How to make your own knife for cutting insulation. How to cut mineral wool insulation. Cutting tools

The manufacturer of mineral wool insulation TM "Beltep" makes sure that construction market thermal insulation materials with wide possibilities use. However, practice has shown that the possibilities of mineral wool insulation can become almost limitless if you follow the recommendations listed below when installing it.

How much mineral wool is in one package?

Products trademark"Beltep" is produced in the form of rolled mats or slabs packed in packs. The number of slabs in a pack directly depends on the thickness of the material. As a rule, one pack weighs 10-70 kilograms and occupies a volume of 0.3-0.4 m3. In order to determine as accurately as possible how many packs of mineral wool insulation are needed, you need to look through the Beltep product catalog, which presents tables with exact calculations for mats or slabs of all sizes and types.

How to cut mineral wool insulation?

It is recommended to cut stone wool insulation with a special long and sharp knife or a hacksaw for metal. When cutting the insulation, you must remember that in order for the heat-insulating material to tightly fill the entire insulated space during installation, you must leave an allowance: for mats - 1-2 cm, for slabs - 0.5 cm. Insulation in the form of rolls is best cut before , as it is deployed. But it is recommended to cut the slabs not in packs, but separately (that is, one at a time).

Does stone wool get wet or not?

In general, stone wool handles water quite well. If drops of water fall on its surface, they simply roll off it, like from the hood of a polished car. However, only on the condition that the water has somewhere to roll off. With prolonged contact with water (for example, if stone wool is in water for several hours in a row), this insulation will get wet, which will most negatively affect the thermal insulation characteristics of stone wool. Therefore, when carrying out work using mineral wool, it is recommended to carefully ensure that the material comes into contact with water as little as possible.

How to properly transport and store mineral wool insulation?

Mineral wool insulation must be transported in closed vehicles. At the same time, they must be well secured and reliably protected from the effects of precipitation. Mineral wool mats are very convenient to transport, since they are packed in a compressed state, and, as a result, take up less space. During storage, mineral wool must be protected from moisture, so it is recommended to store it in closed, dry rooms. Stone wool in the form of storage slabs, they are stacked in stacks no more than 2 meters high, and roll insulation is installed in one row in a vertical position. During storage, it is advisable to avoid walking on hard slabs, and walking on soft mineral wool is strictly prohibited, as this can damage the integrity of the thermal insulation material.

Does basalt wool have high fire resistance ratings?

One of the main advantages of basalt wool is its highest, compared to other types thermal insulation materials, fire resistance. Basalt wool fibers can withstand temperatures up to 1500 degrees. For comparison, metal begins to melt at a temperature of 1535 degrees.

What safety equipment should be used when working with mineral wool insulation?

Mineral wool is a material that produces dust during the cutting and installation process. Therefore, when working with it, it is recommended:

  • wear protective clothing, gloves, safety glasses and a mask covering the nose and mouth;
  • ensure good ventilation of the workplace;
  • After finishing work with mineral wool insulation, wash your hands thoroughly and remove dust from work clothes.

You can achieve the maximum thermal insulation effect when using mineral wool if:

  • for thermal insulation flat roof lay mineral wool slabs in two layers;
  • for heat and sound insulation wooden floor use granulated mineral wool;
  • use two-layer insulation for thermal insulation of exploited attics;
  • accurately trim mineral wool slabs to avoid the occurrence of “cold bridges”;
  • used for insulation of enclosing structures frame type soft mineral wool;
  • carefully study the information written on the packaging about the properties of materials and optimal conditions for its operation

Mineral insulation has a fibrous structure, violation of which leads to a decrease thermal insulation properties . This makes it ineffective to use scissors for thick fabrics or cardboard, as well as table or stationery knives for cutting it. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to cut mineral wool correctly without disturbing its structure will be useful for beginning builders.

On an industrial scale, special machine equipment is used to cut mineral insulation. Let's consider how to cut insulation from mineral wool on your own at home.

Often a mounting knife is used to cut mineral wool. But it has one drawback - a short blade, which is not suitable for working with thick insulation boards. In addition, the blade quickly becomes dull and requires replacement.

Sometimes a special hacksaw is used for wood or metal, and folk craftsmen have found a way to cut mineral wool at home - a kitchen serrated knife for cutting bread.

But still, when choosing how to cut stone, glass or slag wool, it is better to use special tools.

Knife with stainless steel blade

Knife for cutting insulation with a long blade made of durable stainless steel suitable for working with mineral wool of any thickness. To cut insulation of different hardness, there are teeth of larger and smaller sizes on each side. This blade easily penetrates the thickness of the slab, allowing you to make even shaped cuts thanks to its sharp tip.

Knife with carbon steel blade

Mineral wool cutting knife with carbon steel blade It has high quality cutting and easy to sharpen. However, it requires more careful care compared to a stainless steel blade, since susceptible to rust. It must be wiped dry after each use and lubricated.

For example: MORA knife for cutting mineral wool

The Swedish company MORA produces tools for cutting mineral insulation. Knife with blade stainless steel is used for cutting stone and glass mineral wool. The blade is made of special cold-rolled stainless steel and has a serrated sharpening. The ergonomic and comfortable plastic handle is suitable for working with gloves. Its characteristics:

  • total length - 500 mm;
  • blade length - 335 mm;
  • blade thickness - 1 mm;
  • weight - 0.238 kg.

Knife with blade Carbon steel is used for cutting different types of mineral insulation. It has a smooth blade made of high-quality carbon steel with a length of 350 mm. Plastic handle Provides good grip when wearing work gloves.

How to cut mineral wool

Mineral wool has a fiber structure, and accordingly, when cutting it, small particles of these fibers get into the air. To prevent them from getting into the respiratory tract and onto the skin, it is important to create safe conditions works:

  • ensure good ventilation in the work area;
  • use special clothing and protective equipment - overalls, gloves, mask or respirator, goggles;
  • immediately after finishing work, wash thoroughly cold water hands and then face.

To minimize the amount of harmful dust in the air, cutting mineral wool should be done with tools with a well-sharpened, sharp working edge. It is better to cut across the grain.

To obtain strips of the same width, mineral insulation produced in rolls is recommended to be first cut directly in the roll, without unfolding, and the mineral wool slabs are cut one at a time.

To ensure smooth and precise cuts, you must first mark the material or cut directly along a ruler.

What to do with scraps and remains of mineral wool

If there are scraps left after working with mineral wool, you can use them to insulate, for example, a garage or shed. Some people choose this a budget option insulation, so you can sell the leftovers at a low price.

There is also the option of recycling waste for recycling. In this case, the remainder mineral wool slabs crushed using special equipment.

Cutting mineral wool video

The video shows cutting mineral wool with a special tool.

There are always a lot of questions about what and how to cut mineral wool. Especially for those who are going to build housing on their own (for example, frame housing, which involves assembling it yourself). After all, in its structure it is a fibrous material, which also has a certain thickness. Ordinary table knives or scissors designed for cutting cardboard or thick fabrics are completely unsuitable here.

However, before you start cutting mineral wool, it is important to deliver it correctly to the construction site. Indeed, otherwise, the material, brought to the state of defect, will not have to be cut, but simply replaced with a new one. And these are additional costs.

The science is simple, but very important. So:

  • slabs and mats are transported horizontally;
  • the truck must have a protective awning;
  • transportation is carried out only in packaged form;
  • during transportation, loading and unloading operations, it is important not to compress the insulation too much;
  • unpack the mineral wool immediately before starting insulation work.

What will we cut with?

This can be done with different devices, depending on the thickness of the mineral wool.

Thin materials (no more than 50 mm):

Denser and thicker materials:

  • special knives about 300 mm long. They are often offered by manufacturers of insulating materials. This tool has teeth different sizes for cutting mineral wool of different thicknesses and densities;
  • saws with straight teeth;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • cutting machines. Used when cutting elements of complex shapes. However, for independent construction of your own house, that is, for one-time use, it is not advisable to purchase such expensive equipment - you will have to adapt to the capabilities of other tools.

How to cut

  • during independent construction, when the workers do not have sufficient experience, it is advisable to consult with specialists before starting cutting, especially if the presence of pieces of complex shapes is expected. This will help prevent unnecessary consumption of insulation;
  • the cutting tool must be well sharpened so that the mineral wool does not tear into fibers and generates less dust;
  • when cutting insulation, it should be taken into account that in order to ensure tight coverage of the insulated space with mineral wool, it is necessary to leave allowances of about 2 cm;
  • It is better to cut rolled mineral wool before unrolling it;
  • mineral wool slabs must be removed from the packaging and cut one at a time;
  • It is not recommended to cut mineral wool “for future use” - for the entire volume of work at once. This increases the risk of accidental damage to its shape when additional shifting from place to place or stacking pieces on top of each other.

It is important to create a safe working environment

This is really important. As in any business, following simple safety precautions will help maintain health and carry out work in optimal timing and at a high quality level. What you need to pay attention to:

  • It is better to cut insulation in cool weather, since for work it is necessary to wear a protective suit made of dense material, which will prevent skin contact with the fibers of the mineral wool and its irritation;
  • To protect your hands, wear special gloves - with silicone or rubber coating on the palms;
  • To protect your eyes you will need special glasses;
  • The respiratory system will be protected by a respirator.

Such measures must be observed, since when cutting insulation, particles of material rise into the air from under the knives. Which can get into the eyes, respiratory tract, and also cause skin irritation.

In addition, it is important to remember:

  • when working with this type of insulation, you need to periodically take a break, during which you ventilate the room;
  • the cut pieces must be rearranged carefully, without throwing them, in order to reduce the amount of fibrous suspension in the air;
  • on construction site There should be no children present at this time, even in protective equipment.

As can be seen from the above, there is nothing overly complicated in cutting mineral wool. If you follow the indicated rules, it will not be difficult to perform the work efficiently and safely.

A distinctive feature of mineral insulation is its structure consisting of fibers, which must be solid to ensure thermal insulation. In this regard, it should Special attention pay attention to the cutting process. Do not use cardboard or fabric scissors, or ordinary table knives to cut the material. These tools are not intended for such material as they can damage it appearance and worsen beneficial features. It is very useful for novice repairmen and builders to find out what tools are suitable for this task.

Characteristics and properties of the material

Mineral wool is produced in the form of slabs and rolls

Before starting construction or repair work The owner of the premises thinks about what criteria should be used to select materials. Currently, the sales range is replete with a variety of canvases that differ from each other in raw materials, price, scope of application, and operating characteristics.

The term “mineral wool” implies three types of materials, namely:

  • basalt (stone);
  • slag;
  • glass wool

Glass wool (made from fiberglass) is characterized by low density and high hygroscopicity. The material does not have moisture resistance properties, and heat resistance should not be expected from it: when it reaches high temperature When heated (about 300 degrees), the wool fibers melt, and the material no longer serves as an insulator. Glass wool is sold in rolls.

Glass wool is produced using the blow molding method: an industrial centrifuge creates air flows that go directly into the raw material. Due to the flow of air, fibers appear from the threads, and they can have different lengths, directions and thicknesses.

Mineral wool has low thermal conductivity, allows steam to pass through due to the cells in its structure, and almost does not absorb water. In addition to the base, there are few binding elements in the composition, which allows it to withstand high temperatures. The material is widely used as sound insulation and insulation for various substrates and surfaces. It is produced in sheets that vary in strength.

Slag wool for room insulation

Slag wool is the cheapest option for insulation. The material consists of fibers that are waste from blast furnaces; it is not dense and does not differ good performance heat resistance. If you overheat slag wool, it will sinter. Therefore, the material is not suitable for insulating rooms adjacent to heat sources, and is also not recommended for building houses.

The structure of the horizontal layer of any type of mineral wool is created in the direction of the fiber. The formation of vertical sections occurs due to elements that are located chaotically. Each type of material has its own characteristics and external differences.

Are there any nuances in transportation and storage?

Manufacturers recommend storing mineral wool in intact packaging, and it is better if the pack is placed on a flat surface. Each stack of packages should not be higher than 2 meters. Optimal conditions storage areas are closed, resistant to moisture. It is not recommended to store insulation outside, but if this happens, then you need to cover it with a tarpaulin or film.

Cotton wool should only be stored horizontally

When transporting, you should follow the same rules: transport the cotton wool horizontally and in a dry truck bed. It is also necessary to provide the material with protection from mechanical influences and precipitation. When loading and unloading material, do not compress it too much.

Unpacking mineral insulation also requires certain nuances. The material should be removed from the packaging only before starting work, which will minimize various risks associated with damage to the insulation. When laying out the material for cutting, use its packaging as a bedding. Thus, the product will not get dirty. Also, the packaging can be used to collect other waste at a construction site.

What is the best way to cut mineral wool?

To separate webs and rolls, professionals use a special machine. But many people ask the question: “What is the best way to cut mineral wool into slabs at home to save money?”

Important! To cut mineral wool, use a hacksaw for metal or wood.

In everyday life, a mounting knife is used to cut the canvas. This tool has one drawback: due to the small blade, it is difficult for them to cut thick slabs. Therefore apply stationery knife I recommend only for thin sheets. If this condition is not observed, the canvas may become unusable.

Cutting mineral wool with a knife

Tools best suited for cutting mineral insulation:

  1. A knife whose blade is made of carbon steel. This product is very easy to cut, in addition, its blade sharpens well and quickly. This knife requires careful care to avoid rust. The basic rule of care is to wipe the blade after washing.
  2. A knife whose blade is made of stainless steel. Each side has teeth of different lengths, so it is very easy to cut mineral insulation of different sizes and thicknesses. The blade quickly sinks into the slab and cuts it efficiently. The sharp tip can even make indirect cuts.
  3. WITH special machines. Such tools are capable of cutting fabrics along a straight line and along a bend. This feature is highly valued in industry. If you need to cut the cotton wool once, then there is no point in purchasing expensive equipment - the tool that you have in the house will do.

Cutting mineral wool with a special saw

Note! Scissors cannot be used to cut cotton wool.

To cut wool, it is advisable to use a special hacksaw for insulation or metal. It is used for cutting material whose thickness does not exceed 5 cm.

The blades of the tool you use to cut wool should always be well sharpened. In this case, the fibers from the cotton wool will be pulled out minimally. Manufacturers advise cutting the cotton wool before unrolling the roll.

How to cut mineral wool?

The material has a fibrous structure, so small particles of glass wool fly around during cutting. Therefore, contact of hazardous elements with the skin and respiratory tract should be prevented.

Before cutting the insulation, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. The room should be well ventilated.
  2. During work, it is mandatory to use protective equipment and special clothing. We are talking about gloves, a respirator, a mask, overalls and safety glasses.
  3. When the material is cut, it is recommended to wash your face and hands under cold water.

To ensure that as few glass wool particles as possible form in the air, you should use a well-sharpened tool.

The insulation should be cut without unrolling the roll.

Advice! It is best to cut the material crosswise.

To get strips of cotton wool that are the same width, you should cut the material directly in the roll. If the wool is in the form of slabs, then you need to cut them one at a time.

In order for the strips of cotton wool cut independently at home to turn out smooth and identical, they should be divided clearly according to the marks. You can also use a ruler as a cutting line.

When cutting, leave allowances along the edges. If it is a roll, then the indicator should be 0.5 cm, and if it is a slab, then 2 cm. This cutting feature is necessary so that the mineral wool element completely fills the required space.

Let us remind you that mineral wool slabs are cut one at a time, and the material is cut in rolls without unrolling.

What are leftover mineral wool useful for?

There is no need to throw away the remaining insulation: they are also useful for the pantry or utility room. Many people strive for budget insulation, so they use scraps and leftover material.

Waste mineral wool can be recycled for later use. In this case, special machines are used.

In order for the process of insulating a room to proceed properly, you should know what you need to use to cut mineral wool and how to do it. If you comply simple rules When working with this insulation, you can achieve good results.

The construction of any house involves minimizing heat losses. This problem is solved using various types insulation materials, among which mineral wool is considered the most popular.

It is distinguished by its reliability and long service life, as it perfectly resists fire and rotting. Get acquainted with the main technical characteristics mineral wool can be found on the website

Classification of insulation

Mineral wool is a product that has a fibrous structure. This allows you to achieve quality indicators heat and sound insulation.

There are several types of such insulation:

  • Glass mineral wool. The product is made from thin threads of molten glass.
  • Stone mineral wool. The main component of this substance is melts of various rocks.
  • Slag mineral wool is obtained from blast furnace slag.

All types of this insulation emit small particles of fibers and phenol-formaldehyde resins into the air. This can be the cause of various diseases. To minimize the impact of these substances, when laying it, it is isolated using special films.

Cutting tools

Processing mineral wool is not very complicated, which allows you to do all the work yourself. You can cut insulation with several tools:

  1. Stationery knife. Suitable only for thin sheets of material.
  2. Hacksaw for metal. With its help you can process wool with a thickness of more than 50 mm.
  3. Special knives. Outwardly, they largely resemble saws with fine teeth. But at the same time they do not move to the side and are located in one line.
  4. Bread knife. In the absence of any other tool, this product can also handle mineral wool perfectly.

It should be noted that all blades must be very sharp. This will minimize the pulling of fibers from the mat structure. Experts recommend cutting before the roll is unrolled.

If you need to obtain elements of complex shapes, then it is better to use special cutting machines. They can process cotton wool not only in a straight line, but also in a circle. This is very important, especially in industrial production. If this is a one-time task, then purchasing such a tool will be inappropriate and it is better to use available material.

It is important to consult with a professional before cutting to minimize the cost of sheets used.