And data in Google search is possible. Secrets of the Google search engine. What are they advertising to you and why?

Igor Bederov

A simple search query [Igor Bederov] Results: approximately 207,000. The query will give us basic information about me, my publications and business. In addition, the search engine will give us information in the form of related photographs and videos with my participation.

“Igor Bederov”

If you put a query in quotation marks, Google will only search pages where it is used in the form you specified. The query can be individual words, phrases or phrases. For example, [“Founder of CABIS”]. In general, this operator is indispensable if you need to find an EXACT QUOTE, the name of a song, movie or group.


If you put a minus sign (-) in front of a query, the system will exclude it from the search results. Type the following combination: [-Bederov intelligence], and Google will give you a bunch of sites with the word “intelligence”, but will exclude from the search all sites that mention my name. Keep in mind that there should not be a space between the word you want to exclude and the minus sign.

Add a link: statement in front of the web address you are interested in and you will find all the pages that link to our site.


The site: operator will help you find all the information you need on one site or domain. Formulate your query and add site: before the web address. For example, when mentioning espionage on our website, you need to search like this: [espionage site:].

Do you need to find several sites or pages on a similar topic? By typing in the search bar, you will find many resources from federal ministries and departments.

"Bederov * Sergeevich"

Forgot a particular word? For example, my name. Write what you remember, replace the missing word with an asterisk (*) and add quotation marks. Then Google will do everything itself.

Bederov OR CABIS

If you add an OR operator between two search queries, the search results will show pages that contain at least one of the specified words. Remove OR and you will see pages where all the search terms appear together.

Want to know what the last saved version of the page you wanted looked like? Then insert the cache: statement before the web address in the search query. The page itself may no longer be available on the site, but Google will save it in an archive.

Operator info: Helps you find a variety of information about the web address you're interested in: the saved version of the page, similar pages, and all pages that link to your query.

P.S. Most punctuation marks are ignored by search engines, but there are a set of characters that can also modify search queries and find more specific information for you:

& : The & symbol is used to find closely related names and concepts. For example, the request [Bederov & Intelligence] will give you all possible information about this wonderful phenomenon of our northern capital.

% : You don’t have a calculator at hand, but you can’t mentally calculate a 37% discount on a product worth 18,965 rubles? Open Google and write directly in the line: . Yes, he can count too.

# : Using the # icon, you can find posts by a specific hashtag.

@ : The @ symbol lets you know who is linking to your posts or mentioning you online. For example, upon request [@Igor Bederov] all pages and accounts mentioning my person are returned.

is the most popular search engine in the world. But not all users know about additional ways to detect information in it. Therefore, in this article, we will share methods that will help you find the information you need online more efficiently.

All the methods described below will not require you to install any software or additional knowledge. It will be enough to follow the instructions, which we will discuss below.

Specific phrase

Sometimes situations arise when you need to find an entire phrase at once. If you simply enter it into the search bar, Google will show a lot different options with individual words from your request. But if you put the entire sentence in quotes, the service will display exactly the results you need. Here's what it looks like in practice.

Information on a specific site

Almost all websites created have their own internal function search. But sometimes it doesn't give the desired effect. This can happen for various reasons that are beyond the control of the end user. In this case, Google comes to the rescue. Here's what you need to do to do this:

  1. In the corresponding line of Google we write the command "site:"(without quotes).
  2. Next, without a space, add the address of the site where you want to find the necessary data. For example "site:site".
  3. After this, you should specify the search phrase separated by a space and send the request. The result will be approximately the following picture.

Words in the results text

This method is similar to searching for a specific phrase. But in this case, all the words found may not be in order, but with some scatter. However, only those options that contain the entire set of specified phrases will be shown. Moreover, they can be located both in the text itself and in its title. To get this effect, just enter the parameter in the search bar "allintext:", and then specify the desired list of phrases.

Result in title

Want to find an article you're interested in by title? Nothing could be simpler. Google can do this too. Just enter the command in the search bar first "allintitle:", and then write the required phrases separated by a space. As a result, you will see a list of articles with the required words in the title.

Result in page link

As the name suggests, this method is similar to the previous one. Only all the words will not be in the title, but in the link to the article itself. This request is carried out as simply as all previous ones. You just need to enter the parameter "allinurl:". Next, we write the necessary phrases and word combinations. Please note that most links are written to English. Although there are also sites that use Russian letters for this. Your result should look something like this:

Location-based data

Want to know about events in your city? It couldn't be easier. Just enter the desired query into the search bar (news, sales, promotions, entertainment, etc.). Next, enter the value separated by a space "location:" and indicate the location you are interested in. As a result, Google will find results that match your query. In this case, you will have to from the tab "All" go to section "News". This will help weed out various posts from forums and other little things.

If you forgot one or more words

Let's say you need to find the lyrics of a song or an important article. However, you only know a few words from it. What to do in this case? The answer is obvious - turn to Google for help. It can easily help you find the information you need if you use the right query.

Enter the desired sentence or phrase into the search bar. If you forgot only one word from a line, then just put a sign «*» in the place where it is missing. Google will understand you and give you the desired result.

If there are more than one words that you do not know or have forgotten, then instead of an asterisk «*» put in in the right place parameter "AROUND(4)". In parentheses, indicate the approximate number of missing words. General view such a request would be something like this:

Links to your website on the Internet

This trick will be useful for website owners. Using the query below, you can find all sources and articles on the Internet that mention your project. To do this, just enter the value in the line "link:", and then write the full address of the resource. In practice it looks like this:

Please note that articles from the resource itself will be shown first. Links to the project from other sources will be located on the following pages.

Removing unnecessary words from the results

Let's say you want to go on vacation. To do this you need to find inexpensive tours. But what if you don’t want to go to Egypt (for example), but Google persistently suggests it? It's simple. Write the desired combination of phrases, and put a minus sign at the end «-» before the word you want to exclude from the search results. As a result, you will be able to view the remaining offers. Naturally, this technique can be used not only when selecting tours.

Each of us has bookmarked sites that we visit every day and read the information they offer. But sometimes situations arise when there is simply not enough data. You would love to read something else, but the resource simply does not publish anything. In such cases, you can find projects on Google that are similar in topic and try to read them. This is done using the command "related:". First, enter it into the Google search field, after which we add, without a space, the address of the site that the found options will be similar to.

Meaning of "either-or"

If you need to find some information on two questions at once, you can use a special operator «|» or "OR". It is placed between requests and in practice looks like this:

Merging queries

Using an operator «&» You can group several search queries at once. You must place the specified character between two phrases separated by a space. After this, you will see on the screen links to resources where the searched phrases will be mentioned in the same context.

Search based on synonyms

Sometimes you have to search for something several times, while changing the cases of the query or the word as a whole. You can avoid such manipulations using the tilde symbol «~» . It is enough to put it in front of the word for which synonyms should be selected. The search result will be more accurate and extensive. Here's a good example:

Search within a given range of numbers

IN everyday life When shopping in online stores, users are accustomed to applying the filters that are present on the sites themselves. But Google itself copes with this no less well. For example, you can specify a price range or time frame for your request. To do this, just put two dots between the digital values «..» and formulate a request. Here's what it looks like in practice:

Specific file format

You can search on Google not only by name, but also by information format. The main requirement is to formulate the request correctly. Write in the search bar the name of the file you want to search for. After that, enter the command separated by a space "filetype:doc". In this case, the search will be carried out among documents with the extension "DOC". You can replace it with something else (PDF, MP3, RAR, ZIP, etc.). You should get something like the following picture:

Reading cached pages

Have you ever had a situation where a website page you needed was deleted? Probably yes. But Google is designed in such a way that you can still view important content. We are talking about a cached version of the resource. The fact is that periodically the search engine indexes pages and stores temporary copies of them. You can view them using a special command "cache:". It is written at the beginning of the request. After it, the address of the page whose temporary version you want to view is immediately indicated. In practice it looks like this:

As a result, the desired page will open. At the very top you should definitely see a notification that this is a cached page. The date and time when the corresponding temporary copy was created will also be indicated.

That's all interesting methods discovering information on Google, which we wanted to tell you about in this article. Don't forget that advanced search is just as effective. We talked about it earlier.

Yandex also has a similar set of tools. If you prefer to use it as a search engine, then you may find the following information helpful.

Which Google features do you use? Write your answers in the comments, and also ask questions if you have any.

How Google discovers web pages, crawls them, and returns results.

This article provides two explanations of how Google Search works: a brief explanation and a detailed explanation.

Google gets information from different sources. Here are examples of some of them:

  • web pages;
  • Content added by users, such as what they post to Google My Business and Google Maps;
  • scanned books;
  • open databases on the Internet;
  • many other sources.

This article will only focus on content posted on web pages.

Brief explanation

Generating search results for web pages takes place in three stages, which are described below.


First you need to determine what pages are on the Internet. Since there is no official registry of them, Google robot has to constantly search for new pages and add them to the list of already known ones. This process is called scanning.

Information about existing pages comes to us in several ways. In some cases, the Google robot automatically detects pages during the crawling process. He can also go to them using links posted on other pages. In addition, the site owner can send the file to Google himself Sitemap with a list of pages to be scanned. Finally, if you created your site using a third-party service, such as Wix or Blogger, that hosting provider may tell Google to crawl pages you've added or edited.

How to improve scanning efficiency

  • You can request that individual URLs be crawled if changes were made only to the relevant pages.
  • On pages that Google already knows, link to your new pages when you publish them. Please note that our robot will not click on links that do not comply with the Google Webmaster Guidelines, such as those included in ads and comments, or posted for a fee.
  • If you only need to scan one page, select Home for this. This is considered the most important page on your site. If you need a full scan of the site, make sure that it has easy navigation with links to all key sections and pages of the resource. This will make it easier for users and Google robots to navigate your site.

We do not provide more frequent crawling or higher site rankings for a fee. Those who say otherwise are misleading you.


After finding a page, you need to determine what topic its content is dedicated to. This process is called indexing. It consists in the fact that Google analyzes the content of the page and systematizes the images and embedded videos found on it. The received information is stored in Google index– a huge database located on many computers.

How to Improve Indexing Efficiency

  • Create short and informative page titles.
  • Use appropriate topic headings on your pages.
  • There should be a sufficient amount of text on your pages. Google can recognize the content of some pictures and videos, but not as effectively as in the case of text. Whenever possible, annotate your videos and images using various attributes such as alt.

Delivery of results and ranking

When a user enters a query, Google searches its index for the most relevant results based on numerous factors. These factors include location, language, user device type (PC or phone), etc. For example, results for "bicycle repair" will vary depending on whether you are in Paris or Hong Kong. Ranking is carried out according to specified algorithms, and Google does not increase the ranking of pages for a fee.

How to Improve Your Ranking Effectiveness

  • Make sure your page loads quickly and is optimized for mobile devices.
  • Place useful content on the page and update it promptly.
  • Follow the guidelines provided in the Google Webmaster Guidelines to ensure a good browsing experience on your site.
  • Study Introduction to Search Engine Optimization.
  • Please review our guidelines for assessing the quality of search results.

Detailed explanation

Want to know more? We have provided for this.

Version for the curious


Crawl is the process by which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to add to Google's index.

We use a huge network of computers to crawl the content of billions of web pages. The program that does the crawling is called Googlebot (or spider). This robot operates completely automatically: it independently determines which sites to crawl, how often it needs to be done, and also how many pages to select from each of them.

Google's crawling process starts with a list of web page URLs generated from previous crawling sessions. It is supplemented by data from Sitemap files provided by webmasters. By crawling each of these sites, Googlebot finds links on each page and adds them to the list of pages to crawl. All new and changed sites, as well as broken links, are flagged, and subsequently the corresponding data appears in the Google index.

How does Google find pages?

Googlebot finds pages in a variety of ways. Among other things, these include the following:

  • following links from other sites;
  • processing data in Sitemap files.

How does Google determine which pages not to crawl?

  • If access to a page is blocked in the robots.txt file, it will not be crawled, but may still be indexed if another site has a link to it. Please note that Google can determine the topic of the page based on the content of the link and index it without analyzing the materials published on it.
  • Googlebot can't crawl pages that are not accessible to anonymous users, that is, pages that require you to log in or sign in to view.
  • Pages that are considered to be exact copies of already scanned pages are scanned less often.

How to improve scanning efficiency

Follow the steps below to make it easier for Google to find relevant pages on your site.

  • Use simple, readable and structured URL paths, as well as thoughtful direct internal links.
  • If your site uses URL parameters, such as to indicate the user's country in an international online store, tell Google important details about them by using the URL Parameters tool.
  • Use the instructions in your robots.txt file to reduce server load by specifying which pages can be added to Google's index and which ones should be crawled first. This file should not be viewed solely as a way to block access to content and prevent it from being indexed.
  • Use the hreflang attribute to indicate page versions in different languages.
  • Specify canonical and alternate pages.
  • Use the indexing report.


Googlebot analyzes each page it crawls to create a comprehensive index of all the words it finds, as well as where on the page they are found. Additionally, we take into account data from core tags and attributes, such as tags and alt attributes. Googlebot can analyze many types of content, but not all. For example, the content of some multimedia files is not recognized.</p> <p>Between crawling and indexing, Google determines whether the page it is processing is a duplicate or a canonical version of another page. If a page is considered a duplicate, it will be crawled much less frequently.</p> <p>Please note that Google does not index the pages to which it is applied (in the tag or HTTP header). But if the Google robot, due to access denial in the robots.txt file, mandatory authorization, or some other reason, does not see both the page itself and the directive, then the page can still be indexed.</p> <h4>How to Improve Indexing Efficiency</h4> <p>There are <a href="">various ways</a>, which make it easier for Google to analyze content, such as the following.</p> <p>Every day we search for something on Google. I probably search for something on Google 200 times a day. I check any information, learn something new, and instantly find the answer to my question. A question arose - I typed it into the search bar and got the result. What could be simpler? But sometimes difficulties arise when searching for specific information. A few tricks will help you always find what you're looking for.</p> <p>We have written more than once about the secrets of searching on Google. I decided to check which tricks still work and refresh your memory a little.</p> <h2>Search for a specific phrase</h2> <p>Sometimes it is necessary to find a phrase exactly in the form in which we enter it. For example, when we are looking for the lyrics of a song, but we only know one phrase from it. In this case, you need to enclose this phrase in quotation marks.</p> <h2>Search by specific site</h2> <p>Google is an excellent search engine. And it is often better than built-in search on websites. That is why it is more rational to use Google to search for information on a website. To do this, enter <i> Putin did</i>.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Search for words in text</h2> <p>If you want all the search words to appear in the search results, enter before it <i>allintext:</i>.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If one word of the query should be in the body and the rest anywhere else on the page, including the title or URL, put before the word <i>intext:</i>, and write the rest before that.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Search for words in the title</h2> <p>If you want all the query words to be in the title, use the phrase <i>allintitle:</i>.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>If only part of the request should be in the header, and the rest elsewhere in the document or page, put <i>intitle:</i>.</p> <h2>Search for words in URL</h2> <p>To find pages that have your request in their URL, enter <i>allinurl:</i>.</p> <h2><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Search for news for a specific location</h2> <p>If you need news on a specific topic from a specific location, use <i>location:</i> to search Google News.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Search with a certain number of missing words</h2> <p>You need to find a sentence in a document or article, but you only remember the words at the beginning and end. Enter your query and indicate approximately how many words there were between the words that you remember. It looks like this: “At the Lukomorye AROUND (5) oak volume.”</p> <h3><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></h3> <h2>Search if you forgot a word or number</h2> <p>Forgot some word from a saying, song, quote? No problem. Google will still help you find it. Place an asterisk (*) in place of the forgotten word.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Find sites that link to the site you are interested in</h2> <p>This item is useful for blog or website owners. If you are wondering who is linking to your site or even to a certain page, then just enter <i>link:website</i>. </p> <h2>Exclude results with unnecessary word</h2> <p>Let's imagine the situation. You have decided to go on vacation to the islands. And you don’t want to go to the Maldives at all. To prevent Google from showing them in search results, you just need to enter “Vacation on the islands - Maldives”. That is, put a minus before the word Maldives.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You want to find all your competitors. Or you really like the site, but there is not enough material on it, and you want more and more. Enter <i></i> and admire the result.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Search "either-or"</h2> <p>There are situations when you need to find information relating to two people at once. For example, you want to laugh at Vova, but you haven’t decided whether to laugh at Zelensky or someone else. Just enter “Vladimir Zelensky|Zhirinovsky” and you will get the result you need. Instead of the "|" symbol You can enter English OR.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Search for different words in one sentence</h2> <p>To find connections between objects, or simply to find mentions of two individuals together, you can use the "&" symbol. Example: Freud & Jung.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Search by synonyms</h2> <p>If you're lazy like me, then you don't have the patience to Google multiple times for different synonyms of the same word. For example, <a href="">cheap firewood</a>. The "~" symbol can make your life a lot easier. We write “~cheap firewood” and get results for the words “cheap”, “inexpensive”, “affordable” and so on.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Search within a specific range of numbers</h2> <p>Very <a href="">useful secret</a> search on Google if you need to find, for example, events that happened in certain years, or prices in a certain range. Just put two dots between the numbers. Google will search in this range.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Search for files of a specific format</h2> <p>If you need to find a document or just a file of a certain format, then Google can help you here too. Just add it at the end of your request <i>filetype:doc</i> and instead <i>doc</i> Substitute the format you need.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>10 more useful features</h2> <p><b>1. </b> Google can work as a good calculator. To do this, simply enter the desired operation in the search bar.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>2. </b> If you want to know the meaning of a word, and not just look at pages on the topic, add to the word <i>define</i> or "meaning".</p> <p><b>3. </b> You can use the search engine as a converter of values ​​and currencies. To call the converter, type a request with a translation, for example, “centimeters to meters.”</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>4. </b> With Google you can find out the weather and time without having to go to websites. Type the queries “weather “city of interest””, “time “city of interest””.</p> <p><b>5. </b> To view the results and schedule of matches of a sports team, simply type its name in a search engine.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>6. </b> To translate a word into any language, write “translate” in the search bar <a href="">the right word</a>“into English (any other) language.”</p> <p><b>7. </b> For the query “sunrise “city of interest”” Google shows the times of sunrise and sunset (for the latter - a corresponding query).</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>8. </b> <i></i>- sometimes a very helpful function for searching a site in the Google cache. For example, when newsmakers delete news. You can read them thanks to Google.</p> <p><b>9. </b> If you enter a flight number into the search bar, Google displays complete information about it.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>10. </b> To see a table of quotes for a specific company, simply search for "stocks of 'company of interest'," such as "Apple Stock."</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><i>If you have your own ways to use Google more effectively and find the information you need faster, share your tips in the comments to this article.</i></p> <p>Globally, Google is the best search engine. It’s not for nothing that it is the most popular search engine and owns almost 70% of the global search engine market.</p> <p>Google - misspelled spelling <a href="">English word</a>"googol", coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kaiser, to represent a number consisting of one and one hundred zeros. Now the name Google is the leader of Internet search engines, developed by Google Inc.</p> <p>Google occupies more than 70% of the global market, which means that seven out of ten people online turn to its page when searching for information on the Internet. It currently registers about 50 million search queries daily and indexes more than 8 billion web pages. Google can find information in 101 languages. Google at the end of August 2004 consisted of 132 thousand machines located in different parts of the planet.</p> <p>Google uses intelligent text analysis techniques to find important yet relevant pages for your query. To do this, Google analyzes not only the page itself that matches the query, but also the pages that link to it to determine the value of that page for the purposes of your query. Google also prefers pages where the keywords you enter are close to each other.</p> <p>The Google interface contains a rather complex query language that allows you to limit the search scope to specific domains, languages, file types, etc. Using some of the operators of this language allows you to make the search process <a href="">necessary information</a> more flexible and precise. Let's look at some of them.</p> <p>- Google is case insensitive, i.e. The search results for “RaznobLog” and “RazNobLog” will be the same. <br>— The search operator register is IMPORTANT! Those. search results for “beer OR vodka” and “beer or vodka” will be different. <br>— Google excludes linking words like “and, a, but, or, I, a, the...”</p> <p>Now let’s talk about how to make searching for information on Google faster and more efficient.</p> <p><b>1. Exclusion from Google search</b><br>To exclude any word, phrase, symbol, etc. from search results, just put a “-” (minus) sign in front of it, and it will not appear in the search results. <br>For example, I entered the following phrase into the search bar: “free hosting - ru” and in the search results there is not a site, except for paid advertisements.</p> <p><b>2. Search by synonyms</b><br>Use the “~” symbol to search for similar words to the selected one. For example, as a result of the expression: “~best movies are the best,” you will see all links to pages containing synonyms for the word “best,” but none of them will contain this word.</p> <p><b>3. Vague search</b><br>In case you have not decided on a specific keyword to search, the “*” operator will help. <br>For example, the phrase “best * image editor” will select the best editors for all types of images, be it digital, raster, vector, etc.</p> <p><b>4. Search to choose from options</b><br>Using the “|” operator, you can perform a Google search on multiple combinations of phrases, replacing multiple words in different places. <br>For example, let’s enter the phrase “buy a case | pen” will give us pages containing either “buy a case” or “buy a pen”</p> <p><b>5. Meaning of the word</b><br>To find out the meaning of a particular word, just enter “define:” in the search line and after the colon the desired phrase.</p> <p><b>6. Exact match</b><br>To find an exact match of the search results with the query, it is enough to enclose the keywords in quotation marks.</p> <p><b>7. Search a specific site</b><br>To search for keywords on only one site, just add the following syntax to the search phrase - “site:”.</p> <p><b>9. Unit converter</b><br>The Google search engine can also convert values ​​at the user's request. <br>For example, we need to know how much 1 kg is in pounds. We type the following query: “1 kg in pounds”</p> <p><b>10. Currency converter</b><br>In order to find out the exchange rate at the official rate, type the following <a href="">search query</a>: "1 [currency] to [currency]"</p> <p><b>11. Time in the city</b><br>If you want to find out the time for any city, then use the syntax: “time” or the Russian equivalent of “time” and the name of the city.</p> <p><b>12. Google calculator</b><br>Google can count online! Just type the example into the search bar and it will give you the result.</p> <p><b>13. Search by file type</b><br>If you need to find something by a specific file type, Google has a “filetype:” operator that searches by given file extension.</p> <p><b>14. Search for a cached page</b><br>Google has its own servers where it stores cached pages. If you need exactly this, then use the operator: “cached:”</p> <p><b>15. Weather forecast for the city</b><br>Another Google search operator is the weather operator. Just enter “weather” and the city, and you will see whether it will rain or not <br>Image</p> <p><b>16. Translator</b><br>You can translate words immediately without leaving the search engine. The following syntax is responsible for translation: “translate [word] into [language]”</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> </main> </div> <div id="secondary" class="widget-area" role="complementary"> <aside id="execphp-3" class="widget widget_execphp"> <div class="execphpwidget"> </div> </aside> <aside id="execphp-2" class="widget widget_execphp"> <div class="execphpwidget"> </div> </aside> <aside id="categories-2" class="widget widget_categories"> <div class="widget-title">Categories</div> <ul> <li class="cat-item cat-item-24"><a href="">Heating</a> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-24"><a href="">Finishing</a> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-24"><a href="">Bathroom</a> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-24"><a href="">Boilers</a> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-24"><a href="">Radiators</a> </li> <li class="cat-item cat-item-24"><a href="">Arrangement</a> </li> </ul> </aside> <aside id="execphp-4" class="widget widget_execphp"> <div class="execphpwidget"> </div> </aside> <aside id="execphp-5" class="widget widget_execphp"> <div class="execphpwidget"> </div> </aside> <aside id="execphp-6" class="widget widget_execphp"> <div class="execphpwidget"> </div> </aside> <aside id="execphp-7" class="widget widget_execphp"> <div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> <footer id="colophon" class="site-footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="sidebar-footer"> <div class="inner"> <div class="widget-wrap inner-wrap clearfix"> <div class="sfdiv"> <aside id="text-2" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="widget-title"><span>About the Site</span></div> <div class="textwidget"> - Do-it-yourself apartment renovation. 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