Fate line with two forks. The line of fate is included in the line of life. Location of the double strip of Fate when you are being helped

When you first become acquainted with the science of palmistry, you can immediately understand that the line of fate is almost the most important designation on our palm. There are many definitions of the character and fate of a person by hand, because there are fortune-telling by the hands, there is by the fingers, but the most popular is fortune-telling by the hand, or rather by the palm of the hand. And those lines that we can see on the palm of each person carry their own specific imprint, a pattern of fate, which palmists can read. And they usually start reading from the line of fate, which ends at the Mount of Saturn. Because of this, the line of fate has another name - the Saturn line.

So, the line of fate begins at the wrist in the middle of the base of the palm and moves up to the middle finger. First you need to find out whether it exists or not, and only then carefully decipher it. Or maybe criminals, drug addicts, homeless people don’t have it, this indicates a lack of purpose. But people who live their lives brightly may not have it, but their goals are constantly changing.


Fate line on hand

Fate line on hand

The line of fate on the hand is conventionally divided into intervals of five years. It intersects with the line of the heart and the line of the head, thereby forming a kind of square. For some people it almost touches the life line. It happens that the line of fate on the hand is located as close as possible to the Mount of Jupiter or the Sun. This, in turn, indicates that the ambition and idealism of Jupiter will be maximally manifested in the character of the individual, while in the second case the person’s talents will be clearly expressed either in literature or in one of the arts.

The line of fate on the hand can tell about some trend in the existing reality, about all kinds of talents, but this does not mean the inevitability of their manifestation. Everything depends on you, and only you can be the master of your destiny, and whether or not to germinate these talents depends only on you. Therefore, such fortune telling can be an adviser for you, and not a command. Although sometimes such talents are hidden in a person, and he is not even aware of them, a pointer will not hurt.

Palmistry and the fate line are inextricably linked, since in terms of importance it ranks second after the life line. Such a line can talk about the ups and downs at different stages of life, about the dangers that can happen. In general, if you are interested in palmistry, then the fate line will be incredibly interesting to you in any person.

If the fate line is visible deep and clear, then this means great external influence. That is, a person does not try to take control of his life, but rather goes with the flow and is completely dependent on external circumstances. If it is not expressed so clearly, then the person achieves everything himself, and does not wait for manna from heaven. It happens that the line of fate begins in the center of the palm and moves towards Saturn, this will tell the story of an ambitious person and a self-sufficient person who takes control of his life and creates his destiny with his own hands.

The line of fate and its meaning can change throughout life. And this line of fate can form a very different picture, but its meaning lies in the presentation of a person’s destined fate, important dates and events in life and how he will move along it. Maybe the line after the middle of its duration becomes less and less clear and visible, then by calculating by segments what life span it is, you can determine after what years you will have stability and constancy. If such a disappearing line moves towards the Mount of Saturn, then this will speak of a carefree and prosperous old age.

Sometimes the line of fate can be torn, for example, at the line of the mind, then this will be a sign of a careless personality, loving pranks and freedom; if the line turns into a broken one, consisting of several lines, then it will be more likely to observe indecision or lack of will in a person’s life

If you need to transfer different events on the line of fate to a temporary value, then this can be done using the following method. The first segment often goes to the line of the head, and this symbolizes the first twenty years life path. The continuation from the head line to the heart line is another two tens, and then to the end of the line the rest of the period can be calculated.

Sometimes you can see that the line of fate bifurcates, breaks off and ends with a fork. This always speaks of the fact that a person has a choice in life. When the direction and course of the rest of his life will depend on his next step and decision. At a certain time, a person will stand at a crossroads, and this can mean very dramatic changes. A person can change his field of activity or retrain. And you can see how the line of fate bifurcates, that is, to which particular tubercle the branch goes, in such new field and man will appear. After all, each tubercle has its own name and meaning.

Most important the line of fate plays on right hand. After all, on the left you can only view what was given at birth, and for the most part the past. On the right hand one can read how a person manages his given resources and what direction in life he sets for himself. If on the left you can read a person’s desires, then on the right you can only read facts and events. Therefore, they often look at the line of fate on the right hand, since it is more of a practical part and implementation. And not possibilities and theory.


Of course, a person is very interested in finding out fate from the lines of the hand, because if only the line of fate can create such tossing and contradictions, which speaks of deciphering all the lines. This is probably comparable to reading an exciting adventure book in which you yourself are the main character. However, finding out fate by the lines of the hand, becoming familiar with the existing vector of life, does not mean making it so in reality. After all, the interestingness of the book in the future will depend only on your actions. The future changes every minute, with every step we take we enter some version of reality. And creating this reality is no less interesting than reading its messages on your hand!


Palmistry, which is one of the ancient esoteric teachings, which is still widespread among mystics, claims that a person’s life can be recognized by the patterns that form lines on our palms.

There are main and secondary lines. The first category includes lines that are present on the hands of every person, which are not difficult to find. The second category includes smaller and less deep lines, which not everyone has.

The main ones most often include four: the line of life, the line of fate, the line of the heart and the line of the head (mind). The lines of the heart and mind are the transverse lines on our palms. Well, the line of life and the line of fate are considered longitudinal, respectively. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

Your destiny along the line of life

The life line begins in the area between the finger of Venus (thumb) and the finger of Jupiter, and, encircling the Mount of Venus, goes down in the direction of the bend of the hand (sometimes it reaches the bend, sometimes not).

The life line allows you to determine not only how long a person is destined to live. It also shows how full a person is vital energy whether he is active or apathetic. Based on the shape and characteristics of the life line, one can determine any significant events in his life, as well as at what age they will occur.

A favorable life line should be clearly defined, smooth, without breaks, and go well around the Mount of Venus. Then it will indicate that it is healthy, active life without serious shocks and serious illnesses.

Age and longevity along the life line

In order to calculate the life expectancy of a person along the life line, you need to step back one centimeter from the bracelet line towards the life line and put a dot at this place. This point will correspond to the age of eighty years.

Further, the entire distance from it and to the beginning of the life line is divided into eight equal segments, each of which defines an interval of 10 years. If the life line ends below the set point, it means that the person will be a long-liver.

Fate line: meaning

The line of fate is a longitudinal line that originates either at the end of the line of life (1), or at the wrist (2), or at the Mount of the Moon (a), or at the Mount of Mars (b). It stretches in the direction of the fingers, and can also end in different places: in the middle of the palm, above the line of the mind, above the line of Jupiter (heart), near the Mount of Saturn. Depending on the position of the fate line and its shape, it is interpreted differently, which we will tell you about in the article.

In the general case, this line shows how protected a person is, how much his fate protects him. Talks about his values ​​and priorities, what he consciously strives for and what kind of life he leads.

It also reflects where a person tends to go - in depth or breadth. That is, a person who tends to go deeper is one who chooses one thing in his life (for example, some activity, hobby) and studies it more and more deeply, subsequently becoming a specialist who is well versed in the chosen direction. A person who is inclined to go broad, covers a lot, but little by little; as a result, his knowledge, although versatile, is not deep.

The first type of people is characterized by a clear and clear line of fate, the second type is vaguely visible and shallow.


Despite the fact that the line of fate is considered one of the main ones, it also happens that it is not visible at all on the palm of a person. This is usually typical for people who are called “average”: they do not stand out from the crowd, do not have a pronounced individuality.

Or there is a second option for the development of fate for such people: they can become antisocial individuals: drug addicts, criminals, homeless people, alcoholics, and so on.

Age can also be calculated using the line of fate. To do this, you need to pay attention to its intersection with the head line and the heart line. In the first case, this is thirty-five years of age, in the second, fifty years of age. That is, according to the line of fate, age is counted from bottom to top, and not from top to bottom, as was the case in the case of calculation along the line of life.

Their interpretation largely depends on the position of the line of fate and the line of life. Let's consider various types and the types of these lines to deepen and expand our knowledge.

If the fate line comes out of the life line

This is a very favorable sign, which guarantees a person that he will definitely find harmony in his soul and enjoy life. Moreover, this will come at some specific point in time after a person achieves what he dreamed of. And the age of fulfillment cherished desire can be calculated using the life line. The age that corresponds to the beginning of the fate line will indicate that moment in life when a person will become truly happy.

If the life line turns into the fate line

This sign also favors its owner, giving him constant luck in everything he undertakes. People looking at such a person are amazed at how lucky he is.

The main thing is not to abuse this gift of fate and not to use it for selfish purposes. Otherwise, the “stock of luck” will be depleted, and then the person will face enormous difficulties on his way. This arrangement of lines also often indicates that a person will be able to succeed in the military field.

Branch from the line of life to the line of fate

Those who have a branch from the life line to the fate line can also rejoice - this is a good sign. This combination of main lines indicates that a person will be successful in the area that he decides to choose as the main one in his life.

If this is a careerist, then he will be recognized and respected by his colleagues, he will be able to become a real professional in his field and subsequently become a mentor, teacher in this field. If a person’s priority is family, he will be able to build a healthy relationship with his soulmate and live in happy marriage until the end of days.


Cross between the line of life and fate

The cross in palmistry in the vast majority of cases carries a negative meaning and warns a person about dangers, hardships, difficulties and illnesses. Sometimes he can even cross out a favorable line, thereby depriving it of the positive message that it carried.

What is the meaning of the cross located between the line of life and the line of fate? Paradoxically, in most cases this sign favors its owner.

It is characteristic of people who are driven by altruism, that is, they are capable of selfless acts towards others, and, of course, this returns to them as an even greater benefit. It's great for people like that suitable profession doctor Well, if such a person is endowed psychic abilities, then he will most likely become a healer.

However, this same meaning can also carry negative information, warning a person about all sorts of problems with relatives. The misunderstandings that constantly arise between him and his relatives can significantly affect his quality of life.

However, before defining the cross between the line of fate and the line of life as negative, you should also study the location of other lines - both major and minor, which can tell more about relationships with loved ones.

Branch from the line of fate to the line of life

This combination of lines indicates a person’s vulnerability and excessive sensitivity. Although he knows how to love sincerely and with all his heart, he should not go to extremes.

After all, all areas in our lives must be harmoniously balanced, and if we put exclusively love relationships in the first place, this will lead to several negative consequences at once.

Firstly, all other areas will suffer, and secondly, there will be big problems in love, since a person with such a pattern on the palm tends to become so attached to his partner that he becomes cramped and uncomfortable. Over time, the partner will begin to demand freedom to a greater extent, and then problems are inevitable. Up to a complete break in the relationship.

The line of fate enters the line of life

The entry of the fate line into the life line can be interpreted in two ways, depending on the overall picture of all lines. If the picture is favorable, this enhances all the good signs and indicates that a person can build a brilliant career, and strong family and family ties will help him in this.

Otherwise, it warns a person about the onset of retribution for the actions of the past, including past lives. The age at which karmic debts will have to be repaid will correspond to the point at which the line of fate enters the line of life.

The life line is parallel to the fate line

Parallel lines of fate and life are characteristic of self-sufficient people. They do not like to ask for help from anyone and are used to achieving goals through their own efforts. They are often quite cold in their relationships with others, so their circle of friends is quite narrow.

For men, such a pattern on the palms is considered a rather neutral sign, but for women it carries a negative connotation. Among such women there are often feminists. Those representatives of the fair sex whose lines of life and destiny are parallel should think about their feminine nature - reveal their femininity and learn to receive help and support from men.

Square between the line of fate and life

A square in the palm is most often a protective sign that does not allow problems and difficulties to develop to a large scale and mitigates the consequences of unfavorable lines or their combinations. However, this sign cannot be fully called positive. Indeed, in addition to the fact that it partially protects, it also “clipping the wings” of a person and does not allow a person to achieve what he could potentially achieve.


People who have a square in their palm are often emotionally unstable and very often create problems - both for themselves and for the people around them.

A square located between the line of fate and the line of life warns a person about the dangers that await him in life. living conditions. That is, there is a high probability of getting seriously injured or injured in your own home.

The line crosses the life line and the fate line

There is also a situation when there is a line on the palm that intersects the lines of life and fate. This is typical for eccentric, bright personalities who immediately stand out from the crowd and are etched in the memory of those who met them for a long time. They leave no one indifferent.

They should direct their enormous energy potential into development in those areas in which their talents, activity and restlessness are valued above all else. Usually there are many different things rummaging through their heads. unusual ideas, among which there may be truly brilliant ones.

The charisma of such people, combined with their talent, will help them achieve great success. The main thing is to ensure that self-esteem is healthy and that one’s own importance is not overestimated, otherwise there is a high probability that the person will be “thrown off” the pedestal by ill-wishers, and then neither talent nor charisma will be able to return him to his previous state.

A bifurcated line on the palm can predict both positive and negative developments, depending on which line is being considered. If this is the line of fate, then the interpretation will be favorable.

The line of fate has a fork in versatile people who can succeed in several areas at once. In addition, the bifurcation of this line may indicate that a person has reached new levels of development, and we are talking about spiritual development.

Therefore, most often the fork is found closer to the fingers and indicates that a person is guaranteed a calm and joyful old age, the person will be able to draw conclusions from the years he has lived, and will gain wisdom, which he will pass on to his descendants.

If the road of Fate goes from the very wrist and at some stage the shoots come off, this indicates that at this very period of life, the owner is moving to a higher quality level of life. When the Line of Fate bifurcates and each branch goes to a certain hill, then that same hillock will indicate the sphere of activity in which the fortuneteller will begin to realize himself.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the bifurcation itself. Ideally, it would be if the main thread of Fate with “duality” does not lose its quality.

Let's take a closer look at the drawing.

Correct thread (1)

The right thread indicates a strong personality and individuality. If there are no negative signs, then he will direct you towards success and achieving goals. The gap between life and fate will tell you that the fortuneteller was not enslaved and was free to choose a profession.

Near the Road of Life (2)

If the thread of success is located close to the life line and there is a bifurcation of the line of fate towards life, then the fortuneteller at an early age depended on the desires of close relatives.

Fork connects to life line

This combination indicates a more pronounced constrained framework. In this case, look at the thread as a whole. If it loses its power after the head, then the fortuneteller will be greatly hampered by his attachments.

Thread and Mount of Venus (3)

Placement number three indicates a person who is deeply unhappy, nothing works out for him with the opposite sex, or he is entangled in love affairs.

The branch goes to the Moon (4)

This placement indicates a person who has freed himself from domestic influences at an early age. These people have a hectic, wandering life and love to travel a lot.

Towards Saturn or Jupiter (5-6)

The power of Fate towards the middle finger is not as powerful as when the Fate line bifurcates towards the index finger. At number (6), the owner will achieve certain success in professional field and career.

What Success Looks Like (7)

If the thread in the palm goes to the Sun, then the owner will certainly have good luck and success in public life.

Very important values

  1. If you notice that the line of fate is bifurcated towards Jupiter, the fortuneteller will have to make efforts towards claims.
  2. Towards the Sun, success, fame and achievement.
  3. To the middle finger, not a very favorable situation. The person will go too far. Everything he strived for at one moment will lose meaning for him and the situation will get out of control, and everything will turn against him. For example, his people will rise up against a leader and overthrow him.
  1. The fateful thread stops its development on the line of the mind. A career will be destroyed by strong attachment or many hobbies. The owner, out of stupidity, will destroy everything that he created with his own hands or lose it.
  2. An island on the road foreshadows quarrels and troubles during this period of time.
  3. Small lines crossing the line indicate that you will hinder your destiny in a certain period.
  1. When the line of fate bifurcates, follow the progress of the branch. It may be broken or intersect with other lines.
  2. If any damage is found, then there will be problems in the implementation of the project in the direction where it goes.

Note. In practice, you can come across a combination when the road stops at the thread of the soul or mind and at the same time the line of fate bifurcates at the end. This suggests that the owner of the palm will be faced with a choice at some point in time (the choice depends on the line with which fate comes into contact).

With the thread of Uma

If you notice that the connection touches the head, then the owner will have to make a very important decision, which will be related to:

  • place of residence;
  • work;
  • or another important decision for life.

Road of the Soul

When the line of fate bifurcates at the end and intersects with the thread of the heart, then in this case, the choice will be to resolve issues related to matters of the heart.

Note. If an island is discovered at this stage, then the fortuneteller will have an emotional breakdown associated with relationships in the love sphere.

When the outgoing process passes next to the main threads, this will indicate additional activities in life:

  • hobby;
  • entertainment;
  • additional income.

Please note that an additional lesson will be an important decision for the fortuneteller, and, accordingly, will take up most of the time.

What the double road will tell you about

Palmists often observe two lines of fate on the hand. This is very interesting combination, which should be read from the active palm. In different age categories, this combination is interpreted differently.

Value for early age up to 35 years

The combination can already be found in teenagers, for example, at 16 years old. This indicates that a person will be able to do several things at the same time and everything will work out for him. This could be a job, a hobby, or another area of ​​activity.

Note. If such a combination is visible in a girl (woman), then we can say that her husband is incredibly lucky.

Such a person can do a lot at the same time: be an ideal wife and mother in the family and at the same time go up career ladder.

Among the four elements: fire, water, air, earth, the line of fate in the palm reflects the first element of fire. It is visually placed under the middle finger and runs vertically through the middle of the hand. It is considered the most extraordinary and changeable thread, if we consider the four main lines on the palm.

Such people are very active and active and lead an interesting lifestyle. As a rule, they don’t even have a free minute, but their whole life is on a schedule.

If there is a split towards the Sun and Jupiter, then the owner will have to do 2 things simultaneously in different directions.

Note. Sometimes this sign can indicate a double life; other signs on the hand will indicate this, for example, if Fate moves away from the Mount of Venus.

After 35 years, meaning and interpretation

There are cases when such a combination occurs already at a more mature age; it is during this period that a reassessment of one’s life values ​​and dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life begins.

This especially affects when the family constantly reproaches them with low wages or an unsuccessful career. Experiencing a midlife crisis, a person decides to radically change his lifestyle.

How can a double stripe help in life?

If a parallel thread originates from the Mount of the Moon, then this will indicate outside patronage in all new endeavors. Along the path of any project there will be a patron who will help advance your goal.

The second thread begins together with the first

This combination indicates that the fortuneteller carries out all his undertakings completely independently, without anyone’s help.

The main thing is that it is very important for a person to do everything on his own and not count on anyone. Most likely, such people will help others implement projects than ask for help themselves.

The second line starts from the hill of Mars

When the line of Fate bifurcates in this way (on Mars), it has a very favorable meaning. This indicates that the person has found himself and is in harmony with the outside world. Life changes happen smoothly, without stress or loss of energy. Personality smoothly passes from one state to another.

Note. It all smoothes everything out negative qualities, which Lady Fate can present.

All the difficulties that a person may encounter with a double line of Saturn

As mentioned above, a double thread can radically change a person’s life. This also indicates the strength and will of a person, however, such a combination may entail some consequences.

A person with this combination seems to have bottomless energy. Therefore, at some point, the fortuneteller will realize that he is devoting himself entirely to work, which can lead to exhaustion.

Note. It is important here not to “burn out” at work and not to bring yourself to complete exhaustion. This especially applies to men between 35 and 40 years old.

The material will be useful to you:

A professional career can drag on so much that a person simply forgets about his family. Remember that everything in this life is good in moderation and without fanaticism. In conclusion, I would like to invite you to watch a video that will tell you in more detail what it means when the line of Fate bifurcates, and about its meaning in general, as well as its impact on a person’s life and values.

The most unusual and changeable feature in the palm is the line of fate. Unlike the other three main lines (head, heart and life), not everyone has this one. For some, it appears in middle age. It is located in the center of the palm, above the wrist. Moreover, this feature can start anywhere and end under any finger. But for almost all individuals, the line of fate begins around Sometimes it even touches each other. It corresponds to the fire element.

Where and how can the line of fate begin and what does it mean?

Usually it begins near the life line or even touches it. This may mean that a person spent his childhood with his family. It was explained to him from an early age that if necessary, he always had someone to turn to. Sometimes this line starts too far from life. Most likely, this person entered life more independently. This could have happened because the family was not very friendly. It is also possible that he was an orphan. Very independent people this line runs even further from the life line.

The end of the line of fate

The end of this line is important for fortune telling, as it makes it clear what a person likes to do. Almost all end on the heart line. Sometimes - a little higher. For example, if a 47-year-old man’s fate line ends at the heart line, this will mean that we have a person with an established view of the world. And if it ends higher, then this individual will be young at heart until his death and will be happy with everything new.

Most lines end between the fourth and third fingers. Those people for whom the line in question ends in this place will follow the usual orthodox path. They are good bankers, small business owners, teachers. If it ends under the index finger, then the owners of this line are likely to become politicians, philosophers or writers. This trait speaks of ambition and pride.

Those people who have this line ending under the fourth (or ring) finger are likely to succeed in creative professions. They can become writers, artists, designers, musicians. It is worth noting that, for example, for the owner of a flower shop, this line ends almost under the ring finger. After all, she worked in an office until she was forty, and then discovered her true calling!

Rarely are lines ending under the last finger - the little finger. It crosses the palm diagonally. The talent of such a person lies in his voice. He must work in trade or show business and be an excellent speaker. Often such people feel relaxed only at work.

What does it mean if the fate line bifurcates or one or more branches depart from it?

If the line looks like a fork or if there are processes extending from it to the sides, then this means that the person has moved to a more advanced level. high level life. It is important to pay attention to the quality and condition of the line and processes. The main branch should not lose its strength. If there are breaks or random lines on the process, then the person will experience some difficulties in the process of implementation. By its direction to any tubercle of the finger, the additional line will show the sphere of human activity in which it will be realized.

Additional line of fate

U certain people you can see two lines of fate on the hand. At some point they can run parallel. The line that comes from the side of the first (thumb) finger is considered additional. Usually its presence indicates that this person can successfully engage in several things at once, for example, his work and hobbies, career and family. This sign emphasizes the versatility of a person.

In this article we will talk about how to correctly interpret the line of fate in palmistry.

Did you know that palmistry was practiced in the east 5 thousand years ago? Then it was believed that immersion in the destiny could change the life of both the object of fortune telling and the people around him. What role did the line play in this with the intriguing name “line of fate” for all beginning palmists?

Line of fate in the palm: which hand is it on - photo

This line may be both on the right and left hand. In any case, it will look the same - a vertical stripe crossing the palm approximately in the center.

IMPORTANT: Of course, the center is a rough guide. The beginning of the line may well be shifted slightly to the right or left.

One way or another, start located near the wrist or above it. End You can also look under Saturn’s finger – with your middle finger. Alternatively, the sign of fate may end in the area between the middle and ring fingers or between the middle and index fingers.

Fate line on the right and left hand: what does it mean?

As with the other lines, the mark on the left palm reveals to the viewer potential, which is given at birth. The right palm displays changes, occurring throughout life. At the same time, on right palm a changing line of fate occurs among those people who are accustomed to leading active image life, embody new ideas.

If such a mark clear and smooth This means that its owner clearly understands his goal and strives to achieve it. He can hardly be called a dependent person - such a person is guided only by his thoughts and emotions.

IMPORTANT: This is especially true in the case when the clearly visible line of Saturn goes from the wrist to the middle finger.

A clear line of fate is under the sign of fire - the energy of activity

A weakly expressed mark of fate indicates a person with a soft character, like plasticine. He is terribly afraid of conflicts, preferring to give up his aspirations rather than start a quarrel. However, he keeps his word - such honesty can also serve as a guiding thread in achieving goals.

Twisted Mark reveals a person who is timid in childhood, but stubborn in adulthood.

Please note that How far is Saturn's band from the life line? The further you go, the less dependent the owner of the palm is on the influence of his family. It is also possible that mutual understanding simply did not reign in this family.

IMPORTANT: In any case, restrictions in such a person cause chronic rejection.

Look at this too where exactly does the mark end? About middle finger we mentioned above, and now let's talk about the rest:

  • Near ring finger – mark of an optimist and leader. Such a person will definitely find himself in the fields of pedagogy, accounting, construction, and modeling business.
  • Around the index finger - nature is quite demanding both to itself and to others. She achieves her goals largely thanks to her ability to present herself correctly, communicate competently, and solve a particular problem in an interesting way.

A person with a fate line going to index finger, knows how to present himself

The absence of a fate line in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

The absence of a fate line does not mean that a person is destined to live an uninteresting, meaningless life. Moreover, Not everyone has this sign.

Most likely the person is simply will not be tied to some clearly limited area of ​​activity. They say about such individuals that they “go with the flow.”

IMPORTANT: There are times when the line appears over time. For example, a person begins to devote himself entirely to some activity, achieving success in it. Then it’s worth taking a closer look at your right palm.

Children on the palm of their hand on the fate line: what does this mean?

Directly on the fate line, a mark about children is extremely rare, occurring mainly on the marriage line. However, it doesn’t hurt to take a closer look - the branches may be an indication of what kind of offspring should be expected.

For example, wide branches, according to palmists, predict boys. Thin ones - girls.

What does a broken line of fate in the palm of your hand mean?

Often a gap at such a mark portends a person some kind of dramatic changes– for example, moving, divorce, illness. But in any case, there is every chance for further rehabilitation and, moreover, for success.

If the strip, despite its intermittency, clear, it means that in front of you is a permanent person with common sense. He is pleasant in communication, and family life not prone to cheating.

IMPORTANT: You can be sure that such a nature is worth relying on.

Take a closer look at break location:

  • If this middle, a person is able to navigate with lightning speed and has common sense. Loves rest, but does not tolerate loneliness well. Quite balanced, but does not like criticism.
  • Several break points along the entire line– tendency to frequently change surroundings. And this applies even to small things like the location of the furniture. IN personal life Unfortunately, such people are not very lucky.

Broken line fate speaks of change

What does a short line of fate on the palm of your hand mean?

A person with a similar mark is liked by others due to his responsibility, integrity. Moreover, he is quite hardworking– this quality helps to reach unprecedented heights.

Even though sense of justice is heightened, as well as the desire to help, the owner of such a line is not always able to defend the truth.

IMPORTANT: It also happens that the line of fate is short due to the fact that it begins approximately in the middle of the palm, and not near the wrist. This means that the implementation of plans will occur in the second half of life. Perhaps their early implementation will be hindered by the influence of relatives or simple laziness.

The line of fate bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left hand: what does this mean?

Usually a bifurcated fate line is a sign that a person has every chance succeed in several areas. If the sign is located on the left palm, then, accordingly, such an ability is given in the form of potential. Ate on the right– the man began to realize his aspirations.

Fork at the beginning or end of the fate line, as a rule, shows freedom in choice. There will come a time when a person will have to stand at a crossroads and make a decision. This decision will change your entire life.

Fork on the line of fate at the beginning or at the end - freedom of choice

If at the same time at the end of the line a sign similar to a trident is formed This means that a person will be able to combine business with pleasure. He will always be able to achieve success without sacrificing anything.

Now look to the middle of Saturn's band:

  • If a branch occurs up, This means that a person will be able to recover from some damage. For example, to get rich or move up a step on the career ladder.
  • Branch down– you should be careful, as there is a high risk of losing what you have acquired.

IMPORTANT: The branch is both up and down - life will resemble a swing. You will have to put in a lot of effort to stay afloat.

The branches of the fate line both up and down are a sign that life will resemble a swing

What does a triangle mean on the fate line on the right and left hand?

An extremely favorable sign that allows its owner boldly rush into the fight for a bright future. If you put in enough effort, you can get the result that you previously only dreamed of.

Recipe for success - determination, perseverance, clear mind, logic. Without this, life will remain the same.

For people with a military career The triangle on the fate line has a special meaning. As a rule, it promises successful career advancement, as well as good luck in military operations, if they take place.

What does a square on the fate line mean on the right and left hand?

This is also a very reassuring sign - it is reassuring that the person has protection. Therefore, you can breathe a sigh of relief - you can’t expect any steps from your enemies.

However, the square will not indicate from whom to expect protection. Any options are possible - relatives, friends, loved ones.

IMPORTANT: It is especially good if such a sign is distinguishable among people related to creativity. Most likely, they will have a reliable patron. Another interpretation is finding a muse, inspiration.

If an accident occurs to the owner of the square, he will certainly will be able to extricate himself with minimal losses. Or losses will bypass such a person altogether.

The meaning of intersections of the line of fate with the line of life, mind, health, heart, head, Mercury

Even if a person has both rare lines on one palm - both the mark of fate and the mark health (Mercury)- they run parallel.

As for the rest, it is quite possible to cross the lines of Saturn with them. For example, with the line of the mind (head)- this portends career growth, positive stability at work. Such growth will occur thanks to the stubbornness, risk-taking, intelligence, prudence and impetuosity of the owner of the palm.

The intersection of the fate line with the head line is a sign of good luck

Intersection with heart line can occur both in people who are persistent and firmly moving towards their goal, and in suspicious and sentimental individuals. But even the suspicious owner of such a combination will turn out to be a tough nut to crack if circumstances require it.

IMPORTANT: It is not even recommended to argue, let alone convince such people. No matter how strange their goal may be, the arguments of others simply will not be taken into account.

The line of fate crosses the line of the heart - a sign of stubborn people

Intersection with life line available at the darlings of fate. Whatever obstacles life has in store, they will definitely overcome everything thanks to their intelligence. Whatever conditions are created, they will survive. They are one hundred percent materialists and do not have an ounce of superstition.

It also happens that the Saturn mark crosses both a sign of the head and a sign of the heart. Palmists believe that segment to the intersection with the head sign symbolizes the first 35 years of life, to the heart sign– age up to 49 years, and the segment after the heart line– later age. Focusing on this division, one can understand when a person should expect major changes.

The line of fate on the hand begins and ends, or connects with the line of life, mind, heart, head: what does this mean?

Connecting lines fate and life indicate that the formation of a person was largely influenced by his family. And the beliefs that were once invested by this family are still relevant today.

IMPORTANT: However, this does not mean at all that the person you are looking for will be unhappy. Quite the contrary.

And perhaps the influence of the family will be that some family business will have to be continued. It is possible that it is close people who will help give a start to the endeavors of the owner of the lines.

The line of fate connecting to the line of life is a sign of affection for the family

Connection with the sign of the head (mind) – promise of reward for effort. Man is destined to face serious difficulties. However, if he does not give up and demonstrates all his qualities to the fullest, the reward will not be long in coming. Most likely this will happen in adulthood.

As for character, then we can say that the person in front of you is straight. She does not tolerate reticence, falsehood, and does not strive to guess the wishes of others. If you want to convey something to such a person, say it directly.

Connecting the fate line with the head line is a reward for efforts

The meaning of connecting the fate line with the heart line similar to the case of a streak of mind - success after a long wait and work. This nature is distinguished by purposefulness and is an excellent strategist. A military career may be recommended.

Unfortunately, during the course of his life, the owner of such a combination will have to rethink the meaning of the people who are nearby many times. Probably some of these people will bring disappointment, pain, and resentment.

IMPORTANT: This alignment is especially relevant in the second half of life.

Cross on the line of fate in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

Unfavorable omen. To a person You will have to go through suffering and experience pain. However, after some time the situation may well return to normal, you just have to be patient.

Failures most often concern careers or relationships with loved ones. However, it If the cross is located at the end of the Saturn line, a person is advised to behave carefully anywhere, as there is a risk of violent death.

A line parallel to the line of fate, 2 lines of fate on the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

The double line of fate is inherent impulsive natures. Even close people sometimes find it difficult to predict the thoughts ripening in the head of the owner of such a sign. As, indeed, to foresee actions that will be committed even in the near future.

However, perhaps there is no point in such a prediction, since the point of view of the object of conversation can change with lightning speed. Today he adheres to one view, and tomorrow – to another. At the moment he has such hobbies, but tomorrow they can easily be replaced by others.

IMPORTANT: If the parallel mark is much smaller than the main one, it means that you have a universal personality in front of you. This is where a variety of interests is beneficial - a person can easily learn new professions.

What does a mole on the palm of your hand mean on the fate line?

Not the best omen - a sign that you will have to face health problems. But by dividing the Saturn line into time intervals in the manner that we described a little earlier, you can understand approximately when you should expect trouble.

If the line of fate is not interrupted after the mole, which means you don’t have to worry too much - the disease will be overcome without serious consequences. But if it's interrupted, It’s better to count on any outcome.

IMPORTANT: The thin line of Saturn coming after the mole is a sign of weakening vital energy.

This is how it is - the line of fate - mysterious, rare, predicting both successes and problems. Try to tune in correctly before fortune telling and if the sign of Saturn tells you about any negativity, do not rush to despair. Remember: the line of fate does not promise, but only warns. And only you have the power to shape your own destiny.