The scene for the New Year's holiday is short. Funny and interesting scenes for the New Year

New Year's concert script

"Travelling the World with Baba Yaga"

Leading : The holiday has arrived!

New Year has come to our school!

Presenter : Congratulations, friends!

We can't get bored!

Leading : New Year is a magical holiday!

There is a leapfrog of smiles in it,

It contains surprises, games, jokes,

Fairy tale, fiction, game.

So let's have fun

I'm going through troubles in spite of everyone,

So that from joyful smiles

Weave a festive carpet.


Hello, Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.


Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.


It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe me? I am sure that you will be able to verify this if you become a participant in our New Year's party.

Presenter . The floor is given to the director of our school, Margarita Mikhailovna Ivanova.

(The sound of a falling plane and a crash is heard.)

Presenter . Oh, what is this? What's happening?

Leading . Did the plane crash?

(A lame Baba Yaga comes onto the stage. The presenters look at her silently. Baba Yaga addresses the presenters).

Baba Yaga . Well, why are you staring?

Leading . Excuse me, who? What are you doing here?

Presenter . We're actually having a holiday.

Baba Yaga . It's great that it's a holiday. I came for the holiday.

Leading . Well, then come into the hall, sit down in a chair and don’t disturb us.

Baba Yaga . Listen, why are you so impolite? Don't you read fairy tales? Don't know who I am?

Leading . Listen, grandma, I’ve grown out of fairy tales a long time ago. But I kindly ask you, go into the hall and don’t interfere with us leading the celebration.

Presenter . Listen, this is Baba Yaga, if I'm not mistaken.

Baba Yaga . You're not mistaken, granddaughter. Perhaps you read fairy tales?

Presenter . Sometimes I read to my younger brother.

Leading . Well, well, well, what kind of talk on stage. People are looking at us. And we have already started the holiday. What a mess!

Presenter . Wait, don't swear. Baba Yaga herself flew to us.

Leading .What? What kind of Baba Yaga?

Presenter . Well, think for yourself New Year is just around the corner, and miracles happen on New Year's Eve.

Leading . Ha! They invited some woman, dressed her in a Baba Yaga costume and laughed at me.

Baba Yaga . Well, so what, you don’t believe that I’m a real Baba Yaga?

Leading . No, you're really laughing at me. That's it, the holiday is ruined!

Baba Yaga . The holiday is just beginning! And now the real fun begins! Relax, young people, Grandmother Yaga will rule! Well, raise your hands, those who love to travel. Oh, how many of you there are! Well, now we are going on a trip around the world.

Presenter . How will we go? By magic?

Baba Yaga . Certainly. I stole a globe from a school principal. Listen, such a thing! Well, where are we going?

Presenter . Oh, is it possible to go to the East?

Baba Yaga . Let's go east! (twists the globe and points his finger at it)

(Sound magic wand)

(Music sounds, the lights go out, oriental beauties come out and dance).

Baba Yaga . So how did you like it?

Presenter. Certainly.

Baba Yaga . Well, did you believe that I was a real Baba Yaga?

(The presenter silently waves his hand)

Baba Yaga . Well, what are we going to do next?

(Twists the globe Sound of a magic wand)

Presenter. So where are we?

Presenter . Now let's ask someone.

(a man comes out)

Baba Yaga . Oh, dear man, tell me, what country are we in?

Englishman . In England. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I need to rehearse a play with the children for the New Year.

Presenter . The performance is great.

Englishman . Yes, we have such a tradition: to show performances with children for the New Year. (leaves)

Baba Yaga . Rehearsal! What an important one. But we can do it without rehearsal. Come on out here 7 people.

Once upon a time there lived a kitten. One day he decided to go for a walk. The breeze blew and brought a piece of paper with it. The kitten saw the piece of paper and chased after it. He caught it and played with it a little. Then his attention was attracted by a butterfly that landed on a flower. The kitten jumped and did not catch the butterfly. She took off and flew away. The kitten sat down and began to lick its fur. Suddenly a fat bumblebee landed on the flower. He began to collect nectar from the flower. The kitten slowly crept up to the flower and jumped on the bumblebee. Out of fright, the bumblebee stung the kitten on the nose and flew away. The kitten jumped away from the flower and began to rub its stung nose with its paw. He was about to cry, when at that time a cat came out onto the porch - the kitten’s mother and called him to drink delicious milk.

Baba Yaga . Oh artists, well done.

Leading . Well, grandma, let's move on.

Baba Yaga . What did you like, dear?

Leading . Well, of course! When else can you visit for free?

Baba Yaga . Oh, how mercantile. Okay, go ahead, spin the globe.

(sound of a magic wand)

Leading . Country Romania.

Presenter. Romanians are a very spiritual and deep people, and also very ambitious and free. According to them, before the start of the new year, the heavens open for a moment and you can make your wish. cherished wish. If you believe in it, it will definitely come true.

(Song in Romanian)

Baba Yaga . Oh, what a fun song!

Presenter . Well, let's go next? Who spins the globe?

Baba Yaga . Let's ask the owner of the globe to come out and spin it once. Ask.

(There is a roar of falling furniture. A box flies).

Presenter. Oh, what is this?!

Leading , bowing his head. Why do furniture and various things fall from the sky?

An Italian comes out.

Baba Yaga . Hello, dear man. Listen, what's going on? And where are we?

Italian . We are located in Italy. It is customary here to throw all old things out of the windows before the New Year. Such a sign. If you throw away the old one, then you buy a new one.

Presenter. Logical!

(The Italian leaves).

Baba Yaga . Let's also throw something, otherwise I want to play something prankish! Well, come out here, 4 people: 2 students and 2 teachers.

Presenter . Divide into two teams. Here's a ball for each team. Two people stand opposite each other. One holds a ring in his hands, the second tries to throw a ball into this ring. Whichever team throws the most balls into the ring will win (for a time).

Baba Yaga . Well done, here are some gifts for you.

(The presenter hands out prizes).

Baba Yaga . Well, let's continue our journey. (Spins the globe)

(sound of a magic wand) Country India.

Presenter . In southern India, mothers place sweets, flowers, small gifts on a special tray. On New Year's morning, children must wait with their eyes closed until they are led to the tray.

Baba Yaga . Oh, we'll play now.

(Bowls are distributed to two participants of each team: one is empty, the other is filled ( Christmas tree decoration, tangerine, orange). The rest are given spoons. Participants must, using a spoon and without using their hands, take turns transferring all the objects from one bowl to another).

Prizes for the winners.

Leading . Here we are all different countries, yes, by country, but our traditions are Russian, does anyone remember? Who even came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year?

Baba Yaga . Wait, honey, let's ask the guys this.

Baba Yaga (goes down into the hall with a microphone). Well, who will answer my question? Who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year from December 31 to January 1? (Peter 1)


Who came up with the idea of ​​decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Peter 1)

From what country did he take this example? (from Germany)

How did people used to decorate the Christmas tree? (nuts, candies, tangerines, apples)

Who is everyone looking forward to for the new year? (Santa Claus)

Leading (addressing the presenter) By the way, where is our Santa Claus? He's running late for some reason. I don't like this.

(At this time Baba Yaga returns to the stage).

Baba Yaga . Santa Claus, you say. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to call him, he doesn’t obey me. But you can do it differently. Tell me, what does Santa Claus like? (songs, dances, laughter, smiles)

Baba Yaga . In short, he loves fun. Well, let's have fun.

Presenter. And our vocal group will help us with this.

(The choir comes on stage with the song Russian Santa Claus). In the middle of the song, Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost . Hello, dear children and adults! I am very glad to be your guest! You are all so beautiful and elegant. Happy New Year!

Baba Yaga . Hello, Santa Claus.

Father Frost (turns to Baba Yaga). Oh, Baba Yaga, you are here too. What destinies?

Baba Yaga . Well, I decided to come visit for the holiday, otherwise it’s boring in the forest alone.

Father Frost . Perhaps you are plotting all sorts of intrigues again?

Baba Yaga . What are you, what are you. The children invited me and I came modestly.

Leading . Yes, I came modestly...

Presenter (pushes the presenter in the side). Absolutely right! We invited Babushka Yaga to our holiday. She made us laugh and entertained us. And now our guys want to congratulate you Grandfather Frost and you Babushka Yaga on the holiday. Have a seat.

Leading. During the New Year celebrations in Peter's Russia, colorful fireworks were displayed and all cannons were fired mercilessly.

Presenter. Another integral feature of Peter's New Year's celebrations were assemblies - it was under Peter that these famous pleasure meetings and balls began to be organized.

Leading. And, despite the fact that at the beginning of the 18th century some had to be literally driven with sticks into the festive fun, today no one is forcing them to enjoy this holiday - everyone is looking forward to it themselves!


The forest and field are white, white meadows.

By the aspens snow-covered branches like horns.

The waters of the rivers slumber under the strong ice.

The snow lay on the roofs in white drifts.

In the sky, bright stars dance in a circle.

The Old Year says goodbye - the New Year enters.

Leading . A school vocal group is invited to the stage.

(Song “New Year's mood today)


What glorious days!

Come on, kids, take your skates

Hurry to the skating rink!

Hurry up too, my friend.

Here we are playing by the Christmas tree,

We're rolling down the hill in a crowd.

We all have fun to the point of tears

And Santa Claus is not scary.

Kids love winter:

What a wonderful time!

Leading . Students of grade 2b are invited to the stage.

(Dance “Funny Skates”)


With a heart full of expectations,

Let's celebrate this New Year.

Many bright wishes

He will collect it under the tree.

Only joyful time

What fate has in store for us,

To make a burden into a fairy tale,

May miracles happen!

(Song “Song Like a Bird”)


Looking back, leaving behind

We'll wave goodbye.

Let him go Old year, let him be no more,

He fulfilled almost all wishes.

Well, what did the Old Year not manage to realize?

He instructed someone else to complete it.

The New Year picked up the baton on the way,

Walking briskly towards our house.


Everyone is hoping for a miracle,

When the New Year comes.

And let, as on a luxurious platter,

The coming year will bring you:

Health, joy and luck,

More bright, bright days,

Kindness, warmth, love in addition, -

After all, happiness is based on it.

The coming year will fulfill

May all your aspirations and dreams

And fill your heart with joy,

Will give peace, light, kindness!

Father Frost

There is an amazing winter quirk:

Young and old always celebrate the New Year,

Without admitting it, they believe that it is a miracle

Santa Claus will certainly bring it to them.

So let your cherished wishes come true,

And exactly at midnight a miracle will enter every home,

May all your hopes and dreams

Fate will fulfill this new year.

We offer an option for a children's New Year's party with Father Frost and Snow Maiden, the program includes riddles, active competitions, songs and dance entertainment.

New Year's holiday scenario for children of different ages- universal, exciting and very fun, it is easy to organize and conduct in any group, especially since musical accompaniment is included (thanks to the author!)

New Year's holiday scenario

To the soundtrack, the Snow Maiden enters the hall, examines the beautiful Christmas tree, the bright hall and draws attention to the children.

Snow Maiden:


Happy holiday, my little friends!

You recognized me? Remember who I am?

Children (in unison): Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: That's right, Snow Maiden!

And once I came to the kids,

So, the holiday is in the yard!

Everyone is celebrating the New Year,

They lead a round dance together,

Everyone is waiting for gifts and miracles.

Well, today it will be!

Children's New Year's noise maker "So as not to freeze..."

Let's plunge into a New Year's fairy tale now,

But first, let's make some noise and warm up!

So that we don’t freeze in the bitter frost -

Let's quickly hold our noses with our hands! (Snow Maiden shows)

So that there is no hassle with doctors -

Rub your frozen cheeks like this! (shows)

To keep your hands from freezing, clap! (claps his hands)

Now let's warm our feet and stomp (shows)

And let's tickle the neighbor a little (Snow Maiden affectionately tickles several guys)

And, of course, we’ll laugh together together! (ha ha ha)

Now that you've warmed up, I have a question:

Who will add fun to everyone?

Children (in unison): Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: Yes, we really need Santa Claus,

Let's call him all together, in unison: “Grandfather Frost!”

Children (in unison): Santa Claus!

(to download - click file)

Father Frost himself comes out to the song “Well, of course, Father Frost.” He greets everyone, examines the tree, throws snow, throws streamers, claps a cracker, etc. (Then the Snow Maiden and Father Frost conduct the program together)

Father Frost: I’m glad to see my grandchildren again,

After all, this is not the first time we are celebrating the New Year,

And when they meet, what do they say to a friend?

A nice, simple word “hello”!

Guys, where is my fidget Snow Maiden? Here she was, guess what!?

(Snow Maiden hides behind Santa Claus and says now from the left, now from the right: “I’m here”).

Father Frost: Oh, the Snow Maiden is a mischief-maker, has she been naughty? Enough!

All the guys in the hall are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

Although, probably, the girls and boys here

The same as you, pranksters and naughty girls?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, is this how they start the holiday? The guys haven’t seen you for a whole year, they were waiting for a meeting, and you tell them from the door that they, most likely, are behaving somehow wrong...

Father Frost: Yes, I kindly scolded only a little, well, okay, I’ll ask them themselves. The kids are wonderful, you must be terrible naughty girls?

(to download - click file)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, everyone knows that you are a good wizard.

Father Frost: Yes. And I’ll tell you honestly: doing good miracles and performing all sorts of transformations is so interesting.

Snow Maiden: But is it so complicated - magic?

Father Frost: Nothing like this. Let's try to turn into an animal or a bird.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how about it, grandpa?

Father Frost: Very simple. Only the guys need to be more careful. I will say the magic words, i.e. sing a song, and you guys, following the Snow Maiden and me, will repeat the magical movements. And so you will turn into an animal or a bird. It's clear?

Active game "Transformation No. 1 - Zoo"

(the youngest children are selected. They walk in a circle one after another and repeat the movements after D.M. and Snegurka to the tune of the song “about the grasshopper”)

(to download - click file)

Here in the snowy winter, through the thicket of the forest, through the thicket of the forest, a gray ...wolf

Imagine, imagine a forest thicket

Imagine, imagine a gray wolf sneaking

In Australia, far away, on a low hill, on a low hill, he jumps like that... kangaroo

Imagine, imagine - on a low hill

Imagine, imagine - this is how a kangaroo gallops

Under the gray foam, under the blue water, under the blue water, so he floats ... dolphin

Imagine, imagine - under blue water

Imagine, imagine - this is how a dolphin swims

From the balcony to the gazebo, and from the lantern to the branch, and from the lantern to the branch it flies ...sparrow

Imagine, imagine - and from the lantern to the branch

Imagine, imagine - a sparrow is flying

Dancing by the den and not sparing his feet And without sparing his feet he stomps ... bear

Imagine, imagine - and without sparing your legs

Imagine, imagine - this is how a bear stomps

Father Frost: Now we can do some more complicated magic.

(other participants are selected from the kids)

Active game "Transformation No. 2 - Orchestra"

(a song is sung, and the children, together with D.M. and Snow Maiden, pretend to play musical instruments- trumpet, violin and drum).

(to download - click file)

Father Frost: Also, in order for a wizard to perform all sorts of transformations, you need to be a little imaginative.

Snow Maiden: Why, grandfather, will they still start teasing - “I imagined I had my tail between my legs”?

Father Frost: I'm talking about those people who can imagine, i.e. imagine anything. Listen to my story and imagine. But first we need to choose our assistants - 7 people. and additionally 4-6 people. for the role of snowflakes.

(preferably, adult spectators are selected for the roles of: Bee, Winnie the Pooh, the wolf and the hare, Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile, Leopold the Cat and snowflakes. All characters wear masked hats and each comes out to their own soundtrack, instead of a barrel of honey there is a balloon ).

Children's New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "Imagining"

Once upon a time there lived a Snow Maiden. And she went to celebrate the New Year. The weather was wonderful. Light snowflakes swirled in the air. And then the Snow Maiden hears a buzzing sound. “It’s probably someone flying,” thought the Snow Maiden. Indeed, this is a bee named Maya flying and holding a barrel of honey in her paws. A bee flies up to the Snow Maiden, gives her a barrel of honey and says: “Treat your friends, Snow Maiden.” And she flew away. As soon as she flew away, the Snow Maiden heard someone waddle and stomp and grunt: “Uh, uh, uh.” And this is Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh approached the Snow Maiden and said: “Treat me with honey, Snow Maiden.” As soon as he said this, suddenly a hare runs, followed by a hooligan wolf and shouts: “Well, hare, wait!” A hare and a wolf ran up, they also wanted honey. And then the sound of wheels - thumping. A blue carriage rolls along, and on it... Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena, and they say: “Leave us some honey too.” Then there was a noise and uproar, everyone was shouting: “Me, me, me.” The Snow Maiden was so confused that she almost dropped the barrel of honey from her hands. It’s good that at that time a kind cat came up in slippers and with a bow around his neck and said: “Guys, let’s live together!” And then divide the honey equally among everyone. The animals ate sweet honey and clapped their hands with joy. Like this!

Dance under the sash

Father Frost: Yes, I thought you were noble, I want to see what kind of dancers you are.

(Guys come out) A dance is announced under my sash. You need to walk back and forth under the sash to the music, dancing. The sash will gradually fall lower and lower, but you cannot touch it.

(Participants for the dance competition or everyone, as well as adult assistants who will hold the sash, are selected. The originality of the dance is assessed).

Father Frost: What a beautiful Christmas tree you have. It is immediately obvious that they were preparing for the New Year. Did you decorate the Christmas tree yourself? Do you know what to dress up with? I'll check it now. I will offer different decorations, and you use your imagination, but be careful, tell me back, if they decorate the Christmas tree with this, then “yes”, and if they don’t, then “no”

We all know exactly how we should decorate the Christmas tree.

And what is possible and what is not - we’ll immediately guess:

Balls, beads and toys? (Yes)

Pies, compote and sushi? (No)

Serpentine and tinsel? (Yes)

Skates, skis and a game? (No)

A multi-colored garland? (Yes)

And the snowflakes are light? (Yes)

Snow Maiden: And now Grandfather Frost will sing a song about a Christmas tree, but I need your help. You need to sing the following words in the chorus: “I like, I like the Christmas tree - it’s beautiful!” Let's rehearse.

(everyone sings at the given tempo)

Song "Christmas tree - beauty"

(recorded version with Santa Claus’s vocals and a playback for the chorus with the children)


In the center of the hall a beauty just grew amazingly

Well, tell me guys, do you like the Christmas tree? - 2 times

Chorus (all together):

Like, like the Christmas tree - beautiful - 2 times

There is so much colorful tinsel on its shaggy branches

Carved bell, multi-colored balls - 2 times

Chorus .

IN warm hall the snow doesn't melt, that's what happens on New Year's Day

And the guys in the hall near the Christmas tree lead a round dance - 2 times

Father Frost : We will continue the holiday, we will play with you. And for this you need to create two teams - the team of D.M. and the Snow Maiden team of 10 people each. in each and two adults in each team for backup.

Mid-autumn is the time to start thinking about the long-awaited and beloved holiday, the New Year. what is there to think? – many students will ask. We'll have a great disco! But it’s not that simple, the teachers won’t agree to this, and you yourself won’t be interested in what you’ll remember later? New funny skits for the New Year 2017 for schoolchildren are interesting mini-performances that can be staged at your New Year's party at school. Skits for high school students from grades 7-11. With their help, you will make teachers, parents laugh and have fun yourself.

Scene - Santa Claus gives gifts.
On stage, a boy is decorating a Christmas tree and then Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost:
Hello Stepan!

Stepan turns around and sees Santa Claus.

Hello Santa Claus!

Father Frost:
What are you doing?

I'm decorating the Christmas tree!

Santa Claus looks at his watch and looks at the calendar.

Father Frost:
It's a little late for you to dress her up. After all, the new year is in a couple of minutes! I guess I realized that I won’t come if the Christmas tree isn’t decorated?!

No, I was just busy and had no time to decorate the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:
What have you been up to?

Yes, I did the homework that was assigned for the New Year holidays.

Father Frost:
Did you do your homework? Eh, very interesting! Tell me, Stepan, do you talk in class?

No, I sit quietly and study.

Father Frost:
Amazing! Stepan, do you cheat in class?

No, I told you so. I sit quietly and study.

Father Frost:
Interesting - do you run around school during breaks?

Of course not, at this time I'm preparing for another lesson!

Father Frost:
I've never seen anything like this before! Okay, now I’ll give you your gift, just tell me - what if you have at least one flaw?

There is one tiny one - I lie a lot!

Santa Claus makes a puzzled face and sits down on the field in surprise. A curtain.

A skit is a game with guests.

The next scene takes place with the guests. You need to recruit two teams of 2-5 people each. When the teams are assembled, the skit can begin.
It takes place on a question-answer basis. You ask the teams a question, they think for 10-20 seconds and say the answer.
The questions are simple and New Year's. Each of us sent New Year's congratulatory telegram, and everyone signed it. And our competition is like this: the telegrams have already arrived, but there is no signature on them. Therefore, the presenter reads out the text of the telegram, and the teams must answer who the telegram is from.
Here are the texts of New Year's telegrams:

Scene - letters to Santa Claus.
When we were little, every year we wrote a letter to Santa Claus. We wrote how well we behaved. And what gift do we want to receive? Now we have grown up, but we still write letters to Santa Claus. Only our requests became a little different.
Let's see what adult children ask in their letters to Santa Claus.

This scene can be played out in different ways. For example, gnomes or snowmen (Santa Claus's assistants) sort out New Year's mail and read the letters out loud. Or you can do this: students stand on the stage and take turns reading letters, it turns out to be a small stand up. Choose any option and act!

1. A little boy Artyom asked Santa Claus to send him a little sister so that he wouldn’t get bored playing alone. To which Santa Claus asked to send him mom’s address and dad’s work schedule...
2. The girl Alena, who is 17 years old, writes to Santa Claus: good Grandfather Frost! I know that you fulfill all desires. I beg you, send me a new guy. And take my ex to you... in a reindeer team!
3. The next letter was sent by the boy Dima. Who is 7 years old. Dima writes: Santa Claus! My mom and dad force me to go to different sections and do different activities. They say this will help me in the future when I go to work. Santa Claus, please write to me where you studied. I also want to learn to become Santa Claus and work in 364 days...
4. And this is a letter from Nikita, who writes every year: Grandfather Frost! I turned 12 years old and I finally learned English language. Now I spelled the word Porsche correctly, I’m waiting for a gift under the window!
5. And here is a letter from Elena, who complains a little: Santa Claus! Last year you got everything mixed up! I wanted a fat wad of money, and a thin figure! This year, I ask you to be more careful!
6. And here is a request from Alina. Who is 4 years old: Santa Claus! Just don't tell anyone, but my dad is afraid of you. Every time you come, dad disappears! And as soon as Santa Claus leaves, dad immediately appears! Make sure you meet and talk. Tell dad you're kind!