Fire alarm smoke sensor diagram. Security and fire alarm in an apartment: device, diagram, connection yourself. What does a fire alarm include?

Fire alarm is a complex system in which different types of devices interact in an orderly manner: control panels, sensors, warning elements, communication lines, autonomous power supplies, peripheral equipment. Installing the equipment is not easy - you need to know the features of installing a fire alarm.

According to current legislation, industrial enterprises must have on their territory fire protection. Many owners of private houses and apartments also prefer to use precautionary measures. Experts recommend: before installing fire alarm systems, you need to decide on their type.

Simple and complex equipment

Fire alarm systems differ from each other in configuration and functionality.

They are different:

  1. Threshold equipment equipped with radial loops received wide use, thanks to the low cost of its components. The name contains the principle of operation of the device. The main control device serves sensors with individual sensitivity thresholds. Installation of a fire alarm involves the use of several units of detectors per room. The main disadvantage of the installed equipment is increased level false signals.
  2. Threshold signaling with a modular structure is similar to the previous scheme. The difference is that one control panel simultaneously controls the operation of communication lines, and installation and operation are designed for the use of two units.
  3. Address polling devices have a different structure compared to previous versions. The operation of the sensors is monitored by a module with a ring loop that allows you to filter out unnecessary information. The alarm circuit is reliable and easy to design.
  4. The analogue addressable line is modern device. Each detector has an individual address to which it sends a signal about its operating status. The sensors have twisted pairs. If any element fails, the system will continue to function.
  5. The combined system is installed indoors and outdoors. It is powerful, has a ring circuit using threshold and analog devices.

Regulations governing the installation of fire alarms

Fire alarm installation is carried out in accordance with GOST. Regulatory documents regulate the preparation of the project fire system, parameters of its elements and installation, including construction aspects. The basic rules are specified in the document on security and fire alarm systems.

According to the regulations, design and installation must be focused on ease of maintenance, repair and protection from damage. The installation of an alarm system is carried out in each room using at least two sensors, except for staircases and bathrooms. A number of documents contain special rules for different types devices.

Rules for installation/assembly of PS

Installation of a security and fire alarm depends on the area of ​​the room and height ceiling structures. Each device has individual installation and operating instructions.

However, there are general rules installation:

  • The selection and configuration of the central control unit is carried out in accordance with the instructions. IN simple models There are several input connectors for connecting sensors. Output lines allow you to turn on devices that signal danger. Complex circuits additionally have a security function. For simplified installation, you can purchase a wireless fire alarm system kit. It contains all the necessary components, including mounting hardware.
  • The laying of communication lines must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. Wires are used only with copper conductors and heat-resistant winding. For internal installation it is necessary to use a corrugated pipe. Each loop has a specific marking. Wires are subject to inspection along their entire length. For sensors, it is better to use two-wire and four-wire options. Installation of an alarm system requires a 10% supply of loops. According to the rules, laying connecting wires with power cables unacceptable. The distance between the signal wires should be at least half a meter.
  • Fire detectors control a specific sector, therefore they are installed in places where open fire appears. According to the standards, they should be located at a distance of 9 m from each other, no more than 4.5 m from the corners of the walls, and no less than 0.2 m from the ceiling. Thermal sensors are located where the temperature rises sharply, with the exception of areas where heating devices are used. Sensors linear type must be installed on opposite sides of the room.

After measurements and selection of locations for sensors with a central control unit, a fire and security alarm system is installed.

How to install - do it yourself or through a contractor?

Correct installation of security and fire systems ensures the safety and security of property. According to the law, design and commissioning work in the complex is carried out by specialized organizations that have permits from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They enter into an agreement with the customer for the maintenance of security and fire alarm systems.

Installation of systems is carried out on the basis of approved documentation. Specialists are able to install a fire alarm with an extensive network of devices and logical circuits in a short time. People who understand electrical engineering can perform simple installation of fire systems with their own hands. A well-designed scheme is easy to legitimize.

Before you install fire and security systems yourself, you need to select and buy a certain type of alarm system. If financial capabilities do not allow this, then the device can be made independently.

In this case, the alarm signal will be sent to the owner’s phone, and not to the central control panel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You will have to call the fire department separately. Fire alarms in the home require taking into account some nuances:

  1. use of multi-core cable in the winding to connect sensors;
  2. the use of sealed or chip sensors that are installed on door or window openings;
  3. placement of sensors in accordance with the ceiling design according to established standards.
  4. connecting the system according to the instructions.

Recommendations for choosing a contractor - what to look for?

Installing and maintaining fire alarms requires a serious approach. Such work must be performed by highly qualified and experienced specialists. When choosing a performing company, you need to consider:

  • availability of a license;
  • stages of the organization’s activities: studying the features of the premises, determining the type of alarm system in relation to the facility, design, cost calculation, installation;
  • whether the company is in the National Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations SRO or not.

How much will the installation cost?

Fire alarm calculations depend on its configuration and efficient work constituent elements. High-quality equipment quickly responds to the appearance of primary signs of fire.

Unreliable installations often lead to false signals. Each licensed organization determines the scope of work and determines the total cost.

Payment depends on many factors:

  1. room area;
  2. the type of system installed at the site;
  3. its level of complexity;
  4. branching;
  5. control method: automatic or manual;
  6. characteristics of electrical installation work;
  7. additional costs for materials.


Installation of fire alarm elements has its own characteristics. Before you begin installing a system, it is important to determine its type and design complexity. The configuration and costs of equipment depend on this. These types of work are performed by licensed organizations employing qualified designers and engineers.

At home, you can install a simple fire alarm yourself. Any installation of the system is carried out in accordance with the regulations and requirements of GOST. The basics of installation of alarm elements are specified in the regulatory documentation. For each object, the cost of services is calculated individually.

Video: Fire alarm installation

Installation of fire detectors certainly implies their connection into a fire alarm loop. The connection diagram for fire detectors is given below. Two-wire (most commonly used) are considered

  • fire smoke detectors (DIP),
  • thermal fire detectors (IP),
  • manual fire detectors (IPR).

Connection diagram security detectors is shown on another page.

A fire alarm loop can simultaneously contain detectors of one or more (combined alarm loop) of the specified types. In addition, the connection diagram for fire detectors may provide for receiving control device fire alarm (generation of a “fire” notification) when only one fire alarm loop sensor is triggered or when two or more fire detectors are triggered. (such organization of the fire alarm loop after the activation of one detector generates an “attention” signal).

Addressable fire detectors also have their own connection diagram. I would like to note that the connection diagram for fire alarm sensors may vary (depending on the type of control panel), however, the differences are insignificant, mainly affecting the ratings (values) of additional (ballast), terminal (remote) resistors.

In addition, different types of control and monitoring devices allow the connection of different maximum quantity smoke fire detectors into one alarm loop - this value is determined by the total current consumption of the sensors. Remember, the current consumption of a smoke detector depends on its type.

All types of non-addressable two-wire smoke detectors use the same pin numbering: (1,2,3,4).

The connection diagrams for the terminals of smoke detectors from different manufacturers may visually differ slightly (options 1, 2), but, from an electrical point of view, they are identical, because inside the detector housing, terminals 3, 4 are short-circuited.

However, the second option has a serious drawback - when the detector is removed from the socket, the control device will not detect its absence and will not generate a “fault” signal. Therefore, it is better not to use it.


  • Even for one specific type of fire alarm control and control device, resistors Radd. may have different values ​​(determined by the current consumption of various types of smoke detectors, read the device data sheet carefully).
  • Connection diagram shown fireman manual call point is valid when its executive element is normally closed electrical contacts. For example, for IPR 3 SU this connection diagram is not suitable.
  • Thermal fire detectors are connected according to the diagram provided if they have normally closed contacts (the majority of them).
  • A situation may arise when an IPR, connected according to the above diagram (recommended in the device data sheet) for an alarm loop that provides for activation by two sensors, when triggered, causes the receiving and control device to generate an “attention” signal instead of a “fire”. Then try to reduce the value of the resistor (Radd), through which this IPR is connected to the alarm loop.
  • Before connecting (installing) addressable detectors, their address must be pre-programmed.
  • Connecting smoke fire detectors requires compliance alarm loop polarity.

Statistics large quantity fires are confirmed by the daily response of fire crews. The causes of a fire can be varied - from smoking in the wrong place to electrical short circuits and arson. warns of fire and allows you to eliminate the source in time.

What is a fire alarm

Primary recording devices - sensors - are designed for timely and rapid detection of the first signs of fire and smoke. The sensor can either independently activate an alarm, or activate the warning system, turn on fire extinguishing and transmit data to the emergency rescue unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The fire alarm system is the combination described above technical means primary detection and information.

Correct configuration and timely testing of fire detection systems play an important role. Sensors over time long-term operation can get dirty and fail, which affects their performance and, as a consequence, the safety of people’s lives and property. Quickly detecting a fire and deciphering information about its location can solve various problems:

  • Activation of the fire extinguishing system and informing the fire brigade of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Evacuation of people.
  • Localization of the fire source.
  • Reducing financial expenses.
  • Minimize injury and death to people.

Types of fire alarms

Components of modern fire systems may differ. The operating principle and type of alarm determine the choice necessary equipment- cables, sensors, power supplies, etc. According to the structural diagram, fire alarms are:

  • Threshold with radial loop.
  • Threshold with modular construction.
  • Addressable analog.
  • Addressed surveys.
  • Combined.

Analogue addressable systems

To collect and analyze information received from humidity, temperature, smoke and other sensors, addressable analogue fire systems are created. Control panel reads in real time the readings of sensors, each of which is assigned a specific location address. The information received from different sensors is analyzed, after which, using address signaling The location of the source of ignition is determined and a fire signal is given. The structure of addressable loops is ring-shaped; up to 200 sensors and devices are connected to each of them:

  • Manual and automatic call points.
  • Relay.
  • Control modules.
  • Annunciators.

Advantages of addressable analogue fire alarm:

  • Almost complete absence false alarms.
  • Quick detection of the source of fire.
  • Ability to adjust sensor sensitivity.
  • Minimum costs for connecting a fire alarm circuit and its subsequent installation Maintenance.

Addressed survey

In addressable and threshold systems, the fire signal is generated by the sensor itself. The information exchange protocol is implemented in the loop in order to determine the triggered sensor. In contrast to the address-analog system, the operating algorithm of the address-interrogation system is simpler. Signals are sent from the sensors to the control panel, and then the detectors are cyclically polled to determine their status. The disadvantage of such systems is the increase in the time it takes to detect a fire source.

Advantages of alarms:

  • Optimal ratio prices and quality.
  • Information content of the received signals.
  • Monitoring the settings and functionality of detectors.


A fire alarm system with a circuit in which each detector sensor has a certain sensitivity threshold. The alarm signal in it is triggered by the number of one of the sensors. Such fire systems are installed in small facilities - in kindergartens and shops. Their disadvantage is minimal information content - only the sensor is triggered - and the lack of indication of the location of the fire. The advantages include the low cost of the alarm itself and the installation process.

Fire system design

The security and fire alarm system is represented by sensors signaling the appearance of smoke, a system for collecting, monitoring and transmitting data. Each element of the fire system is responsible for specific tasks:

  • Security and fire panel - activates the system.
  • Sensors detect smoke and give an appropriate signal.
  • Reception and control panels - collect and process incoming information, transmit signals to the relevant services.
  • Peripheral equipment - provides communication lines, power supply, activation of the fire extinguishing system, information methods.
  • The equipment of the central control of the security and fire alarm system - receives alarms from various objects and collects information for the departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Principle of operation

The system operates on the basis of sequential polling of all sensors and identifying the fact that one of them is triggered in the case of threshold systems or changes in environmental parameters in the case of addressable analogue systems. Threshold systems, when the sensor is triggered, break off the entire loop, which signals the presence of a fire in the area where this loop is located. Activation of irrigation in the smoke zone occurs in automatic systems fire extinguishing after receiving the corresponding signal, which also sounds an alarm and sends a call to the central control panel.

Fire system sensors

The main function of the alarm is fast reaction to change environmental parameters. Sensors differ from each other in their principle of operation, the type of parameter being monitored, and the method of transmitting information. The operating principle can be of two types - passive and active: the first implies only actuation, the second - operation and monitoring of environmental parameters. Depending on the threat level, active detectors send different signals to the automatic control post.

Air samples are taken, delivered and analyzed. Sensors differ from each other by controlled physical parameters, which are divided into several categories:

  • Thermal.
  • Smoke.
  • Flame.
  • Natural/carbon monoxide leaks.
  • Water leaks.

Working principle of a smoke sensor

A smoke detector, part of a fire alarm circuit, is designed to determine the source of ignition by detecting smoke in the part of the building where it is located. Sensors of this type are optical - an electrical signal is generated by capturing light from an LED with a photocell air chamber. When it smokes, less light enters the photocell, which causes the sensor to trigger. The operating temperature range of the sensors is from -30 to +40 degrees.

Installation standards

Fire alarms are carried out in accordance with official documentation - standards fire safety NPB 88-2001, which specifies the rules for the design, installation and operation of such systems. The process of creating various fire extinguishing systems is regulated by these rules. For example, the area and height of the ceilings of the room determine the number of point smoke detectors and their location relative to each other.

Fire alarm sensor connection diagram

The sensors are combined into a single system via wires. Some types of detectors can transmit signals to the control unit without connecting wiring.

The fire alarm circuit is connected after determining required quantity sensors Immediately before installation, the locations of the control unit, manual fire call points and warning system are marked. Places with open access are suitable for this: in the event of a fire, nothing should interfere with access to detectors and other elements of the system.

Most fire alarm systems involve mounting detectors to the ceiling. Their disguise finishing materials is possible provided the efficiency of their work is maintained.

The sensors are connected to the control unit.

Fire alarm installation

The first stage of installation includes the selection of a fire alarm circuit, main and additional equipment and a security system. The combination of fire and security systems creates a security and fire complex. Installation and connection of a fire alarm at the site selected by the customer is carried out in several stages:

  • Fire alarm circuit design.
  • Laying cables and cables.
  • Installation of sensors.
  • Carrying out commissioning works.

Before placing the alarm, the area of ​​the room in which the installation will be carried out is assessed. To do this, the range of the detectors is determined. This is best done together with specialists.

The operation of installed detectors should not be interfered with by third-party irritants: for example, odors from the kitchen can provoke a reaction. Thermal sensors should be placed at a distance from sources of artificial heat.

Multi-sensor sensors increase the effectiveness of fire alarms, especially if they are installed in multi-storey building. An option is possible in which a combined circuit of fire alarm sensors is provided, communicating with each other via radio control.

The warning system is installed in such a way that the alarm signal can be heard by all people in the room or building.

The main recommendation is timely maintenance of the alarm system. To achieve this, systems are periodically checked and reconfigured. Some models are equipped with protection against insects, dust, moisture and other irritants.

The complete set of fire protection systems includes instructions for installation and operation. If the manufacturer's recommendations are followed, the devices can last a long time.

Fire alarm circuit "Bolid"

On Russian market There is a wide range of security systems, but the most popular and widespread is considered to be security-anti fire alarm Bolid.

The Bolid fire and security system is a set of technical means, the action of which is aimed at collecting data from various sirens and sensors and converting them into information transmitted to operators in the event of a fire or penetration of third parties into the protected area.

Bolid alarm functionality allows you to:

  • Carry out constant supervision of the facility using CCTV cameras.
  • Providing an alarm in case of equipment failure.
  • Determining the location of violation of the protected perimeter.
  • Automatic activation of the fire extinguishing system when a fire occurs.
  • Quick detection of an increase in temperature, smoke in the room or fire.