Electric plug: how to connect, repair, adapt. Check with phase indicator. Who should pay attention to a broken plug?

Replacing the 16A grounding plug yourself. Product information.

The plug with a side grounding contact is intended for connecting electrical appliances to electrical network alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz when used as part of power supply wires for devices and is certified for compliance with consumer life and health safety requirements.

Security requirements

The plug, subject to installation instructions, is safe and fireproof during operation. Installation and dismantling of the plug yourself should only be done when the mains is disconnected!

It is not allowed to operate a plug with mechanical damage or damage to the insulation of live parts, with loose contact clamps, or exceeding the rated current and voltage. If smoke appears and the plug catches fire, you must independently de-energize the room and use any fire extinguishing means, and if necessary, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Basic technical data

Rated voltage 250V

Rated current 16A

Protection degree IP20

Weight no more than 0.04 kg

Cross-section of connected wires – from 0.75 to 2.5 mm2

Installation instructions

Installation and disassembly of the plug must only be carried out by a specialist authorized to carry out electrical installation work. The plug should only be used when replacing a faulty plug of a similar type or in the manufacture of electrical appliances. Just like that. I copied this from the instructions; in fact, I was doing this on my own, probably in the third or fourth grade. So let's continue.

Replacing the Grounding Plug

1.De-energize the electrical appliance. Perhaps they meant that it is extremely inconvenient to disassemble a plug inserted into a socket yourself.

2.Remove the faulty plug. It is very important to look at the traces of action electric current and analyze the results. In most cases, the fork is changed due to the heating of the fork body and, as a result, loss appearance and mechanical properties. Also, wires often break off at the point of entry into the all-plastic plug; of course, you should put a collapsible one in its place.

3.Use a screwdriver to remove the screw and disassemble the plug for replacement.

4.Cut the wire insulation and strip the wires to about 2.5 cm

5. Bend the ends of the wires into rings and solder them with solder.

6.Connect the wires, securing their ends stripped of insulation in terminals. It must be remembered that the yellow wire with a green stripe must be connected to the grounding plate.

7.Secure the cord with a clamp.

Grounding Plug Pins

8.Assemble the plug and check the operation of the electrical appliance.

It worked out plug with grounding contact.

Now I want to suggest considering a regular plug

What does a power plug consist of?

As you can see in the photo, the body of the plug consists of two halves, and their inner part organized differently. The right half has sockets for brass contacts. which have small pins at the ends. To secure the wire there is a tie bar with holes and threaded threads. There is also a plate of insulating material of the same shape, which is placed between the wire and metal jumper. The brass pins also have threaded holes into which screws are screwed to secure the wires. When assembling the fork and tightening the halves with a screw, the brass pins must take a parallel arrangement and be fixed in the mounting sockets.

Replacing the plug

To replace the plug, you need to strip the ends of the wire, make them into rings and tin them with solder.

Then secure them to the brass contacts, and on the opposite side from the pins

It appeared only a few centuries ago, during which time people managed to create many superstitions about it. More precisely, notice them in real life and pass on wisdom to future generations.

Signs about a fork in the kitchen

Fell, someone dropped it

The fork fell on the floor - perhaps the most common sign. Like the falling of a spoon, such an event promises the imminent arrival of a female person in the house. Moreover, the fall of the fork as an object with several pointed teeth means that the guest’s intentions will not be the most peaceful.

If one of the household members drops a fork, the sign says that it is he who should wait for the guest. But only if the one who dropped it picks it up himself. If not, the guest will come to the house, and not to a specific person. If cutlery If you don’t raise it, then no one will come at all.


The fork is broken - a sign difficult choice which you will have to do soon. You need to be extremely careful not to make a mistake, otherwise it could cost you your career or happiness. family life- depending on what area the problems arise. But there is another interpretation - perhaps the broken tableware was damaged. In this case, you should not just throw away the fork, but wrap it in a white sheet (paper towel, napkin) and take it outside the threshold (in a private house - outside the fence), placing it under the first bush or tree you come across (or throw it in a street trash can).


When they scrape a fork on a plate (and many people do this unconsciously, thinking about something of their own) - this is also not very good. Perhaps soon this person will have nothing to eat; his plate will be empty for some time. If you notice that your neighbor at the table is scraping with a fork, quickly put a slice of bread or other food on his plate, this will save him from financial problems.

Inject yourself

To pierce your finger with a fork - you still need to manage this, but this also happens sometimes. Such an event can be regarded as a warning from fate - be more attentive to your health, cross the road correctly and do not walk through dark courtyards at night. And also change summer tires to winter ones - who knows...

By the way, not everything that concerns forks on the table is a sign. So, a crossed fork and knife, or forks with the tines up - these are just serving options.

Signs about a fork on the street


I found a fork - such a sign will have a negative connotation if you pick it up. No matter how attractive this item may look or how useful it may seem to you in your household, discard the thought of picking it up, much less bringing it into your home. By using sharp objects ward off the evil eye and damage, the one who picks up the fork that participated in the ritual will take the negativity upon himself.


Giving neighbors forks is a neutral omen. Just don’t forget to charge them a symbolic penny for this. If you borrow needles or forks from someone, also “buy them back” for a coin.

Replacing a burnt-out electrical plug is not at all that difficult; it can be done on your own without turning to an electrician.
Replacing an electrical plug is a fairly common task, especially if you actively use electric heaters or air conditioners. Euro plugs that are equipped with electrical appliances are of poor quality, for example, the metal contacts are made not of copper but of cheaper metal, and this leads to overheating. When heated or loosened, the socket begins to deform, spark, and the electrical plug eventually burns out.
A burnt-out unusable plug encased in plastic just needs to be cut off and a new one installed in its place, if possible with copper contacts.
To work you will need:

New electrical plug
Wire cutters or knife
A small flathead screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver.
Stages of replacing an electrical plug, step by step:

We measure the electrical cable to the required length and cut it.

Electrical plug and cut cable

Using a knife, carefully cut the outer insulation at a distance of 5-7 cm from the end of the cable. There is no need to cut through it; it is important not to damage the internal current-carrying conductors of the cable. Bend the cable several times at the cut point, the thick outer sheath will burst and can be easily removed.

Disassemble the electrical plug.

Electrical plug disassembled

You need to strip the cable cores at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the end, make a circular cut on the insulation and remove it with wire cutters. You can also use a lighter or matches - hold the tip of the wire over the fire for a couple of seconds, the sheath will become soft and can be easily peeled off. Then twist the wire strands so that they do not fray.

Stripping the cable

We cut off the excess from the conductors, leaving the ends approximately 1 cm of equal length.

Excess cable ends cut off

Use pliers to bend and crimp the cable cores, this is necessary for better contact in the socket terminals.

Cable ends formed

We pass the cable through the hole on the plug body and secure it in the screw terminals. The blue and brown wires are always connected to the pins of the plug (polarity is not important), and the green wire is used for grounding. It connects to the center petal of the fork. If you do not have a special ground pin, then you can simply cut off this green wire. Everything will work without it.

The cable is secured with screws

Now we fix the cable with a white plastic jumper, it is important that it presses the cable sheath and not the cores themselves.

The cable is fixed

We put on the outer body of the fork and secure it with a screw. Your electrical appliance is ready to use!

Electrical plug assembly

It is advisable after assembling the electrical plug, before turning it on for the first time, to check if there is a short circuit between the pins, but if you do not have the necessary device for this, simply plug the plug into an equipped surge protector circuit breaker(red glowing button). In the event of a short circuit, it will open the circuit and nothing bad will happen.

Rest assured, you will succeed, everything is not as difficult as it looks!

A failed socket is one of the most unpleasant situations for the owner, as it requires almost immediate intervention. To fix all outlet problems, you can call an electrician or own hands. The second option is more economical, but without electrical knowledge it is more dangerous. Do you agree?

We will tell you how to replace or repair an electrical outlet with your own hands. We describe the work process in detail. Taking into account our recommendations, even a person ignorant of the intricacies of electrical installation can cope with this matter.

For a clearer understanding of the information, we have included useful diagrams, photo collections and video instructions.

Every person in his life has encountered situations when, when turning on household appliance strange things began to happen.

These include a strange crackling sound, slight smoke or a bright flash, after which the light in the room completely disappears. A signal about the presence of malfunctions is also the melted body and unpleasant feeling burning smell.

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In such cases, along with the socket, the fuses of the device may be damaged, the wiring may be damaged, and even the microcircuits may burn out. household appliances. In most cases, you can protect yourself from the consequences of a short circuit thanks to automatic protection in the electrical panel.

But you shouldn’t hope and rely on it 100%, because... By analogy with other devices, a machine tends to wear out and burn out.

If problems are detected in the operation of the outlet, you must immediately remove the load by disconnecting the household appliance from the power supply and begin troubleshooting and solving problems.

Regardless of the reasons for the malfunction, you should immediately take measures to eliminate the source of damage and replace the socket

To make sure that the socket is really damaged, the first thing you need to do is connect an electrical appliance to it, the correct operation of which there is no doubt.

If a normally functioning lamp, for example, does not operate normally when connected to this point, measures must be taken to eliminate the breakdown.

A melted socket must be replaced. In case of melting due to insufficient technical capabilities, change the device with the required characteristics

Initial inspection of the outlet

There are several options to determine the type of fault in the connector. The very first is a visual inspection of the front of the outlet for external defects.

Since the front side of the socket is made of plastic, there is a possibility of cracks during use. More serious damage may include traces of soot or melted connector holes.

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There are three main reasons for socket melting:

  • The load current is higher than the capabilities of the device or wiring. When a power flow flows through a channel that is narrow for it, its density naturally increases. As a result, the load increases, then overheating occurs. In such cases, the socket must have suitable characteristics.
  • The insulation of the conductors in the area connected to the socket mechanism is broken. The reason lies in non-compliance with the installation technology of the device, cuts and damage to the insulation due to clumsy actions. You need to replace a melted socket with a device with equivalent characteristics, not forgetting to remove damaged sections of wires.
  • Problems with contacts. They could simply oxidize or weaken. The problem is solved by stripping or tightening.

In addition to visual problems with the output, there are a couple of ways to determine if there is a problem with the connected device. Let's look at them below.

A common cause of a burnt-out outlet is mechanical damage contacts. Most often this is a consequence of inept installation

Loose contact system

In the body of any socket you can find two copper plates. They have semicircular bends for the socket plug. The principle of operation of these plates is completely simple. When connecting a household appliance to a power socket, the plates tightly clamp the edges of the plug.

Accordingly, after many cycles of disconnecting and reattaching the plug to the connector, the plates may bend away from each other. This will cause the fork to hold on less and less each time.

A loose screw does not allow the contact sockets to hold the plug of the electrical appliance well, so the brass petals must be moved

As one of the options for correctly diagnosing problems, you can take a plug from any household appliance and insert it only halfway into the socket. If the cord does not fall out, then the probability that the contact remains intact is very high.

The second way is to connect audio speakers or a lamp to an outlet, after which you need to move the plug. If interference occurs in this case, it is necessary to replace the socket as soon as possible, since the copper contact plates inside have simply become bent.

The light from the lamp began to blink or disappeared completely when the plug was moved - this is a sure sign that the socket needs to be replaced

Detection of this kind of malfunction will allow you to correct the breakdown in a timely manner, spending significantly less time and money, and also avoid accidental fire.

A fairly common case of damage and subsequent malfunction of the electrical connector is incorrect handling of the plug. household electrical appliances. If you handle the equipment carelessly, you can pull the device's wire incorrectly and trouble will occur when the socket and plug simply fall out of the wall.

Differences between the two electrical standards

The joint operation of sockets and plugs of two standards under a load of a couple of tens of watts is a completely acceptable practice. But, when the power consumption increases, even to the requirements recommended by the manufacturer, differences in designs and parts can lead to failure of the electrical connectors or plugs.

The thicker electrodes on the European standard plug push the brass blades in the Soviet-style socket apart much more. The springs stretch, and this, in turn, gradually causes increased heating of the contacts.

Moreover, the standard socket does not have recesses in the body like the Euro connector. The plug is not fully inserted into such an outlet, which can lead to unpredictable contact with the electrodes or a short circuit.

No more tension

An equally common scenario is that an outlet fails. When you connect any household appliance, nothing happens, it does not work because there is no voltage. This is confirmed by checking with instruments equipped with an indicator. Most likely, the problem is a break in the supply wire.

One of the reasons for the lack of voltage in the socket may simply be the switch in OFF mode, through which the phase is supplied to the socket (+)

Preparing to repair the outlet yourself

After carrying out a visual inspection and finding out the exact causes of the malfunction, you can begin preparing for repairs. First of all, let’s get ready for work, stop panicking, worrying and being nervous. Determination and calm are the main weapons needed for successful repairs.

This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally touch the live fragments with your hand. This way you can completely de-energize the room. It is also important to check for voltage in the outlet that needs repair. This is done using an indicator screwdriver.

Socket repair tool kit

In order to leave only good impressions after the repair, you need to have a set of available tools for all occasions.

Repairs are much easier to carry out if you have tools such as:

  • indicator screwdriver for determining the phase and the presence of voltage in the electrical network;
  • Phillips and flathead screwdrivers;
  • pliers or pliers;
  • vinyl tape for insulation;
  • sharp knife;
  • soldering iron (in some cases).

One of the important points is that the handles of pliers, screwdrivers and other tools used must have an insulating coating or be rubberized. This will prevent accidental electric shock.

Do-it-yourself socket repair

After checking the voltage, it's time to start repairs. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the bolt located in the center of the connector. This allows you to remove the socket cover and gain access to the filling. Checking the status of the contacts. If the copper has a greenish tint, this is a sign of oxidation; if it is gray or black, this is an indicator of poor contact.

The veins can be distinguished by color. The most popular method is: zero - blue cable, phase - red/white, ground cable - green-yellow

How to properly repair such an outlet? For example, when the contacts are dark in color, they need cleaning. A needle file is usually used for this, but you can use sandpaper. There are situations when the metal in certain places has become much thinner, and marks appear on the contacts themselves. through holes. In this case, the socket must be replaced.

We tighten loose contacts

After removing the socket from the wall, it is necessary to tighten all fasteners, screws and contacts with an appropriate screwdriver. If the wire or terminals have an uncharacteristic color or carbon deposits, you can use sharp knife and clean them until they shine.

Heavily charred wires must be replaced with a new piece or simply cut off (with sufficient length). Any twists and turns must be insulated with vinyl tape. A socket whose contacts are damaged cannot be repaired and requires complete replacement.

Typically, the plug enters the power socket under a certain pressure. This is ensured by contacts that are well matched to one another. If not, then we are working on solving this problem.

After this, you need to check how securely the wires are connected directly to the outlet. If necessary, tighten them, but not too much. They should not twitch or fall out. Every exposed wire, which is connected to the outlet, must be well wrapped with electrical tape.

The spacer “tendrils” of the socket, stuck into the installed plastic socket box, will be able to firmly hold the socket from popping out for a long time

What to do when the entire socket moves from side to side? The solution to this problem is quite simple. It is necessary to tighten the installation bolts located on the left and right. If they are tightened well and correctly, the socket will sit in its place.

Connecting a new outlet

First of all, the power wire is connected to the contacts. To do this efficiently, you need 5–10 mm from the core through which the current will flow. The exposed part of the wiring must be inserted into the terminal and pressed tightly with a screw.

There is no need to be too zealous when tightening the screw, otherwise this will lead to the wire being squeezed, and in the worst case, breaking.

There are two ways to connect the wires: quickly or securely. A reliable connection means that the ends of the stripped wires will be bent into a ring of small diameter (4–5 mm). Only after this should they be inserted into the terminals and tightened. Quick connect allows for simple connection without twisting.

A reliable method of connecting contacts requires much more time, but is compensated by a number of advantages, for example:

  • contact is stronger;
  • the degree of heating of the contact is much less, since the area of ​​contact of the wire with the current-conducting contact is much higher.

The connection differs slightly from installation without it. A wire, usually green, is connected to the ground terminal. Before connecting, you should make sure that this conductor is indeed a ground wire.

A wire with several cores can also be tinned before connection. You can use a soldering iron for this.

The next step is to install the device in a socket box. The working part is installed after all wires are fully connected. Installation takes place at the same level as the wall, without distortions or protrusions. All wires must be neatly twisted and hidden in the socket box.

Securing the socket in correct position carried out using special clamps. They can be adjusted thanks to screws. If you twist them, the claws will fix the socket from the inside.

If your socket does not have claws, then this is a new type of device, which has special clamping screws for this purpose. The last stage is screwing the lid.

The cover can be screwed on after successful completion of the socket installation; the working part must be tightly screwed into the socket box

Restoring a socket that fell out of the wall

A malfunction of this kind is not the most pleasant reward for careless use of household appliances.

To get out of this situation, you can use the two most common options: short-term or long-term:

  • The first method involves twisting the petals much more than usual. This will allow the product to remain in its place for some time and serve faithfully.
  • A long-lasting method requires significantly more time, as well as the availability of tools and new devices.

The main reason for a socket falling out of the wall is precisely non-working petals. The solution in this case will be to modernize the seat.

Additional tools for socket repair

To return the socket to its place you will need:

  • mounting box 68x45 mm;
  • gypsum;
  • construction knife;
  • polymer primer;
  • spatula;
  • tools that have already been written about.

Before starting work, you need to turn off the power to the room and warn other people who, with a high degree of probability, can turn on the power supply to the machine again. If this is not possible, be sure to post a sign: “Repairs are underway.”

Let's start restoration work

When dismantling the socket and the old wiring box, be sure to mark each wire with a marker. Remove all plugs and screws. This will ensure free access of wires into the box.

The bottom should also be removed from it, since the dimensions of the box often do not coincide with the parameters of the holes in the wall. A box without a bottom can be easily trimmed, but it cannot be deformed by compression.

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Step 1: If when using the socket it falls out of the socket, then disassemble the device and disconnect the mechanism from the wiring

Step 2: Most often it turns out that the socket is installed without a socket box, buy this mounting fixture and try it on the hole

Step 3: In the case shown in the example, the hole depth is not enough to completely immerse the box. Therefore, we cut off the bottom

Step 4: We try the trimmed box again to the installation site, if necessary we trim it further until the edge of the socket box is flush with the wall

Step 6: Install the socket box into the prepared hole, level it in the socket. Immediately remove excess mixture with a damp cloth.

Step 7: After waiting for the mixture to harden, install the mechanism in the fixed socket box and fix it with screws

The socket must be installed so that it sits firmly and motionlessly in the wall. To do this, the hole is primed. After that, gypsum is diluted in water and the hole is treated with this mixture, and the cracks are sealed with a spatula.

The mounting box is inserted there. After 15 minutes, when the plaster firmly grips it, you can begin the process of installing the inside of the new outlet and begin connecting the wiring. The final step will be installing the front panel.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1. Installing a new outlet and dismantling the old one:

Video #2. How to properly replace a burnt out socket:

Video #3. Step by step guide to replace the socket from a professional electrician:

Video #4. How to quickly and efficiently change a socket with your own hands:

If problems with power points find you unprepared, and the process of repairing an outlet will occur for the first time, it is important to remember to remain completely calm. It is necessary to de-energize the room and, if necessary, extinguish the fire.

Carry out repairs and installation work with full concentration and caution. If you are not satisfied with the results of the work or feel a lack of confidence in the success of the work done, immediately contact a professional – an experienced electrician. Don't skimp on safety!

It is difficult for a modern person to do without electrical appliances. Computer, refrigerator, washing machine, coffee maker, iron - it’s too much to list. Some devices run on batteries, but most still plug into the network. This means they have a cord and a plug that plugs into an outlet. For devices to last a long time, the electrical connection system must be in order. But it is not always possible to contact a workshop if a pin has melted or a screw has become loose. How to fix an electrical plug? We will talk about this in our article.

Is it possible to take it apart?

Before you repair a socket plug, you need to understand whether it can be disassembled or not.

Important! Of course, it’s impossible to repair a non-separable one; it has to be replaced immediately, sometimes along with the cord.

There are several types of collapsible forks. Unfortunately, there is no single global standard for similar devices does not exist, and this causes a lot of problems. For example, you bought a device abroad, you are trying to turn it on, but the pins do not fit in because the distance between them is greater or less than that at which the holes are located at the socket. Or there is an additional rod of an incomprehensible shape, which there is nowhere to stick.

You can use an adapter, but most often in such cases the plug is removed:

  • unscrews;
  • trimmed.

To repair an electrical plug in this situation, replace the old one with a new one that is suitable specifically for your outlet. Such an operation usually has no effect on the operation of the device.

What types of non-separable forks are there?

Now all devices are produced with non-separable plugs. However, many users still have collapsible ones - on old devices, which, despite their age, work great.

Depending on where the unit is made, you can read on the markings:

  • CEE 7/16;
  • CEE 7/17.

Important! Despite the fact that there are four standard types of markings, forks come in only two types. In Russia they comply with GOST 7396.1-89. The first two are Russian, the third and fourth are European. In this case, the C5 fork corresponds to CEE 7/16, and the C6 corresponds to CEE 7/17.

What else is on the label?

You can find other data on the plug body:

  1. maximum permissible current;
  2. maximum permissible voltage.

The first value means that the electrical appliance will operate from a network where the current strength is less than or equal to the specified one. The same applies to voltage - if it is higher, the device may burn out.

Important! In every house, decorated in accordance with modern trends design and practical preferences of residents, there is certainly a large arsenal of various household appliances. To make their use safe for both devices and people, we also recommend reading about different types sockets:

C5 and CEE 7/16

These are plugs with round pins. The diameter of the rods is 0.4 cm. The distance between the pins at the ends is slightly larger than near the bases. The rods have 1 cm insulation from the body. These plugs do not have a grounding contact. Estimated current is 6 A, device power is 1200-1300 W.

C6 and CEE 7/17

The pins on these plugs are also round, but their diameter is larger - 0.48 cm. Some models have a grounding pin, others do not. This device can withstand a current of 10 A and is designed for a power of 2200 W.

Important! Collapsible plugs can withstand current up to 6 A and power 1300 W. They can be either with or without grounding.

How does a non-separable fork work?

If you have a question about how to make a plug for an outlet, first try to understand: what exactly can be repaired? All non-separable forks are similar:

  1. they have pins;
  2. the pins are installed in the bar;
  3. distance between rods – 1.9 cm;
  4. conductors are pressed into rods;
  5. there are 2 protrusions on the bar for the outline, which are made so that the cord does not break;
  6. the rods along with the wire are filled with molten plastic.

Important! A non-separable fork has its advantages:

  • tightness;
  • strong fixation of pins.

No moisture gets inside, so such a plug is much less likely to burn out or cause an electric shock. The pins do not fall out, and this also increases safety. There is only one drawback to such a device - if it burns out, there is nothing to disassemble, you have to replace the whole thing.

How does a collapsible fork work?

A removable plug is very useful if you need to replace a non-removable one, but you don’t want to change the cord or even throw away the electrical appliance. You can still buy one at an electrical store. In addition, it can be removed from the old table lamp or a broken ancient refrigerator.

The design of a removable plug without grounding is quite simple. She has:

  • 2 body halves;
  • 2 rods (usually brass);
  • clamping bar;
  • fastener

The grounding-type plug has some differences:

  1. Contact pads are installed on the pins.
  2. The contact pads are threaded; they are needed to screw the wires.
  3. The case has a grounding contact - a brass strip.
  4. The ground pin has a thread to screw on the conductor.
  5. The clamping bar is made with a plastic gasket.

Let's talk about malfunctions

As a rule, cast forks last as long as the devices themselves, unless you maliciously violate operating and safety rules. Such plugs have to be changed in the following cases:

  1. If the conductor was crimped poorly into the pin at the factory.
  2. If the cord is frayed in the place where it is connected to the body.

We are looking for the place of damage

Quite often, a breakdown can be detected with a simple inspection. There are only two signs:

  1. The cord bends sharply.
  2. The shell is swollen.

Important! If you can’t find the defect right away, you’ll have to pick up a tester. True, in order to ring the wires, you need to get to their opposite ends. This is possible with some devices, but not with all.

If you cannot disconnect the wire, you need the most ordinary metal sewing needle, not particularly thick:

  1. Gently pull the wire and plug in opposite directions - this is necessary to prevent accidental contact of the ends of the broken conductor.
  2. Pierce the insulation with a needle where one of the conductors passes.
  3. Ring the chain “needle - fork rod”.
  4. If there is no defect on the first conductor, ring the second.

Checking with a phase indicator

For this you will also need a needle. You need to check it very carefully - under no circumstances touch the needle with an unprotected hand:

  1. Pierce the insulation.
  2. Plug the plug into the socket - there should be a phase on the wire you are checking. Touch the needle with the phase indicator.
  3. If the indicator does not light, there is a break.
  4. Check the second conductor.
  5. Pull the plug.
  6. Pull out the needle.

Important! The holes will quickly close up after you remove the needle.

If the wire is ok

It may turn out that you will not find a broken wire. This means that you need to look for the problem somewhere else. Where?

Quite often, the plug does not work if there is poor contact in the socket. For example, it hardly comes into contact with the contacts. In this case, the process goes like this:

  1. A lot of heat is generated.
  2. The pin is overheating.
  3. The body is melted or charred.
  4. The pin begins to swing.

To determine how good the contact between the pin and the socket is, you don’t need to disassemble anything at all. After the device has been working and you unplug it from the outlet, simply touch the rods. They should be warm, but not hot. If the temperature is too high, take care of the outlet - it needs to be repaired urgently.

What happened to the collapsible fork?

How to examine the device, and most importantly, how to assemble the socket plug so that there are no unnecessary parts left? Well, first of all, understand what kind of malfunctions there are. They are the same as for cast forks.

But there is also a specific defect - poor contact of the cord with the rods or its complete absence. The wires do not fit tightly when there is no spring washer. As a result, a gap appears, the contact weakens, and heat, on the contrary, begins to be released more intensely. This is especially true for older devices.

Important! Poor contact can cause the housing to melt or even char.

There is only one repair method - change the plug.

If the case is intact, the device can be repaired. You will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • fasteners to replace oxidized ones;
  • sandpaper;
  • sharp knife:
  • sheet of paper;
  • camera.

It is very important for a novice electrician not to lose details and remember what was unscrewed at what moment. For this you need a camera and a sheet of paper (preferably white). It is useful to film each operation, and lay out what was pulled out of a fork or other device onto a white sheet. However, in this case there will be very few details:

  1. Unscrew the screw.
  2. Divide the body into 2 parts.
  3. Sand the wire where it connects to the pin with sandpaper.
  4. If the wire is burnt, cut off the damaged piece, strip the ends and connect to the pins.
  5. Replace screws and washers if there is scale on them.
  6. Connect the body halves.
  7. Install the screw and tighten it.

How to change the plug?

First you need to understand what kind of fork you need. This depends on a number of circumstances:

  • device power;
  • the need for grounding;
  • current strength in the electrical network.

Usually the most best option– buy the same part as it was. Of course, unless the device was brought from somewhere very distant, where manufacturers do not consider it necessary to adhere to the usual rules.

  1. Prepare the cord - cut it at a distance of 3-5 cm from the plug.
  2. Remove the insulation to a length of 2 cm.
  3. Form rings at the ends of the conductors.
  4. Insert screws into the rings that already have groovers and flat washers on them.
  5. Screw the screws into both pins until they are tight.
  6. Place the pins in the housing, in special recesses.
  7. Place a strip over the wire.
  8. Press the bar to the body using two screws.
  9. Place a rubber tube (polyvinyl chloride will also work) where the wire exits the plug.
  10. Connect the body halves.
  11. Tighten them with a screw and nut.

Important! The halves should fit tightly against each other; the gap, if there is one, must be eliminated by moving the wires inside the plug.

Three cores

Some electrical appliances need to be grounded. Their wire has three cores. The one for grounding is usually painted green. The repair itself is done in exactly the same way - you need to cut off the insulation, form rings, insert pins and fasten with screws and washers.

Important! If the socket has a ground, but the wire does not, then the ground contact remains free.

How to extend the wire?

Sometimes this has to be done, especially if there is no collapsible plug at hand, but there is a broken electrical appliance from which you can cut off the required part along with a piece of wire. By the way, this will allow you to slightly lengthen the cord of the device you are repairing.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the cord and plug from the broken device - preferably to the maximum possible length. If extensions are not intended, it is enough to leave a piece of 15 cm.
  2. Cut the sheath of the cords lengthwise by 10 cm without damaging the insulation.
  3. Pull the wires out without cutting the sheath.
  4. You will most likely see three wires - red (brown), blue (cyan) and green: phase, neutral and ground.
  5. Adjust the length of the conductors - the places of twists should be 2-2.5 cm apart from each other.
  6. Remove the insulation from each wire by 1.5 cm. However, if one wire has a green wire and the other does not, the insulation cannot be removed from it.
  7. Connect single-color wires with twists - three turns are enough.
  8. Solder the wires.
  9. Clean the solder joints, removing protrusions and sharp edges.
  10. In this article we have covered everything possible breakdowns plugs and cords of various devices, as well as methods for repairing these parts. Remember that you should only begin repairing electrical equipment, even such simple elements, if you understand the principle of their operation and know the safety precautions.