Dream interpretation of sewing needles without threads. Item for sewing. Seeing needles in your mouth in a dream: what does it mean?

Dreams about needles are often associated with magic and various magical actions.

Having woken up, a person begins to think about what this dream warns him about.

According to the dream book, the needles seen have nothing to do with magic. And the meaning of a dream can be understood by carefully analyzing it.

Broken thing

The most common question that worries people is why they dream about a broken needle. This mainly happens when a person is worried about something, or is worried about unresolved issues.

For example, breaking a needle yourself means worrying about your health. And to see how a friend or girlfriend did this means worrying about a loved one.

  • Collecting broken needles from the floor means thinking about solving problems at work.
  • Find in bed - vacation planning.
  • Trying to glue the needle together means thinking about restoring the relationship with your former partner.
  • Injecting yourself with a syringe with a broken needle means looking for a way to get rich.
  • Find it in food - worry about organizing the holiday.

A dream where needles are broken into many parts suggests that your efforts will definitely lead to success. Scattered parts of a needle on the ground dream of moving along career ladder. And stepping on them means passing the interview successfully, which not only you, but also your new employer will be happy about.

Small parts of a needle in the palm of your hand signify the rapid development of a romantic relationship. And throwing them in the trash means starting a new, more interesting life.

No chance of getting pricked

Why dream of a dull needle that cannot pierce even the thinnest fabric? Most often, this is a good sign, foreshadowing positive emotions.

For example, trying to embroider with a dull needle means falling in love with a good, reliable person. And finding her in bed means going on a long romantic trip.

A dull needle in your pocket dreams of monetary gain. And if it's in your wallet, expect to hear from an old friend.

  • A dull needle in your mouth means a heart-to-heart conversation with your loved one.
  • You get a tattoo on your body with a blunt needle - for a fun, carefree weekend.
  • Trying to prick someone means a correct, thoughtful decision.
  • Receiving a blunt needle as a gift means repaying a debt.
  • Dreaming of a needle from sewing machine- to new impressions.

A dream in which blunt needles are scattered throughout the apartment can be seen when you are waiting for a visit influential person. And collecting them means achieving what you have been working towards for a long time.

You dream of a dull needle and thread before a grand feast. A needle without an eye portends a romantic date in a previously unfamiliar place.

If you inject yourself in a dream

Sewing and injecting yourself in a dream means successfully solving financial issues. And seeing a drop of blood on your body means that close relatives will help you.

Pricking a finger and pulling the needle out of it means discord in the family. And if you dream that you pricked yourself with a needle in bed, then the conflict will be short-lived and will soon be forgotten.

If you dream that you are sitting on a needle, then the person you recently fell in love with is thinking about you. And to inject yourself and not feel pain means falling in love with a work colleague.

Pricking yourself with a syringe needle means that you will soon take a vacation, which your partner will be very happy about. And crying because of the pain from the injection means going on a trip with your best friend.

Find a needle in a dream

The question often arises: why do you dream about finding a needle? If you find it on the street, then be careful, your colleagues may deceive you. A discovery in an apartment foreshadows a profitable deal or a significant increase in wages.

Pulling a needle from a haystack means rejoicing in the successes of loved ones. And finding it in the garden means accepting help from a stranger.

Finding a needle and losing it means facing a serious choice. And sewing or embroidering with a found needle is a decision that will completely change your life.

  • Finding a needle in bed means making peace with your loved one.
  • Under the bed - receive a gift from your boss.
  • On the carpet - to find out the secret of a distant relative.

Other poignant dreams

In addition to sewing and medical needles, you can see plant or animal needles in a dream.

For example, if you were stabbed by a porcupine and left a wound on your body, expect good news at work. If you dream of an animal needle in your hands, it means a quick recovery.

Pricking yourself on a hedgehog means achieving what you were striving for. And if the sea urchin is a sea urchin, then soon you will be able to realize all your plans.

A dream about plant needles speaks of events in personal life. For example, pine trees with long needles dream of meeting an interesting, intelligent member of the opposite sex. And spruce needles in a dream are a sign that you will soon receive a valuable gift from your loved one.

Hold a needle in your mouth coniferous plant- to a long, happy life life together. And bright events in relationships are foreshadowed by an injection from a cactus needle.

Don't be afraid of dreams about needles. They do not foretell any magical actions or influences of otherworldly forces. Most often, this is a good, inspiring sign. Author: Vera Drobnaya

In general, needles in a dream mean troubles or things that you don’t feel like doing. A dull needle, both in life and in a dream, cannot do much harm, but it does not do any good. This dream suggests that a loved one will soon become indifferent to you.

Pulling a needle out of some part of the body in a dream means that obstacles in business are causing you a lot of trouble and problems, but after such a dream everything should change - you will feel relief.

Buying needles in a dream means reconciliation with a friend. A needle and thread in a dream means that your relationship with a loved one or partner will be like a thread and a needle. Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.

The thread always follows the needle. Try to figure out who is meant by the thread and who is meant by the needle. Such a dream can also predict that you will try to achieve the same success as another person. The length of the thread in this case indicates how close your relationship with the other person will be. See interpretation: threads.

If you dream that you pricked yourself with a needle, then expect a quarrel with your loved ones. See interpretation: prick.

A dream in which you saw that you had lost a needle means the loss of a friend or loved one. Looking for a needle means wasted effort. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “looking for a needle in a haystack.”

Finding a needle in a dream is an indication of the danger that threatens you, which will come from where you do not expect it. Searching and finding a needle is a good dream. It means that you will soon find new friends.

A broken needle in a dream means a break in a relationship with a loved one. After such a dream, expect great experiences and loneliness.

A dream in which you saw yourself working with a needle means: expect a quarrel with a loved one. For spouses, such a dream predicts that their family life will soon crack.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing Needles in a dream

Using a needle in a dream is a warning of approaching grief; You will suffer from the loss of sympathy from someone who rightfully belongs to you.

Seeing a needle with a thread stuck into it means that you will be burdened with caring for others more than with your own affairs.

Looking for a needle is a harbinger of useless worries.

Finding a needle means that you will have friends who will value you highly.

Breaking a needle is a sign of loneliness and poverty.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about a needle and thread? Such a symbol in a dream can foreshadow troubles, family quarrels, and someone’s envy. But the dream book also gives a positive interpretation of this sign: a promotion, benefit from some business, good time for beginnings.

There may be troubles, but they can be overcome

Seeing a needle and thread in your hand in a dream foreshadows troubles at work due to the machinations of your tyrant boss. Holding it in your hand promises, according to the dream book, difficulties. However, if the dreamer is able to take advantage of the circumstances and find the right moment to get out of the situation in time, it means he will be able to get through the misadventures without great losses.

Relationship difficulties

Seeing yourself as if you are threading a thread through the eye of a needle means: you will care more about others than about yourself and your affairs. You still need to pay attention to your own issues in order to have time to solve them.

Why dream of threading a long thread into a needle to sew on a button that has come off? Dream Interpretation Warns family people about divorce, since what is torn off can no longer be united. For lovers, putting it on in a dream also promises quarrels and troubles.

Sewing a button with it means the likelihood of a family quarrel. Don’t drag out the disagreement, because your other half is your support and support in life.

Help your neighbors

Did you dream of taking a needle along with the thread trailing behind it? The sleeper will have to take care of elderly relatives.

Why dream of giving someone a needle and thread to sew? In reality you will help a friend. When someone gives it to you, beware of the hidden envy of the person living nearby.

Heed the warnings

For the correct interpretation of a dream, the color of the thread that is threaded is important. The dream book states: if you dreamed of a black one, now you need to remember about others and remain honest. This will help you achieve a promotion or your social status.

Also, a black thread in a dream warns of the need to avoid casual relationships that can bring more harm than pleasure.

Thread color

Pay attention to what thread the needle was with:

  • with white - free will, intelligence;
  • black - beware of gossips;
  • with red - decisive actions are coming;
  • blue - according to the dream book, a long journey is possible;
  • green - something will be beneficial.

A dream of a sewing accessory with a white thread indicates: if the sleeping person promised something, he must definitely fulfill his promise. A needle with a white thread in a dream also suggests: now the dreamer is lucky. If he acts judiciously, he can extract greatest benefit from the circumstances.

Most people associate a needle either with sewing and embroidery, or with injections in the process of some kind of treatment. But what if we saw this object during sleep? Should we expect good things from such a dream or, on the contrary, should we prepare for the worst? To answer these questions, we suggest turning to several of the most popular and complete dream books.

Gustav Miller's dream book: why do you dream about needles?

According to the interpretation of this dream book, if in a dream you use a needle for one purpose or another, then such a vision serves as a warning about impending trouble or grief. If a thread is pulled into her ear, then this symbolizes a situation in which you will be completely preoccupied with the problems of others, while not paying any attention to your own affairs. An unsuccessful search for a needle promises the dreamer numerous useless worries. Finding it means finding true friends who will value you very highly. Breaking a needle means financial problems and loneliness.

Dream book of health: needle in a dream

Answering the question about why needles are seen in dreams, this source claims that such a vision symbolizes a stressful, conflict situation that will cause you a lot of grief. It can even negatively affect your health. If you dreamed that you found this tool on your clothes, then real life beware of the evil eye or damage. Why do you dream of sewing with a needle? Such a dream indicates the possibility of some memory problems.

Eastern dream book: why do you dream of needles?

Collecting needles in a dream means empty and futile troubles, breaking them means poverty and loneliness, sewing means various minor troubles, threading a thread in an ear means numerous worries about loved ones.

The interpreter's ABC about needles

This dream book interprets a vision in which needles appear as a warning that someone can seriously hurt you with words or even physically. Also, such a dream promises a person quarrel and enmity. If a woman dreamed that she was using a needle, then in the near future she will find a faithful and reliable friend. For a man, such a dream means possible loneliness.

Love dream book: why do you dream of needles?

A dream in which you sew with a needle does not bode well. It is likely that you will part with the person to whom you gave your heart.

Clues received in a dream: dreamed needles

This source considers dreams about needles as a symbol of future problems and anxieties. It is considered a good sign if you dream about yourself or someone else embroidering a beautiful complex pattern. Injecting yourself while working means quarrels with a loved one. A needle and thread foreshadows various troubles associated with relatives. If in a dream you lost a tool and cannot find it, then probably all your efforts and efforts will not be crowned with success. A broken needle symbolizes the inability to solve the problems facing you on your own. Either ask someone for help or don't waste your time and energy.

Dreams can be magical, and sometimes even mystical. This effect is given to them by objects that we encounter in our dreams. For example, according to Russian beliefs, a needle is a magical object endowed with supernatural powers and served as a talisman against evil forces.

So, let’s figure out what needles mean in dreams. If you look in the dream book, a needle is a harbinger of quarrels, as well as unexpected news. Due to the duality of this symbol, it is worth paying attention to the plots of dreams, as well as their details.

  • Item color.
  • Size.
  • Is it broken?
  • Where they found it.
  • What did they do?

It must be said that most often a needle in a dream has a metallic color, and this means that new experiences await you. This vision also promises meeting new people. Seeing a seamstress' tool in your night dreams large sizes, means that success awaits you in all enterprises, and especially in creative projects. In addition, you will have the opportunity to solve many long-standing problems.

Many people are interested in why they dream of a black needle. This symbol indicates that something is worrying and bothering you, a vision with a black needle does not foretell anything terrible, you just need to sort yourself out and try not to waste a lot of energy worrying about trifles.

Seeing red pins in a dream means love victories. Also, such a vision acts as a warning - you may be overcome by passion for a new acquaintance. Therefore, if you are not looking for adventure, control yourself and your actions.

If the needles in the dream were of normal sizes and there were a lot of them, it means that new horizons are opening up before you. And these can be both prospects in work and in personal life, the main thing is to choose exactly what you really need now.

Seeing one broken needle in a dream means success in new job. If you have been working in one place for many years, then expect a transfer to another department. Perhaps you are waiting for a job change that will ultimately turn out to be more attractive than your current one.

If in your night dreams you saw a lot of broken needles, this indicates that you have many fans. Also, such a dream foreshadows you resolving disputes or conflicts that may arise between your old friends.

Where found

Find a lot sharp objects in clothes means that you will find hypocrites and deceivers in your environment. Someone is trying to achieve their goals at your expense. Be more attentive to your friends.

Find a needle in door jamb- to intrigue and gossip. To avoid becoming a participant in such discussions, you only need to avoid getting involved in conflicts with others for a few days after this dream.

  • If you find an object in your bed, this means that a “sharp edge” will appear in your relationship with your loved one.
  • Also, needles in bed - to resolve an old dispute.
  • Miller's dream book offers the following version of the analysis of such a find: pins or needles in bed - to changes in your personal life, perhaps you will receive an offer to get married.

If you have found a needle in your food, then soon you will be collecting guests. Old and new acquaintances will come to you with a lot of interesting news and offers. Also, a needle in food, if you look at the Meridian dream book, dreams of gifts.

Finding an object on your body, under your skin or in your mouth is a disappointment. Unfortunately, if you don’t stop building castles in the air, a period of disappointment will come in your life, both in yourself and in the people around you. It's time to grow up and start being more realistic about what's happening.

To see in your night dreams how you found pins in your sewing chest is a sign of a quick rest. You'll be going on a trip or spending a few quiet days outside the city, so it's time to pack your bags.

What did you do

Collecting scattered pins from the floor means that you have to solve many small problems. You will be able to solve these problems without difficulty, but you will need to spend enough time on this. Collecting needles means interesting tasks will appear. Also, such a dream promises career advancement.

Pulling sewing needles out of your body is a painful, but still favorable solution to the conflict. You will need to make every effort to get out of this situation. Also, pulling needles out of the body, and especially from the legs, as Velesov’s dream book says, means greater stability and stability in life.

  • Injecting yourself with a needle in a vision means unexpected falling in love.
  • Pricking yourself with a pin means the appearance of an adult, serious suitor.
  • To be pricked with a medical needle - to increased attention from the opposite sex.
  • Injecting yourself with a gypsy needle means an unexpected resolution of the conflict with your significant other.

Holding pins in your mouth means interesting conversations. Miller’s dream book also considers a needle in the mouth as a symbol of gossip. Squeezing a needle in your hand means the arrival of an old friend. Take a few days off to make the meeting more enjoyable.

If you dreamed of a needle and thread, and besides, you were in the vision, this means you will have new, loyal friends. Soon you will find yourself at an event, after which you will make interesting acquaintances, communication with whom will develop into strong friendship. Another option for why you dream of a needle and thread is offered by Miller’s dream book - such a vision promises you enrichment, both material and spiritual.

Thus, it is not so difficult to understand what needles mean in dreams. Such dreams are somewhat mystical, but at the same time they predict interesting events. And remember that your fate is only in your hands, no matter what dream you have.