Lapel for menstrual blood. Love spell for menstruation from a mistress: a way to remove it. How to cast a love spell on a guy on his period from a distance

Very often, women, wanting to have everything at once, decide to cast a love spell on a married man. To get the result for sure, they undergo powerful rituals, such as love spell on menstruation, which is one of the strongest magical effects after cemetery love spells and Voodoo rituals. Ladies do not think about what troubles their actions can bring not only on the victim, but on themselves, as well as on members of their family, since for any love spell ritual retribution follows, and for “bloody” love spells they will face a terrible punishment. And the wives of the victims have a question: how to remove a love spell on menstruation from their mistress from their husband? There is an exit. You need to turn to the same magic with which the effect was applied, but it is worth remembering that this is far from safe for common man, but if a wife decides to help her beloved in a magical way, she cannot be dissuaded.

Any love spell is an act of violence, since it destroys the victim’s energy field and subjects the unfortunate person to someone else’s will against her desire, which is a violation of the basic law of the universe about the freedom of choice of every rational being. A love spell using menstrual blood almost completely enslaves the bewitched person, leaving him no chance to fight. He becomes completely attached to the author of the love spell on an energetic level and cannot help himself, suffering from his weakness.

Such attachment has nothing to do with love, it is only a sexual attachment, which leads to the fact that the victim begins to fiercely hate both himself and the customer. Such relationships are initially doomed to unhappiness for both parties. The performer, dreaming of great love, receives scandals, aggression, hatred from his bewitched lover, who begins to pursue his tormentor if he suddenly decides to abandon the victim. The life of the author of the ritual will turn into absolute hell if he remains with the object of the love spell, and if he decides to leave him, then it will be doubly hell.

If a woman, planning to bewitch her chosen one, thinks that she will become happy and loved, then she is deeply mistaken. Instead of a loving and caring man, she will receive an always dissatisfied, irritated, aggressive loser with whom it will be impossible to live. But there is also another side to the coin. A love spell on menstrual blood, in its essence, is a curse that will certainly result in a family curse for the entire family of the performer, therefore, before going for a love spell on blood, you should think very carefully, but, as a rule, this is exactly what no one does .

Damage to menstruation causes a lot of controversy and interpretation.

When a similar question is asked on the Internet, on forums and blogs, everyone who is not too lazy begins to answer it.

Meanwhile, an incorrect understanding of the essence of the negative program itself harms a person. The question to the one who asked, and significantly complicates it.

What is menstruation damage?

So, answering the question, what is damage to menstruation, we must clearly distinguish between the concepts of damage and love spells.

There is no damage to menstruation, but there is...

In its consequences it is similar to severe damage. The difference is that initially it is a love spell that affects the third, fifth and sixth chakras of a man.

Accordingly, when its effect weakens or when exposure occurs over a long period of time, health and general position The man's affairs begin to deteriorate significantly.

This happens precisely because of a breakdown in the power system.

Therefore, it is correct to classify the concept of “period damage” as a love spell, and it should also be removed as a love spell, and not as a simple negative.

The danger and insidiousness of this method of manipulating consciousness is that, although it is effective, it has a number of side effects that bewitching girls forget about or do not know at all.

Unlike many other curses, damage to menstruation does not have the opposite effect or rollback. This is what attracts girls who decide to bewitch their men using this method.

But the absence of a rollback does not mean that there will be no consequences. On the contrary, the consequences of damage to menstruation are among the most severe.

  • After using blood, menstruation damage only works for one month.

When this period expires, there are two options - forget the man or repeat the procedure. There is no third option simply because in a month all the man’s interest will disappear, moreover, it will most likely turn into disgust.

And all because menstrual blood is a powerful energy source natural origin, which is also poison.

  • Deterioration of the man's situation.

As mentioned above, as a result of a breakdown in three energy centers, a man simply becomes unable to realize himself in the world, and all because one of the energy centers is responsible for the sexual sphere, and the other for the sphere of self-realization.

  • A man's disgust towards the woman who has bewitched him.

The body fights against poison, against foreign energy forcibly introduced into it. Therefore, a man begins to smell raw or rotten meat from the woman who has bewitched him.

  • If you plan to continue your relationship with a man, this love spell is completely unsuitable for you.

In the case of pregnancy, the ability to renew the damage will be lost, which means, at best, this will lead to divorce.

  • Alcoholism. One of the most basic distinguishing indicators of a blood love spell is the victim’s alcoholism.

A person’s will is crushed and erased, so the basest aspirations awaken in him, as well as the desire for self-destruction.

This type of menstruation love spell, and this is exactly what it is, can only be done independently for a number of reasons.

Despite the strength of the effect and the almost guaranteed effect, casting a love spell on blood is very simple. At certain times in the cycle, blood is simply added to the victim's food or drink.

It makes no difference where it will be poured. In some cases, even a couple of drops in the shortbread dough can make a difference.

Remember that you need to update if you plan to spend more than a month with a man. There is no special ritual here as such.

Making a love spell for menstruation is a meaningless activity in itself, since it does not solve the main problem - it does not give love.

Lust, desire, falling in love - but not love. Against this background, it seems even scarier, since the attachment occurs at a deep, almost animal level.

Therefore, if a person has been bewitched in this way, one should under no circumstances let things take their course.

When removing the negative, it gives a powerful kickback, while the force of the blow is directly proportional to the time of adding blood.

However, you can remove such a love spell yourself if the program does not hang for long. To do this, you need to adhere to a bloodless fast for 40 days, that is, eat only vegetarian food.

In addition to this, you need to drink water prayed with the egregor to which you belong for forty days.

That is, if you consider yourself a Christian, read the “Our Father” on the water, if you are a Shaivite, read “Om Namah Shivaya” and so on.

It is best to drink prayed water on an empty stomach. In this case, the damage to menstruation should go away.

Representatives of the fair sex are rightfully considered skillful inventors of all kinds of methods of seduction. But when the entire arsenal of tricks has been exhausted, and the goal has not been achieved, desperate young ladies decide to use the secrets of magic.

Humanity has come up with countless love spells and conspiracies. Some of them are truly effective, but there are also those that have a dubious impact on the outcome of the case. However, everyone, without exception, leaves a mark on a person’s fate. One of these methods is a love spell on period blood.

How does it work?

It is worth mentioning right away that all ways of attracting a person against his will and with the help of magic have serious impacts on energy. Moreover, this applies to both the one who bewitches and the object of passion. You should be especially careful when using black magic methods, such as a love spell on menstrual blood. The consequences of such exposure are truly serious. This scares many people away and they resort to more simple love spells and methods of influence.

Consequences for a man

So, out of everyone possible ways A love spell for menstrual blood was chosen. The consequences for a man, as for a woman, may not appear at all at first. Don’t delude yourself that everything will continue to go smoothly. Even one of the laws of physics about energy says the following - it does not arise from nothing and does not disappear anywhere, but passes from one type to another. The same thing happens in the case of a man.

For example, when performing a love spell, a woman implies that only she will be adored and desired by the victim of the ritual. However, the effect of magic can turn a passionate lover into an absolute impotent. What initially suppresses his will towards others gradually begins to destroy the energy metabolism in the body itself. A love spell on menstrual blood often leads to such incidents. The consequences can lead a man to binge drinking. This will serve as an escape for the subconscious from the negative energy impact program. This often happens when menstrual blood is added to an alcoholic drink during the love spell process.

How long does a love spell last? Should it be extended?

It should also be remembered that any magical influence has its own period, which ends sooner or later. The love spell has one month of service. Therefore, having done the first one, the woman is obliged to update the process every 30 days.

During the period of influence, a man is at the peak of his sexual activity, which means there is a high probability of impregnation of the bewitching woman. Since menstruation stops during pregnancy, the influence on the victim ends. Without receiving the next dose of love spell, a man can dramatically change his attitude towards a woman. This often becomes the cause of quarrels or separations. Taking into account the fact that most often at this moment the woman is pregnant, the plot takes on a completely tragic character.

Even after staying with his chosen one, a man may feel an inexplicable feeling of disgust towards her. Many people say that the woman smelled raw meat, which undoubtedly repelled them. These and other negative consequences are warned in all sources where you can find detailed instructions by love spells. Therefore, this particular method of magic should not be used in relation to a person with whom a woman plans to enter into a long-term relationship or start a family.

Consequences for the family

These and many other factors should be taken into account when making a love spell on menstrual blood. The consequences can even break up a family. You need to remember these serious impacts if you simply want to increase a man’s interest in himself. Is the result of working with magic worth the consequences that can last a lifetime, ruining it irrevocably?

Consequences for a woman

A love spell on menstrual blood has a great effect on the one who uses magic. The consequences for women are much more serious than those suffered by men. The main difference between them is that the fair sex is destroyed by such influence, starting from the energy shell. Her integrity is known to have a huge impact on a woman's life. Any hole in the energy sector aggravates all existing flows that are directed at the bewitcher.

For example, if at that moment someone from the outside decided to cast an evil eye on a woman or commit another magic ritual, then her condition may worsen sharply. Along with the general weakening of the body and the gradual loss of health, a negative wave of life begins to be felt. This is explained by the fact that the oscillations of the pendulum, which controls cause-and-effect relationships, increase in frequency and amplitude. This is how a love spell on menstrual blood can seriously affect your life. The consequences will affect absolutely all areas of life.

After a deterioration in health, often to the flow negative events failures are added, which, like a snowball, accumulate and form a serious problem. She, in turn, is like a magnet, attracting everything except the good. In addition to the consequences received on her destiny, a woman begins to drown in those that affect the life of a man. So, for example, just yesterday an adored girl may suffer from the sexual weakness of her chosen one. Or if a man becomes an alcoholic, then by the will of fate his wife will deal with the negative consequences with him.


Both participants are affected by a love spell on menstrual blood. The consequences will leave a mark on the fate of both men and women. This should be remembered when a love spell seems to be the only way to attract your chosen one and evoke strong feelings in him. Ironically, it may turn out that the vector of men's emotional experiences will take an unexpected direction. And what seemed so close will become unattainably distant.

In addition, it must be remembered that if during pregnancy a woman can prolong the effect of a love spell, then with the end of her reproductive age this will become impossible. It may happen that, already experiencing all the negative aspects of fading, she will be left without a husband. Left without the influence of a love spell, there is simply nothing that will keep him near his wife. This is why many couples separate during such a period, although all of them living together seemed ideal to others.

Love spell on menstrual blood: consequences. How to remove it?

Before you decide to resort to the rituals of black magic, you should know that manipulations associated with blood have a strong impact on the object of influence. Especially this type of material. It has a very high energy potential, because it is extremely difficult to remove a love spell on menstrual blood.

If you want to get rid of the influence of magic, you will have to work with two people at the same time - the customer and the victim. Since the principle of the love spell is as follows: by performing the ritual, the woman activates her and the man’s karmic retribution. The influence is directly exerted on the victim, but the consequences are shared unequally between the participants in the love spell. A man suffers from a lack of will and other negative aspects, but for a woman, the result of working with magic can turn out completely tragic. It is difficult to break the connection between a love spell on menstrual blood and its consequences.

You should know in advance how to remove magical shackles so as not to suffer as a result of a ritual performed with your own hands. The information may also be useful in reducing the impact of negative consequences.

We remove a love spell on menstrual blood

For the waning month, you need to purchase fresh red meat with blood. After waiting until nightfall, in the light of the moon you need to light a row of 9 church candles. You should also fumigate the room with a dense, heavy aroma. essential oil. Next, you will need any underwear item of the bewitched person (a T-shirt or a shirt in which he came for several days will do), it must be placed in front of a row of candles.

A piece of meat is placed on a piece of clothing. It needs to be chopped with kitchen knife. In this case, the following should be sentenced: “Fall like smoke, my words, onto red meat, onto spicy blood. Enter through the dog and fall into the ground. Let the servant of God (the name of the bewitcher) not know the servant of God (the name of the object), neither the soul nor the flesh wants him. To be my way. Amen!"

Next, wrap the meat in a thing and tie it with a knot. When you leave the house, you need to give the chopped piece to the dog. If there are no dogs in the area or a bitch comes, this is a bad sign. The next morning you should visit a professional who understands magic, who will help remove the effects of this ritual.


To summarize, you should once again weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of a love spell for menstrual blood. The consequences, reviews indicate that such a ritual exists both positive and negative. However, it is necessary to remember the main recommendation that experienced magicians give regarding a love spell on menstrual blood. It should be carried out with the utmost caution.

The most Full description in all details - a love spell on a husband for menstruation with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

All love spells and home love spells for a guy on his period are magical rituals of the category for harmonizing relationships. Independent methods Even novice magicians can cast a love spell on a loved one with menstrual blood without any magical spells, but this is still not worth doing - just adding blood to food or drink, without stipulating its effect in any way.

The witchcraft plot clearly defines the program - how exactly a love spell on menstrual blood should work when done at a distance, what the effect should be. Without love plot a bewitched person receives a negative program, as a result of which destructive side effects occur, one of which, the most common, is the victim’s aggression against the background of uncontrollable jealousy. Therefore, doing it at home DIY love spell on period blood, do not neglect the spell. If it happens that you do not know the exact love plot for female blood, speak in your own words, but build a clear algorithm for binding a lover on blood. Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in detail about how to make a love spell for periods at home.

Pie on female blood - a very strong love spell on menstruation

A powerful way to bewitch your husband with the help of menstruation, which I want to offer you now, is one of the many dry spells with female blood. Working, because you will give your blood to your beloved husband. There is already an immediate connection here. You need to bake a pie with your own hands. While kneading the dough, reading the words of the conspiracy:

Anoint the finished pie with your menstrual blood and feed the man with that treat. The effect of a proven independent love spell on a loved one’s monthly blood will be exactly as stated: smooth, calm relationships, desire young man start a family with you. Not for ardent lust, not for jealousy, not for complete submission, but precisely for love and marriage, this effective one will work.

Some practicing black magicians believe that female blood can be added when baking something - loaves, pies, cookies, etc. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, categorically disagree with this position, and do not recommend doing this.

It’s one thing to add a drop of your menstrual blood to a ready-made dish or drink at home, and then only on the condition that such a well-functioning love spell on the periods of a harmful but dear husband, lover or fiance is objectively justified and has no contraindications. And it’s a completely different matter to bake your blood! You can do it yourself severe damage for oncology. What I mean is that even seemingly simple love spells for a loved one using your own blood during menstruation can be dangerous if you don’t understand what exactly you are doing and why.

Love spell for periods at a distance made on Saturday

It would be unwise to say that of the love methods of bewitching a husband with female blood, this is the most strong love spell for menstruation, however, it works quite harshly, leading the victim to submission and emotional attachment. It should be done on Saturday; the ritual is not tied to the lunar phase. It is permissible to use blood from ring finger left hand. You should add your blood to a cool drink - 3 drops, no more, and read the words of the spell 12 times so that your breath touches the liquid.

According to the magic ritual, blood is added to cold drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. However, many self-made love spells for a guy on his period work well if the blood is added to hot tea or soup. Enchanted blood does not lose its information.

This ritual works on the personal strength of the performer, and therefore no ransom is needed. There is simply no one to carry it. Unless, of course, you did not summon the Dark Spirits before the ritual. In this case white love spell becomes demonic, and the devils at the crossroads should be thanked. In such a technically uncomplicated love spell on a guy, like self-drying for menstruation is standard. This is an odd number of coins (not necessarily of the same denomination), vodka. Some practicing magicians include cigarettes.

Independent and free love spell for husband's menstrual blood

This magical ritual of a love spell for husband's love with the help of menstruation can be used to bind a beloved guy, or to awaken a husband's faded love.

  • Blood is taken from the first day of menstruation.
  • The ritual is performed on the waxing Moon.
  • Add blood to the drink that your legal husband should drink.
  • It is acceptable to add it to dark juice, but practice shows that blood-based alcohols work better if the blood is added to red wine.

Since the plot to independently cast a love spell on your husband using the blood of your period, which you will do at home, mentions Dark Forces, you need a payoff, which is carried out according to the rules.

While drinking, read the plot 3, 9, or 12 times:

The effect of a love spell on menstrual blood at home

There is an opinion, and I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already mentioned this in the article, that supposedly under the influence of a hot liquid, the enchanted blood does not have the desired effect on the victim of a love spell. I note that the temperature of the liquid into which blood is added cannot affect practical magic in any way.

An independent love spell on a loved one's menstrual blood, made with hot coffee or tea, works no worse than using cold drinks. So, when high temperature nothing is destroyed, and it happens that if you drink such tea together, it also turns into binarite. And binary, although it is a side effect, and a very unpleasant one, is still one of the indicators that a proven love spell through menstruation works for a young lover.

Unwinding real love spells guy on the blood of menstruation, done at home, pretty quickly. Of course, a lot depends on the magician - the performer, but on average, after 2-3 weeks, changes occur in the behavior of the object and in his attitude. Activity on his part is noticeable; side effects. The most striking of them is jealousy, since any version of a reliable love spell on a guy using menstrual blood develops a very strong sexual attachment in the bewitched man. The sense of ownership increases so much that jealousy can progress to the stage of paranoia. You can't fight it, you can only adapt, or remove a love spell on a loved one made by yourself during menstruation A.

How to cast a love spell on a guy on his period from a distance

It is not always possible to get your lover drunk on their period. However, in black love magic there is always a ritual that suits your situation. You can make a love spell for menstruation from a distance using a photo of your beloved man.

If you don’t have a photograph, it’s easy to get out of the situation by drawing a conventional portrait of the guy you’re bewitching on a piece of paper. In addition, you need to write it full name, last name and preferably date of birth.

A love spell for periods at a distance can be performed independently like this.

Place 5 candles at the ends of the pentagram. The pentagram can be imaginary, i.e. it doesn't even have to be drawn. Place the photo in the center. Use your menstrual blood to write your name over the image in the photo. The spell can be any of those used in sexual love spells with menstrual blood. But, look at the text of the conspiracy to see how accurately it matches your intention. Extinguish the candles with your fingers, i.e. don't blow out. If before love spell on menstrual blood at home you called on the Forces, or the devils were mentioned in the spell, a payoff is needed. If you did it using personal force, there is no need for you to go to the crossroads.

A very powerful love spell on a married man for menstrual blood, no matter how it is done, is powerful. This must be remembered. If the strongest love spell on a married guy goes wrong, and the result is not at all what you wanted, the spell you cast must be removed. You can repeat the ritual the next menstruation.

Powerful love spell for husband on menstrual blood

A love spell using the blood of menstruation is a powerful ritual of love witchcraft, which can completely change the attitude towards you of your beloved husband whom you decided to quickly bewitch. For this binding to work, it is not necessary to have physical or emotional contact with the object. It doesn’t matter at all how exactly this person treats you. He may not notice you, or be hostile - the magic will work anyway. Therefore, there are often cases when women choose independent love spell husband for menstruation.

This witchcraft influence is fraught with many threats

Starting from the list of side effects:

  • magic strike,
  • possible errors during the ritual,
  • and ending with the danger of banal inattention.

For example, if the wrong man drinks the charmed drink, then the girl may acquire a passionate, indomitable admirer, whose attention will be a burden to her, and soon - an enemy who is capable of causing any harm. If you choose free love spell ex-husband for period blood, hoping to improve relationships, return former love, we can recommend being attentive to details. You cannot do witchcraft spontaneously, without preparation. This cannot be taken lightly.

Don't forget for a second about side effects.

  • A love spell on a spouse using female blood has a strong impact on the psyche.
  • It happens that a bewitched man cannot cope with changes in consciousness.
  • If he was prone to violence, then a love spell can become the impetus for turning an ordinary family man into a maniac who only cares about satisfying his passion.

Think about whether you need the most powerful love spell for your husband through menstrual blood.

Perhaps we should look for other solutions to the problem. To avoid becoming a victim of your arrogance, you should not joke with such strong love spells.

Best love spell husband using menstrual blood must be performed by a practicing magician. He knows exactly what needs to be done and how, and most importantly, he knows how to protect you and your lover from the negative consequences of witchcraft. You should know that it is difficult to remove a quick-acting love spell made with the help of menstruation, but the one who cast the spell can do this. Or you will have to look for another real magician who is even more knowledgeable in the magical arts and has even greater power.

Today, recipes for the best home love spells for your husband’s love with the help of menstruation, including hard ones, which have enormous destructive power, are freely available. This is a dangerous trend. The craze for witchcraft is driving many to the brink of death faster than they could imagine. In this regard, in the magical environment, cases are becoming more frequent when practicing magicians have to correct other people's mistakes and straighten distorted destinies. But let's just say this is not always possible. There are times when nothing can be done to help.

A strong love spell to return your husband to menstrual blood can be compared, for example, to careless handling of fire. Every normal person understands that this can cause catastrophic situations that will entail dire consequences. So, when coming into contact with magic, be careful as never before. &1

love spell on husband for periods

A love spell for menstruation is considered the most powerful magical seal. This is one of the most accessible and effective ways bewitch your loved one.

Performing a love spell on menstrual blood, like other rituals of black magic, is not recommended on your own, since often instead of the expected result you can get severe damage. A rare feature of this magical rite is that it has the power of a family curse and is passed down through the male line to all descendants.

Magic love spells have long been performed to unite lonely destinies.

There were many different rituals, but the most popular among the fair sex was a love spell for menstruation. Almost every woman knew how to do it herself, without thinking about the dangerous consequences that a magical ritual could entail.

Currently, a love spell on blood remains one of the most famous methods of influencing

Many centuries have passed, and the popularity of love spells on menstrual blood has only increased. However, now many women have begun to abuse the dangerous ritual and bewitch married men, destroying their families.

Before you begin any magical ritual, including a love spell on menstrual blood, you need to weigh the pros and cons, because the consequences affect not only the man, but also the woman herself.

Sorcerers and magicians have different attitudes towards this kind of spell, but everyone believes that a love spell on menstrual blood is black magic, and call it damage.

It is important to remember that even the accidental entry of menstrual blood into the subject’s body will not cancel its effect. A noticeable result manifests itself individually from one to several days - the person being bewitched becomes attached to the woman whose blood was used in the ritual. This influence causes lust, passion and other hidden desires.

If a girl nevertheless decides to order such a ceremony and tie her beloved guy to her, then it is necessary to do this in such a way as not to disturb the harmony of the relationship. It is important to find out whether the beloved man is suitable for the customer. To do this, sorcerers scan a person’s subconscious and, based on the results of the study, conclude whether it is worth conducting a magical ritual of binding or whether it is better to abandon it.

A love spell for a guy's love can only be cast if the future couple is completely compatible. Otherwise, the girl may not get the desired result, but on the contrary, many problems may arise in future relationships.

How to make a love spell on menstrual blood

The most commonly used love spells are:

  • One drop of monthly blood was dropped onto a piece of white cloth and the stain was dried. The cloth was then burned and the ashes were added to the men's drink.
  • Drops of menstrual blood were added to food with the words: “Drink my blood, you will give up your will. You will listen only to me and do as I want. I alone am your mistress.” Thanks to this love spell, the man completely obeyed the woman.
  • An even number of drops of monthly blood dripped into a drink or food, saying the words: “My blood has drained, I don’t need it, but the slave (name) needs it.”
  • 2 drops of blood were added to the wine and they said 7 times: “As this blood is in me, so are you a slave (name), come to me.” The bewitched man was drunk with wine.

Love spell for husband on menstrual blood

The biggest mistake women make is to use a love spell using menstruation on their husband. If there are misunderstandings in the family, quarrels and disagreements, or a woman is afraid that her husband may leave her, then a love spell on blood is not the best the best way out from this situation, especially since he may not only fail to save the family, but also contribute to its speedy destruction.

When performing the ritual, you can turn your beloved husband into an alcoholic and impotent, after which he is unlikely to still be as strongly attracted to his wife. And when a woman realizes the mistake and decides to remove the love spell cast on menstruation, then her husband may then develop an interest in other women, which will ultimately lead to a breakup and separation.

If a woman wants to strengthen her marriage or restore her previous relationship, it is better to use female magic rather than black magic.

Irreversible consequences

Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, even in ancient times, the very concept of “menstruation” was considered something alien and dirty; sorcerers of all directions often cast love spells on menstruation and other rituals. It was used not only in love spells to connect a man and a woman, but also to induce illness, curses and damage.

The danger of rituals with menstrual blood is the opposite negative effect. In almost all cases, even if a powerful sorcerer performs a magical ritual, various illnesses and depressed states return to the woman who ordered this ritual.

The victim of the spell may also develop mysterious illnesses that defy traditional diagnosis and medical treatment. After a magical ritual, a man may begin to age quickly, giving the impression that he is leaving him. Vital energy. In men, problems arise in the intimate sphere - impotence, and in women, when the spell is reversed - frigidity and infertility.

In this article: Prisushka in love magic; .

Love spell for periods at home

Rituals using blood are considered very powerful and effective. A love spell for menstruation is carried out very quickly, since blood is a powerful energy manipulator.

Self-made love spells using blood

Since ancient times, magic has helped people in solving various problems.

Drought, epidemic, disease are just some of the reasons that could be solved using magical rituals. From time immemorial, women have used love spells and spells to attract the man they like. There are different magical rituals in terms of power and purpose. Some allow the guy to like you, others help push him to take a responsible step or return the husband to the family.

Love spell on menstrual blood

Love spell for periods is one of the most powerful and effective rituals. The guy's attachment is carried out at the physiological level. And since the energy of blood has enormous potential, a strong connection is created between the one who performs the ritual and the man who needs to bewitched. Some magicians attribute this ritual to a specific type of damage. The will is even very strong man breaks down and there is complete submission.

This type of magical influence is very simple to perform, and therefore its popularity is growing. However, before deciding to use this ritual, you need to take into account all the possible consequences, pros and cons. The love spell begins to work almost immediately after entering the guy’s body. The effect can be visible within a couple of hours, less often – several days.

As a rule, the effect exerted influences passion, lust, revealing a person’s most hidden desires. Sometimes perverted or sadistic tendencies appear. Even if the girl was previously unpleasant to the young man, after the ceremony everything will change. The action of magic manifests itself at the level of instincts. However, you need to remember that the love spell is valid for only one month, after which the attitude towards you may change dramatically.

Consequences after a menstrual love spell

The most important point Before the final choice of a magical ritual to bewitch a guy, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences of a love spell. This ritual belongs to the category of very strong rituals. But this power also has back side, which is expressed by consequences and side effects.

Let's look at them in order:

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

This is the most minor problem that can happen to a man immediately after your blood enters his body. As a rule, malaise, nausea, and less often vomiting immediately occur. If your young man has chronic diseases associated with digestion, then it is better to choose a different ritual. Because the guy may experience a serious aggravation.

Impotence can be a very unpleasant consequence if a love spell is performed several times.

If your boyfriend has a strong and strong-willed character, then the influence of magic can cause such side effect like alcoholism.

If you succeed in bewitching a guy, then his character may change for the worse. Manifestations of aggression, rudeness and assault are possible. These are just some of the side effects of a magical ritual using blood.

It often turns out that a woman is in love with a strong and strong-willed man, and after the attachment is completed, the guy changes. Instead of a decisive person, you have an insecure and lacking initiative weakling, for whom you have to decide and do everything.

If you decide to rollback this ritual, the consequences may affect both you and the guy. The consequences in this case are expressed in problems with the genitourinary system. In some cases, this is premature aging, severe illness and the inability to procreate.

Only after familiarizing yourself with all the consequences and weighing all the pros and cons, you can decide whether or not to do a love spell. Remember that you can bewitch a man different methods, and you should resort to this type of love spells only as a last resort.

Love spell on bread

Our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers also used magical rituals with menstrual blood. One of the most ancient rituals to bewitch a man is a love spell on a bread cake. It is done as follows. An item stained with menstrual blood is rinsed in water. And from this water a bread cake is subsequently made. The beloved must then completely eat this cake.

It is advisable to do this love spell only once and use blood taken on the second or third day of menstruation. You can bewitch a man using a period love spell very quickly. The result will be noticeable immediately after he eats the cake.

Love spell on wine

To make a guy fall in love with you, you can use a love spell with blood and wine. Due to its color and consistency, wine is considered an ideal drink for use in magic.

To do this, you need to add blood to a glass of wine with the words:

“Just as the blood was in me, so you are now with me!

After reading the plot, the lover must drink a drink. You can use another drink, but give preference to something not very alcoholic. Beer, champagne, liqueur will do. In order to bewitch a guy, your thoughts must be pure, without the desire for revenge or harm. Tune in to the wave of happiness and everything will definitely work out.

Period love spell on food

This love spell will help you get your husband or lover back. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and cook a delicious dinner, adding menstrual blood to the guy’s favorite dishes. It is collected on the second or third day of menstruation and should be used within the next three days.

So, blood is added to the finished dish with the words:

“My blood, enter into the servant of God (name).

Let him burn with love and passion for me, servant of God (name), and only dream about me.

My word is law!

Feed your man the enchanted food and the effect will be noticeable almost immediately. You will be able to cast a spell within a few hours. Please note that the person being bewitched should not hate you. After all, after a month after the ceremony, all negative feelings can become very aggravated.

Ritual of binding

The following love spell has a strong effect on a man’s willpower. The blood collected on the second or third day of menstruation should be added to a man’s tea and coffee for three days in a row with the words:

“As soon as you drink my blood, you will immediately give me your will.

Now I’m the only one that matters to you.”

The effect of this ritual is expressed in the complete subordination of the man to the woman. To bewitch a guy, you need to strictly follow the instructions and do the ritual for three days in a row without skipping.

Love spell on blood and sugar

To make this love spell, you will need your menstrual blood (a few drops) and a teaspoon of sugar. The blood is mixed with sugar and at this moment the plot is read:

“Blood and sugar will help me bewitch my beloved, the servant of God (name).

So that he could bask without me, he wouldn’t dream.

Now you need to add the charmed sugar when preparing food or into a drink, which the man will then eat or drink. The power of a love spell lies in the contrasting mixture of properties and characteristics of the components. The result may be noticeable within a few days. The man will have feelings for you and will have a passionate desire to be only with you.

Love spell on fabric

This period love spell is done at midnight. It will require the following components: a few drops of menstrual blood, a piece of white cloth and a candle. The piece of cloth stained with your blood should be burned using a candle.

“Just as this blood was with me, so now you too are only with me.

The ashes will need to be added a little at a time to the man’s food over the course of a week. To bewitch a lover you need patience, and since both blood and fire were used, the result of the ritual will be strong. In addition, the duration of this ritual is not limited to one month.

A love spell for menstruation is a very strong and dangerous rite. Under no circumstances do it just out of curiosity, as you will not be able to bewitch the guy. You can also seriously harm both yourself and your boyfriend.

If you responsibly and consciously chose magical rites and rituals, then strictly follow all the instructions. Positive emotions and no doubt about it – you will definitely succeed in bewitching your lover.

How to bewitch a man with his periods, consequences and tips

A love spell on menstrual blood is a powerful but insidious weapon. Menstrual blood is one of the most ancient and powerful magical substances. A love spell on sacred female blood is a double-edged weapon, it acts both as a love spell and as damage, on the man and on the woman who made the love spell. This effective method: even menstrual blood accidentally entering a man’s body will make him reach out to this woman with all his being. Even a guy who is averse to this woman begins to feel a powerful, intoxicating attraction. Blood goes directly to blood, bypassing the mind.

Consequences of menstrual blood entering a man’s body:

  • Nausea, dizziness, headache, trembling hands (menstrual blood is energy poison)
  • If blood enters the bewitched person’s body repeatedly, he can become seriously ill: the blood affects the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys, and intestines. Possible ulceration, formation of tumors and stones
  • The male genitourinary system often suffers: sexual weakness and voluntary urination appear
  • The beloved falls alternately into passion, melancholy, and anger directed at the bewitcher. Heavy mental vibrations begin to be filled with alcohol. He drinks himself gradually but steadily. Even if you stop adding blood to him, the man cannot stop his slide down the inclined plane. Mental melancholy, the causes of which are unknown to him, undermines his physical and mental strength. However, many men, even with undeveloped intuition, latently understand who is to blame for their misfortune, and often take it out on the woman who has bewitched them
  • It is especially dangerous to use a blood love spell on an aggressive man, a “testosterone bomb” - such a man becomes not just rude, but downright cruel. Can rape, beat, hold in captivity. Might even kill
  • The sacred consequences of a blood love spell for a man are devastating. A love spell takes him away from his destined path, takes away his destined woman, his profession, takes away his energy and changes his destiny. The spirit and soul of such a man fades, he becomes lethargic, indifferent to himself and loved ones

Consequences for a woman who cast a love spell:

As we already indicated at the beginning of the article, a love spell on menstrual blood is at the same time a curse that affects not only the man, but also the woman. How exactly?

  • The backlash hits the woman herself. She may develop blood diseases - thrombosis, leukemia, anemia, incoagulability and other diseases. If a woman is pregnant and her period continues, then its use in love magic will affect the child. Miscarriages, deformities, prematurity, and infertility are possible.
  • Diseases of the female genitourinary system are common: inflammation, scarring, thrush, infections, obstruction, infertility.
  • The woman is haunted by a feeling of guilt. Looking at the suffering of her chosen one, at her own troubles, she would willingly turn the ritual back, but it is almost impossible to do this. A blood ritual is very difficult to remove, often only through cemetery rites. And they are no less dangerous than the “original” ritual.
  • A woman who has performed a “bloody” love spell loses her sense of security. She sleeps poorly, during sleep and wakefulness she feels like a draft and someone’s unwanted presence behind her.

The described negative consequences of a love spell on blood are relevant for women and men, married and unmarried, although they manifest themselves with different strengths and in different combinations. Strong, resilient people endure the consequences more easily. People with a fine organization, sensitive, suspicious people break down quickly.

What happens if you add menstrual blood to your husband?

If the honest, albeit scary, previous chapter did not frighten you, if lovesickness is so strong that you continue to think about a love spell on menstrual blood, then compare the following pros and cons of the action:

  • Rituals involving menstrual blood are very simple to perform. Menstrual blood is so strong that it does not need sophisticated rituals
  • This magical practice requires almost no cost
  • The effect is almost lightning fast - the next day or after 2-3 days
  • Side effects in the form of cruelty, rudeness, melancholy of the bewitched
  • A blow back to the blood and fate of a woman with every ritual and when a love spell is removed
  • Short-term impact that requires constant consolidation (once a month)

How to make love spells yourself

  1. Take a new white cloth, drip period blood, and dry the stain. Burn the scrap, add the ashes to the man’s drink or food
  2. A few drops of female blood are added to food or drink with a curse: “Drink my blood, give up your will. There will only be me - your mistress"
  3. Add 7 drops of blood with a hex to red wine or colored vodka, whiskey, cognac: “Blood and wine will become one, as the blood is in me, so you are in me.”. We intoxicate a man with this drink
  4. Add menstrual blood to the batter when making pies or pancakes. Here you can do without slander

What to do if a guy won't eat or drink from your hands

  • At sunset, drip your blood onto his photo saying: “As the sun goes into the shadows, so you, servant of God, come to me.”. Then index finger with your left hand, smear the blood over his photo with a hex "Dry, dry, blood, dry, dry, guest". Hide this photo with dried blood so that no one can find it.
  • A more complex love spell. Take three church or three black candles. Scratch your name on each one. Light the candles, by their light, pour 7 drops of blood into a glass of water, throw your gold item (worn on the body) into it, saying: “My blood is in water, and your blood is in fire, yearn, servant of God (name) for me.” Pour the solution of blood in water into a ladle and boil over three candles. Then go to the crossroads of three roads at night, pour the solution over your left shoulder
  • There is a love spell based on a photo, when a needle dipped in blood is used to poke an image of a man in the heart and genitals, but this love spell is especially strong and destructive. It is good only for short passion-hatred for life and death. Sometimes it happens

How to remove obsession

  • Go to a master of magic and remove it through a cemetery ritual - from yourself and from the man. It's best not to try
  • Maintain a forty-day fast on bread and blessed water
  • Conduct repentance in church, inform the man about your sin. Do everything Father says
  • There is an opinion that a love spell with menstrual blood can be removed by rolling it out with an egg, bread or wax. This is wrong. It is generally impossible to remove such a love spell completely. A master or craftswoman can mitigate its consequences as much as possible

You won't be nice by force

We are far from moralizing and from calls not to do a love spell. Psychologists say that undivided, withering, strong love in terms of impact and destruction, it is equal to post-traumatic syndrome (which victims of war or violence experience), the loss of a loved one, the loss of work and housing. Sometimes there is simply nowhere to escape from pain and passion, a woman is ready to do anything to have her boyfriend with her - at least for an hour, at least for the night.

The problem is that with a bloody love spell, the woman still gets not the man, but his shell. His true essence, soul, will become sick, suppressed, torn away.

A love spell does not solve problems, but creates new and more terrible ones. “Do not peer into the abyss, otherwise the abyss will begin to peer into you.”.

As a rule, a year after great love, a woman looks at her past with horror and bewilderment, not understanding how she could do such things for the sake of, in general, an ordinary man. But you still need to get through this year somehow, but how do you do it when you’re burning and groaning in pain?

Psychologists advise accepting this pain, dissolving in it, submitting, surrendering to it. Do not avoid torment, wander forward through this desert and emerge from the crisis renewed, wise, strong. Like a Phoenix bird.

The following methods work:

  • Pool
  • Massage
  • Spa
  • Gym
  • Additional work, language courses
  • Moving to another city, country
  • Complete change of image, clothes, hairstyle, way of thinking

Is it possible to drown love in alcohol? Yes! But only once, when it’s absolutely unbearable. Drink to your heart's content, but hide your cell phone and computer. Don’t write to anyone, don’t call, get drunk, cry and don’t do that again.

Poisons will not help you achieve your goal and improve your quality of life. Only spiritual, mental and physical efforts, building up resources - financial and social - will help you get out and look into the past with a smile.

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A love spell on blood, and especially on menstruation, is a ritual black magic and has many possible unpleasant consequences. Men exposed to this influence may develop a craving for narcotic substances, and their potency and general health will deteriorate. They resort to manipulation during menstruation extremely rarely, when a person has no choice.

It is possible to remove the spell on your own and with the help of experienced magicians. main feature love spell on blood - fragility. After some time, the power of magic weakens, and signs of damage disappear. Therefore, one of the ways out is to wait until the effect of the damage ends and prevent the love spell from being applied again.

Bewitched men dramatically change their behavior, habits, even the way they speak and walk. A person’s “I” literally disappears - he is concerned only with the problems of the object of his love and does not notice other people. A love spell on menstruation has no external differences from other love manipulations: its symptoms are similar to those of other rituals. If you are sure that the damage caused to your husband was carried out using menstrual blood, act immediately.

Only the one who cast it can remove a love spell cast during menstruation without resorting to heavy magic. The fact is that the blood of the one casting the spell penetrates into the very essence of the young man, and it is extremely difficult to get it out of there by outside intervention.

You have few options to free your husband from someone else’s love:

  • If you probably know who cast the spell and have direct access to the magician, you will need the blood of this person, with which you will make the lapel.
  • If the girl who bewitched her husband is prone to repentance, you can try to persuade her to perform the ritual on her own.
  • If the above options are not suitable, you will have to act on your own.

The one who put it on takes it off

You can remove a love spell on menstruation by turning it away, but first it is better to resort to mental powers, avoiding repeated use of magic:

  • visit church;
  • sincerely ask for forgiveness from God and those men who were subjected to your charms.

Other rituals you can perform:

  • On a napkin, write your name and the name of the person on whom the love spell was cast. Throw a napkin into holy water. Dispose of the water as far away from the house as possible.
  • Make your spouse fast for 40 days. This way you will cleanse it of negative energy and remove all signs of using magic.

Calling on the forces of light (appealing to any god you believe in) will help remove the damage from those men on whom a novice sorceress or self-taught person tried to act. If you are dealing with a real magician, you will not be able to get by with little blood and will have to resort to dark rituals.

If you have confided in your husband that you have bewitched him, and he agrees to take part in the cleansing, you can remove the damage like this:

  • invite a trusted person (preferably one of the men, since the female soul usually harbors anger and envy);
    place your spouse in the center of the room;
  • the confidant must light a candle and walk around the bewitched person, counting exactly 32 circles;
  • At this time you read aloud Our Father:

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

The signs should disappear in just a few days. Both men may experience ailments at this time: headache, nausea, fever. This is fine.

We remove someone else's magic

The power of menstruation can be removed with the blood of animals. On the waning moon, buy meat from any livestock. Chicken flesh will not work. Then proceed like this:

  • at the rise of the month, light 9 candles;
  • take your husband's clothes, which he wore for several days;
  • put the meat on the clothes and chop it, saying the text of any lapel;
  • tie the pieces of meat with clothes and feed them to the first dog you meet.

For the ritual, be sure to take the clothes that he wore for several days

If the signs of a love spell do not go away, and a person develops more and more affection for the bewitcher, try bath ablutions:

  • the bathhouse should be rustic;
  • It’s better to steam in black;
  • while pouring water on your husband, whisper any lapel, but unnoticeably.
  • Always add the following phrase at the end of your spells:

"Key, Lock, Tongue"

This consolidates the prayer said.

If you successfully remove someone else's spell, you doom the woman who cast it to suffering: her spell is reversed and affects not only herself, but also subsequent generations.

What not to do

Men under a spell are literally blown away: do not tell your spouse that he has been bewitched - the consequences can be disastrous. And under no circumstances should you insult your rival: part of her, the signs of her soul, are now inside your loved one, and therefore he will protect the object of love, resorting to physical force.

Don't try to cast a love spell on your own blood or with the help of dead souls. A spell cast once can destroy the psyche of any man, and two magics, colliding together, can drive your husband crazy.

If it is not possible to remove love magic from your husband using any of the indicated methods, it is possible that he was damaged by the lock using menstrual blood. In this case, the lock must be found and opened, simultaneously carrying out the above manipulations in order to weaken the effect of the rival’s blood.