Original gift giving for the New Year. Original ways of giving gifts. Brew cup with an unusual bottom

On the threshold again New Year , and again parents are concerned about WHAT and HOW to please their baby. After all, this is an extraordinary holiday, all woven from magic, fairy tales, special beauty and the expectation of a miracle. Therefore, the main thing in a New Year's gift for a child is not even what exactly is given, and how this gift was presented.

Packaging is the highlight of the program

It is advisable that they be packaged in a special New Year's way - not at all as if the same thing had been given, for example, for a birthday.

It is known that in the USA the main attention is paid not to the gift itself, but to its packaging - boxes, baskets, cases and bags. The process of unmasking a gift is reminiscent of a riddle about cabbage, and this, in turn, piques the baby’s interest. And here parents must show creativity and imagination: this year’s packaging should not be similar to last year’s.

New Year's gift - personally from Santa Claus

Even if the child is already old, the fairy tale about Santa Claus can be continued, only in a different key and tone, as for adults. This means that a gift either appears in a certain place (in most families - under the tree), but some have their own favorite “Santa Claus places”. It might be worth coming up with something like this, but the child, of course, should know in advance where to look.

There is also such advice: do not put all the gifts under the tree, but extend the pleasure: hide gifts throughout the house (under the pillow, in shoes, mittens, etc.). Or give the child a “treasure map” - let him look for it.

How else can you give your child a gift for the New Year? In Europe, there is a beautiful custom of placing children's shoes on or near the threshold in order to hide some of the gifts there.

Or you can do this: prepare a few empty ones in advance matchboxes and beautiful wrapping paper. Place small notes in the boxes for the child with various easy tasks that he must complete in order to receive a gift. Notes can send him to different corners of the apartment, where surprise “finds”, hidden in advance, await him. In the end, this long puzzle will be solved, and after traveling around his own home, the child will find a gift.

It is better if you ask the children to wait until the morning. If they, like adults, stay up late on New Year's Eve, give them some sweets or the smallest of gifts after the clock strikes. But Main Gift the baby must find it in the morning.

Santa Claus Mail

A surprise telegram is also a great way to surprise children. Take a real telegram form from the post office and write a congratulation from Santa Claus on it. The telegram must be convincing and “real”, addressed specifically to your child. For example: “Dear Andryusha! Sorry that I didn't get to see you. I came in at night and didn't want to wake you up. Happy New Year, hello to dad and mom. Look behind the closet in the hallway. Your Santa Claus." Such a telegram can be discovered “by accident” when someone goes to pick up a newspaper.

You can also ask someone you know to call you in the morning and, introducing himself as a postal worker, call the child to the phone and tell him that a telegram addressed to him is in mailbox. The gift should already be waiting for its owner in the closet. In the apartment you can lay out several “material evidence” that the overnight guest was here. This could be a mitten that does not belong to any family member or a greeting card to everyone in the family.

Secret door

By the time the child wakes up, the door to one of the rooms should be closed. You need to hang a note on the door, in which you should write that the right to be the first to enter the room and distribute gifts to everyone is given to the smallest member of the family. But this should happen only when he gets up, washes his face, brushes his teeth, puts on festive clothes and gathers everyone at home together.

In the “secret” room, place beautifully wrapped gifts with the names of the recipients. Don’t forget about decorating the room itself: on New Year’s Eve, something in it should change at least a little. When distributing gifts, the youngest in the family should, of course, “command the parade.”

A cherished wish with an element of surprise

Even if the child’s wishes were taken into account when purchasing a gift (which is good and desirable), it is much better if the gift does not contain exactly what he saw yesterday in the nearest store. It would be nice to exceed the child’s expectations at least a little. It's not easy, but it's worth trying!

And to avoid the problem: “he/she already has everything!”, it is best to buy serious gifts several times a year: for a birthday, for New Year's holiday, some other important dates for the family. These gifts should be planned thoughtfully and well in advance. And don’t surprise yourself by buying something that no one needs. Maybe it’s worth buying fewer gifts between holidays, especially toys - children quickly get bored with them.

Finding out what a child would like to receive for the New Year is quite simple. And with big ones, and even more so with small ones, Santa Claus is usually taken as an interpreter. Either they write him a letter - as is customary now, or they simply discuss what they expect from Grandfather as a gift. Also, probably, every family has its own style of such conversation. Well, in others they don’t find out anything - surprise, surprise!

Create a festive atmosphere in advance

For every child (and for most adults too), the anticipation of a holiday is something more magical and wonderful than the holiday itself. Therefore, try to create a festive New Year's atmosphere in your house ten days before its onset.

We have already written about. You can also decorate your home by making a magic tree with your child. Hang candies, nuts, and garlands on dry twigs, fastened together and “planted” in a vase or bucket, wrapped in foil. Here, by the way, the child can leave notes hinting what he wants to receive for the New Year.

How not to ruin the holiday

Think through the details in advance so that you don’t accidentally ruin the New Year’s celebration for your child. Where will the gift be stored? the right moment how it gets there, how to put it under the tree (or in a chosen place) or give it to Santa Claus. These little things, if they are not thought out (and it would seem that this is all self-evident) - can sometimes ruin a child’s holiday and the mood of everyone else.

Well, if there are several children, how can you be sure that the children will receive exactly their gifts (many cases have been described when the younger one takes a gift for the older one - and there are also tears and problems). So It is best to make the name of the owner of the gift an element of its design .

If you hang New Year's boots, shoes or socks on the tree in which you put gifts, it is advisable to equip each boot with an inscription with the name of the person to whom it is intended (children, parents, guests), so that it is easy and fun for everyone to find their New Year's gifts. Boots can be made from beautiful paper, for example, from colorful gift wrapping paper, which is sold in stores. Or you can, spending a little more time, sew completely unique handmade boots from scraps of fabric available at home.

And may this New Year be as magical as ever in your family!

Large photo: tesco magazine

Note to moms:

New Year is knocking on the door, but you still haven’t bought a gift for your beloved husband? Refer to the classics! Men's wrist watch is a gift for all times. In the World of Watches online store you can choose for your loved one beautiful and high-quality wristwatches from world-famous brands, taking into account your tastes and wishes.

We hope you have already prepared New Year's gifts year for your friends and guests. And we will tell you how interesting it can be to present them.

You can start giving gifts right from the doorstep, surprising the guests of the New Year's lottery.

Invite everyone who enters to draw a ticket from the hat and announce the winnings.

List of prizes

1. By chance you got this tea on your ticket.

2. To keep your face and sock clean, put a piece of fragrant soap on your ticket.

3. Whether you are a smoker or a non-smoker, you have come across a suitable winnings, and without a doubt, we are presenting you with an urgent pack of Belomor.

4. You are a boy or a girl, how soon or how long will it take you to get married, on a ticket, as you wish - let me give you a rattle in advance.

5. So that you write off with love, you receive envelopes, without stamps, don’t spoil them, you will buy them at the post office.

6. Excuse us that there is a shortage in this package, then go to the corner and quietly unwrap (the condoms).

7. You should be happy in abundance from the lottery right now. Three wonderful postcards have been drawn for you.

8. You shouldn’t be upset, you have new luck: you got delicious mustard, table quality.

9. Your win is quite rare: you got a fir branch; it will make you, without a doubt, participate in landscaping.

10. Get a hot air balloon and fly into space to the stars.

11. You shouldn’t be angry about winning; you can ride on a branch from here.

12. A rather rare surprise for you - 2 paper napkins.

13. Hurry up and get a notebook: write poetry.

14. The lottery is not a loss, the winnings are a spool of thread.

15. We issue without documents: you got this tape.

16. To always be beautiful, hurry to get the cream.

17. You look beautiful: both clothes and hairstyle, and it was not in vain that you won a comb as a reward.

18. You need matches in everyday life both in cold weather and in blizzards.

19. Don’t get sick, be strong, we’ll give you pills.

20. To avoid eating in the dining room, get a bay leaf.

21. You read about all the news in the world in the newspaper.

22. Here is a small brooch for you - smile at least a little.

23. Listen to this advice: fruits are the best diet.

24. You will remember, friends, this calendar sheet (the number of a significant event).

25. Eh, you have to be happy to get peas!

26. You got the candy, come visit us.

27. You turned out to be very clever, get a glass of vodka.

28. You will need our gift stocking for future use.

29. We pour you wine so that you can drink to the bottom.

30. Don’t be sad, hurry up to receive your gift. If you want to dance, dance, and then the glass is yours.

31. To look younger, to captivate everyone with a smile, you just need to apply this good benefit (cosmetics).

32. If you have already forgotten how to use a washcloth, then we advise you to read “Moidodyr”.

33. To lose ten years, you don’t have to think long - this wonderful lipstick will give you excellent advice.

34. And here is the famous, fragrant, tasty, melted cheese.

35. If suddenly a child starts crying, you must calm him down: you will jump in with a rattle and make him shut up.

36. If you have to get a bruise, hurry up and give a souvenir nickel.

37. You, comrade, want to receive large gifts, but you managed to win two envelopes with stamps.

38. Extend your hand to receive the onion head.

39. Automatic machine for painting walls - brush.

40. You were a lot worried, but there was no loss: your ticket included beets to make a vinaigrette.

41. To always be neat, toothpaste hurry up to get it.

42. Your prize is quite rare - two paper napkins.

43. Whether you like sweets or not, here’s a handful of sweets.

44. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby pacifier.

45. Your winnings are like manna from heaven - you got a piece of bread.

46. ​​Happiness fell into your hands - you got three potatoes.

47. There is no better prize than a plastic bag.

48. We give you this ticket to travel around the world.

50. You and your companion never get discouraged and use a washcloth to wipe any place in a hot bath.

51. Device needed in case of an accident (pin).

52. Pleasure for the whole night (pacifier).

53. We have provided you with hooks, but you can catch pikes yourself.

54. Universal Panama hat (handkerchief).

55. Vase made of pure glass (original bottle shape).

56. The Florena company offers face cream (watercolor paints).

57. Automatic hairpin for fastening hair (clothespin).

58. Your winnings are a glass of wine, it’s on your table, drink it to the bottom.

59. I know you like to write letters, then get this notebook.

60. You got the main prize, get it and share it (vodka).

61. You, of course, are getting younger, so you look in the mirror more often.

62. A pack of cigarettes for you. Are you satisfied or not?

63. Forget all questions, get cigarettes.

It's nice to give gifts. It's doubly nice to receive them. Triple - to receive it in such a way that you can then excitedly tell how unusually the gift came into your hands. Not only children dream of surprises and miracles! In the non-children's world, where the New Year's miracle is a sale of gifts with a 70% discount and a table in a cafe free from corporate events, we dream of adventures. Well, or at least about intrigues, scandals, investigations.

So how can you organize a ceremony for presenting New Year's gifts for adult family members and guests that is not only solemn, but also fun? We offer several ways.

Find me if you can (New Year's quest)

Collect all the gifts in advance in one place, but in such a way that finding this place is not easy. Block the path to gifts with messages for guests: let each one tell seekers where the next one is hidden. Announce that Santa Claus came, brought gifts, but didn’t just give them away, but hid them, and only the bravest, smartest, and most beautiful will be able to find them. It’s better to make a reservation right away that you don’t need to turn the apartment upside down, but just use the hints. By the way, about hints: they can be very different - riddles, crosswords, picture puzzles, rebuses, words with letters rearranged, tasks like “connect the dots”, etc.


  1. first mark the places where you will hide the clues, then think about how to beat these places;
  2. it turns out especially interesting when the recipients of the gifts guess the place, but don’t know how to get the clue from there;
  3. try to “link” the tasks with stories known only to your loved ones, and the New Year’s quest will become intimate and truly family-friendly.

Making a promise doesn't mean getting married (New Year's resolutions)

Your guests love to start life with clean slate, and therefore every year with three boxes? Come up with funny promises and put them in a hat or a New Year's-themed box, and then announce to your guests that they will receive their gifts only after they draw “promises” at random and solemnly swear to keep them all year.

Clue: Avoid making too big promises! They should either be really funny, or completely unrealistic, or very easy to do.

For example:

  • “I promise to feed the cat every day at 3 am for the whole year (even if she is against it)”
  • “I promise to kiss my wife/husband on the nose before leaving for work”
  • “I solemnly swear to take out the trash from my house after just 5 requests.”
  • “I promise to wake up the whole family (and neighbors) in the morning with a cheerful cuckoo”

Guess the gift

Write the names of the gifts on the cards. Attach these cards to the foreheads of the guests for whom the gifts are intended, so that the guests see other people’s “gifts”, but not their own. Announce that everyone will receive gifts if and only if they guess correctly. To avoid pointing your finger at the sky every time, allow guests to ask questions that require a yes/no answer. You can ask questions about your gift as long as the answer is “yes,” but as soon as others answer “no,” the right to become an “inquirer” passes to the next guest.

Clue: the game will be more fun if the gifts are unusual (and certainly not pre-ordered!)

Cut once (New Year's lottery)

If the gifts are not targeted, universal, then pack them in opaque wrapping paper and hang them on long ropes/ribbons from one common (and strong) rope. Blindfold your guests with a scarf or put a blindfold on them and send them off, scissors in hand, to get themselves a gift.

Clue: It will be more fun if you play a little prank on the recipients - for example, wrap small gifts as if they were big ones.

Roll, little ball (New Year's adventure)

Take colored ribbons or laces, tie them to gifts, and then carry them throughout the apartment and mix them up. Give the other ends of the ribbons to the lucky recipients of the gifts.


  1. such a presentation will succeed if there are no guests in the apartment for some time - so either give them guiding threads as soon as they cross the threshold, or at the height of the holiday send them into the yard to dance around the Christmas tree;
  2. Give the ends of the ribbons either targeted (“red - to mom, there is a cosmetic set at the end, blue - to dad, he has a subscription to a football magazine waiting for him”), or randomly, for example, invite guests to choose the colors of the ribbons themselves (this way the presentation of gifts will “grow up” intrigue).

Guess the quote - get a gift (New Year's quiz)

Lay out all the gifts (preferably wrapped) in a spectacular pile, take out one at a time and offer to compete for it: the one who is the first to show ingenuity will receive the gift. Find famous ones on the Internet - let applicants for gifts guess which movie this or that quote is from.


  1. in case the quotes go “tightly”, stock up - they’ll be guessed somehow;
  2. the presentation can be made more targeted: the guest guesses the source of the quote and receives a gift intended specifically for him;
  3. The lucky ones who have already named the correct answers are eliminated from the gift race.

Santa Claus has arrived! (New Year's performance)

Get a Santa Claus costume, dress a male guest in it and invite the rest of the guests to “earn” gifts - tell New Year’s rhymes or fairy tales, sing New Year’s songs or even dance New Year’s dances (whatever those may be).

Clue: the newly-made Santa Claus receives a gift automatically - for his outstanding acting abilities.

Adult children of Captain Grant (search for treasure on the map)

Draw a map (accurate or very conditional), mark the hidden treasure on it (read: gifts) and invite guests to find it.

Clue: you can complicate the task - give guests not a map, but a compass and a search algorithm (“from front door 5 steps north, then 3 steps west”, etc.)

FANTOMAS is back (forfeits with prizes and gifts)

Come up with fun tasks and invite guests to draw forfeits: for a completed task, you will be given a well-deserved New Year's gift.


  1. tasks can be different, but in no case serious, - for example, to recreate the chiming clock in any way; climb onto a chair and officially announce to everyone present that Santa Claus will arrive soon; depict a just opened bottle of champagne; eat a couple of slices of lemon without wincing; in five seconds, name all the ingredients of Olivier salad, etc.;
  2. drawing out forfeits can be “ennobled” - insert forfeit notes into the balloons, inflate them, and at the party invite guests to choose “their” balloon and get a forfeit out of it without using their hands.

What grows on the Christmas tree (New Year's lottery)

Attach cards with numbers to the tree, and place gifts under the tree. Invite guests to choose a card, then find among the gifts the one marked with the same number.


  1. It’s better if the gifts are “anonymous”, i.e. packaged identically;
  2. cards can be attached (tied, glued) to identical Christmas tree balls. This way, guests will not only be left with gifts, but will also retain the memory of an unusual holiday in the form of a Christmas tree ball.

Whom I love, I give it to him (New Year's lottery)

When inviting guests to a holiday, instruct them to prepare one gift, and then play out who will receive whose gift: to do this, you can write two sets of cards with names and simultaneously pull them out of two hats (one - “from whom”, the second - “to whom”) .


  1. it will be funny if someone gets their own gift;
  2. It is better to agree on the maximum cost of gifts in advance;
  3. It is not forbidden to exchange gifts to everyone's pleasure after distribution.

What? Where? To whom? (New Year's quiz)

Prepare riddles about gifts in advance - and give them to recipients only after they guess what they will receive.

Clue: It will be better if the gifts are not from the “what would you call it simpler” series, but even if it’s a depilator or an iPhone, don’t give up, make up a riddle yourself.

And the Oscar goes to… (New Year's awards)

Describe each guest humorously without mentioning their name. Read the “resume” of the candidate for the gift to the guests and hand it over when the name is guessed correctly.

Come up with several “stations” and assign responsibility. Among the stations there may be “Tantsulkino”, “Golosyatovo-Pevcheskaya”, “UmZaRazumovo”, “ZOZhinskaya” and others. At each event, guests will have to “earn” points (tickets, snowflakes), which they can then exchange for gifts at the fair.

Clue: collective creativity counts! If each of the dozen guests at each station sings, dances, and squats solo, then the celebration and presentation of gifts will be greatly delayed.


Not every guest of yours will be happy to sing, dance and write poetry for a gift that he has not even seen. There is always a risk of getting into trouble - ruining the mood of both yourself and your guests. How to recognize people who New Year's games contraindicated (and just give them a gift)?

Award one point for each statement that describes your guest or guest N:

  • you have never, under any circumstances, seen N sing, dance in a group, or even tell a joke
  • N rarely and sparingly smiles and does not like to laugh at all, does not watch comedies, comedy shows and KVN competitions
  • N never tried to prank you on April 1st
  • N always gives only practical gifts, has carefully found out in advance what kind of gift you want, or generally takes the choice and presentation of gifts very seriously
  • N hates corporate events and team building
  • N reacts painfully to criticism
  • N has no children (and has no plans to have them at all)
  • N doesn't like to play cards, board games, tanks
  • N is painfully shy
  • N uncomfortable (mini, heels, tight, etc.) or dressed very expensively
  • N pathological neat
  • N is very hungry and is in a hurry to start eating

If 3 or more statements accurately describe your guest, he should only be involved in gift giving as an objective observer. If among your guests there are those who fit 1-2 descriptions, then postpone the “gift games” until later - when your guests have eaten, raised a couple of toasts, gotten to know each other and relaxed.

Damir Sadrtdinov, showman, presenter and organizer of events, founder of the event company Artifact:“In a world where time is valuable, I think it will be a miracle to gather the whole family and loved ones. Naturally, you want to please them, but it’s not enough to just choose gifts and please (that’s another task!), you also need to turn the presentation of gifts into a game, and the holiday itself into a New Year’s miracle. I still remember the New Year, when my uncles organized the arrival of Santa Claus with a real three horses and a sleigh, and the miracle was that moment when Grandfather Frost, having given everyone gifts, having played with both children and adults, said that he Celebrate the New Year with us. It turned out that it was our uncle from Kaliningrad, whom we had not seen for more than 5 years!

How to give gifts in an original way? There are many ways, the main thing is to use your imagination! You can hide gifts in the room and play the well-known game “Hot and Cold”. Among my friends, I used to give prizes and gifts through the auction system for strange dances. My colleagues and I want to try this year new way giving gifts to each other: on the eve of a corporate evening, everyone will draw a card with a name and prepare gifts without warning the recipients. At the holiday, we will sign all the gifts and put them under the tree, and each recipient will have to guess from the gift who prepared it.”

Photo - photobank Lori

Have you already chosen what to give to your family and friends for the New Year? If this question still remains unanswered, take a look at online gift stores - you will be surprised how many cool things you can find in their catalogs if you look hard enough. So that you are not distracted by a banal assortment like soft toys or worthless souvenirs, we have prepared a selection of 30 unusual and cool gifts.

It would be too much of a hassle to search through all the online stores, so we took one of them - the online gift store E-xpedition - and found a bunch of cool gifts in its holiday assortment.


A warm microplush blanket can be given to a person of any age and gender. One will find it more comfortable and warmer to play on a tablet, while another will knit socks for his beloved grandchildren.

2. Animal hat for those who love animals

Animal hat "Husky"

This hat is made of faux fur, although you can't tell by looking at it. A great gift for a girl who is crazy about huskies and all cats and dogs in general. It warms not only your head, but also your hands.

3. 3D lamps “imprinted” into the wall

3D Iron Man lamp

These lamps seemed to crash into the wall and break through it. Moreover, some of them, like a soccer ball or Thor's hammer, crashed inside the room, while others - the Iron Man mask, the Hulk's fist or the front part of a yellow car - were clearly outside.

A wall sticker imitating cracks is sold along with the lamp. A great gift for a child, or for a family with children, or for adults who like superheroes and unusual lamps.

4. Wireless mouse in the shape of a silver BMW i8

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is crazy about this car, a wireless mouse in the shape of your favorite model will be an excellent reminder of it and a visualization for making your wishes come true.

You definitely can’t do without a cool speech before handing over such a machine.

5. Aprons with a New Year's theme

If the person to whom the gift is intended often cooks and loves this activity, you can give an apron with a New Year's theme - Santa Claus and the more than erotic Snow Maiden.

The main thing is that it doesn’t look like a hint that it’s time to go to the stove.

6. Arctic Force Snow Blaster

One could say that this is a gift for children, but playing snowballs is fun for all ages, which can be played with equal pleasure and excitement at 10, 20, and 30 years old.

The Snow Blaster makes perfectly shaped snowballs that no longer need to be sculpted, and launches them using the conventional slingshot method.

Arm a company of at least three people with these, and the New Year will be very active and fun.

7. Gift baskets and parcels

In these baskets and parcels you will not find banal “Rafaelkas” and bottles of champagne - everything here is real, in the literal sense of the word.

If there are chocolates, then they are made with honey and natural ingredients. If there are tea infusions, then they are real, with taiga herbs that give vigor and strength.

Moreover, in different parcels and baskets there are different gifts: there may be venison chips, stew, jam, and “the most big candy success."

It's all coolly decorated, without vulgar colorful pictures, mostly using brown wrapping paper.

In today's gift industry, which is choked with bright colors and artificial products, such gift baskets are perceived as really cool.

8. Whiskey stones in gift wrapping

I think now there is no need to explain to anyone what whiskey stones are. The most important thing about these Schotland gift stones is the classy gift packaging, which makes them look truly elite.

9. Whiskey stones in different packaging

More whiskey stones, this time gray and in gray packaging. Nine smooth stone cubes are held in a well-designed box with magnets.

10. Illuminated whiskey glass

These glasses light up at the touch of your hand and glow in different colors. It looks very festive and eliminates annoying confusion like: “Where is my glass?”, “Is this really my glass?”

You will recognize your glass by the color of the backlight - both in the light and in the dark.

11. Non-spillable thermal mugs No. 1

Due to special system car thermal mugs will never spill their contents on you. Mugs from the Contigo brand keep the drink at the desired temperature for up to five hours and make you happy stylish design. A great gift for those who are often on the road.


This gun and bullet are very similar to the real thing, but made from delicious natural chocolate. If your friend or relative is crazy about guns, why not give them an “endorphin boost.”

13. Toolbox

It will be fun to give a girl or guy who has never held anything heavier than a computer mouse in his hands an adjustable wrench, a hook, a gear and pliers.

The main thing is that this person loves chocolate, because all the instruments are made from it, although they look exactly like the real thing. And that moment when your close person I haven’t yet understood what’s what, it’s priceless.

14. Down slippers

If you know that your friends or family have cold floors in their apartment, give them super warm slippers filled with down and feathers. Again, a universal gift for any age.

15. Scooter suitcase for creative travelers

Ride like a breeze through the city streets to the airport or train station, ride a scooter around the waiting room, catching the envious glances of children - the scooter suitcase easily unfolds and provides a fun time during the moving process. A cool gift for those who are always on the go.

16. Custard cup with an unusual bottom

The “double” bottom of this cup makes it easy to brew loose leaf tea and drink it without straining. When you need to brew tea, tea leaves are poured into a smaller container, and boiling water is poured into a larger water container, after which the cup is rolled over to one side.

When the tea has brewed sufficiently, you can turn the cup over to the other side of the bottom and drink the tea slowly without becoming too strong. An original gift for connoisseurs of loose leaf tea.

17. Serious reward for merit

The Oscar statuette, a copy of one of the oldest and most famous film awards, simply cannot be awarded without a solemn speech.

Moreover, you can come up with a variety of merits - from real achievements to ridiculous assigned statuses.


A simple soft toy will only please a child or a soft toy collector. But such a bear with a secret inside will be an excellent gift for any friend.

There is a lock on the bear's neck that opens a secret pocket. You can put any additional gift in this secret pocket. This will be a real surprise for your friend or relative, and he can then use the bear for his secrets and stashes.

19. For lovers of barbecue

The “Caucasus” set, made in Russia, is for those who adore kebabs, love to cook them, spend time in nature and put everything on the shelves.

One gift box contains skewers, a knife and an ax in cases, shot glasses and a flask.


This gift will be useful for both travelers and those who love hiking. The 11,000 mAh battery is enough for eight full iPhone chargers and three iPad chargers. Two ports allow you to charge two devices simultaneously. This miracle cobblestone weighs less than 200 grams and takes up almost no space in your backpack.

21. Hats made of natural coyote and bluefrost fur

This gift is best chosen for those closest to you. No, not because you necessarily need to know the size of the hat - both the Esther earflaps and the Hephaestus model have special drawstrings to adjust the size.

It’s just that with close people you definitely won’t be mistaken about their tastes in choosing hats and you’re less likely to hear something like: “This is real fur! What a nightmare! Poor little animals!

Well, in general, earflaps are an ideal hat for Russian frosts, especially since the winter is expected to be cold.

22. Hoodie for sofa Jedi

A Jedi robe is a cool gift in itself, and if it’s also a comfortable robe for the house, that’s great.

23. LED attachments for bicycles

Yes, now is not the season for bicycles, but if your friend loves to ride a bike and stays on it all summer, then why not give him something for his two-wheeled pet?

LED bicycle attachments create up to 11 images on wheels, are protected from moisture and have a built-in speedometer.

With such attachments, any bike will look cool, and in the dark it will be safer to ride on the highway.

24. Brutal jewelry for a man

Jewelry from the Spartam collection in the spirit of minimalism looks as if it was restored according to models of ancient jewelry.

Leather and steel - what could be more brutal? At the same time, there is enough variety: a sea of ​​interchangeable beads for bracelets, change them at least every day.

25. “Enjoy your steam!” - men's bath set in a gift bag

This is a great gift for those who often visit the bathhouse or sauna. The set contains everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable trip to the bathhouse.

3D printer pen

If your friends are no strangers to art, you can give them a 3D pen, with which you can create flat plastic figures or three-dimensional designs. A fun activity for creative people.

28. Massage cape for motorists

This cape is worth giving to those who spend a lot of time driving. This will be a super useful gift for them.

Eight vibration programs, remote control, timer and heated seats. With such a cape, your loved ones will stop complaining about back pain after a whole day of driving.

By the way, you can give it to office workers: it also doesn’t bother them to relax after a whole day in a sitting position.


If your friends haven't gotten their hands on an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus yet, you can give them an adorable '80s-style record player.

Red plastic record player with speaker, cassette compartment (actually for iPhone 4/4S and 5/5S or iPod) and large Play, Volue, Rew buttons.

It evokes a sea of ​​positive feelings and such touching nostalgia for bygone times.


When folded, this steel knife looks like a regular credit card, only it weighs more - 13 grams.

It easily fits into a wallet, and if necessary, quickly unfolds and helps to cut the rope on the parcel, an envelope with a letter, and everything else you need.

If you want to buy cheaper

If you don’t care what to give, the main thing is that it’s inexpensive and not very trivial; e-xpedition.ru also has New Year’s promotions with discounts.

For example, you can buy a winter bandana scarf with a 50% discount or within three days order Ellehammer bags, backpacks and suitcases with a 50% discount using the same promotional code as the 3D lamps: HAPPYSALE2015.

There are also gifts for purchases made at E-xpedition. For example, if you bought something on the website, you received an invitation to the New Year’s party at the Expedition creative park and a discount of 215 rubles at the Rosinter restaurant chain. In general, you get the idea.

That's it. I hope you liked some of these gifts, and you still have time to order them and receive them before the New Year.

Happy bright holidays and more unusual gifts!

New Year is a special holiday when not only children, but also adults expect real miracles. To make the celebration memorable for your friends and family for a long time, it is not enough to buy gifts for them, you need to present them in an unusual setting.

How to give an original gift for the New Year 2020? You can present it yourself, dressed up in costumes of New Year's characters, or order a congratulation from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden from an advertising agency.

You can hire professional artists who will congratulate your friends with the voices of famous actors or singers, and present gifts in the costumes of life-size dolls.

An integral part of a holiday gift is its packaging. Such gifts should be bright and impressive. How to pack a gift for the New Year in an original way?

According to the eastern calendar, this year, which begins on January 25, will be the year of the White Rat. Its colors are white, warm gray, milky, beige, light mustard, and pastel colors.

The element of the coming year is metal, so silver, gold, and various light shades with a metallic tint are also relevant. These colors should be used when decorating gifts, which can be decorated with bows, ribbons and beads in matching tones.

Also great value also has the environment in which they are given. How to give an original gift for the 2020 New Year?

If the gifts are intended for several people, then you can hang cardboard bananas with specific numbers and wishes on the tree, and put gifts with corresponding numbers under the tree.

The hostess of the holiday, the Rat, will take turns taking her gifts from under the tree and handing out her gifts to those present. Another option is to arrange fun competition or a quiz with a prize draw.

But let's get back to how you can pack a gift for the New Year in an original way? If you want to amuse the people for whom the gift is intended, you can use large number packaging material.

Arrange in advance with several guests invited to the holiday so that they pack their gifts carefully: put small boxes in large ones, use a large amount of packaging material, ribbons, bows, etc. Such gifts will cause a lot of laughter and will cheer up your friends and family.

How else can you present gifts in an original way for the 2020 New Year? The process of congratulations can be turned into a real festive event that will be remembered by your friends and family for a long time.

For example, a gift can be given unexpectedly, sent by courier, or left somewhere so that the person for whom it is intended finds it himself. Don't forget to package your gift beautifully and accompany it with a greeting card.