The ex is stupid. What if I'm stupid? Signs of stupidity. Why does a person feel stupid?

Recognizing oneself as not an absolutely intelligent person is already an application for prudence. And the desire to improve brain power is the right decision for any representative of society. We help as much as we can. At the same time, we ourselves become a little smarter.

Brain Foods

  • Walnuts - high in leticine for memory. Five a day and you'll stop forgetting your relatives' birthdays.
  • Spinach keeps brain cells toned, preventing them from becoming wrinkled with the help of lutein.
  • Fatty fish is a storehouse of omega-3, and the acid energizes the brain itself.
  • Pumpkin seeds, soy, flax oil, nuts are also omega-3 and anti-aging vitamin E. However, pumpkin seeds There’s also a lot of zinc, which speeds up the function of “spreading the brain about this and that.”
  • Blackcurrant is an excellent source of vitamin C, which improves brain activity. One spoon a day is enough. From this position, you can take a closer look at kiwi and, in fact, citrus fruits.
  • Broccoli enhances cognitive function and makes you think clearer thanks to vitamin K.
  • Coffee helps concentration and clears the mind due to the release of norepinephrine and dopamine. But no more than 4 cups per day. But they will reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease by 20%. Chocolate has a similar effect, plus glucose.
  • Sage – essential oils, activating memory. AND delicious tea. And if it is also green, then the benefit is double, because... green tea reduces the rate of development of dementia (dementia).

And also...

Brain training

The essence of all exercises for the brain (neurobics) is to not let it become dusty with everyday life. We must constantly force him to solve new problems and teach him to find several paths. He should not get used to anything, except to not get used to anything.

Turn things over, move furniture, constantly change your daily routine, smell and touch unfamiliar objects! Etc. Here are our four favorite exercises.

  • Exercise No. 1. Hold your nose with your right hand, and your right earlobe with your left. Now clap in front of you and change. Speed ​​up the pace as you get used to it.
  • Exercise No. 2. Take a pencil in each hand. We hope two pencils are enough for you. And try to draw in a mirror image on a blank sheet of paper. You can use sticks in the sand. You can use chalk on a blackboard. You can... start looking for your surreal paints and canvas.
  • Exercise No. 3. Perhaps the easiest thing you can do is fingering. Connect the big one in order with the others on each hand. Slowly speed up the pace.
  • Exercise No. 4. Get ready to dance! Now we will give you the alphabet, and under its letters you will see... you won’t believe it, too... letters! Specifically - L, P and V. The point is that when pronouncing a letter of the alphabet out loud, you need to raise up either left hand(L), either the right hand (R), or both (V). When you reach the end, come back from there.

“A friend brought me into a group of film buff friends. They were throwing out movie quotes, and I felt awkward and smiled stupidly because I didn’t remember a single witty line.” Many of us have found ourselves in this situation. But Marina, the heroine of this story, draws the conclusion from an ordinary case: “I am uneducated and stupid.”

“People who consider themselves stupid are absolutely sincere,” says psychotherapist Elena Sokolova. - Their feelings are caused by a feeling of inconsistency between who they imagine themselves to be (the owner of many talents) and who they really are (a person with different advantages and disadvantages). So they feel like they are constantly doing and saying the wrong thing.” In fact, they need to understand themselves.

Blurred Identity

“People who tend to perceive themselves as incompetent need constant confirmation of their worth,” continues Elena Sokolova. - To do this, they “use” others, but only if they admire their intelligence and other “advantages.”

But when another person is superior to them in something, it is so difficult for them to admit this, that is, to see themselves realistically, that (if they cannot devalue the merits of others) they would prefer to attribute total stupidity to themselves. After all, there is no demand from such a person.”

“I find it easier to work with numbers than with people”

Natalya, 36 years old, accountant:“Since childhood, it has been difficult for me to communicate on equal terms with my peers. It always seemed to me that I was not up to their intellectual level. Although at school I loved exact sciences, especially mathematics. When choosing a university, I knew that it would be easier for me to work with numbers than with people, so I went to the university’s Faculty of Economics. Then I changed several companies. Finally, I got a job in my specialty. After a while the boss made me his right hand. I had to learn to lead, despite my fears of looking stupid. There were, of course, failures and misunderstandings, but over time my old problem stopped bothering me. Now I try to be minimally guided by the opinions of others and do not compare myself with everyone who is next to me - I just listen to myself.”

Exaggerated value of intelligence

It seems like a paradox, but such people are poorly versed in the nuances of feelings and motives of other people’s behavior, it is difficult for them to experience trust and affection, perhaps that is why they unconsciously overestimate the importance of intelligence. “Often in childhood they felt emotional hunger, a lack of warmth and love,” says Elena Sokolova. “Even as adults, they continue to behave with others like children, trying to earn the favor of their parents with the brilliance of their minds and the desire to live up to their ideals.”

In addition, since intelligence is in high demand in society, someone who blames his own stupidity is a person who is overly focused on social values ​​and has a strong desire to conform to them.

Excessive requirements

The feeling of one’s own stupidity is also a consequence of inflated demands on oneself, coming from childhood. A child whom loved ones consider to be the best (or, conversely, underestimated), gets used to building relationships with others based on how he will look in their eyes. Therefore, any communication causes him anxiety and fear of losing self-confidence again. His inability to carry on a conversation is exacerbated by derogatory thoughts. And after the meeting, alone with himself, such a person severely reproaches and once again convinces himself of his stupidity.

What to do?

Try to understand your emotional state

Try to be more specific about how you feel when you say to yourself, “I’m stupid.” Anger, sadness, fear? Specify: anger towards whom, for what? What makes you afraid? It is important to understand what causes these feelings and what is hidden behind your admission of your own stupidity. Most likely, we are talking about deeper and stronger experiences, and you should work on them.

It is useless to console another with phrases like “No, you’re not stupid at all!” Only on his own can a person reassess his personality. To help him with this, pay his attention to his own successes. For example, congratulate him at the first opportunity - celebrate the conclusion of the contract, the appointment that he has been seeking for so long. This best way help him improve his self-esteem.

Try changing your usual behavior strategy. Perhaps you were a shy child as a child and thus tried to justify your need for solitude. Or your parents put so much pressure on you that you put on the mask of a fool in defense. This role offered benefits, but on the other hand, you were often depressed and lonely. No matter how comfortable this role may once have been, there comes a time of maturity and choice when it is worth considering whether it is time to part with it, since it does not give your personality the opportunity to develop.

Hi, I had a similar problem. When I entered university, I could only learn two paragraphs in a whole day. I won’t give it 100%, but probably this problem arises when a person does not develop and overload his brain with work for a long time. Not performing routine, learned functions, but real brain work. The result is some kind of stagnation. A person must develop, and the brain first of all. And if you want to fix everything, you need to start thinking with your head)
At first, I tried to learn a verse every day, at two, and repeated them to myself in the evening. Memory and concentration greatly improve, but do not think that by learning three to five poems you will become a genius, there will be improvements, but not immediately. Maybe in two weeks the first successes will begin and this will only be the beginning)))
For good reason and logical thinking I play chess great. Well, I think everyone has heard about this ancient strategy. By the way, a story from life: my friend went to a chess club and somehow took me with her) That glorious evening I was introduced to the rules of the game, and you know what’s funny...that same evening I was beaten by a five-year-old boy) The feeling was indescribable !)
If you read, do not just scan the text with your eyes, but think about what you are reading, analyze the actions, and draw conclusions.
And of course, don’t despair, the emotional component is very important. Maybe there are some poems that you like or these could be song lyrics. It is very difficult to start all this and improvements will come gradually, but the main thing is not to give up. Choose a program that suits you and only think that with every verse you learn (game you win, any small step) you become better, smarter and happier)))
This is of course just mine personal experience, but as I remember, after five poems minted in a row, my pants were full of joy and pride!) Good luck and success to you! The main thing is the desire to move forward and a little effort put into the desire =D

I'm stupid. What if I'm dumber than a chicken? I feel uncomfortable around people. I have a dull, empty look, there is nothing to talk about with me. I can’t correspond and talk for a long time because I have nothing to say. Sometimes I don’t even understand what people are talking about. I have no desire for self-education, it is difficult for me to study or understand something. I'm just a lazy, weak-willed wimp.
In all the educational institutions where I studied, I had a lot of C grades. When, like the majority, we received good grades without stress. I live in a world of my fantasies and grievances. At first I thought that the problem was in the environment, but then I realized that people change, new ones come, but nothing changes for me. People don't trust me because they probably think I'm stupid. Behind my back they call me a fool. Would you say that I have low self-esteem? No, I'm just stupid, so nothing will change if you tell me about self-esteem. I'm with empty space I took it. I observe and understand that people are smarter than me, and I’m just a laughing stock, who graduated from school and college with grief. Even my parents value me less than my sister, because my sister is smarter and studied well. I am nothing of myself as a person, I have done nothing worthwhile in life. An ordinary neurasthenic. I hate myself.

Dumb, age: 23 / 28.11.2012


Wit, talents, sense of humor, abilities, etc. are not in themselves something good, kind, or dignity. Although, they are not something bad. A person who thinks slower than others is no worse than others.
The only virtue is humility, without it no good is possible.
If you don’t have any talents, it’s okay, God still loves you. The main thing is to have humility and everything will be fine! :)

Alexey, age: 42 / 11/30/2012

Alexey, well, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m stupid, but that doesn’t make life any better. Nothing
things got better in my life. What's the point?

Dumb, age: 23 / 30.11.2012

You are wrong to think so and you are wrong to call yourself that. Let them think whatever they want about you. But you can't think about yourself like that,
critical. For example, I understand everything about bicycles, but not about diesel engines. That is, I am “dumb” in them,
because I don’t know anything about them. And somewhere at a construction site (as it was) - I was probably considered stupid. So what.
You see, the main thing here is to find your favorite thing. And it is advisable to be useful with it. Will be appreciated and needed
in you. You just need to stop being lazy. By the way, to some extent physical activity improve
thinking. Therefore, do not disdain any kind of gymnastics. Find something to do and, no matter what, become
"specialist". I think this is interesting. You will definitely be different from your sister. Ask where to get it
motivation? Well, now it’s the Nativity fast - try fasting. You know, limiting yourself in food is like
it sobers you up, you start to think productively. You assess your plight differently. (I know from myself). IN
In general, the feeling of hunger motivates action. Try it. But if you do this, then do it right (according to
charter), since it is a sacred matter.
And also, sometimes it’s beneficial to be a “stupid” person, as you say. But this is rather a trick. And at the same time how
protection. That is, sometimes it is better not to get involved in dubious “smart” things or conversations. Well, for example, someone
someone starts talking about a “lofty”, empty topic and you realize that it’s essentially nothing, and then you
you say: “Oh, I don’t understand anything about this, my friend...”. You're pretending to be a fool. In general this way
you stop and ignore idle talk. I say this from my life - anything can happen.
But don’t worry. Rather, it is not a matter of intelligence, but of charm (for a woman) and abilities (for a man). I'm like-
I think so.
Yes, and there is also a saying: “Keep your mouth shut, you’ll pass for a smart person.” It works - fact. Or this: silence is golden, and
only the best, explanatory word is just silver.

Kirill, age: 28 / 12/01/2012

Hello! From your message it is clear that you are not at all stupid, even literate, able to express your
thoughts man. You write much better than many on the RuNet, and this already says something :) Don’t force it
situation. By being nervous and calling yourself names, you only make things worse, closing the circle of discontent. Try it
understand yourself, take time to sit down and think carefully about what you don’t like about
your life on at the moment and what needs to be done to change this. Perhaps your low success in
Are your studies related to the fact that what you studied was not interesting to you? In this case, there is no need to worry about it -
lack of interest leads to lack of motivation. The problem then is not your imaginary stupidity, but
wrong choice of specialization, which in itself can be corrected, and therefore is not tragic :) Communicating
with people, don’t think that you have nothing to say - first, smile, be friendly, listen
speaking and then, I’m sure, you will find something to say in response if they turn to you or just politely
keep the conversation going. Don't give in to decadent moods! Everything will work out for you, you'll see!

Lucic, age: 23/12/01/2012

The worst thing is when they are stupid and mean. The main thing is not to be mean. And being stupid isn't a bad thing. Bribes from stupid people are smooth. AND
smile more. A smiling fool somehow looks more cheerful than an angry, sad and nervous one :) Previously in Rus' (in
long ago) FOOL was the name given to the mother of the family, the keeper of the hearth. Then this word has a different meaning
found. But there is a point to this. Fools often create good families, and “too smart” ones learn five languages,
apartments, cars, and sit in their apartments in splendid isolation with their noses up and three formations. U
My girlfriend also doesn’t always understand what we’re talking about. But there is so much light and positivity in her, she has such
a smile that everyone loves her. And “dumbness” is perceived as peculiarity and uniqueness. Came out last month
marry a rich, mature and intelligent man. And I understand him, with her arrival his house was filled with joy and
light. So be neat, clean, kind, joyful and open. Love yourself and people. And be
Also, watch Forrest Gump. Brilliant film. There his mother says one very significant truth: “A fool is not
the one who does not understand everything, but the one who acts badly." In different voices it sounds a little differently, but the essence
remains. The film has a huge number of awards. Critics gave the film a second title - The Carrying Man
good luck. But the problem is not that you are stupid, but your inflated demands on yourself, perhaps dictated
parents. You don’t live by your own desires and needs, but try to squeeze into someone else’s picture of the world. From
That’s why you don’t have the energy to create, that’s why you’re lazy - you don’t want to do what you don’t like, but
what you like, you have long forgotten. That's why you're nervous, because you're trying to please someone, but it's not
yours, everything is alien to you. You need to look for yourself and yours, then you will feel good. And yourself
you will find when a protest arises in your soul: “That’s it, I don’t want to dance to anyone’s tune. I’m an adult, I’m capable of it myself.”
make decisions and be responsible for them. And I know what I'm doing!"

Marushka, age: 29 / 02.12.2012

You have a "high" opinion of yourself. You write practically without errors, so you have no right to call yourself stupid =)
Don't compare yourself to others. I graduated from school with a gold medal, one 4 prevented me from receiving a red diploma,
I'm currently studying in graduate school... But you know, sometimes I also feel stupid and unfulfilled... I understand that
There are people much smarter than me, but realizing this shouldn’t ruin my life. Don't communicate with people who
make you doubt your capabilities. Try to decide what interests you in life, what interests you
It’s interesting to study, for example, maybe you want to learn how to do nail extensions, go and learn, that’s where it’s at
something that even a stupid person can handle. Simply put, don’t beat yourself up, don’t offend yourself and don’t get hung up,
do something, find people with common interests and then everything will be fine.

Goldy, age: 23 / 01/09/2013

I also went to college, but I can’t do more than one test. I hate myself for this, I take it out on my loved ones.

Gala, age: 26 / 01/25/2013

Hello, I have a similar situation. I say that it’s not exactly the same, but similar, because I think that everything is ten times worse for me (I’m a great sinner... to take revenge to an evil person I took off the cross and turned to a black voodoo magician, I deceived God himself... and I do not confess sins, I offended my own mother, who paid for my studies, working 20 hours a day alone, 4 years in three places and for everything and everyone, and I'm only 1 educational institution graduated and not excellent). No one ever believes or trusts me, because I forget about everything within an hour due to a double head injury, and people think that I did it on purpose.

Good evening! You have a very interesting site and exactly what interests me. If you, the author, graduated from a university, then you are not at all stupid, because not everyone graduates from university in our time. People are not smarter than you, perhaps they just have life experience, if they are much older than you and you will gain it over time and everything will be okay. Other people have, according to statistics, no more than an average level of development. For initial socialization in society, a person needs at least a normal family, a job, and then children, when they are ready in all respects and are completely confident in themselves. Laziness is common to all people. Maybe you need some group training or a consultation with the famous psychoanalyst Dr. Kurpatov. You will definitely do something else in life. People may need any of your help. Life in Russia forces you to be more mobile, more active, bolder, although personally I have not yet succeeded in this, since I cannot win in a verbal skirmish, except in some cases. In general, any job actually forces any person to do 50% good and 50% evil, so other people are not very significant either. For example, banks issue a loan that can help someone with treatment, additional payment for last year education of a child somewhere, and puts others deeply into debt for months and years, if the loan is large and with high interest.

Christina, age: 26 / 03/07/2013

You know, I understand you, I thought I was the only one in the world...

Emi, age: 19 / 18.05.2013

By the way, you didn’t make a single mistake in the text, except for the missing letter in the word “educational” (typo), which already speaks of your education. At a time when most scribblers on the Internet make mountains of ASHIBOK, and put 20 commas or zero commas. You are not that simple. You are smart. You have not been appreciated since you were a child. This is where it went wrong. I am sure that you, like me, want to cover everything in knowledge and interests, and therefore have nothing. Go to some events that do not require the exchange of information - exhibitions, museums. Start practicing any art. This will be your topic. Good luck.

Vladislav Kukharchuk, age: 22 / 06/05/2013

By the way, yes, you are very competent. A person who can express his thoughts so clearly and write competently is no longer stupid by default. :)

Tanya Du, age: 19 / 20.06.2013

Since I went through such thoughts about myself, one thing I can say is accept yourself as you are, you have no other choice. The most important thing is to sort yourself out, understand yourself, and don’t worry about what they will think of you and how others will evaluate you. How it says, “You’re not a 5-dollar bill to please everyone.”

Elena, age: 37 / 06/24/2013

Hello)) you are stupid (?), but you are 24 years old, and I am already 35 years old. And today I once again became convinced of my stupidity.. But I am already old and it is a problem to fix anything. Yes, and I’m extremely lazy, there are a lot of excuses to do anything..
But, in my opinion, you have a talent for expressing your thoughts.. Perhaps you are not as stupid as you think, and there is still time to become more proficient (to study), perhaps you will become a good journalist, or you will become a successful writer ..
So all is not lost.. Try it.. maybe it will work..))

Anastasia, age: 35 / 09/05/2013

Yes, yes, yes. I have exactly the same problem as you. My sister is also more loved than me, because she is smarter. She has good grades. And I also thought that the problem was my self-esteem, but no. There’s nothing to talk about with people, I used to think that I just came across people who weren’t particularly talkative, I wasn’t thinking correctly. And I hate myself too. It's a total nightmare with grades. I thought I was the only one.

Musya, age: 17/10/08/2013

The same thing happens to me as to the author. Well, at least I'm not the only one in the world.

Inna, age: 22 / 10/16/2013

Trust me, you are not stupid! I didn’t find a single mistake in your story, either grammatical or punctuation! And I understand this.

Vladimir, age: 13 / 02.11.2013

Read a lot of books

Aigerim, age: 15 / 01/08/2014

I understand you, I have absolutely the same situation.
I don’t agree with those who say that if a person writes without errors, then he cannot be stupid; literacy is not an indicator of intelligence, but compliance with standards. I can write on the Internet without errors, sometimes it’s even good to express my thoughts, but in life I’m so stupid that I can’t carry on a single normal conversation.

Liana, age: 18 / 02/15/2014

For a stupid person you are unusually correct sentences and deep thoughts, beautifully put into words. You have one of two things - either depression or you are scamming us. The third option is that you're just too shy. this can be fixed. I've been working on myself all my life. Although, on the contrary, I consider myself smart, but not able to communicate.

Lada, age: 41 / 03/21/2014

Alexey, if you resign yourself, you won’t achieve anything.

Nyashka, age: 16 / 04/22/2014

It's exactly the opposite, ma'am.
You don’t “don’t love yourself because you’re stupid,” but you consider yourself stupid because you don’t love yourself.
There is an option that you do not love yourself because it seems to you that “no one” loves you. And maybe it’s even a specific “nobody”.
Another possibility is that you haven’t found your topic. It's difficult to communicate with people you don't understand (because you're not interested in their interests). I hope everything has changed for the better in 2 years.

Sergio, age: 43 / 06/08/2014

Good afternoon.
I won't try to convince you that you are smart. You may be dumber than the average person. It's not scary. I'll say something else.
In my concept, there are two types of people. Smart - Stupid and Lazy - Not Lazy. So, being stupid and not lazy is much better than being smart and lazy.
Stupidity is not a sentence. It is simply a state of mind that nature gives you. And this cannot be corrected, no matter how hard you fight.

Dimitriy1861, age: 35 / 07/03/2014

Read books and be a little braver!

Stesha, age: 21 / 07/14/2014

You don't have to worry so much about it. You have already changed something in your concept of life. Appreciate every minute of life. Don't waste your golden time thinking about it. Value your time. After all, no one knows what might happen to us tomorrow. Have as much fun as you like. Rejoice and make your loved ones happy with this.

akilay.lala, age: 16/07/24/2014

Hello, how is it?
Are you still pretending to be stupid?

Anonymous Petrovsky, age: 22 / 12/27/2014

Realizing that you are stupid is the first step to wisdom

Just came to have a look, age: 18 / 03/09/2015

You need to try to do as well as possible what you have to do. This is especially true for those who “don’t strive” (they just “have to”, not “want” to do something). This is a way to become smarter
at least in something. Because you don’t really want to hang around like shit in an ice hole all your life. I am such a person myself. I'm probably dumber than the dumbest people. If only because I stay at the same level for a long time
development. Those who studied with grade 3 are now much more competent in some things than I am.
Whatever field you take, I have superficial knowledge everywhere: politics, culture, geography, medicine, sociology. I, a biologist by training, cannot sit down, get rid of the pens, and, finally,
figure out what mechanisms are responsible for the crap that’s happening to me. Complete despondency (which is a sin if we touch on religion). Of course, laziness is easily explained: we are actively developing
until reproductive age, so that they can care for their future offspring. Further development is no longer so necessary. Therefore, very often people stop developing already at the age of 20. Or
It becomes more difficult for them to develop. But there are people who are not lazy to train their brain. They probably now, instead of writing a sad comment, sit and calmly read
another book, they understand the next field of activity. They know how to be interested. They interest themselves. But I still need to be interested in “someone.” And I’m no longer a schoolgirl, I
I should already be able to do it myself...

Svetlana, age: 22 / 04/24/2015

No, you're not as stupid as I am! I don’t know anything at all and now in one year I want to learn 3 important subjects for me and go to college to become a programmer, even people close to me
They say where did you go, there’s nothing in your stupid head! you don't stand a chance. You graduated from college, but I can’t even get into it; the exam has pretty easy questions, but I can’t even answer such
I don’t know the answers to easy questions. I’m already 21 years old and I only now understood how I should have studied correctly.

Sanya, age: 21 / 04/25/2015

I want to tell you that you are not the only one who suffers from this! I also consider myself stupid and I’m scared, I can’t build a relationship, everything becomes clear on the first date, I always start being stupid and that’s all.
Then I understand where and what was wrong when it’s too late. I withdrew into myself, stopped talking, because I know that again I will say the wrong thing, that people will laugh behind my back, or even in my eyes
and my soul hurts from this, what will happen next is even scary to imagine, I don’t want people to take advantage of my stupidity, I don’t understand why I live at all.

Rita, age: 27/05/30/2015

To some extent, everything you say is an excuse. Yes, you don't deny that you are lazy. But maybe it's not your laziness. The fact is that you yourself do not want to achieve something. If you
If she really wanted to, she could achieve a lot.
I don't think grades are an indicator of intelligence. The education system in Russia, in my opinion, is not the most magnificent.
If you don’t have topics to talk to people and you’re too lazy to develop yourself somehow, then pick up a book. Something very interesting, recognized by many. It doesn't have to be serious
literature. Have you read Harry Potter? If not, then just start, you won’t be able to stop later. Find your favorite genre of literature, read more books, and you will notice that your speech has become
If you really don’t want anything at all, then watch TV series. Only really good ones. And watch in the original voice-over with Russian subtitles. Thus, without doing practically anything, you can
learn a little foreign speech.
I wish you good luck.

Askr, age: 17/06/03/2015

The main thing is to do whatever you want, whatever you like. I myself studied with straight A's, but I had low self-esteem. I transferred twice and was not liked at the new schools. Must have
goal and dream and strive for it.

EeOneGuy, age: 19/12/11/2015

I have the same situation, I’m an introverted fool, I only write one thing correctly, I’m just not sociable... :(even though I’m only 13 years old

Nastya)), age: 13 / 01/02/2016

High five, I'm also a dumbass) everyone calls me that)) my parents remind me every day that I'm not a person and people don't perceive me)))) but I communicate normally with everyone and
when it comes to lessons and everyone in the class sees that I’m stupid, they turn away from me, the attitude changes)) I changed sooo many schools and had no friends anywhere))) I
I'm used to it) just accept it and don't pay attention.

Valya, age: 15 / 01/06/2016

I think that you are not that stupid, because you understand all your disadvantages and shortcomings. If we believe you that you do not have a good mind, then I can only say that you simply don’t get carried away about
To achieve this, look for the positives in yourself and improve them.

Di, age: 20 / 30.01.2016

Just believe in yourself and believe that you can achieve something. Just sit on the couch and say that you can do what you can’t do, and do it. You just have to
Believe in yourself and everything will be as you want.

Korovin Oleg Igorevich, age: -- / 02/01/2016

So I have exactly the same problem as you, author! I constantly feel inferior! Back in school, I realized that I am not very smart! I have always been
responsible student! Almost never missed lessons, always completed homework, and still nothing stuck in my head!(((I don’t know basic
things, and I envy those who can carry on a conversation on intellectual topics! And besides, when I’m excited, my hands and head begin to shake, and are constantly sweaty
palms, I blush for no particular reason, I’m afraid to communicate with new people! All this really interferes with life! Despite the fact that I’m quite pretty in appearance, what’s the point?

Anya, age: 24 / 02/02/2016

Learn to value your life...
Yourself and your family... And everyone in general!
Almost everyone has this problem at your age... Try to have fun. And share it with everyone!)) Good luck))))
I wish you success!!!))))))

psychologist, age: 36 / 04/26/2016

Stop whining and saying that you are stupid! You're not an adult anymore small child. You're just special in a different way
All. Are you offended that no one wants to trust you and blah blah? You know you have a childish character. You are easily offended.
Finally, grow up and understand that how you treat yourself is how they will treat you. You will be treated as
you will allow. Let's say you didn't study well. But perhaps studying was not interesting to you? Maybe you have another one
talent. Tell me what interests you? Maybe you have a dream? You know, my brother tells me that I'm stupid and at the same time
says I'm smart. Why? Yes, because I make a lot of madness and mistakes - this is my stupidity. And the mind is what I don’t allow
no one should humiliate me. Don't ever let anyone say that either. Don't tell tales that this is your opinion. Maybe
Someone already told you that or you made some mistake that you regret. A person learns from his mistakes. Not
look back to the past. First of all, love yourself. Let's start life with clean slate. If you haven't done anything worthwhile
do it. Everything starts small. Believe in yourself! If you continue like this it will end badly. It's not too late yet.
You're probably lonely, that's why you write like that. Make yourself a lot of friends. And yes, if you want to do something worthwhile, start
help people, old pensioners, children from orphanage. Not only the rich, but also the most ordinary people can help. Create
good and this will be the most huge worthwhile thing.

Tina, age: 14 / 04/27/2016

Oh, how these phrases irritate me: “most of them got good grades without stress.”
Do you seriously think that those classmates of yours who brought home A’s and B’s didn’t do anything for it? Did someone put knowledge into their heads by opening their skull?
And at the institute, people who wrote coursework on their own, for example, did it once or twice?
Some kind of nonsense. All this is hard work, almost every day. They had to work hard and use their brains, and they wouldn’t complain now. If you don’t think, don’t do something, your brain will turn sour. And nothing
something new will not appear in them until you personally introduce this new thing there. Read, listen, watch - it's up to you. But you will have to do this, and not wait for knowledge to come on its own, like that
the majority, who supposedly get everything without stress.

Anastasia, age: 23 / 07/27/2016

I understand you very much, it’s not for nothing that I came across this topic. My situation is similar and a little strange, I was always a smart girl at school, smart, understanding and reasoning very differently
childishly My grammar is fine, but lately I’ve realized that I’m starting to get dumber. And the look is already kind of stupid (there is a dull look, when there is emptiness in the eyes, I have it like this. Myself
I look in the mirror and realize that I’m dumb. It’s painful to realize that everything seems to be fine, inside you understand everything more or less, but you feel that you are unable and cannot understand many things
express your thoughts correctly, so that even those around you consider you a stupid girl. But if you're reading this right now, or anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation, I have a primitive
advice, you need to read a lot, communicate a lot with people, that is, talk, and follow the conversation so that there is no water, and if not with anyone, then with yourself, if everything is so sad. Can
learn sarcasm. this helps. no matter how strange it may sound. and generally forget what Instagram is and watching stupid videos and public pages on VK. they greatly limit thinking and promote
degradation. And of course, sports, it really helps to organize thoughts. You can start a diary and write every day how you felt, how your day went, or at least try.

As, age: 24/09/29/2016

Come on! You are too critical! A really stupid person will never ask such a question)) believe me)) and as for grades at university, this is not an indicator.

Ahh, age: 19 / 09.12.2016

I won’t make idiotic assumptions, for example: “Are you depressed?” “Are you feeling bad?” “You’re just screwing yourself up!” I’m not a psychologist from Malibu :) And you don’t know me at all (just like I don’t know you ).Sorry if my writing is useless but I really want to at least
help a little. Similar feelings depress me now. Right at this moment. It seems to me that your opinion of yourself within the framework of the word “stupid” has no meaning. It hurts and unpleasantly sometimes brings you to tears. Less oppression. It sounds stupid, but take a broader look. Why creatures
who think you are stupid have the right to be called “smart people”? Even if they are right, then what is the point. Look around. You are surrounded by the same social framework and conditions as others. I think there has already been advice on drugs for mental activity. I'm
I’ll just say that even in the dumbest thoughts there is something important) “The Earth is round” used to be a dumb thought too. We all have different frames. The main thing you must understand for yourself.

Kanra, age: 100 / 01/08/2017

If you understand that you are stupid, then you are not so stupid anymore.

Someone, age: 21 / 02/17/2017

A girl makes only one decision in life - chooses her man! And then he decides everything! The main thing is to smile and be beautiful! And let your man decide the rest.
A girl should remain a girl! Weak and defenseless, gentle and caring.
Grades don't decide anything in life!!!
IN modern life those who were nerds at school work for poor students!!!
Be yourself, and don't adapt to someone else, just to please someone!
Everything will work out for you!

Now higher education has become almost mandatory. Your parents insist that you must enroll and definitely graduate from university, otherwise... you will either get it or you won’t get a normal job, what they say depends on your parents, but the point is the same: you have to study. What do you do if you're a slow learner or dumb? You figured this out a long time ago at school / understood and resigned yourself / resigned yourself to it. Now I will tell you what awaits you if you are able to enter the university.

So you somehow managed to write off the Unified State Exam or somehow managed to pass it successfully. You are enrolled in a university for a specialty that you passed based on the scores, it doesn’t matter which one, the main thing is that you are at the university and halfway to your goal.

And then the session sneaked up unnoticed... Don’t be offended, I’m telling it like it is, and you yourself understand it internally, but you will have three options to pass the exams successfully:

  1. deception
  2. bribe
  3. humiliation.
Well, or a mix of these options, for example, 1 + 3...

I'll tell you clearly with examples.

Here he sits, I explain, he looks incomprehensibly, not even incomprehensibly, just without emotions, I realize that NOTHING is getting through, and will NEVER get through, as if I were speaking into emptiness, for him it was a set of sounds, but he saw that what They told me something, but in his head there is nothing to hold on to this information at all, there is no other similar information there, analysis and assimilation of information cannot be carried out there.
You don’t even get angry at him, you just accept it as it is, the person is like this: he can’t, there are really a couple of convolutions there, only enough for everyday moments.

He didn’t miss a single date of mine for no good reason, he wrote everything down, was polite, and in general he was very neat and well dressed in appearance. There is nothing to dig under. He even took paid courses on English language at our university. He seemed to do everything. Everything to pass the test successfully, realizing that he is stupid.
He, of course, knew that he was stupid, he accepted it, he mastered the so-called algorithm correct behavior student and fulfilled all the points.

Let's return to paid English courses. There he also created something of a sensation. It is clear that those who signed up for the courses were not people who were fluent in the language, but people like him who knew nothing. But, as his teacher told me, later making a request when she explained new topic, everyone understood, but he didn’t, not the first time, nor the fifth or tenth time. He approached her after classes, and she tried in vain to convey information to him. Then he tortured her so much that she begged me to give him a test, just so that he would not come to her anymore. NEVER.

Once his classmates asked me in his absence why I gave him the same grades as some others, because his level of knowledge was clearly lower. And why does he pass exams well in other subjects too, despite the fact that he is stupid. (I can’t vouch for other items, but I know for myself that he didn’t bribe me, neither candy, bouquets, nor money.) They puzzled me with this question.
I began to babble something about comparing his current knowledge with his past and, based on progress, giving him an assessment, but, to tell the truth, there can be no talk of any progress, the person has not learned anything.
I don't know why I gave him B's. It seems to me that she also wanted to get rid of him as quickly as possible, but there was nothing to dig into to give a C, he was doing everything, but he could not master the knowledge during training.
Needless to say, he passed my English exam well; I don’t know how it happened. He somehow managed to complete all the tasks, I couldn’t find fault with anything again, and asking additional questions would be like hitting a mosquito and killing you right away, but I’m not a killer, right?!
Think about how this boy felt, realizing that he was stupid as a plug? Do you want to be in his place and feel the same?

Another example is about a girl.
No information reached the girl, just like the previous boy. She never understood anything, not even the most basic things.
And then, one day, I was happy, she began to do the exercises correctly, I think, well, finally, she understood! I was so happy in my heart)
But it turned out that she simply got the answers to the exercises from the textbook... and was pleased with her “knowledge.”
When I gave the quiz, she, of course, could not give the correct answers, at first, but then she suggested and predicted what some might be the following questions, found the answers to them using the Internet on my mobile phone and “flashed” the correct answers. Her classmates were surprised, she said that she KNEW the answer to this question! Smiling sweetly, without a twinge of conscience, but on the contrary, pleased with her behavior.
In general, she is always so polite, attentive, always tries to please, and it is written on her face: “I’m so good girl“, and it is written so clearly that it can be read unmistakably, as if all this could replace her inability to understand anything and master the subject. I don’t really care whether she’s good or not, the main thing is that she doesn’t behave disrespectfully; completely neutral, businesslike behavior would suit me perfectly.
This girl survives at the university thanks to her immense cunning and a conscience forgotten somewhere, I wonder how she really feels about this?

I have long noticed that a person’s level of intelligence and how often he resorts to lies and deception are interconnected.An intelligent person who is confident in his knowledge may not use any tricks; even without them, he will easily pass the exam with good grades, thanks only to his knowledge.
If a student “can’t handle” the subjects at the university he is studying at, he will have to cheat and dodge constantly: cheat, look for answers to a test, figure out how to appease the teacher, etc.
And to the question: “How to pass the test if you are stupid?”, I will answer this way: “You need to be very cunning, forget about your conscience, and also thick-skinned: not to notice your feelings or the views of others.”
Think about it, do you really need to live up to your parents' expectations? Let me remind you that they are the ones who demand that you receive a higher education.
I used to have a negative attitude towards those who quit studying and never finished university, but now I think differently. If this is not the case when a person is lazy, and they simply could not “motivate” him, they did not give him a good kick, but when a person, who is really stupid and understands this, realizes that he cannot master the university program and quits.
I shake hands with the brave, those who assess their capabilities sensibly, make their choice in accordance with them, act as they think, and not another, even a close person.
There are job specialties for guys, and in the field of fashion and beauty for girls. Why not become a hairdresser, makeup artist or salesperson? You get no less tired when shuffling papers in the office and having a university degree than when doing makeup and cutting people’s hair. And the salary may be the same or more, but you won’t feel stupid either during training or at work.

Do you want to know why university teachers humiliate students and find fault?