Description of Heidi Klum rose variety Heidi Klum Rose. Rose Heidi Klum Rose (Heidi Klum Rose) ground cover Rose miniature Heidi Klum rose

This variety combines characteristics belonging to different groups of roses: very compact bush from floribunda roses and noble flowers with a diameter of 6-9 cm from hybrid tea rose. Densely double flowers, violet tone, with a wonderful strong aroma. Blooms profusely. The foliage is medium green and lush. Recommended for planting in small groups, in flower beds, and for growing in containers. An outstanding variety for those who love something special! The rose is named after the world famous model Heidi Klum.

The embodiment of femininity, elegance, beauty and exquisite taste - this is how the famous model Heidi Klum is called. It was in her honor that the rose was named, which will be discussed further. Interestingly, Heidi, who was expecting the arrival of her baby, arrived at the fields of the Tantau company, was dressed in an elegant dress, which exactly repeated the color of this cute rose, and without much hesitation she identified it as one of the most beautiful, thus choosing it herself . The color of this rose plays with different notes, and some note the predominance of lilac-pink, some violet, some lilac or violet-pink, and some claim that it is raspberry-pink. pink color. This is understandable, since as the flower ages, the color changes, the acidity of the soil affects it, and exposure to direct sunlight also provokes a change in tone. It is important that, despite its inconsistency of shade and play of tones, Heidi Klum is very stable in flowering, delighting us with beautiful flowers throughout the season. decorative look, despite the rains, and having excellent disease resistance. It is important that these densely double flowers with a nostalgic shape have a delightful aroma. In addition, the size of the flower attracts attention, which can reach from 6 to 9 cm in diameter, often collected in inflorescences, and this with a bush height of about 50 cm. This rose in some incredible way was able to combine the form of a nostalgic rose, the aroma of our loved ones English, unusual flower sizes for miniature rose or patio roses, the shape of a floribunda bush. Of course, she can add some zest to any corner of the garden, but do not forget that breeders gave recommendations for using Heidi Klum when planting in small groups or growing in containers, but for longer you need to listen to your heart and give free rein to your imagination. Although this rose was introduced in Germany back in 1999 (Rosen-Tantau), to this day it can be found under its working names, namely RT 00-681, Tan00681. Let us only add that Heidi Klum Rose was obtained as a result of breeding work by crossing Old Port × Barkarole. © Lafazan N. D., 2012

It has long been tacitly recognized that the rose is the queen of flowers. Representative of the Shipovnikov family. The variety of these colors is simply amazing. They differ in the color of the buds, smell, and shape of the bush. They can be spreading, pyramidal, or whip-shaped. These shrubs look great in the garden alone and in group plantings.

All roses are divided according to external characteristics and principles of cultivation. Experienced flower growers All roses are conventionally divided into 9 groups. One of them is floribunda, which is characterized by long flowering, excellent winter hardiness, and a variety of colors and aromas.

This flower was bred by a breeder from Denmark - Poulsen. He crossed a dwarf polyanthus rose with hybrid tea varieties this flower. The resulting result has the durability of the first type, the exquisite beauty and aroma of the second. The flowers turned out to be quite large (inheritance of the tea rose). Bushes with a height of 30 cm to 1 m bloom very profusely and for a long time.

Note!"Floribunda" means "abundantly flowering".

Moreover, the flowers on the bush do not grow singly, but in groups. This rose is also very winter-hardy and has good immunity to various diseases. This group has low-growing varieties, they are called patios. Their height does not exceed half a meter. They are most often grown in containers, less often as a border plant.

Rose Heidi Klum

Rose Heidi Klum: description

A large number of varieties of this group have been created that are successfully grown in our climate. One of them is the Heidi Klum Rose. This variety was bred in the German nursery “Tantau” in 1999. It has large double flowers, the shade of which can be dark lilac or dark purple (the color depends on the acidity of the soil). A little later, the color of the petals becomes richer, brighter, and then acquires a slightly silvery tint, a kind of noble gray hair. Flowers are collected in brushes of 3-5 pieces. Their delicate rich aroma, with notes of apricot and cinnamon, will charm any skeptic, and it is not lost throughout the entire flowering period. From the floribunda rose, this species inherited the lush green foliage.

This beauty combines compactness (the bushes grow no more than 60 cm, their width is no more than 30 cm) and long flowering(flowers last about 10 days) from roses of the floribunda group, and the size of the flower is from hybrid tea roses (size can reach up to 12 cm). Once you see Heidi Klum's floribunda rose, it is no longer possible to forget its splendor, sophistication and charm.

Additional information. This queen of flowers received her name in honor of the model and actress Heidi Klum, who in 2005 fell in love with garden center"Dingers" is exactly that plant.


Roses are preferred sunny places. Heidi Klum's rose is no exception. They will not be offended by light partial shade, but not throughout the day. This flower is not afraid of rain, but does not bloom in extreme heat. It is better to choose moist soil, with good drainage, since what a rose doesn’t like is stagnation of water. Groundwater should be no closer than one meter.

Pay attention! This rose feels great in flowerpots on the terrace, balcony and windowsill.


For better flowering Any crop needs fertilizer, but this rose is not very whimsical. From early spring to mid-summer it needs nitrogen, and from mid-summer to autumn it needs potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizers must be applied both during the flowering period and after it ends, so that the bush goes into winter with a reserve of strength. Watering is necessary moderate but regular. On winter period best to cover.

Important! This shrub desperately needs pruning. Thanks to pruning, new branches are formed, and flowering becomes more abundant and longer.

To prevent the bush from losing its attractiveness, it must be trimmed several times a season. It is also necessary to promptly remove dry, diseased and damaged branches. Faded flowers should also be removed. In addition to decorative properties, pruning is needed to prevent fungus.

Rose fertilizer

This plant blooms in our region in two waves, that is, this species is remontant. After the plant has bloomed for the first time, all flowers must be removed. This is done so that fruits do not form. The flower spends a lot of energy on them and nutrients, so necessary for the second wave of flowering. A faded flower is removed along with the buds that are above the flower, as well as with the leaves located below it. This stimulates the formation of new shoots and even more flowers. After such pruning, the plant must be fed immediately.

The final pruning is done in the fall. Remove all broken branches and those that interfere with the neat and high-quality shelter of the bush for the winter. In the spring, pruning is done again, leaving 3-4 strong, well-developed buds.

Important! Heidi Klum's rose can only withstand temperatures down to -20, therefore, it must be insulated for the winter. And what is important, if it grows in a pot, then both the pot itself and the plant must be insulated.

Thus, we can summarize the landing rules:

  • This rose is best grown in containers or by creating small groups in flower beds;
  • the place must be chosen on fertile soils without drafts, light, but also constant sun rays not welcome - light partial shade is better;
  • in the year of planting, it would be more correct to prevent active flowering; it is better to remove flowers;
  • This beauty does not require much care: timely watering, loosening, weeding, fertilizing and pruning.

Heidi Klum on the standard

This miniature bush on a trunk looks very picturesque. In addition, such a plant has better ventilation, therefore, it will be less affected by various diseases (such as fungi and rot, black leaf spot and powdery mildew).

The difference when planting a rose on a trunk and just a rose is that a wooden pole (bamboo is best, it does not rot), with a height equal to the height of the trunk, must be driven into the center of the planting hole. Tie the standard to a peg. Care standard rose no more difficult than a simple one:

  • during the summer it is necessary to remove the growth on the trunk and its base;
  • trim the crown in the shape of a bowl;
  • water in a timely manner;
  • apply fertilizing;
  • loosen, mulch the soil;
  • insulate for the winter.

Warming a rose

It is not recommended to leave the trunk uninsulated for the winter. Therefore, even when landing, it will be necessary to take into account which direction the tilt will be. The bend that is located at the root collar must be placed on the opposite side so that the shoot does not break off at the point of fusion. It is necessary to plant so that this place is in the ground. In the fall, you need to dig up about half a spade's worth of soil from the root collar, untie the trunk and tilt it in the intended direction. Before frost sets in, it is easy to bend the trunks where necessary and secure them with a bracket.

To prevent the grafting site from breaking, it is covered with small boards or wood chips and covered with earth. A thin log should be placed under the trunk so that the trunk does not come into contact with the ground. The bend area must be insulated with dry grass, straw, or spruce branches. Wire frames are installed over the entire bent plant. Covering material or burlap is pulled over the frame, and film is placed on top. And then the snow will cover them with its warm blanket.

Important! Roses can withstand temperatures down to -7. So they need to be covered only with the onset of stable drops in temperature.

As soon as the sun begins to warm up in the spring, you need to start ventilating the roses. And a little later, remove the film altogether, leaving the lower cover. Otherwise, the buds will already begin to bloom, but the roots are not yet working. And the plant may dry out.


These roses only reproduce vegetative way. The easiest way is cuttings. It is best to take cuttings after the first wave of flowering.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Heidi Klum's rose has many advantages. This and:

  • abundant flowering;
  • exquisite aroma;
  • large, beautiful flowers;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • good disease resistance;
  • she is not afraid of rain.

The disadvantages include:

  • short stature;
  • sometimes flowers bloom for only a few days;
  • does not bloom in the heat.

This species has been at the peak of popularity for two decades. More and more often, gardeners give preference to this proud beauty, truly a queen. Indeed, in order to fully enjoy its beauty and aroma, very often you need to kneel before it.

Rose Heidetraum has a bright pink color. The height of the bush is usually about 60-80 cm. The width is about 100 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Resistance to diseases of rose Heidetraum: practically does not get sick.

Description: Heidetraum roses

Hedetraum is a magnificent rose, very disease resistant and incredibly profuse in flower, used as a climbing rose, ground cover rose, or small scrub rose in borders. Widely distributed in the English-speaking world under the name Flower Carpet, and, more than other varieties, showed gardeners what modern roses are capable of. Flowering lasts a very long period, and fruits are formed at the same time. The flowers are deep pink, almost crimson at first, cup-shaped, double, with a small white eye. They fade to pink or lilac-pink, the petals fall off cleanly. Appear in open clusters of 10-20 pieces. The dark, shiny foliage is incredibly disease resistant. In 1997, a lighter sport, Sommermelodie, was introduced. It differs from the original only in color. (ARE)This profusely blooming, easy-to-care rose is great choice for a beginner. However, she is beautiful enough to win the favor experienced gardeners. Small, round buds bloom into semi-double, 4-5, cupped or flat flowers of deep pink color. Fully opened petals show a white eye in the center and a tuft of yellow stamens. The flowers are faintly scented but appear in large clusters. Flowering continues in waves for a long period: from early summer until frost. In autumn, the bush is decorated with small red fruits. The bush is low, spreading, usually 60-80 in height and 100-120 in width. Looks great when planted in groups of 3 or more, creating a bright spot of color. Plant it as a landscape accent, like a ground cover rose or hedge. Drooping shoots will grow beautifully if you let them hang from a low retaining wall or in a container. Generally considered disease resistant, but illness has been reported by some powdery mildew or black spot, especially in hot, humid climates. (TGR)Starting in July, this ground cover rose from the Flower Carpet series of very reliable varieties blooms profusely with luxurious clusters of pink semi-double flowers about 6 in diameter. Because of the flowers, the foliage is sometimes not visible. They have almost no smell and shed poorly, so that a lot of wilted flowers remain in the brushes. The strikingly shiny green leaves remain on the plant for a long time. In the second year, this rose covers 90% of the site. The variety is very resistant to diseases. It is often planted in public places. (VER) This rose is a deep pink color that always rubs off as if it is making an effort to stay pink and prevent the appearance of bluish-purple shades that spoil the color. The flowers, which have about 25 petals, are small, which is good in this case. They bloom from spherical buds, the petals retain a beautiful concave shape even after they fully open (the diameter of the flowers is about 4). The flowers tolerate wet weather well. Doesn't smell. This variety is among those that bloom most profusely. Racemose inflorescences are located on the stems so close to each other that a whole sea of ​​flowers is formed. The rose blooms continuously throughout the season and continues to make a strong impression. The branches of this ground cover rose first grow upward and then laterally. Lengthening, they descend downwards in arches, ending with many intertwined stems. Reaching a height of 60~1 m with a width of 1.2-1.8 m, the bushes very densely cover the soil, which is almost invisible underneath. Grows well everywhere, even in heavily shaded areas. It is successfully grown in all regions, so this variety is preferred where it is cold and conditions are not favorable for growing roses. The foliage of this variety has the greatest advantages. The leaves appear waxy, are a wonderful dark green color and radiate health. The stems are densely leafy, so they cover the soil well. One of those roses that deserves the highest marks in this regard. If the growing conditions are good, it is not afraid of any diseases. Great for slope landscaping if you don't want to plant grass. Can be used in tubs and pots. (Rhar)

The Heidi Klum miniature rose was bred in 1999 and named after the world famous German model, actress and TV presenter - Heidi Klum. Heidi Klum Rose has a great advantage for lovers of beauty - it blooms abundantly throughout the whole season in a palette of exquisite shades: coral, lilac, pink. Heidi Klum Rose, thanks to its compactness and exquisite aroma, this variety looks great both in the garden and in flower pot on the windowsill.

Description of the rose variety Heidi Klum Heidi Klum Rose

Characteristics of the Heidi Klum Rose include a description of several plant varieties. Thanks to breeders, this variety has compact bush sizes (about 50 centimeters in length) with lush green foliage like a floribunda rose, and delicate flowers(diameter 6 - 12 centimeters), like a hybrid tea rose. The buds grow moderately, forming large inflorescences.

The color of the petals depends on the acidity level of the soil, location and cultivation technique. At the same time, the rose has an amazing feature - the color of the buds becomes brighter and more saturated with age.

Heidi Klum can always be recognized by her rich and sweet aroma, which practically does not lose its persistence throughout the entire flowering process. Its scent is often compared to apricot jam flavored with cinnamon notes. This rose is rightfully considered one of the hardiest in its class due to its frost resistance, unpretentiousness to prolonged rains, drought and disease.

Technique for growing Heidi Klum variety Heidi Klum

To achieve maximum decorativeness of a plant, it is necessary to observe several simple rules:

  1. It is recommended to plant in small groups in flower beds or grow in containers.
  2. To choose the right place for growing, for this you should choose fertile soil, exclude places with constant winds and stagnant air.
  3. The landing site must be well lit. Open sunny space not welcome in the garden, but Heidi Klum is great for planting in sunny side.
  4. In the first year, active flowering of roses is not allowed; for this purpose, flowers are removed from the plant until August.
  5. Heidi Klum needs simple care - timely loosening of the soil, removing weeds and pruning.
  6. During the spring season it is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen, and in the summer with potassium and phosphorus.
  7. Despite its drought tolerance, rose Heidi is recommended in summer abundant watering bushes.

Rose Heidi Klum Rose:

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Heidi Klum Rose (Heidi Klum Rose)

Rose Heidi Klum Rose is a bright splash of rich and cheerful shades that will come in handy in any garden composition. An exquisite palette of soft lilac, lilac and coral colors delicately decorates the delicate petals. Over time, they become brighter and more saturated, which is rare for decorative roses.

Delicate flowers, reaching up to 12 centimeters in diameter, crown a dense, spreading shrub. Growing in the arms of rich dark green foliage, it is distinguished by its compact height - only 40-60 centimeters. That is why the Heidi Klum Rose variety is perfect for decorating the foreground of a flower garden.

The calling card of a rose is its rich and sweet aroma. It smells like fresh apricot jam flavored with spicy cinnamon accords. The idea of ​​the Heidi Klum Rose variety belonged to the famous breeder Tantau, who made it a reality in 1999. The rose is considered one of the hardiest in its class, and its exceptional frost resistance makes Heidi Klum Rose an ideal purchase for gardens near Moscow.