How to choose a dehumidifier for an apartment: prices, reviews, technical aspects. Operating principle and criteria for choosing a household dehumidifier for an apartment Dehumidifier for a room

A dehumidifier is a device designed to maintain a given level of humidity in a room, as well as get rid of excess humidity. A dehumidifier is indispensable if it is necessary to eliminate the consequences high humidity– fungus, mold and prevent their occurrence. for an apartment, house, cellar, garage, pool you can at competitive prices.

How does a dehumidifier work?

Design and principle of operation of an air dryer

Most dehumidifiers operate on the principle of condensation of moisture in the air onto a cold surface.

The dehumidifier is equipped with two heat exchangers located one behind the other and connected into a single circuit, which is filled with refrigerant (freon). Using a compressor, the refrigerant is circulated in the circuit and the operating pressure is maintained. The fan forces air from the room through the dehumidifier.

Passing under pressure through a thin and long capillary tube, the refrigerant is greatly cooled, enters the first heat exchanger and cools it. Humid air from the room passes through the first heat exchanger, cooling and forming condensate, which flows into a special tray, and can then either be collected in a special built-in container or discharged into the sewer system through a drainage pipe.

The refrigerant from the first heat exchanger heats up, evaporates and enters the compressor. Due to compression, the refrigerant becomes very hot and enters the second heat exchanger. In it, the refrigerant condenses under the influence of passing cold air. At the same time, the air heats up.

Thus, the dehumidifier first cools, then condenses moisture and heats the air.

What types of dehumidifiers are there?

Depending on the purpose, there are different types of dehumidifiers.

How to choose a dehumidifier?

To approximate the required drying regime and preliminary selection of dryers, it is enough to use empirical formulas, taking into account compliance with two basic requirements:

1. Dehumidification is carried out indoors.
2. The room temperature is within the operating temperature range of this dehumidifier.



Q - required moisture removal, l/h

V - room volume, m3

Vdr - volume of drained wood, m3

Rdr - density of dried wood, kg/m3

S - pool mirror area, m2

A detailed description of the dehumidification system design methodology is given in the Dantherm Dehumidification System Design Guide - 1998.

Scope of application

Required moisture removal, l/h


Dry storage (warehouses)

Q = Vx 1.2 x 10-3

Air exchange rate 0.3 Drying rate 2.5 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C

Dehumidification of residential and administrative premises

Q = V x 1.5 x 10 -3

Air exchange rate 0.5 dehumidification 2.5 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C

Drying buildings

Q = V x 2.0 x 10-3

Air exchange rate 0.3 Drying rate (taking into account the evaporation of moisture from wet materials) 3.2 g/m3 h Air temperature 20 °C Drying period 8 days

Drying wood

Q = Vdr X Rdr X 0.4 X 10 -3

Sealed drying chamber Air temperature 25-30 °C Relative air humidity 30-40% Drying rate 1% of wood moisture content per day

Swimming pool drainage

Private swimming pools up to 50 m2 (with protective cover, limited load):
Q = S x 0.1 Public swimming pools over 50 m2 (without protective covering, at normal load): Q = S x 0.2

Inflow of outside air - (10 x S) m3/hour Air temperature - (t water + 2) °C Relative humidity - 60%


The evaporation rate is calculated as follows:

W = e x S x (Pnas - Rust) g/h;

S is the area of ​​the water surface of the pool, m2;
Pnas is the water vapor pressure of saturated air at the water temperature in the pool, mbar;
Rust - partial pressure of water vapor at a given temperature and air humidity, mbar;

E - empirical coefficient, g/(m2 x hour x mbar):

0.5 - closed pool surface,
5 - fixed surface of the pool,
15 - small private pools with a limited number of swimmers,
20 - public pools with normal swimmer activity,
28 - swimming pools for recreation and entertainment,
35 - pools with water slides and significant wave formation.

Example. Private pool.

Pool mirror 20 x 5 m S= 100 m2
Water temperature 28 °C (100% r.h.) Рsat = 37.78 mbar
Air temperature 30 °C (60% r.h.) Rst = 25.45 mbar

Evaporation rate
W = 13 x 100 x (37.78-25.45) = 16029 g/h = 16 l/h Rust - water vapor pressure of saturated air at a given temperature and air humidity, mbar

a is the pool’s occupancy rate:

1.5 - for play pools with active wave generation,
0.5 - for large public swimming pools,
0.4 - for hotel pools,
0.3 - for small private pools

Air dehumidifiers are a separate group of equipment designed to maintain an optimal level of air humidity. Manufacturers regularly release updated and improved versions of dehumidifiers; among such a variety of products, it is sometimes difficult to choose the best model. Our article will help you do right choice. Let's consider the rating of the TOP 7 best dehumidifiers for an apartment: which one to choose, reviews, price in our review.

Purpose and functions

The main purpose of a dehumidifier is to reduce air humidity in industrial and domestic premises.

Among the main functions of this equipment highlight the prevention of negative consequences in such situations:

  • moisture getting on equipment;
  • reduction in working conditions and increase in injuries due to higher level humidity;
  • the spread of fungi and mold in production and in domestic conditions;
  • the occurrence of corrosion;
  • violation of sanitary and hygienic standards.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the dehumidifier is quite simple and is associated with moisture condensation when air comes into contact with a cold plane. In essence, a dehumidifier is a monoblock air conditioner. The fan blows air onto the evaporator, the air is cooled, the moisture flows into the tray and is supplied to the condenser, where it is heated and supplied to the room. Everything is very simple yet effective. This is the principle that modern dehumidifiers operate on.

Rating TOP 7 best dehumidifiers

Our top list of the best dehumidifiers includes the following models:

Let's look at each option in more detail below.

If you are concerned about fungus and mold caused by excess air humidity, this model is especially for you! The control is electronic, located on the top of the case. The equipment is compact and stylish - it will not take up much space and will look good in any interior.

Price: from 107999 to 11000 rub.

dehumidifier Timberk DH TIM E7

  • there is an automatic operating mode;
  • electronic control;
  • condensate can be drained through a tube or tank;
  • The display shows the current humidity level.
  • There is a slight noise during operation (45-48 dB).

Timberk DH TIM E7 is the model that really dries - and this is the main plus. The humidity level can be adjusted, making it much easier to control the dehumidifier. Nice design, nothing superfluous. And as an additional function and a pleasant bonus - drying clothes.

A dehumidifier, along with a dehumidifier, are devices designed to provide a comfortable level of humidity in a room for a long time.

“NeoClima dehumidifiers have the widest range of moisture removal. This range is from 10 to 1500 liters per day, which allows you to successfully solve even the most complex tasks. But only professionals can choose the dehumidifier you need.».

  • dehumidifiers,
  • dehumidifiers.

According to the principle of action, they are distinguished:

  • condensation,
  • adsorption,
  • assimilation.

By design dehumidifiers are:

  • mobile,
  • stationary.

Here are the main types of dehumidifiers. It should be noted that this division is largely conditional. For example, industrial air dehumidifiers are often used in everyday life as an element common system ventilation.

Where are dehumidifiers used?

There are quite a few places where you can find dehumidifiers. Household dehumidifiers are often purchased by those who live in humid climates with frequent precipitation, as well as those who are forced to live in semi-basements or, conversely, under the roof itself.

Most often, dehumidifiers are installed in private homes, but it must be emphasized that recently there has been an increased demand for dehumidifiers for apartments. Apparently this is due to the appearance on the market of less expensive and more economical and easy-to-use models. Existing model range makes it possible for people with almost any income level to buy a dehumidifier.

However, household dehumidifiers are not yet available in all homes. But industrial air dehumidifiers are practically irreplaceable:

  • V production premises, where air humidity is critical;
  • in warehouses, granaries, archives;
  • in museums, galleries, exhibition halls, libraries;
  • in hospitals and clinics;
  • in swimming pools and baths, in gyms and water parks;
  • in basement and semi-basement work areas;
  • on construction sites- to ensure the quality of finishing and other construction works.

There are also special dehumidifiers compressed air. As is known, compressed air is widely used in various technological processes. For example, the doors of public transport are opened using a pneumatic drive. But the air that enters always contains a significant amount of water vapor.

During the compression of the air mixture, this vapor becomes concentrated, which leads to its condensation in the pipes of the pneumatic network. With all the ensuing unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before supplying air to the compressor, it must be removed from excess moisture, and compressed air dryers or air dryers for compressors are responsible for this. Most often, a refrigerated air dryer is used to dry compressed air.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the dehumidifier. This type equipment is indispensable in any room where there is an open water surface and where air humidity must be carefully controlled in order to achieve optimal comfort.

Operating principle of dehumidifiers

As mentioned, dehumidifiers come in three main types.

Assimilation dehumidifier

This type is used almost exclusively in production, when it is necessary to dry large volumes of air. The work of an assimilation-type dehumidifier is to ensure constant air exchange, as a result of which moist air is removed from the room, giving way to drier air supplied from outside.

The main disadvantage of this dehumidifier is the fact that it is the least energy efficient of all the types. The fact is that, along with the heated air being removed, a lot of valuable heat is thrown “down the chimney”, plus to this we must add the energy costs for processing the supplied air. In addition, an assimilation dehumidifier simply will not work in an area where there is constant high level air humidity, for example, on the sea coast.

Desiccant Air Dryer

Desiccant dehumidifiers, along with condensing dehumidifiers, are among the most common types of dehumidifiers. The operating principle of an adsorption-type dehumidifier is based on the ability of certain substances to absorb (adsorb) moisture directly from the air. The most well-known substance with similar properties for consumers is silica gel, which, probably, each of us has seen in boxes with new shoes - such small bags.

Air dehumidifier DST Seibu Giken FLEXISORB adsorption type

True, simply absorbing water vapor is not enough, because... the absorbent material must be periodically freed from collected moisture in order to restore its water-absorbing properties. Most often, adsorption air dryers use special rotating drums or rotors to ensure a cyclic absorption-regeneration process. The drum is most often made of profiled aluminum, forming axial capillaries, the surface of which is coated with a moisture-absorbing substance.

Humid air passes through such a rotor and leaves excess water vapor on it, which is adsorbed, and the air leaves the dehumidifier already dry. The rotor is driven by an electric motor, which ensures its rotation. It should be noted that moist air is supplied only to part of the rotor surface - one of the drum segments is not involved in this process.

It is in this segment that the process of selecting excess moisture from the adsorbent material occurs to restore its performance. To do this, a counter flow of air heated to 120°C is supplied to this segment, which “collects” the accumulated moisture. Got wet warm air discharged outside the premises being dried. And the rotor turns out to be ready for work again.

It is important that the adsorbent composition of the rotor can withstand a significant number of adsorption-regeneration cycles. Steam, electric or gas heaters are used to heat the regeneration air.

An adsorption dehumidifier is less efficient than a condensation dehumidifier, but, unlike the latter, it is capable of drying air that has low temperature. Therefore, devices of this type are used to dehumidify cold rooms. For example, refrigerators or ice arenas.

Condensation dehumidifier

This is perhaps the most common type of dehumidifier. The operating principle of a condensation dehumidifier is based on the ability of air to independently get rid of excess moisture during the cooling process. When the air cools, the maximum possible amount of moisture that it can contain is reduced, and excess moisture falls out in the form of condensation.

Probably each of us is familiar with this physical process. It is as a result of this that morning dew is formed - the air cools down overnight and condenses excess moisture in the form of water droplets. As you can see, everything is very simple.

Mobile dehumidifier Ballu BDH-30L

Therefore, the main task of a condensation dehumidifier is to cool the air being dried. Air cooling in such a dehumidifier occurs in the same way as in a conventional one, so their design is similar. In essence, a condensing dehumidifier is an air conditioner that does not have the function of removing heat from the room.

The dehumidified air passes sequentially through the evaporator (or cold heat exchanger), where it is cooled below the dew point. In this case, moisture from the air condenses on the evaporator fins. And then through a capacitor (or hot heat exchanger), in which the dried cold air is heated and then leaves the dryer at a temperature slightly higher than it was at the inlet. The accumulated condensate is either collected in a special container or discharged into the sewer system.

This is the most effective and inexpensive way air drying. But it also has its drawbacks. Condensation dehumidifiers have a limited operating temperature range, since if the air temperature in the room is already quite low, you simply cannot cool it any further - the condensed water will freeze.

You can read more about the design of air dryers.

The most significant characteristics when choosing a dehumidifier

  • Dryer performance. This is the main parameter that you should first pay attention to. Productivity or air dehumidification is calculated as the volume of moisture in liters that is collected from the air by a dehumidifier per unit of time. For example, liters per hour or liters per day. To roughly estimate the required space household use performance, you can use a little hint: multiply the area of ​​the room where the dehumidifier will operate by a factor of 0.7. But it’s always better to choose a model with a small margin, although only one can accurately select a dehumidifier for your conditions.
  • Air flow. Another important indicator that only a professional can accurately calculate. But here, too, there is a small hint: for effective moisture removal, the dehumidifier must pass through itself a volume of air equal to the volume of the room 3-4 times in 1 hour of operation.
  • Noise level A. Directly affects your comfort, so this parameter is also of high importance when choosing a dehumidifier. For a household dehumidifier, the noise level should be between 30-35 dB.
  • Capacity of the condensate collection tank. If you are purchasing a condensing dehumidifier, you will have to think about this as well. For example, in some models, if the condensate collection container is full, the device automatically turns off using a microswitch, and you, accordingly, receive humid air in the room until you drain the moisture.
  • Mobile or landline. Which type of dehumidifier you choose is up to you. Today on the market there are models of mobile dehumidifiers that can cope with almost any task when it comes to domestic use.
  • Availability additional options . Air dryers are equipped with a large number of auxiliary devices for various purposes. Let's say Humidity is capable of automatically turning the dehumidifier on and off when the set air humidity value is reached. And the touch screen will make operating the device easy and comfortable.

Air dehumidifiers - what are they for, how to choose, what to pay attention to Large selection dehumidifiers on the portal site

Types of dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers are distinguished according to two main characteristics:

According to the principle of operation:

  • condensation – do not work at low temperatures;
  • assimilation - normal ventilation system;
  • adsorption - can work at low temperatures.

By type of construction:

  • mobile – which can be carried;
  • columnar – more suitable for large rooms, such as a swimming pool;
  • wall;
  • hidden installation;
  • ducted - the compressor is taken outside.

What to look for when choosing a dehumidifier

  • Purpose

You can find both household and industrial dehumidifiers on the market. They differ in power and are designed for different area. A home device processes up to 50 liters of moisture per day, while an industrial device can handle thousands of liters.

  • Intensity

If you need to dry somewhere from 6 to 12 sq.m., an option with a work intensity of 10-20 liters per day is suitable. For a room of 14-20 sq.m, it is required to use a device with a work intensity of 20-30 liters per day. For a room with an area of ​​15 to 30 square meters, an intensity of 30-40 liters per day is needed.

  • Power

In any technical device, the power indicator is an indicator of efficiency. Therefore, I would pay attention to this factor. For living conditions About 200-400 W is enough. For greater performance, I would advise taking a dehumidifier from 400 to 700 W.

  • Location

For convenience and aesthetics, it is also important to think about the location of the device. Conventional stationary devices are mounted on the wall or ceiling. Devices on wheels, mobile, can be easily moved from room to room. Modern dehumidifiers are in most cases exactly like this. By the way, the higher the power of the device, the greater its weight, this also needs to be taken into account.

  • Air exchange

To choose the right dehumidifier, of course, first of all you need to calculate the volume of the room where it will actually work. When purchasing, it is best to choose one where the air exchange will be several times greater than the volume of your apartment (house, room, etc.). For example, at 50 cubic meters the model should have an air exchange of 150-200 cubic meters per hour.

This characteristic is especially relevant for families with small children. The most comfortable dehumidifier for a home does not exceed 40-45 dB.

  • Ionizer

If you really buy similar apparatus, then it would be nice if it had a built-in ionization function. With its help, a high accumulation of air ions is created in the room. It is much more pleasant and easier to breathe with them. Also ideal option for children's rooms.

  • Hygrostat

Also a useful and smart thing. Devices that are equipped with a hygrostat are more economical and easier to use. Such dehumidifiers do not dry out the air, as they take into account the humidity of the room and turn on and off automatically. A nice bonus is saving energy and utilities.

Which dehumidifier is best to buy?

I would advise you to choose a mobile dehumidifier that can be carried anywhere depending on the humidity. When moving, this saves you from the hassle of dismantling and installing it in a new location. In addition, you should choose a device that has the functions of a hygrostat and ionizer. A future purchase should not cause discomfort due to its size and noise. Well, take one that will consume little electricity, but at the same time be a powerful and efficient device. Believe me, given the huge assortment, this is not so difficult.

Rating of the best dehumidifiers - TOP products

The best dehumidifiers for apartments

Timberk DH TIM 20 E7

The device has electronic control with an LED display located on the top of the case. There is automatic and turbo mode. Small dimensions and weight 14 kg. Power is 440 W. The recommended room area should be around 50 square meters. Condensate is removed in two ways: through a tube in the drainage or through a 3-liter tank. Air consumption is 170 cubic meters per hour. True, the instructions do not say which mode is intended for what. It's a little strange. If the tank is full, it may beep several times, not critical, but someone may wake up from this.

Ballu BDM-30L White

A more progressive and multifunctional model. Has the function of ionization and aromatization of air. You can even dry clothes with it, which will take about 3 hours. Carbon filter. It works automatically, there is a timer that can be set for a specific time. Carrying handle with digital display and control panel. Low noise and no sharp corners in a design that is safe for small children. Weighs 15 kg, drains an area of ​​up to 42 sq.m., consumes power of 540 W. True, it requires a flat surface, otherwise it begins to vibrate and make noise. And you can't turn off the fan.

Best Budget Dehumidifiers

NeoClima ND-10AH

This dehumidifier has a compact design and a classic black and white color scheme. Works for a room up to 16 sq.m. with an intensity of 10 l/day and a noise level of 39 dB. It has power indicators, humidity level indicators, and also notifies you when the condensate tank is full. Equipped with defrosting function and electronic control. It is switched on via standard 220 V. Air consumption is 90 m3/h. Unlike its brothers, it is a fairly inexpensive device. True, the power is small and the functionality is limited, but it works out well for its cost.

Ballu BDH-15L

Economical device small sizes and weighing only 8.5 kg. There is an LED display and electronic touch control. The device does not require installation. Operates on safe refrigerant. The modern look will easily fit into any interior. It has 3 operating options, removes moisture quickly and silently. Copes with its responsibilities at 10°C and above on an area of ​​up to 18 sq.m. The dehumidifier has a built-in hygrostat and a timer. There are all the necessary indicators, as well as a defrosting function. Unfortunately, the device has a flimsy and unreliable handle and no wheels.

Best Premium Dehumidifier

Mitsubishi Electric MJ-E20BG-R1

The body depth of this dehumidifier is only 187 mm. With one button you can start the drying function. Maintains an even level of humidity in the room. There are 3 positions of the device dampers, which optimally allows you to distribute the dried air throughout the entire space. Very low noise level - only 38 dB, but sleeping next to it, of course, is not recommended. Multi-stage air purification system. The special anti-mold regime inhibits the spread and formation of mold spores. Dries up to 210 cubic meters of air per hour. The condensate tank is 4.5 liters. Weighs a total of 13.2 kg. Removes up to 20 liters of moisture per day. Turns on automatically. There are instructions in which everything is clear and clearly described. It's an expensive device, of course, but I think it's worth it. Quite reliable and durable.

Comparison chart of the best dehumidifiers


Main Features


There is an LED display, turbo mode, weight - 14 kg, power - 440 W, air flow - 170 cubic meters per hour.

There are functions of ionization and air aromatization, a carbon filter, a timer, weighs 15 kg, consumes power of 540 W.

The noise level is 39 dB., there are power indicators, humidity levels, a defrost function and electronic control.

High humidity in the apartment worsens living conditions, causes the development of fungus, mold, and the appearance of a musty smell. All this often leads to health problems. A device for drying indoor air can prevent this. It will create an optimal microclimate for health and comfortable living.

Purpose of the dehumidifier

Reason high humidity there may be various factors in the room: installation window openings with non-compliance with standards, poor hydro- or thermal insulation, ventilation problems. In this case, a dehumidifier is used to stabilize the moisture level. This is a unique device that can reduce and maintain a given level of humidity in a living space.

Depending on the purpose, there are household and industrial dehumidifiers. The main difference between them is productivity (the amount of air processed over a certain period of time). The apartments use appliances for household use that can absorb up to 50 liters of moisture per day, while purifying the air from harmful microparticles.

The principle of operation depends on the type of dehumidifier device, but they all share similar functionality: the dehumidifier draws in moist air, processes it, removing excess moisture, and releases back dry air.

Types of dehumidifiers and their operating principles

Air dehumidification devices are classified according to two criteria: device type and operating principle.

In the first case we are talking about in various ways installation and placement of the device in a residential area. Dehumidifiers come in floor-mounted, wall-mounted, universal and concealed types.

Depending on the principle of operation, there are adsorption and condensation types of devices, as well as a desiccant with assimilation property.


The functioning of this dehumidifier is based on the adsorption properties of the substances and materials it contains. The inside of the device contains a sorbent that absorbs excess moisture, drying the air inside the room. The main disadvantage of these devices is the frequency of changing the adsorbent.


Condensation dryers are in greatest demand. Such a device is impossible would be better suited for a house or apartment.

The operating principle of the devices is based on the condensation of water vapor. Most home dehumidifiers work exactly like an air conditioner. The device has built-in “warm” and “cold” radiators (evaporator and condenser).

The ventilated air entering the evaporator is cooled. Due to this, it condenses and then accumulates in a special vessel (tray), from which the liquid must be drained regularly. If this is not done, the device will automatically turn off.

Some models of dryers of this type have an outlet to which a tube is connected to drain water to the street, in sewer system.

With the assimilation method

The principle of operation of this type of dehumidifier is the exchange of air masses between the room and the street. Humid air from the room is expelled outside, and fresh air is drawn in from the street. During circulation, the humidity in the room decreases.

The disadvantages of the device include significant heat losses that go out along with the moist air, as well as energy costs for heating the intake air. Among the disadvantages of assimilation-type dehumidifiers is the inability of the device to dry the air in humid weather conditions and the inability to use it in regions with a humid climate.

Main selection criteria

When choosing a device for dehumidifying air in an apartment, you should first decide on your preferred type.

Other selection criteria include the following:


Each device has a certain capacity, which indicates the amount of moisture removed per hour or day. This indicator in the characteristics of the model it is indicated in the form of abbreviations “l/h” or “l/s”.

If you purchase a device with too little power, the required effect will not be achieved and such a dehumidifier will work continuously, at the limit of its capabilities. Such a load will significantly shorten its service life. Purchasing a device with a performance that exceeds the needs will lead to a rapid decrease in moisture levels in the room, so in the future the dehumidifier will only operate at a loss due to excessive energy consumption.

In order to choose a device with the required performance, you should know the humidity level in the room. It can be calculated as follows: the area (square area) of the room where air drying will be carried out must be multiplied by a factor of 0.7. You will get an approximate indicator that you should focus on when choosing.

Noise level

When dehumidifying the air in an apartment, a device that is too noisy can cause discomfort, especially when used at night. It is recommended to pay attention to models whose noise level does not exceed 45 dB.


Before purchasing, it is recommended to consult with a specialist in advance to determine which company’s device is suitable in a particular case, based on the price-quality ratio, as well as the popularity, reliability and performance of the models.

Catchment volume

The larger the volume of the condensate collection tank, the less often it will have to be drained from there.

Electricity consumption

The energy consumption of a dehumidifier primarily depends on the performance. On the market household appliances There are models with high efficiency, which at the same time consume little electricity.

Availability of additional functions

These include the presence of a hygrometer (it displays the humidity indicator on the display or screen), sound notification in case of overflow of the water collection tank, timer, air ionization function, automatic shutdown function of the device in case of incorrect operation or a full tank.

Also, in addition, some models of air dryers can perform the functions of a hydrostat and air purifier.

To make the right choice and not regret the purchase, it is recommended to carefully study the criteria for your preferred model.

Rating of the best dehumidifier models for apartments

This portable dehumidifier is ideal for use in apartments, private homes, office premises. The maximum performance of DanVex DEH-1000P is 80 liters per day, power consumption is 820 W. Operating temperature the device varies from +5 to +33 degrees.

The device is made of high-strength plastic and is equipped with a water tank with a capacity of 7 liters. Its weight is 25 kg.

Among the advantages of the dehumidifier are the ability to connect an external drain and the presence of a hydrostat, which independently solves the tasks.

The price of the device is about 75,000 rubles.

The main purpose of the model is to dehumidify the air in the apartment and house. Thanks to its silent operation, the device does not create discomfort during rest. It is easy to use, performs its tasks perfectly, and is reliable.

H-DEH1-20L-UI007 Hyundai speeds up the process of drying clothes, creates a favorable microclimate in the apartment, and helps destroy fungi and mold. Also among the advantages of the model are:

  • compactness;
  • automatic control for indoor humidity indicators;
  • quality of execution;
  • the presence of rollers, which allows you to easily move the device;
  • the presence of a high-precision hygrostat;
  • presence of a display with indications of the set and current time.

Key Features:

  • drying intensity – 20 l/day;
  • maximum air exchange – 180 cubic meters. m/h;
  • power consumption – 600 W;
  • condensate tank volume – 3 l.

The cost of H-DEH1-20L-UI007 Hyundai is 12,900 rubles.

The dimensions of the device are compact (thickness less than 20 cm, height about 50 cm). The device is attractive appearance and is convenient for transportation due to the existing handle.


  • model productivity – 16 l/day;
  • power consumption – 275 W;
  • operating range: from 1 to 35 degrees;
  • air flow: 150 cubic meters/h;
  • weight – 11 kg.

The model is equipped with a child lock option, which makes it safe to use. This device has the ability to independently set the timer, turn it on and off. The condensate accumulates in a special tank.

The price of the dehumidifier is 31,000 rubles.

The device is suitable for use in apartments and residential premises whose area does not exceed 40 sq.m. The model is equipped with a hydrostat and an indication of the filling of the moisture storage tank. The presence of a carbon filter will allow you to effectively deal with the elimination of unpleasant odors, if any.

The dehumidifier has a modest capacity, only 16 l/day. The air exchange rate is 215 cubic meters per hour. The average noise during operation is 46 dB. Despite its compactness, the device has a 5.5 liter moisture collection tank.

Price – 22500 rubles.

Ballu is a popular brand that produces climatic equipment. Ballu BDH-25L fully copes with the function of dehumidifying the air in the apartment.

The productivity of this model is 25 l/day. Air exchange is 210 cubic meters/hour. The tank volume is 6.5 liters.

The model is equipped with a fill indicator, a device shutdown timer, and a hygrostat (automatic support of the specified humidity). The noise level at maximum operation will be 45 dB.

Price – 18,000 rubles.

Watch a video review of two (25 and 30 liter) Ballu brand dehumidifiers: