Magnetic storms on October 1. Always be open and active. Share on social networks

The month opens with a weak magnetic storm on October 1. And then dangerous days are expected at the end of October 2017, during which hypertensive patients should especially be careful, as they are likely to experience sudden surges blood pressure. The second magnetic storm this month is expected on October 29. Experts warn that it can become dangerous for people who suffer from insomnia. Irritation, mood swings, aggression and moral apathy may occur. October 30 - another weak magnetic storm that ends the month. Arrhythmia, sleep disturbances and headaches are possible.

Magnetic storm forecast for October 2017 - causes of occurrence

Any geomagnetic disturbances occurring on our planet directly depend on the processes that are occurring on the Sun at this time. While flares occur in areas of dark spots on our star, plasma particles enter space and rush towards the planets at great speed solar system. When these particles reach our planet's atmosphere, they cause geomagnetic fluctuations in the Earth.

What to expect from magnetic storms

Everyone's body's reaction to geomagnetic storms is different. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. Most often during magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people experience loss of strength, stress, headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, increased adrenaline in the blood, and depression.

Magnetic storms can cause a deterioration in overall health and exacerbation of chronic diseases. People with cardiovascular diseases are especially affected. Possible reactions of the human body to magnetic storms are: headaches, sleep disturbances, loss of strength, pressure surges. If the schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017 is known in advance, then maximum efforts can be made to minimize the impact of natural negativity on the body. What needs to be done in order not to suffer from atmospheric change activity:

  • refrain from drinking alcohol and eating large amounts of food, including fatty, spicy, and salty foods. During this period, it is better to observe moderation in food and try to focus on healthy foods;
  • drink more often clean water. Do not neglect teas, compotes, chicory. During magnetic storms, you can drink soothing herbal tinctures or add them to tea. Motherwort, valerian, sage and some other herbs can help you survive magnetic fluctuations more easily. It is better to abstain from coffee, strong and invigorating teas;
  • If possible, try to spend as much time as possible on fresh air. Any heavy physical exercise it is advisable to postpone it for another period;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • Magnetic storms can cause sudden changes in mood. Therefore, try to avoid quarrels and conflicts, nervous work and communication with people you don’t like;
  • give yourself and your psyche a break. On days of maximum geomagnetic activity, avoid overwork.

Magnetic storms bring weather-dependent people many unpleasant minutes and even hours. And especially in the fall - when magnetic storms are also accompanied by cold temperatures, surges in atmospheric pressure and sometimes even a sharp change in weather. Therefore, weather-sensitive people need to know the schedule of magnetic storms for the second month of autumn. Ukrainian News will also tell you how to protect yourself from negative influence geomagnetic situation.

Heliophysicists have given a long-term forecast of magnetic storms for October 2017. reports this.

Perhaps the solar wind will excite the magnetosphere as early as October 1st. This will be the aftermath of a strong outbreak that occurred at the end of September. The probability that excitement will develop into a storm is approximately 2%, which is extremely low.

The solar wind caused by the solar flare on October 9 will reach Earth around October 11. Negative Impact will immediately be quite strong. Almost all weather-sensitive people will feel this effect by the second day of magnetic excitation. Proper rest will help you cheer up - walks in the fresh air, meditation, relaxation.

Since the storm will be protracted, it will be harder and harder to hold on every day. Even healthy people can feel this pressure from the outside. Fatigue will be increased.

The storm will be protracted, and every day it will be harder and harder to hold on. Photo:

What can you do to relieve stress?

The reaction to magnetic storms is individual for each person. However, if you are susceptible to illness, have a weakened immune system, or are stressful situation- your body may malfunction and react to geomagnetic situation serious deterioration in health.


During magnetic storms, as well as before them, adjust your diet. You will need to refrain from alcohol and overeating, as well as from fatty, spicy and salty foods. At this time, it is better to focus on healthy foods. Autumn is a time of delicious and healthy seasonal fruits and vegetables - pay attention to them!

Focus on healthy foods. Photo: Pikabu

More water

Try to drink as much water as possible. Teas, compotes, and herbal infusions are also suitable. And try to refrain from coffee, strong tea and any invigorating drinks - with this you can overload cardiovascular system. This is especially true before bedtime - these drinks will only worsen your well-being during the period of adaptation to cold weather

Herbal teas will help you cope with stress more easily. Photo: Pikabu

Fresh air

During magnetic storms and especially during adaptation to cold and autumn, try to spend more time outdoors.

Nature and walks will help you cope with magnetic storms. Photo: Pikabu

Relieve your nervous system

During the period of activity of a negative natural phenomenon, it is necessary to avoid intense sports, as well as various mental work. Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. In addition, it is recommended not to take on work that requires concentration or monotony.

To cope with the autumn cold and magnetic storms, you should go to bed a little earlier. Photo:

photo: flickr Magnetic storms in March 2018: schedule

The man has reached great success in science and technology, but everything still depends on natural phenomena as before. One of these phenomena is. They not only affect a person’s well-being, but also their life. Why do magnetic storms occur? They are a consequence of flares that regularly occur on the Sun. As a result, plasma particles enter space, and then onto the planet.

The frequency of such emissions is 1-2 times every two weeks, their duration is from a couple of hours to several days. Over the past few years, scientists have begun to predict magnetic storms. Accurate result an approaching magnetic storm can only be predicted a few days in advance. Today we will talk about magnetic storms expected in March 2018.

Why you should beware of magnetic storms

Almost every person on the planet knows what magnetic storms are, or has heard about them. Magnetic storms negatively affect human well-being. People experience magnetic storms differently. The younger generation, who do not suffer from various diseases, may not even notice any changes in their body. The older generation who have heart problems, blood pressure, and previous surgical interventions are more painful for them. And the third category of people are those who endure magnetic storms very painfully

According to experts, days when magnetic storms are expected are very dangerous; it is on these days that people experience increased nervousness, stress, conflict situations, and cases of strokes and heart attacks worsen. This is because during this period of time the blood becomes thicker, does not tolerate oxygen well, and people experience oxygen starvation.

Practice shows that during periods of magnetic storms, people’s attention becomes scattered, they become less concentrated, which entails emergencies at enterprises, road accidents and so on. Many people feel incredible fatigue, fatigue, exhaustion, pain in their limbs, many do not even know that this may be associated with magnetic storms.

Magnetic storms in March

An increased number of magnetic storms is expected in March this year.

Magnetic storms are expected:

  • March 13;
  • March 16;
  • March 19;
  • 21 March;
  • March 22;
  • March 28;
  • March 29;
  • Despite the fact that their number is significantly higher than in other months, the duration will not be long - a couple of hours. But if you do not tolerate magnetic storms well, you need to prepare your body for this event in advance.

  • Put off all business negotiations, they will not bring success.
  • These days you will not be able to solve complex issues, so you should not start.
  • Try to protect yourself from worries and worries.
  • If you can stay at home, that's the best option, if not, try not to be in crowded places.
  • This the right time to rest a little and gain strength.
  • Spend this time with your family, dedicate it to your children and your loved one.
  • If you have heart problems, high or low blood pressure, do not leave home without medication.
  • How to survive magnetic days without shock

    There are several tips from experts that will help you survive magnetic storms:

    1) On days when magnetic storms are predicted, exclude from your diet harmful products and alcoholic drinks.

    2) Drink plenty of water.

    3) Watch your diet.

    4) Do not get carried away with drinks containing coffee. It is better to give preference to green and herbal teas.

    5) Take a bath with aromatic products, this will help you relax and get good emotions for the whole day.

    6) Try not to be nervous or worry about trifles. Leave all important matters for another day.

    7) Get out of town or to the park with the whole family.

    8) From clothes it is better to stop at natural materials, which will not hinder movement and will be comfortable. Today the main thing is comfort.

    9) If you feel unwell, take action immediately: if you know what medications will help you in this situation, you can cope on your own, or seek help from a doctor.

    Take care of your health and the health of your family!

    Schedule of magnetic storms for October 2017 and methods of overcoming their impact

    The first month of autumn brought a lot of problems to all of us. In October, the Sun will be relatively calm, so you should not expect serious magnetic storms. Despite the relative calm, a couple of surprises await us.

    Of course, in modern world Earth's magnetic activity due to the solar wind is rarely a surprise. Weather-sensitive people can find out in advance the most dangerous days in any coming month.

    Possible magnetic storms

    Perhaps the solar wind will excite the magnetosphere as early as October 1st. This will be the aftermath of a strong outbreak that occurred at the end of September. The probability that excitement will develop into a storm is approximately 2%, which is extremely low.

    It is also worth noting the possible excitation of the Earth’s magnetosphere during the period from October 23 to October 26. These days a storm of the first level or a long period of excitement is possible. Analysis of sunspots cannot yet give an exact answer, but the probability of a storm will be about 10%.

    Magnetic storm from October 11 to 14

    The solar wind caused by the solar flare on October 9 will reach Earth around October 11. The negative impact will immediately be quite strong. Almost all weather-sensitive people will feel this effect by the second day of magnetic excitation. Proper rest will help you cheer up - walks in the fresh air, meditation, relaxation.

    Since the storm will be protracted, it will be harder and harder to hold on every day. Even healthy people can feel this pressure from the outside. Fatigue will be increased. It may seem to you that absolutely everything is against you, but no burden of problems will break you if you set yourself up correctly.

    Increase your energy with any available methods: water procedures, walks, communication with pleasant people, and practicing your hobbies will help with this. Your health always depends to a large extent on yourself, so don’t try to look for reasons - look for solutions to problems.

    October is recognized as an extremely calm and balanced month in terms of strong magnetic storm activity. Experts have drawn up a schedule of magnetic storms for October 2017 in advance to help weather-dependent people protect their own health from the adverse effects of this well-known natural phenomenon.

    Magnetic storms for October

    Such a phenomenon of our nature as a magnetic storm is known to many people. It is most carefully studied by weather-dependent people who, with various changes in the atmosphere, begin to feel unwell. The danger of a magnetic storm lies in the fact that its activity can cause the activity of chronic diseases, as well as negatively affect the general well-being of heart patients and hypertensive patients.

    When magnetic storms are planned in the atmosphere for October 2017, a schedule of days and hours will certainly help to carry out effective prevention against the development of serious illnesses. It is important to know that specialists can determine a reliable and most accurate schedule only a couple of weeks before rush hour. Preliminary forecasts are also compiled that accurately indicate negative dates, but are not able to indicate unfavorable times.

    In the coming October, the activity of our solar system is in a calm state. No bright flares in the sun will be noticed, and accordingly, natural phenomena will not manifest themselves as strongly as possible. A total of 3 negative dates are expected, when the activity of the solar system will be increased. Such dates may become unpleasant for weather-dependent people, but for an ordinary person they will not cause any trouble.

    1 - opens the autumn month weak in own strength atmospheric storm. During this period, headaches may worsen. If a person suffers from inflammatory processes, then he may experience a sharp increase in temperature levels to high limits. Hypertensive patients need to be careful, as they are likely to experience sudden jumps in blood pressure.
    29 - the second magnetic (and also weak) storm can become dangerous for people who suffer from insomnia. At this point, the likelihood of a drop in blood pressure continues. In addition, the emotional state of a weather-dependent person may also suffer - irritation, mood swings, aggression and moral apathy may appear.
    30 - the month ends again with a weak natural negative phenomenon. All the warnings of the above-described dates remain, so a weather-dependent person should be especially attentive to the changes occurring in the body.

    Security measures

    If the schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017 is known in advance, then maximum efforts can be made to minimize natural negativity. What needs to be done to avoid suffering from atmospheric change activity?

    You should not indulge in “junk” food, this includes fatty and salty foods, smoked and pickled foods. On negative dates, it is not recommended to eat dishes prepared by frying. The ideal food is food prepared by steaming or stewing.
    It is important to reduce communication with people, especially strangers and business partners. A negative mood encourages quarrels and conflicts; the less communication, the less the risk of getting enemies and ill-wishers due to a natural phenomenon.
    You cannot engage in heavy physical or mental labor. The body needs rest, not overexertion.
    On days when the sun is active, you need to walk more often and be in the fresh air, so walks in the park or in the forest are very important for health and good mood.