Dragging and sleds for a snowmobile: how to make it yourself. How to make a wooden sled with your own hands Homemade sleds for a snowstorm

About the pros and cons.

On the one hand, homemade sleds often break at the most inopportune moment, on the other hand, their production will cost much less. So decide what to choose: economy or reliability. Someone will definitely object to this, saying that everything depends on the hands, and store-bought goods themselves often come with defects. We answer: Yes, it is. But the plastic pipe is not initially best material for a sled, especially for a snowmobile. It is preferable to use good old wood, or aluminum.

Decide on your end goal

What functions should future sleds perform? Will they become child's play or serve practical purposes: transporting firewood and other goods? Or maybe you are going to go hunting with them? Start from this : plastic is good for entertainment, but not very suitable for transporting something serious.

What tool will you need?

  1. Directly plastic pipes (diameter from 30 to 45mm);
  2. Bolts and nuts (M8-M10 thread);
  3. Hacksaw for metal;
  4. Industrial hair dryer or burner for heating pipes;
  5. Marker for marking;
  6. metal corners;
  7. Shoe knife;
  8. A pipe welding machine is extremely useful;
  9. Wood file or sandpaper;
  10. plywood (thickness 10mm)

If you make a drawbar, you will additionally need a spring shock absorber (suitable from a used car) + bushing, 25mm section.

Manufacturing process. Option 1.

Let's consider the first method self-made snowmobile sled: main material: plastic frost-resistant pipes. Time to work 5-8 hours. Leading elements: frame, body, drawbar and skis.

  1. The inside of the body is lined with plywood. The shape is classic rectangular, dimensions 1900*900*300mm. To improve gliding, the frame of the sled must be given a rounded shape. If additional strength is needed, then additional reinforcements are welded at the rounding points.
  2. Metal hitch - when braking or for smoother movement from a standstill, we recommend equipping the drawbar with a spring. It is secured with a bushing and reinforced with two crossbars. It is better to attach it not to the body itself, but to an additional rack that plays the role of a kind of adapter.
  3. About skiing. Don't forget about the stiffeners (additional bends, about 20mm long). They are attached to the common frame using racks (8 of them will be needed). The stand is U-shaped metal structure, height ~125-130mm.

Click on the photo to open in large size.

Do-it-yourself sled for a snowmobile - METHOD No. 2.

The process is divided into steps, the order of execution is not critical:

  1. Sleighs have rectangular shape, therefore, you will need two long pieces of pipe (~1800mm) and two slightly shorter ones (~750mm, for a cross connection);
  2. Make markings. Mark the locations of future cuts with a marker. And after cutting, do not forget to clean them with a scraper or sandpaper.
  3. Eliminate all possible distortions. To do this, lay the frame on a flat horizontal surface and re-measure all values.
  4. Now connect all the parts of the future sleigh using metal corners or welding. (the second is preferable, but more difficult).
  5. Decide on the height. Too high ones will turn over more often, and driving low ones is simply not convenient. The optimal height is within 25-30cm.
  6. Manufacturing of racks (8-10 pcs). Remember: the fewer there are, the weaker the structure. Adjust the final size with a file, you need to achieve the tightest possible fit to the frame.
  7. We make skis. Flat runners will provide more stability when turning, such sleds are easier to control, and they won’t fall through in loose snow. What to do if the plastic pipe is exclusively round section? Answer: cut into two equal halves, heat, straighten. The ends of both skis must be bent 150-160 degrees. Maintain symmetry, otherwise the sled's maneuverability will be significantly reduced. When working with your own hands, this is one of the most difficult stages; if you successfully complete it, then consider that the snowmobile sled is already ready.
  8. Adding accessories: back and seat for the sled, fasteners, holders, decorative elements, luggage rack, etc.

This completes the process, congratulations! Having spent from 700 to 1000 rubles on plastic pipes, you made a sled for a snowmobile with your own hands, the price of which (if you buy it in a regular store) is about 8000 thousand!

Homemade sled for snowmobile

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Have you purchased winter equipment: a snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle or motorized dog? To use it effectively in winter, as a rule, they are equipped with sleighs or drags. Indeed, what is fishing or hunting without equipment? On at the moment Based on the existing assortment, we can distinguish two types of sleds:

  • sleigh - drag or just drag;
  • classic sleigh with runners;


On our website you can view and purchase snowmobile sleds that are currently produced in Russia.

Sleds for snowmobiles

Volokushi got its name from a primitive cart. Volokusha is not expensive, utilitarian vehicle. The main frame material is frost-resistant plastic. Most often, frost-resistant polypropylene of the following brands is used:

  • MPP 15-06V
  • MPP 21015-E10
  • MPP 23007-E10

The advantage of drags is, first of all, that they have small overall dimensions and are easy to transport (as a rule, classic drags can easily fit in any car). The advantages of drag nets include high stability when moving, as well as the ability to use them not only when transporting cargo in the snow, but also in swampy areas (in this case, the drag net is used in conjunction with a new motorized towing vehicle for the 2015-1016 season). As a rule, if a drag is used to transport goods together with equipment, then it includes a towbar with a shock-absorbing mechanism. At the same time, the main advantage - high stability, is also their disadvantage, namely, the large bottom area - can be a braking factor when moving along uneven surface. At the moment, the industry produces the following main types of drags:


Drag - a primitive cart without wheels or runners, consisting of two poles dragged along the ground, fastened with a cross-link (usually used in swampy, forested areas for transporting hay, firewood, etc.)

Classic sleigh with runners

The second type of snowmobile sled is the classic sled with runners. Unlike a drag, this type of sled is used to transport massive cargo and passengers. Sleds of this type are massive and, as a rule, are made of sheet metal or, to lighten the overall weight, in combination with frost-resistant plastic. Produced by industry the following types sleds for snowmobiles and motorized towing vehicles:

Like drags, classic sleds for snowmobiles are equipped with a towbar with a shock-absorbing mechanism.

With your own hands

This article presents the original design of a homemade sled for a snowmobile. The structurally designed sled consists of the following main parts:

  • frame and body;
  • metal hitch (drawbar);
  • skis;


The design of a homemade snowmobile sled described in the article was manufactured and tested in practice. All drawings presented are original.

We do it ourselves frame and body of the sleigh

We line the inside of the sleigh body with plywood, 10mm thick. There is no need to lay plywood above the front protective sheet to make the structure lighter. The body frame has a classic rectangular shape and is made of a profile square pipe with a cross-section of 20*20mm and a wall thickness of 2mm. The dimensions of the main part (frame) are 1900*900*300mm. Below, in the drawing, you can see the overall dimensions. To glide on loose or deep snow, the frame is rounded. To increase the strength and stability of the structure, a sheet of iron is welded at the rounding point. Sheet thickness - at least 2mm. General view structure, including a frame and bottom part– skis are presented at the end of the article.

We make a metal hitch (drawbar)

The drawbar is equipped with a shock absorber (spring) to soften shocks when braking and moving the sled from a standstill. The pipe cross-section is 20x20mm, the total length of the drawbar is 1700mm. The shock-absorbing spring can be used from a used automobile cylinder head. It is attached to the body of the sled using a bushing, the diameter of which is 25mm. To enhance rigidity, the drawbar is connected with two crossbars, the cross-sections of which are similar to the cross-section of the main pipe (dimensions 20x20mm). The hitch is attached to the front of the body. To do this, the attachment point is reinforced with an additional rack, and a sheet of metal is welded between adjacent racks. A bushing with an internal diameter (in our case 25mm).


Sheet metal is used as ski material. However, with the same success, frost-resistant plastic of the above brands, or ordinary wood can be used.

Below you can leave

A snowmobile sled is a must-have attribute comfortable winter travel over long distances. Having loaded all the necessary luggage into them, you can go hunting or fishing or on any other trip.

A sled is a great addition to a pannier that can hold all the essentials, but cannot pack large, heavy items. Thanks to their use, the capabilities of the snowmobile owner are significantly expanded.

If you want to become the happy owner of such a design, you don’t have to buy them at all - you can make it quite easily with your own hands.

Snowmobile sleds - types of structures and the principle of their operation

There are several main types of snowmobile sleds, and each of them has advantages and disadvantages. The sled is very versatile in its design. They easily attach to all types of snowmobiles. For example, for a Yamaha snowmobile, Russian Mechanics, Ermak, Viking 540, Dingo 150, BRP and Varyag 550.

In order to choose the type that suits you, you need to consider several factors:

  • the routes and trails you need to navigate, features of snow cover and terrain;
  • type of cargo transported;
  • driving style.

For more information about snowmobile sleds, watch the video:

Volokushi - description and dimensions of plastic snowmobile sleds

Sleigh-drags are the most simple option.

They have several advantages:

  • compactness and low weight;
  • simplicity and speed of loading and unloading luggage;
  • The drag body body does not freeze.

However, drags have a serious drawback - due to the design features, their front part is often damaged. This type of sled is inexpensive, and making it yourself is impractical.

Passenger sleighs can be found infrequently. They usually consist of a housing made of plastic or plywood mounted on skids.

For greater passenger comfort, the design of the passenger sleigh can be sprung, and lighting and heating can be installed in the cabin.

They are not easy to find on sale, but such designs are sometimes made by winter fishermen and other outdoor recreation enthusiasts during the cold season.

A passenger sleigh can carry one or even several passengers, therefore, having only one snowmobile, the owner of this design can take a large company out into the snowy nature.

The main disadvantages are the large dimensions and weight of the structure. Because of this, passenger sleds can only be attached to powerful, high-powered snowmobiles.

Cargo sleds are the most versatile and practical option. They are designed more complexly than drags, but at the same time much simpler than passenger ones. These sleds have a large load capacity with small dimensions.

Due to the relatively small contact area with the surface, cargo sleds have a smoother ride than drag sleds - such structures easily slide on their runners, easily overcoming obstacles.

The luggage in them is protected much better. Below are photos of a homemade snowmobile sled.

Due to the fact that their skis are located at a great distance from each other, cargo sleds can also boast much greater stability than drag sleds.

Every spring, plot owners sow different cultures. You can get acquainted with the precision seeder.

Cultivators have become very popular among summer residents. By clicking on the link you will learn how to choose a cultivator for your garden.

To grind grain, a special device is used - a grain crusher. With the Cyclone grain crusher this can be done quickly and efficiently.

A standard cargo sled consists of three main elements:

  • frame;
  • runners;
  • flooring

The frame is the basis of the entire structure. The runners are attached to the bottom of the frame using racks. There is a flooring on top, on which the loads will be placed.

For greater convenience and functionality, the frame of the cargo trolley must be equipped with railings and a covered structure placed on it.

In such a box, cargo will be reliably protected from snow and wind.

Required materials

What are skis for a snowmobile sled made of? Let's consider the structure simple option snowmobile sled from metal pipe. In order to make such a design, you will need:

  • profiled metal pipe 20×20, wall thickness - 2-3 mm;
  • round plastic pipes for making skis;
  • sheet metal;
  • plywood sheets 10-15 or more millimeters thick.

Sleigh with metal frame much more reliable and durable than structures made from plastic pipes.

Their disadvantage is their greater weight, but they will serve for a long time and without failure. The only thing that may be needed when operating such a design is periodic replacement. plastic skis that will wear out over time or may be damaged by impacts with rocks and roots.

Making a homemade sled for a snowmobile with your own hands

  • Weld from four pipes rectangular metal frame.
  • If you want to provide the structure with high strength and make it possible to transport heavy loads, make several additional crossbars.
  • Weld vertical posts to the frame, their number depends on the length of the sled, best option- from 2 to 5 racks on each side. The more of them there are, the more reliable the design will be.

  • Make out tube skis. It is better if they are flat - in this case the sled will fall under the snow much less. To straighten the pipes, you need to use a hair dryer.
  • If such a tool is not at hand, the pipes can be heated over an open fire to level them, but this must be done with caution. After heating, the pipe must be placed under the board, a weight placed on top and left until it cools. After this, you need to make an upward bend in front of each pipe.
  • Secure the runners on the frame. In order for the sled to move through the snow as easily as possible, the top of each ski should extend directly to the level of the frame and be attached to the front of the frame.
  • Also secure the drawbar to the front of the frame. To do this, reinforce the mounting location metal sheet and cut the bushing into it.
  • After this, you need to fix it on the frame. plywood flooring- and the sled is ready for use.


Since a homemade sled for a snowmobile with your own hands will be used in winter, you need to carefully select materials and components that should withstand the lowest temperatures well.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the structure will be subject to shock quite often, therefore, they must also be very durable.

If you choose materials and components not carefully enough, the sled may simply fall apart on the move after a few months of use, or even earlier.

If you decide to make not cargo, but passenger sled, the issue must be approached very carefully. Safety must come first - this applies both to the choice of materials and to the care with which all parts must be connected.

Speeds when traveling on a snowmobile can be high, and encounters with obstacles usually occur unexpectedly, so you need to think through everything important points so that the design of your passenger sled is as reliable as possible.

The presence of a sled gives many additional features, while making such a design with your own hands is not so difficult. Its construction will not require large expenses and will not take much time.

It is important to take into account that there is no universal sled for all occasions - which means that ideally you should have a set of several different designs, which will be sufficient for any situation.

If you make them yourself, carefully approach the choice of materials and the work process itself. In this case, the sled you make will be reliable and durable and will serve you for many years.


Let's start our article with a short excerpt from the poem by Ivan Andreevich Krylov “The Dragonfly and the Ant”.

... The red summer sang;
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.

Summer is summer, but there is another fabulous and beautiful time of year - winter. It brings us cold and frost, snowstorms, as well as half-meter snowdrifts. But at the same moment it gives us joy and fun, gives us the opportunity to throw snowballs, and most importantly, sledding. Winter is a favorite time for many people and children, and every year we look forward to it no less than summer.

A little background:
It all started with the fact that winter had come outside, which meant that the moment had come, that hour when it was time to take a sled and go down the highest hill, but at that moment, due to certain circumstances, they simply weren’t there. You could just go out and buy them. But there was one small drawback to this idea: the inflated price tag in local stores and the monotony of the models. But since the hands were out right place, it was decided to make them myself. The available material and tools, as well as free time, made it possible to do this.

There are these types of sleds:

 Wicker;
 Wooden;
 Metal;
 Inflatable;
 Plastic.

In this work, the author chose wooden sleigh, since the tree available material, and is easy to work with. Moreover, they can be made from the remains of unnecessary wood, using a minimum of fasteners.

We'll need it.

- electric jigsaw;
- hammer;
- corner ruler;
- wood hacksaw;
- sandpaper;
- pencil;
- chisel.

- board 40 mm thick;
- nails.
- crown;
- drill.

Let's start by taking a board (40 mm) of a length of your choice. Next, take a pencil and draw the outline of the future runners on the surface of the board. It turned out something like this.

Then the author takes a jigsaw, with which he begins to cut out the shape, according to the drawn outline.

Now that the first part is ready, we will use it as a template, simply fitting it onto the second workpiece, drawing along the contour from start to finish.

And then we cut it out using the same pattern with an electric jigsaw.

Now you need to take two finished parts and attach them to each other. Thus, we will mark the width of future grooves, where we will later install horizontal slats. After one we make small symbols with a cross. These are the places that will be directly deleted.

Next, along the marked area, using a hacksaw, we make cuts of a certain depth, an example in the photo.

When everything is ready, take a chisel and remove the cutting part. Now the grooves are ready.

Then we take a 25 x 40 mm strip and cut it into 8 equal parts. Next, we install them into the finished threaded grooves. We fasten with nails or self-tapping screws.

Now we can assume that the main part of the structure is ready. All that's left to do is to form the back. It was decided to make it tall. Thus, it will be possible to use it as a support when moving the sled from its place and further movement. We use a similar material - a 25 x 40 mm rail, 90 cm long on each side. We attach the vertical slats to the sides of the runners with nails or self-tapping screws.

We strengthen them a little with two short slats on each side. In this way, additional structural rigidity will be achieved.

Now we make several grooves where we install two horizontal slats, according to the resulting dimensions of the width of the sled.

We make several holes using a small crown in the upper part of the back. There are also a couple of similar holes at the beginning of the runners for the rope.

A cylindrical handle was pre-made, which we inserted into the hole.

You will need to spend about 1 thousand rubles on consumables and take a day to make, but as a result you will get reliable design, not inferior in operational characteristics store-bought products and save a considerable amount of money.

Even a girl can lift a sled made of plastic pipes

This article provides instructions following which you can make a sled. We will look at constructive ones and provide a list of tools and materials necessary for their manufacture.

Difficulty of choice

Initially, decide what kind of sled you need to make - for the entertainment of a child or a serious towed structure for a snowmobile. There are no difficulties with products for children - the standard Soviet-style configuration, consisting of a supporting frame, runners and a seat with a backrest, while plastic sleds for snowmobiles are variable in their design.

Based on design features and functional purposes, plastic sleds for snowmobiles are classified into 3 types:

  • Freight;
  • Volokushi;
  • Passenger.

On products used for transporting goods, skis are used as runners, connected to the supporting platform by means of shock absorbers, which eliminate vibrations of the transported object on uneven surfaces. The load-carrying capacity and stability of such structures is achieved by increasing their size - the frame (a wide loading platform prevents the sled from tipping over when turning) and the sliding surface (the larger the area of ​​the runners, the better the sled passes through loose snow).

When operating in high and loose snow It is rational to make plastic sled drags. This is a trough-shaped structure in which there are no runners - the smooth bottom of the sled rubs against the snow when moving. These products are used for transporting goods; they are not intended for transporting people.

Plastic drag sleds have a key drawback - due to the design features, when riding they take impacts from stones, bumps and potholes, which leads to damage to the front part of the structure. The advantage is low weight, ease of manufacture.

What are sleds made of?

A typical design of a standard configuration sled (cargo, children's or passenger) consists of three key elements:

Assembled sled
  • Load-bearing frame for fixing the seat;
  • Polozev (skis);
  • Racks connecting the frame to the skis;
  • Seats are wooden platforms on which cargo or passengers are placed.

The final serviceability of the product depends on the mechanical strength of each element. Homemade sled PVC pipes can be considered as a reliable design - the plastic does not lose strength at sub-zero temperatures, does not deform during pinpoint impacts (when colliding with stones) and is low in weight.

To make a sled from PVC pipes with your own hands, first decide on functional purpose products - compact sleds do not require wide runners and frame reinforcements, while designs for transporting goods require the use of widened skis and an increased number of racks in the supporting frame.

What will you need for this?

To make a sled with your own hands you will need the following tools and materials:

  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 30-40 mm (for the frame) and 110 mm (for the runners);
  • Fittings of the appropriate diameter;
  • Hacksaw or grinder;
  • Construction hair dryer or blowtorch(required for bending pipes);
  • Device for ;
  • Sheet of plywood 10 mm thick. (for the seat);
  • Marker, tape measure, level, stationery knife;
  • File, sandpaper;
  • Steel corner profile (to strengthen connections of structural units).
Equipment and location for assembly

The consumption of materials depends on the size of the sled you plan to make. Purchase pipes in 1.5-2 meter sections so that you can cut them into pieces of the required size during the work process.

Manufacturing process

When making a snowmobile sled with your own hands, give preference to rectangular structures - they are easier to make. Optimal sizes- 180 cm in length and 75 cm in width between the runners. It is permissible to increase the size; if it is reduced, the stability of the product will suffer.

Sled from PVC pipes are manufactured according to the following algorithm:

  1. Pipes of smaller diameter for the supporting frame are marked - two belts, 180 (longitudinal) and 70 (transverse) cm, respectively. The cutting areas are marked with a marker, the pipes are cut with a grinder or a hacksaw;
  2. After cutting, the edges of the pipes are processed with a file and sandpaper to remove burrs;
  3. The workpieces are laid flat work surface and are connected by soldering or self-tapping screws and metal corners. Dockings corner profile- the preferred option, providing greater final strength of the product;
  4. Racks are marked for connecting the frame and runners, use a height of 20-30 cm. The pipes are cut and cleaned of burrs. Number of racks - 5-7 pcs. on each side (step 10-15 cm);
  5. Using a knife and file on the joining edges of the racks, necessary for a tight fit of the frame elements among themselves;
  6. The racks are connected to the corners supporting frame;
  7. Homemade skis are made from plastic pipes. A pipe blank of the required length is cut with a grinder into two longitudinal sections, which are heated with a hairdryer and bent to a flat shape. The front parts of the runners are bent at an angle of 150 degrees;
  8. The skis are attached to the racks by means of double-sided fixation with corners;
  9. A plywood seat and additional accessories - hand holders, trunk - are attached to the supporting frame.

Using the pieces remaining during the sled assembly process, you can make snowshoes from polypropylene pipes. You will need two pieces of pipe 150 cm long, a strong cord (nylon or nylon) - 50 meters, and rubber pads (purchased at sports or hardware stores) to secure the foot.

We make snowshoes with our own hands from plastic pipes:


  • Two pipe blanks 130 cm long are cut;
  • A mark is made in the central part of the pipe and the bend area is heated construction hairdryer, after which the pipe is bent so that the straight sections are placed parallel to each other;
  • After bending, the pipe is cooled in a container of water;
  • The oval section of the workpiece is heated and bent at an angle of 120 degrees (raising is necessary to prevent snow from catching when walking);
  • The edges of the straight sections are given an inwardly curved shape, then they are glued together and fixed with a screw;
  • In the central part of the workpiece, a transverse jumper is installed on self-tapping screws;
  • The internal space of the snowshoe is covered with a mesh of nylon cord; the knots are knitted according to the diagram below.