What is your role? “You are more dear to me than life”

A man named Danil has such qualities as balance, an analytical mind and the ability to notice any little things. This person will always come to the rescue in difficult times, it is easy to communicate with him.

Translated from Hebrew, the name Danil means “God is a judge,” “God is my judge,” “God is my judge.”

Origin of the name Danil:

The name Danil has its roots deep in history - it arose during the formation of Christianity and came from the Hebrew language. Derived from the Hebrew personal name of the prophet Daniel.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Danil:

As a child, Danilka is a very calm and friendly child, sometimes very shy, but with age this goes away. Likes active ones sports games, swimming. However, he does not always strive to win and receive any awards. Leads healthy image life, favorite places to relax is nature, which gives him vitality and energy replenishment. All my life great value gives family relations and connections, spending holidays with numerous relatives. Very hospitable and sociable. Friends often like to come to visit him.

It's hard to argue with Danila. His calm calm infuriates many. He can spend hours proving his point without showing any emotion. A person with this name will always come to the rescue, even if they have to break all their rules and guidelines, although later their conscience will torment them for this. But, if, during close communication, he discovers the cunning or selfish goals of his comrade towards himself, then this person will lose his trust forever.

By nature, Danils are people who “go first” everywhere. They are always decisive, but before making this or that important decision, they think carefully and weigh everything. Danil's field of activity can be quite extensive - artist, cook, builder, entrepreneur, electronics specialist, aircraft designer, researcher, and work will always come first for him. He works quite enthusiastically. Qualities such as non-conflict and perseverance can lead Danil to success in any field of activity. He wouldn't make a bad leader.

Personal life is subject to feelings that he does not know how to express correctly; he does not like excessive demonstrativeness. However, the first marriage usually does not always go well. Danil is a wonderful loving father. Spends a lot of time with children; favorite places are the dacha, nature, fishing. He does not like conflicts in the family, and during a quarrel he is not prone to violence or raised voices. He solves all problems with compromises and tries to smooth out corners with the power of persuasion.

Not every father treats his children the way Danil does. He adores children, enjoys playing and walking with them, and willingly visits parent meetings. But he doesn’t help his wife around the house or in any of her other affairs. Prefers to spend time outside the home, in nature or in the country. Usually, he enjoys fishing or hunting.

The name Danil, which in the old days was pronounced as Danilo, was often found among peasant artisans in Rus'.

The main character of one of Bazhov’s greatest stories is “ Stone flower”, included in the famous collection of stories - “The Malachite Box”, had the name Danila.

Version 1. What does the name Daniel (Danila) mean?

Translated from Hebrew, Daniel means “God’s judgment.”

Daniil is a calm and kind boy. Sociable, constantly surrounded by friends. He cannot stand lies, he may even flare up, but he quickly moves away and does not remember the evil for a long time.

Daniels born in winter are always talented and achieve a lot in life.

“Autumn” Daniels are calculating and somewhat selfish. They master a wide variety of professions. They like to spend time in the country or in nature. They are interested in fishing or hunting. Attaches great importance to family and family ties. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes care of his family hearth, sharing with his wife concerns about the organization of the house, comfort, and everyday life. Home and family are sacred to him; he marries for love at first sight.

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number 7.

Version 2. What does the name Daniel (Danila) mean?

Daniel - from other Hebrew. my judge is God, colloquially. Danil, Danila; old decomposition Danilo.

Derivatives: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danusya, Dusya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Shvets Danilo, whatever he sews, is rotten.

Danila did not die, his illness crushed him.

On July 23, on the day of Daniel the Martyr, old women healers collect healing dew for healing: they pass a clean canvas early in the morning across the dewy grass until the canvas gets wet, and then they squeeze it into a vessel and store it in the cellar: the dew helps against damage and the evil eye.


Daniel is kind, calm, friendly, and never gets irritated. At the first acquaintance, surrounded by other, outwardly brighter people, he seems unnoticeable, but his lively mind, hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him among potential rivals. Attaches great importance to family and kinship ties. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes care of his family hearth, sharing with his wife concerns about the organization of the house, comfort, and everyday life. Home and family are sacred to him; he marries for love at first sight. This union is consensual and durable.

3rd version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Danila)

1. Personality. Smiling men.

2. Character. 87%.

3. Radiation. 83%.

4. Vibration. 76,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intelligence - intuition - morality - sociability.

7. Totem plant. Holly.

8. Totem animal. Sperm whale.

9. Sign. Fish.

10. Type. Calm, never nervous phlegmatic people. They don’t like to rush; cold blood flows in their veins. Even when experiencing emotional drama, they try to smile.

11. Psyche. Balanced. People of this type do not try to shine in society; they are sweet and pleasant conversationalists.

12. Will. Quite strong, but subject to constant doubts.

13. Excitability. Introverts: They are more interested in their own inner world than the surrounding life. They are timid, even cowardly.

14. Reaction speed. Since childhood, it is easier to convince them with arguments than to force them. They are jealous, demand loyalty from their boyfriends and girlfriends and want them to always be close. They often put friendship above love.

15. Field of activity. It's not uncommon to chase two birds with one stone and study two majors at the same time, such as science and acting. Daniil choose a job that leaves a lot of free time for various hobbies, for example for painting. They have a highly developed imaginative perception, so they often become actors.

16. Intuition. Perfect. Expressions are often used: “It seems to me that...”, “I have a feeling that...”. Listen to them and don't try to convince them.

17. Intelligence. They have an overly analytical mind; attentive to the smallest details and trifles.

18. Receptivity. Their imagination is too developed, so their dreams of love are far from reality. Such men lack healthy aggressiveness and assertiveness; they do not know how to express their feelings themselves and cannot tolerate open expression of them by others, for example, questions like: “Do you love me?”

19. Morality. These are law-abiding people. They are very devoted to the family, even if it seems that they are “keeping their distance.” It hurts when friends betray you.

20. Health. Average. They need to eat a well-balanced diet, exercise, take water procedures. It is recommended to take care of your teeth and intestines.

21. Sexuality. This is an unpleasant topic for them, which they do not want to talk about, although adolescence feel problems in this area. They feel a discord between inner receptivity, sensitivity and sexuality and therefore experience some kind of anxiety.

22. Activity. Average, and thanks to this, Daniel does not become an adventurer.

23. Sociability. Tyrannical. Always impeccably dressed, they receive guests somewhat ceremoniously. To a certain extent, they are characterized by snobbery.

24. Conclusion. Although such people are charming, parents and teachers should not be deceived. External impressions are not always correct.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Daniel (Danila)

Daniel (Danila) - “God is my judge” (Hebrew)

By nature, he is an eternal pioneer. Slow in judgment, but decisive in action. In work, practical ingenuity merges with improvisation.

His house is always a full cup; he grows up in such a house and strives for such abundance in the future. His family pride is intelligence and high intelligence, rejection of arrogance. He respects himself and respects others. He is calm, rarely nervous, trying not to show it. Phlegmatic, secretive, perfectly in control. Even when he experiences emotional drama, he smiles. This is a person with a balanced psyche. He does not strive to shine at any cost, dear, wonderful interlocutor.

Even if his will is strong enough, he is overcome by constant doubts. It is difficult to respond to requests for help - he is burdened with unnecessary troubles. As an introvert, he is more interested in his own inner world. Daniel is a timid person and even a little cowardly. Since childhood, it is easier to persuade or convince him than to force him. Jealous, possessive. He wants his friends and girlfriends to be faithful to him and constantly be near him. Often he puts friendship above love. Tends to do several things at once. Often studies two specialties at the same time: literature and music, exact sciences and acting. He chooses a profession that allows him to pursue his hobbies and have a lot of time for it. Interested in painting.

He has a well-developed imagination. Easily adapts to all changes. Intuition is unusually rich. Long before the events occur, he anticipates their outcome. One should listen to his predictions, and one should not contradict him. The mindset is analytical. He is able to get to the bottom of the smallest details in order to achieve the truth. A dreamer who finds it difficult to fit his idea of ​​love into a framework everyday life. He lacks persistence and does not know how to express his feelings at all. Does not tolerate displays of feelings.

His health is normal. Lips, teeth and intestines should be protected at all times. He needs balanced diet, sports, water procedures. The sexual theme never occupies Daniel. Since his youth he has had problems with this, but he doesn’t like to talk about sex because of his upbringing. Has a split sense of inner receptivity and sexuality. He is tyrannical with friends, but is always faithful to them. He dresses impeccably and receives guests somewhat ceremoniously. I'm a snob at heart. He is charming, which lulls the vigilance of those around him. Behind his calmness lies indifference to everything that does not interest him, including those around him. You need to be careful with him. He is insecure, sometimes acting on the sly.

“Winter” is interested in exact sciences, architecture, and teaching. He is correct, diplomatic, restrained.

“Autumn” is a good politician and economist. Reasonable, flexible, stubborn in achieving goals. The name corresponds to the patronymics: Valerievich, Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Adamovich, Egorovich, Mironovich, Mikhailovich, Savelievich.

“Summer” Daniil - gravitates towards acting, can be a good director and cameraman. Smart, balanced, good-natured.

"Spring" - writer, artist. He has a well-developed imagination, an eternal dreamer, inclined to idealize everyone and everything. He is easily wounded, touchy, but skillfully hides it. Suitable for patronymics: Modestovich, Anatolyevich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Eldarovich, Moiseevich, Gennadievich, Vasilyevich.

5 version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Danila)

Translated from Hebrew it means: God's judgment. In the Bible, Daniel, a Hebrew prophet known as the chief seer and soothsayer in the courts of kings, was right hand King Nebuchadnezzar.

In early childhood, he is a calm and smiling child, no more sick than other children. Daniels are like their mother, sympathetic, kind, but cunning. They love to play football, are fond of wrestling, tennis, gymnastics, but this is all just for health. These men are very hot-tempered, jealous, and often impulsive.

“Winter” are talented, although they find it difficult to communicate with others.

“Autumn” are prudent, pragmatic and selfish.

By profession they are administrators, doctors, teachers, electronics engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, as well as drivers, shoemakers, and builders.

Their marriage is usually successful. They love children, but usually do not help their wife around the house. They enjoy spending time at the dacha. Sociable and hospitable. They dance well and sing in company. Immensely kind to family and friends.

“Winter” ones are quick-tempered, but not vindictive, they quickly move away and immediately make up. They love to leave and return home. Kind and responsive. They hardly change with age, they just get fatter. They are not picky about food and will never reprimand their wife about a tasteless dinner. They don't wear things very carefully. Preferentialists.

In order for the marriage to be reliable, it is better for Daniel to choose a wife among those whose names are Anna, Helena, Glafira, Juliet, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Snezhana, Stella, Tamara, Tatyana, Elvira. It is unlikely that he would be successful with Elizabeth, Irina, Angelina, Ksenia, Roxana.

6th version of the meaning of the name Daniel (Danila)

DANIEL - my judge is God (ancient Hebrew).

Name day: April 20 - Reverend Daniel of Pereyaslavl, as a young man entered the monastery, devoting himself to serving his neighbors; became famous for the gift of miracles (XVI century).

July 23 - The Holy Martyr Daniel, along with forty-five others in Nikopolis, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was burned, and then the bones of all of them were thrown into the river (IV century). December 30 - The Holy Prophet Daniel, lived at the court of the king of Babylon in captivity; For loyalty to the true God he was thrown into a den with lions, but they were afraid to touch him. The Holy Prophet Daniel, 600 years before the birth of Christ, accurately indicated the time of Christ’s coming into the world.

Zodiac sign - Gemini.

Planet - Mercury.

Color - gray-blue.

Auspicious tree - ash.

The treasured plant is the buttercup.

The patron of the name is squirrel.

Talisman stone - blue jasper.


Daniil is a kind, calm, smiling person who never raises his voice. He seems invisible in a crowd, but his powerful mind, hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him from his outwardly impressive rivals. Attaches great importance to family and family ties. This is a sacred thing for him. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, he treats his home very carefully, completely sharing with his wife the troubles of arranging it. He chooses his wife unerringly, at first sight, and here the sweet, modest woman will easily defeat the frivolous beauty.

Numerology of the name Daniel (Danila)

Name number: 9

People born under the number nine have the ability to forgive everyone around them and high spiritual qualities. In addition, they have well-developed instincts, empathy, the ability to empathize, and creative thinking. They can realize their talents in creative fields and achieve considerable success. They also always enjoy the recognition and love of others, which can play both a good and an evil role in their fate.

The meaning of the letters in the name Daniel (Danila)

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. Much success they manage to achieve in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are too capricious and demand increased attention to your person.

Name as a phrase

  • D- Welcome
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • L- People

Love you. I breathe you.

I love you with all my heart, with all my soul.

Why do I love you, of course you’ll ask.

I’ll answer honestly, without hiding -

For bringing me happiness.

For meeting you.

For the fact that you live in the world.

For your clear eyes...

You are the only one on the planet.

It was not in vain that we met you.

And if suddenly separation becomes

big obstacle on the way -

I won't stop loving you.

I believe that the meeting is ahead!

I love you in my dreams and in reality.

I love you, and I know for sure - you are mine!

I love you and I'm waiting...

Danil, 21 (Yoshkar-Ola) 21.06.2012 11:52

Declaration of love to Danilo, Danilo about love

Declarations of love to Danilo

List of all names In this short confession

Danila, sweet vision,

You are the most beautiful on Earth.

You are a bright holiday fireworks.

And everyday life is so pleasant,

In which I love you.

Couldn't scare me

Forests of impenetrable thicket.

Probably about fifty times. You called me, Danila, you’re making me nervous,

I loved you with all my soul,

May we be happy with you forever. Your tender kiss will always

Reliably warms me,

I loved you, I know.

I want to say

I, Danila, will respect you

And admire endlessly! Danil, you conquered me,

You gave me your love.

I love you so madly

And I want to confess today.

The depth of your tender eyes

Believe me, I remembered it more than once.

I love you my dear

The bravest and strongest! I call you my beloved,

Danila, I love you so much

And I wouldn't trade it for anything

Your kind smile.

I want you to always laugh

To give me joy more often,

And smiled endlessly

And I forgot about all the bad things. My beloved, Danil,

He entered my life firmly.

How I love you, my friend,

You are more reliable than everyone around.

You are a man, you are brave

You are always serious and important.

I want to confess to love

And quickly hug you. Danil, my love

I love you so much

There are no more guys like this -

Cute, mischievous.

I'm with you, you're with me,

Love reigns in the heart.

I can't do it without you

I will save our happiness.

I want to confess, Danil,

That you opened my heart,

And I believed in love

I want to see you again

Look into your eyes again,

And whisper gently in your ear -

I love you most of all

You, my beloved, alone! My dear, my desired one,

The most human.

Given to me by good fate,

And forever loved by me.

It's you, my Danilka,

It's you, my dear.

I want life with you in my arms

Congratulations, my beloved. How happy was that moment when I

Suddenly I realized - I love you.

And immediately life became different,

And at that moment the Earth blossomed.

My Danya, my days are a joy,

Captor of my heart.

I don't need anything else

Besides you, there is only one. You are caring, gentle and cheerful,

Since then, no one else has told me!

Charm won the heart.

And I don’t want to look for anything better -

It's impossible to meet!

It’s endless to be with you. Danil - you’re just ideal,

My love knows no boundaries

And it never fades.

I want them to be together forever,

They truly loved each other

And they never betrayed

And they hugged and kissed. I found the love of my life -

I found happiness with you.

You made your friends jealous.

I want to always be with you

And to love you alone,

And don't forget me,

Love, kiss and hug! Danil, a real man,

You are my pride and love,

Believe me, you deserve happiness

And your happiness is me. :)

I will always love you,

I can't betray you

I won't forget your smile

And I’ll kiss you on the lips! Danil, people like you,

This doesn't happen in the world

All desires, dreams,

Who carries out mine?

It's not easy for me without you,

I love you my darling

And when you're far away -

I'm losing my strength. Danil, when you

I met you then, one day,

I immediately understood, loving -

Doesn't happen twice in life

Such fateful meetings

And that's why I fell in love

I don't care about anyone else

Only you are fate and mercy.

Declarations of love to Daniil on mobile

“I want to confess, Daniel”

I want to confess, Daniel,

That you opened my heart,

And I believed in love

I want to see you again

Look into your eyes again,

And whisper gently in your ear -

I love you most of all

You, my love, alone!

"Fell in love with you"

Daniil, when did you

I met you then, one day,

I immediately understood, loving -

Doesn't happen twice in life

Such fateful meetings

And that's why I fell in love

I don't care about anyone else

Only you are fate and mercy.

"My beloved Daniel"

My beloved, Daniel,

He entered my life firmly.

How I love you, my friend,

You are more reliable than everyone around.

You are a man, you are brave

You are always serious and important.

I want to confess to love

And quickly hug you.

"Daniel, I love you so much"

I call you beloved

Danila, I love you so much

And I wouldn't trade it for anything

Your kind smile.

I want you to always laugh

To give me joy more often,

And smiled endlessly

And I forgot about all the bad things.

“Daniel, you conquered me!”

Daniel, you conquered me,

You gave me your love.

I love you so madly

And I want to confess today.

The depth of your tender eyes

Believe me, I remembered it more than once.

I love you my dear

The bravest and strongest!

"Darling Danila"

Dear Danila, you made me fall in love,

Charm won the heart.

And I don’t want to look for anything better -

It’s simply impossible to meet!

You are the biggest man,

I am attached to you with all my soul.

Believe me, I want to love you always,

To be with you endlessly.

“I fell in love with you so much, Danila!”

You are caring, gentle and cheerful,

Beautiful, kind, dear to my heart!

We've known each other since school,

Since then I haven't needed anyone else!

I, Danila, fell in love with you so much,

The moment you said “hello” to me,

And my heart immediately began to beat faster,

And let it be like this for many, many years!

"My Danya"

How happy was that moment when I

Suddenly I realized - I love you.

And immediately life became different,

And at that moment the Earth blossomed.

My Danya, my days are a joy,

Captor of my heart.

I don't need anything else

There's only one besides you.

"The most important person"

My dear, my desired one,

The most important person.

Given to me by good fate,

And forever loved by me.

It's you, my Danilka,

It's you, my dear.

I want life with you in my arms

Carry on, my beloved.

"Daniel, my love"

Daniel, my love

I love you so much

There are no more guys like this -

Cute, mischievous.

I'm with you, you're with me,

Love reigns in the heart.

I can't do it without you

I will save our happiness.

“There is no one better than Danilo!”

Daniel - you are just ideal,

I want you, my love, to know -

My love knows no boundaries

And it never fades.

I want them to be together forever,

They truly loved each other

And they never betrayed

And they hugged and kissed.

"I love you, my darling"

Daniel, people like you

This doesn't happen in the world

All desires, dreams,

Who carries out mine?

It's not easy for me without you,

I love you my darling

And when you're far away -

I'm losing my strength.

"Daniel, a real man"

Daniel, a real man,

You are my pride and love,

Believe me, you deserve happiness

And your happiness is me. :)

I will always love you,

I can't betray you

I won't forget your smile

And I will kiss you on the lips!

“Danila, I love you!”

I found the love of my life -

I found happiness with you.

You, Danila, are the best around,

You made your friends jealous.

I want to always be with you

And to love you alone,

And don't forget me,

Love, kiss and hug!

“Danilo’s kiss warms me up”

Your tender kiss is always

Reliably warms me,

For very long years

I loved you, I know.

I want to say from the bottom of my heart,

My love, like the sun, is eternal,

I, Danila, will respect you

And admire endlessly!

“Danila, you stir my heart!”

Danila, you caused me excitement,

A whirlwind of wonderful, vibrant feelings,

My love will cast away all doubts,

And, my beloved, will bring us happiness.

My love is the only true one,

I loved you with all my soul,

I probably pray to God for one thing,

May we be happy with you forever.

“You are more dear to me than life”

I wouldn't be afraid to dance

Waltz with you on the roof of a skyscraper.

Couldn't scare me

Forests of impenetrable thicket.

Everything is nothing, if only you were there, Danila,

There was your bright and calm look.

You are more dear to me than life, dear,

Probably about fifty times.

"Sweet Vision"

In this short message

I can’t fit all my feelings for you.

Danila, sweet vision,

You are the most beautiful on Earth.

You are the light of the sun and the tenderness of the morning,

You are a bright holiday fireworks.

And everyday life is so pleasant,

In which I love you.

Personalized SMS in love to Daniel

Personalized SMS declarations of love to Daniel will help you confess your love if it suddenly turns out that you don’t know how to do it with the help of a regular mobile phone. What’s good about SMS declarations of love from this section is that they are addressed specifically to Daniel, and maybe because of this they carry a special positivity and maybe a little more warmth than ordinary declarations of love. But you may also like universal confessions more. The choice is yours. But, as experience shows, people prefer to be addressed by name rather than something vague. This is a huge plus in favor of personalized SMS in love to Daniel.

Danila Kozlovsky confesses his love to Zoey Deutch

The famous Russian actor continues to post personal photos on Instagram, where you can see his passionate embrace with Zoey Deutch. Celebrities are not shy about their love for each other and are stirring up public interest in the Vampire Academy project. Most often they were blurry and taken in semi-darkness, but this time the studio allowed us to post a higher-quality photo.

For the last few weeks, the actors have been working on the Vampire Academy saga. The project is divided into several parts and work is currently underway on the first film, “Blood Sisters.” The film is based on the books by Rachel Mead, which have long been hits. Particularly pleasing is the fact that Hollywood directors cast Danila Kozlovsky in the role of the Russian. He was accompanied by Zoey Deutch. They play vampire guardians who protect weak vampires from evil ones. An office romance breaks out between the characters and real passions play out on the screen.

All this hype around the couple is reminiscent of the story of Pattinson and Stewart. Everyone knows how their love ended, but let's hope that Danila and Zoe will have a more joyful ending.

Danila Kozlovsky confessed his love to Polish women - news of culture, art and the world - MK

Vasily Sigarev also won prizes at the festival with the film “Live.” Yana Troyanova’s stunning performance was awarded a special acting prize. Danila Kozlovsky, the main star of Sputnik over Poland, also received an acting award. The program included two films with his participation - “Spiritless” and “Spy”.

This is not Danila’s first time in Warsaw, he ex-wife Urszula Magdalena Malka is Polish. The actor talked endlessly about Urszula and the play “Warsaw Melody,” which the ex-spouses continue to play together.

I really like Polish women,” said Danila. - Wow! They are such women. Passionate, proud, beautiful.

From Warsaw, Kozlovsky sent Urszula and his brothers Ivan and Yegor a letter. It turned out that the actor has a family tradition: writing to relatives from all the cities he happens to visit.

In the Polish capital, Danila Kozlovsky first met the legendary Soviet gymnast Larisa Latynina. (The festival program included something about her - “A Sentimental Journey with Larisa Latynina.”) And Danila’s delight knew no bounds. He admired the 18-fold Olympic champion, and at the same time demonstrated to Larisa Semyonovna right on the central square of Warsaw that he could do a handstand. The great athlete responded with pleasure that Danila reminds her of her beloved grandson Vadim, who also wants to be an artist and director.

Polish producer Leszek Andrzej Wyszynski also drew attention to the fiery and gallant handsome man:

This is exactly what I need! I'm looking for an artist for a big project about pre-war times. It will be a co-production of Poland, Germany and France.

So, perhaps in a year Kozlovsky will play a charming adventurer and favorite of women who managed to survive in difficult situations. In the meantime, he hopes for the role of Stavrogin in “The Possessed.” Dostoevsky's novel is going to be filmed by Vladimir Khotinenko. Danila is also waiting for the release of a film about Valery Kharlamov, where he played the famous hockey player, and is enthusiastically reading the script for the erotic drama by Pavel Ruminov, in which he is offered the main role.

Among the 370 films from Russia was “ Brest Fortress» Alexandra Kott, whom the performer came to Poland to present leading role Pavel Deryavianko.

- Pavel, what do you remember about this short trip to the festival?

Changing the rhythm, changing the pictures, for me this is already a lot. We became friends with Danya Kozlovsky and walked through the ancient Lazienki Park on a wonderful sunny day. We watched the famous Staro Myasto together. We have known each other for a long time, but we never really communicated before Warsaw; we last met each other a year ago in Minsk. We were finishing “The Far Side of the Moon” there, and Danya was filming a film about Kharlamov, where he played together with Oleg Menshikov.

- Next year the series “The Thaw” by Valery Todorovsky will be released with you in one of the roles. What is it about?

Retro style. The 60s, a time of hope, Moscow bohemia. Cinema about cinema. Awesome cast: Zhenya Tsyganov, Sasha Yatsenko, Anya Chipovskaya, Vika Isakova, Misha Efremov.

- What is your role?

People's Artist of the old school. Superstars. When I read the script, I didn’t even think that I would play him. Nevertheless, I was approved. For me this is the next level after " Reverse side Moon." In subtlety, complexity, drama. And I’m happy that I was able to work with Valery Petrovich Todorovsky. I feel strong, I have accumulated serious technology, I can do it this way, I can do it differently. But you need a good director to advise you and guide you.

- Does your folk artist have a real prototype?

In the film, his name is Gennady Budnik and you can probably recognize a lot of people in him, almost all the main celebrities of that time. In addition, he is a deputy of the Supreme Council, on friendly terms with ministers, goes everywhere, and is loved by everyone. But I chose Clark Gable as my prototype. Not in the sense that I’m portraying him. Rather, the star quality, the conscious simplicity, the charm that he radiated. His ability to give himself to others is to make everyone happy with his mere presence.

Danila Kozlovsky confessed his love from the stage - 7 days. ru

  • Stas Mikhailov
  • Justin Bieber
  • Tom Cruise
  • Nastya Kamenskikh
  • Dima Bilan
  • Ani Lorak
  • Robert Pattinson
  • Michael Jackson
  • Vera Brezhneva
  • Anna Semenovich
  • Victoria Daineko
  • Sergey Svetlakov
  • Leonid Agutin
  • Alexander Baluev
  • Alexander Domogarov
  • Alexander Zbruev
  • Alexander Mikhailov
  • Alexander Pankratov-Cherny
  • Alexey Makarov
  • Alexey Serebryakov
  • Alexey Chadov
  • Alena Babenko
  • Irina Allegrova
  • Andrey Sokolov
  • Andrey Chadov
  • Anna Kovalchuk
  • Anna Snatkina
  • Boris Shcherbakov

Daniel, a real man,
You are my pride and love,
Believe me, you deserve happiness
And your happiness is me. :)

I will always love you,
I can't betray you
I won't forget your smile
And I will kiss you on the lips!

  • I fell in love with you so much, Danila!

    You are caring, gentle and cheerful,
    Beautiful, kind, dear to my heart!
    We've known each other since school,
    Since then I haven't needed anyone else!

    I, Danila, fell in love with you so much,
    The moment you said “hello” to me,
    And my heart immediately began to beat faster,
    And let it be like this for many, many years!

  • Beloved Danila

    Dear Danila, you made me fall in love,
    Charm won the heart.
    And I don't want to look for anything better
    It’s simply impossible to meet!

    You are the biggest man,
    I am attached to you with all my soul.
    Believe me, I want to love you always,
    To be with you endlessly.

  • I want to confess, Daniil

    I want to confess, Daniel,
    That you opened my heart,
    And I believed in love
    I want to see you again

    Look into your eyes again,
    And whisper gently in your ear
    I love you most of all
    You, my love, alone!

  • There is no one better than Danilo!

    Daniel - you are just ideal,
    I want you, my love, to know
    My love knows no boundaries
    And it never fades.

    I want them to be together forever,
    They truly loved each other
    And they never betrayed
    And they hugged and kissed.

  • My beloved Daniel

    My beloved, Daniel,
    He entered my life firmly.
    How I love you, my friend,
    You are more reliable than everyone around.

    You are a man, you are brave
    You are always serious and important.
    I want to confess to love
    And quickly hug you.

  • Daniel, my love

    Daniel, my love
    I love you so much
    There are no more guys like this
    Cute, mischievous.

    I'm with you, you're with me,
    Love reigns in the heart.
    I can't do it without you
    I will save our happiness.