How to sew lambrequins with your own hands - types, choice of materials, photo ideas. DIY lambrequins with patterns for beginners How to sew a lambrequin on a curtain tape

Curtains play a huge role in creating an individual apartment interior. Moreover, an important function is performed by the details that focus attention on the overall style of the room. To get a unique and original decoration of a window opening, you can make a lambrequin with your own hands and save a lot of money.

Sewing a lambrequin with your own hands is quite simple - for this you can find a suitable pattern and know the sewing rules.

According to their shape, lambrequins are also divided into 4 types: straight, semicircular, fancy and rectangular.

It is necessary to determine exactly what specific form of decor is suitable for a particular interior of the room, and only then start making such decoration for curtains.

For each room of the apartment it is better to choose separate species lambrequin. To make a choice, you need pay attention to some factors:

  1. Room area. Enough spacious rooms Large, massive window decorations look great. For small rooms, such a solution will not be successful, because bulky decorative elements visually make the room more cramped and lower the ceiling height.
  2. Purpose of the room. For the kitchen you need the simplest options, because in this room functionality is most important. For the living room, sophisticated models with a set of decorative elements and many folds are suitable. When decorating a bedroom or nursery, it is important to both decorate the window and disguise the cornice.
  3. Color. Lambrequins look great if they contrast in color with the main curtains. But you need to take into account that the colors of the decorative elements should be harmoniously combined with the color scheme of the room design. This season, chameleon fabrics are popular, the peculiarity of which is that they change color depending on the light falling on them.
  4. Illumination. A room with windows on sunny side Dense fabrics are more suitable for lambrequins, and for the decoration of darkened rooms, thin translucent materials are needed.
  5. Experience. For those who do not often sew, there is no need to immediately take up sewing combined products, as well as complicated models with an abundance of decorative elements. First, you can sew simple lambrequins with your own hands, and then apply strength to a more complex model.

Selecting fabric and size

The very first lambrequins were made of wood, and they were intended to hide the cornice. They were made of the same type and not particularly beautiful. Today, curtains with this detail are made from a variety of fabrics in complex shapes to give the room individuality and an original appearance.

Lambrequin, as a rule, is sewn from the same fabric as curtains. The combination of the color and texture of this decorative detail with the main canvas gives the window a finished look, looks elegant and stylish.

Another option would be to choose a fabric that is contrasting in color and matches the main material.

The lambrequin usually consists of one, two or three sections. Depending on the length of the cornice, the width of the section is measured.

To calculate how much material is needed to sew a lambrequin with your own hands, you will need measure the width of the window and decide on the type of folds. Standard size the product in relation to the main curtain is approximately a sixth of its size, plus material for the upper and lower hems.

If you need braid for decoration, then you need to measure the width of the cornice, then multiply the resulting figure by the fullness that is recommended for this type of braid.

Step-by-step instructions for cutting and sewing

The material must be cut maintaining an angle of 45 degrees. All three identical parts must be cut out with a seam allowance of 2 cm. In this case, the size of the lambrequin cannot occupy more than one sixth of the height from the cornice to the floor.

Product decoration

Even the most simple lambrequin, sewn with your own hands, can be decorate in an original way and make it unique, you just have to use your imagination a little.

If you choose an elegant fabric for a lambrequin, then long fringe looks great on it, and a frill of beautiful lace goes well with floral cotton fabric.

A plain product made from natural cotton material will be decorated with a touching fringe with “bumps”.

You can sew an original frill along the bottom of the finished product. It can be made from the same fabric or in a contrasting color.

One of the most popular ways to decorate the bottom of a lambrequin is with scallops. You can take a round template, mark the contours of the scallops on the wrong side of the fabric and cut them out.

The lambrequin is a nice decorative detail that adorns window curtains . It can make the interior design strict, homely, pompous or light. It’s worth trying to make this part yourself.

A home is a place that you want to make cozy, beautiful and complete. But there will be no completeness if you leave the windows without curtains, and the curtains without lambrequins. They will give the interior special grace and beauty, and will also hide part of the wall between the window and the ceiling, replacing this not-so-pretty strip of wallpaper with elegant folds of fabric.

Types of lambrequins

Once upon a time, when lambrequins had just appeared, they were made of wood, and their purpose was simple: to hide the cornice. No one was particularly sophisticated for this purpose, and the lambrequins were of the same type. Now, when they are made of fabric and serve mainly to decorate a room, add elegance and respectability to the interior and turn ordinary boring curtains into chic curtains, lambrequins are divided into four types.

  1. Classic lambrequin. Just a narrow strip of fabric, gathered into folds with a wide ribbon. There are three subtypes of the classic lambrequin: wavy, straight and arched. It depends on the design of the bottom edge. This lambrequin is good for those for whom something went wrong during the repair, and the window slope and cornice came out with defects. A classic lambrequin will hide them well, and it will simply look neat and beautiful.
  2. Hard lambrequin. As the name suggests, it holds its shape well. This happens due to the fact that it is made from a special, very dense fabric. As a result, the curtains on which such a lambrequin hangs look voluminous and majestic.
  3. Lambrequin with decorative inclusions. Chills, ties, flips, jabots and other elaborate elements - all this applies to lambrequins of this type. Lambrequins with decorative elements are a real space for your imagination and a great opportunity for self-expression, as well as giving the room a more interesting and, perhaps, even extravagant look. Of course, sewing them is not easy either; it’s better to start with something easier to perform.
  4. Combined lambrequin. This is the most complex type of lambrequins. It can combine elements of all three types: for example, when strips of fabric are pulled through holes in a rigid lambrequin, gathered into folds on the curtains (essentially a classic lambrequin).

There is also another division based on components lambrequin:

  • simple rectangular lambrequin,
  • composite lambrequin made of geometric rectangular panels,
  • composite lambrequin made of semicircles,
  • a simple lambrequin of a fantasy shape.

When deciding on the type of lambrequins, you decide not only the design of the curtains, but also the appearance of the entire room. This seemingly small detail will determine the overall style, so you should think through everything carefully and only then take on the lambrequins.

Patterns and necessary materials

What fabric is better to take for a lambrequin? In fact, many types of fabric are suitable for this purpose: taffeta, velvet, satin, ivy, cotton, linen, silk, polyester and much more. It all depends on the style in which you are decorating the entire room, and it is the type of room itself. Eg, velvet It looks very rich and fits perfectly with the style. In addition, it holds its shape perfectly due to its density. It is perfect for decorating a living room. A polyester often used for decoration kitchen windows, where practicality and the possibility of easy cleaning play a role first. Also practical cotton, Beautiful silk And linen, which are easy to wash, protect well from sunlight, are hygroscopic and hypoallergenic.

Light fabrics will add a certain lightness, airiness and elegance to the entire interior. For example, silk looks very good - the curtains will look like they are flying, like in a castle in the air. Heavy and dense fabrics, on the contrary, will give the curtains a certain monumentality and respectability, but at the same time elegance.

In addition to fabric, you will need threads, pins, ribbons And decorative cords . In addition, if you are making a solid lambrequin, in addition to fabric you will need a special interlining, which glues the fabric to maintain a given shape.

When choosing a pattern, you should be guided by your sewing skills and abilities. You shouldn’t immediately take on something complicated if you haven’t held a needle in your hands for several years.

Do-it-yourself lambrequins: step-by-step instructions

Now we will look at how to sew some types of lambrequins.

Simple rectangular lambrequin Even a complete beginner can sew.

  1. Take a rectangle of fabric the same length as the curtain. If you are going to make it with folds, take fabric one and a half times longer.
  2. Hem the bottom of the fabric, finish the sides.
  3. Sew loops on top for fastening.
  4. Hang the lambrequin on the curtain.

Ready! It looks simple and tasteful.

Composite lambrequin made from semicircles looks quite complicated and elaborate, but is done very simply:

  1. Take a fabric in the shape of a trapezoid. The height of the trapezoid is one and a half times the planned height of the lambrequin; the sum of the lengths of the sides and the length of the top side of the trapezoid should be equal to the width of the curtain.
  2. Finish the edges.
  3. Sew curtain tape (the tape along which the cords are threaded) along the sides of the trapezoid and tighten. The fabric, draping, forms beautiful semicircles.
  4. Hang a lambrequin.

You can also simply take a long strip of fabric and, stepping back the same distance from the ends, tie them with ribbons so that the middle part sags, forming beautiful folds, and the ends themselves hang freely.

As you can see, it’s very simple and quick, anyone can do it, and the room will literally be transformed and take on a more complete and neat look. In addition, lambrequins can be decorated with flowers, figures of fish, animals and plants cut out of cardboard or thick fabric, tassels and other decorative elements that only your imagination can tell you.

DIY lambrequins: video instructions

Our video instructions will help you sew a lambrequin with your own hands easily and simply, clearly showing how to proceed to create a beautiful, neat and tasteful decoration for your home.

Looking for ideal option When decorating a window, many novice needlewomen come to the decision to sew curtains themselves. They are looking for information on how to sew a lambrequin with their own hands, making sure that there is nothing complicated in it, they begin to implement the idea they like.

Draperies, lambrequins, tiebacks and other decorative details add a special chic to the decor of an ordinary bedroom, children's room or living room. Having mastered all the nuances of cutting and sewing window decor elements, it will be easier to update your interior.

What are lambrequins for?

The British came up with the idea of ​​draping a window opening with heavy curtains. It was a decorative curtain to limit the flow of cold air masses from the window. Tiered curtains also covered the wall gap from the cornice to the window, which did not fit into the overall aesthetic in daylight.

They came up with sewing openwork lambrequins with their own hands much later, since initially it was wooden detail, complementing the cornice, behind which a primitive method of attaching curtains was hidden. Basic classification according to the shape of the lambrequin edge:

  • arched;
  • straight;
  • "wave".

The art of making curtains was improved by coming up with new variations and methods of draperies. Some decorative elements were borrowed from the outfits of nobles and London aristocrats, which were in fashion 2 centuries ago. Some types are still relevant today:

  • in the form of a frill (a special assembly of lace at the collar);
  • chill mold;
  • bell;
  • funnel;
  • tie;
  • cascade.

They look a little pretentious and intricate, but often this is the only decoration translucent tulle simple tailoring. Despite the complex shape, the main thing is to build the correct pattern and correctly form the folds.

Otherwise, tailoring comes down to cutting and processing fabric sections, forming a lambrequin for curtains with your own hands and securing the finished product to the cornice.

Helpful advice! When taking on the task of sewing curtains with overlays, it is important to correctly assess your capabilities and sewing experience. Many varieties require a large consumption of curtain fabric, in harmony with the tulle.

Varieties of lambrequins

Fabric lambrequins of various shapes appeared only thanks to the skill and indefatigable imagination of needlewomen. Sometimes they were made from pieces of fabric available in the house, scraps of old and damaged curtains. This is how new varieties of window decor appeared.

Before making lambrequins with your own hands, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with their classification.

  • A rigid or flat element is formed on the frame. It is sewn from beautiful patterned fabric. It can have a figured edge and perforation in the form of an intricate pattern that will beautifully diffuse daylight.
  • A classic lambrequin is an ordinary strip of textile with small gathers formed using a special curtain tape. Their purpose is to close a small gap in the wall between the baguette and the window opening.
  • Decorative lambrequins with complex elements that complement complex tailoring with folds, ruffles, frills, tiebacks and other overhead details. It is these curtains that create a special coziness, but here you need taste and skill so that the design of the window opening does not look bulky or pretentious.
  • Combined tailoring involves a combination of several types of fabric and curtain draperies. This decor can combine a hard lambrequin and ruffled elements.

Making most types of window decorations takes a lot of time, and the effect largely depends on the cut and shape of the patterns:

  • trapezoid;
  • semicircle;
  • rectangle;
  • triangle.

Ultimately, the choice of material is not so important, beautiful tailoring compensates for the simplicity of interior textiles. It is much more important whether all this will fit organically into the overall design of the room. Sometimes you have to change the entire style of the interior for the sake of a beautiful curtain style.

What is important to consider when choosing the color and shape of window decoration

For those who for the first time decided to refuse outside help and took a responsible step, it is better to start small - master the patterns and technology of sewing a lambrequin with your own hands for beginners.

With some sewing experience, you can develop patterns yourself after seeing finished goods somewhere in the picture. Not every option is worth repeating exactly; you can bring your own interpretation of what you see.

  1. Choose the type of lambrequin that is most adapted to your opening format and the height of the cornice. The product must completely cover part of the wall from the window, then the decor looks complete.
  2. In a small bedroom, multi-level curtains with bulky drapery elements are inappropriate. It is better to complement simple tailoring with textile decorations such as fringe, thread curtains or satin ribbon.
  3. Brave design ideas It is better to implement it in a spacious room, especially if there are no other visual accents in the interior, except for curtains.
  4. Wall-length lambrequin curtains can easily visually expand any room, especially if they are mounted on a ceiling cornice. On the other hand, you shouldn’t get too carried away with overhead details, they hide the space.
  5. The choice of material is determined by the type of decor. Under frequent folds, ruffles and draperies are needed soft fabrics, a smooth hard lambrequin assumes crease-resistant hard materials. Proper attachment to the baguette is important.
  6. South-facing windows should filter excess sun rays, it is better to make a dense lambrequin a little longer than usual. On the north side, you can get by with only soft folds from the main fabric (veil, tulle).
  7. The shades of the curtains should be in harmony with the design of the room. Overlay elements can be matched to the bedspread, upholstery upholstered furniture or accessories.

The choice of shades for a combined style of curtains can be in the same range or based on the principle of contrast. It doesn't have to be black and white.

Duets look good:

  • blue and blurry blue;
  • light beige and chocolate;
  • pink and graphite (dark gray);
  • soft lilac and purple;
  • milk and caramel;
  • cream and dark burgundy.

A competent combination of shades will help hide some sewing nuts; curtains with a lambrequin will look amazing. But nothing compensates for rough-hewn elements, stretched/pulled hems, or crooked hems.

Required tools and materials

First you need to decide which decorative element sew - soft or hard. For some types you will need special cornices and a mounting base.

Note! A rigid lambrequin requires special materials (Bandeau, Shabrak), they have an adhesive back. For rigid decor made from ordinary curtain fabric, you need a metal rod or a solid frame (plastic, plywood, MFD). On a “string” type cornice it will sag in the middle.

For sewing you will need:

  • basic seamstress tools (scissors, ruler and square);
  • needles and tailor's pins;
  • threads in the color of the fabric (for transparent veils you need a thin fishing line);
  • fastening tape;
  • graph paper (old wallpaper) for patterns;
  • chalk for cutting;
  • steam iron and regular iron.

If there is no sewing machine and an overlocker, it doesn’t matter - any studio will gladly process the edge of the fabric for a small fee. The main stages of work are performed manually:

  • making patterns;
  • laying out on fabric for cutting (do not forget about seam allowances);
  • processing the edges of parts with overlock;
  • sweeping and assembly;
  • sewing and preparing the method of attaching to the baguette.

All fasteners are made on the wrong side. The top of a rigid lambrequin is usually rectangular, with the exception of arched windows, where they want to emphasize a refined shape.

The rigid fastening can be partial (only at the top), the bottom can be of any configuration, symmetrical or arbitrary. It is not necessary to glue it entirely with an iron to a plywood panel of exactly the same shape, but a completely rigid lambrequin looks better.

The finished product can be decorated with additional decorative details, as in the photo.

Step-by-step instructions for making a simple lambrequin

Using the example of a classic version of curtains for a bedroom, let's look at how to make a simple curtain decor. Essential elements:

  • rectangular tulle;
  • 2 symmetrical curtains;
  • tapes for lifting curtains;
  • 2 cascading details for folds;
  • 2 swags trapezoidal shape under the rounded details of the lambrequin.

Note! The width of the material should correspond to the widest part of the pattern. If you can lay 2 pieces the same width, this will save fabric costs. For ruffled shuttlecocks, the length of the workpiece should be twice as long as the finished part.

After cutting, be sure to overstitch all the parts (stitch with a zigzag on a simple machine) so that the threads do not fray. They just don’t lie nonwovens, but the parts are sheathed, making a simple hem so that the lambrequin holds its shape well.

In order for the drapery of the lambrequin to look neat and harmonious, it is important to make the folds at the same interval. To do this, make markings with chalk and sweep away the folds. When everything is ready, the common edge must be stitched and the top of the product must be stitched to the adhesive tape or loops (another fastening element).

All accessories and decor for sewing curtains are sold in handicraft stores.

Other methods of making window decor

One of the most original types is a rigid openwork lambrequin. It looks amazing in a bedroom or children's room, for example, in the shape of a butterfly or a cobweb.

In general, nothing complicated, but to make it you will need a ready-made pattern with perforations (holes or slits with a certain pattern).

The base is a bandeau fabric or base material and adhesive interlining, as well as a curtain tape for attaching to the cornice or a rod (metal or wood).

  1. The drawing (pattern) you like is transferred to a life-size pattern.
  2. By applying it to a rigid and prepared fabric (with non-woven sizing), the design is transferred to the future lambrequin.
  3. If it is intended to be mounted on a rigid base or lining, carefully heat treatment warm iron. At the same time, it is important to work extremely carefully, eliminating creases and wrinkles.
  4. Excess fabric is trimmed, the contour can be processed with a zigzag or sheathed with a thin roll of a contrasting color.
  5. The upper edge of the openwork element should be rigidly fastened, the bottom can sag freely.

Some curtain design models combine several types of decor. Sometimes fringing and hand crocheting are appropriate. It is possible to add transfer elements made of corrugated or pleated fabric in the color of tulle or curtains.

For a window with balcony door You can choose an original asymmetrical style of curtains. If this is an end wall with curtains covering the entire wall, then a symmetrical design with several overhead “cascades” or “interceptions” is appropriate.

To learn how to make a swag-shell for a lambrequin of the correct shape, watch the detailed master class.

Photos of do-it-yourself lambrequins


Window- peculiar eyes of the house. This structural elements, connecting the internal space of a structure with the outside world, sources natural light And fresh air. Such multifunctionality of windows requires the creation of a decent frame for them. Lambrequins will cope well with this task.

- a decorative element that can act as an independent window frame or be used in combination with curtains and curtains. The variability of product models allows you to choose the right element for any interior.

Lambrequins are sold ready-made or made to order. The price of this decorative element is not always affordable - it depends on the complexity of the design. Therefore, many housewives have a question: is it possible to sew this accessory yourself?

Manufacturing a product can be either simple or complex - it all depends on design features models. Let's look at their main varieties.

What can a lambrequin be like?

- a horizontal textile element of the window frame, located in the upper part of the structure. He can be:

  • Soft- a decorative element made of thin and thick curtain fabric. The panel of the product can be straight or folded,
    the lower edge is smooth, curly.
    To decorate it, sew-on details (beads, flowers, bows, fringe, lace, contrast edging), fastening elements (loop belts, ties), folds are used. various shapes, volumetric textile elements (threads, swags, bells, de jabot, ties);

  • Combined- combines soft and hard elements. The product may consist of a dense figured base, complemented by parts formed from thin fabric;

  • Figured- a product with a three-dimensional pattern, holes of a specific shape. Its varieties are openwork lambrequins, the pattern on which is burned out using laser equipment. Such products are highly decorative and do not weigh down the space.

During their existence, lambrequins have changed significantly. Their shape has become more diverse, and new decorative elements have appeared. Today there are lambrequins:

  1. Straight;
  2. Folded (wavy, bow-shaped, cylindrical);
  3. teardrop-shaped;
  4. Asymmetrical;
  5. Arched;
  6. With and without edging;
  7. Royal - consisting of many decorative elements (swag, de jabot, folds, molds).

On a note: These are not all types of lambrequins. This decorative element can be presented in various designs.

Learning to make a lambrequin yourself

Before you start making the product, you need to decide on its model, whether it will be supplemented with curtains or curtains or not. Appearance The product depends on the purpose of the room in which it will be used, the style of the interior, and the desired functionality.

The size of the lambrequin is also important - what part of the window opening it will cover. The degree depends on this natural light rooms. It is also important to correctly determine your own capabilities: whether you can make complex patterns and connect the details of the composition.

Product sizing

In order for the lambrequin to be a worthy window frame, it must match the size of the opening. Several aspects are taken into account:

  • The standard width of the lambrequin should be 20-25 cm longer than the rod on each side. This will provide additional protection from sunlight and give the product a finished look;
  • if it is intended to make a folded lambrequin, then its width should be at least 1/3 longer than the cornice, the optimal indicator is double the length of the rod;
  • The height of the lambrequin depends on its model and personal preferences. As a standard, the panel covers 1/3 of the opening. But its height depends on the wall above the window - for aesthetic reasons, the lambrequin should completely cover it.

Fabric selection

Color solution The lambrequin is determined by the style of room decoration. The best option- matching furniture upholstery. This will allow you to combine all the textiles in the room into one interior composition.

On a note: A lambrequin can also be an accent in a room - in this case it is sewn from fabrics of bright, rich colors.

Deciding on the form

Fabric consumption and the complexity of making a pattern depend on the shape of the product. The lambrequin can consist of several sections. The complexity of the design depends on the length of the cornice, your cutting and sewing skills.

Features of product design, making a lambrequin pattern

A single-section lambrequin should fill the entire cornice. If the product consists of two elements, then one overlaps the other by 1/3. When making a lambrequin consisting of 3 sections, the length of the rod is divided by 7 and multiplied by 3. The resulting indicator is the width of each section.

Let's calculate it using the example of a cornice 150 cm long: 150/7x3 = 64 cm. It turns out that the lambrequin should consist of three sections 64 cm wide, which overlap each other in 2 places by 1/3. If there is more overlap of elements, the folds will break and the drapery will lose its shape and harmonious appearance.

If in a certain lambrequin model the swags do not overlap each other, but are arranged in a row, the space between them is covered with small decorative elements (bells, ties, molds). This will hide the ends of the cords formed after the fabrics are pulled into folds.

The de jabot element allows you to visually adjust the height of the premises. It is used in combination with swags. If its cut starts just above the bottom point of the swag, it adds height to the room, if lower, it brings the ceiling closer.

Advice: It is convenient to draw patterns for a lambrequin on a large table or wall. The first is the horizontal line - the width of the central section. Proportionally, the contours of the side elements are applied on both sides of it.

Instructions for sewing a one-section lambrequin

One of the easiest to make is the “Scarf” lambrequin model. This decorative element can be used to decorate a window in the kitchen. And if you add it classic curtains— this set can be hung in a bedroom or children’s room. Structurally, it is a one-piece fabric, manually draped on a cornice.

Attention: Since the lambrequin model is distinguished by its simplicity, no patterns are required for its manufacture; markings can be made directly on the fabric.

To determine the size of a product, two indicators are needed:

  • Length of cornice;
  • Sag height

Important: the swag (sag) in the product should occupy no more than 1/6 of the opening, otherwise window design will shade the room.

Marking is done in the following sequence:

  1. Mark the desired height of the lambrequin;
  2. The fabric is folded in half, from its middle along the upper edge, ½ the length of the cornice is marked in both directions, along the lower edge - the height of the sag;
  3. The top and bottom points on each side are connected, defining the line for sewing the braid;
  4. Along the upper edge of the lambrequin, the height of the folds is added to the width of the cornice. From the extreme point draw a line perpendicularly downwards. To the resulting rectangle, add side allowances for hems (2 cm each).

The fabric is cut along the intended contour and folded on all sides. Thin curtain braid is sewn along the upper edge, equal to the length of the cornice and diagonal lines. Where the tape runs diagonally, it is carefully pulled together by the cords. As a result of this action, a central swag with folds in a semicircle and side folds are formed. The lambrequin is ready to be hung on the cornice.

Advice: The places where the product is tied can be decorated with sewn-on decorative elements (flowers, butterflies).

Making a two-element lambrequin

A living room or bedroom will be adequately decorated with a two-layer lambrequin, consisting of a long and short panel, gathered into elegant folds. This design looks harmonious with sliding curtains made from the same fabric.

Advice: the bottom layer of the lambrequin can be made from a material that is several shades lighter than the rest of the window frame details - this will highlight the horizontal decorative element against the background of the overall composition.

The set consists of:

  • Thin translucent curtains;
  • Sliding curtains with tiebacks that fall to the floor;
  • Two-layer folded lambrequin.

Examples of patterns for all elements of this window frame are presented in the diagram below. The finished structure has dimensions of 3.5 x 2.8 m.

The lambrequin will be curtained on a curtain rod 350 cm long. To form folds, you will need mounting tape with a gathering factor of 3. The product is made from two rectangular pieces of fabric measuring 70x1050 cm and 90x1050 cm. First, their edges are processed, and a fold is made along the upper edge to the width of the mounting tape.

After this, the curtain braid is attached, on which wavy folds are formed by tightening the cords. They can be one-sided, counter or bow - depends on your skills. The simplest option- waves directed in one direction.

Features of sewing a lambrequin from three elements

The product consists of a central swag and two side cascading elements. It is fixed on the cornice board.

To make a lambrequin you will need:

  • Medium weight fabric;
  • Curtain board;
  • Curtain tape;
  • Scissors, pins, thread, needle;
  • Small nails, hammer;
  • Sewing machine.

First we cover the curtain rod with fabric. Next, we begin making patterns for the lambrequin parts. Their dimensions are calculated for a cornice 2.8 m long.

We place the paper blanks on the fabric folded diagonally and attach them with pins. We trace their contours with chalk/pencil along the fabric, leaving allowances of 1.5-2 cm for the folds. Since the folds on the lambrequin will be formed using curtain tape, we therefore leave such an allowance along the upper edge of all its elements so that a hem can be made equal to the width of the tape.

We sew braid to the side edges of the swag and tighten the cords, forming folds. Now let's start designing the cascading elements. We sew the tape to their upper edge and assemble the fabric. We align all the parts of the lambrequin along one line and secure them with pins so that they slightly overlap each other. We fasten the lambrequin to the board using small nails.

Secrets of simple but successful drapery

The window will be effectively decorated with a lambrequin, which consists of a mechanical crossover that smoothly turns into a de jabot. The product consists of a single rectangular piece of fabric. The secret of its presentable appearance is its elegant drapery.

The central element of the lambrequin is a large crossover, forming two symmetrical swags, separated from the side elements of the structure (de jabot) using a curtain tape. The braid allows you to form folds on it. The swag is attached to a bar in the form of a crossover, then the side parts of the product are decorated, and their top points are decorated with applied flowers - the result is simple and beautiful.

Elegant drapery can be created even from straight fabric. To do this, sew an arched lambrequin on a contrasting lining. Most of the panel is attached to the cornice using metal clips on rings, the rest is designed as a crossover. The product is complemented with a flower made from the same material as the lining.

Advice: fringe sewn along the lower edge of the lambrequin will emphasize the unusual shape of it.

Another way to simply but effectively drape a window is with a lambrequin consisting of three separate sections. The basis of the design is two triangles, sewn from thick fabric, which have a drawstring for threading the rod through. One grommet is inserted into them to fix the connecting element.

It is a rectangular piece of thin fabric (organza), several tones lighter than the main one. It is processed along the contour with bias tape and threaded through the holes of the eyelets. The result is a one-piece design: two elements of the lambrequin are connected with an elegant swag, and beautiful flowing folds are formed on the sides of the product.

A window decorated with a lambrequin always looks unusual. And if you complement this element of textile decor with curtains, you will get a presentable, stylish and quite functional design. Depending on its model and color, it can be used to decorate a kitchen, nursery, bedroom, living room or office. Sewing a lambrequin is not difficult, because there are simple styles of the product that look very impressive. All you have to do is find a suitable pattern and realize your idea.

A lambrequin is a horizontal strip in a curtain composition that decorates the window opening (as well as doorway or arch). Lambrequins perform both a decorative function - to decorate a window opening and a curtain composition, and a practical one - for example, they can hide a cornice and protect from drafts.

Lambrequins are:

Soft - they are sewn from fabric, using folds and draperies, decorated with tassels, and so on;

Rigid - their manufacture requires a rigid base;

Combined - they combine elements of soft and hard lambrequins.

Depending on the shape, size, quantity, “organization” of folds, soft lambrequins are divided into many different types, each of which has its own manufacturing characteristics.

To learn how to qualitatively sew complex types of lambrequins, you need to spend a lot of time - this art is probably not for beginners. But several simple types Even beginners can sew lambrequins.

Soft lambrequin with puffs: master class

A lambrequin with puffs is quite easy to sew, but it looks impressive.

You will need:

Fabric for lambrequin;

Wide curtain tape;

Cardboard for templates;

Ruler and chalk;

Braid with fringe or tassels;

Needle for hand sewing and thread in the color of the fabric;

Sewing machine;


Step 1

Decide on the length and width of your lambrequin. The assembly factor of this lambrequin is 2.5. The size of the cornice in this example is 1.3 m. Thus, the width of the lambrequin will be 3.3 m. Choose the length of the lambrequin to your taste, also guided by the rule: the length of the lambrequin should be 1/5−1/6 of the length of the curtains. Also take into account the height of the puffs: they will shorten your lambrequin a little. In this case, the length of the lambrequin is about 70 cm.

Step 2

Carry out a damp-heat treatment of the fabric so that it does not shrink or become deformed later. In this case, this treatment consists of ironing with steam, but in general it depends on the type of fabric you choose. Read in detail how to carry out wet-heat treatment of different fabrics.

Then cut out the lambrequin piece. Finish the short sides of the part by tucking and stitching on the machine.

Step 3

Make three cardboard blanks: strips 8 cm, 15 cm and 18 cm wide.

Step 4

Place the lambrequin piece on work surface wrong side up. Attach an 8-centimeter template to the long side and, moving it forward, draw a chalk line along the entire length.

Step 5

Now, using an 18-centimeter template, draw another parallel line along the lambrequin part. Repeat 2 more times. You should get 4 stripes with a width of 8 cm, 18, 18 and 18 cm.

Step 6

Now, using a 15-centimeter template, draw lines perpendicular to the existing ones along the entire width of the lambrequin. It should turn out so that the entire surface of the lambrequin is drawn into rectangles.

Step 7

Now mark the rectangles with diagonals according to the diagram.

Step 8

Using a needle and thread, secure sections of fabric according to the pattern, forming puffs. Repeat on all diagonally marked rectangles. Fasten each puff well.

Step 9

Sew the fringed braid from the front side of the lambrequin along one of its long sides. If the fabric is fraying, you can first trim the edge by tucking it in and sewing it on the machine.

Step 10

Now sew the curtain tape along the other long side of the lambrequin. Read more about how to choose and sew curtain tape.

Step 11

All that remains is to pull the cords in the ribbon, assemble the lambrequin, and hang it.

Photo and source:

Lambrequin with tiebacks: master class

This video explains in detail how to build a pattern and sew a lambrequin with tiebacks.

Lambrequin arch: master class

One of the simplest and most versatile options.

You will need:

Fabric for lambrequin;

Bias tape in a matching color;

Curtain tape;

Sewing machine and thread;



Paper, pencil and ruler for creating a pattern.

Step 1

Create a pattern. To do this, measure the length of your curtain rod and multiply this value by the assembly factor. This coefficient should be taken higher, the more magnificent folds you plan to make on the lambrequin. For thin, well-draped fabrics, the gathering factor can be taken higher, for dense and heavy fabrics - less. Typically this coefficient is 1.5−3.5. If you use a standard curtain tape, usually the gather factor is 2. The length of the curtain rod must be multiplied by the gather factor and add 10 cm for processing the edges. Take the rest of the measurements according to your taste. Make a pattern similar to the example in the picture.

Step 2

Fold the fabric for the lambrequin in half and transfer the pattern to the fabric. Add 1 cm seam allowances and cut out the lambrequin piece.

Step 3

Using bias tape, work around the entire perimeter of the lambrequin piece.

Step 4

Sew curtain tape from the inside along the top edge of the lambrequin.

Step 5

All that remains is to assemble the lambrequin by pulling the cords in the curtain tape and hang it.