Rose sterling hybrid tea. Hybrid tea roses: description, planting and care. Polyanthus and miniature roses

Rose Sterling Silver has lilac color. The height of the bush is usually about 100-125 cm. The width is about 80 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Disease resistance of Sterling Silver rose: requires constant prevention.

Description: Sterling Silver roses

It was the first lavender-lilac rose to become popular, especially in the United States, although not everyone likes its color. Flowers with a very sweet aroma usually appear one at a time on long shoots, with good care one of the most beautiful roses. However, Sterling Silver is not an easy rose to grow. It does not bloom too profusely, the bush is weak, and susceptible powdery mildew and black spotting. Grows better in warm climates because... there it grows a branched structure faster, due to which it blooms more profusely, especially with fertilizing and disease prevention. (ARE)The variety was one of the first silver-lilac roses. The coloring is very beautiful, different from other varieties, and the flowers are very beautiful shape. They are goblet-shaped, cup-shaped, with a rich aroma that persists throughout flowering, usually appearing in small clusters. Unfortunately, few flowers appear and re-blooming will have to wait. The foliage is shiny, large, and disease resistant. The bush is low and erect. The color has much more blue tones than other lilac roses. (BPR)

October 24, 2012

Each garden group of roses has its own specific pruning rules, but there are also common rules for all groups.

First, about the general rules.

To ensure a smooth cut, trim with sharp pruning shears or a garden knife. After pruning, the top, most developed bud is usually touched, so the shape of the bush depends on which bud the cut is made over. To prevent the bush from thickening, make the cut above the outer bud of the shoot diagonally at a height of 5 mm from it, with the expectation that the new shoot growing from this bud will tend to the peripheral part of the bush.

The length of the shoots often depends on which bud they develop from. The longest shoots grow from buds in the underground, ground and middle parts of the bush, and the higher the bud is on the shoot, the shorter the shoot grows from it.

In areas where roses overwinter without shelter, gardeners often leave the shoots long, as a result of which perennial shoots become bare below and produce thin branches with small flowers. Thus, the height of the bush remains the same, but appearance loses a lot.

Hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea roses They bloom almost all summer, forming flowers on annual shoots, so it is important to stimulate the growth of young shoots from the base of the bush and strengthen the root system. To do this, in the spring, in the first year after planting, cut hybrid tea roses at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil surface; in subsequent years, shorten strong shoots to 4-6 buds, weaker shoots to 2-4 buds. Remove old shoots (2-3 stems per year). Make a small allowance for growth vigor: vigorous varieties ( Gloria Day, Red Queen, Dolce Vita, President Herbert Hoover ) shorten by no more than half, since heavy pruning leads to the formation of blind (non-flowering) shoots, and cut back weak-growing varieties more strongly - by two-thirds or more.

Floribunda roses

It can be difficult to ensure abundant flowering of this group. Heavy (short) pruning exhausts roses, causing them to bloom late. With light pruning, flowering occurs early, but the bushes turn out elongated with thin growths. After moderate pruning to 4-6 buds, the shoots develop well, but do not always produce continuous flowering. Therefore, the most optimal for the floribunda group would be combined pruning: in the first year after planting, prune the roses heavily, leaving 3-4 buds per shoot; in the second year, shorten annual shoots by a third, and trim the remaining side branches to 2-3 buds. In subsequent years, cut strong annual shoots by a third, biennial shoots by 3-5 buds. If the bush is thickened, cut out some old shoots entirely.

climbing roses

Prune climbing roses after they bloom in late summer or fall. In the spring, remove only frozen, diseased, broken shoots; you can cut out old ones (over 6 years old) and completely remove the shoots growing below the grafting site. Tie annual shoots to a support, preferably horizontally, then a more flowers. After flowering, shorten the young ones. side shoots up to 4-5 buds.

The simplest pruning is carried out on frost-resistant park roses and rose hips. In the spring, remove dead old and damaged parts and some shoots that thicken the bush. There is no need to shorten the shoots.

Polyanthus and miniature roses

Polyanthaceae and miniature roses should be low and bloom well, so many flowering shoots are their advantage. In the first year after planting, shorten strong shoots by a third, cut weak shoots into rings. In subsequent years, cut out all the old, weak and sick. Shoots should not be shortened greatly, so as not to impair flowering, and shoots that have overwintered well do not need to be cut off at all. If you want to get large flowers, then trim the shoots above the largest buds located in the middle parts of the shoots.

Ground cover roses

It is enough to shorten them once every 3-5 years to 20-30 cm. In this case, there is no need to cut off the shoots one by one. These roses tolerate radical pruning very well with garden scissors - very sharp (to cut rather than crush the wood) and clean, then the wounds will heal quickly.

The project thanks magazine "Gardens of Russia" for the provided article.

Growing hybrid tea roses

The queens of the garden are hybrid tea roses. Bred in 1867 by French breeder Jean-Baptiste Guillot, today they number 10,000 varieties. Refers to bright flowering plants requiring careful care and attention.

Description of hybrid tea roses

The species combines the characteristics of a tea rose and a remontant rose. Blooms continuously all summer, forming lush bush. Flower buds form on young annual shoots.

Source: Depositphotos

Hybrid tea roses with graduated flower colors are especially popular among gardeners

From tea species the plant received an elegant flower shape, tea aroma, ability to bloom all summer. From remontant species it inherited disease resistance, winter hardiness and wood strength.

Botanical description of hybrid tea roses:

  • shrub 30–90 cm high;
  • leaves are dense, matte or shiny;
  • double flowers with a diameter of 15–30 cm;
  • Flowering period: June - October.

Depending on the variety, the color of the buds can be white, pink, lilac, red, two-colored and graduated. The most decorative varieties:

  • Lucky Peace - with a double flower in the shape of a bowl with a diameter of 12 cm. The color of the petals is graduated from apricot to pink and red-orange. The bush is compact, 80 cm high;
  • Alex Red - with double red-cherry flowers with a diameter of 16 cm. The height of the bush is 75–95 cm, the stems with buds are used for cutting;
  • Golden Masterpiece - with yellow inflorescences with a diameter of 19 cm. The height of the bush is 80 cm, fragrant flowers do not fade in the sun;
  • Double Delight - with a contrasting flower color from a beige core to a raspberry-pink edge. The flowers are fragrant, on straight stems, so they are used for bouquets. Bush height - 120 cm.

For middle zone In temperate climates, only winter-hardy varieties are suitable, but they still need to be covered in November before the onset of frost. In Russia, Gloria Day with pink and yellow flowers, Ingrid Bergman with red flowers and Sunny Rose with yellow flowers are successfully grown.

Growing rules

For abundant flowering, disease resistance and proper growth, roses need nutritious soil, regular watering and right place landings. Protect the bush from wind and stagnant moisture. Therefore, plant the plant on the south side of the site near the wall of a building or fence. The planting area should be illuminated by the sun all day. The rose does not develop in the shade of trees.

Rules for caring for and planting hybrid tea roses:

  • planting date - May;
  • planting hole with a diameter of 50 cm;
  • the soil is slightly acidic, nutritious;
  • trim the bush at a height of 30 cm;
  • feed at the end of May - June with nitrogen fertilizers 2 times, in the summer - with mineral fertilizers every 2 weeks;
  • water once every 7 days.

Before planting, place the roots of the plant in water for 2–3 hours. When planting, do not bury the root collar; leave it at ground level. After watering, mulch the soil with peat or humus. If the seedlings were purchased with bare roots, place them in a mixture of clay, manure and water for 2-3 hours in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Shorten the damaged roots with pruning shears and sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal.

In spring the rose needs nitrogen fertilizers to gain green mass. in summer for lush flowering feed the bush with complex mineral fertilizer in liquid form with watering. Remove faded buds.

Prune the plant in October before preparing for wintering.

Trim young roses at a height of 3 buds, adults - 6–7 buds. Make the cut even above the bud and treat it with coal or garden pitch. When sub-zero temperatures occur, cover the bush at the base with sawdust, peat, and humus. Close the above-ground part non-woven material or tie it with spruce branches.

Hybrid tea rose - ornamental shrub, which is used to decorate the garden in single and group plantings. The plant decorates flower beds, alleys, and terraces. It is grown in open and closed ground.

When it comes to roses, one involuntarily thinks of a hybrid tea rose: its perfect lines, purity of color, exquisite aroma. These roses seem to be the pinnacle of the joint creativity of nature and man, their highest creation, designed to enrich our lives by touching their ancient mystery, a certain mystery bordering on knowledge of the essence of the universe...

Hybrid Tea roses originate from the “La France” variety, obtained in 1867 by the French breeder Guyot from crossing the remontant rose “Madame Victor Verdier” with the tea rose “Madame Bravie”. Roses of this group combine best properties original forms and are superior in quality to all previously known forms and varieties.

From remontant roses they inherited the hardness of the wood and comparative winter hardiness. From tea houses they got a beautiful flower shape, an exquisite aroma and the ability to bloom abundantly.

In the catalogs of some countries (in particular, in France and Holland), Hybrid Tea roses are called Large-flowered. Currently, this is the leading group of roses, including a huge number of varieties that differ in many characteristics: the height of the bush is from 30 to 90 cm, the shape is from spreading to narrow pyramidal. The leaves of some varieties are thin and delicate, while others are thick, leathery and shiny. A distinctive feature of the flowers of hybrid tea roses is their unsurpassed elegance and rich palette of colors. The flowers are mostly double, but their doubleness varies - there are from 20 to 120 petals, the length of the peduncle ranges from 20 to 80 cm, the diameter of the flowers is from 8 to 15 cm. There are one, three or five flowers on the peduncle. For selection they have great value shape and size of the bud (glass), texture of the petals (velvet, satin).

Richness of colors

The color of hybrid tea roses can be yellow, white, pink, lilac, red, coral, with many transitional tones; there are also two-color ones that change color as they bloom. In the 50-60s of the XX century. the first ones appeared orange roses. Later, lilac roses (Sterling Silver, Mainzer Fastnacht) and green roses (Emerald, Kilimanjaro) were obtained.


The aroma is an integral part of the image of a hybrid tea rose. It is extremely refined and includes a rich range of scents - from thick to subtle and light. The most fragrant flowers are red and purple, the least fragrant are white.

Growing conditions

These roses are light and heat-loving. Requires a sunny, warm location, rich, neutral, medium loamy, well-drained soil. They are mainly propagated by grafting. In the middle zone, seedlings are planted in a permanent place early spring at a distance of 50-80 cm from each other, depending on the height and power of the plants.

Hybrid tea roses bloom almost continuously from late June until frost.

Pruning. Hybrid tea roses bloom on annual shoots; they are pruned three times - spring, summer and autumn.

Wintering. Roses of this group are less winter-hardy than remontant ones, and can be damaged already at a temperature of -8 or -10°C. However, if they are provided with careful shelter in time, they tolerate wintering quite well.

Usage.Home distinctive feature roses of this group, which is also an advantage compared to other roses - highest quality flower. It is for this reason that hybrid tea roses are popular as cut flowers. They are widely used in greenhouse culture to produce cut flowers.

They are also used in decorative plantings. In the floral design of plots, they are given the most honorable places.