into the prepared mold and place in a water bath

During the process of melting the wax, we remove the pieces of the wick (they will be useful to us later)
After the wax has completely melted, remove the pan along with the mold from the heat and carefully pour the resulting dry fuel powder into the melted wax.

Mix evenly. We take the wick and insert it into the gradually solidifying mass of wax. I made two wicks coming out, but it is better to make one for every 4-5 square centimeters. This is the result of this creation.

After hardening, the candle is lit. At first it will work like a regular candle with the number of wicks you install. After some time, the wax remaining on the surface without grains of dry fuel will burn. After this, these very grains will begin to play the role of the wick. The result will be something like this.

Cold tap water in a plate (150-200 ml) boiled in 5-10 minutes at home. The candle practically does not smoke, so I did not receive any lulls from my wife

In my opinion, this sample is more advantageous compared to classic dry fuel, since it is not afraid of water. In addition, the wax gives it additional burning time. Well, the most important thing for us is the pleasant smell from the wax candle!
Important! After use, adjust the wicks and let them cool for about five minutes.
Thank you for your attention.

Anyone who is involved in tourism, fishing or hunting has probably already found a lot for themselves in various ways making fire, for kindling a fire. But on a hike you need to be prepared for any turn of events and rapid change hiking conditions. A camping candle, which is easy to make with your own hands, will help you warm up from a sudden frost or disperse the deep darkness.

Camping candle in a tin can:

But when you go on a hike, even for a short time, you never know what might happen along the way. And fire is the main source of heat and light, but it is not always possible to collect enough brushwood to build at least a small fire. Quite convenient and relatively easy to take with you on hikes, fishing and forays, already ready mixture for combustion. The so-called camping or tourist candle will help you warm up very quickly or scare away wild animals, it will give you enough light to collect brushwood and make a normal fire.

Making a camping candle with your own hands is quite simple; you will need an iron tin can (I used an iron can with a lid from skin cream), paraffin and corrugated cardboard.

Cardboard, iron can, paraffin

It is very convenient to use an iron jar of cream, sweets, or just as a container for a candle. tin can, in short, almost anything that is at hand will do.

Example, iron can with lid

You need to cut the corrugated cardboard into equal strips of thickness suitable for the depth of your tin can.

Cut cardboard into strips

These strips must be placed evenly throughout the can; they will act as a wick. They need to be connected according to the honeycomb principle; for this it is necessary to make cuts and insert one strip into another.

How to make a cut in cardboard
Fill the jar with cardboard strips

Cardboard strips laid out in this way form something similar to a honeycomb; with this arrangement of a camp candle, it is convenient to fill them with paraffin, it is easy to set them on fire, and when they light up, they have the greatest efficiency.

The resulting tin can with honeycomb and paraffin
Pour paraffin into a container

It is advisable to pour paraffin exactly to the edges of the jar (just be careful that it does not overflow), because after cooling it will have some shrinkage, this is not scary, but on the contrary, it is quite convenient.

The resulting camping candle

Such a camping candle will be stored for a long time, will not become damp, and even if moisture gets in, the paraffin will not let it through to the cardboard, although I do not recommend keeping it in water and dampness. Lighting such a candle is not difficult; this can be done using ordinary matches or a lighter. The flame will be bright and quite powerful. I haven’t tried setting it on fire yet, but I’m sure that the burning time should be enough to not only warm up, but even heat up water or cook something from dry rations.

If you are using a regular tin can for your candle, I recommend covering it plastic cover or iron (so that moisture does not get there), which can be bought at any hardware store. You can also bend a special holder from wire for a mug of water, which can also be useful in camping conditions.

Example of covers and holder

If you use an iron lid, then such a camp candle can act as a heating pad. All you have to do is light a candle, let the flame warm up the jar a little, and then close it tightly with an iron lid, thereby extinguishing the flame. The paraffin will retain heat for a while, and you will be able to warm up a little. Good luck with your fishing, hunting and tourism.