Natural stimulators of root formation. Folk root stimulants

Only the lazy don’t know about root and heteroauxin, and when rooting cuttings they use only them, not even suspecting that they are at hand at home natural stimulants formation of roots, which are no worse, and maybe even better, than store-bought preparations. This article contains the simplest but most effective root formation stimulants that can be prepared at home.

Rooting cuttings using potatoes.

If the plant does not take cuttings well (that is, it has problems rooting), then great solution will use a simple potato. You need to remove all the eyes from it, make a cut and insert the cutting into it. Don't forget to water! The secret is simple - the cutting receives various nutrients.

Important! Remove absolutely all the eyes, because if the potato starts to sprout, your plant will not take root, but will die.

Honey for rooting cuttings.

You need to use it like this - 1 teaspoon of honey per 1.5 liters of water, stir well until the honey is completely dissolved. Leave the cutting in this solution for only 12 hours. There is no need to wash the cuttings after the honey solution. Just root it in your usual way.

Yeast is a stimulator of root formation.

The proportions are as follows: dissolve 100 mg of yeast in 1 liter of water. The cuttings are placed in the solution for no more than a day (24 hours). Next, they need to be washed and rooted in the usual way.

Aloe for rooting cuttings.

Another ingenious way to both stimulate root formation and strengthen the plant’s immunity. Add a few drops of aloe juice to the water in which the cuttings take root. The result will not be long in coming!

Root formation stimulants Today they are very popular among gardeners and gardeners, as well as for indoor plant lovers.

By using root stimulants You can improve the survival rate of seedlings and cuttings, accelerate root growth, and make plant care easier.

Let's consider recipes for natural root growth stimulators, which can be made at home.

IN modern gardening 3 types of stimulants are used for root formation: humates, phytoharmones and natural substances.

Humates They are a common extract from humus, which is improved with the help of various additives.

Phytoharmones– natural preparations, with a concentrate of hormones contained in the plants themselves, responsible for their development.

In addition to ready-made growth stimulants, which can be bought at any gardening store, you can make them yourself from home remedies found in every home.

We present to you popular recipes for folk root stimulants.

It is necessary to dissolve 1 tsp in 1.5 liters of water. honey. Place the cuttings at 1/3 height in the solution and leave for 12 hours. This amount of stimulant is enough for several dozen cuttings.

All eyes are removed from a large potato, holes are made for the cutting, and the cutting is inserted. Dig the potatoes with the cuttings into the ground, cover plastic bottle without bottom, with screw cap.

Water the potatoes through the neck in a bottle; it will retain moisture for a long time, and the plants will quickly take root. This method is suitable even for plants that do not take cuttings well. Cuttings receive a lot of nutrients from potatoes.

You can add 5-7 drops of fresh aloe juice to the water with the cuttings. Aloe juice has healing properties, therefore accelerates the appearance of roots and stimulates immune system cuttings as a whole.

Leave the cuttings in water with aloe juice for 2 days, then plant the plants in the usual way. If you leave the cuttings longer, the roots will appear directly in the solution.

You will need several willow twigs(you can take poplar or willow). We put the branches in water and wait for the roots to appear.

When the roots appear, we remove the willow branches and place the cuttings in this water. In the future, do not change the water; you can top it up if necessary.

Thanks to the necessary enzymes and hormones that are released, it turns out wonderful root growth stimulator.

Yeast is known not only as a stimulator of root formation, it is used for more active plant growth and increased yield.

To prepare a yeast solution, dissolve 100 grams of fresh yeast in 1 liter of water.

Leave the solution for 5-7 hours to ferment. Place the cuttings in the yeast solution for 24 hours, then wash them with water and place them in a container half filled with water.

When rooting strawberry rosettes, a yeast solution accelerates their survival. Roots appear in this solution 2 weeks earlier, and their number is 10 times greater.

Video - Natural ROOT growth stimulants

Now almost all gardeners and vegetable gardeners can stimulate plant growth. For this purpose, there are special preparations that accelerate germination, rooting, and fruit formation. When using a stimulation product, not only growth is accelerated, but productivity and the level of resistance to diseases and bad weather conditions increase.

What are plant growth stimulants?

Preparations for regulating plant growth are widely used now. They exist different types. Some products affect successful root formation and increase the level of germination of seeds (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers). Others have a greater effect on stem thickening and are able to regulate flowering and ovary formation. These products play a big role in protecting small seedlings. There are also plant growth stimulants made from natural extracts of fungi, algae, bacteria, coal and peat. And there are those created individually, which are also very effective.

Succinic acid for plants

Contained in brown coal, animal organisms and some plants, and amber. You can purchase this drug in the form of tablets or a white powder that dissolves well in water. The substance is non-toxic, harmless even in overdose. Succinic acid is used to treat weak plants, to stimulate root growth, to form new shoots, and to increase the number of flowers. The product is considered a universal remedy, but not a fertilizer. Prepare a solution by dissolving 2 g of the drug in 1-2 liters warm water. Use no later than after 3 days.

Humic fertilizers

Made from natural raw materials: sapropel, peat, brown coal. Humic fertilizers act on general state soil. Thanks to the introduction of such substances, its structure improves, moisture capacity and water permeability increase, and density decreases. A plant planted in such soil receives all nutrients in an accessible (digestible) form. It is better to treat the plants themselves (soak the seeds or roots of seedlings); the effectiveness of the product increases when humic acids come into contact with the plant itself. It is very important to follow the instructions when working with the solution.

Boric acid

Feeding plants at home speeds up their development. Boric acid often used for this purpose in gardening and horticulture. Its use also helps to increase the number of ovaries and improve the taste of the resulting fruits. The drug does not cause a burn in humans if it comes into contact with the skin, but can accumulate in the body and is poorly excreted by the kidneys. Excess boron is dangerous for plants; symptoms appear: burns on the lower leaves, yellowing, curling of the upper ones.

Plant growth stimulator for flowering

Gardeners and gardeners often use biological growth stimulants for plants, such as flowering accelerators containing gibberellin. Even if conditions do not allow him to release the ovary at this time, some drugs can help this happen. Such products are suitable for processing indoor orchids, tomatoes, grapes, potato plants, that is - different cultures. You will learn about the most popular stimulants below.


It is a drug of natural origin, a stimulator of flowering and fruit formation. Active ingredient are gibberellic acid sodium salts. The “Bud” product increases the number of ovaries, prevents their falling off, the appearance of barren flowers, improves the amount of harvest, its taste qualities, guarantees the content of vitamins. This plant growth stimulator poses a moderate risk; following the instructions is imperative.


Gibbersib (this is also the name of this drug) was created to increase the number of ovaries on plants and accelerate the ripening of flowers. Also used to protect against bad weather conditions, even with them, the stimulant increases productivity significantly. The working solution (1 g per 1 liter of water) is used for spraying on the day of its preparation. At the same phase (budding, flowering) the drug “Immunocytophyte” is often used. It is used to create immunity in plants against powdery mildew, gray rot, late blight, bacteriosis.

Root stimulator

Phytohormones gibberellins help seeds germinate. Auxins are considered substances responsible for cell elongation in plant tissues. The product containing auxins is a root former and an accelerator of stem growth. For growing seedlings, it is very useful to have on hand a drug that stimulates its growth from the very first day. There are many drugs that are used for this purpose, you will learn about them further.


Growth stimulator for plants, accelerates root formation. Available for sale in 5 g bags. Can be used dry: the stem is dusted with powder before planting. The solution (a sachet of 5 liters of water) is used to water small seedlings after planting in the ground. Some experts argue that for better root formation, you need to process compost (you can take “Baikal”, “Sodium Humate”), which fertilizes the soil. This will ensure increased productivity, will provide protection to plants during frosts, and improve soil microflora.


This drug is not only a root growth stimulator. It acts as a development enhancer, root promoter for small seedlings, and root former for seeds. The action of “Zircon” helps young plantings survive even in unfavorable weather and light conditions. The use of a stimulant reduces the risk of diseases (bacteriosis, late blight, fusarium, etc.), while it is practically harmless to people, animals, and insects. The drug "Atlet" has also proven itself as an excellent assistant in stimulating the growth of seedlings.


It is useful for root formation, but the work of the nutrient preparation does not end there. Treatment with the solution helps seedlings to take root, increases the germination of bulbs and seeds, and prevents leaves and ovaries from falling off. “Heteroauxin” increases productivity, the yield of seeds from fruits, and increases their quality. For transplanted seedlings, prepare a solution (2 tablets per 10 liters of water), in which the roots are soaked for 20 hours. After planting, water with the remaining liquid. “Krezacin” has a similar effect; the seeds are soaked in its solution for 5 hours before sowing.


Used to rejuvenate tired, weakened plantings, stimulate root formation, and increase the level of protection against pests and diseases. For spraying, 5 ml of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water. In the evening, the procedure of thoroughly wetting each leaf is carried out. The solution is not stored for more than 3 days. “Etamon”, “Potassium Humate”, “Prorostok”, “Ekosil” have a similar effect and are very helpful in propagating plants, accelerating their growth, rooting, and increasing productivity.

How to use plant growth biostimulants

Each drug should be used only according to the instructions. Any deviation can lead to sad consequences: the opposite result or uncontrolled plant growth. There is a certain ritual that is carried out by many gardeners and gardeners to grow different crops. You can find out more about it below (be sure to save the sequence). The following will help to stimulate growth:

  • Solutions of “Heteroauxin” or “Kornevin”. Soak the seeds in them for 6 hours, then plant them in the ground. This will increase the germination percentage.
  • Preparations for strengthening and growth of roots (“Etamon”, “Epin”). After the sprouts appear, care must be taken to form a good root system. It is advisable to spray according to the instructions.
  • Rooting agents (for example, “Kornevin”). Before planting seedlings in open ground it is necessary to soak it in a stimulant solution. After this, it is recommended to treat the plantings with “Etamon” 2 times a month to strengthen, adapt, and accelerate flowering.

Is it possible to prepare a plant growth regulator yourself?

It is not necessary to buy products to accelerate the growth of seedlings or your indoor pets. Everything you need for this can be found at home. For example, aloe juice is very useful for creating roots in cuttings. The tops of any grass from the yard, ground or soaked, are also an excellent stimulant. It is advisable to water seedlings or flowers with a solution of germinated and ground barley (infused with water). Growth stimulants for plants can also be prepared from a decoction of dried mushrooms, honey, egg white, willow twigs, onion peels.

Video: stimulants and fertilizers for plants

Modern industry produces many forms of root formation stimulants, the most commonly used are rootin and heteroauxin. On practice folk remedies, which are used to stimulate rooting, are often more effective than synthesized ones.
The necessary conditions for root formation are a moist, breathable environment.
Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 1.5 liters of water. The cuttings are dipped into the honey solution to one third of the height and soaked in the solution for up to 12 hours.

To root cuttings, take a large potato, from which all the eyes are carefully removed, make a slit in it, and insert the cutting into it. With regular watering, the cuttings quickly take root and the young plants develop well. In this way, it is possible to root even poorly cutting plants. This is explained by the fact that instead of water, the cuttings are obtained immediately a large number of nutrients.
Try to root the cuttings by placing the container with them on a good magnet (not a souvenir one from the refrigerator), I use a strip - a knife holder. After conducting a comparative experiment, I was convinced that callus appears faster on a magnet; in plants that usually take more than 2 weeks to form roots, roots appeared in 5-7 days.
3-7 drops of aloe juice (fresh) added to water will accelerate the appearance of roots and stimulate the immune system of the cutting
Option 1:
cut 1 or several branches of willow (cuttings taken at any time from branches up to 5"-6" thick and placed in water take root in a few weeks without any use of hormones, almost all give roots)., Place in water.
We are waiting for the roots to appear on the willow twigs.
when they appeared willow twig, you can remove it, or you can leave it.
We place the cuttings in this water, and we do not change it, but only add it.
6. 20 ml aspirin tablet. water
You can also use poplar, willow and wild rosemary
Option 2:
Cut several 1-2 year old twigs. The main thing is that they are alive. Cut them into 3-5 cm pieces so that they fit in the pan. Although the smaller the pieces, the more useful substances can be extracted. Place the pieces in a saucepan and fill with water, covering the cuttings with about 3-4 cm of water. More is possible, since a significant part of the water will evaporate. The twigs should be cooked for half an hour. After boiling, do not remove the twigs; let the mixture steep for another eight hours. Then filter it through four-layer gauze. The stimulator is ready. It can be stored in the refrigerator (at above-zero temperatures) for about a month. The resulting solution is used undiluted for soaking. lower parts cuttings for a day; for soaking seeds for 2-3 hours before sowing; for watering transplanted plants and planted seedlings in order to alleviate stress and accelerate root formation.
7. water in which other cuttings have previously successfully taken root
8. stick the cutting into old leaf aloe
9. succinic acid. To prepare the solution, use 1 tablet per liter of water. The resulting solution can be used to water transplanted plants, spray or soak cuttings or plants. Soak for 20-30 minutes.
10. Prepare a yeast solution with a concentration of 100 mg/l. After a day, remove the cuttings from the yeast solution, wash with water and transfer to a vessel half filled with water. To prevent the water from stagnating, place several pieces of charcoal in the vessels with the cuttings.
11. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of yeast in a glass of water and immerse the cutting in the solution overnight. Then they are washed and placed in plain water.

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

Kornevin is a root formation stimulator based on indolylbutyric acid (IBA), belonging to the auxin group. Unlike heteroauxin (indoleacetic acid), the acidic “tail” of ICA is longer (on the left in the figure), which determines the longer and milder effect of root.

The commercial preparation Kornevina is a white, beige or pinkish powdery powder in the center. Packaging - in bags of 4-5 g for indoor gardening, cottages and small individual plots, or bags for use over large areas, on the right.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of root wine are its affordability and the ability to prepare substitutes with your own hands, see below. The use of root for vegetative propagation cuttings will cost approx. 1 rub. per plant. Another important advantage of root is full compatibility with most agrochemicals and plant protection products. In case of doubt, checking Kornevin for compatibility with another drug is also simple: mix 50 ml of both working solutions. No precipitate has formed - compatible.

Disadvantages - specificity of action (also see below); Kornevin is not suitable for all crops. Also the dosage requirements, cooking methods, use and precautions when working with the drug are quite strict, see below. A slight excess of the dosage or misuse leads, on the contrary, to oppression and even death of the cutting. Therefore, kornevin as a root growth stimulator can only be recommended to fairly attentive and careful plant growers.

Precautionary measures

Kornevin is a hazard class 3 substance, i.e. moderately dangerous. Root powder is volatile, so you can only work with it outdoors, on a balcony, veranda or indoors with supply and exhaust ventilation. When working with root, you need to use PPE: latex gloves, a plastic apron or cape (raincoat), a petal respirator or a dry gauze bandage, and goggles. If the drug gets inside, you need to take activated carbon, 1 tablet per 12-15 kg of body weight, wash it down with 4-5 glasses of water and consult a doctor. In case of contact with skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with plenty of clean water and consult a doctor.

Features of use

The drug root should be stored in the dark in a tightly closed glass container out of the reach of children and pets. The expiration date indicated on the container is valid only for unopened packaging; The working solution is stored for no more than 12 hours. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute Kornevin (see below) immediately before use and it is highly advisable to purchase the drug in quantities only for current processing.


Charles Darwin first suggested that plants produce substances that affect phototropism - attraction to light; he called them auxins. With the development of biochemistry, it became clear that auxins are a special group of phytohormones and their effect on plants is not limited to phototropism. IMC was first isolated in Russia by N. N. Suvorov and his colleagues. First industrial technology production of IMC was developed by Japanese researchers Mayima and Hoshino in 1925. Further, also in Russia, F.N. Stepanov proposed a much cheaper method for the industrial production of IMC.

Composition, action and dosage

In addition to IBA (0.5% of the dry weight of the substance, or 5 g per 1 kg of commercial powder), the root composition includes macro- and microelements that promote root formation: potassium, phosphorus, manganese and molybdenum. Kornevin is diluted simply: how many grams are in a bag, that’s what a regular one needs tap water. It is also possible to pollinate the roots with a dry preparation, see below. The action of the root is based on the formation of an influx over the cut/fracture - callus; Kornevin as a phytohormone is primarily a stool former. Dormant buds awakened in the callus send out roots much more intensively than on other parts of the cutting, which is clearly visible in Fig.

However, it is necessary to use root with caution. If the mother plant itself is well cut (the callus before root formation is small or not noticeable), the root will only delay rooting. Left on the trail. rice. it is clear that bean cuttings without IMC and root root take root and develop better. In this case, the rooting of strong cuttings from a strong healthy plant should be accelerated (if required) with heteroauxin, and the formation of roots on weak ones should be stimulated with epin.

Note: In general, we don’t particularly recommend Kornevin for cuttings herbaceous plants; in this case, its purpose is somewhat different, see below.

Cuttings of plants with moderate or weak rooting (roses, hibiscus, indoor citrus fruits and grapes, indoor pomegranate) together with Kornevin, as a rule, require the use of additional drugs; most often - specific to a given species. For example, rose cuttings root much better if root is used in combination with zircon, on the right in Fig. In any case, 3-7 days after planting a rooted cutting, you need to give it phosphorus-potassium fertilizer so that the rapidly growing roots “suck in” the callus, otherwise the seemingly well-established cutting may rot. Don’t rely on rich soil here; you need quickly absorbed mineral fertilizers.

About cuttings of conifers

Conifers are the most difficult to take cuttings. For them, phytohormones alone are not enough; a special cutting technique is needed. For example, how to propagate from cuttings at home blue spruce and juniper, see video:

Video: about propagation of blue spruce and juniper by cuttings

Cuttings of conifers make sense not only as saving costs on planting material. The species on the list were chosen because, grown from cuttings, these conifers can grow in pots in an apartment. Don't you feel sorry for the Christmas trees that are being cut down en masse? New Year? And so it will be your own, alive. Juniper not only exudes a large amount of air-healthy phytoncides, but also produces “berries” (cones in a fleshy shell), which are widely used in pharmacopoeia, for enhancing drinks, etc.

Note, on a morbid topic: Juniper “berries” perfectly absorb fusel oils, while at the same time flavoring the alcohol.

Indications for use

So, based on the properties and characteristics of root, it is preferable to use it as a follow-up. cases:

  • For rooting cuttings, mainly lignified ones.
  • To stimulate root growth in seedlings.
  • To increase the yield of self-pollinating fruits and vegetables (e.g. northern varieties tomatoes) and fruit crops.
  • To stimulate the formation of children in ornamental bulbs.
  • To enlarge and strengthen tubers/rhizomes of ornamental (not food!) plants and increase their supply of nutrients for the purpose of more successful wintering or propagation by parts of tubers.
  • To improve the survival rate of scions.
  • To save dying valuable tuberous and rhizomatous plants, for example. orchids.

Note: It makes no sense to treat seeds with root to increase germination, as is sometimes advised. IBA does not have a noticeable beneficial effect on seeds.


Root cuttings can be rooted dry and with a solution. The dry method (see below) is more effective, but requires greater consumption of the drug and carries a greater risk of rotting of the cuttings. It is used if cuttings of a given species do not take root with the solution. The dry method is applicable after attempting rooting with a solution, if callus formation does not occur 1-2 weeks after treatment. To diagnose, examine the cutting under a magnifying glass: if even tiny sagging is noticeable, continue rooting with the solution. Instructions for rooting tree cuttings using root solution look like the following. way:

  1. Prepare a basic solution of root: 1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water, see above;
  2. Cut a stalk with 3-4 leaves;
  3. The bottom leaf is cut off (not torn off!) so that a piece of its petiole covers the leaf bud;
  4. The slice is dried with filter paper;
  5. The cuttings are dried in the shade at room temperature until juice flow stops (usually 1-4 hours);
  6. The cutting is kept in a basic root solution for 10-15 minutes, immersed along the petiole of the cut leaf. The solution should not cover the leaf bud!
  7. While the cuttings are standing in the solution, 5-7 tablets of activated carbon are crushed;
  8. If rooting occurs in water, pour crushed coal into it. For rooting in the soil, coal powder is mixed with it. The substrate for rooting must be prepared in advance: calcined, treated with a biocide, etc. In both cases, a pinch of coal powder is left;
  9. The cuttings are removed from the solution and, while still wet, “dipped” into crushed coal for disinfection. Coal powder is to plants what brilliant green, iodine or mercurochrome are to us;
  10. The cuttings are placed/planted in a container for rooting;
  11. If rooting is carried out in water and the roots are not visible, after a week and possibly another week, the tip of the cutting is examined under a magnifying glass (see above). If there are signs of callus formation (point swellings like awakening buds), the cuttings are planted in a peat pot with greenhouse soil and watered a little (1-3 tablespoons) every day. You can cover it with a jar, which is removed in the morning and evening for 10-20 minutes for ventilation.


To treat with dry root, instead of soaking in the solution according to step 6, the cutting is dipped in root powder down to the remainder of the last leaf (do not pollinate the bud!), see Fig. Further everything is according to the instructions, but pp. 1 and 9 are excluded.

For seedlings

To enhance root growth, it is advisable to treat seedlings with root in places north of the black soil strip in cool years, when planting in the ground has to be postponed so that the plants have time to develop properly due to hard work roots. IN favorable years and in warm places, the roots will only “pull” the resulting nutrients from the green mass into the roots, which will at least lead to a decrease in yield. In these cases, the seedlings are watered with a basic root solution of 20-50 ml (1-2 tbsp) per plant 1-2 weeks after the first picking and 3-5 days before planting.

Kornevin and harvest

To increase the fruiting of fruit and vegetable, berry and fruit crops, a basic root solution is used for garden crops and shrubs and double concentration (2 g of the drug) per 1 liter of water for trees. Weather conditions and restrictions on stimulating yield with root roots, depending on weather conditions, are the same as for seedlings, see above. Watering is carried out in the evening of a warm day after the leaves of trees and bushes have fully unfolded and at the beginning of budding of plants in the garden. Trees and shrubs should be completely healthy. Watering rates:

  • Adult (consistently fruiting tree) - 2-3 liters in a well-moistened circle around the trunk.
  • A young tree is the same, half the size.
  • Adult bush - 0.35-0.5 liters per bush.
  • A young bush is half as large.
  • Garden crops - 0.1-0.2 liters of base solution per plant (!).

Note: It is not advisable to water edible bulbs, root vegetables and potatoes with root crops; the harvest will be skinny and “hairy”.


Ornamental bulbous, tuberous and rhizomatous plants are prepared with the help of roots for successful wintering also in unfavorable years (see above). On the contrary, it is favorable for vegetative propagation by underground parts. Treatment – ​​soaking the planting material for 2-3 hours in a base solution. The bulbs are immersed in the solution at the bottom (dry pollination is highly undesirable); Tubers and rhizomes are soaked completely submerged. After soaking, the treated planting material is rinsed in clean water and immediately disembarked.

Note: For the same time, garden grape cuttings are soaked in a basic solution.

For vaccinations

An increase in the survival rate of root grafts is possible in favorable years if the grafting is done by budding. In this case, the calla-forming properties of IMC are used. The grafting, before bandaging (applying a bandage), is sprinkled with root. If the scion has taken root, the remainder of the leaf cutting will bulge and fall off after 1-3 weeks. Suddenly it wrinkled, withered and pressed against the trunk (branch) of the rootstock - the grafting was unsuccessful.

Saving the Lost

Reanimation of withering indoor flowers with root is most often used for orchids that have become ill in too dry and warm rooms, but also effective for households seasonal plants, depleted by improper content, for example, gloxinia and cyclamens. In the latter case, untimely grown leaves and roots are removed from the tuber/rhizome, the remainder is allowed to rest, as required by the rules of the culture of this species (a dormant period is forced), and then the planting material is soaked as described above. The revival of dying orchids with rotten roots with a root solution is carried out as follows. instructions:

  1. The plant is carefully removed from the substrate;
  2. Cleaned and washed root system, as in preparation for transplantation;
  3. Remove old, weak and diseased leaves, leaving only young and healthy ones;
  4. The roots are inspected, all rotten ones are removed, “grabbing” at least 1.5-2 cm of a healthy root;
  5. If the roots are completely rotten, remove them all, leaving only the bottom of the plant and 1-2 of the freshest leaves;
  6. The orchid is kept for 2-3 hours in a warm (24-27 degrees) dark place to dry the sections;
  7. The bottom or root system is soaked in a base solution, as when rooting cuttings (see above), but its temperature should be 2-3 degrees above room temperature;
  8. The plant is transferred to a container with water at the same temperature (slightly warmer than room temperature) and activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. Water should not cover the leaf axils or get into them!
  9. The container with the flower is wrapped in light-proof material and transferred to a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight;
  10. The air around the plant is moistened 2-3 times a day with a spray bottle that produces a misty stream;
  11. Every day, add water at a temperature also 2-3 degrees above room temperature to replace what has evaporated;
  12. If within 2-2.5 months. young roots appeared, resuscitation was successful, the patient will live. The plant can be planted in a suitable substrate.

Note: In the same way, you can bring back to life accidentally broken plants with fragile stems, for example. dracaena. Treat the upper part with the crown with root.


In many cases, for rooting cuttings (except, perhaps, coniferous ones), it is possible to replace purchased rootstock with biostimulants of root formation from natural products containing IBA:

  • A teaspoon of honey is diluted in a liter of water. The cuttings are kept in the solution for 10-12 hours, then planted in the ground. The remainder of the solution is poured into the root hole.
  • 100 g of baker's yeast are diluted in 1 liter of warm water. The cuttings are soaked in the solution for a day and planted in place.

The percentage of rooted cuttings after this treatment is lower than from root, but there is no danger of burning the cuttings with the drug. But observations of the process of vegetative propagation will provide experience that will allow a successful transition to the use of Kornevin and other strong biostimulants.