Homemade soldering iron for pipes. How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: recommendations from professionals. Tool for the job

Recently, traditional cast iron and steel pipelines are increasingly being replaced by more modern products of the chemical industry - polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene pipes. But new materials require a different technology for connecting pipes, and the most effective in this case is soldering.

Note! The soldering temperature, which affects the quality of the connection, depends on the size of the products - this can be seen in the table below.

Polypropylene pipes, markingCharacteristics and purpose
PN 10technical characteristics are acceptable for cold water supply up to 20 degrees Celsius, floors warm system up to 45 degrees, at operating pressure - 1 MPa
PN 16characteristics determine use for both hot (up to 60 degrees Celsius) and cold water supply, nominal operating pressure - 1.6 MPa
PN 20The technical characteristics of this type of pipe allow use in hot water supply systems with temperatures up to 95 degrees, nominal pressure - 2 MPa
PN 25reinforced polypropylene pipe: characteristics suitable for hot water supply, as well as for the system central heating up to 95 degrees Celsius, nominal pressure - 2.5 MPa

Step 1. The choice of one or another source material directly depends on the future purpose. The main criterion for dividing is the maximum permissible temperature working environment. In this regard, pipes are allocated for hot, cold, and mixed water supply.

To determine exact amount necessary pipes and fittings, the room is measured and compiled rough plan. The latter indicates the dimensions of the future highway and all its elements.

After purchasing all the components, you can proceed to the next stage.

Stage 2. Necessary equipment

The principle of soldering is to heat the ends of the connected pipes to the required temperature and then fix them. For this you will need special device- welding machine.

It can be of three types:

In addition to the device itself, the work will require:

About choosing nozzles

Heating nozzles must match the cross-section of the pipes being connected. To do this, you need to pay attention to certain parameters:

  • strength;
  • maintaining shape during temperature changes;
  • thermal conductivity.

Most welding machines are compatible with several different attachments at once, which is extremely convenient when arranging complex pipelines.

Each nozzle has two ends at once - one is intended for heating the outer surface of the products, the other for the inner. All nozzles are coated with Teflon coating, which prevents the sticking of molten coating. The sizes of the nozzles range between 2 cm and 6 cm, which completely coincides with the common pipe sections.

When the plan has been drawn up and all the components have been purchased, all that remains is to thoroughly clean the room. Particular attention should be paid to dust, because even the smallest particles, settling on the seams, can easily break the seal.

First, the nozzle is inserted into the socket, after which the device is turned on. Further actions depend on the chosen soldering method, so let’s consider them (methods) in more detail.

Method number 1. Diffusion soldering

When using this welding technology, the material of the parts being connected mutually penetrates each other, and after cooling, forms a monolithic element. One of the most common processing methods, which, however, is acceptable only for homogeneous materials.

Note! In this case, the soldering temperature reaches 265ᵒC. It is at this temperature that polypropylene melts.

Video - Diffusion soldering of PP pipes

Method No. 2. Socket soldering

When welding using the socket method, they are used welders with different sections of nozzles. The procedure itself looks quite simple.

Step 1. First, pipe sections of the required length are cut. It is important that pruning takes place exclusively at right angles.

Step 2. The ends of the products are cleaned with a shaver (if reinforced pipes are used).

Step 3. The ends are inserted into a nozzle of the appropriate cross-section, heated to the melting temperature and connected.

Note! It is extremely important that the pipes do not change their position when cooling.

Method number 3. Butt soldering

This method is suitable for connecting large diameter pipes. As in previous options, the pipes are cut into sections of the required length, and the ends are carefully cleaned.

Method number 3. Sleeve soldering

With the coupling method of welding, an additional part is introduced between the elements being connected - a coupling. Warming up occurs in the same way, only it is not the sections of the highway that are heated, but only the connection elements.

Method number 4. Polyfusion soldering

A type of diffuse technology, characterized in that only one of the two elements being connected melts.

Method No. 5. Cold soldering of PP pipes

This welding method involves applying a special adhesive composition to the pipes being connected. It is characteristic that the use of “cold” welding is permissible only in those lines in which the pressure of the working fluid is insignificant.

When overheating or connecting pipes of small diameter, there is a risk of formation of sagging on the inner surface. These sagging will prevent the free movement of the working fluid during operation.

To avoid this, it is necessary to check the connection for such defective areas. The joint needs to be blown out, and if the air flows freely, then the welding definitely turned out to be of very high quality.

Note! After this, it is necessary to check the tightness of the connection - to do this, a small amount of water is passed through the soldered elements.

Important rules for soldering polypropylene

For a high-quality and tight connection, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

Soldering of PP pipes in difficult areas

When asked which the main problem when arranging a plastic pipeline, any specialist will answer: soldering in hard to reach places. To perform this procedure, the structure is divided into several sections.

First of all, an inconvenient large area is installed. It is advisable to form it separately, and only then install it in a permanent place.

After fixing the problem area, smaller and therefore easier to install elements are installed. This event needs to be carried out by at least two people.

Video - Installation in hard-to-reach places

Typical mistakes when soldering plastic pipes

Video - Technology for soldering PP pipes


Skills in soldering PP pipes will come with time. There is nothing complicated here, although at first several couplings and one or two dozen meters of pipes will be damaged. And this is not scary, because they are not that expensive; at least autonomy from plumbers costs more.

Often, when operating household water supply systems made of polypropylene, there is a need to repair or expand them, which is impossible without special equipment for soldering. As a tool suitable for these purposes, purchased devices of a special design are usually used, the high cost of which forces users to think about making them themselves.

This approach is good not only because it allows you to save significant money and not waste time learning how to work with unfamiliar equipment. Thanks to self-production it is possible to study all the intricacies of handling such devices, which ultimately affects the quality of soldering of polypropylene and other plastic pipes.

In the case when a decision is made to make a soldering iron for pipes with your own hands, this can be done by using the old spare parts remaining on the farm. One of the most common options for making it from improvised means involves using an old electric iron for these purposes.

To implement this project you will need the following components and spare parts:

  • an old iron designed for a power of at least 800 watts;
  • duralumin plate of suitable size;
  • steel slats from an old children's construction set;
  • wires, a toggle switch, an unnecessary handle from a disassembled drill or grinder to make it convenient to hold the soldering iron.

A soldering iron for iron pipes works on the same principle as a factory-made specialized product. The spiral (heating element) heats up, transfers heat to the sole and the nozzle inserted into it. This allows you to melt polypropylene pipes and solder them. The temperature on a homemade soldering iron is set to the maximum (should be 260-265 ℃). Having prepared all these parts and materials, you can begin assembly.

First, the casing is removed from the iron, which allows access to its insides. Then the working part of the sole is cut off using a grinder, and in its place, a duralumin plate cut to the shape of the base is attached with an existing bolt. Next, you need to assemble a box from the spare parts of the designer and securely fasten it to the sole.

A toggle switch and a grinder handle are fixed to the elements of the box, after which one end of the power cable is connected to the switch. The second conductor, together with the outlet from the toggle switch, is connected to the heating coil through asbestos tubes.

Attachments for fixing on polypropylene pipes Oh, you'll have to buy it separately. If desired, you can connect a socket with a light bulb in parallel to the power circuit, the current through which must be limited by means of a quenching resistor. In order to do this simple design It will take a minimum of time to do it yourself.

With heating regulator

To control the heating temperature homemade soldering iron for polypropylene pipes, install a thermocouple. To assemble a device equipped with a heating regulator for the working sole, additional parts and spare parts will be required, namely:

  • thermostat, thermocouple and two tips;
  • dial indicator with a special scale (with “zero” and two sectors);
  • insulated conductors with a length of at least one meter each;
  • asbestos wool.

Even before starting work, you should contact a turner and ask him to make two tips of a special shape (for the fitting and for the heater outlet). The dimensions of these tips are selected based on the diameter of the tube prepared for assembly.

The procedure for assembling a soldering iron for polypropylene with a thermostat with your own hands looks like this:

  1. First, the casing is removed from the iron, after which the temperature regulator, as well as all unnecessary parts and wiring, are removed from its sole. After such disassembly, you should be left with a clean ironing plate.
  2. Then, using a drill, holes with a diameter of about 6 millimeters are drilled in the tips, after which they are bolted to the body, cleared of foreign parts (from the “nose” side). On the opposite side of the base, holes are drilled in it with a diameter suitable for mounting the thermocouple housing.
  3. Wires about one meter long are soldered to the thermocouple. Following this, the same conductors are used to connect the heating coil. All these wires are led out through a hole in the handle of the iron. It itself is attached directly to the casing.
  4. At the final stage of work, the space between the casing and the slab is filled with asbestos material (wool), which acts as a heat insulator. Upon completion of this operation, the casing is returned to its place, resulting in a housing with two pairs of conductors brought out.

These wires are connected to the power plug and the thermostat according to a circuit that allows you to set the desired value for the melting temperature of polypropylene (255-265°).

Thermostat circuit and printed circuit board

Industrial designs with paired nozzles

For the manufacture of thermal nozzles for industrial soldering irons, special materials that conduct heat well (copper, aluminum alloys and the like) are used.

On the outside, they are coated with a special layer that prevents polypropylene from burning (Teflon is most often used for these purposes).

Known samples of nozzles for soldering propylene pipes differ both in their shape and in the method of attachment to the heater, which can be various designs. In this case, preference is usually given to products that allow the installation of paired nozzles (or several pairs of them at once).

The capabilities of such a device are significantly expanded, since it becomes universal in its technical parameters.

The working dimensions of soldering iron nozzles (their diameters) must correspond to the same indicator for polypropylene pipes and have values ​​from 16 to 110 millimeters.

Special nozzles with sizes from 20 to 32 millimeters must be included in the kit of any soldering iron that belongs to the category of semi-professional devices. Specialized models of soldering devices can be equipped with a large number of paired nozzles, the size range of which has been expanded to 63 millimeters.

Nowadays, when creating various pipelines, polymer channels are increasingly used. They have many advantages over their metal counterparts. Special attention polymer pipes deserve. The price per 1 meter of these structures is significantly lower than that of metal analogues. Their distinctive feature is convenient installation. Such pipe structures are soldered using

In this article we will analyze the structure of the mentioned device, list the most popular manufacturers of equipment and tell you how to eliminate the most common ones with your own hands. typical breakdown. You will also have the opportunity to watch photos and videos on the topic of this material.

Device structure

Most soldering machines have approximately the same design. The differences lie only in the shape and methods of installing special attachments.

Any soldering iron for polypropylene pipes consists of:

  • housings and handles;
  • thermostat;
  • heating element placed in a metal casing;
  • replaceable nozzles coated with Teflon.

In terms of their method of operation, the devices in question are much like a regular iron.

Some experts call these devices that way. The operation of the device is quite simple. The heating element increases the temperature of the stove inside which it is located. From it, heat is transferred to the nozzles. It is these heating elements that help soften the polymer to the desired consistency.

The thermostat allows you to control the heating process. This part is responsible for supporting the necessary temperature regime, preventing overheating of the installed nozzles. If the thermostat is faulty, it will be difficult to operate the device. Heating elements can become very hot. This will negatively affect the duration of their operation. Metal part The slabs will begin to melt over time. As a result, the device will become unusable.

It is important to choose a soldering machine equipped with a high-quality thermostat. In cheap models, this element is unstable. This leads to uneven heating of polypropylene structures. The temperature level may be excessively high or, conversely, low.

Note that for experienced specialists such a defect is not critical. At the same time, beginners will be able to effectively complete the task only with the use of an absolutely working soldering iron. This is due to the fact that professionals intuitively work with the device, and thanks to their skills they will be able to minimize the consequences of using an unstable device.

Based on what was written above, a simple conclusion is drawn - it is better to use high-quality and reliable equipment than to tinker with a poorly functioning soldering iron. In this case, it is advisable to use equipment with a thermostat that allows smooth adjustment temperature conditions.

Typical failure: the soldering machine does not heat up

Let's sort it out real case repair of the RSP-2a-Pm device from the Czech company Wavin ekoplastik. The problem was this: the device was heating up, but did not reach the required temperature. At the same time, during operation, the sound of sparking contacts arose inside the device. The device was used intensively for a year.

The repair of the device began with its disassembly. Next it was necessary to establish the cause of the malfunction. First the control board was checked. Next, the soldering iron was turned on and the voltage indicator at the output of the mentioned circuit was determined.

When performing the test, you do not need to wait until the tip is completely warmed up. A similar procedure would be appropriate when testing electronics. In our example, it was only necessary to determine the cause of the breakdown. After checking the board, it would be necessary to move on to diagnosing the heating element.

The soldering machine in question was switched on. The heating indicators lit up clearly. It was assumed that the problem lies in the heating element circuits. To accurately identify the breakdown, it was necessary to disassemble the protective grille of the heating element.

It was decided to check the thermostat screwed to the heater. The main purpose of this component is additional protection. The operation of the device was completely controlled electronically. The thermostat was installed in order to avoid uncontrollability of the heating element in case of damage to the thyristor.

If the maximum permissible temperature is reached, the bimetallic contacts of the safety device will open and the main heating component will stop operating. In a specific case, the mentioned elements burned. As a result, contact opening began to occur at temperatures below the limit. This was the main reason for the constant underheating of the device.

To eliminate this problem, it was possible to repair the thermostat. But this task is very difficult and time-consuming. Replacing the element in question was not feasible due to the lack of spare parts.

As a result, the repairman decided to remove the thermostat from the circuit and connect it directly. To do this, the element was disconnected from the heating element contact. Then a new terminal, purchased in a store, was crimped onto another wire, of blue color. To solve this problem, it is possible to use insulated terminals.

Try to use exclusively heat-resistant cambrics. They must withstand high temperatures.

The terminals are crimped using special pliers. If worst comes to worst, you can also use pliers. The main thing is that the procedure is performed efficiently and reliably. After its implementation, the cable in the terminal must be motionless.

After completing the procedure for turning off the thermostat, it was necessary to assemble the device. During the process, it was discovered that the wire clamp was damaged. To eliminate this breakdown, a conventional plastic clamp. After fixing the cables, the excess parts of the plastic were cut off.

Next, the assembly of the device was completed. After this, the device was tested for serviceability. The soldering iron worked like clockwork again. You can use the information from this article for repairs. various models soldering irons

Watch the video:

Polypropylene pipes are intended mainly for organizing water supply and heating in non-fire hazardous areas. Such a pipeline is easy and quick to install and lasts about 50 years, but it has a significant drawback: when heated, polypropylene softens and is easily deformed. This parameter is important for heating and hot water supply systems, since they undergo dynamic temperature changes, as a result of which plastic pipes change their design position.

Such phenomena are absent when operating a water supply system for cold water. Based on the above, reinforced polypropylene pipes are used for hot water supply. Strengthening of plastic occurs through the use of aluminum foil, fiberglass or increasing the thickness of the walls of the product. Aluminum integrated into polypropylene, which can be placed inside the thickness of the plastic (non-stripping pipe) or outside (stripping pipe), significantly reduces the linear expansion of the pipeline.

Fiberglass gives a similar effect, which allows this type of pipeline to be used for heating. A pipe with thicker walls is used for hot water.

Basic rules for soldering polypropylene pipes

For getting quality indicators such as the tightness of the welded assembly, maintaining the internal diameter at the places where parts join, aesthetic appearance, etc., the following rules must be taken into account.

The connection area must be dry and free of dirt

Often, in practice, a situation arises when you need to solder a fitting into an existing plastic wiring. Although the pipeline is equipped with a common tap, due to wear and tear, it cannot fully fulfill its purpose. In such situations, water flow instead of connection is inevitable. To eliminate the leak while soldering the elements, you can take the following steps:

Step 1. Shut off the general water supply valve, drain the remaining water into the sewer through the mixer, cut off the pipeline at the junction taking into account the immersion depth, drain the water, drain the area and weld the components. In this case, it is advisable to replace the faulty shut-off valve.

Step 2. You can temporarily stop the flow of liquid by displacing or draining the water column from the pipeline, if the water supply stops for some time (30 seconds is enough). If the leak cannot be stopped, then the internal cavity of the water pipe is sealed with bread pulp, and after welding it is removed through the nearest mixer, but before that, the filter is unscrewed from its drain tube. It is not recommended to use it as a stopper toilet paper, it doesn't come out of the pipeline well.

Do not overheat the connections

Due to excessive overheating, the cross-section of the pipeline decreases, and the intensity of the water or coolant supply decreases accordingly. Overheating can occur as a result of non-compliance with the welding temperature and the holding time of the parts in the nozzle. Table 1 presents data on obtaining a high-quality seam for some pipe sizes.

The soldering iron nozzle must be securely fixed

A loose cue ball while working with parts damages the heating surface of the soldering iron and contributes to the formation of misaligned joints.

After connecting the elements, do not rotate or move them more than 5 degrees

To obtain uniform diffusion, it is advisable after joining not to rotate or align the welded elements during the hardening time of the seam.

The movement of the workpiece in the cue ball must be straight

Other movements may reduce the strength of the seam. The junction point, of course, will withstand the water pressure in the central line, which is usually in the range of 2 - 3 bar, but at nominal pressure(10, 20, 25 bar) will probably leak liquid.

Features of the stripping pipe connection

Before connecting the stripping pipe, you need to remove the foil layer from it with a special shavings (shaver) to the size of the soldering depth. In the absence of a shaver, the reinforcing layer is carefully cut off stationery knife exactly, over the entire area where the pipe is immersed in the fitting. This method looks unprofessional, but when carefully removed it does not reduce the outer diameter of the polypropylene.

What is needed for soldering

To join pipes and transition elements, you will need the following tools:

  • set for soldering pipes (soldering iron, nozzle 20 mm, stand);
  • scissors for plastic pipes;
  • a simple pencil;
  • pipe lever wrenches;
  • roulette.

Do-it-yourself soldering of polypropylene pipes using an example

Let's look at the soldering technique and the sequence of installing additional shut-off valves and a pressure gauge into the existing plumbing system.

These elements participate in the apartment’s backup water supply circuit (water storage tank with pump).

The water tap is installed to switch the water supply position from the central line to the reserve position. The pressure gauge signals the appearance of water in the riser. The unit is quite difficult to integrate into the existing wiring due to limited space when connecting pipes by soldering.

To create such a unit, which is made of polypropylene pipes and transitions with a cross-section of 20 mm, the following material is needed:

  1. Angle at 45 degrees. in the amount of 2 pcs.
  2. Angle at 90 degrees. -1 PC.
  3. Tee - 2 pcs.
  4. Connecting coupling - 1 pc.
  5. Pipe for cold water - 1 meter.
  6. Coupling, internal thread (MRV) 1/2 inch.
  7. Bronze transition with external thread 1/2" and internal thread - 3/8".
  8. Pressure gauge 10 bar.
  9. Walk-through tap.
  10. Tow and FUM tape.

Tool for soldering polypropylene pipes.

Work order

Using tow and FUM tape, ensure a tight connection between the pressure gauge, bronze adapter and MRE.

On a soldering iron with a nozzle, set the temperature to 250-260 degrees and turn it on to heat.

After the cue ball heats up, immediately lean the tee against the convex part, and the pipe against the other, with the recess, and begin to feed the parts linearly until it stops.

Mentally count down 7 seconds. During this time, the surface of the parts should melt evenly. At the seventh second, pull the parts out of the nozzle and accurately insert each other into each other until it stops. Hold in this position for four seconds, this is the time when the soldering area remains plastic. Therefore, it is possible to rotate the parts being welded no more than five degrees only in this range.

From the soldered tee, mark a distance of 13 mm on the pipe.

This size corresponds to the depth of immersion of the pipe into the fitting.

Use scissors to cut the pipe according to the mark.

Solder the corner and the pass-through valve so that on the water supply it is placed to a horizontal plane at an angle of about 45 degrees.

Connect the other end of the pass-through valve to a tee, as shown in photo 9.

To the tee, which is located closer to the meter, weld a tube with a 90-degree angle for the pressure sensor.

At the wiring, in the approximate places where parts are soldered, cut the pipes and drain the residual water.

Lean the assembled unit against the installation site and calculate the joining of pipes.

Use scissors to remove excess elements.

We solder a coupling onto one end of the removed element, which will be connected back to the pipeline, consisting of a pipe and two 90-degree angles. We weld the other part at a certain angle into the tee.

We are calculating how the pipeline will be connected to another section. Based on these data, we assemble a unit from two angles at 45 degrees and pipes. We weld it into the other side of the workpiece tee.

We first connect the resulting product to a pipe located near the sewer.

Then with a flow meter.

Lastly with the mixer pipe and tank supply line.

This sequence is due to the ability to use a soldering iron in places that can be moved after joining adjacent nodes.

We determine the length of the pipe for the pressure gauge, solder it into the MVR and put on the fastener. We apply the resulting product to the corner and mark the location of the fastening on the wall. We remove the pressure gauge and mount it to the wall.

We solder the corner and pressure sensor. We check the tightness of the entire system.

Sometimes soldering polypropylene pipes with your own hands cannot be done by one worker due to inconvenient placement of parts. In this case, it is advisable to solder such nodes together.

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing particularly difficult in welding polypropylene pipes: heat, connect, cool and you’re done. However, from experience we can say with confidence that in this process there are many nuances that affect the quality of fastening of fittings and pipes. Ignoring these facts leads to a host of deficiencies that cause pipe leaks, blockages and other problems. Some errors can only be discovered some time after the pipeline has begun operating, when it is almost impossible to find amateur installers.

For welding polypropylene fittings and pipes, thermal polyfusion technology is most often used. Its meaning is that the parts to be welded are heated to the required temperature and connected as quickly as possible. To heat the structure, a special device is used, popularly called a “soldering iron”. The process of soldering plastic pipes takes a lot of time and effort.

Some manufacturers of heaters for welding plastic pipes install several at once on one equipment heating elements, this is especially typical for budget models of Turkish and Chinese production. A separate toggle switch is installed for each of them, and the power of such equipment is enough for fittings and pipes of a certain size. You should not turn on two heating elements together at once, so as not to overheat the plastic, waste extra electricity and overload the network. It is better to use the second heater as a spare, switched on in case of failure of the first one.

If the pipe soldering equipment is equipped with two heating devices, they can be used simultaneously at the very beginning of work to quickly warm up the system. Then one of them must be turned off.

The heated material of polymer pipes retains plasticity for a very short period of time. At these moments it is necessary to connect the parts and fix the connections, at the same time eliminating distortions. Only after the moment of fixation has ended, when the material has lost its elasticity, can the connected pipes be laid on the surface.

The best temperature for heating polypropylene pipes is considered to be 260 degrees Celsius. During heating, it is necessary to heat the structure sufficiently so that the resulting connection is reliable. In this case, it is contraindicated to overheat the pipe, as it may lose its shape. To do this, you need to control the heating time. Depending on the size of the pipes, it should be:

  • 8-9 seconds for pipes 20 millimeters wide;
  • 9-10 seconds for pipes 25 millimeters wide;
  • 10-12 seconds for pipes 32 millimeters wide and so on;

If the product is not heated to the required temperature, the connection will be too weak and will begin to leak over time. Overheating of the pipe can lead to a decrease in its permeability and the appearance of melts.

There are models of heating equipment for welding polymer pipes with or without a handle for adjusting the temperature. The ability to change the degree of heating of the device was built in more for marketing reasons than dictated by practical necessity. Professionals recommend setting the temperature at 260 degrees Celsius and not changing it in the future, focusing on the heating time. Therefore, old types of “soldering irons” that do not have a heating temperature regulator are also quite suitable for high-quality welding of polypropylene pipes.

After the pipes are heated and connected, they need to be cooled properly. It will take the same amount of time to complete the bonding phase as it does to warm up. Inexperienced installers are often in too much of a hurry, finishing the process several seconds earlier than necessary, which leads to deformation of the connection. Don’t think that you will need a stopwatch to work with polypropylene pipes. At the initial stage, you can count out loud, and experienced specialists calculate the heating and cooling time “by eye,” without additional equipment.

Quantity possible errors, which can be allowed when welding polypropylene pipes, is quite large. However, this is often:

  1. Presence of dirt in places where parts of the structure are fastened.
  2. A small amount of water entered the system during welding.
  3. Long-term positioning of pipe elements.
  4. Use of poor quality or unsuitable material.
  5. Failure to follow installation instructions, etc.

It is quite easy to avoid such mistakes if you are careful and accurate when soldering and have sufficient experience in this type of work.

Error due to water and dirt on the connected products

A professional installer will be sure to wipe down all fastened parts before starting work to remove surface contaminants. You should also thoroughly wash the floor in the room where welding is carried out, because the pipes are placed on the floor, and dirt can get on them again. When dismantling a broken pipe, you can often find a clear trace of dirt along the entire length of the connection.

Residual liquid in the pipe can be fatal to the connection. A few drops turn into steam during heating, the material becomes deformed and loses its reliability. To remove liquid from a pipe, you need to stuff a crushed bread crumb or use regular salt. After finishing work, the pipe must be thoroughly washed. A connection made with such defects may remain reliable even during pressure testing, but after a certain period of time (often even a whole year), a leak will appear in any case. This error occurs when soldering stabilized pipes if the foil was carelessly removed from the intermediate layer. Even a tiny piece of foil in the place where the individual parts are held together will significantly degrade the quality of the installation.

Not only the products, but also the soldering iron should be clean. The technician needs to promptly remove particles of molten polypropylene from the heating elements of the equipment, otherwise they may fall on next section designs.

Error due to incorrect positioning

After the two heated parts of the structure have been connected, the master has only a few moments to correctly position them relative to each other. The less time spent on this process, the better. If the time reserve has been exhausted, the deformation cannot be changed and the strength of the system will be significantly reduced.

Inexperienced installers often try to immediately remove the melts that appeared during soldering. This cannot be done, because a connection that has not completely cooled down during this period can easily be deformed. Sludge should be removed only after the connection has completely cooled. And it is best not to overheat the pipe so that melts do not appear.

Error due to incorrect material selection

If budget polypropylene pipes were chosen for the arrangement of the system Low quality, even the highest quality installation will not be able to protect building owners from breakdowns. Fittings and pipes are best purchased from the same famous company, choose a reliable supplier and the like. Remember - the miser pays twice.

Another problem in this category is trying to connect two high-quality pipes from different manufacturers. Chemical composition two products may be different, so such pipes will behave differently when heated. Achieving a reliable connection is almost impossible under such conditions.

Error due to non-compliance with installation rules

Poor quality of soldering of polypropylene pipes is often caused by various errors during the connection of pipes and fittings. For example, if the pipe has not been fully inserted into the fitting, a gap may form between the inner stop of the fitting and its edge. As a result, there will be a place where the wall thickness is smaller and the internal diameter is larger than planned. The design operating pressure for such an area will be too low, the operating loads may become excessive here, leading to leakage.

It is unacceptable to use too much force when inserting the heated surface of the pipe into the fitting. In this case, a melt may form inside large sizes. This will cause the pipeline to flow less than before, which will negatively impact the efficiency of the system.

Often the cause of violations can be human negligence or laziness. For example, a fitting damaged during pipe welding must be immediately replaced with a new one. If the required part is not at hand, amateur installers can simply solder the fitting end-to-end with the pipe. This connection will last for some time, but then the leakage problem will have to be solved.

To ensure that the work is completed efficiently and on time, it makes sense to adhere to the following instructions that will help during the work:

  • Pipes and fittings must be manufactured by the same company. In this case, you cannot save money and purchase budget fittings and expensive pipes or vice versa. This is very important, since the melting temperature of the products may be different, which is fraught with the reliability of the finished system;
  • The soldering iron should heat up to a temperature of 260 degrees Celsius, and the temperature of the element should not be increased to save time. A couple of minutes of time “will not make a difference,” but the likelihood of damage to the material will increase;
  • The connecting elements must be degreased and thoroughly cleaned of dirt. Even the smallest bits of dirt can affect the quality of the fastening;
  • Before starting soldering and installation, if you have no experience in such work, it is better to first practice on sections of pipe in order to “get the hang of it” and understand how much effort you need to put in. Insufficient or too much force is one of the most common mistakes;
  • If you want to build a high-quality system, you cannot save money. You should not purchase cheap materials, tools and equipment. High-quality products will last much longer.
  • Soldering work cannot be carried out at air temperatures below +5 degrees Celsius. In this case, the efficiency of the process decreases significantly, the connections become brittle and require more heating of the connecting elements. This is dangerous due to excessive melting and deformation of products.

In addition to organizational problems and errors in the design of the pipeline structure, the installation of polypropylene pipes depends solely on the human factor during soldering. We have the power to influence both the connection time and the heating temperature of the products, so we must be careful and attentive.