The Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is. Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Power and weapons

RBC's source in the presidential administration noted that the National Guard will allow us to centralize the work of a number of disparate law enforcement units that were until now part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Such a service will be easier to manage, added RBC’s interlocutor.

The project to create the National Guard is already about four years old, notes political scientist Evgeniy Minchenko. Initially, it was assumed that, first of all, the National Guard would have security functions (which is why its leaders envisioned its chief security guard for the president): fighting riots, preventing and eliminating mass unrest. But as a result, the functions of the National Guard expanded, which means a big hardware victory for Zolotov, the expert states.

Who will join the guard?

Internal troops are being transformed into troops of the National Guard. They will include all special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as noted in the presidential decree.

The total number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2015 was slightly more than a million people. Of these, about 170 thousand were internal troops, which were deployed almost throughout the country.

It follows from the document that the new Federal Service of the National Guard troops includes SOBR and OMON units, the Special Purpose Center for Rapid Reaction Forces and Aviation, private security, in particular the Special Purpose Center for Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that monitor compliance with legislation in the field arms trafficking and in the field of private security activities, as well as the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Security", which provides services for paramilitary and physical security and for the installation and operation of technical security equipment.

The creation of the National Guard will not require an increase in staffing levels, will not require an increase in the apparatus or anything else, Peskov noted, answering a question from RBC.

Since all training bases and training grounds will be transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the National Guard, budget costs will be minimal, RBC’s source believes law enforcement agencies. Chairman of the Association of Police Trade Unions of Russia Alexey Lobarev agrees with this opinion. According to him, the training bases will simply be transferred to the National Guard; there will be no need to build new facilities.

Previously, the Ministry of Internal Affairs repeatedly complained about the lack of funding. When discussing the budget for 2016 in the State Duma, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Makhonov said that the department lacks 41 billion rubles. The lack of funds is caused, in particular, by reductions in the department and payments to employees who leave the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to Khinshtein, it is no secret that within the Ministry of Internal Affairs the internal troops did not receive the required amount of funds for rearmament, for ensuring technical means etc. Now this situation will change. The independence of the National Guard may also make life easier for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the ministry has a high current budget deficit - more than 120 billion rubles, says Khinshtein.

Who is Viktor Zolotov?

In May 2014, Putin appointed Zolotov First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after he worked for six months as First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops. Before his appointment to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zolotov worked for 13 years in the Federal Security Service (FSO) and was the head of the Presidential Security Service. Zolotov was appointed to manage the presidential security by Putin after he came to the Kremlin in 2000.

Putin had known Zolotov since the 1990s, when Zolotov was guarding the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, for whom Putin was his deputy. As Novaya Gazeta reported, Zolotov began his career in the 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which was later transformed into the FSO. Zolotov Law Institute and General Staff Academy.

“The president and commander-in-chief do not appoint people to lead the security forces without having personal trust in them,” Peskov said, answering the question whether the Kremlin has special trust in Zolotov.​

We are talking about a serious strengthening of Zolotov’s apparatus; he is becoming one of the most influential security officials, Minchenko notes. The expert recalls that the increased influence of people from the FSO was noticeable in recent years, and especially in recent months: several former colleagues of Zolotov took important positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs after his conflict with the FSB, and Alexey Dyumin became the governor of the Tula region. Veniamin Kondratyev, who recently headed the Krasnodar Territory, is close to this group.

The position of the chief security agency is not vacant - both the FSB and the FSO are vying for this role, but the new structure headed by Zolotov, precisely because of its novelty, may have a greater mandate of trust, political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov emphasized in a conversation with RBC.

How will the National Guard interact with the FSB?

It is still difficult to say whether the powers of other services and departments will change in connection with the emergence of the National Guard, Peskov answered the question of whether powers overlap National Guard with the FSB and other departments. “We can say with confidence that the legal and regulatory framework will definitely need to be improved, some changes to the laws will need to be adopted, and we will not be talking about one or two laws,” the presidential press secretary emphasized.

The functions of the National Guard will partially coincide with the functions of the FSB, notes the head of the Moscow trade union of police officers, Mikhail Pashkin. In a conversation with RBC, he noted that the fight against terrorism is now legally enshrined as the prerogative of the FSB. In order to involve the National Guard in counterterrorism activities, the law will need to be changed.

However, it is not clear why the new structure should duplicate the powers of the FSB, Pashkin emphasized. “Does this mean that the FSB is bad at fighting terrorism? And in addition to law enforcement functions, will the National Guard also have operational intelligence functions, without which it is impossible to fight terrorism? So far there are more questions than answers,” Pashkin believes. “If the National Guard will only carry out power tasks assigned to it by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, customs and others, then problems should not arise,” Pashkin added.

Retired FSB Major General Vasily Eremenko believes that National Guard, taking over the functions of internal troops, will conduct large operations within the country. “If the FSB is fighting individual, hidden terrorists preparing attacks in the subway or at a train station, then the new army unit will confront large terrorist groups, such as, for example, the ISIS group banned in Russia,” Eremenko argues in a conversation with RBC.

Who else has a guard?

The example closest to Russia is the creation of the National Guard in Kazakhstan. In April 2014, President Nursultan Nazarbayev decided to transform the internal troops into the National Guard. Apart from the renaming, little has changed: the new service remained subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by the last head of the internal troops, General Ruslan Zhaksylykov.

In 2015, in an interview with the Russian publication Krasnaya Zvezda, Zhaksylykov admitted that the soldiers of the National Guard are assigned basically the same tasks as the military personnel of Kazakhstan. These responsibilities include: maintaining public order, escorting cargo, assisting border guards, participating in special operations of other law enforcement agencies, escorting convicts and other tasks. Similar functions are performed by the National Guard in some other CIS countries, for example, in Kyrgyzstan.

The second type of military formations in the territory of the former USSR, called the National Guard, is a service for protecting senior officials and the head of state personally, a kind of presidential regiment. The National Guard operates according to this principle in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. In Georgia, in addition, the National Guard is involved in military mobilization issues: accounting for reservists and assisting with the draft.

The National Guard of Ukraine is also formed on the basis of internal troops, but has much greater powers. It performs all the functions mentioned above: both protecting public order and officials, as well as organizing mobilization, carrying out counter-terrorism measures, and even participating in military operations.

The term “national guard” itself appeared at the initial stage of the French Revolution to designate the units ensuring order on the streets of Paris. The Americans were among the first to adopt this name at the beginning of the 19th century: the US National Guard is staffed by military reservists who are periodically mobilized to suppress riots. One of the last such cases was the riots in Ferguson in 2014, although the authorities there resorted to the support of only the local Missouri State Guard.

The National Guard is a relatively new structure, which did not exist in the history of the USSR and modern Russia. This is an executive body whose employees are vested with fairly broad powers, and the specifics of the activities of the Russian Guard cover almost all areas of state interests. In general, the National Guard is an analogue of the internal troops of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which it was created.

The full and completely official name of the Russian Guard is: Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. This is a completely state structure, the priority task of which is to ensure public safety, protect the national and political interests of the country, civil rights and freedoms. This is exactly how the department is positioned in official media sources.

What is it

As mentioned above, the Russian Guard was created on the basis of the Internal Troops, so the specifics of the activities of the new law enforcement agency are clear. In particular, the National Guard performs police and military functions. National Guard members will ensure public order during rallies, demonstrations and other events, and take part in counter-terrorism operations.

Currently, this unit operates exclusively within the country, although it can perform the function of border troops to protect the state border.

Important! In the future, it is planned to include units of the Air Force, Airborne Forces, Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Navy in the department, which will significantly expand the list of tasks performed by the Russian Guard. However, when such a merger of the army and navy will take place and whether it will happen at all is still unknown.

When and why was the National Guard created?

The Russian Guard was formed on April 5, 2016, when Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 157 came into force. Currently, - Day of the Internal Troops of the Russian Federation. It is still unknown whether this date will be postponed.

Perhaps the impetus for the creation of the Russian Guard was the turbulent situation in the world political arena. In particular, by gathering the internal troops, army and police special forces into a single fist, the president managed to obtain a very combat-ready unit, which is currently being actively equipped with new types of military equipment, weapons and equipment.

A little history

The first attempt to create a National Guard was made by Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. Taking the experience of his Western colleagues as a basis, the president instructed Vice-President Rutskoi to form a special unit designed to protect the constitutional system of the country and ensure the maintenance of law and order in the internal territory.

Selection for the guard even began among military personnel of the operational brigades of the internal troops, however, the ministers of defense and internal affairs spoke out against the formation of the national guard. It was decided to postpone the project.

Structure of the Russian Guard

Currently, the structure of the National Guard includes districts, formations and regional departments of the Russian Guard, as well as educational departments. The internal hierarchy is divided into departments, managements, services and divisions.

National Guard structure

Units that are part of the Russian Guard

The new department unites:


Currently, National Guard units are located in eight military districts:

  • Central;
  • North Caucasian;
  • Oriental;
  • Siberian;
  • Ural;
  • Privolzhsky;
  • Southern;
  • Northwestern.

Professional activities

The National Guard is a multifunctional structure that, in addition to ensuring public order, protects strategically important objects and cargo, takes part in the liquidation of gangs and the detention of especially dangerous criminals.

In addition, department employees can check documents and detain suspicious citizens for 3 hours.

Includes Central office of the VNG of Russia.
Commands of the VNG districts of Russia:
- Formations and military units for operational purposes of the VNG of Russia,
- Special motorized formations and military units of the VNG of Russia,
- Formations and military units for the protection of important state facilities and special cargo of the VNG of Russia,
- Units and military units of special purpose and reconnaissance of the VNG of Russia,
- Aviation military units of the VNG of Russia,
- Naval military units of the VNG of Russia,
- Military units and institutions supporting the VNG of Russia,
- Medical institutions of VNG Russia,
- Cultural institutions of VNG Russia,
- Educational institutions VNG of Russia.
Territorial bodies of the VNG of Russia:
- Special Purpose Center for Rapid Reaction Forces and Aviation of the VNG of Russia,
- Special teams rapid response VNG of Russia,
- Mobile units special purpose VNG of Russia,
- Private security units of the VNG of Russia,
- Divisions of licensing and permitting work of VNG of Russia.
Colors maroon Equipment see list Commanders Acting commander Director - Commander-in-Chief Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation army general V. V. Zolotov Website

Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation- a state military organization in Russia, designed to ensure state and public security, protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen; converted from the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


Main article: History of the National Guard in Russia


This section describes the stages of the creation of paramilitary formations under law enforcement agencies in the Russian Tsardom and the Russian Empire, revealing some historical parallels with modern times.

Oprichnina troops

The beginning of the formation of the oprichnina army can be considered the same year 1566, when a detachment of 1000 people selected from the “oprichnina” districts was formed. Subsequently, the number of “oprichniks” reached 6,000 people. The Oprichnina Army also included detachments of archers from the oprichnina territories. But these are not residents. Tsar Ivan the Terrible introduced the institution of so-called “tenants” to “protect Moscow.” According to the orders of the governor, nobles were sent to “live in the capital”, who made up an army of up to 3,000 people, they changed every three months. The functions of maintaining public order until 1565 were performed by the guardsmen. Then the king created a special “oprichnina army” from them. Subsequently, “residential regiments” were stationed in the southern cities of the then Russian kingdom, which served as a kind of border guard.

Garrison troops

The “residential regiments” were replaced by Peter the Great with “garrison troops”, a special type of troops consisting of the former city archers, soldiers, reiters and people of the new regular regiments incapable (old, married, etc.) for field service. Until this time, their functions were performed by the tsarist infantry and city Cossacks.

Inner Guard

During the Civil War

Internal troops

Internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs were created in 1992 [ ] after the collapse of the USSR. The troops included all former formations of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, stationed on the territory of the RSFSR.

National Guard projects

The idea of ​​​​creating a national guard arose in the early 1990s, in particular, the Vice-President of Russia (1991-1993) A. Rutskoy told the RBC TV channel.

Creation of National Guard Troops

The troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation were transformed from the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia by decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2016. The legal basis for the activities of the Russian Guard is regulated by Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2016 No. 226-FZ “On the Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2016, approved by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation on June 29, 2016, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on July 3, 2016.) .


The National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation are entrusted with the following main tasks:

  • participation in maintaining public order, ensuring public safety;
  • protection of important government facilities, special cargo, communications structures in accordance with the lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • participation in the fight against terrorism and extremism;
  • participation in ensuring the state of emergency, martial law, and the legal regime of counter-terrorism operations;
  • participation in the territorial defense of the Russian Federation;
  • providing assistance to the border authorities of the FSB of Russia in protecting the State Border of Russia;
  • federal state control (supervision) over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms trafficking and in the field of private security activities, as well as over ensuring the security of fuel and energy complex facilities, over the activities of security units of legal entities with special statutory tasks and departmental security units;
  • protection of particularly important and sensitive facilities, facilities subject to mandatory protection by National Guard Troops, in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, protection of property of individuals and legal entities under contracts.

The National Guard Troops may be assigned other tasks by decisions of the President of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with federal constitutional laws and federal laws.


The troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation were transformed from the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia while maintaining the structure of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and are headed by the Director of the Russian Guard - the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

The transition to military service in the National Guard Troops, employees serving in the special forces of SOBR and OMON of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the special purpose center of the rapid reaction forces and aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who were operationally subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the corresponding heads of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. During the organizational and staffing measures, special attention during the reorganization into the National Guard Troops will be paid to the higher state education of officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, their diplomas, faculties (specialties) and educational institutions.

By presidential decree, the staffing level of the central apparatus of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is 2,100 employees.

Central apparatus of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

Name Rank Date of appointment Date of dismissal Job title
Victor Vasilievich Zolotov
Army General
from April 5, 2016 to date Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard of the Russian Federation
Sergey Alimovich Melikov
Colonel General
from July 28, 2016 to date First Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of Russia
Sergei Mikhailovich Chenchik
Colonel General
from May 20, 2016 to date Chief of the Main Staff of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
Oleg Borisovich Borukaev
Lieutenant General
from June 30, 2016 to date
Sergey Alexandrovich Erygin
Lieutenant General
from June 30, 2016 to date Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
Alexander Ivanovich Afinogentov
Lieutenant General
from October 13, 2016 to date Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation for Aviation - Head of the Aviation Directorate of the National Guard of Russia

District National Guard Troops

For management military units(units) operate in the districts of the National Guard Troops in the territories, as a rule, of the federal districts of Russia of the same name.

The exception is Eastern District National Guard Troops, which manages military units (units) stationed on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District, as well as North Caucasus District National Guard Troops, whose area of ​​responsibility includes the South and North Caucasus. In total, 7 districts of the National Guard Troops were created in 8 federal districts.

Names of districts and cities in which they are located:

  • Central Orsha-Khingan Red Banner District of the National Guard Troops - Moscow
  • Northwestern Order of the Red Star District National Guard Troops - St. Petersburg
  • Volga District of the National Guard Troops - Nizhny Novgorod
  • North Caucasus District of the National Guard Troops - Rostov-on-Don
  • Ural District National Guard Troops - Yekaterinburg
  • Siberian District of the National Guard Troops - Novosibirsk
  • Eastern District of the National Guard Troops - Khabarovsk


Directly subordinate to the Central Office of the FSVNG is the oldest formation stationed in the Moscow region - the Separate Operational Division of the National Guard Troops (ODON VNG). This division was previously, until 1994, known as OMSDON. In total, the division has more than ten thousand personnel, hundreds of armored vehicles, helicopters and artillery. Units of the division took part in special operations that took place in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Central Asia, North Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan. Currently, the division's combined units continue to participate in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus. For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, thousands of soldiers and officers of the division were awarded military orders and medals, and 19 were awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation. Military personnel of the division, together with units of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Moscow and the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region, serve to protect public order and ensure public safety during socio-political, cultural, and sports events, and patrol duty in Moscow and the Moscow Region. The parade squad of ODON traditionally represents Russian National Guard troops(since 2016) at the Victory Parades on Red Square. Units of the division take part in ceremonial events dedicated to

Scout suit moss The scout suit is made in a very successful design of the demi-season "Smok" uniform in the colors of the experimental A-TACS FG camouflage. The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. The jacket is long, below the waist. It is equipped with a deep hood with adjustable drawstrings, has four voluminous cargo pockets, closed with flaps on a large English button, which makes it easy to open the pocket in a hurry, with hands in shooting gloves, and in other extreme conditions, when the count of time has gone to seconds. The elbows of the suit are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric, the sleeves are equipped with wide rubber bands. Buttoned. The trousers of the suit are loose-fitting, all loaded parts are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric. The belt has a wide rubber-fabric tape sewn into it, a thin cord for additional tightening, and loops for attaching suspenders. The trousers have four pockets. Two slotted ones, covered with flaps on a large English button, two overhead cargo ones, in which additional ammunition can be carried. At the bottom of the legs there is a wide cuff and so-called “brakes” made of elastic fabric that prevent the legs from riding up. color moss (A-TACS FG) Main features: color drawstring at the waist elastic bands on the pants carrying case suspenders included CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: T/S Composition: 65 PE / 35 viscose Density: 160 g. Cuffs: yes Sealing elastic bands: no Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: all-season Additional: carrying case

The upper is made of genuine chrome leather, 1.4-1.6 mm thick. The lining is made of textile material Cambrelle ®, “Super Royal” ®, high density, dries quickly and does not wear off. Durable sole is made of thermoplastic, withstands temperatures from −40 ° C to +40 °C The toe and heel are reinforced with thermoplastic material TECNO G The model is secured with lacing and is durable in use Made and manufactured in Belarus General characteristics ISBN: 5-458-45233-X 978-5-458-45233-5 Publisher: Yoyo Media Series: - Specifications Army type boots (Boots). Model Omon 701 Manufacturer BUTEX Country Belarus Upper material natural chrome leather (1.4-1.6 mm) Lining material hygroscopic and wear-resistant fabric (150 g/m2) Sole fastening with adhesive stitching Arch support metal Toe and heel reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole material TEP (±40°C ) 2121 Available size range 36-50 Shoe color black Valve type blind valve Soft edging present Hooks present

The combat suit offered for purchase is an almost complete copy of the ACU suit that the US Army has been using since 2005. In a very short time, it has become so popular that it is used by both elite military units and fans of military sports games such as airsoft. The suit is made of high-quality cotton/polyester/35 blend fabric with a density of 210 g. on 1m2, in the colors of the experimental A-TACS FG camouflage, which is used by a variety of private military companies. The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. The jacket is fitted, so it is more convenient to wear it tucked into trousers with hanging equipment. There is a special fold in the area of ​​the shoulder blades for greater hand mobility. The central fastener is a two-way “zipper”, duplicated by a flap with Velcro fasteners, two oblique flat pockets on the chest are intended only for carrying documents, two patch pockets on the sleeves are used for the little things necessary for a soldier. There is a pocket for three ballpoint pens on the left forearm. For the convenience of wearing a bulletproof vest, the collar of the jacket is made with a stand-up collar so that the equipment does not rub the neck. It is fastened with a textile fastener. It should be noted that, unlike the original, the infrared marker mounts have been removed from the jacket, and the textile fasteners on the collar are softer and more comfortable. The sleeves of the jacket are secured with a Velcro fastener. The jacket has seven fastenings for information about the fighter’s rank, blood type, etc. The elbow reinforcements are made in the form of a pocket, with the possibility of equipping them with a rigid insert. The trousers are loose-fitting, with wide belt loops, and an additional tightening of the belt with a thin cord. The fly of the trousers is fastened with buttons, and there are belt loops on the sides of the waist for tightening, which is also not present in the original form. There are eight pockets in the uniform trousers. Two large cargo bags can accommodate additional ammunition if necessary, two small pockets on the calves are ideal for carrying a multi-tool and a dressing bag, access to them in a sitting position is easier than any other. All pockets on the trousers, except the mortise ones, are covered with flaps. Two side mortise pockets are traditionally used for household small items, and the two rear ones remain “in reserve”. The loaded parts of the trousers are reinforced; a rigid insert is provided in the front and on the knees. The bottom of the legs is tightened with a thin braid. color A-TACS FG Main features: analogue of the NATO suit, IR Velcro mark on the collar has been removed, softer than the original soft fabric on the trousers there are tightening belt loops CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: mixed (luxury) Composition: 70PE / 30 cotton Density: 270 gr. Cuffs: Velcro Sealing elastic bands: no Jacket/trouser pockets: slanted pockets on the chest Seasonality: all-season Additional: copy of the NATO suit

Winter riot police boots, in which high (24 cm) boots are made of genuine chrome leather 1.6 mm thick, with a flexible thermoplastic sole, equipped with a large relief tread and insulation made of high-quality natural sheepskin - these are exactly the shoes that law enforcement officers need , professional tourists and everyone who is interested in outdoor activities. The toe box and heel of the boot are reinforced with thermoplastic material to maintain shape. This model uses a lacing system, in the upper part of which there are two pairs of metal loops, allowing you to quickly remove and put on the boots without removing the laces from the loops. The blind valve prevents dirt, snow, sand and other foreign objects from getting inside the boot. This model is a godsend for people with high arches. Upper: genuine chrome leather (1.4-1.6 mm). Lining: natural sheepskin. Sole: TEP (±40°C), 2050. Sole fastening method: adhesive stitching. Arch support: metal. Toe and heel: reinforced thermoplastic material. Sizes: 36-50. The blind valve protects the leg from impact environment(dust, water, dirt). Hooks. Soft edging. Color: black. Weight: 840 gr. Technical characteristics Army-type boots (Army boots). Model Omon 905 Manufacturer BUTEX Country Belarus Upper material natural chrome leather (1.4-1.6 mm) Lining material natural sheepskin Sole fastening with adhesive stitching Arch support metal Toe and heel reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole material TEP (±40°C), 2050 Available size range 36- 50 Shoe color black Valve type blind valve Soft edging present Hooks present

The MPA 21 suit is a summer camouflage suit. This camouflage suit does not restrict a person’s movement, it is very light and comfortable. Used by airballers, military, hunters and hobbyists active image leisure The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight-cut jacket with a stitched hood, consisting of several parts, with side inserts made of knitted fabric (mesh). The volume of the hood along the front cutout is adjustable with a cord. The central fastening of the jacket is made with “Canada” buttons attached with braid. Shelf with chest welt pockets and side voluminous patch pockets. Pockets with figured flaps and "Canada" buttons. The entrance to the pockets is inclined. Along the waistline, with inside adjustable drawstring with elastic band for volume regulation. The ends of the elastic band are secured with stitching. Sleeves of a combined, loose fit. There are reinforcement pads in the elbow area. In the lower part of the sleeve cap on the back side there are ventilation inserts made of knitted fabric (mesh). Sleeves with camouflage cuffs with elastic at the wrist, with a hole for the thumb. There are 18 belt loops stitched on the back. Trousers without side seams with a gusset along the crotch seam. Stitched belt with six belt loops, with hinged loops for attaching suspenders. The volume of the belt is adjusted using elastic bands in the side sections. The belt and codpiece are fastened with buttons. Trousers with side welt pockets located in the seams of the reinforced overlay and back pockets with figured flaps with “Canada” buttons. The burlap of the pockets is formed by a reinforcement lining. There are reinforcement pads on the front parts of the trousers in the knee area. The bottom of the trousers is tightened with an elastic band. Fabric: "Panacea" Composition: 67% polyester, 33% viscose 155 g/m2

The MPA-12 tactical shirt is designed to be worn with body armor in hot weather. The combination of nylon and cotton provides maximum comfort, eliminating wrinkles, and unlimited freedom of movement. HOT WEATHER CHARACTERISTICS FOR INTENSE TRAFFIC MATERIALS NYLON 65% P/E, 35% COTTON

The Smok winter suit is completely lined with removable fleece. The Smok suit was first used by British special operations forces during the Falklands War of 1982. The design of the uniform turned out to be so successful that it was adopted for use in most actively fighting special forces. This version of the demi-season smok suit is made of high-quality polyester/cotton blend fabric 70/30 with a density of 240 g. per 1m2 in moss color. The suit consists of a jacket and trousers. The jacket is long, below the waist, and has eight pockets. Four cargo vests, one sleeve vest, two volumetric front vests with a zipper, which to a certain extent can replace an unloading vest, and one internal waterproof vest for documents. The cargo and sleeve pockets are closed with flaps on a large English button, which makes it easy to open the pocket in a hurry, with hands wearing shooting gloves, and in other extreme conditions. The elbows of the suit are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric, the sleeves are equipped with wide textile fasteners. The front zipper is duplicated along its entire length with five English buttons, which secure the windproof flap. There are adjustable drawstrings in the waistband and along the edge of the jacket for a tighter fit to your equipment and body shape. The trousers are made loose enough so as not to interfere with the fighter, all loaded parts are reinforced with an additional layer of fabric. The belt has two additional drawstrings on the sides for a more precise fit. The trousers have four pockets. Two slotted and two overhead cargo, covered with flaps on a large English button, in which additional ammunition can be carried. There is a drawstring along the bottom of the legs, which firmly secures the trousers over combat boots. color moss Main features: removable fleece lining zipper doubled with buttons ties and cuffs comfortable tailoring adjustable hood CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: ripstop Composition: 70pe / 30xb Density: 240 gr. Cuffs: Velcro Sealing elastic bands: ties Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: winter Additionally: removable fleece lining on the jacket and pants

A summer suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight-cut jacket. The collar is a stand-up collar, the volume is regulated by a patch on a textile fastener. The central fastener has a detachable zipper closed with a flap with textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with flaps and textile fasteners. The pockets are located obliquely, along the direction of the hand. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the shoulder blade area. Single-seam sleeves. In the upper part of the sleeves there are patch volume pockets with flaps with textile fasteners, with belt loops on the inside of the flaps. In the elbow area there are reinforcement pads with an entrance for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeves there are patch pockets for pens. At the bottom of the sleeves there are cuffs with patches on textile fasteners to adjust the volume. Straight cut trousers. The belt is solid with seven belt loops. The volume of the belt is adjusted with a cord with tips. Button closure. Two side welt pockets. Along the side seams there are two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a lock. The entrances to the pockets, designed obliquely to resemble the hand, are closed with flaps with textile fasteners. In the knee area there are reinforcement pads with an input for protectors with textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers there are patch pockets with flaps with textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is adjustable with tape. On the back halves of the trousers there are two welt pockets with flaps with a secret button closure. In the seat area there is a reinforced overlay Fabric: Mirage-210, pe-67%, xl-33%

Description: Jacket MPA-02 with windproof strip and chin strap, removable insulating jacket and hood. Stand collar. In front of the seam along the waistline, the upper parts of the front with vertically located welt pockets with a zipper and patch volume pockets with flaps fastened with a loop and a “Canadian” button. On the lower parts of the front there are patch volume pockets with flaps fastened with a loop and a “Canadian” button. Back with stitching bottom. The volume of the jacket at the waist is adjusted by a set-in drawstring with a cord. The ends of the cord are brought out through the clamps. The sleeves are one-piece with front and back sides, two-seam with patties at the bottom, for adjusting the width using a textile fastener. The sleeves have patch pockets with a zipper, which is hidden. Hood with visor and drawstring to regulate the volume of the hood. The front cutout is tightened with a cord, the ends of which are brought out through eyelets; the length of the cord is adjusted with clamps. Along the shoulder seams there are belt loops for shoulder straps. Shoulder straps and false shoulder straps are removable. The removable jacket (underlay) is fastened to the jacket with a zipper along the edges of the sides and neck, as well as with elastic cord loops and buttons along the seam of the knitted cuffs. The removable lining is made of double-sided quilted fabric. Single-seam set-in sleeves with stitched knitted cuffs. On the inside left side of the removable jacket there is a stitched patch pocket with a textile fastener and a pocket made of the main fabric. Insulation: "Fibersoft" A unique product, indispensable in extreme conditions, with large physical activity. Replaces several layers of clothing, combining wind and moisture protection and an insulating layer. Thanks to the one-piece sleeves, it provides unlimited freedom of movement and reduces fatigue. A removable jacket (lining) allows you to provide comfort during sudden changes in external temperatures: day-night, high altitudes. Large quantity Various pockets (volume patch pockets, welt pockets) are convenient for storing all kinds of equipment. It is recommended to use in combination with thermal underwear. Temperature range from +10ºС to 0ºС.

OMON winter boots, in which high (24 cm) boots are made of natural chrome leather 1.6 mm thick, with a flexible thermoplastic sole, equipped with a large relief tread and insulation made of high-quality printed wool fur containing (70%) sheepskin - this is exactly those shoes that are necessary for law enforcement officers, professional tourists and everyone who is interested in outdoor activities. The toe box and heel of the boot are reinforced with thermoplastic material to maintain shape. This model uses a lacing system, in the upper part of which there are two pairs of metal loops, allowing you to quickly remove and put on the boots without removing the laces from the loops. The blind valve prevents dirt, snow, sand and other foreign objects from getting inside the boot. This model is a godsend for people with high arches. For greater comfort, in this model the toe and heel of the sole are raised, which makes walking more comfortable. Upper: genuine chrome leather (1.4-1.6 mm) Lining: printed woolen fur Sole fastening method: glue-stitched Instep support: metal Toe and heel: reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole: TEP (±40°C) 2050 Size: 36-50 Color: black . Weight: 840 g The blind valve protects the foot from environmental influences (dust, water, dirt). Hooks. Soft edging. Technical characteristics Army-type boots (Army boots). Model Omon 907 Manufacturer BUTEX Country Belarus Upper material natural chrome leather (1.4-1.6 mm) Lining material printed wool fur (merino) Sole fastening with adhesive stitching Arch support metal Toe and heel reinforced from thermoplastic material Sole material TEP (±40°C), 2050 Available size range 36-50 Shoe color black Valve type blind valve Soft edging present Hooks present

Jacket from the American Army ACU field uniform. Worn tucked in or untucked. The torso is fitted. In the area of ​​the shoulder blades there are folds to increase freedom of movement of the arms. Reinforcement of the elbows with fabric pads with the possibility of installing protective foam inserts under them (not included!), the entrance is fastened with narrow Velcro. Square Velcro in the center of the chest for placing insignia. Central fastener with tractor plastic. two-way zipper with comfortable braid grips. A Velcro strip is fastened over the zipper. A stand-up collar (protects the neck from chafing with a bulletproof vest) is fastened with Velcro. Can be worn turned down Velcro under the name tapes on the chest Cuffs with Velcro patches The main seams are closed (locked) with a chain stitch, a lot of zigzag fastenings in loaded places Pockets: pockets on the shoulders, fastened with Velcro. On the outside of the flap there is Velcro for a standard flag chevron. The IR marker fastening elements have been removed from the valve as unnecessary. Large Velcro for attaching chevrons. At the bottom there is a sewn loop for water drainage on the left forearm there is a flat, non-closing pocket for three pens. Flat chest pockets, slanted, are fastened with narrow Velcro. Material: Rip-stop, 35% cotton, 65% polyester. The fabric is manufactured in the USA under license from Schott Performance Fabrics Inc. YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN:

Pants from the American Army ACU field uniform. Production discontinued, replaced by ACU-M trousers Belt loops for a wide waist belt The belt is tightened with a cord, the cord comes out of the sewn loops on the inside of the belt in front. The cord can be removed if necessary The waistband and fly are fastened with buttons The bottom of the trousers is tightened with a sewn-in thin braid The main seams are closed (locked) with a chain stitch, many zigzag fastenings in loaded areas Pockets: two side slit pockets two back pockets with buttons side cargo pockets large volume, with an inclined entrance with Velcro. With folds to give a flat shape when empty, with an elastic cord tightening the entrance, pockets on the calves, fastened with Velcro. Well suited for carrying PPIs, easy access in a sitting position, there is a stitched loop on the bottom of all external pockets for water drainage. Reinforcements: knee reinforcements with the ability to install protective foam inserts (not included!). Entrance from the bottom, fastened with narrow Velcro. The seat area is reinforced with a rounded pad. Material: Rip-stop, 35% cotton, 65% polyester. The fabric is manufactured in the USA under license from Schott Performance Fabrics Inc. YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN:

The Soft Shell suit is purposefully designed to meet the stringent requirements of Special Forces operators. Designed to maintain a comfortable body temperature for the user during the cold season during vigorous activity, in bad weather, in wind and rain. The suit can be used as the base 5th layer of ECWCS Gen.III. MPA-26 jacket: -2 internal and 6 external pockets with access when worn together with tactical equipment; - ventilation holes protected by mesh; - adjustable waist and hem; - stand collar; - adjustable, detachable hood; - closable ventilation holes; - taped zippers. Soft shell fabric breathes, does not tear, does not get wet, and does not restrict movement!

Lightweight demi-season boots made of durable, breathable nylon fabric in the “A-tacs FG” colorway. Combined upper: nubuck (1.2-1.4) + high-strength breathable nylon fabric DU PONT, GORDURA @R. Lining: without lining Sole: rubber of increased wear resistance (Italy) Method of fixing the sole: adhesive. Toe and heel: reinforced thermoplastic material. Sizes: 40-46 The blind valve protects the foot from environmental influences (dust, water, dirt). Color: ATACS FG (moss). Weight: 1300 gr. Fabric density 1000D. Flexible rubber sole with adhesive fastening method. The fabric is duplicated with hot-melt cotton calico. The velor finish protects the front and back from mechanical damage. The toe and heel parts of the boot are lined with thermoplastic material to maintain their shape. D-shaped lacing fittings allow you to quickly remove and put on the boot without removing the lace from the loops. The blind valve prevents foreign objects from entering the boot. This model is popular with law enforcement officers and people interested in outdoor activities. Season: Summer Upper material: Genuine leather "Velour" (1.3-1.5 mm) + fabric "Cordura" Du Pont® 1000D Lining material: Mesh material Sole: Rubber with increased wear resistance (Italy), BUTEK 1 Sole fastening method: Adhesive instep support: Metal Valve: Blind Toe cap and heel: Reinforced from thermoplastic material TECNO GI (Italy) Shoe height: 210 mm Speed ​​lacing: Yes Zipper: No Accessories: Speed ​​loop Color: Camouflage "A-tacs FG" Sizes: 40- 46 Weight of one pair (size 42): 1200 g Manufacturer: Butex Country of origin: Belarus

A modernized version of the jacket from the American Army ACU field uniform. Modernization concerns both changes in the cut of the latest generation of the original American uniform, as well as our own developments. Some general minor issues with the Splava ACU suit (missing stitching, position of pockets, size matching, etc.) have also been corrected. Attention! The ACU-M suit replaces the Alloy ACU, and is no longer a replica of the original American ACU kit, as... has a number of subtle design changes Worn tucked in or untucked The body is fitted. In the area of ​​the shoulder blades there are folds to increase freedom of movement of the arms. Reinforcement of the elbows with fabric pads with the possibility of installing protective foam inserts under them (not included!), the entrance is fastened with narrow Velcro. The square Velcro in the center of the chest has been removed as unnecessary for placing insignia. Central fastener. on a tractor plastic two-way zipper with comfortable braid grips. A Velcro strip is fastened over the zipper. As with the original ACU kit, the number and size of these Velcro strips have been reduced for ease of operation and less chafing. Mutual position Velcro responses were changed to protect clothes under the jacket from damage (in the original, when the jacket is unbuttoned, the Velcro hook looks towards the body) Stand-up collar (protects the neck from rubbing with a bulletproof vest), fastens with Velcro. Can be worn turned down Velcro under name tapes on the chest Cuffs with Velcro patches For reliability, most Velcro are sewn not only around the perimeter, but additionally along the diagonals or with a seam in the middle. The loaded sides of all Velcro are stitched in two or three passes. In the original, most of the Velcro are sewn in only one pass around the perimeter. The main seams are closed (locked) with a chain stitch, many zigzag fastenings in loaded places. Pockets: pockets on the shoulders, fastened with Velcro. On the outside of the flap there is Velcro for a standard flag chevron. The IR marker fastening elements have been removed from the valve as unnecessary. Large Velcro for attaching chevrons. At the bottom there is a sewn loop for water drainage and a set of two plugs for large Velcro sleeve pockets - return Velcro, lined with the main fabric of the suit. The plug covers a single-color Velcro of a large area, which stands out against the background of the fabric, especially in the camouflage design, on the left forearm there is a flat, non-closing pocket for three handles; the kit includes removable shoulder straps, false shoulder straps and buttons for fastening them. Flat, slanted chest pockets are sewn on independently and fastened with narrow Velcro. To protect hands and gloves from scratches, a Velcro-hook is used on the pocket, and a Velcro-loop is used on the flap (in the original ACU jacket it’s the other way around). The dimensions and angle of the pockets have been changed and correspond to the latest generation of the original American ACU kit. Material: NYCO Rip-stop, 50% cotton, 50% nylon. The fabric is manufactured in the USA under license from Schott Performance Fabrics Inc. SIZE SELECTION: Download

Lightweight trousers for members of the Russian National Guard provide comfort when working in hot weather. The "Gabardine" material does not wrinkle, does not lose shape when washed, and does not fade. Ideal option for everyday wear. CHARACTERISTICS For hot weather Regular cut MATERIALS Gabardine (100% polye) Example of material pattern:

The summer camouflage suit "Omon" produced by Prival is made of light mixed fabric and consists of a jacket and trousers. Perfect for lovers of outdoor activities. The suit is comfortable in hot weather, and thanks to its loose fit, it can be worn over clothing as a protective layer. Relaxed jacket with zipper and hood. 2 pockets on the jacket, 2 on the trousers. The trouser waistband has an elastic band and additional fastening with a cord. The bottom of the trousers has an elastic band. Packaged in a compact case. Set composition: jacket / trousers Fabric: 65% polyester, 35% viscose Color: riot police camouflage,

Combined top: velor (1.3-1.5 mm) + high-strength fabric made of nylon thread 1000D Lining: laminated mesh Sole: TPR (±40°C) Sole attachment method: adhesive. Toe and heel: reinforced thermoplastic material. Sizes: 40-45. The blind valve protects the foot from environmental influences (dust, dirt). Soft edging. Color: A-TACS("MOS"). Weight: 515 g

BISHKEK, April 6 – Sputnik. Today, the database of the lower house of parliament published the text of a bill defining the basis for the activities of the new Russian federal security structure - the National Guard troops, RIA Novosti reports.

If the document in this form is adopted by the State Duma and approved by the President, the National Guard will receive all the functions and powers that the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia had, and will also take over some of the important areas of activity of the police department.

Big castling

Vladimir Putin announced the creation of a new department, subordinate directly to the president, at a meeting with the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Federal Migration Service and the commander of the Internal Troops. Soon the official text of the decree on the formation of the Federal Service of National Guard Troops was published on the Kremlin website.

According to the decree, the National Guard is created by transforming the internal troops and joining them with some units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, mainly for security purposes: SOBR, OMON, rapid reaction forces and aviation. In addition, the structure of the National Guard includes units of the licensing and permitting system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that control the circulation of weapons and private security activities, as well as private security.

Today, the President submitted to the State Duma a draft of a number of laws regulating the activities of the National Guard and its interaction with other departments.

Everything the police can do

The text of the main bill sheds light on questions regarding the purpose and powers of the new structure.

“The troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation are a state military organization designed to ensure state and public security, protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen,” the document says. Based on the text of the draft, we can conclude that the powers of the National Guard will be closer to the powers of police officers than of internal troops. Many articles of the document completely copy analogues from the currently valid federal law “On Police”.

The National Guard is assigned six main tasks. First of all, it is the protection of public order and safety; participation in the fight against terrorism and extremism; ensuring legal regimes of emergency and counter-terrorism operations. In addition, the troops are tasked with participating in the territorial defense of Russia, guarding important government facilities and special cargo, and assisting the FSB in protecting the state border.

The powers of the National Guard listed in the bill are also quite broad. Among them are the detention of citizens, penetration into residential and other premises, cordoning off the area and blocking various objects, including those belonging to citizens and organizations.

This is allowed when performing combat missions to ensure an emergency situation and in other cases provided for by law, such as: to save the lives of citizens, property, ensure security during mass riots, detain criminals, etc. According to the bill, when entering residential premises, a serviceman has the right to break into locking devices.

"The legal requirements of the National Guard... are mandatory for citizens and officials", the document says.

Rights and Responsibilities

It is proposed to give the National Guard troops the right to suppress crimes and administrative offenses, check citizens’ documents, draw up protocols, detain and deliver offenders and crime suspects to the police. At protected especially important facilities they are allowed to carry out inspections vehicles and personal search of citizens.

National Guard employees are instructed to detain those hiding from court and investigation, as well as those who have escaped from places of detention or psychiatric medical organizations - with mandatory respect for the detainee’s right to medical care, assistance from a lawyer, a telephone call to relatives, as well as communication with the diplomatic mission in the event of the detention of a foreigner.

The powers to seize, store and destroy weapons, ammunition, explosives. National Guardsmen will also be able to seize and destroy drugs and psychotropic substances.

In addition to performing combat missions, the National Guard troops are proposed to be involved in eliminating the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and other emergencies, including quarantine measures during epidemics.

Under special conditions such as working in emergency, The National Guard will be allowed to block the way for vehicles and pedestrians on streets and roads, and, if necessary, use the transport of organizations and citizens to travel to the scene of an emergency, pursue criminals or deliver victims to hospitals.

Power and weapons

The right to use physical force, special means and weapons will be granted to the National Guard in almost all the same cases and in the manner that is currently provided for the police.

The guardsman, according to the bill, is obliged to warn the violator before applying special measures to him, giving him the opportunity to understand and comply with the requirements. At the same time, the bill also includes standard wording for exceptional cases: “A military serviceman has the right not to warn of his intention to use force, special means or weapons if delay in their use creates an immediate threat to the life and health of a citizen... or may entail other grave consequences.” .

The equipment of the National Guard will include rubber sticks, special gases, handcuffs, distracting light and sound devices, means for destroying barriers and stopping traffic, as well as service animals. In addition, for the purposes of extreme necessity, a serviceman has the right to use any available means.

Like police officers, the National Guard is prohibited from using special equipment and weapons against pregnant women, disabled people and children, “except in cases of armed resistance, group or other attack that threatens the life and health of citizens.” In some cases, the National Guard is also allowed to use military and special equipment.

Classify information

The draft law emphasizes that in the interests of the personal safety of military personnel and members of their families, information about the places of deployment and the movement of units and subunits of the National Guard troops should not be disseminated in public speaking and in the media.

The confidentiality of information about military personnel and members of their families is also ensured. Information can be provided only with the permission of the commander of the relevant body, formation, military unit or organization of National Guard troops, the document says.