The letter ь at the end of sibilant adverbs. "a soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end." I. Organizational moment

Lesson objectives:

I. Educational:

1. Formation of the skill of writing a soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end.

2. Repetition of spellings associated with writing a soft sign after sibilants in various parts of speech.

3. Repetition of spellings associated with hyphenated, continuous writing of adverbs.

4. Use of adverbs in the text.

5. Activation of students' vocabulary.

6. Repetition of phraseological units.

II. Educational:

1. Cultivating a love for the Russian language.

2. Formation of control and self-control skills.

3. Formation of cognitive activity in a team and cooperation in solving search problems.

III. Educational:

1. Development of the ability to logically express one’s thoughts using literary language.

2. Development of the ability to argue and prove.

3. Expanding horizons and cognitive interest.

4. Development of the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.

Lesson equipment:

1. On the students’ desk: textbook, notebooks, pens and pencils.

2. Table "The letter b after sibilants at the end of the word."

3. Portrait of the Tsar, Princess, Tsarevich (student work).

4. Material for independent work.

5. CD-ROM "Russian language lessons from Cyril and Methodius. 7th grade."

6. Lesson presentation.

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational stage.(2 min.)

II. Homework checking stage.(8 min.)

1. Do the exercise in the textbook (3 min.)

2. Training exercises:

C) Use of phraseological units containing adverbs (3 min.).

E) Using adverbs in speech (3 min).

3. Independent work (3 min.)

V. Summing up the lesson, homework. (3 min.)

I. Organizational stage. (2 min.)

Good afternoon, guys. Sit down. Today in the lesson we will visit the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state in which the Tsar lived. (Show the portrait of the Tsar). He loved his language very much and sometimes wrote poetry. Listen to one of them:

You open the doors wide.
You drive away boredom.
You take off at a gallop and believe,
That you write everything exactly.
Just as it should: here is the sizzling one,
There is a real one behind him,
No counterfeit soft sign -
It’s impossible without him.
So in the end it will shine,
That they'll give someone a high five.

Guys, today we have to study a new topic: “A soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end.” Find in this poem adverbs with a soft sign at the end after sibilants (wide open, away, gallop, exactly). In this lesson we will learn how to spell such words.

II. Homework checking stage. (8 min.)

The king in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, in his free time from reading books and writing poetry, loved to catch fish, but unusual ones. Today we will have to help the King in this matter. Checking your homework. You need to catch fish. Putting it in a bucket where “b” is written or “b” is not written. Explain your choice. (One of the students explains the spelling of the word. Others must “catch” the fish using the same spelling.)

Formulate your own rules for writing b after sibilants at the end of a word.

(When checking homework, students draw up a table.)

Words for "fishing".

1. Liny, hot, fresh, fragrant, good.

2. Dachas, tasks, clouds, groves.

3. Appoint, multiply, anoint.

4. Cut, bake, burn, protect.

5. Husband, landscape, reeds.

6. Trifle, quiet, wilderness.

7. You drive, you sleep, you remain silent.

Letter b after sibilants at the end of a word

Part of speech

Not written


feminine, singular, 3rd declension: ro and b, but h b, glu w b, ve sch b masculine, singular: But and, lies h, shala w, comrades sch
plural: a lot yes h

Short adjectives

sve and , groin h, good w
2nd person singular: wash your face wь - wash w yes ;
imperative: spinning h b - straight h please ;
indefinite form: use h oh, let's go h b
Nastya and uh, back h oh, completely w b at and, deputy and, unbearably and

When is b written after hissing nouns at the end? (b is written at the end of nouns feminine 3 declensions).

When is b written at the end of adjectives and verbs? (b is written in the indefinite form of the verb, at the end of 2nd person singular verbs, in imperative mood. b is not written at the end of adjectives.)

III. Explanation of new material. (5 min.)

Well done, they helped the Tsar catch so many fish on a very beautiful lake, which is not so far from the Tsar’s possessions. But the Tsar had to descend from a small mountain, and it was not easy to climb up with a heavy burden. And always, going up the mountain, he remembers the proverb:

Jump down the mountain, but at least cry up the mountain.

Explain the spelling of the word “cry” in this proverb. (Verb of the imperative mood, write b). In what case will b not be written in this word? ( If it is a masculine noun.)

Tell me, guys, what part of speech is the word “jump”? (An adverb denotes a sign of an action and answers the question how?.) This word contains a spelling that we should become familiar with in class.

There are not many adverbs in the Russian language that end in hissing. To remember how they are written, you need to learn either of the two rules.

First. At the end of adverbs after hissing ones, b is written, with three exceptions: already, married, unbearable. Suppose we need to decide whether or not we need b at the end of the word “jump”. We just have to check if our word is among the exceptions. If not, put b.

Reasoning according to the second rule. We'll have to see what kind of sizzle is on the end. If it is the letter Ш or Ш, then b is needed, if it is the letter Ж (except wide open), then it is not needed.

Both rules lead to the same result, let's check.

IV. Consolidating new material:

1. Do the exercise in the textbook. (2 min.)

Guys, now we will do exercise 263 on page 120.

They rush at a gallop, it opens wide, it’s completely covered, they get married, they walk away, they hit it backhand, they fall on their back.

Explain spellings in words rushing, strewn. Explain lexical meaning words "backhand" (swinging strongly)"supine"( overturned, face up).

2. Training exercises (18 min.).

A) Write words in the appropriate column (5 min.).

The king's only daughter was waiting for the king at home from fishing, who grew up before his eyes and very often began to repeat to her father: "I can't bear to get married." He was waiting for the arrival of the overseas prince in order to quickly marry him. But the Tsar decided to arrange tests for the Tsarevich before he became the husband of her daughter. We will need to help the Tsarevich so that loving hearts can unite.

The Tsarevich sent the Tsarevna a letter informing her of his upcoming arrival. But the Tsar mixed up all the envelopes. Let's help the Princess sort out the envelopes and read the Tsarevich's letter.

(Students fill out the table in their notebooks).

1. Stringy, prickly, creaky.

2. Wide open, unbearably, just exactly.

3. Tornado, doctor, brooch, midnight, watchman.

4. Cut, protect, guard, surprise.

B) Explanation of spelling in the poem (2 min.).

Well done. We completed the task. Helped the Princess find the Tsarevich's letter. And in the envelope there was also this poem:

I dream of you in a pipe dream
about spring Paris:
sitting on the window like a cat
and you are silent like a fish.
(M. Alekseeva)

Explain the spelling in this poem: dreaming, unrealistic, cat-like, fish-like, silent. The princess read the Tsarevich's letter.

C) Use of phraseological units containing adverbs (2 min.).

You can find out what mood the Tsar was in by guessing the phraseological units shown in the picture, which contain adverbs:

1. Hair stands on end - it becomes unbearably scary.

2. The head is spinning - someone loses the ability to think due to the multitude of things to do, worries, and worries.

4. Live happily - lead a carefree lifestyle.

D) Insert the appropriate adverb into the sentence (2 min.).

Even at night the Tsar had nightmares.

The king dreamed that he was Don Quixote. He jumped on his wooden horse and gallop rushed through the kingdom. He was unbearable fight the evil wizards who were running away from him away and hid in the thickets of nettles. He backhand chopped nettles until he tripped and fell supine.

E) Using adverbs in speech (2 min).

The king was sad, he gave the princess in marriage, she had to go abroad (foreign state, foreign countries). What part of speech is the word "abroad"? ( Adverb.) The Tsarevich rushed to the distant kingdom to ask the Princess’s hand from her father.

Let's listen to the conversation between the Tsar and the Tsarevich. ( Two students read a dialogue. One of them has a crown on his head, the other has a saber.) What is a conversation between two people called? (Dialogue)

How are you living?


What about the kingdom?


They say you had a cold? Is everything okay now?


Okay, then?

Well, I’m saying it’s normal.

It's strange you say:

Why? Fine.

Do you think it's normal?


“Yes,” I thought sadly. “Strange: But once upon a time there was a completely normal person.” (A. Shibaev)

What does the word "normal" mean? Normal: normal, normal; mentally healthy). Why can’t it be used as in the dialogue between the Tsar and the Tsarevich?

3. Independent work (3 min.).

After this conversation, the Tsar thought that the Tsarevich did not speak Russian well. The Tsar decided to give the Tsarevna to the Tsarevich on one condition: if he could find a line in the task in which b is written in all words and read the text ancient manuscript. Let's help the Tsarevich cope with this task.

Imagine that you have found an ancient manuscript in a forgotten language. The grammar of this language is the same as ours now, but the meaning of most words has been lost. Try to guess where b should be placed.

Melestvennaya maiden.. attracted a comedy borage..

The light-haired drizzle.. dodged the stuffed bike..

Well done. So the fairy tale ends, and the Tsarevich leads the Princess down the aisle.

V. Summing up the lesson, homework (3 min.).

Testing on a computer will help sum up our work in class.

1. Which part of speech in the rule of writing b after sibilants has exceptions? Adverb.

2. What consonants of the Russian language are called hissing? Sh, Shch, Ch, Zh.

3. Why in verbs can sibilant and b not be at the end of the word? Postfix.

4. How many parts of speech are there in the Russian language in which a sibilant is possible at the end of a word? 6 parts of speech: noun, adj., verb, adverb, pronoun, particle.

(The program grades students.)

And we have no other property!
Know how to take care
At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech. (I. Bunin)

Lesson summary.

Markelova Anna.

A soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end.

7A class.

Lesson type –explanation .

Lesson Objectives:

Educational: 1) vocabulary dictation on the topic “Combined and separate writing of prefixes in adverbs formed from nouns and cardinal numerals”;

2) developing the skill of spelling b after hissing adverbs at the end;

3) repetition of spellings No.

Developmental: 1) Development of attention, thinking, memory, monologue speech.

Educating: 1) Formation of motivation for active

assimilation educational material.

Plan: 1) Organizational moment - 1 minute;

2) vocabulary dictation – 5 minutes;

3) survey – 5 minutes;

4) explanation of new material – 5 minutes;

5) consolidation of new material – 20 minutes

6) total – 5 minutes;

7) homework – 4 minutes.

1. - Hello, guys. Who is absent today?

2. – In the last lesson, I asked you to learn adverbs, the spelling of which is not regulated by a rule. Now let's check how well you completed this task. Take out the pieces of paper and sign them.

Little by little, barely, until you drop, with might and main, at first, through, in twos, better, point-blank, running, face to face, soft-boiled, on the sly, just like that, for a moment, in a friendly way, on the contrary, twice, rashly, in a draw, alternately, too, closely, to pieces, often, to the full, with a bang, in the open, by the reins, in a bite, in an instant.

3. – We are gradually approaching the end of the study of such a complex and relatively young part of speech as an adverb. Therefore, we need to remember everything that we already know about it (I ask the rules).

4. – Write down the number, cool work, new topic “Soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end.” On page 122 there is a poem by Y. Kozlovsky “An exception to the rule.” Write it down in your notebooks. So, what are the 3 exceptions we have to remember?

- I can’t bear to get married.

And what will the rule itself sound like based on the poem?

- At the end of adverbs after hissing ones we always write b.

Let's compare our rule with the rule in the textbook. "After and b is written only in the word wide open" - What conclusion can be drawn from this that is very useful for our spelling?

- Only 4 adverbs are written with a letterand at the end, the rest with a letterw .

5. - Now, in order to remember this simple rule and learn how to apply it in practice, let’s do exercise 263 at the board. According to the task, you need to compose simple sentences with homogeneous members with highlighted phrases.

Riders gallop and perform tricks on the fly. (Narrative, non-vocal, two-part, extended, complicated by homogeneous predicates)

Trick- a spectacular skillful maneuver or technique, usually dangerous or impossible for an unprepared person.

The fields and roads were completely strewn with overripe grain. (Narrative, non-vocal, two-part, extended, complicated by homogeneous subjects).

Divide your piece of paper in half: write a sentence on the left

I can’t bear to get married!

Emphasize and two features. And on the right, what should we write then?

- Wide open.

Right. Underline the spelling, as in the example in the textbook. Writing b after hissing adverbs at the end is not particularly difficult, but we need to remember the spelling of the remaining parts of speech. Let's do exercise 265 orally to remember what we already know and to make it easier for you to cope with the home exercise.

6. – When is b written after a hissing adverb at the end?

-Always, except for the adverbs, getting married is unbearable.

All the way, wide open, backhand - what word ends with a voiced consonant?

- They all end in a voiceless consonant, but the word wide open is spelled with a letterand .

7. – Learn all paragraphs on the topic “Adverb”, exercise 266. Please note that 2 cells will remain empty.

- Repeat what you have learned.
- Show cases of using a soft sign at the end of adverbs.

Lesson progress:
1. On the board is the Brownie’s application to the house management.

I declare that as soon as the night is midnight, all kinds of young people come to my house. My feet are completely dirty from the puddles. And you walk around here, wash, wipe, clean. In general, I can’t bear to live like this. I'll just fall over backwards from fatigue, no doctor will help. So, I ask you to put a home phone on my house, otherwise, even though I’m good, I’ll leave here.
Brownie Kuzma.

Students find and correct mistakes.

2. Exercise 266 on page 123

Letter b after sibilants at the end of a word

Part of speech

It is written

Not written


feminine, singular, 3rd declension: ro and b, but h b, glu w b, ve sch b masculine, singular: But and, lies h, shala w, comrades sch
plural: a lot yes h, taught sch

Short adjectives

sve and
groin h
good w


2nd person singular: wash your face wь - wash w y xia ;
imperative: spinning h b - straight h those ;
indefinite form: use h oh, let's go h b


Backwards h y, wide open w I can't stand it
Jump, backhand, just and away.

There are not many adverbs in the Russian language that end in hissing. To remember how they are written, you need to learn any of the two rules of your choice.

Rule one: at the end of adverbs after hissing ones a soft sign is written, with the exception of three exceptions: UZH, MARRIED, UNBEARABLE.

Rule two: at the end of adverbs, a soft sign is written after the letters Ш and Ш, but not written after the letter Ж, except for one word - the exception is WIDE.

Algorithm of reasoning for applying the rule:
a) determine what part of speech it is
b) if it is an adverb, find the sibilant and see if it is included in the exceptions
c) if not, write a soft sign.

3. Exercise 263.
rushes horse gallop galloping through the forests and fields.
Scientists have discovered a planet completely strewn diamonds, rubies and other precious metals...

4. Independent work
Some students are given a card.
Card No. 1
Assignment: write down all the adverbs, inserting missing letters where necessary.
1. The steppe went into the distance. 2. Three carts of hay cluttered the yard, the gates were wide open…. 3. Princess from copper kingdom married... my middle brother. 4. A tall guy walked towards me and smiled from a distance. 5. A ray of sun flashed between the clouds. 6. The fighter was unwell... from severe wounds.

Card No. 2
Assignment: copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.
1. The young man lay down on his back..., exposing his weather-beaten face to the rain. 2. The doors of the room were wide open…. 3. The rider backhanded... hit the horse on the croup with his hand, and she galloped... back. 4. Both dogs stood up at the same time, barking and rushed away…. from the horse and (s, h) wandered in the dark.

Card No. 3
Assignment: rewrite it, inserting the correct word into the sentence.
1. This time the horses were driven……2. Rodion... cast aside all doubts and cheered up. 3. Crickets sound frantically, and fall asleep…. 4. It swung open heavily…. iron door.
Words for reference: galloping..., completely..., completely..., unbearably....

5. Exercise 265.

6.Summing up the lesson.

In what cases is a soft sign written at the end of adverbs?Give examples.

In what cases is a soft sign not placed at the end of adverbs?Give examples.Name the rule.

7. Homework: paragraphs 32-35, exercise 267.

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2) skills - to find the studied spelling in the words and write them correctly;

3) develop strong skills in writing a soft sign after hissing adverbs at the end;

4) repeat the use of a soft sign after sibilants in different parts speeches;


– development of attention, perception, memory, associative and analytical thinking, coherent speech skills, creative abilities;


– formation of motivation for active creative assimilation of educational material, formation of such qualities of the student’s personality as tolerance, ability to dialogue.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

    Oral vocabulary work. Explanation new topic. Training exercises. Letter dictation. Exercise for the eyes. Independent work. Working with the textbook. Working with signal cards. Creative task. Lesson summary

II. Oral vocabulary work

– Before we study a new topic, let's remember the spelling of a soft sign after sibilants at the end of a word in different parts of speech.

Through a projector, words are displayed on the board. Students work from the front.

Youth..., midnight..., reeds..., garage..., many roofs..., guard..., surprise..., cut..., bake..., dry..., creaky..., prickly..., fresh....

- Let's draw a conclusion. When it is written b after nouns sizzling at the end? (The soft sign is written at the end of feminine nouns of the third declension.)

- When it is written b at the end of adjectives and verbs? (The soft sign is written in the indefinite form of verbs, at the end of verbs of the 2nd person singular, in the imperative mood. The soft sign is not written at the end of adjectives.)

III. Explanation of a new topic

- Now, guys, pay attention to the board.

There is a proverb written on the board:

Rising from the mountain h oh, but it’s at least pla uphill h b.

The teacher reads the proverb aloud. Then he asks:

- Tell me, guys, what part of speech is the word gallop? (Adverb; the word answers the question how.)

– In the sentence we came across the adverb hissing. This word contains a spelling that we should become familiar with in class. Write the proverb in your notebook and indicate the spelling. Let's take a look

first table.

Table 1.

The teacher reads the words in the table.

– Guys, please note that the words in the table are adverbs, and a soft sign is written at the end of each one. Now let's turn to the second table.

Table 2.

– Using the material from the table in the reference notebook, try to independently formulate the rule for writing a soft sign after the hissing adverbs at the end. You are given 2 minutes to think about it.

Students share their wording of the rule. The teacher summarizes the work. The rule goes like this: At the end of adverbs, after hissing ones, a soft sign is written, except for exception words: already, married, unbearable.
The rule is repeated in chorus. The exception words are written down in a notebook.

Before practical application rules, the teacher reads a poem by O. Soboleva. This poem is a kind of instruction on a new topic.

Here's how to do it.
To write correctly:
You open the doors wide.
You drive away boredom.
You take off at a gallop and believe,
That you write everything exactly.
Just as it should: here is the sizzling one,
There is a real one behind him,
No counterfeit soft sign -
You can't live without it!
So in the end it will shine,
That they will give someone a high five.

IV. Training exercises:

The texts of the exercises are displayed on the computer screen.

Assignment for the first exercise: insert a soft sign at the end of the adverbs, where necessary, and comment on your choice.

Hit backhand..., all over..., push away..., do exactly... - exactly..., get married..., open wide..., unbearable... from the cold.

Checking the chain out loud.

Assignment for the second exercise: insert a soft sign instead of dots where necessary. You will perform this exercise on your own for 5 minutes.

Without a proverb, speech... cannot be said. Well... proverbs and sayings have existed in our language for a long time. They teach us brevity and expressiveness of speech.
“You yourself don’t know.. where you will find..., where you will lose..”, “the well-fed is no companion for the hungry...”, “looking for... yesterday, but it has already... passed,” “the lie... is afraid of the light,” “mother-face... feeds everyone completely...", "looks good..., but is not good for work...".
Yes, the speech is red... the proverb.

Testing of independent work is carried out through the projector. Individual students who completed the task earlier than others are assessed individually.

V. Letter dictation

The teacher dictates the words, and the students write down “b” on the computer if b is at the end of the spoken word, or “_” if it is not at the end of the word.

Backhand, completely, away, wide open, at a gallop, unbearably, backwards, married.

The work is checked independently through the projector. Then the teacher asks those students who completed the task without errors to raise their hands, then those who made no more than 2 errors, etc. (feedback is provided during the lesson).

VI. Eye exercise

Any complex of eye exercises is performed within 1–2 minutes.

VII. Independent work

Each student is given a self-test card (with different level tasks). After completing the task, the student independently checks his answer and gives himself a grade. Evaluation criteria are proposed on the board. Individual works are checked by the teacher. Feedback carried out by raising your hand.

Card No. 1

Assignment: write down all the adverbs, inserting missing letters where necessary.

The steppe went into the distance. 2. Three carts of hay cluttered the yard, the gates were wide open…. 3. The princess from the kingdom of copper married... her middle brother. 4. A tall guy walked towards me and smiled from afar. 5. A ray of sun flashed between the clouds. 6. The fighter was unwell... from severe wounds.

Card No. 2

Assignment: copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.

The young man lay down on his back..., exposing his weather-beaten face to the rain. 2. The doors of the room were wide open…. 3. The rider backhanded... hit the horse on the croup with his hand, and she galloped... back. 4. Both dogs stood up at the same time, barking and rushed away…. from the horse and (s, h) wandered in the dark.

Card No. 3

Assignment: rewrite it, inserting the correct word into the sentence.

1. This time the horses were driven……2. Rodion... cast aside all doubts and cheered up. 3. Crickets sound frantically, and fall asleep…. 4. It swung open heavily…. iron door.

Words for reference: galloping..., completely..., completely..., unbearably....

VIII. Working with the textbook

After completing the previous task, the children independently orally complete the task of the specified exercise (p. 105, exercise 238). Check: the words are read in a chain, the placement of b after the sibilants is commented on.

Help..., guard..., hot..., hide..., many clouds..., shrink..., dense..., wasteland..., eat... those, hut....

Homework: paragraph 49, rule to learn, ex. 239 letters.

XI. Summing up the lesson

- Guys, what rule did we learn about in class? Name the exception words again. How did proverbs and sayings help you learn a new rule?