Notes on plasticineography in the preparatory group. Plasticineography in kindergarten: how to conduct creativity lessons Plasticineography in kindergarten preparatory group

Suchkova Svetlana Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 43 "Rodnichok"
Locality: Chuvashia, city of Novocheboksarsk
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Lesson notes on plasticineography "Flower Fantasy"
Publication date: 22.04.2016
Chapter: secondary education

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 43 "Rodnichok", the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic.
educational field - artistic - aesthetic development, type of lesson - integrated.
"Flower fantasy" (using platinography technique).
: 25 minutes.
senior preschool age.
laptop, multimedia installation, projector, screen, mini-speaker with flash drive, camera.
I offer a summary of GCD for drawing using an unconventional drawing technique - plasticineography. It involves drawing with plasticine on cardboard or any other dense base. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers. The summary is aimed at developing interest in visual arts and developing manual motor skills in children preschool age. LESSON SUMMARY "Flower Fantasy" (using plasticineography technique)
development of manual motor skills in preschool children through plasticineography.

- learn to create images of plants (flowers) using non-traditional execution techniques - plasti lography.
consolidate sculpting techniques: rolling plasticine between palms; - practice using the technique of rolling, rolling, pinching; - consolidate the ability to connect parts, pressing them tightly against each other, and in smoothing seams, the ability to work with a stack; - continue to introduce children to the properties of plasticine (soft, able to take any shape);
- develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills and hand coordination, eye control.

- cultivate responsiveness, kindness, the ability to sympathize with the characters, the desire to help them; - cultivate accuracy in working with plasticine.
improve speech skills.

a set of plasticine, a set of colored cardboard, a stack, a board for modeling, cards - diagrams, a napkin for hands. Folder - screen for the exhibition of paintings "Floral Fantasy". Leaflet - message.
Progress of the lesson:
Children are included in the group.
Hello guys. Guys, me. today I want to invite you to my creative workshop. Do you know what a creative workshop is?
(children's answers).
Guys, you said it right, what are we going to do in our workshop today? Oh, what is this? (Bee buzzing, audio recording in a mini speaker). Guys, what's going on?
: (children's answers) A bee is buzzing. A bee is brought in.
Guys, what was the bee buzzing about? How do you think?
Guys, now I suggest you look at the screen (interactive equipment) and we will find out what the bee was buzzing about. Show and view slides "Such different flowers." After viewing the slides, the teacher’s question: what does our little bee dream about?
: answers.
The little bee dreams of flowers. Do you want to help our little bee? (children's answers). Let's help our little bee collect a clearing of flowers. Shall we draw flowers for her? (Children's answers). Guys, look here there are small bags, take them and guess what we will use to create flowers for the bee? (Answers from children).
correctly from plasticine. A small exhibition of karinas is organized in the workshop. Let's take a look at it. (Looking at paintings). Draw the children's attention to the fact that all the pictures are created from plasticine flagella on a cardboard base.
: Do you want to depict the same flowers? (children's answers). I suggest you choose cardboard for the base and sit down at the tables. .Now let’s remember together how flagella are molded. You can use diagrams in your work. I think you will draw beautiful flowers for our little bee, and she will sit next to us. Children begin the practical part. While the children are working, the music plays softly ("Waltz of the Flowers", Evgeniy Doga). As the children depict flowers, the teacher “assembles” a clearing for the bee (together with the children). The clearing has been collected.
(looking at the "clearing") guys, you did a very nice job. Beautiful flowers, beautiful meadow. Our bee's dream has come true. I suggest you play the game.
(Children hold a flower in their hands) Flowers of unprecedented beauty grow in the meadow. Flowers are reaching out to the sun - reach out to them too. The wind blows sometimes, But it doesn’t matter. The flowers bend down, Drop their petals, and then get up again. And they still bloom.
guys, did you like our workshop? What are we today
did you do? How did we draw flowers? What did you like most? (children's answers). And the little bee wants to leave us a farewell message (a sheet with a message is printed). Let's read it. If I pick a flower If you pick a flower If Everything: both I and YOU - If We pick Flowers, All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty.
: Guys, let’s not pick flowers in vain? (children's answers).
: Thank you guys for Good work. You tried very hard. Photo for memory.

Plasticineography Fairytale Gzhel in a preparatory school group. GCD summary.

Abstract of GCD in a preparatory group for school on the topic: "Fairytale Gzhel" (plasticineography)

Description of material: Dear friends, I bring to your attention a summary of GCD for cognitive development(familiarization with the surrounding world) and fine arts for children preparatory group. ECD is aimed at developing the cognitive interest of older preschoolers, consolidating ideas about arts and crafts, and developing interest in drawing with plasticine. The material will be useful to educators, children of senior preschool age and schoolchildren, teachers, educators additional education, parents.

Target: Introducing children to the beauty and originality of Gzhel painting.
To consolidate the idea of ​​craftsmanship, color, and elements of painting.
Strengthen the techniques of drawing with plasticine using the technique of brushstroke, “droplet”, spiral, blade of grass, curls, wavy lines.
Develop creativity and interest in drawing with plasticine.
Develop the ability to evaluate the work of peers.
Materials: wax plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, napkins, silhouette of white cardboard dishes.
Equipment: images of Gzhel dishes, buffoon, Gzhelinka doll, audio recordings of Russian folk tunes, ICT, presentation “Visiting the Gzhel Masters”
Exhibition of Gzhel dishes and decorative Gzhel toys.
Progress of the lesson:
The guys, accompanied by Russian folk tunes, enter the group and stand in a semicircle in front of the table on which the dishes of Gzhel masters are displayed. In the hands of the teacher is a buffoon barker.

Buffoon: Hey, honest people, hurry up and come to us!
Get ready, come, turn your eyes towards us!
Yes, look at this beauty quickly!
Look at the dishes!
(the buffoon teacher takes any object in his hands and asks the children, changing his voice, as if from the dishes)
What a beauty!
Tell me, guys, what is it made of?
Children: Made of clay, porcelain, ceramics.
Buffoon: Guys, guess my riddle:
Blue roses, leaves, birds.
Seeing you for the first time, everyone will be surprised
A miracle on porcelain - a blue font,
It's called simply painting.....
Children's answer: Gzhel. Gzhel dishes; dishes of Gzhel masters.
Skomorokh: And here you answer correctly. Beautiful girls and kind fellows, let's go with you to a place called Gzhel. Look at the screen - where it all begins. Clay is diluted in huge vats.

It is poured into special blank molds.

And left to dry. Then you get products like this.

Do they look attractive, are they pleasing to the eye?
Children's answers: No. They are white, not bright.
Buffoon: Right. Listen, guys, everyone calls Gzhel a fairy tale, but I’m not telling you a fairy tale, but a true story.
“In the Russian state, in very ancient times, among dense forests not far from the city of Moscow, there was a village. There lived craftsmen who made dishes from snow-white clay, firing the products in a hot oven.
And so they once gathered for a council of masters and decided to sculpt dishes that no one had ever seen, so that they could show their skills to all people, in order to become famous throughout the world.
The masters began to show their skills. One of them has a wonderful sugar bowl: handles on both sides, and a bird of paradise on the lid.

Another master looked at the sugar bowl, marveled, and he himself sculpted a girl in the form of a vase.

The third master marveled at such beauty, and came up with an even better idea: he made a tureen in the shape of a miracle fish. The fish smiles, waves its tail, and shakes its fin.

They went home, went and admired the blue-eyed sky, the bluish forest in the distance, the blue expanse of rivers and lakes and cornflower fields. So they decided to transfer all this blue to their white porcelain.
Flowers, people, birds, and animals became blue-eyed under the brush of skilled craftsmen.
Everyone loved the dishes. They began to call it “Fairytale Gzhel”
To this day, the city of Gzhel is alive, and the great-great-grandchildren of the masters and their children continue the tradition, sculpting and painting Gzhel dishes.

Buffoon: Now I suggest you get some rest.
Physical education minute:

Here is the table (stretch both arms forward, spread them slightly to the sides, lower them down, as if drawing a table)
The samovar is boiling on it. (hands on the belt, turns to the side)
Bring the cups (squat, one hand on the belt)
Very fragile poor things. (tilts head to the side)
Pour some tea (spinning around its axis)
I give everyone a treat.
Here's a silver tray (arms above head, rise on toes)
He brought us a pie for tea. (walking)
Educator: Guys, who is it that is crying here, wiping away his tears with a handkerchief?
(a Gzhelinka doll appears in the teacher’s hands)

Educator: Why are you, girl, depressed?
Why are you shedding your tears?
Grzelinka: I broke all the dishes (crying)
Educator: Where are your dishes?
Grzelinka: Here, there are fragments on the tray.
(on the tray there are cut, painted products of Gzhel masters: a teapot, a sugar bowl, a saucer, a cup)
Educator: Ah, so it is. Don’t worry, our guys will collect all the pieces now.
Game "Collect the dishes"
Educator: So we collected the dishes, but now you can’t glue them together. But no problem. Don’t worry, Gzhelinka, my guys will help you. They are now for you new dishes they'll write it down better than before! And now, guys, I suggest you also visit a fairy tale. And turn into skilled craftsmen. And today we will paint the dishes with Gzhel painting, but in a special way, not with paint, but with plasticine.
Take your seats at the tables, guys.
(children sit at tables: on the tables there are modeling boards, plasticine, napkins, stacks, a silhouette of a tray made of white cardboard)
Educator: In front of you guys is the silhouette of a white tray. Can you help me paint it?
Children's answer: We'll help.
Educator: Look at the board, guys. You have already tried how to paint with paints. I'll show you how to make similar strokes from plasticine. First, we pinch off a piece of blue plasticine, roll it into a ball, and place it on a tray, pressing down lightly. On top of it, add a ball of white plasticine slightly to the side. Pressing your thumb onto both circles, we make a smear, pulling the plasticine along the sheet in the direction we need.
The curl can be made using thin sausages.

Guys, is the technique clear? Then, accompanied by Russian folk tunes, I suggest you get down to business.

Lyudmila Isheeva


"Bullfinches in winter."

Preparatory group.

Goals: Create conditions for generalizing ideas about wintering birds, encouraging children to accurately convey the appearance of an object, select colors and compare sizes.

To promote the development of skills and abilities to work in the “Plasticineography” technique (pinching, rolling sausages, smearing on the base, smoothing finished surfaces, fine motor skills of the fingers, sensory skills, creative imagination.

Promote education careful attitude to feathered friends.

Preliminary work : bird watching on a walk, conversation about wintering birds.


Cardboard with the outline of a bullfinch;

Plasticine set;

Wet wipes for hands;

Illustration depicting a bullfinch.

Progress of the lesson

Paws are getting cold in the cold near the pine and spruce trees.

What a miracle - the apples have ripened on the birch tree!

I come closer to her, and I can’t believe my eyes -

A flock of scarlet bullfinches has stuck around the tree! (Bullfinches)

Main part.

1. Conversation about bullfinches.

Bullfinch bird (order passeriformes).

Bullfinches are migratory birds, that is, they move from one place to another over a short distance in search of food, wintering, and rest.

What do bullfinches eat? (Rowan berries, viburnum, juniper and plant seeds).

What does a bullfinch look like? (Children's answers)

Show illustrations.

Yes, guys, the male bullfinch has a lilac-gray back, a dazzling white undertail, a black tail and wings, and a bright red breast. The female is more modestly colored - her breast is not scarlet, but dark gray.

Do you know how bullfinches behave? (Children's answers)

These birds are slow, clumsy, important, pugnacious, cocky. They slowly fly in small flocks from tree to tree, slowly pecking at rowan berries.

What does a bullfinch whistle sound like? To the sound of a flute: gentle, sad.

How can we help these birds? (Children's answers)

The most important rule for humans is not to interfere with nature and take care of our little feathered friends! Without them, our life will become boring and “ugly”.

Outdoor game "Bullfinches"

Practical work.

Today we will draw our bullfinches using plasticine, and a whole flock of these amazing birds will live in our group.

Let's start painting the bullfinch from the back. We will need gray plasticine. What do I need to do? (Mix pieces of white plasticine with black).

Let's remember the order of our actions. (Pinch off a small piece of plasticine, roll it into a sausage with your fingers, press it to the outline, and carefully spread it in a thin layer).

For the breast, let's take what color plasticine? (Red.) Get to work.

Cover the head, tail and paws of the bird with black plasticine. The beak will be black or gray. The eye is white with a black dot.

Paint the undertail with white plasticine.

Roll a thick long sausage Brown and make a “twig” for the bullfinch. We’ll also treat the bird to “rowan berries.” Roll up thin twigs and roll the berries into red balls.

Summary of the lesson.

What kind of birds are bullfinches?

Exhibition of children's works.

Publications on the topic:

Plasticineography is classified as an unconventional art technique; it involves drawing with plasticine on cardboard or any other dense material.

Goal: To strengthen children’s ideas about works of decorative and applied art, in particular about the Russian nesting doll. Objectives: Cognitive.

Tasks. Educational: - consolidate the basic techniques of plasticineography (pressure, smearing); - learn to mix plasticine of different colors.

PLASTILINOGRAPHY is an unconventional modeling technique, which is expressed in “drawing” with plasticine more or less convex in volume (bas-relief).

OOD on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group “Bullfinches on rowan branches” (using plasticineography technique.). Progress of the lesson: 1. Organizing time. V.: Guys, what’s our mood today? D.: Good. V.: Let's share our mood.

Oh, what bullfinches Colors of the morning dawn Perched on the trees Bright watercolor Black hats Thin paws Round fluff Pink cheeks Flute.

Plasticineography in the preparatory group "Bullfinches"

Goal: to depict the relief of a bullfinch sitting on a tree branch

1. Introduce children to the concept of color and composition. Clarify your idea of appearance bullfinch (structural features, coloring);

2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

3. Cultivate curiosity and artistic taste.

Preliminary work: bird watching on a walk, conversation about wintering birds.


Cardboard with the outline of a bullfinch;

Plasticine set;

Wet wipes for hands;

Illustration depicting a bullfinch.

Organizing time

Children, what is our mood today?

Let's share our mood with our guests:

Reaching for the sun

The rays took

Pressed to my heart

They gave it to people and made them smile!

Good mood. Are you ready to study? Fine!

Progress of the lesson

- The winter forest is sad.

Who hid secrets under the snow?

Why is the river silent?

Doesn't the bird song sound?

Enter the forest carefully

Don't wake up the secrets of the forest.

Why do you think it is so quiet in the forest? (The birds don't sing.)

Why don't the birds sing? (Fly away to warmer climes.)

I see birds here (on the easel there are object pictures depicting wintering birds), which means that not all the birds have flown away.

There are different birds: some are afraid of blizzards

And they fly away for the winter to the warm, kind south

Others are above the Motherland

In the frost they circle over the forest

Separation from the native homeland

Worse than the severe cold!

Is it by any chance that migratory birds are not lost among the wintering birds? If so, move them to warm countries. (Children's answers)

Puzzles“Guess what kind of bird?”

Loves to jump and fly

Peck bread and grains,

Instead of “Hello” I’m used to:

Tell everyone “Chick - Chirk.” (Sparrow)

A fidgety little bird with a yellow belly.

Loves lard and wheat. Who recognized her? (Tit)

Knock-knock-knock - all day in the morning

How can he not be too lazy to knock? (Woodpecker)

Flying all night

Gets mice

And it will become light

Sleep flies into the hollow (Owl)

Motley fidget

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one. (Magpie)

Grayish color

Thieving in habit,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person

This is... (Crow)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He came to us again. (Bullfinch)

Apples on a branch

Collect them quickly

And suddenly the apples flew up

After all, this is... (Bullfinches)

Conversation about bullfinches.

Bullfinch bird (order passeriformes).

Bullfinches are migratory birds, that is, they move from one place to another over a short distance in search of food, wintering, and rest. not flying away in autumn warmer climes. They spend spring and summer in dense forests, and in the fall they gather in flocks and fly to our parks and gardens, pecking at rowan or rosehip berries, different seeds.)

What does it eat? Where does it winter? How does a person take care of him? Why did the bullfinch come to us for the winter?

Now listen to the story about bullfinches.

“Nature becomes even more beautiful in winter, when handsome bullfinches appear on snow-covered trees and bushes. They are called so because they appear in our area with the first snow.

The bullfinch is a plump red-breasted bird with a bluish-green back and a black head. The bullfinch flies easily and beautifully. How stronger frost, the calmer the flock sits (7-10 birds, occasionally moving to pick a berry, break off a bud, and then sit motionless again for a while. And so on all day.

What does a bullfinch eat? With its thick beak it chews berry seeds or small nuts. The bullfinch feeds on plant buds, seeds of trees and shrubs, and berries, from which it selects seeds. Having eaten a rowan, the bullfinch cleans its beak. Several rowan seeds stuck to its beak. While cleaning their beaks, they fall to the ground. They will sprout in the spring.

As darkness approaches, the entire flock flies to bushes or trees, where they spend the night, hiding in the branches. And so on throughout the winter.

Bullfinches decorate our winter nature with their bright plumage and melodic whistling.”

How can we help these birds? (Children's answers)

The most important rule for humans is not to interfere with nature and take care of our little feathered friends! Without them, our life will become boring and “ugly”.

Warm up for fingers


A bullfinch sat on a branch. Place your hand bent at the elbow on the table,

fold your fingers into a beak.

It snowed and he got wet. Lower the “bird’s head” with its beak down.

The breeze blew slightly, wave the other hand at the bullfinch.

The bullfinch dried it for us.

The bullfinch perked up, turn the bullfinch's head in different directions.

He took off towards the sun, sides. Connect both thumbs

Sang a song. hands, make waves with the remaining fingers

T. Bondarenko like wings.

Practical work.

Let's also please the bullfinches and give them a gift. Let's draw bullfinches with plasticine. Let's remember how we do molding: take a small piece of plasticine, knead it and apply a thin layer to the silhouette along the entire length, without going beyond the contour.

Let's specify what colors of plasticine we will use (head - black, back - black, breast - red, tail - black, eye - white, twig - brown, berries - red).

Summary of the lesson.

Well done! We got a wonderful gift for bullfinches. Let's not forget to feed all wintering birds, and with the arrival of summer, the birds will repay this care with kindness by destroying harmful insects.

Bullfinches ate rowan

There is no tastier dinner!

Even their bellies turned red

From such food.

Exhibition of children's works.

DIY plasticine panel for kindergarten: Magic flowers. Master Class with step-by-step photos.

Panel "Magic Flowers". Tales of the Rainbow Queen.

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education for children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: gift for Mother's Day.
Target: creating a gift for mom.
-introduce children to the science of color science, the concept of the color wheel and the colors of the spectrum;
- deepen and expand knowledge about colors and their shades, introduce primary and composite colors;
- introduce and teach children decorative decoration working with beads, sequins, grains;
-improve sculpting skills, develop fine motor skills;
-develop creativity, imagination, the ability to create your own flower, the ability to convey your own opinion and vision of the world in your work;
- to cultivate interest in visual arts.

Hello, dear guests! Today I will tell a story about an unusually interesting and magical world visual arts. This world is rich and diverse, there are many different fairy-tale kingdoms, states, cities and villages in it.
There is a delightfully beautiful rainbow kingdom in this world. Somewhere high up in the blue sky, behind the snow-white clouds, and sun rays Queen Rainbow lives.
Glad rainbow-arc,
From the sky he looks at the meadows.
Washed by the rain
Beauty is revealed!
Seven flowers are burning on it,
Bright seven paths,
This is a festive outfit
He is worth more than everyone else's gold.

She has a lot to do and worries, her responsibility is to bring beauty and kindness to the world of people. So that everything would be in its place: autumn would be golden, winter would be snow-white, spring and summer would delight with their riot of colors and give people joy. She also has assistants, little fairies equal to the colors of the Rainbow outfit.
Her red outfit
Having played out in the evening
Gave me a sunset.
The yellow color of the sun
Illuminated the side
And they gave her green
Grove and meadow.
The sky has added to her
Blue paints,
Blue scooped
From a sea wave.
Well, what about purple?
She found in the garden
There are bright violets there
They grow every year.
Well, the color is orange
Giraffe gave it to me
He accidentally made a rainbow
Got it with my head.

Every artist begins his acquaintance with the world of fine art only through the state of the Rainbow Queen. The study of the colors and colors of her world is a whole science; artists call this science color science. All the colors of the Rainbow, located in a circle, form a closed circle with a continuous transition from one color to another, each color stands strictly in its place - they are called the colors of the spectrum, and the color circle is a spectrum.
There are seven kingdoms in the Rainbow State,
And each has its own lock and color.

There is a red kingdom
Orange is so beautiful.
Sometimes it’s sultry, sometimes it’s gentle,
Green with coolness,
And a forest fairy tale.
In the blue kingdom
Snowy mountains curls.
In blue - a ringing song
Streams and rivers.
Violet fairy tale
Completing your circle
Fairies welcome us
In the spectrum of solar arcs.

Each kingdom has its own fairy, but among them there are three most important:
In a fairy tale kingdom, a rainbow state
There live three older fairies, well, just princesses
Red, Yellow and Blue fairies.
The most important and most important
Without them the world is colorless, all the alleys are black
Night and melancholy without them all over the world.

The Red Princess is considered the hottest, brightest, most majestic, and cheerful. The red color of her outfit represents energy and strength. It is believed that it is associated with activity, will, and sensuality. It is the color of fire, action and thirst for life. The red color radiates warmth, it increases efficiency and endurance, strengthens the will, improves mood, and helps overcome difficulties and obstacles.
Kind, sunny, golden, rich - they call the Yellow Princess. Yellow her outfit is the color of the sun itself, pure, clear, bringing light, warmth and energy. The color yellow is associated with intelligence, organization, attention to detail and discipline. Yellow color promotes concentration and clarity of thoughts. Yellow color provides the body with balance and self-control, helps achieve goals, increases self-esteem and helps with nervous exhaustion. This color is full of optimism and joy.
The Blue Princess is considered the calmest, quietest, and sometimes saddest. The blue color of her dress helps to find inner peace, stimulates inspiration, creativity, faith and devotion, it is the color of peace of mind. Blue color purifies the soul, it also represents the power of the mind, wisdom and clarity of thought.
These are the different fairy princesses!

Red, yellow and blue are called the primary colors and are the brightest on the color wheel. Between them are the remaining colors - they are called complementary.

Queen Rainbow says that these three colors are enough to paint any picture, that they are the artist’s very first and main assistants. By mixing the primary colors with each other: red and yellow, blue and red, or yellow and blue, you can get all the missing colors of the rainbow. By mixing each of the resulting colors with the neighboring one, we get many more. But no matter what colors we mix, red, yellow and Blue colour, we won't be able to get it.

Three colors, three colors, three colors
Guys, isn't this enough?
Where can we get green and orange?
What if we mix paints in pairs?
From blue and red, this one,
We will get the color purple.
And we will mix blue and yellow -
What color do we get? Green.
And red plus yellow is no secret to everyone,
They will give us orange, of course.

Like any creative person, Queen Rainbow has her favorite hobbies. She loves to mix paints, get new colors and their shades. As soon as the Rainbow gets down to business, the northern lights will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, red flashes of lightning will sparkle in the sky, and the clear sun will rise with pink fog.

Know that Rainbow does magic. In his favorite rainbow garden he grows flowers, creates new ones of indescribable beauty, and endows them with magical powers.
At first there was a simple piece of paper, nothing stood out,
There was a weak sprout under the stone, it tried to hide,
I always dreamed about the sun, it gave the light a pale glow,
But there are miracles in the world, a magical flower has blossomed.

Those flowers are not simple, and only those who are pure in heart and have good thoughts can see them. They can do anything cherished wish, so they protect the rainbow garden from evil people magical bees, led by the queen bee herself.

Anyone who saw magical flowers and visited that garden must leave a gift for Queen Rainbow. Create your own magical flower for the rainbow garden. There are a lot of kind people in the world, and everyone has their own cherished desire, may they all come true!

People are used to seeing the world
White, yellow, blue, red...
Let everything around us be
Amazing and different!
Materials and tools:
-sheet thick paper A4, or cardboard of any color
-sequins, beads or grains

Progress of the master class:

The kingdom is fabulous, the garden is rainbow, which means our flowers can be the most unusual. We start sculpting with three main colors, roll up the carrots and flatten them on the surface of the sheet.

Then petals from additional flowers - orange, purple and green.

And then we fantasize, adding more petals. If the number of colors in a box of plasticine is limited, you can mix them together to obtain new shades. You need to take two small pieces of plasticine in small portions, heat them with your fingers and mix (knead).

Then for each petal we roll a ball from two colors (yellow and orange), and flatten the balls on the edge of the petals. In the center of the golden carrot flower we lay out another tier of small petals, place orange petals between them, and decorate the core with a flattened ball of two mixed flowers.

Roll up a few more carrots - red, orange and yellow flowers. We lay out another flower from them.

Then a second tier of smaller red petals.

We finish the flower with yellow petals. And we sculpt another flower from blue, blue and purple flowers.

By applying small pieces of plasticine to a sheet, we create leaves around the flowers. We balance the composition with two small flowers. Roll thin sausages orange color and make out of them the outlines of the petals of the main flower.

Now we will need a lot of small emerald balls, we will decorate the edges of the leaves with them.

Let's finish the job with beads and sequins.