Medicinal properties of Potentilla bush pink beauty. How to grow cinquefoil bush (Kuril tea) in open ground. Reproduction of cinquefoil bush

Cinquefoil shrub Pink Beauty (Lovely Pink) - shrub. Crown diameter and height under conditions middle zone: Height up to

0.5 m at 0.8 m width.
Flowering: Flowers not typical for cinquefoils, pleasant pink color, very large, up to 5 cm in diameter, blooms from June to October.
Foliage: Leaves are compound, small up to 1 cm, 5 lobes, numerous, green.
Soil: Requires fertile, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline soil, tolerates drought.
Light: Sunny or semi-shaded places.
Planting: In dense group planting, the bushes are placed at a distance of 60-80 cm from one another. Planting in holes 50 - 60 cm deep. Drainage about 15 - 20 cm. To existing garden soil add humus and sand. Root collar at ground level. If the soils are poor, you can add mineral fertilizers by adding up to 100 g of complex fertilizer to each planting hole.
Care and protection: In September, once every three years, the bushes are trimmed - non-lignified shoots are shortened by an average of a third. If the haircut took place in April, then the hair is cut by 10 - 20 cm, which will cause active growth and branching. Before flowering, the plants are fertilized: 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters. warm water.
Purpose: Ideal for planting in groups, alpine roller coaster, can be used in ridges, uncut borders.
Crown structure: The crown is hemispherical with separately protruding branches.

A bright miniature plant with creeping shoots with reddish-brown bark has a height of no more than 0.5 m. Dense foliage of small pinnately dissected leaves of emerald color forms a hemispherical crown up to 0.8 m wide with separately protruding branches. In autumn the leaves turn yellowish-brown.

Large flowers of rich pink color give the shrub a special picturesque appearance. A light-loving plant, but it grows in shaded areas without any problems. It is characterized by high drought, gas and smoke resistance, as well as winter hardiness.

Features of planting and care

Cinquefoil shrub Pink Beauty prefers fertile and well-moistened soils. Therefore, before purchasing and planting, the soil in the planting pits should be well enriched with humus and mineral fertilizers. Broken bricks or pebbles (up to 20 cm) are suitable for drainage.

Cinquefoil Pink Beauty in the landscape

Easily tolerates haircuts while maintaining decorative look for a long time, so Pink Beauty is most often used to create both free-growing and trimmed borders and hedges. In combination with herbaceous perennial plants used to create rock gardens, rocky gardens, ridges and rock gardens.

  • Latin name: Potentilla fruticosa Pink Beauty
  • Crown diameter and height in the middle zone: has a height of no more than 0.5 m
  • Bloom: large flowers rich pink color gives the shrub a special picturesqueness
  • Foliage: dense foliage of small pinnately dissected leaves of emerald color forms a hemispherical crown up to 0.8 m wide with separately protruding branches. Leaves turn yellowish-brown in autumn
  • Features of growth and cultivation: has high drought, gas and smoke resistance
  • Soil: prefers fertile and well-moistened soils
  • Light: light-loving plant, but grows in shaded areas without any problems
  • Frost resistance: winter-hardy plant
  • Landing: the soil in the planting pits should be well enriched with humus and mineral fertilizers. Broken bricks or pebbles (up to 20 cm) are suitable for drainage.
  • Crown structure: reddish brown

Pink color is not typical for Potentilla fruticosa, but the variety "Pink Beauty" makes you forget about typical solutions.

Crown diameter of an adult plant (m): 0.8

Height of an adult plant (m): 0.5


Cinquefoil shrub Pink Beauty is a low, dense shrub with creeping shoots and pink flowers atypical for cinquefoil.

It tolerates haircuts well and retains its decorative compact appearance for a long time.

Ideal for planting in groups, alpine slides, can be used in ridges and untrimmed borders.

The crown is hemispherical with separately protruding branches.

The leaves are small, up to 1 cm long, of 5 lobes, numerous, green.

Blooms from June to October. The flowers are pink, atypical for cinquefoils, very large, up to 5 cm in diameter.


It should be planted in fertile soils, sunny or semi-shaded places.

In dense group planting, the bushes are placed at a distance of 60-80 cm from one another. Planting in holes 50-60 cm deep. Drainage - a layer of broken bricks or pebbles 15-20 cm thick. Humus and sand are added to the existing garden soil. The root collar should be located at ground level. If the soils are poor, you can add mineral fertilizers by adding up to 100 g of complex fertilizer to each planting hole.

Saplings with an open root system are planted in spring and autumn. Seedlings with a clod of earth from a container - from early spring to late autumn.


Care: loosening, weeding, fertilizing, sanitary and anti-aging pruning. The bushes are trimmed once every three years. You can cut it in September: in this case, non-lignified shoots are shortened by an average of a third. If the procedure took place in April, then the shoots should be shortened by approximately 10-20 cm; in the spring this causes active growth and branching.

Water regularly, especially in hot weather.

The plant is winter-hardy.

Before flowering, the plants are fertilized: 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water.

Diseases: powdery mildew. Protection - fungicides.

Propagated by cuttings, seeds, layering, and dividing the bush.

When creating landscape design in your garden you need to use plants that delight with their greenery and flowers before trees, remaining fresh and bright until mid-autumn. Growing cinquefoil bush in open ground is not difficult, because the plant is unpretentious, frost-resistant, and does not require special pruning.

Today we will introduce you to varieties of shrubby cinquefoil, with its medicinal properties and features of caring for it.

Cinquefoil shrub (goose) is also called “Kuril tea.” The fact is that the population of Siberia and Far East from the Urals to the Kuril Islands they use a dark infusion with a tart aroma, similar to tea.

It not only replaces regular tea as a drinkable drink, but also has healing properties.

There is a lot of cinquefoil ascorbic acid and vitamin A. The leaves and shoots of the plant contain tannins, essential oils, phenolcarboxylic acids.

Minimal plant care is very convenient, especially for the garden. The plant comes from forest, forest-steppe zones Western Europe, Russia. Belongs to the Pink family.

There are also terry varieties, which bloom from early spring until frost. Resistant to diseases and pests.

Description of cinquefoil varieties

Based on the type of Potentilla bush, breeders have developed many magnificent varieties with large flowers and different colors. Some of them are unpretentious, others need more careful care.

Unpretentious varieties

Abotswood– Latin name Abbotswood – cinquefoil with white flowers. It has a pillow-shaped shape. The width of the bush reaches 1.2 m, and the height up to 1 m. The diameter of the flowers is 2.5 cm. It blooms all summer, starting in June, delighting with its beauty and abundance of color. Flowering ends at the end of October.

Goldfinger– tall branched shrub (width and height 1.2 m) with yellow flowers 5cm in diameter. It has a spherical shape. It also blooms from June to October.

Goldstar– a smaller shrub - 1.8 cm high and 1.2 cm wide. It has a pillow shape. The flowers are yellow, 4-5cm in diameter. It blooms for only 2 months, July and August.

Darts Golddigger- a plant with golden-yellow flowers that delight with their beauty from June to October. The flowers are also 4-5 cm in diameter. The crown shape is cushion-shaped, but smaller, half a meter high and 1 m wide.

Primrose Beauty- a spherical shrub. Both the height and width reach 1.2 m, but the flowers are smaller, creamy-yellow in color, and are 2.5 cm in diameter. Blooms from mid-June to mid-September.

Decorative varieties

In April, the shoots are cut by a third and the old and weak ones are removed. It is demanding of soil, prefers fertile soils with slightly acidic and neutral reactions.

Light-loving, but grows best in partial shade. Prefers humidity. Flowers fade from bright sunlight. During periods of drought, it requires watering and is used in flower beds and flowering borders.

Before planting a plant in open ground, you need to choose a place for it.

It is important that it is located in a well-lit place so that direct sun rays fell on the plant only in the morning and evening, because in the heat they can cause the flowers to burn out. If you grow the plant in partial shade, it may refuse to flower.

It is important to choose the soil. Basically, slightly acidic, fertile soil is preferred for “Kuril tea”, but some prefer sandy soil.

The roots of the plant are superficial, so it is better to plant it in a hole 50 cm deep. There should be a distance between bushes from 30 to 80cm. Place in the planting hole good drainage: pebbles, crushed stone or broken bricks.

Then add humus mixed with garden soil. The root collar must be higher than the soil, otherwise the plant will get sick.

When planting, you can add ash or mineral fertilizer. Finish planting with watering. To retain moisture around it, you need to mulch the soil around its stem.

Caring for cinquefoil bush

In order for the plant to bloom profusely, you need to plant it on sunny place with moisture-absorbing fertile soil. For abundant flowering Potentilla shrub is often fed.

Water the cinquefoil bush regularly in dry areas and in hot weather. The soil around the trunk is mulched to retain moisture in the soil as long as possible.

To give beautiful view The plant is pruned in the spring. Pruning of shoots is done by half or a third. With the help of pruning, you can give the bush a bizarre shape in the form of a ball or tree.

To form a low-growing tree, several erect shoots are intertwined and the rest are cut off. At a height of 40cm, cut off the buds and small stems. The crown is also trimmed, leaving shoots 10-12cm long.

Reproduction of cinquefoil bush

The plant propagates by cuttings, seeds, dividing the bush, and layering.

We take woody shoots spreading along the ground, make an incision on them and press them into an earthen hole. Place a stone on top or pin it with a hairpin. After 10 days they will give roots.

But from mother bush Don’t separate them, let them get stronger. Rooted cuttings should be watered and fed along with the entire bush. It is better to replant a stronger young plant in the spring.

The plant can be propagated by dividing the bush in spring and autumn. In the spring of such an operation, plants are available in any area, and in the fall only in warm places.

On the one hand, we dig up the bush, carefully separate part of it with a shovel or hatchet so as not to damage the roots, and take it out. We bury the remaining bush in the ground again. We cut off the dug part of the bush 20-30 cm above the root and leave a few buds. We put him in a hole.

Cuttings can be done using green and woody shoots. Young shoots are cut during the day in cool weather and before sunrise.

They are cut with leaves because they are responsible for photosynthesis, thereby allowing the cuttings to take root faster. Before planting, the cuttings are dipped into a growth stimulator. The cuttings need to be trimmed so that the cut at the top is immediately above the bud, and at the bottom 5-10 mm below the bud.

There should be 2-4 internodes on the cuttings. That is why their length is 12 cm. Cuttings are cut from healthy bush no flowers. Before planting, they need to be treated with a disinfectant to prevent pests and diseases from appearing. Plant the cuttings directly into the soil under a jar or in a greenhouse.

The cutting should be kept in the shade or covered with an awning, glass, and painted over with lime so that it does not die from bright light. Replant rooted cuttings only in spring. Woody shoots are even easier to plant. They can be prepared from spring to autumn.

If you can’t plant them in open ground right away, you should dig them a little into soil consisting of garden soil and sand and leave them until spring. The substrate in which the cuttings will be planted requires sand or vermiculite, limed peat and humus.

Propagation by seeds is not difficult. Seeds should be collected in the fall, when they are fully ripe. Spread the seeds on the surface and press down lightly. Sometimes shrubby cinquefoil reproduces by self-sowing.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests are not dangerous for shrubby cinquefoil. The only thing that bothers the plant is rust. Yellow-brown or reddish-brown raised spots appear on the leaves various sizes and shapes.

Every day they swell more and more, forming pustules. Then they become dry, crack, burst, and rusty powder spills out of them. These are fungal spores that spread to other plants.

As the disease progresses, the leaves begin to curl and dry out, and then fall off. The plant turns brown. It is necessary to treat the plant with preparations that contain sulfur and boron.

A solution of potassium permanganate also helps. The plant growing next to it is affected. coniferous trees, so make sure that the cinquefoil bush grows away from them. Problems also occur with plants with red and pink flowers.

When the air temperature rises at night in the summer, plants stop producing pigment, so bright red flowers turn orange or yellow. The Red Art color will return during the cooler months of August. This is the brightest flowering period of these varieties.

Growing cinquefoil in open ground, although it brings some inconvenience (flowers fading, rust), but you will enjoy the fresh greenery and bright colors of the plant all summer. “Kuril tea” will help get rid of many ailments and strengthen the immune system.

A creative approach to pruning will help you admire the result of your work and be proud of yourself and your skill.