Lego brick: building is as easy as playing. Lego brick production technology How Lego bricks are made

It was created by Ole Kirk Christiansens back in the first half of the 20th century. He led a team of carpenters. Lego brick production turned out to be profitable.

From selling ladders and stools, the team quickly switched to selling new products and building with them.

However, they failed to secure the rights to Lego bricks. In 2010, the court made a final decision that anyone can produce the material.

What is the basis for the Themis’s decree, let us explain in passing the question of what the Lego brick itself is.

What is a Lego brick?

Lego is a brick, similar to the parts of a famous designer. By the way, it was invented by the same Ole Christiansens.

More precisely, Lego became a descendant of building bricks invented by the master in 1932. The company transformed into a gaming corporation only in 1958.

By this time, Lego bricks had been purchased familiar look, began to be made from plastic. Initially, the blocks were larger, made of wood and had a maximum of 4 protrusions and 4 grooves for them.

It was these bricks that became the inspiration for companies wanting to build, rather than produce toys.

They began to make it from a clay-sand mixture. The result was bricks of a standard composition, but of a non-standard shape.

On photo lego brick presented in several types. This is modern nomenclature. Initially, there was only the first model of the bottom row with two round holes.

The court considered these protrusions and grooves on the bricks to be additional technical functions. In other words, from the point of view of themis, Kirk did not invent something new, but only improved the old.

As for Lego toys, they have a special set of basic and additional elements. The court recognized him as unique.

By the way, you can also build large-scale buildings from the construction set. There's a reason Legoland exists. It was built from 45,000,000 toy bricks.

In 2009, they wanted to move a two-story building built by James May there. With the help of volunteers, he built a house using 500,000 toy bricks.

They were compiled into, comparable in size to the real ones. Each large brick took almost 300 small ones.

Disassembling, transporting and reassembling the Legolande house was not economically viable.

James May did not receive a building permit. Therefore, the building was dismantled, preserved only in photographs.

But in reality you can see lego brick houses usual formation. Read more about the characteristics of this building material.

Characteristics of Lego bricks

Lego brick dimensions comparable to the parameters of the usual one. The blocks are 25 centimeters long and 12.5 centimeters wide. The height of the blocks is close to 7 centimeters.

The width of the holes, if there are 2 of them, is usually 65 millimeters. The gap between the grooves is 6 centimeters.

There are 30mm gaps on the sides. The protrusions above the grooves rise by 0.2 centimeters. In schematic form, the calculations are as follows:

Making Lego bricks more painstakingly than usual. But building with new blocks really resembles a game.

Only the dimensions of the blocks should be millimeter by millimeter. Otherwise, as in the designer, the parts do not fit together.

The bricks have to be discarded, incurring financial losses. If the blocks are molded correctly, construction is not only faster than with ordinary bricks, but also more practical.

So, communications can be “driven” into the holes of Lego. There is no need to run pipes indoors or hide them under plasterboard boxes or other screens. We will learn how to install communications into the wall correctly from the following video:

As you can see, a wall made of Lego bricks does not differ in appearance from ordinary masonry. True, there is no visible bonding mortar between the blocks.

The hero of the article is placed on glue. Use tiled. The quality characteristics also differ. Lego is not fired, it is created under pressure.

The resulting blocks are denser and therefore stronger. True, this requires a press weighing at least 30 tons. There are devices that press 40, 50 and 60 tons.

DIY Lego brick you cannot create a density of 1,550 kilograms per cube. Meanwhile, this is the minimum density according to GOST for the hero of the article.

Due to the higher density of Lego bricks, they are less moisture-intensive. Water absorption is no more than 6%. This makes the material suitable for use in areas with increased level humidity.

The hero of the article doesn’t care about frost. Lego brick in Moscow and other regions of the country can withstand about 200 cycles. True, this is just a theory.

The comparative novelty of the blocks does not allow us to verify the builders' claims in practice. But there are already houses that have stood for several decades. In the photo they look like new.

Just like regular bricks, Lego comes in several brands. One-story buildings are erected from blocks of up to 100. For multi-storey buildings, M-100, 125, 150 and M-200 are used.

The designation largely depends on the press used, or more precisely, its weight. Accordingly, the higher the brand of brick, the denser and stronger it is.

The resistance of blocks to seismic movements of the earth's crust is especially appreciated. In other words, Lego can withstand earthquakes better than ordinary bricks.

Withstands Lego bricks and criticism from aesthetes. The blocks are produced not only smooth, but also ribbed, imitating the surface of natural stone.

Such decorative options are useful not only when laying walls, but also fireplaces, gazebos, and fences.

The latter are usually based on pillars made of Lego elements. The basics of laying pillars are shown in the following video:

Like regular pillars, Lego brick elements are usually hollow inside. It is customary to use hollow blocks for fences. Solid brick goes to permanent buildings, load-bearing walls.

In such material, voids occupy no more than 25%. Hollow blocks also come with 60% air. This makes the brick lighter, cheaper, but deprives it of its safety margin.

But hollow models retain heat well and are often used as cladding for buildings and interior partitions.

Equipment for the production of Lego bricks

Lego brick making machine– this is a press with a matrix, that is, a shape. IN industrial models There are many containers for pressing.

In miniature machines, you can get only one brick per approach. Its density, as mentioned, depends on the mass of the press.

Only domestic cars exert maximum pressure. Lego brick press Western-made will produce a pressure of a maximum of 20 tons.

This is explained by the climate of the producing countries. Weather conditions Europe is softer. Bricks as strong and frost-resistant as in Russia are not needed.

Among domestic manufacturers of machine tools, several companies have proven themselves positively. They have different specializations.

Manual machine for lego bricks small in size, inexpensive, but low-productive, easy to select from the “Artel of Builders” catalog.

Here they use domestic steel, but Legostanok sells devices made from Swiss alloy.

Dobrynya LLC also offers to produce lego brick Equipment presented on an industrial scale.

Using the company's machines, it is possible to produce large batches in the shortest possible time. Atlant competes with Dobrynya. He also has presses with a force of 60 and even 70 tons. Examples of such machines are below:

Lego brick machine of a similar scale produces a block in 15 seconds and is powered by an electric drive.

Models for individual production are often manual and are not connected to the network. Production speed on conventional presses is from 40 seconds.

What is Lego brick made of?

IN lego brick composition clay, usual for standard blocks, is not always included. The basis of the new product is sand, water and Portland cement.

The latter is dominated by calcium silicate. It helps the cement to set quickly. In addition, Portland cements are distinguished by their fine grinding.

This is exactly what is needed for production lego bricks. Matrix it can also be filled with gravel, shell rock, crushed stone, limestone, and marble.

Since a fine fraction is needed, rock screenings are used. Let's see how to make one type of mixture in practice:

Mix for lego bricks has 4 main compositions and dozens of fantasy ones. If we talk about industry standards, cement accounts for 9 to 20%.

Sand should not be more than 35%. Otherwise, the strength of the blocks is lost. Clay may be 90%. One of the mixtures includes ash.

Its amount is 30%. Experts assure that the quality of bricks depends more on the composition than on the pressing force.

Lego brick color

Lego brick V Russia Available both natural and colored with pigments. Natural does not mean the same type.

Ash gives the blocks a gray tone. Clay makes Legos reddish. If white kaolin or limestone is used, the bricks are light in color. The admixture of sand gives beige shades.

The photographs show that the natural colors are pastel. If rich colors are needed, pigments are added to the mixture to make Lego bricks.

Sometimes they are deliberately distributed unevenly, imitating the color of different stones. Let's look at the results of the work below:

LEGO bricks are available in several types; their sizes depend on the molding zone of the vibration press and the type of matrix used in production.

Basic dimensions of a LEGO brick

Basic dimensions of a LEGO brick

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The usual dimensions of LEGO bricks are 250 x 125 x 65mm. The standard product has 2 holes with a diameter of 65mm, they are located at a distance of 60mm from each other. The main advantage of the product is the simplicity of masonry, which is carried out on the principle of connecting holes with tenons protruding from the front of the brick. The height of these tenons must be exactly 5mm, otherwise it will be impossible to realize the masonry concept that provides the performance benefits of the product.

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Precise masonry, possible with correct location holes relative to the side edges. Distance from the edge to the center of the hole with outside, should be 30mm, which will allow bricks to be laid in even rows. The corners of the brick have a size of 15mm; if the figure is larger, then the product loses its aesthetic appeal. The indicated dimensions of LEGO bricks are relevant only for a standard product, however, there are many other types on the market, mainly manufactured with imported matrices.

Thickened and elongated bricks

The most popular dies (press LY1-10):


Using these matrices, bricks of different shapes are made, but they all have the same size - 250x125x100mm. Such products are slightly higher than standard samples produced using domestic equipment; therefore, fewer bricks are needed to complete the masonry, and this is a direct saving. There are samples with a size of 300x150x100, but such products do not have holes; in the center they have a depression along the entire length, a groove protrudes on one side, and a tenon on the other.

Possible dimensional deviations during production

The dimensions of LEGO bricks are of decisive importance for manufacturers; by expanding the range, they increase the competitiveness of products, as they provide consumers with more options for construction. The main task of the manufacturer is correct adjustment machine, on which the uniformity of the brick geometry depends. The thickness of the product on one side may be 1.5 - 2 mm less. This can be corrected by using adjusting bolts equipped with support nuts. By correctly adjusting the machine, you can produce bricks of the required size.

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Total 2 (5,00 out of 5)

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Such a construction modern material, like “Lego” - a brick, reviews of which speak of its excellent quality, is an example of that very simple and ingenious solution. This product has some improvements compared to ordinary brick. In the 1st half of the twentieth century, the Danish builder Ole Kirk decided to make bricks with a distinct new form. Namely, in such a way that the resulting product helps itself to be laid. This is how “Lego” was created - a brick, reviews of which received from professionals in the construction industry indicate its reliability and ease of working with it. Read more about this and more.

Product Description

Lego bricks, reviews of which speak of the effectiveness and ease of use of this material, have two convex spherical holes on their upper surface. Bricks are produced on a specific machine. The lower plane of the product is equipped with two holes with a concave sphere. This is characteristic feature products such as Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate the high practicality of the material. The presence of such geometry ensures clear fixation of this product when conducting construction work. The joining of elements is carried out using adhesive solution. Geometric dimensions finished products are:

  • length - 250 mm;
  • width - 125 mm;
  • height - 45-80 mm;
  • weight - 3.5-4 kg (depending on the components included in the product);
  • maximum withstand pressure is 300 kg/cm2.

Lego bricks: composition of the mixture

In this regard, there are several varieties. Lego bricks can be made from the following compositions:

  • Clay-cement. Components such as clay (90%), cement (8%) and water are used here.
  • Composition based on various screenings. This also includes screenings (85-90%), cement (8%) and water.
  • Clay-sand. This includes four components: sand (35%), clay (55%), cement (8%) and water.

When planning production, the availability of raw materials should be taken into account. This is an important condition. Bricks produced by pressing require raw materials with a fine fraction. This must be taken into account to achieve the required strength. Lego bricks obtained from screenings have the highest strength characteristics.

The production of products such as Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate their reliability and efficiency, requires special molding dies. With their help, a surface is created with the necessary smoothness and with certain parameters of given geometric dimensions. For the full production of these products, you must have the entire set of matrices that allow you to obtain halves of these bricks and fitting products. They are used for finishing work.

Description of equipment

To make Lego bricks, reviews of which indicate their practicality and ease of use, you must have an appropriate machine. Its design includes units of a certain category, which are mounted on a metal frame. For example, equipment such as Legostanok provides the ability to semi-automatically produce Lego bricks, the composition of the mixture for the production of which is indicated above. The specified products are obtained in this unit using the pressing method at high pressure. In this case, the product is not subsequently fired in hot furnaces. Having this machine, it is quite possible to make Lego bricks with your own hands.

Operating principle

In this case, certain actions are taken into account. The mixture prepared for the formation of bricks is poured into a specially adapted hopper. Then, using a dispenser, it enters the molding compartment. Next, the mixture is compressed under high pressure using a hydraulic press. The result is a finished Lego brick. Equipment, reviews of which are positive due to the ease of implementation of the work process, as mentioned above, is considered using the example of a Legostanok machine. It has a three-phase electric motor and an oil pump, which creates the necessary pressure in the hydraulic cylinder. Thanks to the mechanized compression action this machine ensures achievement high pressure and increasing process productivity. Its presence will allow you to produce Lego bricks with your own hands, even without special skills and experience.

Description of the machine

The parameters of this type of equipment are optimal for placing it in a limited area. At proper organization labor and the process of preparing the mixture ensures the achievement of high results.

The main components of the machine are certain units:

  1. Loading hopper.
  2. Mixture dispenser with manual drive.
  3. Forming chamber.
  4. Matrix. With its help, a certain geometry of the holes in the Lego brick is set. It is located in the molding chamber.
  5. Electric motor.
  6. Oil pump.
  7. Hydraulic press. It runs on oil, which is pumped by a pump.
  8. Unit frame.

Workflow Description

This machine can operate either semi-automatically or manually. It all depends on the chosen technology. By manual mode we mean the molding process when using the type. It is able to create the necessary force in the press sole.

In semi-automatic operating mode, the operator opens the valve on the hydraulic line at the required moment, and molding is carried out using a hydraulic press. This mode helps to increase equipment productivity by 1.5-2 times. The above machine has these functions. "Lego" - a brick, reviews of which are positive due to the reliability and efficiency of the material - at the same time it turns out to be of higher quality. The reason is that the required pressure is achieved for effective adhesion of the mixture at the molecular level.

Lego brick production technology

The manufacturing process of this product includes several stages. Namely, carrying out:

  • preparatory work;
  • molding;
  • pressing bricks;
  • storage finished products with appropriate exposure for a certain time.

Next, let's look at each stage in more detail. Preparatory work include the delivery of the required raw materials, their sorting and preparation of the required mixture for molding. To increase productivity, it is recommended to use additional equipment that will allow you to bring the components to the required fraction (if necessary) by sifting and mix the raw material additives. If there are large volumes ready mixture using a conveyor, it is fed into the receiving hopper of the equipment. Then the required volume of the substance is sent to the matrix for formation using a dispensing device. This is done automatically with the help of an operator. After this, the dispenser returns to the space below the bunker. Then the valve is opened, which supplies oil to the press. After this, the mixture is compressed for a certain time. Next, using a pusher, the finished brick is pulled out and transferred to a temporary warehouse area, where the resulting products must be stored for three days. After this, the products can be shipped to the consumer. The period of time before starting to use the product must be at least 21 days.

  1. In order for the productivity of the machine to be maximum, two people should be involved in the production process and the preparatory work should be automated.
  2. Receipt of finished products can be carried out with the help of one operator. At the same time, the time for making a certain number of bricks will increase significantly.
  3. Receipt quality products directly depends on the components used and their dosage in the mixture. The required indicators in each specific case can be achieved empirically.
  4. To ensure constant orders, you should use a semi-automatic machine. As a result, the pressure during the formation process will increase. This, in turn, will lead to the opportunity to obtain high-quality and neat-looking Lego bricks, the composition of the mixtures for which is indicated above.

Scope of application

Lego brick is a product of the latest generation with increased density and a special shape. This product has improved technical characteristics. Lego bricks, in comparison with their regular “brother,” provide an ideal appearance facades of various buildings for many years. Also, the water absorption of this product is only 5%. As a result of this, a wall built from Lego bricks will not absorb moisture and various dirt. This product can be quickly cleaned with water. The products also have high frost resistance, are environmentally friendly and are suitable for use in various climatic conditions.

The scope of application of Lego bricks is initially determined by its ability to maintain its ideal appearance for a long time. Therefore, it is often used for cladding various structures, as well as for interior finishing. However, all wall structures can be made from Lego bricks, especially when using foam concrete as a filler.

How to work with Lego bricks?

One of the main advantages of working with a product such as a Lego brick is the ease of its installation. Compared to the “classic” analogue, installation will not cause any difficulties. Having a special shape and two guide holes, the Lego brick is laid quite simply:

  1. It will be sufficient to install only the first row using a level and guides. There is no difficulty in this either. Next, all the remaining rows are aligned themselves during the laying process, thanks to the appropriate guides.
  2. Installation requires a minimal amount of glue. The Lego bricks fit perfectly together. As a result, 500 pieces of glue require no more than 25 kilograms.
  3. Even an inexperienced craftsman will be able to carry out perfect bandaging of seams, since installing Lego bricks along the guides completely eliminates the presence of traditional errors. The laying speed is 2-3 times higher compared to its conventional counterpart.

Having low water absorption and high density, Lego bricks are not afraid of contamination. If excess glue extends beyond the boundaries of the seam, it can be easily removed with a spatula after complete drying.

Since the masonry, in the construction of which Lego bricks are used, has through holes along the entire height, it is very convenient to carry out reinforcement. If you plan to build low structures (for example, fence elements), then installation can be carried out without any glue or mortar at all. Lego bricks are laid out “dry”, and after that, reinforcement having a diameter of 10-20 mm is inserted into the masonry holes and cement is poured. As a result, the strength of the masonry increases and the stability and reliability of the wall geometry is ensured. It is necessary to take into account that the filling should be carried out in stages, that is, no more than 6 rows at a time.

It is convenient to use holes for laying. The presence of cavities in the walls is excellent for this. Then you can fill the holes with concrete mortar.

In the end

Currently, Lego bricks are considered as a new generation material. They are still treated with interest and caution. But increasingly, Lego (brick) receives feedback from builders positive character due to the quality of the material and ease of installation, as well as favorable prices, practicality and impeccable appearance. And these are quite weighty arguments.

Lego brick is a modular building material with simple manufacturing technology and affordable cost. Their appearance really resembles the parts of a famous designer, but in terms of strength and frost resistance they are not inferior to ordinary fired bricks. Production has not yet reached industrial scale; production is mainly carried out by private enterprises (fortunately, the cost of the equipment allows this). Reviews about the building material are mixed; many note the simplicity and accuracy of the masonry, but the durability and thermal insulation properties have not yet been tested by time.

Hyper-pressed modular bricks are produced in different forms, but most often the term “Lego” is used in a rectangular blank measuring 250x125x65 mm with locking joints and two through holes with a diameter of 75 mm. The geometry of the products is carefully calibrated; with the first row laid correctly, even a beginner can handle the construction of Lego brick structures. This design makes it possible to lighten the weight of the workpieces (due to this, the load on the foundation is reduced) and lay wires and other communications inside the walls.

Recommended applications include façade cladding, fencing, bollards, partitions and load-bearing walls. The material is optimal when it is necessary to quickly erect light buildings. The main performance characteristics include:

  • Standardized density – from 1550 kg/m3.
  • Frost resistance – from 35 cycles.
  • Water absorption –5-6%.
  • The average weight of 1 piece is 3 kg.
  • The minimum strength grade is M150.

It is possible to produce bricks with a density of up to 1900 kg/m3 and frost resistance of at least 50, but in this case it will cost more (due to the rapid failure of equipment when finely grinding abrasive raw materials).

Manufacturing Features

Equipment for the production of Lego bricks is a manual or electric multifunctional machine that is not demanding in terms of space and placement conditions. Blanks are formed in special matrices; at the initial stage, the simplest and most common ones are sufficient. The process follows the following scheme: loading raw materials → grinding and mixing → forming bricks in matrices → steaming. On average, on electrical equipment it takes no more than 12 seconds to make 1 piece, and another 3 to remove it from the machine.

The quality depends on several factors: the composition of the mixture, the size of the component fractions and the amount of pressure being processed. It is noted that in order to produce Lego bricks with sufficient strength, a pressure of at least 150 kg/cm2 must be provided (you should pay attention to this before purchasing equipment). It is believed that the material is immediately suitable for use, but experienced builders It is advised to wait at least 3 weeks before using.

Composition of the mixture for production

For production, crushed and sifted fractions of volcanic and limestone rocks, sand and clay with cement as a binder are used. The smaller their size, the more reliable the Lego brick is. Three types of compositions are used in production:

  • From cement up to 10% and clay up to 90%, the amount of added water does not exceed 3%.
  • The same, but with the addition of sand (up to 50-60%). To obtain high-quality building material, this mixture is subjected to particularly high pressure processing.
  • Based on melusa (cuts of limestone rocks, up to 80%), high-quality Portland cement (up to 15%) and water.

The latest type of mixture for making bricks is considered the highest quality and suitable for use in the Russian climate. To improve moisture-repellent properties, plasticizers are introduced; their proportion slightly affects the proportions of the added binder. To make the product attractive, additional coloring ingredients are used: phthalocyanine paints or iron oxides.

Lego-style brick is valued for its ability to build walls without the usual masonry cement-containing mixtures. The rows are laid using special glue (the estimated consumption per 1 cubic meter is 25 kg), the shape of the products allows you to create even and smooth structures without protruding mortar and unsightly seams. But according to reviews from builders, this approach is not enough; they recommend strengthening the masonry with iron reinforcement and filling the central holes with concrete. The thicker the guides, the better; rods with a diameter of at least 12 mm are used on load-bearing walls.

Review Reviews

“Used Lego bricks for construction summer kitchen, the masonry was placed in one row with reinforcement reinforcement. The advantages of the material include the speed and ease of work; I did not waste time on mixing the interslot mortar, only on concrete for pouring. The kitchen walls turned out beautiful and smooth. But for buildings with higher thermal insulation requirements, I would not buy it.”

Ivan Novikov, Moscow.

“I bought a Lego brick during construction country house, was pleased with it. The walls were erected in two rows with the space between the bricks filled with expanded clay. The house turned out to be warm and durable; I began finishing work 3 weeks after the internal holes were reinforced. But despite all the advantages, I personally would not call the technology economical, but rather convenient. For large construction volumes, it is worth purchasing your own equipment for production.”

Vladislav, Voronezh.

“When applying glue when laying Lego brick, I advise you to use a brush rather than a spatula, this will reduce consumption. You should not be afraid of reviews that the building will be drafty or fragile, the accuracy of the forms and lock connections These products are high, they fit tightly to each other. The only negative I noticed was a slight fading of the color after two years; it’s not for nothing that they advise hiding it with plaster.”

Ilya, Moscow.

“For builders who want to build a house or cottage from Lego bricks, I advise you to pay attention to the accuracy of the products and invite an experienced mason at least for the first row. Cheap bricks with chipped edges will not fit neatly into the groove, and the edges on the face row will look unsightly.”

Nikolay, Saratov.

“I bought Lego bricks to build an unheated garage and an adjacent fence. The fence turned out very beautiful, after a year of use I do not notice any cracks or other defects. I think that the material is optimal for the quick construction of a light building, at least I wasn’t disappointed.”

Valery, St. Petersburg.

Summary: Pros and Cons of Lego Bricks

Feedback analysis and performance characteristics allows us to conclude that the advantages of the material significantly outweigh its disadvantages. The advantages of the technology include:

  • Low production costs (including due to the absence of firing), the entire manufacturing process takes place on one equipment.
  • Possibility of rapid construction of buildings, high accuracy of product geometry.
  • Good performance indicators of lego bricks: strength, resistance to wear, cracking, seismological influences, temperature changes.
  • Possibility of laying engineering communications inside the walls.
  • Ease of processing: if necessary, the brick is cut with a grinder without painting.
  • Attractive appearance of Lego bricks and structures assembled from them. At the right technology produced, it has a perfectly flat surface, without chips at the edges, with a stable color.
  • Savings on exterior decoration facades (there is no need to apply leveling solutions, a thin layer of finishing plaster is sufficient, which is convenient for builders).
  • Possibility of making Lego bricks to order, with improved strength and moisture-resistant characteristics. Wide selection of colors, shapes (including additional elements).

The disadvantages include increased thermal conductivity; when constructing residential buildings, wall insulation becomes a necessary condition. But the main disadvantage is the lack of construction standards and any control over the quality of production (like any other time-untested technology). Much depends on the integrity of the manufacturing enterprises; builders are advised to check the declared characteristics before buying a brick, including for compliance with climatic operating conditions.

The average price per piece is 16 rubles. To ensure safety, products are transported to wooden pallets, each holds a minimum of 352 pieces. The production of such bricks is mainly carried out by small enterprises; it is advisable to order it in advance and discuss the volume and terms of delivery. The price of Lego bricks is determined by the cost of the raw materials used, in particular, the coloring pigments added to the mixture. Colored options usually cost 2-4 rubles more, but the final cost is set only by the manufacturer.

Lego brick is an innovative building material with a specific shape. It is this that is its main advantage and allows for quick laying. Due to its properties, this building material is quickly gaining popularity.

Lego brick is an improved version of regular brick. It is used for the rapid construction of various buildings.

Lego brick is an advanced building stone that can be used to quickly and efficiently build a variety of objects. Thanks to the presence of voids and recesses, building with it is easy and simple.

The wall is laid according to the type of assembly of the designer, so any owner can cope with this task. This will allow you to significantly save on the services of professional builders. You can master the masonry process by building a Lego fence yourself.

  • length 25 cm;
  • width 12.5 cm;
  • height 4.5-8 cm;
  • weight depends on the type of mixture used and ranges from 3-4 kg;
  • strength 100-200 kg/cm²;
  • frost resistance of at least 200 freeze-thaw cycles;
  • density 1550 kg/m³;
  • strength grade M100-M200.

These building products are suitable for the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions; the strength of the masonry is superior to their ceramic counterparts. A house made of Lego bricks has high seismic resistance.

The only drawback of this material is that it has not yet stood the test of time. However, its composition and manufacturing method suggest that it will withstand it with dignity.

Organization of Lego brick production

In order to start producing Lego bricks, you will need special equipment. The market offers several types of small-sized machines that allow you to start your own business.

This type of activity will not require substantial initial investments in renting premises and purchasing equipment. Production ceramic bricks can be organized in the garage or at the dacha.

Manufacturers offer the following models of machines for making bricks:

  1. UGP 410 "Lego 4". This equipment makes it possible to produce Lego bricks using the pressing method. The machine is small-sized. Its dimensions (LxWxH): 100x60x160 cm. Therefore, large premises are not required for work. The production time for 1 brick is 20 seconds. In one production cycle You can make one product. 1-2 people can handle servicing the machine.

  2. UGP 525 "Lego 5 Auto". Auto line machines are equipped with a set of control equipment: a cycle counter, a press operation sensor, a mixture control sensor in the hopper, temperature and pressure sensors. This brick making machine works on the principle of vibration pressing. Equipment dimensions (LxWxH): 110x90x190 cm. Despite the simplicity of this machine, it is capable of producing products whose quality and shape meet all requirements.
  3. Lego 120. This one manual machine the most inexpensive, since it does not belong to the category of automated equipment. The production of building stones is carried out on it mechanically using a lever drive. This machine for Lego bricks weighs 90 kg, dimensions - 160x50x110 cm. Capacity - 120 pcs. per hour 1-3 people are needed for maintenance.

In addition to the machine it is necessary auxiliary equipment: vibrating sieve and belt conveyor. They will help significantly reduce the need manual labor, facilitate and speed up the process of manufacturing and storing manufactured products.

However, it is desirable to have this equipment for brick production, but not required. If we consider brick production as a business, then the automation process is extremely important. But at first, you can get by with buying one machine.

If you decide to start a highly profitable business, it is recommended to purchase a complex such as a brick production line. This is a real mini-factory, equipped with all the necessary equipment for automation and control. So, production line The ZiegelMasch “standard” allows you to produce up to 3.5 thousand products per shift.

Such equipment for brick production is quite expensive, but it also pays off quickly: the demand for these building materials is growing every day.

The package includes a press with a capacity of 60 tons, allowing the production of products high quality. Therefore, there will be no problems with product certification.

Composition of mixtures for Lego bricks

The technical characteristics of any building stone depend 80-90% on the type and quality of the mixture from which it is made.

No matter how good the machine for the production of Lego bricks is, it will not be able to fully provide the product with the necessary strength and durability. These indicators directly depend on the complex of materials that will be placed in the bunker. The press will only form them into a product of the required dimensions.

The composition of the mixture for making Lego bricks includes:

  1. Portland cement grade not lower than M400.
  2. Sand.
  3. Water.
  4. Aggregate.

The choice of the latter is very wide. You can use the material that is easiest to obtain. You can set the following:

  • marble screening;
  • limestone;
  • lime screenings or grits;
  • shell rock;
  • crushed stone;
  • gravel.

Let's look at mixtures for Lego bricks.

Option #1:

  • cement M500 9%;
  • screening of fine limestone (0-5 mm) 85%;
  • limestone grains 30%;
  • pigments 10%;
  • ash 30%.

Option #2:

  • cement M400 315 kg;
  • crushed stone of small or medium fraction 690 kg;
  • sand 825 kg;
  • water 92 l.

Option #3:

  • clay 80-90% of the total composition;
  • cement 10-20%;
  • water.

Option #4:

  • sand 35%;
  • clay 55%;
  • cement 10%;
  • water.

Learning to prepare a high-quality mixture is not easy. Most manufacturers go through trial and error, since much depends on the quality of the cement and the type of filler. More experienced entrepreneurs share their best practices, which help newcomers quickly master production. The recommendations are as follows:

  • machines with a press pressure of less than 30 tons cannot provide high-quality appearance and shape of the brick, which is based large number fireclay clay;
  • products of the highest possible strength are obtained from mixtures that include crushed stone;
  • To ensure the product has high frost resistance and moisture resistance, the mixture should contain as little clay as possible.

What else is required to produce Lego bricks?

An important piece of equipment is the matrix. It is a metal fixture that is the heart of the press. It is this that provides the product with the desired shape and directly affects the characteristics of the product. The Lego matrix can be purchased along with the machine or purchased separately. Without a matrix, the technology for producing Lego bricks cannot be followed.

Matrices are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standards. For single bricks, the dimensions of the equipment are 250x120x65 mm, for one-and-a-half bricks - 250x120x88 mm, for double bricks - 250x120x140 mm. Each of these matrices has holes and protrusions, which are a feature of Lego bricks.


Despite the apparent complexity of manufacturing these products, setting them up is quite simple. Maintenance of the machines does not require a large team of workers. The cost of production is very low, which allows you to get high profits.