How to make holes in concrete. How to drill concrete - choose a tool. Diamond drills and other devices

Concrete, as you know, is a hard and durable material, which is why it is very popular in construction. However, due to these properties, its mechanical processing poses certain difficulties. In particular, home craftsmen often face the challenge of how to make a hole in concrete?

Methods for drilling concrete

The choice of method for making holes in concrete depends on the tasks:

  • If it is necessary to obtain a hole of small diameter, for example, for, then use a hammer drill with a special drill with a carbide tip.
  • If it is necessary to obtain a large diameter, for example, for laying pipes, installing sockets, etc., use diamond drilling of holes in concrete using special crowns.

Now let's take a closer look at both technologies.

Making holes with drills

Drills, or as they are also called, a screw-shaped rod and, as mentioned above, a carbide tip. The shank can be smooth and cylindrical, designed for impact drills, or made according to the SDS standard, for rotary hammers.

With their help you can make holes of small and medium diameter.

Instructions for performing this procedure are as follows:

  • Before punching a hole in concrete, you need to mark the location that needs to be drilled.
  • The tip is then inserted into the chuck of a hammer drill or drill. This sets the depth stop to the desired position.

In the photo - drilling with a hammer drill

  • Next, the drill should be rested on the intended point and the tool should be turned on. In this case, you need to place a certain emphasis on the nozzle. Periodically, the drill must be removed from the hole and moistened with water, preventing it from overheating.
  • Once the required depth is reached, work is stopped.

I must say that you can make a hole and a regular drill without impact. However, for this you will need a punch with a hammer. In such a situation, the drill must be periodically removed from the hole and the concrete must be broken with a punch.

Drilling with diamond bits

Often there is a need to make a large diameter hole in concrete, for example, to install a sewer or water pipe. Today there are many companies that provide similar services. However, before you invite specialists, you should find out the cost of punching holes in concrete.

It is quite possible that you will decide to perform this operation yourself. To do this you will need the same hammer drill. The only thing is that you will have to purchase a diamond crown attachment.

Using such a tool, you can make holes with a diameter of 100 mm or even larger. Moreover, a correctly selected bit will allow you to successfully drill even reinforced concrete structures and concrete of any hardness, with any filler.

Pay attention!
Toothed crowns can become jammed when they encounter reinforcement, and their teeth, as a rule, break.

Thanks to this, you can get a hole in any concrete structure. For example, when constructing various wells, people are often interested in how to punch a hole in a concrete ring? A diamond tool can also easily cope with this task.

In addition, there are some other advantages this method:

  • Possibility of getting a hole required size absolutely round in shape.
  • There are no shocks or strong vibrations, making it possible to use this technology in houses that are under repair or reconstruction.
  • There is no strong noise.
  • Possibility of use when installing air conditioning systems, where sometimes pinpoint precision is required.
  • Ability to drill at an angle, close to walls, floors or ceilings.

The price of crowns is usually quite high.
However, if you follow the operating rules, the used nozzle can be restored.
There are specialized companies that provide such services.

The drilling principle is the same as when drilling with auger drills. Including, it is necessary to periodically moisten the crown with water.

If you need to get a hole with a diameter of, for example, 20-50 cm or even more, then a hammer drill, of course, is not suitable for these purposes. In this case, you can drill a hole in the concrete using a professional tool.

Powerful equipment is not held in the hands like a hammer drill. Usually it is fixed to the wall using anchors. Sometimes fixation occurs using the spacer method using a rod, i.e. bottom part rests on the floor, and the top one rests on the ceiling.

Professional equipment is usually equipped additional functions, such as supplying water to work area, a dust collector that allows you to perform the procedure without dust environment etc.

Diamond bits may be needed not only when drilling concrete.
Also effective method is cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels and grinding with diamond cups.

Of course, such equipment is very expensive, so it makes no sense to purchase it for domestic purposes. Therefore, to perform such an operation, it is more advisable to seek help from specialists.


As we found out, in some cases it is quite possible to make a hole in concrete yourself. In order for this operation to take place effectively and without special effort, you should use a suitable tool for this and follow the drilling technology.

From the video in this article you can get additional information on this topic.

Most modern high-rise buildings are constructed from monolithic concrete blocks, since this material is considered the most efficient, durable and relatively inexpensive. Owners of apartments in such buildings sooner or later have a need to carry out repairs and improve their everyday life. In this case, it is impossible to do without drilling holes in the walls to install a lamp, cabinet, painting or other interior and design elements. It is at such moments that the question arises of how to drill and what equipment to use.

Drilling concrete

Without knowing drilling technology, you can waste your energy for a very long time and break the wrong tool without achieving the desired result. When drilling concrete, it is necessary to know the composition of this material. In slabs used in construction, with a filler in the form of fine crushed stone, as well as internal frames made of metal reinforcement, which serve to give the product strength and elasticity. If the drill hits a stone or reinforcement, many people, frustrated, simply abandon the hole. However effective ways There are still drillings.

Tools used

It is necessary to drill structural holes in concrete with such types interior works, How:

  • decorative finishing of the room;
  • installation of built-in furniture;
  • installation of air conditioners and heaters;
  • laying or replacing electrical wiring;
  • installation of plumbing elements.

Depending on the nature of the work, the depth and diameters of the holes can be different, ranging from a small hole for mounting a picture, to drilling large seats for sockets, switches or plumbing pipes. There are three ways to drill holes:

  • electric drill with impact mode;

  • perforator;

  • diamond drilling rig.

Depending on the chosen method and hole diameter, like:

  • Victory drill;
  • drill with diamond tip;
  • diamond bit (for drilling large holes for sockets or plumbing pipes).

It's important to remember that regular drills are not suitable for this job. For concrete, special drills with a diamond or pobedit tip, which has the shape of a blade, are used. These drills are specifically designed for rotary hammer drilling and are not suitable for creating holes in other types of materials.

Drilling process

If you are not carrying out large-scale repairs, and you need to make several small holes to install a lamp or picture, then a regular electric drill with a hammer drilling mode is suitable for this work. It is necessary to prepare a strong metal rod or a special punch that will match the diameter of the hole. An ordinary household drill cannot drill through concrete even in impact mode with a properly selected drill. To do this, a punch is used, which is periodically inserted into the hole and, using a hammer, breaks the solid elements of the wall.

Video on how to drill a concrete wall:

This procedure is repeated until the depth of the hole matches the required one. If you are the happy owner of a powerful industrial drill, most likely, its power will be enough to do without a punch. It is worth noting that this method takes a lot of time and effort, but for several holes it is quite suitable. It is also necessary to remember that drilling concrete creates a significant load on the tool, and the drill must be stopped periodically to avoid breakage.

If you have grandiose plans renovation work, you can’t do without a hammer drill. The hammer drill is specially designed for drilling heavy-duty surfaces and easily copes with drilling concrete. This tool allows you to use large number various nozzles for drilling small and medium-diameter holes for sockets, switches or water pipes.

Drilling large diameter holes

To do this, use a special industrial equipment− a complex device consisting of elements such as:

  • high power electric motor;
  • special drive for drilling;
  • crowns with diamond tips of different diameters;
  • a guide post that is attached to the base of the surface.

Such equipment is used for drilling large diameter holes for ventilation shafts, cable routes and other communications. It is practically not used at home. This type of work is carried out by specialized construction teams, which consist of qualified personnel trained to work on such equipment.

Before drilling into a concrete wall, prepare a small container of water. It is necessary for periodic cooling of the drill, which may burst as a result of overheating.

During the drilling process, you can get into metal reinforcement. In this case, change the Pobedit drill to a regular one (diamond-coated) and drill through the metal rod. If the location of the hole is not fundamentally important, move a few millimeters to the side and drill a new one.

Before you start drilling the surface, be sure to make sure that there is no hidden hole inside, since damage power cable when drilling can lead to disastrous results. To do this, use a special non-contact device, which is usually made in the form of a screwdriver with a built-in LED. If there is a wire inside the wall, the light bulb will let you know.


Be sure to prepare individual means protection in the form of safety glasses, gloves and a respirator, since when drilling concrete, dust and small particles are generated that can damage the eyes or enter the respiratory tract.

Good day, Victor!

There are situations in every person’s life when you need to hang a picture, lamp, shelf or something else. And if there is no hammer drill, then the question arises: how to do this and whether it makes sense to spend money on this device, taking into account the fact that, perhaps, next time it will not be useful very soon. You can torture the poor drill for a long time or ask your friends, neighbors or relatives for a hammer drill. Let's also consider some other interesting options.

What are the experts talking about?

There is no doubt that concrete structures are quite strong and difficult to drill. It is worth adding to this that you can stumble upon crushed stone included in concrete mixture, from which the slabs are made.

You can solve the issue of drilling holes in the following ways:

  • using a drill that has an impact function using a pobedit drill;
  • Another method is diamond drilling, but here you need to be extremely careful not to break the entire wall.

It must be said right away that it is quite difficult to make a hole in a concrete wall with a simple drill, so at the beginning of the work it is worth buying special drills with plates that are made of pobedit, that is, a material that can cope with concrete and brick. In work with soft materials Such drills should not be used, since they will simply turn them into crumbs and not cut them.

Help for the home handyman

If you need to drill a small number of holes, you can use a drill that does not have an impact function. If there is a dense inclusion in the concrete of the wall, you need to crush it with a punch - a pin made of hard metal, equal in diameter to the future hole. At such a moment, you need to insert a punch into the hole and hit it with a hammer, while trying to crush difficult areas and increase the hole in depth. You need to turn the pin periodically. Then you need to continue working with a hammerless drill.

All of these actions should be done until the hole reaches the required depth. The described method is undoubtedly quite complicated and also tedious, but if you want to make a couple of holes in the wall, then it is quite suitable.

Another drilling option

Another option is to consider drilling concrete using universal drills that have diamond sputtering. They have good performance when working with a wide variety of durable materials. They can be installed on a simple electric drill, as well as on any other tool with the vibration function disabled.

You should work with the drill extremely carefully, otherwise it will break quite quickly. The tip of the drill should be periodically wetted with water to prevent it from smoking and becoming completely damaged.

Thus, in order to drill holes without using a hammer drill, you need a drill that has an impact function, and you should immediately stock up on pobedite tips. The diameter of the holes when drilling with a drill should not be more than 12 millimeters in diameter.

I would like to wish you success in the renovation!

Best regards, Alexander.

  • 1 Drilling tool
  • 2 Drills, drills, bits for concrete
  • 2.1 Video: drills for rotary hammers SDS-max, SDS-plus
  • 3 How to use a regular drill with a Pobedit drill bit
  • 4 Diamond drilling method
  • 4.1 Video: diamond drilling technology
  • 5 Tips for Drilling Holes

The walls and ceilings of modern buildings are most often made of monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. It is well known that concrete is a material of increased strength, the handling of which requires knowledge of its processing techniques. In particular, drilling a concrete wall requires a special tool: a drill or a hammer drill.

Drilling tool

Impact drill for concrete

Organizing work on making holes in concrete requires a special approach, which involves choosing the appropriate tool and special drills (ordinary drills are not suitable in this case). The following tool kit is best suited for these purposes:

Hammer or impact drill provide rotational and translational movement of the drill (drill), which greatly facilitates drilling concrete.

Definitely choose a hammer drill if you need to make holes larger than 12 cm in diameter.

Some experts believe that in most everyday situations you can get by with a regular drill that does not have an impact function. But in this case, to successfully complete the work, it will be necessary to use a special metal pin, the thickness of which is approximately equal to the diameter of the planned passage. Using this pin, they “fill” the point of the intended drilling and periodically break the concrete as it sinks into the wall. Several small holes can be drilled with a regular drill with a Pobedit drill bit.

Drills, drills, bits for concrete

The choice of components is of great importance. The pobedite tip is T-shaped. If you want to get a really durable tool, buy drills from domestic manufacturers, where the metal ratio is 9:1; if you buy a Chinese-made drill, know that it contains less hard alloys.

Strength depends on the ratio of its diameter and length. There is a rule: the longer the drill, the thicker it should be.

Hardened drills have a black tint, golden color- drills with titanium coating. Titanium is much stronger.

Drilling concrete with a drill

For a drill, choose drills with a shank in the form of a polyhedron or a cylinder; for a hammer drill, drills marked SDS-plus, SDS-max. Drills for drills and hammer drills are not interchangeable: they can be installed on another tool only with an adapter.

But the fact is that with the help of drills they make holes only up to 4 cm in diameter. To drill larger passages in concrete, concrete drill bits with carbide tipped bits are used. Their diameter is 35-120 mm. However, the most popular are crowns with a diameter of 68 mm. They are ideal for creating holes for socket boxes. There are extensions on sale that allow you to make holes deeper than 15 cm.

If a drill is used, then you should choose bits coated with tungsten carbide alloy. The ability to work with such bits is determined by the power of the drill. It must be more than 1000 W.

Drilling with crowns is performed with the impact mode turned off.

Video: drills for hammer drills SDS-max, SDS-plus

How to use a conventional drill with a Pobedit drill bit

Diamond drilling for concrete

After all the necessary accessories have been prepared, you can begin the hole preparation procedure itself. . Even before starting the procedure, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following recommendations from specialists:

  • When working with a conventional drill, you need to carefully ensure that the drill does not overheat, for which it is periodically cooled in cold water.
  • After digging a little into the concrete, you should use the same pin, which you need to insert into the recess and hit it with a hammer several times (with simultaneous rotation).
  • Then “drill” a little more and repeat the same operations with the pin again.

Avoid overheating of low-power tools; take breaks from work every 15 minutes.

Diamond drilling method

Before drilling into a concrete wall, for example for an outlet, it wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with one more effective technique making holes. We will talk about the so-called diamond drilling, which allows you to cope with the task quickly enough and without unnecessary dust. Please note that for this you will need special equipment, which is a set consisting of an electric motor, a stand mounted on the base, and a core drill.

The design of such an installation provides for the possibility of cooling the working tool by supplying water to the drilling site. At the same time, the water washes away the dust, and it does not have time to penetrate into the surrounding space. Using a special water vacuum cleaner, also included in the installation kit, the work area is cleaned.

Video: diamond drilling technology

  • Before starting work, check that the drill is installed correctly in the tool.
  • If you come across reinforcement along the way, you should drill it with a metal drill or punch it with a punch.
  • If the wall is crumbling on the other side, reduce the speed and do the work in a reduced vibration mode.
  • If a drill gets stuck, it should be drilled out with a tool of smaller diameter, but not removed by loosening it.

Welcome to my website! Today we will touch on one burning question, namely, how to drill a concrete wall with a regular drill if you do not have a hammer drill.

Such questions arise from the desire to save money - who wants to spend money on perf? Although you once found money for a drill. I, of course, understand that when buying it you wanted to save money, since the hammer drill is more expensive. Or maybe they just didn’t know that you couldn’t take concrete with it.

Eh, we could have added a little more and gotten a tool that easily combines these two functionalities. And now they would just drill it and that’s it. And if a hole was needed in wood or plastic, then the perf would do the job here too.

Well, okay, why am I preaching to you? You came for advice. Well, I’ll offer one old-fashioned option.

So, using this method, you can drill concrete with both impact and non-impact machines. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but in the absence of a hammer drill you can get by without it.

To work, in addition to a drill and a drill, you will also need a punch. I hope you have it. If not, then it’s not worth as much as a perf - you can fork out a little.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  • We place the punch at the place where the hole is needed and hit it with a hammer until a small indentation is made
  • Then we drill in this place before the drill rests on the pebbles or crushed stone that is the concrete filler. If it hits the reinforcement, then you need to either change the drilling location or drill it with a metal drill
  • Next, take the punch again and hit it on the pebbles or crushed stone
  • Drilling again
  • We repeat the procedures until the desired depth is obtained.

As you can see, the method is quite complicated, but quite feasible. That is, here we carry out the work that the hammer drill does on the go with a punch manually. Since the obstacle is mainly rocks, they need to be destroyed. A drill can handle the solution.

Diamond drilling

But there is still a normal way to drill concrete with a drill. It is carried out using diamond crowns. But that's what I do for general information. This method is not suitable for home use, because the crowns themselves cost so much that it is better to buy a hammer drill.

Well, in addition, for diamond drilling, they use powerful devices that are mainly designed specifically for this purpose, with water cooling and a clamping device. Do you want something like this for your home?

Well, okay, okay, they are more modest. But there is still no need to have one at home.

Thus, in order to confidently work with concrete, I advise you to save up for a hammer drill. Well, on at the moment use the described option. After all, it happens that you need a hole right now - you won’t wait for the required amount to accumulate.