The simplest option for making a quail cage from a plastic box. Quail cages: basic requirements, do-it-yourself assembly Do-it-yourself quail house

Raising quails is a profitable business. But, despite the unpretentiousness and miniature size of birds, it is necessary to create for them comfortable conditions for content. One of the important stages in organizing your own poultry farm is the acquisition and arrangement of cages. You can make the whole complex yourself from available materials, choosing an acceptable option.

Convenient cage for quails - basic requirements and varieties

It doesn’t matter what materials the sparrowhawk will be made from, it is important to create comfortable conditions for keeping the bird in the room where it is located. The barn should be dry, well ventilated, without drafts. The temperature should be maintained between 18 and 25 degrees, air humidity no more than 55%. Lighting can be arranged both artificial and natural, the main thing is that it should not be bright. The optimal daylight hours for adult quails are 17-18 hours.

Quails are shy birds, stress causes them to become ill and reduce egg production, so it is necessary that the cage can protect from drafts, external stimuli, excessive noise, bright light. We make it as closed as possible, using durable, safe materials. We focus on ventilation, ease of maintenance and size.

For sidewalls and back wall It is better to use plywood, galvanized or plastic. We make the front wall from a mesh with small cells into which the birds could stick their heads to access food and water. We attach a feeder and drinker to the outside of the front wall. To keep the cage clean and dry, we make the floor out of fine mesh and place a tray underneath to collect droppings.

For making structural elements We select materials suitable for making cells. The frame ensures the rigidity and strength of the structure, so we make it from wood or metal profiles. A frameless cage made from solid mesh is available.

The tray, drinkers and feeders are made of galvanized steel, which is resistant to oxidative processes. If you use wood or plywood for the walls, treat them with an antiseptic and varnish them water based to protect against mold, mildew, and pests.

When making a cage with your own hands, you need to consider the following points:

  • number of goals;
  • collection method quail eggs;
  • organization of lighting and heating systems;
  • possibility of convenient cleaning and sanitization of cells.

The type of design depends on the purpose of keeping and the age of the bird, the following options are possible:

  • brooders: for hatched chicks until they reach the age of 10 days;
  • for chicks aged from 10 to 45 days;
  • for adults;
  • for quails kept for fattening for meat;
  • for quails laying eggs;
  • separate cages for the parent flock.

Where to start making a cage - creating a drawing

The most popular are cages in which the frame is made of wood or metal, sewn up on the sides and top with a material convenient for the owner, the facade and floor are made of mesh. If the purpose of raising quails is to obtain meat, then we create conditions for them under which they are inactive.

The optimal height is 25-30 cm. According to calculations, an area of ​​10-12 sq. cm is enough for one individual; with a closer planting, there will be poor weight gain and low egg production. There are breeds that need more space - 15-17 Thus, 75 quails will fit in a cage measuring 1 square meter.

Before making a cage, we create a drawing of the future structure. The following elements are applied to the drawing:

  • frame;
  • door;
  • drinking bowl;
  • feeder;
  • chute for collecting eggs;
  • tray for garbage and litter.
  • width: 100 cm;
  • height: 17-24 cm;
  • depth: 60 cm;
  • per head feeding space 25 mm;
  • one drinker for 10 heads;
  • floor slope: 7-12 degrees.

The egg collector should protrude by 8 cm. To prevent eggs from falling out, it should be equipped with sides on the sides.

To save space, they create multi-tiered structures by stacking individual blocks on top of each other. When making such blocks, several nuances should be taken into account. Install the lower cage at a height of 8-10 cm from the floor to make cleaning convenient and to prevent the birds from being exposed to drafts. Equip each section with a feeder, drinker, egg collector, and litter tray. If you plan to keep no more than 30 birds in one block, make the number of tiers no more than five to prevent the mesh floor in the cage from pressing through, which will prevent the eggs from rolling into the egg collector. Make the door on the front wall so that there is free access to the inside of the box if the cell batteries are placed nearby. To prevent the cell battery from falling, attach it to the wall of the room.

The choice of cage material and drawing up the drawing should be taken seriously. The design must be strong, reliable, easy to maintain and maintain cleanliness.

Mesh cell block - a simple and cheap option

The simplest version of a quail cage is a structure made of galvanized mesh. You can keep older birds in it and use it as a block for multi-tiered structures.

To make a cage, prepare the following materials and tools: galvanized mesh, strong wire or plastic clamps, metal scissors. Taking advantage step by step instructions, building a cell block is simple:

  1. 1. For the main workpiece, measure and cut out a workpiece measuring 100x70 cm from a piece of mesh.
  2. 2. Next, we bend the resulting blank according to the future dimensions of the cage. We make the front wall 16 cm high, the back wall 14 cm, and the depth 30 cm.
  3. 3. Then we cut out blanks for the side walls measuring 30x30 cm.
  4. 4. From the remaining mesh we make an egg collector. To do this, bend one end so that the side is 3 cm, this will prevent the eggs from falling out.
  5. 5. We fasten the structural parts with wire or plastic clamps.
  6. 6. We equip the floor with additional fine mesh, cutting it to size and attaching it to the main structure using metal brackets.
  7. 7. We equip the structure with a door that allows birds to be placed in a cage. It is more convenient to do it in the front wall, especially if a multi-tiered structure is being assembled.
  8. 8. A collection container for litter can be made from any materials, after pre-treating them with antiseptic agents, if they are made of wood. It is better to take galvanized steel. The function of the supports into which we will insert the manure collector is performed by the side walls.

Making a cage from plywood - step-by-step instructions

The most popular cages are those made of galvanized mesh and plywood. The cheapness of materials allows you to save on the manufacture of the structure. This best option for keeping young animals and a small number of birds.

To make a cage with your own hands, prepare:

  • galvanized mesh;
  • plywood;
  • wooden blocks;
  • high-quality fittings: corners, door handles, awnings;
  • fastening material: self-tapping screws and a stapler with brackets for attaching the mesh to the frame;
  • hacksaw;
  • metal scissors;
  • sandpaper.

First, we cut out blanks for two sidewalls, the ceiling and the back wall, according to the selected dimensions. We make holes in the side walls to ensure the required level of ventilation. Wooden blocks sand it with sandpaper and treat it with antiseptic agents to protect the wood from rot and fungus. We continue the work when the impregnation has dried. We mount the frame, fastening the bars using self-tapping screws and corners, which you can cut yourself from the profile.

Next, we cover the sides and back wall with either plywood or mesh, securing it with staples using a furniture stapler. We stretch the mesh outside the frame so that the birds do not get hurt. For the front wall, we take a mesh with large cells, and attach a feeder and drinker to it using wire or plastic clamps. We equip the door with special awnings at the front.

For the floor we use fine mesh with a cell size of 16x24 mm. We make the floor inclined to the front wall 7-10 degrees, bend its upper edge to collect eggs. We install a tray under the floor to collect litter and garbage.

Plastic boxes - an inexpensive and simple solution for a cage

It is economically profitable and easy to build a cell battery using packaging boxes for vegetables made of cellular plastic. The material has a number of advantages: it is durable, easy to process, easy to clean and wash, which is important for caring for a flock of quails. For work, prepare:

  • three vegetable boxes with the same dimensions;
  • strong wire;
  • sharp knife;
  • hacksaw for metal.

The middle box will contain birds. Its height should be 30 cm. The height of the remaining boxes can be any. One of them is needed for the tray, the other for the ceiling and lid. Further assembly consists of the following steps:

First, on the middle drawer, cut off all the protruding parts located on the upper edge. Next, using the existing legs and grooves, we join the middle drawer with the lower drawer of small height. We fasten the structure with wire. Instead of wire, strong twine, plastic clamps, and mounting tape are suitable.

On the lid we make markings for the door, which ensures convenient cleaning and the possibility of adding or removing birds. We cut the door on three sides and bend it outward. To make it convenient to open, we attach a wire loop to the door. We make slits on the front wall for feeding the herd. The holes should be large enough so that the birds can easily stick their heads through and reach the feeder or drinker. We install a trough-shaped feeder under the slots, and attach a drinking bowl next to it.

How to make a comfortable house for little chicks?

As soon as the chicks are born, they are placed in specially equipped brooders. They need to organize support for the required temperature and round-the-clock lighting for the full development of the chicks. The cages must be closed with cells measuring 10x10 mm. The drinking bowl and feeder are located inside the brooder. Quails are kept under these conditions for 2-3 weeks.

To make a brooder with your own hands, we prepare the following materials:

  • galvanized mesh with small cells 10x10 mm;
  • plywood, the thickness of which is not more than 10 mm;
  • timber with a section of 2x3 cm;
  • two piano hinges 30 cm long;
  • PVC panel;
  • self-tapping screws

First, we prepare the necessary parts from which we will assemble the structure: 2 sides and a back wall. We fasten them with self-tapping screws into a single structure. From a sheet of plywood we cut out 4 strips measuring 46x2 cm for the side walls. For the end, we cut out two strips measuring 96x2 cm. We mount a frame from the prepared parts. On the front of the side strips there are hinges for doors. We attach the resulting frame with doors to the main structure using self-tapping screws.

The next step is to make the floor from the mesh. We fasten the mesh between the wooden planks. We make a collection for litter in the same way as the floor, using plywood or a piece of galvanized steel instead of a mesh. On the front side, to prevent droppings of droppings, we install an additional strip or bend the edge of the galvanized sheet. At the final stage, we organize heating and round-the-clock lighting in the brooder. To do this, we place a heater and a thermometer in the cage to monitor the temperature, which should be between 37 and 38.5 degrees. We attach a 40 W lamp to the ceiling of the brooder.

You can make a good profit from raising quails or provide your family with dietary meat and eggs. By making cages yourself, you can significantly reduce the costs of organizing your own poultry farm.

Recently, quails have been raised more and more often. Despite the fact that this bird is quite small, it is also necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for it. Making cages for quails is not difficult even at home without professional equipment and with a minimum number of tools.

Recently, quails have been raised more and more frequently.

In the process of making a home for quails, it is necessary to take into account several main points:

  • number of birds;
  • installation of lighting and heating systems;
  • trays in which quail eggs will be collected;
  • ease of cleaning in cages.

Often homemade designs constructed from scrap materials - wood, plywood or metal mesh.

Often, homemade structures are built from scrap materials - wood, plywood or metal mesh.

Among the tools that will be required in this case are:

  • hacksaw;
  • scissors designed for working with metal;
  • stapler;
  • fastening materials.

Once everything is prepared, it's time to start building the cage. Assembly is carried out according to the following steps:

  1. To build for the birds as much as possible comfortable room, first of all, cut out the parts for the back wall, two sides and the top. The resulting frame is connected using ordinary self-tapping screws. The wood must be cleaned with sandpaper and impregnated with an antiseptic.
  2. The next stage of manufacturing begins only after the impregnation has dried. For the front wall, a mesh with fairly large cells is used, to which a feeder and drinker can be attached without any problems.
  3. A mesh with small cells is necessary to prepare the bottom of the cage. A continuation of the slightly inclined floor is the tray in which the eggs will be collected. When drawings are prepared, this point must be taken into account.
  4. It is more convenient to attach the mesh to wooden blanks using staples, which are used in the furniture manufacturing process.

Drawing up a drawing and calculating dimensions

A well-assembled multifunctional cage can accommodate many heads of laying hens.

To make a sparrowhawk, a frame made of wood or metal is most often used. The front side and bottom are covered with mesh.

The drawing must include:

  • frame;
  • drinking bowl;
  • door;
  • feeder;
  • a chute for transporting eggs to a tray;
  • house floor;
  • a tray in which droppings and small debris will be collected.

In a well-assembled, multifunctional cage you can house many heads of laying hens. Place the structure on the floor. For this purpose, legs are provided with a height of at least fifteen centimeters and no more than thirty. The houses can be placed in tiers, thereby significantly saving space.

  1. Multi-tiered structures must be attached not only to each other, but also to the wall next to which they are placed.
  2. To prevent the eggs from falling to the floor while rolling down the inclined bottom, it is necessary to provide a trench about ten centimeters wide and a limiter in the drawing.

To make the bottom, it is better to use a mesh with small cells. Cleaning in this case will be as simple and quick as possible.

Making a dwelling for 30 heads

Large cages are very convenient

To make a sparrowhawk for 30 birds you will need:

  1. The mesh is one and a half meters wide and has 25 by 25 cells.
  2. A meter-wide mesh with 12 by 24 cells.
  3. Galvanized sheet metal.
  4. 6 plastic ties.
  5. Plasterboard profile.
  6. Plastic eggplant.
  • meter length;
  • side racks – 30 cm;
  • depth – 40 cm;
  • slope - 10 degrees;
  • distance to the pallet – 10 cm.

Based on the completed drawings and calculations, all that remains is to assemble the sparrowhawk. This is done like this:

  1. The sidewall, roof and door are cut out of the mesh.
  2. A mesh with smaller cells is used for the bottom of the structure.
  3. The parts are connected using fasteners.
  4. The door is made removable.
  5. A metal tray is installed.

Houses made of plastic boxes

Among the advantages of this material are durability and ease of processing.

Among the advantages of this material are durability and ease of processing. And these are important factors when keeping birds in cages.

For production you will need:

  • 3 identical boxes;
  • wire;
  • hacksaw;

As you can see, such a sparrowhawk needs almost nothing. Having prepared the necessary things, you can start assembling a simple cage:

  1. The protruding parts of one box are cut off from the top.
  2. Using grooves and legs, the prepared part is connected to the lower box.
  3. The structure is connected with wire.
  4. A second box is attached to the top and secured with wire.
  5. A door is made on the roof, thanks to which the birds can be reached. To do this, a cut is made on three sides, and the fourth is bent and twisted into a loop from the wire.
  6. Slots are made on the outside for easy feeding.
  7. The feeder and drinker are fixed a little lower.

Basic design requirements

When making a home for quails, it is necessary to take into account the purpose for which they will be raised and the age of the birds.

When making housing for quails, it is necessary to take into account the age of the birds and the purpose for which they will be raised. Naturally, in this regard, structures are divided into types:

  • brooders in which chicks up to ten days old live;
  • for young animals (up to two and a half months);
  • for adult birds;
  • for laying hens;
  • for reproduction;
  • for fattening.

Any house should be equipped with a drinking bowl and feeder, regardless of the variety.

Brooders are most often covered on the sides and back with plywood. The floor is made of fine mesh. The ceiling is also made from it. Despite the fact that the front wall is also made of mesh, the feeder and drinking bowl are attached from the inside.

A distinctive feature of the design for older chicks is the larger cells in the bottom, which make cleaning easier. In addition, it is already possible to make all the walls from mesh.

There are several ways to make a home for small birds, each of which has its own advantages. This process is not at all complicated and can be done even by a beginner who does not have the necessary skills. But at the same time, you should pay attention to a number of features, subject to which quails will be kept in the most comfortable conditions:

  1. It is most convenient to place the structures vertically, one above the other in several tiers. Maximum quantity- four such floors. Due to this, space is significantly saved, and caring for the livestock becomes as simple as possible.
  2. With a multi-tier arrangement, the basic requirement must be observed - the distance from the bottom of the lower house to the floor must be at least seventy centimeters. Thanks to this, you can not only avoid drafts, but also make cleaning easier.
  3. When placing houses in tiers, they must be attached to each other and to the adjacent wall.

It is not necessary to purchase cages for quails. They are quite easy to make yourself at home, even with the most minimal set of tools. This process takes a minimum of time and does not require special skills from the master. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations so that the life of the birds is as comfortable as possible, and caring for them is not difficult. Only in this case will this type of activity prove profitable and bring not only income, but also pleasure.

Quail is a popular domesticated farm bird that began to be raised decades ago. It is bred to produce eggs and meat - both products are considered delicacies, have a high cost and a delicate taste. Most varieties of quail are quite small and require appropriate housing conditions and high-quality nutrition. Next, you will learn about what cages for these birds should be like and how to make them yourself. The main materials used to perform the work and drawings will also be considered.

Cell requirements

The health and growth of birds depends on the living conditions, so they need to be given special attention.

Choosing the right one by age

The simplest solution to the issue of raising quails is to buy a ready-made cage in a specialized store. The main thing is to choose the right model according to age, so decide in advance whether you will take 10-day-old chicks, young animals or adults. In principle, there is no point in taking small cages and then replacing them with large ones, so experts recommend immediately taking standard designs for the parent flock. Approximate dimensions are given in the table.

Let's look at the difference between purchased and homemade cages. Homemade ones are inexpensive, made from scrap materials and save money. Purchased ones are a practical option, but they will still need to be delivered to the farm. Also, ready-made models do not always meet the requirements for a specific livestock.

Where to place

The success of raising quail largely depends on compliance with the requirements for housing the birds. The ideal place to install cages is a free-standing capital one (not a barn). The more comfortable and warmer the birds are, the higher the chances of building a profitable, successful one. Optimal temperature indicators are 20-25 degrees; in hot and cold weather, birds feel unwell, become lethargic or restless, and begin to lay eggs worse. Also find out why chickens don’t lay eggs.

The lighting inside the house should not be too harsh.

If the daylight hours are short in the region where you live, you will need to backlight up to 18 hours a day.

Also, the premises should be fairly dry - place the cages away from bodies of water, preferably on a hill.

Standards by area

The standard cage area for quails is 18 dm2 per 10 birds if a parent flock is raised, and 15 dm2 per 10 heads if birds are raised for eggs/for slaughter. Read about the benefits of quail eggs.

Do not exceed the standards, otherwise the individuals will be uncomfortable and the business will be in jeopardy.

Additional settings

Above we examined all the basic requirements for quail cages. There are also standards for practicality, rigidity, quality indicators of materials and filling of structures used for raising birds. To make the quails comfortable, be sure to equip the cages with nests. All these elements can be made independently or purchased ready-made.

We build it ourselves

If you are determined to make quail houses with your own hands, the information below will be useful to you. All materials are affordable and available for free sale.

From plywood

The most common option is a plywood cage for 20 heads. Firstly, this material is inexpensive, easy to use, and environmentally friendly. Secondly, 20 heads is the easiest for a novice poultry farmer to cope with. Read about keeping quails at home.


We bring to your attention standard drawing plywood cages. The sizes can be changed taking into account the preferences of the farmer and the number of individuals being stocked. The cages should not be too cramped or, on the contrary, spacious - adhere to the principle of the golden mean.

Be sure to treat the timber with an antiseptic before starting work.

Step by step construction

Actions step by step:

From plastic boxes

Homemade economy version of the cage. You can use any boxes, including those for vegetables, seedlings, and fruits. As a result, several lattice boxes are connected to form a cage. Read about feed for quails in.


It is very easy to work with plastic boxes - look at the drawings and you will see for yourself. Please note that there can be only one box ( simple design) or several (multi-section option). Plastic cages are lightweight, durable and easy to care for.

Step by step construction

Instructions for assembling the cage step by step:

This option is suitable for 20 heads of quail. Larger herds will require additional boxes.

Battery cells

The battery is the best option for small livestock in the northern regions (plywood protects well from humidity, drafts and is much warmer than mesh).


The battery cage is assembled as a box or in a frame manner. In the first case, the building will not have a skeleton - the plywood sheets are attached to each other at the joints with special parts. Be sure to stock up on a set of tools and wooden corners.

Battery cage for quails.

Step by step construction

Sequence of work:

  1. Cut out all the parts from sheets of plywood - one 70*35 cm, two 35*20 cm, one 70*20 cm. You can use more metal mesh for the walls than for the floor. Immediately drill holes in the side parts for ventilation and installation of lighting devices.
  2. Disinfect all work parts with antiseptics and varnish.
  3. Assemble the side walls using corners. Additionally, you can glue the sheets in the openings.
  4. Secure the front wall and floor.

This, in fact, is all - all that remains is to make the door, hooks, and awnings. The door is best made from mesh.

Frameless (mesh)

Frame cages are considered the most reliable, but many farmers also like mesh options without frames.


The drawings of mesh cages for quails are the same as for the construction wooden structures. Grids are needed with different sizes cells, you will also need supports, a welding machine, and wire.

Step by step construction


  1. Cut two 70*60 cm, two 60*45 cm and two 70*45 cm from the mesh.
  2. Assemble the base and weld the elements.
  3. Install a floor with an egg collector (the floor is installed at a slight angle).
  4. Reinforce the cage to give it additional rigidity.
  5. Install supports with a pallet.

Features of cells

Quail cages have a number of features depending on the age of birds they are intended for.


For laying hens

Laying hens need cleanliness, nests and egg collectors.

Consider the design in such a way that the eggs roll themselves into the containers intended for this purpose.

The incubation instinct of quails is different, since it depends on the direction, but nests must be made. Flooring must be whole. The quails will tell you when they begin to lay eggs.

Broiler quail

Broilers include quails older than one month. The walls of their cages are made of mesh or lattice; the floor cells can be quite large, since the birds have grown and will not fall into them.

Broilers do not require a brooder, since their body’s defenses are already high.

The optimal materials for making houses are wood or metal; a frame is needed. If you are preparing birds for slaughter, use low cages in which the quail will move less and gain weight better.

Which design is suitable for an apartment?

Any design for 10-20 heads is suitable for an apartment - it is inconvenient to install a large cage. Experienced poultry farmers recommend frameless blocks and batteries for raising birds indoors, but you can also do wooden boxes, blocks from plastic containers. The main thing is that the birds have enough space, the room is dry and well lit, nothing makes it difficult to care for the young and adults.

Consider ventilation - the birds themselves need it to maintain health and you personally need it to avoid the appearance of unpleasant, too strong odors.

Quails can also be kept. For these purposes, you can use all types homemade cells.


Video about building a quail cage with your own hands.


  1. and quails you can buy ready-made or make your own.
  2. Types of keeping birds - on farms and in apartments.
  3. The main options for homemade cages are batteries, without a frame, from plastic boxes, or wooden ones.
  4. The size of the cage depends on the number of heads.

Since the time of Ivan the Terrible, quail meat has been considered a delicacy. Quail eggs are of particular value from a dietary point of view. Despite their miniature size, they are far ahead of all representatives of the homestead in terms of the content of useful elements and have practically no contraindications. Such qualities as undemanding care and ease of maintenance have made it possible to raise quails in apartments.

All you need to raise these little birds are cages, feeders and waterers. All these devices can be made quite quickly with your own hands. A little skill, a little free space in an apartment, and the prospect of providing your family with dietary products becomes successfully realized.

Requirements for quail cages

If the desire to start breeding these birds arose unexpectedly, then for the first time you can adapt places for small rodents or birds. But in the future, it will still be necessary to resolve the issue of permanent housing for birds. The easiest way is to make quail cages with your own hands. This will allow you not only to save a couple of thousand rubles, but also to rationally use the space of your apartment.

When designing a cage, two main conditions must be taken into account:

  • There should be 100–120 cm2 of floor area per bird. This indicator is optimal for comfortable placement of quails. If it is not observed, a decrease in egg production is observed. For example: the size of a cage for quails for 10 heads will be 30x75 cm;
  • the height should not exceed 20–25 cm. It is advisable to make the ceiling from soft material. The quail is a shy bird, so you need to take into account that in case of any commotion, it flies up sharply, resulting in a head injury.

Dimensions and structure of cells

Making a cage with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is that it corresponds to the purpose of their cultivation and the age of the birds. According to this indicator, cells are divided into the following types:

DIY quail cages

Before you start making the cage, you need to decide how many birds the design is planned for. After all, it is on this indicator that the size of the home and the amount of material needed to complete this work will depend.

If you are planning to make a cage with wooden frame, you need to take bars measuring 25x50 mm, and with metal frame- take corners 25×25 mm. The bottom is made of mesh with a cell size of at least 12.5×25 mm. A mesh with a larger cell – 25×25 mm – is used on the sides and ceiling. The mesh for quail cages is galvanized steel.

The order of assembly of the structure:

Frameless quail cage

Even easier to make is a version of a quail cage without a frame. The main material for the manufacture of such a cell is galvanized metal mesh.

Assembly order:

  • the mesh is bent in the shape of a box, taking into account the dimensions for comfortable keeping of quails, without sides. The sides are attached separately using clamps or wire;
  • the egg collection is a continuation of the floor, protruding beyond the front wall by 7–10 cm and having a slope of 7–10°. A limiter device to prevent eggs from falling is mandatory;
  • a mesh with a smaller cell size is placed on the bottom;
  • the door is made in the same way as for a cage with a frame. A tray for collecting litter is made in the same way.

Plywood quail cage

Such quail cages make for a small number of birds. They are usually made for use in apartments and country houses. Their advantage is considered relative cheapness in execution and cleanliness of the room in which they are located.

Assembly order:

  • first cut out of plywood or wooden slab all walls except the front. For ventilation and lighting, several holes approximately 30 mm in diameter are made in the side walls;
  • We make sure to treat all parts with an antiseptic. You can use water-based varnish for processing;
  • then using screws and corners we assemble the box. Glue can be used to strengthen the structure;
  • We make a floor from a mesh with a cell of 12.5×25 mm. We attach it with nails to the walls of the box at an angle of 7–10° to the front wall;
  • the front wall is also made of mesh, with a door in the middle, taking into account the size of the quail;
  • We make a tray for collecting litter.

Plastic quail cage

Plastic structures have many advantages over cages made of plywood or metal mesh. This material has long service life, light weight and very easy to clean from droppings.

To make such a cage you will need one high and two low vegetable boxes.

Assembly order:

  • first of all, you need to cut off the corners on the top of the drawers;
  • then we place the large box on one of the small ones, which will serve as a pallet. We put a second small box on top - this will be the ceiling. All these elements are connected to each other by wire. The boxes must match along the perimeter;
  • cut a door in the top drawer. You can cut only three sides, and the fourth will serve as a bend when opening;
  • We cut cells in the sides to provide quail access to the feeder and drinker.

In this article we will tell you how to make a quail cage from plastic box with your own hands in about half an hour.

This housing option for quails deserves attention for many reasons, the main one probably being ease of manufacture. At the end of the article it is presented good form, which will help you assemble a good house in an hour; for this you just need to first find ordinary mesh plastic boxes in which various vegetables are transported and stored.

Compared to wooden houses, then plastic ones have several quite serious advantages:

  • they are stronger, which allows them to be used for quite a long time;
  • higher hygiene, plastic does not absorb moisture and secretions;
  • ease of use.

Tools and materials

To make a plastic quail cage with your own hands in the most ordinary home conditions, you will need a minimum of materials and tools:

several ordinary plastic boxes, which should be the same around the perimeter, but different in height, one 30 cm high and two 10 cm high;

  • wire;
  • well sharpened knife;
  • hacksaw.

Build process

  1. First of all, using a hacksaw, which is used for cutting metal, we cut off the protruding corners at the top of the drawers.
  2. We put the big one on the small one, it will serve as a pallet.
  3. Next, we place the second low one on the large box, it will act as a lid. It is important that all boxes match in size.
  4. After the boxes are placed on top of each other, we fasten them with wire.
  5. Next, we cut holes in the upper part of our cage on 3 sides.
  6. We bend along the remaining whole fourth.
  7. Now it is necessary to cut out cells in the front wall, using a knife, of such a size that the birds’ heads can freely pass through them and they can reach the drinking bowl and feeder.
  8. We attach the feeder and drinking bowl from the outside.
  9. For convenience, we cut out the door at the front. It should bend freely. Through it we will populate and remove quails.
  10. We secure the door with wire.

At this point, the production of a quail cage from plastic boxes can be considered complete. This option certainly deserves attention, and not only as temporary housing for our birds. If you show your imagination, you can even assemble a multi-tiered structure with litter trays and an automatic drinker.