Eight for the development of the right hemisphere. To succeed in life you need to develop the right hemisphere of your brain! More about the right hemisphere

The first thing to note is that we are all born right-brained. All children have right-sided thinking and this practice helps to return to the “childish” state of thinking, i.e. into figurative-intuitive-abstract-creative. In other words, become children.
Having a dominant left-sided consciousness, we will never be able to understand what God, Infinity and Eternity exist. This is the same as trying to measure the brightness of a light bulb with a ruler or trying to see the Milky Way using a microscope.
It doesn’t matter at all how you acquired left-sided thinking, who is to blame for it or what. It makes absolutely no difference now. Only one thing is important - what we can do to ensure that everything returns to its natural, harmonious state.

1. Balance

  • This exercise balances the right and left hemispheres. But its significance is not only in balancing - it also “shifts” consciousness from some stable platform, as if “swinging” it, making it mobile, fluid and plastic.

2. Activation of the right hemisphere

  • Here the emphasis is on the right hemisphere and its activity. Just be relaxed and calmly look at the approximate center of the screen.

3. Passive activity

  • Relax and calmly look approximately at the center of the screen.

4. Right-sided rhythm

  • In this exercise you will see an animation in which the left side blinks rhythmically. You need to look calmly and slightly absent-mindedly at the rotating circle in the center of the screen.

5. Abstract sphere

6. Right-sided consciousness

  • Look at the approximate center of the screen with an absent-minded gaze, as if into the distance.

Questions and answers to yourself

Each person always has many different questions, so you can easily find several to use for this exercise, the point of which is to answer your questions with different levels consciousness. Just answer any of your questions by substituting the action for the phrase “do this” in the diagram below:

  1. What might happen if I "do this"?
  2. What might not happen if I "do it"?
  3. What might happen if I don't "do it"?
  4. What might not happen if I don't "do it"?

For example: “1. What could happen if I am kind today?..”, etc.

Offset right

  1. Stand at a distance of a meter (approximately) near the wall (wall on the right).
  2. Bend to the right and touch your head to your waist (you can put something soft between the wall and your head to make it comfortable).
  3. Stand like this (leaning to the right) for several minutes (the further the distance from the wall, the greater the effect). Keep your body as level (straight) as possible.
  4. After this, sharply push off the wall and stand straight. You will immediately feel as if something is pulling you to the right and something in you will strive to the right. Concentrate on this feeling and also think about the space to your right.

Plane of thinking

  1. Draw an imaginary plane dividing your body in the center into two halves (right and left).
  2. The plane is infinite, i.e. it goes into infinity forward, backward, up and down from you.
  3. Fill all the space to your right with red and concentrate on that red space.


  1. Also use the Right Brain Game.
  2. As well as a technique from the practice of Opening the Third Eye - The Right Hemisphere of the Brain.
  3. The development of the right hemisphere does not imply a formal change in the thinking pattern and limiting oneself to what has already been developed in oneself modern man. On the contrary - by developing the right hemisphere - you thereby repeatedly develop your intellectual capabilities, because the left hemisphere will “grow” to the heights of the right.
  4. This practice will also be very useful for those who practice Astral projection.

First of all, it must be said that it has been scientifically proven that when a person, for one reason or another (for example, during a stroke in the left hemisphere of the brain), the work of the left hemisphere is switched off and the right hemisphere begins to take on a leading role, then the person begins to feel and experience those states that, for example, in esotericism and Yoga are called nirvana, samadhi - merging with something Higher, boundless. This is a complete exit from the world of logic and egocentrism, beyond the small “I”, beyond the line of limitation.

It is also surprising that such a change of roles (i.e. turning off the left hemisphere and turning on the right) is one of the key ones in any spiritual, esoteric, religious, magical culminating states. If we consider some shamanic practices, then the use of psychotropic drugs, so-called entheogens, leads to the transfer of consciousness to other, more subtle dimensions, and this is due to the fact that these drugs turn off the left hemisphere and consciousness moves to the right, where they occur these amazing experiences. Everything is the same, for example, in any religious practices, for example, in many hours of prayer - a person brings himself to a state where consciousness shifts to the right hemisphere and he begins to feel ecstasy, reverence, the presence of something unearthly, divine. It’s the same in Yoga - various mantras, exercises, etc. - all this gradually leads to the awakening of the right-sided consciousness, and as a result of this - an altered state of consciousness, where a person enters other areas of world perception, his consciousness is not limited by anything and he sees a different Reality. I will not list all the spiritual disciplines, teachings, religions - you just have to understand that there are many names, but the essence is the same - in one way or another, shift consciousness to the right hemisphere, turn off the left hemisphere of the brain and turn on the right. In shamanic practices this is done somewhat extreme, in yogic and religious practices it is done gradually and in a controlled manner. But it all comes down to just one thing - learning to switch to the right hemisphere when necessary and not allowing the left hemisphere to dominate in everyday life.

Therefore, there is no point in taking drugs, any entheogens, or psychotropic substances for what can be achieved with the help of simple practices that do not destroy health.

Arabic readings

Of course, I called the practice that way only because of the similarity of the readings. But I also want to say that this is a very successful reading method, which is accepted in the East. It definitely comes from very wise Sources. Therefore, this practice pays tribute to such wisdom.

As you know, Arabic is written and read from right to left. Those. completely opposite to how they do it in the Western (left-handed, logical) world. This method of writing perfectly develops right-sided consciousness, i.e. that consciousness, the only one with which one can know the Creator.

The practice is quite simple. You just need to follow the link below. You will see some random text being written automatically. It will be written from right to left. And you just need to read this text.

At first, for those who are strongly ingrained in left-sided consciousness, this activity may seem difficult. But you need to practice every day, for example 10 minutes a day, and then gradually the right hemisphere will awaken and everything will work out well for you.

Right hemisphere dominance

Here I have made a small program for you that works in such a way that by using it, you force the right hemisphere to dominate over the left, otherwise you simply will not be able to do what it requires. You need to do the following: for example, the word “red” will be written, but this word will not be red, but, for example, blue. You need to say silently or out loud not what is written, but precisely the color of the word. Those. the left hemisphere will see information - red, and the right (artistic) hemisphere will see color. You (who are predominantly heavily dependent on left-sided thinking) will initially feel a strong conflict between the hemispheres. The left hemisphere will resist quite strongly. But you will persistently need to say exactly the color of the words, and not their meaning (information).

Just download the program and double click on the file, this will launch the program. Look calmly at the words that appear, don’t tense up. The right hemisphere does not like any tension. When you relax, then it can work effectively. Therefore, in all esoteric practices, everything always begins with relaxation.

Gain of the right hemisphere channel

In India, a very long time ago, knowledge appeared that is associated with the worship of Ganesha (the God of wisdom and powerful intellect) about how to develop the brain in a very simple way. Many have already seen a video about this method. If someone hasn't seen it, then watch it: "". But in the context of strengthening the right hemisphere, it will look a little different.

  1. The exercise is like this: You do everything as in the main exercise, but only with your right hand you do not pinch your left earlobe. Those. With your left hand you pinch the lobe of your right ear, and you keep your left hand straight, palm down. And this is how you do squats. Preferably do full squats, not very quickly, with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Down - inhale, up - exhale. Eyes look into left side. Those. your head looks straight, you don’t turn it, only your eyes look to the left. This is quite important. Because the eyes aren't really an organ - they're literally part of the brain. Therefore, the impact through the eyes is very strong.
  2. In order to slightly intensify the exercise, you can slightly move your index and thumb relative to each other during a squat - doing something similar to massaging the lobe of your right ear.
  3. It is enough to do the exercise once a day, for example 25 squats.

Right-sided breathing

  1. Inhale slowly through your nose. Imagine that the nose and the right hemisphere are a single connection, such as: nose - lungs. Only instead of the lungs - the right hemisphere. Those. imagine that when you inhale, air goes to the right hemisphere. As you inhale, imagine your right hemisphere filling with air, like your lungs.
  2. When exhaling, there is no need to imagine that the air from the right hemisphere is leaving through the nose. You need to imagine that the air seems to be compacted in the right hemisphere, i.e. create a pumping effect.
  3. Continue pumping the right hemisphere with air (but actually prana).
  4. Try to think about the entire area of ​​the right hemisphere of the brain.

In the animation above you can visually see how it should be.

Psychological charts for stopping the left hemisphere

This special kind graphic drawings that were developed by psychologists based on modern knowledge about the functioning of the brain. This knowledge has actually been used for a long time in the form of mandalas or yantras. This is ancient knowledge, the use of which puts the brain into a certain operating mode, which allows you to enter altered states of consciousness.

This program presents the most powerful of the diagrams. You need to download the program from the link below and double click on the file to launch the program. Use all three types of diagrams sequentially (in the order they are presented in the program).

You need to look with a calm gaze at the center of the diagrams, fishing for about 3-5 minutes per diagram. There is no need to strain your eyes, look calmly, as if contemplating a beautiful landscape while sitting on the seashore.

The program can be expanded to full screen; use the corresponding buttons at the bottom left or top right to do this.

A little more is written about these diagrams in the book “Development of the Right Hemisphere of the Brain,” if you have time, you can read it.

Electrical sensations in the right hemisphere

I think that many people have experience from childhood, when, in search of a practical study of the world, we were dissatisfied with information from our parents, most often sounding like “you can’t, you can,” but we ourselves tried and touched everything - we tasted electricity, sticking our tongue between two contacts batteries. Perhaps someone has some other experience. But somehow imagine an electrical tingle in the right hemisphere of your brain. As if it is between two electrodes. Feel the strong electromagnetic activity in this hemisphere. Perhaps after some time you will actually begin to feel electrical tingling in this area, or as if running electrical manifestations.

This is a very effective exercise. It works in the opposite way. Those. You all know that electromagnetic activity takes place in our brain. For example, when some function in the body is active, the electromagnetic activity of the corresponding area in one or another hemisphere begins to increase. Scientists can place sensors on the head and thus judge what is active in a given case. But you can do the opposite - influence the necessary areas in the brain and thus influence certain functions in the body.

In this practice, you strengthen the electromagnetic activity of the entire right hemisphere with the help of your intention and visualization.

Music and the right hemisphere of the brain

Listen to beautiful harmonious music every day. This is very good way development of the right hemisphere. All great musicians are right-brained and they were all extraordinary individuals. Music is a great tool for expanding consciousness. Use it. Plus it's such fun.

Next, using the link below you can go to the piano playing program. The program is designed in such a way that even a person far from music will be able to create something exciting that will involve him in the creative process. It doesn’t matter that someone will do things differently than professional musicians, the goal is not that, but to start playing like a child in childhood, to feel a wave of creativity.

You only need to play with your left hand. Everything in the program is done in such a way that you can press any keys on the keyboard (letter) and thus play like playing a piano.

Solar-lunar consciousness

You need to start the practice with the Moon covering the Sun (solar eclipse). And then they diverge - the Sun to the right, the Moon to the left. And then keep the Sun in the right hemisphere, the Moon in the left.

Transition to the right hemisphere

All of the above practices are aimed at weakening the dominance of the left hemisphere and gaining the ability to move your consciousness to the right hemisphere. The flexibility of movement develops, the rigidity and old-fashioned left-sided perception of the world “breaks.” The center of perception sways, like a ball, it begins to easily roll you from one hemisphere to the other. In the end, in the process of practice you reach the golden mean, when this ball is always in the center, at the point of harmony, and you can easily move it and move it from the center to the right hemisphere.

After you have practiced the above practices well, you can proceed directly to the transition to the right hemisphere. Of course, you can do this whenever you want and not forever. Because the effect is the same as from entheogens, drugs or samadhi - i.e. in these states, a person is lost to this world; for example, he cannot do something not only for his family, but also for himself.

  1. Take a comfortable body position. It is better if it is in a reclining position. For example, on a bed with pillows behind your back and head. Throw on a blanket to keep it cool; it’s better to keep it warm, like in the summer. It is better to darken the room with curtains; the room should be twilight or completely dark (which is better). You can wear light-proof glasses. You can also put on headphones with meditative music, which is very suitable for this.
  2. Relax. Release the muscles of your face and the muscles of your entire body behind them. Feel the warmth and comfort. You are safe, nothing threatens you, a benevolent Universe full of wonders and mysteries surrounds you.
  3. After this, begin to perform right-side breathing, the technique of which I gave you above. By practicing this breathing, your right hemisphere will become more and more dominant over the left and you will gradually move completely to the right hemisphere.
  4. Once again I want to draw attention to the main mistakes that many will still make, despite the fact that I focus on this. Don't tense up. Don't strain your eyes, don't strain your facial muscles, don't tense up internally. Everything should be completely relaxed and let go.
  5. When you are in the right hemisphere, you can no longer do right-sided breathing (as a rule, it will simply stop on its own). Then just concentrate on the right hemisphere and on the new worldview that will come to you.
  6. At the beginning of this practice, only small experiments with consciousness are possible. But gradually you will achieve very strong experiences, where experiences, for example, with LSD are left far behind.

Why switch to the right hemisphere at all?

There can be many reasons. Everyone will have their own. I would say this is more of a philosophical question than a practical one. He is related to the questions “why do we live?”, “why do we need to know how the planets rotate in the Galaxy, what will this change?”, “why should I love someone, I should live well anyway?” etc. Of course, billions of people have lived without the transition to the right hemisphere, lived, perhaps successfully, grew old and died. And you can follow their example. And no one will twist a finger at your temple, saying that you are not normal. But still, if you have something inside that calls you to something new, for which the Soul greatly yearns, that does not leave you, or leaves, but returns again and again, that says “listen, there must be something else, because there must be something else!” - then you will certainly not miss this chance.


  1. After practice or in time, you can begin to feel the right hemisphere of the brain, i.e. literally, you will feel it as heavier, or, for example, warmer, pulsating, bursting, etc. This is fine.
  2. You must also keep in mind that by moving to the right hemisphere your consciousness will change greatly. To the point that you may stop understanding what they are saying to you, i.e. what information the words carry, you will simply hear a meaningless set of sounds. You will look at something, but see not something, but some dots, lines, spots, colors that do not mean anything, etc. Many yogis, sadhus, prophets who experienced one or another type of samadhi write about all this - they stopped seeing the world like ordinary people.
  3. At the top I wrote that ideal option is the location of the center of consciousness between the two hemispheres, i.e. in the golden mean. But this option is perfect for this world, i.e. for the world of people. This practice allows you to go further, i.e. constantly be in the right hemisphere. It is not necessary to go deep into this area, so much so that you completely do not understand what is happening around you in the material (earthly) world. You, for example, can shift to the right hemisphere by 10%, 20% or more. Yes, you will no longer look like “normal” in society. But if your goal is higher than what someone thinks about you, then you can get much more benefit from this practice by practicing it constantly, i.e. being shifted to the right hemisphere most of the time.
  4. You already know that many shamans go into trance (and now you already know that into a strong right-sided consciousness) in order to receive very important answers to questions. So you can use this practice for the same. The answers will come to you themselves. It will be as if you already knew them and just remembered them.

To begin with, I’ll briefly tell you what it is. brain gym.You can find a sufficient number of definitions on the Internet. If you don’t go deep into theory, then brain gym - This is a system of exercises similar to regular gymnastics. However, its meaning is not in the development of some physical indicators, that is, not in magnification muscle mass or endurance training (although the overall tone of the body, of course, increases). But first of all, the exercises are designed in such a way that, through movement, they use brain structures that are used quite little in ordinary life.

The creator of the method, Paul Dennison, while working as a teacher, was looking for an answer to the question of how to help children with learning difficulties. He came to the conclusion that with the modern approach to education, the load on brain structures as a whole is extremely asymmetrical. Because of this, the brain cannot work efficiently enough.

In principle, researchers who study the functioning and interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain write about the same thing. When learning, logic is primarily used, the ability to work with sequences, operate with numbers, and structure information. The left hemisphere is responsible for these actions.

Moreover, the left hemisphere of the brain is also responsible for the movements of the right half of the body. That is, when we write or draw with our right hand, commands come to it from the left hemisphere.

Perhaps the situation is different for left-handed people, although some sources claim that in this case the functions of the brain are distributed in a mirror way, that is, in a left-handed person the right hemisphere is responsible for logic, and the left is responsible for creativity. That is, the skew here is exactly the same, and everything that is written from the point of view of a right-handed person will also be true for a left-handed person - adjusted for specularity.

So, Paul Dennison suggested that it is possible to engage lightly loaded areas of the brain through movement. His research has become the discipline of educational kinesiology. Special sets of exercises were developed, which he immediately tested in practice. As a result, the performance of the students Paul Dennison worked with improved markedly. Students began to perceive, remember and reproduce information more easily, were less tired in class and needed less time to rest and recover between classes.

In 1975, Paul received a distinguished research award from the University of Southern California. He received a doctorate in education based on research in reading instruction and the development of cognitive and thinking skills. Paul Dennison's technique began to be widely implemented in educational institutions America, but at the same time it caused a lot of critical comments.

Currently, there are no sufficient, from a scientific point of view, studies confirming the effectiveness of the method. Educational kinesiology officially considered pseudoscience.

Which does not prevent a large number of teachers, teachers and trainers from using sets of exercises in their work brain gym.

I came across articles online about quite convincing results of using this gymnastics in correctional pedagogy in our country (if you search specifically in Russia, enter “brain jim” in a search engine so as not to bury yourself in English-language sites).

Overall, in my opinion, if a method works, why not use it?

The main results that are noted after the start of classes according to the system brain gym:

  • Improved attention and perception, the ability to remember more information in less time;
  • Increased resistance to stress;
  • Easier adaptation to new conditions or requirements;
  • Improved emotional state, better control over emotions;
  • Faster recovery after exercise or stressful situations;
  • Development of creative abilities.

As you can see, this can be useful not only for children with learning difficulties, but also for fully educated adults. Therefore, the scope of application of the complex brain gym wide enough. It is used in preparation for exams, in stressful situations, simply like gymnastics, increasing the overall tone of the body.

As you understand, I was more interested in exercises aimed at developing the right hemisphere and, as a result, creative abilities.

There are a great variety of exercises here, but in my opinion, a couple of general areas can be distinguished.

1. Symmetrical movements on the right and left sides, performed simultaneously or sequentially.

They are intended, I think, more to “switch on” the right hemisphere.

Examples of exercises:

"Parallel movements".

While walking in place, touch the knee of your left leg with the palm of your left hand, and touch the knee of your right leg with the palm of your right hand. The arms and legs of the same name touch each other alternately, first on one side of the body, then on the other. Take 8–12 such steps. While performing the exercise, it is advisable to look at two vertical lines pre-drawn on paper or on the wall. parallel lines: || .

"Sign of Infinity" ("Lying Eight", "Lazy Eight").

Press your head with your ear to your left shoulder. Extend your left arm forward. Without taking your eyes off the tip of your index finger, draw an infinity sign (a figure eight lying on its side) in the air in front of you with your hand. Start drawing from the center to the left up. Draw 8 times in a row. Then draw in the same way with your right hand (all movements are in mirror image.

Here the eye muscles are involved in the work, and the exercise is intended not only to integrate the right and left hemispheres of the brain, but also to expand. Therefore, eye movements are basic.

An additional version of the same exercise:

It is carried out, in general, in the same way - an infinity sign is drawn in the air, but not with the index fingers, but with the thumbs. Keep your head straight. It's the eyes that work, not the neck. Make a fist and raise your thumb up. Look at your thumb while doing exercises. Do not move your head, follow the thumb only with your eyes. Change hands, then lock them together, thumbs up, draw a “lying figure eight” with two fingers.

“Dubble Doodle” (Symmetrical drawing).

Stand or sit in the center of the drawing surface and simultaneously draw identical images with both hands to the right and left (with a mirror image). At first, you can draw “two-handed” drawings on the board or on large sheets papers on the wall, then move on to working at your desk on smaller sheets.

2. Non-symmetrical movements. At the same moment in time, different actions are performed on the right and left sides of the body.

This requires deeper integration and more coordinated work of the two hemispheres of the brain.

Examples of exercises:

"Cross Movements"

While walking in place, touch the knee of your right leg (that is, the opposite one) with the palm of your left hand, and touch the knee of your left leg with the palm of your right hand. Thus, opposite arms and legs come into contact with each other alternately, as if crosswise. Take 8–12 such steps. While performing the exercise, it will also be useful to look at two crossed lines drawn in advance on the wall in the form of an oblique cross: X.

It seems simple, but try switching from parallel movements to cross ones; it’s very easy to get lost at the moment of switching.

The exercise is intended to train the interaction of the left and right parts of the body. It also makes it easier to transition to new look activity and switching from right-hemisphere activity to left-hemisphere activity and vice versa.

"Finger gymnastics."

Clench your hands into a fist, at the same time straighten the index finger on your right hand and the thumb on your left. At the next moment, you also simultaneously straighten the thumb of your right hand (the index finger returns to the fist) and the index finger of the left hand (you also remove the thumb). If it's easy enough, try speeding up the pace.

Options: simultaneous ejection and alternation different hands index finger and little finger, or pairs: index + little finger and middle + ring finger.

In more complex exercises, it is not just parts of the body alternating that perform the same action, but completely different movements are performed.


Place your right hand on your head, your left hand on your stomach. The right hand strokes the head in a circular motion, the left taps the stomach. After this, change the actions, tap on the head with your right, stroke your stomach with your left. Next the hands change.

"Asymmetrical drawing."

Unlike "symmetrical drawing", in this exercise each hand draws something different. For example, with your right hand you draw a circle on a board (sheet of paper), and with your left hand - a square. Then vice versa. This is a rather complex exercise, but later it can be further complicated by choosing other subjects for the image. There is a video on YouTube where a man simultaneously draws two completely different portraits with both hands.

Well, I think the exercises will be enough for you for the first time. In general, it seems to me that you can come up with your own coordination exercises. In order to use previously poorly activated areas of the brain, it is enough to simply do familiar things with an unusual hand: brush your teeth, comb your hair, try to write or draw.

By the way, drawing with your “non-working” hand has another good side effect: the tense expectation of a “good” result and the fear that you won’t be able to draw “beautifully” go away. And in general the attitude towards own works becomes more calm.

In addition, you can think of other actions in which both hands are involved. For example, a game on musical instruments. If you know it, you can play; if not, try to learn. There will definitely be no harm from this)

Of course, if you want to exercise regularly, it is better to use a complex rather than individual exercises. You can find many warm-up videos brain gym. Here, for example, is one of them:

As always, I look forward to your comments. I would also be grateful if you share the article on social networks (buttons below)

Sooner or later, everyone thinks about what exercises can be used to develop the right hemisphere of the brain. creative person, because it is precisely this that is responsible for everything that is most sublime and spiritual in a person: art, thinking, fantasy and intuition. You will learn how to develop the right hemisphere of the brain in this article.

My son, like any teenager, began to spend too much time playing computer games. I don’t really forbid him, but lately I’ve started to notice that he’s no longer able to navigate the road normally and is confusing directions. I completely stopped doing my early favorite drawing. In general, I completely immersed myself in the computer. I didn’t turn a blind eye to this, I went online in search of useful information. I found information about the development of the right hemisphere and decided to try several exercises with my child. So far, the result is pleasing: the child has more inspiration to do what he loves, and I finally got involved in art by visiting an art gallery in my city. In general, really useful exercises, not with an instant, but quite noticeable effect.

More about the right hemisphere

The hemispheres of our brain work in harmony. The left is responsible for the brain’s acceptance of so-called “speech” information and its processing. Thanks to the work of the left hemisphere, a person has the ability to write and read, memorize information, logic, analysis, and formulate conclusions.

The right hemisphere is responsible for the brain's reception of visual information. Thanks to him, people fantasize, dream, write poems, songs, draw pictures and create sculptures. Just like the left, the right hemisphere processes information, but can look at a problem from different angles, suggesting a creative approach to a solution. All functions of the right hemisphere:

  • responsible for emotions;
  • responsible for fantasies and imagination;
  • is responsible for the development of a person’s abilities and inclinations towards art;
  • subordinates the movements of the left half of the body;
  • instills musical abilities, distinguishes tempo, melodies;
  • is responsible for a person’s orientation in space and terrain;
  • understands expression and humor;
  • perceives someone else's voice, highlighting its timbre and intonation;
  • remembers images;
  • is responsible for deduction (deriving the truth by collecting one or more prerequisite statements);
  • responsible for intuition (the ability to obtain correct information without analysis);

What does the development of the right hemisphere of the brain provide?

Despite the fact that in modern world Priority is given to the left hemisphere, which is responsible for working with precise numbers and knowledge; spiritual development is alien to it. By developing the right hemisphere, a person acquires the ability to see the picture of the world in its entirety, without dividing it into parts. At the same time, the brain’s perception of various images and symbols improves.

Well, the main goal of developing the right hemisphere is to achieve coordinated work in several directions at once.

A person learns to do several things at the same time, paying attention even to the little things. A very useful skill in many professions, both in “person-person” and “person-sign system”.

Decreased right hemisphere activity

Sooner or later, every parent thinks about how to activate the right hemisphere of a child’s brain. Modern children have begun to spend much more time on the Internet, virtual reality, full of entertainment. Through this, their left hemisphere, which is responsible for collecting information and logical thinking, is developing at a rapid pace. In turn, the child ceases to use his speech abilities to the proper extent. In this situation, the right hemisphere of young people, which is responsible for the development of a creative personality in a person, is suppressed in favor of the left as unnecessary.

Very often in such a situation, parents become confused, drag their children to doctors and psychologists, looking for everything possible problems like neurological diseases. Few people suspect, but using these methods can make things even worse - the child can withdraw into himself and stop learning skills such as reading and writing. To help a child with the development of both hemispheres, you need to take into account individual characteristics and choose the right training program at the optimal pace.

How does the right hemisphere develop?

How to make the right hemisphere of the brain work? Creative individuals often ask this question, because what they do is directly related to the right hemisphere of the brain. Its development is also connected with art. It develops when we listen to music, when we daydream or daydream, when we meditate, or when we do other things that engage our imagination.

You can independently develop the right hemisphere by actively participating in creative activities: writing poetry and literary works, teaching singing and dancing, drawing and others. There are also techniques to improve the abilities of the right hemisphere, in which we fully utilize the hemisphere to achieve maximum effect.

How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain, exercises

The brain is protected from damage by the bones of the skull and is part of the central nervous system. The main function of the brain is to control and regulate all processes occurring in the body. Everything that a person feels, all his actions come from the brain. When it is damaged or dysfunctional, the ability to act, express emotions, and react to external stimuli is lost.

  1. The easiest way to develop the right hemisphere is to engage in art, visit art galleries, and become familiar with beauty.
  2. The second way is to increase the load on the hemisphere by performing standard tasks using the side of the body controlled by the hemisphere. In the case of the right hemisphere - the left side of the body. Just do your usual things, trying to use your left arm and leg more: if you are right-handed, try drawing with your left hand; at dinner, take a spoon or fork in your left hand. You can also jump on your left leg, play football, using it to kick the ball. left leg instead of the usual right one.
  3. Hemisphere awareness exercise. The left hand touches the nose, and the right hand touches the left ear. Next, let go of your nose and ear, clap your hands and change position: left hand takes the right ear, and right hand- nose.
  4. Drawing with the right hemisphere of the brain. Take a sheet of paper and place it in front of you. Take a pencil in both hands and with both hands try to draw simple symbols using the mirror effect: one image should be a mirror image of the other.
  5. Exercise for fingers. Alternately form a “ring” using your thumb and the rest. Do the exercise first on one hand, then on the other, and then on both at the same time.
  6. Another finger exercise. Clench both palms into fists. Straighten your thumb on your right hand and your index finger on your left. Change position - straighten your index finger on your right hand, and straighten your thumb on your left hand. Do this exercise at an increasing pace.
  7. Working with sound. Sit in a quiet place, turn on your favorite song, close your eyes and concentrate. Try to recognize every word in the song and accurately hear the melody.
  8. Development of imagination. Closing your eyes, imagine what is in front of you white sheet paper. Imagine your name written on it in black ink. Now imagine how the ink smoothly changes its color, from black to blue, from blue to red, from red to any other color. You can use the hemisphere even more by imagining how the white background, along with the letters, also changes its color.
  9. Tactile sensations. Imagine that there is a certain dish in front of you. You eat it. Restore its taste and smell in your head, your association with this food. The same can be done with smells and with familiar people, remembering the timbre of a person’s voice, his laughter and gait.
  10. A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V
  11. L P P V L V L P V L L P L L P V P L P V L V V P L

The first row is the alphabet that is well known to everyone from childhood. The second is the designation of hands. L - the left hand rises to the left, R - the right hand rises to the right, V - both hands up. When pronouncing the alphabet, perform the movement corresponding to the letter.


For an adult, the development of the right hemisphere is very important. Exercises for the development of the right hemisphere of the brain allow people to become creators of their lives, develop previously unprecedented talents and become successful in life. The techniques are effective, there is no need to buy special equipment to perform them, so why not try it?

IN Perhaps no one has ever told you about this in your life, but I just have to do it. Say one simple and at the same time important thing that will allow you to reach a new level of awareness. So, understand that you are a true creator! Yes, You are the Creator! And within you lies limitless creative potential. And one of the very important components for its development is the development of your brain. Therefore, I would like to tell you about how to develop creative abilities and increase your personal effectiveness through the development and synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

How to develop your brain so that it works at 100%

The starting point for brain development is usually growing dissatisfaction with one's success in school, work or business. Most people begin to think about how to develop their intellectual and creative abilities when they encounter real difficulties in one of the areas of life. A person lives most of his life and only in adulthood realizes the importance of self-development. For this reason, among mature people there is a higher percentage of happy, successful and rich people than among young people, even though young people have more energy and enthusiasm.

For some reason, we are taught to pay more attention to the external, forgetting about the internal. Although the external is just a mirror reflecting the internal. And this also applies to the brain. You just know you have it from your high school biology course. But you don’t realize that it needs to be developed. But this is our main computer with 86 billion neurons! According to research, the average person uses only 3-5% of their brain potential! Imagine if your computer or laptop worked with such power. I think you would break it on the third day or go straight to the nearest store to “upgrade”.

Therefore, unfortunately, it must be said that most abilities for people remain beyond the realm of possibility, something from the realm of fantasy. And the reason for all this is simple: the brain works as it has to.

I would immediately recommend watching a very fascinating film on this topic called “Areas of Darkness.” Main character Eddie, a New York writer, wanting to overcome a bad patch in his life, begins taking a secret drug called NZT. This creative drug allows him to develop his brain to incredible power. In a short period of time, his whole life changes. He writes a book, makes a lot of money and becomes successful. But soon he begins to suffer from side effects drug.

By the way, many people do this. They resort to drugs because they are unable to realize their creative potential. I also write a lot and there are real stagnations when you can’t even string two lines together. But the thought never occurred to me to start using drugs for this purpose. I believe this is the path of weak people who have not bothered to simply take and understand how our brain actually works and what is necessary for intellectual and creative development. I already have my own experience, thanks to which I have developed my safe NZT and swallow it every day! We will talk about it, but a little later.

First, let's be clear that brain development is no easy task! It is necessary to do the following chain of actions:

1. Determine the dominant hemisphere

2. Develop the lagging hemisphere

3. Synchronize and increase the speed of switching work between them

You need to develop your brain harmoniously!

Left and right hemisphere. Who dominates you?

The basic knowledge we need is to understand that the brain has two hemispheres: left and right. It turns out that 80% of people are “left-hemisphere” and the reason for this is, again, our education, which is more aimed at developing the left hemisphere than the right. And when adulthood begins, a person has problems realizing his creative potential. He just wasn’t taught to think creatively!

It should also be mentioned that women have a better developed right hemisphere, while men have a better developed left hemisphere. A pronounced right-hemisphere woman is simply a disaster that looks like a storm. She obeys her emotions and her mood can change in a second from boundless joy to the deepest depression. And in order to somehow organize this chaos, she needs to learn to turn on the left hemisphere. For men it's the other way around. Left-brain dominance makes them logical, inflexible and insensitive. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the right hemisphere in order to add bright emotions into your life.

Functions of the cerebral hemispheres

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for:

Language abilities - it controls speech, reading and writing abilities, remembers names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking – the left hemisphere is primarily responsible for logic and analysis. It is this that builds cause-and-effect relationships and analyzes all the facts. Numbers and mathematical symbols are recognized by the left hemisphere.

Sequential information processing - the left hemisphere processes information sequentially in stages.

Mathematical abilities - symbols and numbers are recognized by the left hemisphere. The logical approach that is needed to solve various mathematical problems is also a product of the left hemisphere.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for:

Dreams - many people do not know how to dream due to the undeveloped right hemisphere.

Imagination – dreams are immediately associated with the concept of imagination.

Intuition is a method of non-linear selection of information.

Processing of nonverbal information - information is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Artistic abilities - the right hemisphere is responsible for a person’s ability to perform fine arts.

Musicality – this also includes the ability to perceive and compose music.

Sex and Mysticism are also part of the work of the right hemisphere!

As for me, I am an “analyst” and a “writer” rolled into one. I am very good at combining intuition and the analytical mind. Exactly in this sequence. Now I will explain why. Equally developed hemispheres and their synchronization are one thing, but understanding which hemisphere should be the leading one is another matter. By definition, there cannot be two of them, only one. And this is the right hemisphere.

To become happy, successful and rich, you need to establish a connection with your Higher Self, which intuitively will tell you your purpose in life. First of all, it is important for any person to find his path in life and see how to move along it. The right hemisphere is responsible for this. But how to follow this path, what goals to set and how to move, is answered by the logical left hemisphere. That is why we have so many unhappy “left-hemisphere” people who cannot make a decision in life.

Ideally, everyone needs to become both a Leader and a Manager rolled into one. The leader always knows WHERE to go, and the Manager always knows HOW to go more efficiently. This is very simple knowledge that must be passed through your understanding. It is people with a well-developed right hemisphere who achieve more in life. They become leaders in life, and those who have a developed left hemisphere remain clerks or middle managers who work for..., as the song of the Leningrad group says.

Therefore, first the right hemisphere must be involved in the work and, with the help of intuition and imagination, set a point of improvement on the map of life, and then the left hemisphere, which will get to this point. The left hemisphere alone, no matter how developed it is, will not help you change your life. It can be said to be simply an assistant to the one on the right. Therefore, later in the article I will focus specifically on the development of the right hemisphere, because if the majority is more or less in order with the left, then the right is simply a disaster.

7 Ways to Develop Your Right Brain

It's actually very simple. It is necessary to know how the brain functions in general. And it works at 4 different frequencies: beta waves, alpha waves, theta waves and delta waves. These frequency characteristics are constantly changing as the brain emits waves in all these ranges. Depending on the activities carried out in at the moment and there will be envy over the predominance of some waves over others.

In a state of beta waves, a person is very active, his attention is directed to the world around us. Alpha waves are a kind of transition bridge between beta and theta frequencies. This state is characterized by a very relaxed, meditative state of mind. Theta waves are already a state of deep relaxation. And delta waves are a state of deep sleep.

The whole problem is that modern man has completely forgotten what it means to relax. Nowadays the pace of life is so fast that some people forget to sleep. Where will creative inspiration and insights come from then? Those. a person spends the most time in two borderline states: beta and delta. Either he thinks logically at work, or sleeps sweetly in his crib. Alpha and theta waves drop out of his life completely.

In the beta state, our left hemisphere works with its logic, analysis, and information processing. When we close our eyes, our mind begins to relax. The left hemisphere slows down its activity, and the activity of the right hemisphere begins to increase. Those. The alpha state is a way of switching between hemispheres. But already in the theta state, the left hemisphere completely gives the baton to the right. From all this knowledge we can draw a very simple conclusion. The left hemisphere works when we are tense, and the right hemisphere when we relax.

Therefore, in order to develop the right hemisphere, you need to relax as much as possible. Everything is as simple as always!

If you consider how a person’s normal day goes, you can see that after sleep (delta waves), a person jumps up to the alarm clock and instantly begins to get ready for work, immediately activating the left hemisphere (beta waves). Then at work he simply processes tons of information and, coming home, again sits down at the computer or turns on the TV with movies (beta waves). And very late at 12 or 1 am to go to bed (delta waves).

From this picture it is easy to see that the alpha and theta states are skipped. Ideally, all 4 states should change alternately and smoothly, like the speeds on a gearbox in a car. We don’t switch from 1 to 4 straight away. No! Why then do we allow ourselves to “rape” our brain like this! After waking up, you need to lie in bed for 30 minutes and be in the theta state. Then meditate for 30 minutes in the alpha state and then turn on your imagination - imagine the life you want to live, your favorite thing and the value that you give to people.

From 8 to 12 noon, the left hemisphere is active. Information is processed best, increased concentration, high level memorization. Then a short break for lunch and a light rest with your eyes closed, which will allow you to switch to the right hemisphere. And somewhere from 14 to 18 hours it is better to work out creative activity: draw, play the guitar, dance, and so on. And after 18, you need to slow down your waves by walking through the forest and taking a bath with relaxing music. At 9 o'clock there is meditation again and by 10 it is necessary to go back to sleep.

In principle, I have already described how my day goes and what ways you can develop your right hemisphere!

Meditation– this is where you need to start. We need to teach the brain to produce alpha frequency. Morning and evening, to start with, at least 10 minutes. Then the duration needs to be increased. By sitting in silence, silencing your mind, you will begin the process of activating your intuition and gaining access to limitless creative potential.

Imagination– a powerful right-brain tool used by 5% of people. After reading the series of books “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland, every day I turn on my projector inside, thereby choosing the picture of life that I want to live from the infinite number of options of the quantum field.

Music– every day you need to sing, and even better, play an instrument. I love the guitar. With the help of music, you will develop a different range of emotions, thus activating the right hemisphere.

Drawing- the most “colorful” way to finally understand that you are a creator. Take it blank slate A4 paper, markers and you start drawing everything that your right hemisphere produces. Just don't include your logic here. There is no need to start evaluating your work of art. Only free flight of imagination!

Walking in the forest– a very good way to activate the right hemisphere, because nature is very relaxing. As soon as you have a free 1-2 hours, you immediately need to get out into the forest. If possible, then to the sea or to the mountains. You need to train yourself to be in nature more!

Bath– this is one of my favorite ways to relax. Previously, it was impossible to drag me into the shower, but now I take hot baths 2-3 times a week. Water is very relaxing and is also an information conductor. I got a lot of insights in the bath. All the most bright ideas they came to Einstein when he was in the shower and to many other scientists. I once received the lyrics to a song in 5 minutes. Just line by line! Overall, it's amazing!

Relax music– during or after a bath, you need to use music for relaxation to further help activate the right hemisphere. There are special tracks that will help you enter the theta state, lowering the frequency of the brain even more. I use audio meditation every day for 30-45 minutes.

Results?! They simply cannot be described. By activating the right hemisphere, it will flow to you large number insights. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and images begin to come to me that are not the questions that I constantly think about. Well, probably the most important thing is that you may be able to understand who you are, what your mission is and how you will fulfill it. This understanding allows me to be happy, enjoy the process of creativity, and every minute of my life I am really in some kind of nirvana. This is the state I wish for you! Good luck!

To improve brain function, many drugs, both synthetic and natural, have been created, and they do not always give the desired result. But there are techniques that, despite their apparent simplicity, are very effective in improving brain function. Thus, asymmetrical gymnastics for the brain will help to significantly enhance mental mobility.

The exercises of this gymnastics synchronize the work of the brain, since both hemispheres receive the load at the same time.

Asymmetrical gymnastics for the brain

In 1981, American neuropsychologist Roger Sperry received the Nobel Prize for his work proving that the left and right hemispheres have their own specialization, their own sphere of control of the body. And when there is an imbalance between the hemispheres, the brain does not work productively.

If you create techniques that help synchronize both hemispheres of the brain, you can improve the quality of learning and preserve brain functions that are lost with age.

This is how gymnastics was created, which activates the brain.

These are eleven exercises for the hemispheres of the brain

By doing these exercises constantly, you will notice that your memory has improved significantly, you have become more intelligent, and even the emotional background of your mood has become more positive.

First exercise. Fist-palm

We bend our arms at the elbows. At the same time, we quickly clench one hand into a fist, and straighten the other into a palm. Make sure your fingers are tightly clenched. And we begin to sequentially clench and unclench our palms: fist-palm. To learn, we do the exercise slowly, and when it starts to work out, we speed up the pace.

Second exercise. Ear-nose.

We place our left hand on the nose, and with our right hand, crossing our arms, we grab the tip of the ear. We make a clap and quickly change hands. We do it slowly at first, but over time you can significantly speed up the change of hands.

Third exercise. Captain's

The right hand is placed with a visor on the eyebrows, and the left hand at this time shows the “Class” sign. We change hands. We try not to get confused. This may not work at first. But after a few sessions, this exercise can even be complicated by adding cotton between changes of hands.

Fourth exercise. Class

We put our right palm forward, and with our left hand we show the “Class” sign. We quickly change hands. It would seem that everything is simple, but it may not work out right away. Fix the position of your hands when changing positions. But after you have completely mastered this exercise, you can complicate it by adding clap between changing hand positions.

Fifth exercise. Winner

One hand shows the “V” sign and the other “OK”. We change hands. Try not to get confused.

Exercise 6. Cross of fingers

On one hand we connect 2 fingers - the index and middle, and the index finger of the second hand will cover these two connected fingers. We change hands.

Seventh exercise

The little finger of one hand is covered by three connected fingers of the other hand (index, middle and ring). We change hands.

Exercise 8. Horns and legs

One hand shows the legs, and the other shows the horns (thumb, index and little finger). We change hands.

Ninth exercise. Puzzles

On one hand we put out two fingers - the index and middle, and on the other - the ring and little fingers. We connect them like puzzles. We change hands.


On one hand, the thumb is connected sequentially to all other fingers, starting with the index finger. The other hand does the same, but starts with the little finger. The task is to do the exercise with both hands at the same time.

Eleventh exercise

The thumbs are connected to index fingers opposite hand. Then we disconnect the lower fingers, make a turn up and connect them again, accelerating and doing the exercise faster.

To better understand the exercises to activate the brain, watch the video where the instructor clearly shows how to perform these exercises.

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