Sites for cars. Finishing the entrance to a site on a slope How to make a parking space on a slope

Feedback from our clients

Denis, SNT Gorki, Naro-Fominsk district

From the bottom of my heart I want to thank the team of fence installers sliding gates on your dacha plot! Well, now everything is in order: On the recommendation of my friends, they told me who to contact and gave me a phone number. The masters are all Slavs, for me this is important!!! Without delaying until later, I immediately called the phone number. A substantive conversation took place, I voiced my visibility and budget. Next, a meeting at the site (05/26/19) and an accurate and detailed measurement of all the upcoming work, namely the installation of 65 m.p. fence made of corrugated sheets, with installation of a wicket and sliding gates. We tried everything together. We approved all the details, outlined clear terms and amounts, guarantees and obligations on both sides, drew up and signed an agreement. The contract specified the start and completion date of the work. (By agreement, the start of work was scheduled for June 2, 2019, and the completion of work was scheduled for June 3, 2019.) Also, according to the contract, I made an advance payment for the material. Yes, I almost forgot to say, the contract also indicated that the customer (me) would be completely on site (from the beginning to the end) of all work!!! It later turned out to be only a plus for me and the guys. There were some minor nuances in the work due to my area not being entirely level. All this time the guys were in touch, I asked questions along the way about the upcoming work, they gave me very complete and detailed answers) The long-awaited day of installation has arrived)! The guys arrived on time, and without any interruptions or discussions, immediately began their duties!!! We worked entirely with our own equipment and power tools, everything was new and in good working order!!! The work was in full swing) Summing up the first working day of installing the fence as a whole, the amount of work was approximately 80% completed, I carefully looked and looked for some jambs) But there were none!!! On the second day of work, the guys completed the gates and sheathed the sheets. By 12:00 noon I had completed all the work. We signed the acceptance certificate, then the final payment, and that’s probably all)! I recommend!!! Sincerely

Natalya, Burtsevo Village Filimonovskoe Settlement

I found the Hektar company on the Internet, asked for help in cleaning the site, the house was bought in the winter and we did not even suspect what was going on on the site, in the spring after the snow melted we saw a terrible picture, it was immediately clear that we could not cope without a specialized company . Employees of the Hektar company quickly came to our site, assessed the situation, provided a detailed estimate and started work, the cleaning lasted 5 days, the result exceeded all our expectations. We are very grateful and how good it is that there are people who know how to do their job conscientiously, quickly, and efficiently. I recommend the company "Gektar"

Alexander, Odintsovo

Thank you for your request. We are waiting for the warmth and, as agreed, we will come to your lawn.

Andrey, Podolsky district Matveevskoe

I ordered snow clearing at the entrance of the house and on the site, a team and a tractor arrived in the morning, everything was done quickly and efficiently. Signed a contract for further service. The prices are not inflated, thanks to the entire team and engineer Konstantin.

We were glad to help.

Alexander, Moscow region. Dubna

Everything is great. We agreed and everything was done the next day. Thank you. We will contact you again.

Thanks for contacting..

Elena, Aprelevka, Pobeda village

I ordered cleaning of the area (cutting down, uprooting trees, bushes and removing trash from the area). Thanks to Konstantin's team for the excellent work. I was satisfied. All Russians, intelligent. They work without downtime. I plan to contact you soon. I recommend contacting the company, price and quality. Thank you very much.

Good day! Tell me how (or what is better) to make a drive to the dacha if the site is sloped?

Evgeniy, Obninsk.

Hello, Evgeniy from Obninsk!

/Your city is good, but I haven’t been to it since 1968, I’ve even lost contact with the relatives who lived there./

There are two options for entering areas with a slope. Either in full accordance with the slope of the terrain, or by cutting the soil in such a way that a car parking area is obtained, surrounded on three sides by soil, which is reinforced with walls. The second is done less frequently because it is labor-intensive, especially with large relief slopes.

In the simplest versions, everything is done in the usual way. The entrance is planned, including its marking, soil removal in full accordance with the slope to a depth of approximately 15-20 centimeters. That is, it must be removed root system herbs. After which the entire area is backfilled with a layer of sand or ASG of at least 10 centimeters.

Then the sides of the entrance are decorated with formwork from edged boards with their fastening to vertically driven pegs. After which they fill the entire entrance area with broken stones or crushed stone. For greater strength, cards are laid across the entire area. welded mesh(0.5*2 meters) with its edges overlapping each other. And concrete is poured on top at the rate of about three parts of sand and two parts of gravel per share of cement.

The layer of solution is from 5 to 10 centimeters. Using a long rule (possibly from a profiled pipe of small cross-section) the pouring surface is leveled.

To avoid cracking of the coating over its entire width, every two linear meters The area is laid on edge with wooden slats at least a centimeter thick. The wood is pre-treated bitumen mastic. The top surface of the slats should be flush with the concrete surface.

In the simplest cases, a layer of material is simply poured over the entire entry area. This could be gravel, crushed stone, small broken stones, etc. That is, something that cannot be washed away by streams of rainwater.

It is advisable to compact the material well; this is partially done with the help of a car, repeatedly rolling over the poured material. The thickness of the coating layer ranges from five to 10 centimeters, depending on the financial capabilities of the owner.

In some cases, when the soil is subject to subsidence due to its characteristics, after a few years the operation of pouring new portions of material should be repeated. Lime crushed stone ( distinguishing feature- her White color) is undesirable to use; although it is cheap, in some cases its maximum can last no more than five years.

Sometimes drainage grooves are made along the sides of the road for drainage. They are also covered with the same materials.

So nothing complicated.

Other questions on the topic of garden and sidewalk paths:

Sidewalk paths

Those who often have to travel to their dacha in their own car, sooner or later have to decide where to permanently park their car during dacha work. Where is the best place to park the car? The option of parking it on the street (outside the property line) is not very attractive - the car will disturb the neighbors, which will naturally cause complaints. And no one can vouch for its integrity. If you drive a car onto the site, sooner or later deep furrows will appear from the wheels, requiring constant leveling. What is the best way to overcome such a serious problem?

Parking the car correctly

The optimal solution that can facilitate country life and resolve several issues at once - setting up a parking area for a car at the dacha. By organizing one, you will put an end to worries about the safety of your iron friend, in addition, you will be able to protect it from the sun (the upholstery material will not fade) and precipitation (hail will not damage the car’s coating).

How to make a platform for a car in the country? Where to start arrangement? Of course, first of all you should choose a suitable place that meets all the necessary requirements. It must be level, without a significant slope. If there is one, then each time you will have to put the car on the handbrake and place limiters under the wheels. And constant worry about whether these precautions are working does not add to optimism.

It is best if the slope of the parking lot is very small. This will make it easier for a car to enter there and at the same time prevent rainwater from stagnating in the area. To prevent precipitation from accumulating on it, the parking lot should be located slightly above the level of the site.

Before the actual construction of the site, you should decide on its size. When you have only one car, you can limit yourself to an area measuring 5x2.5 meters. If the car is quite large (minivan or jeep), plan 6.5x3.5 m. When your personal fleet consists of a couple of cars, you will need twice as much land.

Choosing a parking option

The next point is to decide on the type of parking for the car at the dacha. What could it be like? There are two main options: closed (in the form of a garage) or open (fully or with a canopy).

Let's talk about the open type of parking. It can be considered one of the most budget options. Making such a parking lot at your dacha with your own hands is not at all difficult. All that is required is the preparation of a pre-designated place, the delivery of materials and the actual work. In terms of time, this option is also the most economical. Before you have time to look around, your car will already be neatly parked in your country yard.

When we talk about a closed type of parking, we mean a real garage. To build it, you will need much more resources - finances, effort and your personal time. The tasks facing the owner are digging a pit, thinking through and drawing a construction plan, and importing all the necessary building materials. In cases where there are no construction skills, you will have to resort to a team of craftsmen, which entails additional (sometimes quite considerable) costs.

What is a semi-closed type of parking? This refers to a carport. This solution can be considered intermediate option between the construction of a full-fledged garage and an ordinary open area.

Preparing the parking lot

As already mentioned, a slight slope is necessary to ensure that the parking area always remains dry and clean. Take care of the durability of your parking lot - prepare the base for it correctly. What is the sequence of actions when building a platform for a car at the dacha with your own hands?

  • Throughout the entire territory of the future parking area, we remove the soil in a layer of about 10-20 cm.
  • We build a so-called pillow - we pour a layer of crushed stone or sand into the pit, which we then compact.
  • We lay drainage pipes along the edges of the future site. This is done so that the water that flows to the ground during the car washing process (or simply rain) does not stagnate, but is drained to the side.

Having prepared the base, you can begin coating. You should first decide on its composition - based on your own financial capabilities and taking into account the practical qualities of each option. We should not forget about the need for a competent aesthetic solution - the design of the site must be organically combined with the overall design style of the site and the country yard.

Deciding on the coverage

What are the quality requirements for the material chosen for coating? The main ones:

  1. The coating must withstand the expected weight load.
  2. The strength and durability of its material is one of the most important criteria when choosing. For example, an asphalt site meets all the requirements and is not too complicated to construct.
  3. Aesthetic qualities are no less important, because you will have to admire the mentioned object for more than one day.

Lawn grate

What is eco-parking? This concept has become very popular these days. It looks like a rigid, durable plastic lattice laid on the ground and seeded with special lawn grass. This option is one of the easiest to construct. As a rule, additional care for such a parking lot is not needed.

The grille perfectly withstands the weight of the car, does not bend, and has excellent properties regarding water drainage and resistance to low winter temperatures. Speaking about the durability of this parking option, they call it about 25 years.

Device technology

What needs to be done to create such a nice eco-parking site on your site? The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • All vegetation from the parking area should be removed.
  • The next step is to lay the prepared lawn gratings with high-quality fastening.

  • Fill each of the lattice cells 1/3 with turf.
  • sow lawn grass, and you should choose perennial varieties. Their advantages are their ability to regenerate independently in the spring.

Please note that in dry summers your eco-site will need periodic watering.

Crushed stone platform

This option for a summer residence is one of the most economical. This solution will be especially practical in the case of soil subject to periodic swelling. What kind of crushed stone for parking fits better Total? After all, as you know, it can be different. For example, you should never choose crushed limestone - the bottom layer will soon be crushed into powder, and after rain it will turn into real mud. A place filled with such gravel very quickly becomes overgrown with weeds and takes on a sloppy appearance.

It is best to choose river gravel. Its advantages are that it does not cake, is not susceptible to crumbling, and easily allows water to pass through. The bottom layer should be made from a fraction of 30-60, the top 5-20. Fine gravel laid on top will perfectly fill all the voids and level the surface.

We are building a gravel platform for a car at the dacha

What is the procedure for constructing such a parking space? The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • We remove the soil layer 10-20 cm thick from the entire selected parking area.
  • Cover the resulting area with sand.

  • In order for the site to better hold its shape, you should fill the borders along its edges.
  • We are waiting for the curbs to harden.
  • We fill the area with a layer of crushed stone 10-15 cm thick.
  • For ease of entry, several concrete tiles can be laid in the center of the site.

The main advantage of such a gravel parking lot is the absence of water that will flow through a layer of small stones. The disadvantage of this design is the need to periodically clean it from fallen leaves that get clogged into the space between the rubble.

Paving slab area

If the soil on your site is prone to swelling, a parking space made of water will be even more suitable for them. Water will easily flow away and evaporate due to the gaps between the tiles. Such a parking lot will warp much less compared to the rest of the site.

The tiles chosen for these purposes exist in the most different options colors and textures. Its size is from 30x30 to 50x50 cm, thickness is about 4-5 cm. Granite paving stones can be an excellent option in this case.

When going to the store, calculate in advance the number of required units of purchased material, based on the area of ​​the future parking lot. Tiles should be purchased with a reserve of about 3-5 pieces in case they are damaged during the working process.

In addition to granite paving stones, you can use natural stone or clinker bricks. The increased density of such paving slabs is given by the addition of a vibration compactor.

Installer's Guide

Here is a brief technology for tiling the chosen parking space:

  1. Excavation of the soil layer throughout the site to a depth of 10 to 20 cm.
  2. Compacting a sand or crushed stone cushion or laying out a layer sand-cement mixture. This is done so that the tile sits tighter.
  3. To compact the substrate, it is spilled with water. You can use a watering can for this.
  4. The tiles are laid using a mallet - a rubber hammer. To avoid damaging the coating, tap it very lightly and carefully, without applying significant force. Thanks to such tapping, the tile adheres to the pillow. No additional connection is required.
  5. It is advisable to edge the edges of the parking lot

Concrete screed

If the soil of your site is quite calm and not subject to swelling, then a concrete platform for a car in the country may be a good option. This material is quite durable, but the work is performed in the following order:

  • Before pouring concrete into the area under the car at the dacha, we make a depression along the entire width of the proposed parking lot. Its size depends on the weight of the car. If your car is small and fairly light, the thickness of the concrete layer can be 10 cm. For a heavy brand, the layer should be no thinner than 15-20 cm.
  • Along the entire perimeter of the territory we arrange formwork from boards secured with pegs. Its height should correspond to the thickness of the coating.
  • The next step is filling and compacting the sand cushion.
  • The prepared base should be poured to a depth of 5-6 cm. concrete mortar. If you plan to use ready mixture, you will have to worry about ordering a special vehicle. If it is impossible for a large vehicle to approach your dacha, concrete mixture You will have to mix it yourself using a concrete mixer.

To obtain working material, you will have to buy cement, the required amount of sand and sand and gravel mixture. Mixed concrete using shovel laid out in an even layer on top of the sand cushion.

  • Without waiting for setting, reinforcement or reinforcing mesh should be laid on top of the freshly poured concrete.
  • A second layer of concrete is poured on top of it.
  • Using a trowel, we level the surface. For ease of operation, you will need to set beacons. A slight slope should be provided from the center to the edges to allow water to drain from the parking area.
  • After a day, the beacons are removed. The remaining recesses from them are sealed with cement mortar.
  • We carry out the final treatment of the surface - using a damp broom we sweep away all the unevenness from the concrete that has not yet hardened, fill it with a thin layer of cement and evenly distribute it with the same broom over the entire surface.
  • The formwork can be removed after 3 days.
  • Concrete will finally gain its strength after 3 or 4 weeks. Then it will be able to support the weight of the car. It is not advisable to enter the parking lot before the stated time.

Construction of a canopy

If for some reason you decide to refuse to build a full-fledged garage and plan to limit yourself to an open area for your car in the country, it is advisable to provide it with a canopy, thanks to which your car will be protected from rain, ultraviolet rays, hail and snow. It is most convenient when parking is planned next to some building, for example, a barn or country house. The continuation of the roof of this building will be an excellent carport.

First of all, several pipes are installed to form the structure. After this, a roof is erected from the most different materials- awning, film, tarpaulin. A good decision there will be sheets of slate or tin left over from the roof.

In the case where the site is located separately, a major arch will need to be erected for the canopy. Remember that too high a height does not contribute to the stability of the structure, which will be shaken by the wind and slanting streams of rain hitting the car. The optimal height of such a canopy can be considered 2.3-2.5 m.

How to organize work correctly

What is the procedure for constructing a carport yourself?

  • Pouring the foundation.
  • Construction of a coating from a pre-planned material according to the scheme described above. In case you have chosen the option with concrete pouring, the support pillars should be installed immediately, then pour concrete all together. In the case of constructing a platform for a car in a country house made of tiles, first of all, everything should be concreted and only after that should the tiles be laid. In this case, the installation of the frame can begin only a week after the concreting process.
  • Forming a frame from profile pipes (in some places you will have to bend them as necessary). Such bent beams are fixed to the racks using gussets and bolts, for which you must first drill holes in the right places.
  • When the structure is assembled, it is advisable to paint it to protect it from corrosion.
  • The minimum number of supports installed on the site is 4 (but may be more), their depth should not be less than 90 cm.
  • We insert a three-meter asbestos-cement pipe into each of the supports.
  • We fix all the racks.
  • We construct logs from profile pipe. To make the entire connection rigid, we connect beams to them.
  • We assemble the entire frame. The racks are concreted or secured with anchors. The slope of the beams is checked using a level.
  • We are constructing the covering of our canopy. An excellent material for this is polycarbonate. It can be replaced with plastic slate, corrugated sheets or metal tiles. Having cut the pieces into the desired format, we secure them using self-tapping screws or special rivets. Polycarbonate is cut with the most ordinary hacksaw, and it should be cut to length. When assembled, the gutters must be perpendicular to the ground to ensure complete drainage of rainwater.

In each of the cut pieces of polycarbonate we drill holes for fasteners. Their diameter should be slightly larger than that of the selected screws. This is due to the ability of polycarbonate to expand in hot weather. If the screws are tightly seated, such a roof may burst at the fastening points. When starting to fix the sheets with self-tapping screws, each hole for fastening should be covered with a rubber gasket.

It’s not always convenient to drive a car into a garage at the dacha, and in the summer it’s also lazy. In addition, guests can come to the owners. And in this case, there certainly won’t be enough parking spaces in the garage at the dacha. Owners of personal plots who visit their properties only in the summer do not need a garage at all, and the costs for it are considerable. Leaving vehicles on the lawn ruins it. The way out of this situation is a do-it-yourself parking lot for a car at the dacha. This will allow you to comfortably leave your car for the weekend, and even protect it from bad weather.

The place for vehicle how to do

When the idea of ​​creating such a parking lot with your own hands has already taken root in your head, it’s worth deciding how it can be implemented:

  • laying method paving slabs;
  • pouring concrete;
  • filling with crushed stone;
  • laying method lawn grate. The article describes in detail the types and process of laying lawn gratings.

The last two methods are unreliable. But the first two methods are quite suitable in the country. Other methods can be found in the article “Building a parking lot for a car.” It is worth dwelling on them in detail.

Lawn grill for cars

Regardless of the method of execution, before starting work it is worth correctly assessing the parking space. It should be level and low standing groundwater. It is advisable to identify a site close to the entrance, then you will not have to build a long access road, making it the central element of the design of the summer cottage.

Need to stock up on everything necessary tools and calculate the exact size of the site. It averages out to be 3 m wide and 6–7 m long per parking unit. If the area allows, you can do it with a small margin.

The first method is to construct a site by laying paving slabs

The work consists of the following stages:

  • Choosing paving slabs for a summer residence. It will experience constant loads, so it must be wear-resistant. Suitable tiles made by vibration pressing. It also has good frost resistance, for which special thanks go to it. The thickness of paving slabs must be at least 40 cm.

Laying layers of paving slabs

Let's look at a few important tips on the choice of paving slabs for arranging the space allocated for the vehicle:

  1. If you decide to purchase vibrocast tiles, you should be especially careful. Of course, vibro-cast paving slabs are bright, have a variety of rich colors and an excellent smooth surface. The thing is that the glossy shine and smooth surface of such products can be achieved in two ways: by adding special concrete plasticizers during the production of paving slabs or by adding more water.
  2. Remember that truly high-quality paving slabs cannot be cheap.
  3. Be careful when choosing paving slabs, especially saturated colors. Currently, manufacturers offer a wide range of color solutions paving slabs, from white to all sorts of rich shades. However, receiving bright colors This is only possible if expensive imported pigments were used in the production of paving slabs.
  • The territory is marked with wooden pegs and twine. For greater accuracy, you can mark the outer boundaries with paint. In the article you can learn about the main methods of laying paving slabs in your summer cottage.

Ready parking for a vehicle at the dacha

  • Soil and earth are removed throughout the entire area of ​​future work, and a pit 50 cm deep is constructed.
  • At this stage, it is necessary to set a horizontal level on both sides of the site rectangle.
  • The earth at the bottom of the pit is compacted. It is better to do this with a vibrating plate, vibrating foot, etc. However, purchasing such equipment only for setting up a parking zone is not cost-effective. You can rent it for a short term; now more and more companies offer such services. But if it doesn’t work out, then you can work manual tamper. You just have to put in a lot of effort to do it yourself and it’s better to call your friends.
  • If curbs are planned, install them.
  • Creating a pillow from crushed stone and sand. The pillow has three layers: the bottom 30 cm high is laid with large crushed stone, then 5 cm of small crushed stone. The topmost layer, 4-5 cm thick, is made of coarse sand.
  • The next step is to mark the site into strips for ease of work. They do this by marking the distance on the level threads at 15-20 cm. This is quite tedious work, but it allows you to do the job correctly.
  • After marking, level the sand, the thread should rise 8–10 cm above the sand. The sand is compacted.
  • Before starting to work directly with the tile, it is carefully inspected; tiles with defects are set aside for cutting.

Another type of parking is lawn covering

  • It is better to fix it with a solution of 6 parts sand and 1 part cement. Prepare it in small portions, approximately one line at a time, so that it does not dry out.
  • The solution is distributed over the area of ​​the first line, leveled and compacted.
  • Then the tiles are laid. Laying is carried out in front of you, so that the master moves along the finished tiles. The tile is pressed into the mortar and tapped with a mallet. The distance between the tiles should remain approximately 5 mm. This installation is carried out row by row, and line by line throughout the entire area.
  • If a row of cut paving slabs is required, it is laid out at the end of the work. To do this, the tile is cut with a diamond disc and broken.
  • After laying, the spaces between the paving slabs are filled with a mixture of sand and cement in the same proportions as for preparing the mortar. To do this, the mixture is poured over the paving slabs and swept out with a hard broom.

The video below describes this method in detail:

The second method is to make a concrete platform for the car

A concrete platform can only be built on stable soils, not subject to changes and swelling. Before starting planning, it is worth considering that the concrete platform should rise above the soil level by about 5 cm. This is necessary so that moisture does not accumulate on it, it will damage the concrete screed, and in winter, during temperature changes and freezing of water, it can even break it . The coating should have a slight slope (2–3 cm), which is also necessary for protection from water.

  • The territory is marked in the same way as in the case of paving slabs.
  • Then the marked area is cleared of any objects. Sod and soil are removed 10 cm deep.
  • A pit is built about 40 cm deep.
  • At the bottom of the pit, the soil is thoroughly compacted.

How to concrete a parking lot for a car with your own hands

  • Wooden formwork is installed along the edges of the pit, unless a border is planned along the edge. If a curb is planned, then it is installed at this stage.
  • A sand and crushed stone cushion is poured onto the prepared soil. For the durability of the coating, the thickness of the pillow must be at least 20 cm.
  • Now you need to properly prepare the solution. It is prepared with your own hands from three parts sand, three parts crushed stone and one part cement. It is better to take alluvial sand for the solution; it is cleaner and more uniform. Ordering ready-mixed concrete will make life much easier.
  • The total thickness of the screed should be at least 20 cm. However, it should be poured in stages. For greater structural strength, it is worth using metal reinforcement. The first layer is laid on a sand cushion. If the reinforcement consists of several parts, they must be overlapped. Then pour a 5 cm layer of concrete. Immediately on top of it another layer of reinforcement and another 5 cm of concrete are laid. This is how the required thickness is achieved.
  • Leave the concrete screed for three days. You cannot walk on it at this time.

Having your own parking space is every motorist’s dream. And it’s quite easy to implement such a place if you know how to make a platform for a car in the country and what materials are needed for this.

Types of private car parking

Often, it is not enough just to build a concrete or tiled area for a car - you also need to take care of protecting the car while it is parked from rain, hail and snow. For these purposes, a canopy is built, which is a worthy alternative to a garage.

Canopies made of polycarbonate are very popular, since this material, having a lot of operational capabilities, can also be presented in a variety of options in terms of design or color.

So, such a canopy can be decorated with forging.

Or have a complex shape.

Another material for making a canopy is wood - an environmentally friendly material.

Tiles can also be used as a material for a shed roof.

Can also be used for canopy roofing metal sheets or corrugated sheet.

Sometimes when building a canopy, glass is used, which is used not only to cover the roof of the canopy, but also to decorate the walls, which are used as an additional element of car protection.

The canopy can be made in three versions:

  • convex roof (the most common option);
  • sloping roof;
  • a straight roof, which is a very simple but impractical option, since it does not allow moisture to drain freely.

There is the possibility of building a free-standing canopy.

Or a canopy designed as an extension.

We build a parking lot with our own hands

1. Choosing a parking location and its type.

The construction of a personal parking lot for a car, as a rule, begins with choosing an appropriate place with an area of ​​2.5x5 meters and determining the main design features sites.

2. Preparing a parking space.

Ideally, the parking area should have a flat surface. Therefore, if the selected area has a strong slope, then it is better to carry out work to clear and level the land. Since the site must be above ground level, in order to avoid the accumulation of rainwater and snow, the soil is first removed, forming a 10-centimeter depression under the foundation, and then sand is poured evenly. Next, using flat board and level, it is necessary to level the sand surface. A slight slope (1.5-2 cm) is acceptable to ensure water drainage, although if the parking lot has a canopy, then it is not necessary to bother with making the slope. Well-compacted sand will serve as a reliable basis for future parking.

3. Direct construction of a site for a car.

Depending on the selected material, the construction of a parking area is carried out in one of two ways:

Method number 1. Performance concrete screed with reinforcement.

Before making a parking lot at your dacha , First, formwork is prepared from boards 10 cm wide supported by stakes. The end sides of the boards are leveled. Then the prepared concrete is distributed in an even layer of 5 cm over the surface of the sand base.

Then a reinforcing mesh is laid on the first layer of concrete. If there are several sheets of mesh, it is necessary to overlap them to avoid the appearance of cracks in the screed in the future.

Then a 5-centimeter layer of concrete is laid down again. It is leveled according to the rule so that from the center of the concreted area the surface of the site drops slightly towards the edges, creating a slope necessary if the parking lot does not have a canopy. Stick to required height special beacons will help you down the slope. After a day, you can remove the beacons and cover the remaining traces in their place with cement.