Dream interpretation of male hedgehogs a lot. Interpretation of dreams about a hedgehog. What does a Hedgehog mean in a dream?

The meaning of the dream Hedgehog in a modern dream book

If you dreamed that a hedgehog appeared in your house, then in reality you will meet a very extraordinary person. If in a dream a hedgehog is chasing you on your heels, then real life You are tired of the need to constantly communicate with people and feel the need for solitude. A dream in which you see a hedgehog in the forest warns you of possible troubles that threaten your loved ones.

Interpretation of the dream Hedgehog according to O. Smurov’s dream book

A dream about a hedgehog (hedgehogs) warns you against the machinations of enemies. Sometimes such a dream warns that you should not envy others. Feeding a hedgehog in a dream means that you will be able to see through the plans of your ill-wisher. Giving him milk is a sign of material losses due to one’s own gullibility. Holding it in your hands means that you are not afraid of your enemies. To dream of others holding a hedgehog in their hands means that you will literally be held with a tight rein.

Hedgehog in Vanga's dream book

Seeing a whole brood of hedgehogs in a dream means that in reality you will encounter insurmountable obstacles on the way to your goal. Don't be too persistent, don't persist, now is not the best time the right time; when will it come right moment, you can guess it. If you dreamed of a hedgehog curling up into a ball, it means that you are in danger. Most likely you should turn special attention for your health, because you are nervous a lot and your heart is working hard. A dream in which you tame a hedgehog and feed it in your home predicts unexpected troubles and worries that will not be your joy, but out of a sense of duty you will do what is expected of you. Although it will be tiring, it will bring moral satisfaction that you have not experienced for a long time. A dead hedgehog is a bad sign; it promises regret, loss of confidence in the future, and confusion. This condition can result in long-term depression, so you should communicate with people, do good, surround yourself with friends and relatives. You will soon need each other more than ever.

Dream Hedgehog in Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a hedgehog, it means that your entire future life will be marked by enormous success, although some of your connections are quite dangerous. Taking a hedgehog in your arms - such a dream means that you will talk to a bad person; a family quarrel is possible. Holding a hedgehog in your hands and not feeling its spines means you are thinking incorrectly about your new acquaintance. If the hedgehog injects himself, this means the presence in your social circle of an insidious person who is purposefully harming you. A curled-up hedgehog in a dream means that in the future you will try to escape from unexpected problems. However, it is best to finish what you start.

Hedgehog according to Freud's dream book

A hedgehog is the personification of your nature. You perceive the slightest manifestations of attention to your own person, defending yourself with thorns, since in these signs you always perceive the worst. The root of the problem is that one day you managed to trust a person who took advantage of your naivety and kind soul. When it comes to sex, you show timidity and uncertainty, and it’s even hard to wait for initiative from you. When a person wants something more or unconventional from you, you tend to withdraw and withdraw into yourself. So it turns out that the pleasure you and your partner receive can hardly be called enormous.

Very often, a person’s first encounter with a hedgehog occurs in childhood. And it is almost always associated with a needle prick in the finger. But despite the small prickly lump, it still evokes warm feelings. Therefore, due to such contradictions, the question always arises of why a hedgehog is dreamed of.

In night dreams, a hedgehog is considered a symbol of a person’s thoughts, desires and emotions, which he seeks to hide from others. The image of a hedgehog in a dream is often associated with a person who shows interest in the dreamer. This symbol is far from unambiguous, and sometimes only a person’s intuition can suggest the connection of a prickly animal with events occurring in real life.

Why dream of seeing a hedgehog from the side

When in your night dreams you see a hedgehog in a dream of a hedgehog from the outside, this indicates that in real life you will have dangerous connections, but they, however, will contribute to success in life.

Interpretation of sleep for a woman

An important symbol is the thorny animal in women's dreams.

It may indicate the following:

    The dreamer does not have a sufficiently soft and feminine character, which prevents her from building harmonious relationships with loved ones; At the beginning of developing love relationship, this dream may indicate that her chosen one will not be the person she needs in life and will turn her away with some unseemly act.

Hedgehog with hedgehogs

If a woman saw a hedgehog with her hedgehogs in a dream, this indicates that the dreamer has anxiety associated with children in her soul. But, in general, such a dream speaks of a person’s ambitious goals and planned interesting things. But it should be remembered that in order to bring your own ideas to life, you will need caution and prudence. Other variations of dreams with a hedgehog can be interpreted as follows:
    Small hedgehogs portend significant life changes that should not be feared. A huge hedgehog is a harbinger of a period of difficulties. In the coming period, you will need to fight for financial well-being. A hedgehog with fruits on needles indicates that in real life the dreamer will have to deal with fraud. A hedgehog curled up into a ball means that the dreamer is trying to get away from the problems that have arisen, although it was more correct to have them would be resolved. A hedgehog without needles is dreamed of when a person seeks to remake his natural essence for the sake of society. A hedgehog with soft, non-prickly needles symbolizes imaginary fears and difficulties in life.

Why do you dream about so many hedgehogs?

The question often comes up about why there are many hedgehogs in dreams. Such a dream always indicates that in real life the dreamer makes many mistakes that do not allow him to successfully move towards his goal. If you watch animals from afar and do not approach them, this emphasizes the fact that you have a chance to avoid problems in reality if you are careful and reasonable. But if in your night dreams you saw a large number of hedgehogs running past you and disappearing, then this indicates your excessive caution, which you show in reality. Of course, prudence is required element well-being in life, but in large quantities it can prevent you from noticing emerging opportunities in real life.

Feeding a hedgehog - dream book

If you feed a hedgehog in a dream and the animal calmly accepts food from your hands, then in real life you need to be wary of the attention that strangers show to you. Most likely, they will do this out of simple curiosity, and if you trust them, they may take advantage of you for selfish purposes.

Hold a hedgehog in your hands

When in a dream you see that you are holding a hedgehog in your arms, this symbolizes your isolation. It may very well be that you are very interesting person and attract people to you, but your sarcasm and cynicism scares them away and does not allow you to sincerely communicate. If you become a more open person, you can greatly enrich your inner world.

I dreamed of a small hedgehog in the palm of my hand

But, if you dream that in your palm you are holding a small hedgehog that does not prick at all, then this indicates that you are mistaken in assessing the personal qualities of your new acquaintance. Take a closer look at it so as not to be disappointed later.

When in a dream you take a walk through the forest and meet a hedgehog there, this indicates that you will meet an influential person who will patronize you. Other plots of night dreams are interpreted as follows:
    A hedgehog that aggressively approaches you in a dream foreshadows a serious conversation with loved ones or a pleasant time in the company of friends. When a hedgehog tries to hide from you, this indicates that in real life a situation will arise that will require maximum attention from you. If in a dream a hedgehog drinks milk, then this indicates that you will not be able to avoid meeting an unpleasant person. It is also important to know why you dream of breeding hedgehogs, because such a dream means that you are striving to become independent person and stop depending on anyone.

Get pricked by a hedgehog's needle

When you prick yourself with a hedgehog needle in a dream, this is not a good sign. In real life, an unexpected problem may arise that will require a lot of time and effort to solve. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will have to face intransigence and greed. If you are slightly pricked by hedgehog needles, then this foreshadows quarrels and disagreements with people from your close circle.

Kill a hedgehog in a dream

If you dreamed that you were killing a hedgehog in a dream, then this foreshadows that in reality you will be able to erase envious and selfish people from your life. In addition, a killed hedgehog symbolizes that life's troubles will not bring you serious harm.

Hedgehog in the house - the meaning of sleep

Dreaming of a hedgehog in your own home is a bad omen. It foreshadows family quarrels and scandals, as well as various domestic troubles of an everyday nature. And if a hedgehog appears on your own bed in a dream, then it is a harbinger of a serious illness. Therefore, if during this period you feel unwell, you need to urgently undergo examination at a medical facility.

Even in the 21st century, dreams are a little-studied and mysterious phenomenon. Scientists, researchers, magicians, and sorcerers are trying to explain the mechanism of sleep in their own way. We all see dreams, and some we forget immediately, but some we remember for a long time and try to determine what they portend. There are many dream books, ancient and modern, different nations And different religions, they are trying to lift the veil over the interpretation of dreams. And to believe in them or not to believe is a personal matter for everyone.

A small, funny hedgehog is a constant character in children's fairy tales, a harmless animal that we associate with sharp needles on its back and a small hole in the depths of the forest. Why do you dream about this animal?

Interpretation of dreams about a hedgehog according to famous dream books

Dream book of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud

If you see a hedgehog in a dream, especially if the dream is repeated many times, according to Freud’s dream book, the hedgehog symbolizes your state of mind. You are cautious and timid; you accept any interest in your person with a great deal of criticism. You don't believe that someone can be interested in you without a second thought. You take any new acquaintance with hostility, you expose your thorns, trying to protect your inner world.

Most likely, there was a negative experience of communication, you were once betrayed by a loved one, this wound has not healed to this day, and is a thorn in the soul.

In intimate terms, you behave timidly and insecurely, you never show initiative, you cannot be relaxed and give in to feelings without looking back. Sometimes it seems that you are afraid of sex, it does not give you pleasure, so you cannot establish relationships with the opposite sex.

Dream book of the seer Vanga

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means useless troubles, fights, quarrels and material losses.

Dreaming of a hedgehog curled up in a ball means quarreling, bullying, arguing with someone, and as a result breaking off relations with close relatives.

A hedgehog in the house means major troubles, financial losses, theft, ruin.

The hedgehog himself came to you from the forest in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book - they envy you, this could end badly. Holding a hedgehog in your hands means meeting an unpleasant and unfriendly person, letting it go free means conquering your weakness, feeding it with milk means defeating your enemies, achieving success in all your endeavors.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream according to Miller’s dream book means great success, which you will have to achieve on your own. But any work started must be completed, do not stop halfway.

Dreaming of holding a hedgehog in your arms, stroking it and not feeling the pricks - making mistakes in close people, experiencing a pleasant surprise from a new acquaintance.

Catching a hedgehog on the path is a scandal with your family members or friends.

Pricking yourself on the back of a hedgehog in a dream - be careful, you will be disappointed in a loved one who is trying to set you up, deceive you as in financially, and in the personal.

According to Miller’s dream book, a hedgehog curled up in a ball in front of you means you are afraid of not being able to cope with all the problems that have arisen for you, and therefore you are trying to shift them to others or distance yourself from solving them.

Ancient Greek dream book

The hedgehog is a cautious forest dweller who is afraid of people and displays his needles to protect his life. Therefore, in a dream, it symbolizes caution, timidity, inaccessibility, because in order to get close to its soft body, you need to prick yourself on needles. This is a cunning, thrifty and hardy animal, capable of standing up for itself and its loved ones.

Find in the forest big hedgehog with long needles in a dream - to find a strong and influential patron who will help you in any situation.

If you dream of catching a small hedgehog in the forest, according to the ancient Greek dream book, you will need all your caution and attentiveness. Your ill-wishers are trying to ruin your plans.

Why dream that you are breeding hedgehogs - you strive for independence and independence, you do not want to obey anyone and depend on no one.

A hedgehog pricked you with its needles until you bled in a dream - you are trying to mend a long-damaged relationship with someone close to you, but it is unlikely that you will succeed.

If you dream that you are feeding an animal from your own hands, your wonderful inner qualities, your determination, courage and extraordinary organizational skills will help you achieve your goals.

To see a small hedgehog without thorns in a dream means you will have to defend your opinion and prove that you are right.

Hedgehog fights snake - when you get into difficult situation, close people will come to your aid and support you.

A dead hedgehog in a dream means that very soon you will have to resort to someone else’s help. Don't give up on her, even if this person is unpleasant to you.

If you dream that you stepped on a hedgehog and it pierced your leg - urgently reconsider your position in life and plans for the future. It is quite possible that you are going down the wrong path.

Dream Interpretation by Seasons

If such a dream occurs in the summer, then it foreshadows big troubles and a change in work.

Dreaming of a hedgehog with hedgehogs means pregnancy; a snorting hedgehog means a quarrel over children or property.

In the autumn, according to the dream book, catching a hedgehog in a dream means getting to know dangerous person, inject yourself until you bleed - expect trouble from your relatives, see a hedgehog with cubs in a dream - quarrel with loved ones because of gossip about you.

In the spring, hedgehogs in a dream warn of unpleasant acquaintances and empty conversations that will lead to major troubles.

IN winter period such a dream warns of caution in financial matters.

Interpretation of dreams about hedgehogs for women

For a woman to see a hedgehog in a dream - to meet an interesting person, to quarrel with a loved one, or to lose a necessary thing.

If you dream of holding a hedgehog in your hands, you will have time to unravel the insidious plans of your ill-wishers and destroy their machinations.

For an unmarried girl to see a whole flock of hedgehogs in her own house in a dream - to find herself in a very unpleasant situation, to disgrace herself in the eyes of loved ones, to hear dirty gossip about herself. In this case, it will be very difficult for you to restore your reputation.

A man in a dream sees that a large hedgehog is eating a caught mouse - you are struggling with your weaknesses and shortcomings. Continue in the same spirit, you will succeed.

If you dream of a hedgehog with soft needles, good luck awaits you in business, you will meet a pleasant person. For a single woman, such a dream means the beginning of a romantic relationship; for a girl, it means a successful marriage or a new feeling that has flared up.

If a married woman dreams of a hedgehog, then she does not find enough attention from her husband, she lacks romance in a relationship, and at the same time she is afraid to open her soul and be misunderstood.

In a dream, a woman removes mushrooms or fruits from a hedgehog’s needles - get a quick profit.

A pregnant woman dreams of a hedgehog - to a successful outcome during childbirth.

Interpretation of dreams about a hedgehog

I dream about a couple of hedgehogs with their offspring near my house - in yours family life unpleasant changes may occur: conflict, scandal, divorce. Try not to accumulate resentment within yourself, but immediately discuss pressing issues.

A hedgehog is moving towards you in a dream along a forest path - soon you will relax in the company of loved ones.

If you dream that someone killed a hedgehog before your eyes - soon all the troubles will go away and the white stripe your life.

There is a big and strong hedgehog hiding in your house - you will need all the patience and caution to solve the problems, but everything will end to your satisfaction.

A lot of small hedgehogs in the bedroom - you will receive a lucrative offer that you should not refuse, although it may seem risky and dangerous.

You give milk to a hedgehog in a dream - a calm life awaits you; if a young girl has such a dream, she will soon be offered a marriage proposal to a man - he will gain self-confidence and material well-being.

If you dream that a hedgehog is rushing around the house - people may gossip about you, take care of yours family happiness, don’t decide everything rashly, be patient.

A white or gray (old) hedgehog in a dream warns of an imminent event that will change your life completely.

I dreamed of a pet hedgehog - constant worries and anxieties, minor troubles and troubles.

When a person pricks his finger for the first time, he learns for the rest of his life a cautious attitude towards any thorns.

But the hedgehog, which resembles a living pincushion, still evokes warm feelings.

Usually a dreamed hedgehog puzzles the dreamer - this nocturnal animal is not often encountered by people even in rural areas, and for a city dweller seeing a hedgehog is generally a rarity. That is why a dream about this animal requires interpretation using a dream book.

Interpretations in the most popular dream books

The hedgehog, as a symbol of inaccessibility, caution, security and the ability to cause unexpected pain, is interpreted differently in well-known dream books.

Miller's Dream Book indicates that:

1. Seeing a hedgehog in a dream means dangerous connections and, at the same time, great success in later life.

2. Holding a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means communicating with a bad person or family quarrels.

If you dream that you do not feel the sharpness of thorns, your opinion about a new acquaintance is superficial and false, and feeling pricks means the presence in your life of an insidious acquaintance who is purposefully causing you harm.

3. A hedgehog curled up in a ball symbolizes your attempts in the future to escape from unexpected problems that are preferable to be solved.

There is a dream book in which a hedgehog is a harbinger of trouble (Tsvetkov’s dream book). And in Hasse’s dream book, hedgehogs dream of the envy that others feel towards you.

The esoteric dream book claims that this prickly animal dreams of “injections” that your loved ones will inflict on you. It will help you to find out in more detail why you dream about hedgehogs. modern dream book. If you dream:

  • A hedgehog without any accompanying circumstances or characteristics means serious success awaits you in any endeavor.
  • A killed hedgehog, troubles that appear in reality will not harm you.
  • A hedgehog heading in your direction promises a serious conversation or the opportunity to have a good time in a friendly atmosphere.
  • A hedgehog hiding from you foretells the emergence of a situation that requires maximum caution and patience.

What else does this dream mean?

A prickly hedgehog dreams of gossip with which you will be surrounded without damaging your image, and milk drinker hedgehog - to the inability to avoid contact with an unpleasant person.

A small hedgehog lying in the palm of your hand in a dream, which does not prick your hand, indicates that you are mistaken in better side in assessing a new acquaintance.

According to this dream book, it is also important what day of the week you had this dream. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday indicates that to successfully combat gossip you need to show patience and hard work. In addition, they may make you a very tempting offer.

The Mayan dream book notes that dreaming of a hedgehog can mean both positive and negative events in your life. A running hedgehog symbolizes the absence of threat, peace, health and well-being, and a curled up ball symbolizes a possible attack by bandits.

Grishina's noble dream book indicates that in a dream:

  • Seeing a hedgehog means serious damage or a quarrel, doubts about your partner’s fidelity, or minor injury.
  • Holding it in your hands means someone’s machinations.
  • Pricking yourself on its thorns means disagreements with others or an opportunity to be convinced of the correctness of your decisions and plans.

The Russian dream book interprets a dream about a hedgehog as an opportunity to meet an extraordinary person. And Shereminskaya’s dream book is like a nuisance or a meeting with an enemy.

It is also interesting to note why hedgehogs dream according to Freud’s dream book. Freud believed that the hedgehog is the personification of your essence: due to your suspicion and distrust, you meet any manifestation of attention with “thorns”, going into deep defense.

This reaction is caused by trust once violated. You tend to withdraw into yourself even in a sexual relationship with your loved one, so sex may not bring much pleasure.

Interpretation of sleep in Aesop's dream book

If you don’t know why you have unusual dreams about hedgehogs, you can find the answer in Aesop’s dream book. This dream book pays attention to the circumstances under which you saw a hedgehog in a dream:

  • An animal you meet in the forest promises the protection of an influential person.
  • The little hedgehog encourages you to be careful in reality, since ill-wishers will try to interfere with your plans.
  • Pricking yourself with the needles of an animal means an unsuccessful attempt to make friends with a new acquaintance.
  • Feeding a hedgehog means you can avoid trouble with the help of endurance and courage.
  • Separating them means a desire to gain independence in reality and get out of subordination.
  • A hedgehog without thorns indicates the need to prove in reality that you can stand up for yourself.
  • The fight between a hedgehog and a snake symbolizes the help that close people will provide you in difficult times.
  • A hedgehog with soft spines indicates the insincerity of the people around you.
  • You dream about hedgehogs and their mother when your children need help.

It happens that dreams about a hedgehog are very unpleasant and painful, but their meaning is quite positive.

So, dead hedgehogs dream when you need help, and a hedgehog eating mice means that in reality you are trying to cope with your shortcomings. A hedgehog killed by you means that you have fewer enemies.

The hedgehog thorns covering your body mean your ability to stand up for yourself. And even the severe pain that arose after you stepped on a hedgehog in a dream just means the need to change some life principles.

What is important to pay close attention to when analyzing sleep is the number of hedgehogs. A house filled with hedgehogs portends an extremely unpleasant story for you, from which it will be difficult for you to extricate yourself.

A hedgehog attack is considered a bad sign - in reality you will face a difficult and unpleasant situation in which you will not be able to count on anyone.


A hedgehog in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's naivety, while at the same time warning against the danger of being used. Trust people less so as not to be deceived.

Who dreamed of a hedgehog? What size was the hedgehog in the dream? How many hedgehogs were there in the dream? Who was the hedgehog with in the dream? Where was the hedgehog in the dream? Did the hedgehog have needles in your dream? Was the hedgehog alive in the dream? What type of hedgehog was in the dream? What color was the hedgehog in the dream? What did the hedgehog do in the dream? What did you do with the hedgehog in your dream?

Who dreamed of a hedgehog?

Why does a woman dream about a hedgehog?

If a woman dreams that she sees a hedgehog, she will meet an unusual person. Something unpleasant may happen soon: a quarrel with a loved one or loss of property. A hedgehog in your arms means your exposure of an evil plan.

What size was the hedgehog in the dream?

Little hedgehog

Why do you dream about a big hedgehog?

If you dreamed that you saw a large hedgehog, be prepared for trouble. A dark period will come, and in this period of time you will have to overcome difficulties.

How many hedgehogs were there in the dream?

If you dream about a lot of hedgehogs

If you dream about a house where there are many hedgehogs, you will be in an unpleasant situation from which it will not be easy to get out. A similar dream came to a businessman - he needs to prepare for a possible inspection of the enterprise by authorized bodies.

Who was the hedgehog with in the dream?

If you dreamed that a hedgehog with hedgehogs

According to Felomena’s dream book, a hedgehog with hedgehogs is a warning about a possible major quarrel with the parents of neighbor’s children or about unpleasant words addressed to oneself. For a woman, such a dream can also portend pregnancy.

Where was the hedgehog in the dream?

Why do you dream of a hedgehog in the house?

If in a dream there was a hedgehog in the house, this warns you of a too rapid decision to become an independent person. Now no one’s opinion matters to you except your own, so frequent quarrels are possible.

When you dream of a hedgehog on the street

The interpretation of a dream in which a hedgehog is found on the street is based on the possibility of meeting in reality a person who has great influence; he will help with promotion in a position. For a girl - a rich suitor, who, however, will still have to pay for his generosity.

Did the hedgehog have needles in your dream?

Dream book about a hedgehog with needles

If you dreamed that a hedgehog pricked you with needles, do not waste your time maintaining friendships or establishing relationships with a person who is not at all interested in this.

Why do you dream of a hedgehog without needles?

A hedgehog without needles in a dream can mean for the dreamer his low position in the eyes of others; they believe that his adaptability to life is low, so you need to try to correct public opinion.

Was the hedgehog alive in the dream?

If the dream is about a dead hedgehog

When you dream of a dead hedgehog, in reality you will need support. The symbol of such a dream is the elimination of unnecessary things: a successful fight against an illness or people disqualified from life. If you personally killed an animal, you will be able to defeat your enemy.

What type of hedgehog was in the dream?

sea ​​urchin

What color was the hedgehog in the dream?

White hedgehog in a dream

If you dreamed that you saw a white hedgehog - there is a unkind person who is pretending good friend for the purpose of manipulating you.

What did the hedgehog do in the dream?

I dreamed that a hedgehog bit me

The meaning of a dream where a hedgehog bites you is the approach of bad times, unpleasant phenomena. To get rid of problems, rely only on your own strength.

What did you do with the hedgehog in your dream?

According to the dream book, petting a hedgehog

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream and stroking it means that the dreamer is withdrawn. There may be people around you who do not trust you and who are wary of communicating with you.


Dream Interpretation Little Hedgehog

Why does a little Hedgehog dream in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about a little hedgehog warns you: beware of your envious people, who are ready to use various tricks to create obstacles for you.

It is necessary to carefully think through your every step to avoid the implementation of the plans of “well-wishers” so that they do not interfere with reaching your goal.

Who dreamed of a hedgehog?

Little hedgehog in a woman’s dream

According to the dream book, small hedgehogs for a woman are a symbol of the threat of an upcoming illness. It won't hurt to go to a gynecologist to check your women's health.


Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a hedgehog?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Hedgehog

A dream about a hedgehog is a hint for all people, regardless of gender and age.

Seeing a hedgehog crossing the dreamer’s path means in real life someone is trying to “cross” his path in his work. The dream suggests that a person urgently needs to take measures to avoid being removed from his position - firstly, to identify the schemer, and secondly, to show more diligence and initiative at work.

A dream in which a person sees a hedgehog with mushrooms, leaves or berries pinned on needles suggests that financial problems may soon begin and it’s time to start saving money for a “rainy day.”

If a person dreams of hedgehogs, it means that he should: if there are children, be closely involved in their upbringing; if not, it's time to think about expanding your family. If it is too early for a person to think about having offspring, the dream suggests that the time has come when he needs to make every effort to acquire professional skills in order to earn good money in the future and adequately support his family.

See in dead person's sleep hedgehog - a dream is a warning to a person that in reality he needs to moderate his ambitions and be content with what he has. A dream in which a person kills a hedgehog tells him that in real life he should take care of his parents.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about a hedgehog, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a hedgehog in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.


I dreamed about a hedgehog, what is this for?


men's dependence

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream foretells that despite dangerous connections. Great success awaits you in life. Taking a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means that you will have to communicate with a bad person. A family quarrel is possible. If you dream that you are holding a hedgehog in your hands and feel that it does not prick, it means that you have the wrong opinion about your new acquaintance. If the hedgehog pricks, then in your close circle there is a person who is plotting against you. If you dreamed of a hedgehog curled up in a ball, it means that you will try to get away from the problems that have piled up. The dream suggests that it is best to complete the work started.

Olga Kuznetsova

Aesop's Dream Book

Hedgehog - This forest dweller symbolizes caution, inaccessibility, unexpected pain, protection. In folk tales, the hedgehog personifies independence and thriftiness. He is smart and efficient, with the help of his needles the fairy-tale heroine sewed a magic flying carpet. The hedgehog is ready to repel any enemy. He is brave, resilient, cunning. About an evil and cruel person who received a worthy rebuff, they say: “I was looking for a knife, but ran into a hedgehog.” A dream in which you find a hedgehog in the forest means that you can count on the protection of a strong and influential person. Seeing a small hedgehog in a dream is a sign that you must be careful; your ill-wishers will try to do everything possible to prevent your plans from being realized. If in a dream you breed hedgehogs, this means that in reality you strive for independence and do not want to obey anyone. A dream in which a hedgehog pricked you with its needles means that the person with whom you want to establish a relationship is unlikely to want to maintain friendship with you. Seeing a house in which there are a lot of hedgehogs in a dream is a sign that you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation and it will be quite difficult for you to get out of it. Seeing in a dream how you feed a hedgehog from your hands is a symbol that your courage and endurance will help you avoid many troubles. If you saw a hedgehog without thorns in a dream, in reality you will have to prove that you are not as helpless as you seem. A dream in which you see a hedgehog fighting a snake means that someone close to you will come to your aid in difficult times. A hedgehog eating a mouse symbolizes your state of mind. In reality, you are trying to deal with your weaknesses and shortcomings. If in a dream you stepped on a hedgehog and felt severe pain- this means that in reality you need to reconsider your views on life and try to change something. See in a dream dead hedgehog- this is a sign that you need help. A dream in which you saw hedgehog thorns growing on your body indicates that you know how to stand up for yourself and can always fight back against an offender. They say about such people: “He is overgrown with hedgehog bristles.” Seeing a hedgehog with soft spines in a dream means that you are surrounded by insincere people who are taking advantage of you. Seeing a hedgehog attacking you in a dream is a bad sign. This dream means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation and there will be no person next to you who would lend you a helping hand.

Dream book for the whole family

Hedgehog - If a hedgehog is killed in a dream, the impending unpleasant story will end happily. If a hedgehog is walking towards you, the dream foreshadows a vacation in the company of close relatives or an important conversation. If the hedgehog is hiding from you, you will need patience and special caution in business. Sleeping from Tuesday to Wednesday - you simply need hard work and patience in this situation, beware of gossip. At the same time, you may receive a lucrative offer that you would be foolish to refuse. By the way, in Madagascar, soldiers were not allowed to eat hedgehogs, since it was believed that this animal’s habit of curling up in defense and hiding could be passed on to whoever eats the hedgehog.

Freud's Dream Book

Hedgehog - If you dreamed of a hedgehog, know that it symbolizes your essence. You perceive any manifestation of attention to your person with distrust and apprehension, always suspecting the worst, and therefore you always expose thorns, defensively. And the reason for it all is that you once had the imprudence to trust a person who took advantage of your kindness and naivety. In intimate terms, you are timid and unsure, afraid to take the initiative once again and always withdraw if a person claims something immeasurably greater or unusual. In general, sex with you is unlikely to bring pleasure to your partner, or even to you.

Why do you dream about hedgehogs?



Be careful! enemies can plot against you! sometimes hedgehogs appear as a warning that you should not envy others

Mary London

Seeing a hedgehog in a dream foretells that, despite dangerous connections, great success awaits you in life. Taking a hedgehog in your arms in a dream means that you will have to communicate with a bad person. A family quarrel is possible. If you dream that you are holding a hedgehog in your hands and feel that it does not prick, it means that you have the wrong opinion about your new acquaintance. If the hedgehog pricks, then in your close circle there is a person who is plotting against you. If you dreamed of a hedgehog curled up in a ball, it means that you will try to get away from the problems that have piled up. The dream suggests that it is best to complete the work started.

Yuri Polyakov

HEDGEHOG - you dream that for your birthday your friends gave you a hedgehog in a cake box. This dream means that you should think about who your friends are. If you dream that there are a lot of hedgehogs in your garden, the dream means that you will spend the coming holidays or weekends alone. You go on a picnic and accidentally sit on a hedgehog, which means that you will soon remember some little thing in life that you once forgot and tried to remember for a long time. You keep a hedgehog in one of the rooms and give it a saucer of milk. This dream means that you will soon help the poor or one of your relatives. For an atheist, this dream means a return to faith in God. While rushing to work, you are driving a car and run over a hedgehog on the way. Sleep means that your appliances or household electrical appliances may break down or burn out: to avoid a fire, turn them off at night. You go to bed in the evening and find a hedgehog there. For married people, this dream means sexual dysfunction and lack of harmony in relationships, and for single people, it means night terrors and a feeling of loneliness.

Alexander Tolstikov

love you! !
and that's it..

~Bad Girl~

this means you are protecting yourself from enemies


Dreaming of a hedgehog - a conversation with a liar.


to the fog....

Why do you dream about the Hedgehog?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about Hedgehog?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from online dream books Houses of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than a Hedgehog in your dream, use the search form online interpretations dreams

Why do you dream about Hedgehog?

Seeing a Hedgehog in a dream

Catching a hedgehog in a dream and pricking yourself on its needles means dealing with a dangerous person.

What does the dream Hedgehog mean?

Seeing a snorting hedgehog in a dream means that someone is very angry with you.

Seeing a Hedgehog in a dream

You will safely overcome dangers and achieve success.

Imagine that a hedgehog drinks milk. It will be good if you can imagine that you are giving a treat to the hedgehog, for example, pouring milk into its saucer.

The hedgehog is a very cute and cute forest animal. However, this funny animal has many sharp spines, and is also considered a dangerous nocturnal predator. Such contradictory characteristics are also reflected in interpretations of what hedgehogs mean in dreams. In dream books there are many joyful omens for the dreamer, but there are no less important warnings in them.

Among the people, the hedgehog personifies such traits as caution and wisdom. Various well-known dream books offer several options, what a prickly animal might dream of:

  1. Psychologist Miller claims that hedgehogs dream of success in all endeavors.
  2. According to Freud, a dream will tell about the character of the sleeper. The dreamer is a closed person who takes the words of others with hostility. In the past, he often had to deal with mean people, so openness was replaced by distrust and closedness.
  3. The seer Vanga reports that feeding hedgehogs in a dream means troublesome days, and worries will suddenly come upon you.
  4. Hasse's dream book contains the following information: after a night vision about a hedgehog, a person in real life will become an object of envy.
  5. Mayan shamans believed that seeing a hedgehog in your dreams was a sign of good changes in fate. The dream promises good health, peace in the family, prosperity and good luck.
  6. Gypsy predictions warn that in reality you will soon meet cunning and selfish people. You need to beware of communicating with dubious individuals in the coming days, so as not to become a victim of fraud.
  7. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - the sleeping person will have a rival at work.
  8. Icelandic collection of predictions - it will be an interesting acquaintance.
  9. English dream book - you are overwhelmed by groundless fears, it’s time to get rid of them.
  10. Modern Interpreter - It's Time to Start new stage in life.

The interpretation of the dream will differ depending on various nuances. First of all, it is important who received the vision: a woman, a man, a child, single or family people.

A woman had a dream

If a girl dreams of a child, a dream about a forest animal will be a harbinger of pregnancy for her. There are many more explanations for why a woman dreams of hedgehogs:

  • The dreamer has a tough character, and this interferes with her life. To have a harmonious relationship, you need to try to be softer and more feminine. Then you will attract a real man: strong and reliable.
  • If you had such a dream during your first dates, you should take a closer look at your chosen one. The dream book recommends not to rush into the maelstrom of love affairs. The young man has not yet proven himself; soon some of his actions may greatly disappoint.
  • Seeing a hedgehog with hedgehogs is a sign of concern for your own child. If the sleeping woman does not yet have children, the vision gives a positive prognosis. You will have interesting ideas that can be realized. This will be a profitable work project or just a very exciting hobby.
  • Treating a small predator with food means you are very dependent on someone, you need to cultivate independence and responsibility.
  • You saw a little hedgehog - a sign that you need to check your reproductive health.

Decoding for men

A hedgehog is a symbol of success in serious matters. Sometimes this animal appears to representatives of the stronger sex in a dream as a warning. Here are several detailed interpretations of why a man dreams of hedgehogs:

Hedgehogs are wise and savvy animals. They know how to attach prey to needles and carry supplies to their burrow. A man who is lucky enough to have such a dream will gain prosperity and confidence in the future.

A hedgehog in children's dreams is a sign of isolation. You need to convince the baby that the world is beautiful and friendly, then you can make the child more open and sociable.

The meaning of details in a dream

Another factor influencing the interpretation of dreams is all sorts of details: color, size, number of animals and the place where the dreamer met them. Thanks to dream books, you can analyze all the circumstances of a dream and find out a prophecy for any occasion.

Color and size of animals

Brown and white urchins are found in nature. In a dream, our imagination can paint any fantastic pictures. What does the color of a hedgehog mean according to the dream book:

  • White - take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Someone plays the role of a good friend, but in reality he is not so “white and fluffy”. An acquaintance is manipulating you, it is better to stop communicating with him.
  • Black is a sign of the presence of internal fears. We need to get rid of phobias, complexes and indecisiveness. Calmness, relaxation and confidence will make your life rich and happy.
  • Multi-colored is evidence of an illusory view of the world. You need to take off your rose-colored glasses and become a more pragmatic person. Don't let yourself be deceived. This is the only guarantee for achieving success in life.

A small hedgehog is a bad sign. Someone from the dreamer's circle is torn by envy; this person will put a spoke in the wheels. Many people don’t like your successes, so don’t let strangers in on your personal plans and be more modest and brag less about your achievements.

Seeing a large hedgehog is a sign of a dark life streak. The larger the animal’s figure was in the dream, the greater problems should be expected. Troubles will largely happen due to the fault of evil and extremely dishonest people. If you declassify the enemy's plans in time, troubles can be avoided.

One or many

It is imperative to pay attention to the number of animals when interpreting what hedgehogs mean in dreams. Many small predators are a bad sign. You risk getting into a difficult situation due to carelessness. If the dreamer owns a business, a commission may visit him to conduct an inspection. It is necessary to put all documents in order so as not to have to deal with the court later.

The dream book also gives a hint why a woman dreams of a lot of hedgehogs. When a large number of animals run past you in a dream, this indicates excessive caution of the sleeper. Because you are suspicious and fearful, you risk missing out on many opportunities.

Seeing one hedgehog and her baby is a sign of slander from envious people. Hedgehogs are associated in a negative sense with an insidious, sarcastic and irritable person. Beware of such people so as not to become an object of black envy.

In a dream, you can watch many little hedgehogs being born. The birth of animals in large quantities- another danger sign. Spiteful critics literally surrounded the dreamer. It's better to disappear from their sight. Narrow your social circle for a while, pay more attention to your loved ones and family.

In the forest or at home

In dreams, cute prickly animals can appear in their natural habitat or in an apartment. If the location of the hedgehogs is different, the interpretation of the dream will be different.

If in a dream you are walking through the forest and notice a hedgehog in the thickets of grass, it means that you are about to make a profitable acquaintance. This will be a rich or powerful person, and he will become your patron. Thanks to a new friend, you will be able to make significant progress in your career. career ladder. The girl dreams about the appearance of a wealthy gentleman. Before accepting gifts from a fan, make sure that they are given free of charge.

The hedgehog was in the house - not a good sign. A family scandal or domestic accident is about to happen. To avoid trouble, check for integrity water pipes. It is better to patch them up or replace them in order to remain calm about your own home.

A forest animal at home is dreamed of by a person who puts himself above others and neglects the opinions of others. You must change your character, otherwise you will have to be left alone.

If you get into a room where there are a lot of hedgehogs gathered, it will be an awkward situation and you can ruin your reputation. The hedgehog was sitting on the bed - to illness. If the dreamer feels weakness and painful symptoms, he should urgently consult a doctor.

Interpretation of different stories

To understand the meaning of a dream, the actions of animals and humans matter. You may see a cute story about how you hold a hedgehog in your hands and feed it. There are also not very pleasant dreams where the animal behaves aggressively or you kill it.

Hedgehog behavior

First you need to consider the habits of a small forest predator. His actions in night vision can be as follows:

  • Attacks a person - means a serious conversation with relatives. A fun meeting with friends may be planned.
  • The hedgehog is hiding - be more careful in the coming days.
  • Curled up in a ball - bad news, scandal at work. The sleeper has a habit of hiding from problems when they urgently need to be solved.
  • If you fall asleep, a person who has greatly disappointed you in the past will want to return to your life.
  • Bites the dreamer - a dark period will come in life. During this difficult period, all problems will have to be solved independently. Close people will not be able to help, they simply will not be around.
  • Bristled - you will quarrel with someone. Catching and holding the animal in your hands will help you settle the quarrel.
  • The friendly behavior of a hedgehog means harmony in the family, good relationships in the work team.
  • A hedgehog carries fruit on its back - you will encounter fraud.
  • The fight between a hedgehog and a snake - you will become an involuntary participant in a conflict in the company of friends. You will be forced to take the side of one of your comrades. The other conflicting party will consider this a betrayal, and you will have to say goodbye to your dear friend.
  • A hedgehog kills a mouse - to meaningless work; a large project started will not bring income.
  • Crosses the path of a sleeping person - enlist the support of colleagues at work, do not argue with your superiors. A competitor has decided to cross your path by taking your position. You need to be in good standing to prevent this from happening.

The dreamer's actions

Human behavior is important information for creating a holistic picture of the meaning of sleep. Here are some possible scenarios and prophecies for them:

  • Feeding a hedgehog from your hands - hurry up to fulfill your obligations.
  • Petting a prickly animal means you have a secretive character. The needles pricked painfully - your new friend is a deceiver. Soft needles - your friend is honest with you, you can completely trust him.
  • Accidentally stepping on a hedgehog means changing your goals in life.
  • To breed hedgehogs - you dream of becoming independent, so as not to depend on anyone.
  • Letting an animal go free means you are proud of your independence.
  • Killing a hedgehog means victory over your main enemy.

Other unusual scenarios

A dream in which a sea urchin appears will have a special meaning. The sleeper suspects his friend of betrayal, but that person is sincere and decent.

It also happens that you dream of inanimate animals. The dream book has several assumptions Why do you dream about dead hedgehogs?

  • The sleeper will be able to defeat the disease.
  • The past is dead, it no longer has any meaning.
  • The desire to change jobs or move.
  • The dreamer will be in dire need of help from outsiders.
  • Inflated ambitions, fixation on social status and money will not lead to success; you will only ruin your relationships with others.
  • You will develop as a person if you focus on study and various practices.
  • On your career path, all rivals will be eliminated.

A hedgehog with soft needles is a symbol of far-fetched fears and obstacles in life. A hedgehog without any needles - you are following the lead of public opinion when you need to act in accordance with your natural essence. Sometimes a bald animal symbolizes a person who looks weak and insignificant. To prove your worth and reveal your abilities, you will have to work hard.

A pregnant hedgehog in a dream promises enormous material wealth.

Hedgehogs are good-natured forest dwellers. If they appear in dreams, it means they want to give valuable advice or guide the dreamer on the path leading to a happy life.