Spiritual (psychic) ​​hand. Spiritual realm

The spiritual sphere of society.

1. Specifics of the spiritual sphere of society.

2. Features of spiritual production.

3. Science as a type of spiritual production.

4. Art as a type of spiritual production.

5. Religion as a type of spiritual production.

1.Spiritual sphere society– this is the sphere of people’s relations regarding spiritual values, their creation, distribution and consumption. The spiritual sphere develops historically and includes geographical, national characteristics society and manifests itself in national character (mentality). The spiritual sphere is the field of activity of educational institutions, professional arts (theater, music, fine arts etc.). In the spiritual sphere, people are formed aesthetically and morally, so it is difficult to overestimate it. Together with the economic and socio-political spheres, it determines the specifics of society in its entirety. The spiritual sphere includes spiritual culture (scientific, philosophical, worldview, legal, moral, artistic), which forms a certain type of human personality in the interests of society, regulates human behavior in the process of his relationship with a society of his own kind, with nature and the surrounding world. Another function of spiritual culture follows from this - the formation of the cognitive abilities of the individual. The spiritual culture of society finds its expression in various forms and levels of public consciousness, in the development and enrichment of the world of spiritual values.

Elements of the spiritual sphere of society:

· spiritual needs of people: are a product of purely social interaction

· spiritual values: people’s views, scientific ideas, hypotheses and theories, works of art, moral and religious consciousness, spiritual communication of people and the resulting moral and psychological climate

· spiritual consumption

· spiritual relationships between people, as well as manifestations of their interpersonal spiritual communication, for example, based on aesthetic, religious, moral relations.

spiritual production

2. Spiritual production is the activity of society in the production, preservation, exchange, distribution and consumption of ideas, ideas, ideals, scientific knowledge and other spiritual values. In the sphere of distribution and development of spiritual values, spiritual production includes education, moral and aesthetic education and other forms of familiarization with spiritual culture.

While there are a number of common points with material production, spiritual production has its own specifics. The subject of work in it is not only nature and natural substances, but also social progress in all the richness of its social connections, human thinking and human activity. Both the subject of spiritual production and the instruments of its activity are very unique. A special social stratum of professionals engaged in the creation of spiritual values ​​is being formed in society. For the most part, these are representatives of the intelligentsia. Spiritual production is the production of consciousness carried out by specialized groups of people professionally engaged in qualified mental labor. The result of spiritual production is ideas and theories, values, spiritual social relations and man himself as a spiritual being. The best examples of spiritual production, having received social assessment, are included in the fund of spiritual culture of society and become its property. By consuming spiritual values, a person is formed as a personality and in this capacity acts both as an object and as a subject of spiritual production. For spiritual formation, the system of education, upbringing, means of communicative influence, etc. are used. An important role is also played by the subject’s independent assimilation of spiritual values, self-education and self-education. Spiritual production, unlike material production, is of a universal, social nature, the products of spiritual production are available to everyone. Five loaves of bread cannot feed a thousand, but five ideas or masterpieces of art can satisfy the spiritual needs of a million people. However, it should be noted that the production of spiritual values ​​itself is always individual. An example is that Nobel Prizes in science are not awarded to teams of authors. In general, great discoveries and creations are made by loners, because creativity is always unique and individual. Creativity is the main force of spiritual production, while in material production there are many such productive forces (raw materials, machines, labor, roads, etc.). Spiritual activity is valuable in itself, often has significance regardless of the result. So art exists for art's sake. Unlike material activity, for which it is not the creation that is valuable, but the possession of goods, in spiritual activity the creation itself is valuable. Functions of spiritual production: 1. Spiritual activity aimed at improving all means of society (economic, political, social) and the production of spiritual values.2. Production of applied and fundamental ideas, the production of the latter being the most important function.3. Production and dissemination of knowledge about these ideas in society.4. Production of public opinion. This function is closely related to the production and dissemination of knowledge, but it emphasizes the political and ideological aspect.5. Formation of spiritual needs, i.e. the inner motivation of a person for spiritual creativity and created spiritual values.

Types of spiritual production:

2. Art.

3. Religion.

    Science as a type of spiritual production. Science 1) knowledge system; 2) social institution.

Science is a systematized knowledge of reality, reproducing its essential and natural aspects in the abstract and logical form of concepts, categories, laws, etc. Science creates an ideal world that reflects the laws of the objective world.

The main features of scientific knowledge:

  • Systematic and logical
  • Presence of idealized objects
  • The need for methods, methodology and means of scientific knowledge
  • Specialization, subjectivity, disciplinarity of scientific knowledge
  • The presence of a special language of science
  • Rigor and objectivity of revealed truths
  • Cumulativeness of scientific knowledge: accumulation, improvement, progressive development of science

Functions of science:

  • Cognitive
  • Explanatory
  • Practical and effective (science provides a method for transforming the world, and also serves to introduce technologies and create equipment)
  • Prognostic (for example, predicting natural anomalies)
  • Worldview
  • Social memory function

Differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge.

Differentiation of science– a process associated with an increase in the number of special sciences, the formation of new scientific disciplines, the formation of new scientific directions, approaches, concepts, theories. If in the time of Aristotle science was hardly divided into 20 areas of knowledge, now this division knows no boundaries. This was greatly facilitated by the discovery of the microscope and telescope. Physics was divided into mechanics, optics, electrodynamics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, etc. New sciences are also emerging, for example, genetics. Differentiation leads to progressive specialization of scientists, a lack of mutual understanding between representatives of various scientific fields and disciplines, which does not contribute to the progress of science.

Integration of science– a process associated with the unification of sciences based on the unity of various levels and fragments of the universe. Many sciences, for example, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc., are united based on the study of elementary particles. Integration manifests itself as:

· Organization of research “at the intersection” of related scientific disciplines

· Development of “transdisciplinary” scientific methods that are important for many sciences (spectral analysis, computer experiment)

· Search for “unifying” theories and principles (for example, the theory of evolution)

· Development of theories that perform general methodological functions in natural science (cybernetics, synergetics)

· Complex nature of problem solving

Differentiation and integration are two complementary trends in science.

4. Art – this type of spiritual production, which is the creation of professionals (artists, musicians, poets, etc.), i.e. specialists in the field of aesthetics. The aesthetic is not only in art, it is diffused throughout social reality and evokes special aesthetic feelings in people (for example, when admiring the mountains). In art, the aesthetic is self-sufficient.

Initially, art was not a purely aesthetic activity; it served magic, religion and the transmission of social experience (rock paintings). In a class society, art becomes independent.

Art has social content, which is especially evident during crisis periods in the development of society. Late XIX V. – beginning of the 20th century characterized by the “dehumanization of art” (Ortega y Gasset’s term) - distancing from reality, expulsion from art of the immediacy of feelings, everything human, living. Art becomes inhuman, abstract, cold and ironic. Dehumanization affected all other spheres of public life.

Another example of the social nature of art is the totalitarian art of the 20th century. A striking example is the direction of socialist realism in the USSR, which was considered the main and only correct form of art. Totalitarian art becomes an instrument of politics, power, and ideology. The state monopolizes and controls the activities of artists; all art styles not recognized by the official authorities are prohibited.

Encyclopedia of Palmistry: Your destiny is in full view Makeev A.V.

Spiritual (psychic) ​​hand

Spiritual (psychic) ​​hand

This type is quite rare. His distinctive features are the following: small, delicate, thin palm, smooth, slender fingers, pointed nail joints. The thumb is narrow and well formed.

Spiritual hand

The owner of such hands is accustomed to being guided in all his thoughts and desires by high spiritual ideals. Representatives of this type often remain misunderstood and die due to their phenomenal impracticality.

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  • What is the spiritual realm?
  • What are spiritual values?
  • What does spiritual culture consist of?
  • What are morals?

The spiritual sphere is the sphere of people’s relations regarding various spiritual values: their creation, dissemination and assimilation by all layers of society. Spiritual values ​​include moral norms and moral ideals, traditions and customs, religious norms, works of painting, music, literature and other forms of art, as well as scientific knowledge and theories.

The spiritual sphere of society is an important part of culture.

What is culture?

Translated from Latin language The word “culture” (cultura) means “cultivation”, “development”. In ancient Rome, culture meant the cultivation of the land. In the 18th century, this term began to mean the improvement of human qualities. A person who was well-read and refined in manners was called cultured. To this day, we associate the word “culture” with good education, an art gallery, and a conservatory.

Modern scientists understand by culture all the achievements of people, everything that has been created by humanity (cars, computers, music, literature, films, clothing, traditions, norms and values, etc.).

Culture is so necessary that, like air, we do not notice it, but we cannot live without air, just like without culture.

Culture is a complex system created by thousands of generations of people. Culture reflects the features of a particular people, society, or social group. It is their culture that distinguishes them from each other. The culture of a people is its way of life, its clothing, housing, cuisine, folklore, spiritual ideas, beliefs, language and much more. Culture also includes social and everyday rules accepted in society, gestures of politeness and greetings, etiquette, and hygiene habits. The cultural sphere includes the activities of libraries, museums and exhibitions, entertainment enterprises, club institutions, cultural parks, botanical gardens and zoos, television and radio broadcasting.

Most scientists agree that culture has two dimensions - material and spiritual. This division is conditional. Material culture includes everything created by human hands: the steam engine, books, tools, residential buildings, church buildings, jewelry, works of art and much more. Spiritual (intangible) culture is formed by: norms and rules of behavior, laws, values, ceremonies, rituals, myths, knowledge, ideas, beliefs, customs, traditions, language, etc. Intangible culture is also the result of human activity, but it was created not by hands, but rather by the mind and exists in our consciousness, supported by society. Spiritual culture can be embodied in phenomena of material culture: books, paintings, sculpture, architecture, etc.

What makes up spiritual culture?

Spiritual culture in in a broad sense The word includes all manifestations of human activity in the field of material and intangible culture, relating to art and science, architecture, music, ballet, theater, museums and libraries. In the narrow sense of the word, these are only highly moral spiritual values ​​and actions - heroism, patriotism, conscientiousness and honesty, altruism, etc.

Spiritual culture includes art, science, education, and religion. Art reflects the world in artistic images. Science is called upon to discover new knowledge, create advanced technologies, space station projects, decipher ancient texts, describe the laws of the Universe, etc. Science makes the world more understandable to humans.

Through education (and self-education), knowledge is passed on to subsequent generations. The education system includes schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, academies, universities, etc.

What is the importance of science and education in human life?

There are different religions(among them are three world ones: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam) - ideas based on belief in the existence of God or gods. But they all contain a system of moral principles, ideas about good and evil, which give meaning to human life, help fight all manifestations of evil for the sake of establishing love and goodness on Earth.

Spiritual culture is created by many people - poets, writers, composers, artists, publishers of books and magazines, lecturers, radio and television presenters, scientists and inventors, church leaders. Many institutions and organizations are involved in this process: academies of sciences, schools and universities, art galleries, theaters, museums, libraries, etc. They contribute to the creation, preservation, dissemination of works of art, scientific theories, inventions.

It can also be said that spiritual culture is the result of the activities of all people. After all, it is not enough to compose a poem, a song, paint a picture, make a film or stage a play. Without readers, listeners, spectators, literature, music, painting, theater, cinema are dead. If we do not follow traditions and rules of behavior, they will cease to exist. The genius of an invention can only be appreciated if it becomes public domain.

    Further Reading
    The emergence of writing and the advent of printing played a huge role in the development of the spiritual sphere. The European inventor of printing, the German Johannes Gutenberg, printed the first large book in 1455, the “Bible,” which is still considered a masterpiece of printing.
    In 1564, the first printed, dated book, “The Apostle,” was published in Russia, it was published by Ivan Fedorov.
    Prayer books, collections of sermons, textbooks, grammars for children, moral instructions, and rules of good manners came off the first printing presses.
    The first printed textbooks changed the learning process beyond recognition. Previously, sitting in front of the teacher at the foot of the department, the students carefully wrote down his words under dictation. Now the students had beautifully published books in front of them.
    The role of printing cannot be overestimated. Without it there would be no education, and without education there would be no science and culture.

Explain how the advent of printing influenced the development of the spiritual sphere of society?

The basis of spiritual culture are moral principles and norms, i.e. ideas about good and evil; rules of behavior based on people’s ideas about good and bad, justice, duty, honor, conscience, etc.

Every society has its own moral values and ideals. Their morals reflect them.

    Interesting facts
    In modern society, it is considered immoral to offend the weak. But the ancient Greeks argued that children in Sparta belonged not to their parents, but to the state. The father had to take the newborn to the elders. They examined the child, if they found him strong, they gave him to his father. If the child was weak and sickly, he was thrown off a cliff into the abyss.

Noble moral actions do not require awards, words of gratitude or government orders. The act of kindness itself serves as gratitude. It helps to believe in ourselves, strengthens all the best in us.

A person who is honest, well-mannered, and respectful of elders is considered to be highly moral. Respect for parents and care for them is one of the foundations of human morality. Human relationships can be called moral if they contain a sense of responsibility for another person.

    Clever idea
    “The character of the speaker is more convincing than his speech.”
    - - Publius Syrus, ancient Roman poet - -

Whatever decision a person makes in his life, be it a commercial transaction, marriage, choosing friends, getting a job, participating in voting in government elections state power or moral choice, it is somehow guided by moral principles.

    Let's sum it up
    The spiritual sphere of society includes the highest manifestations of human activity in the field of literature, painting, science, music, architecture, poetry, etc. In them main role moral principles play a role.

    Basic terms and concepts
    The spiritual sphere of society, culture, morals.

Test your knowledge

  1. Explain the meaning of the following concepts: “culture”, “mores”.
  2. How does material culture differ from spiritual culture? Give examples.
  3. What does spiritual culture consist of? Who is involved in its creation?
  4. Tell us about morals that play a big role in our lives.


Spiritual sphere of activity. - is the activity of people aimed at understanding and disseminating spiritual values ​​in society. Quite a lot of people, hearing the words “spiritual values,” grin skeptically, but they do it completely in vain. Values ​​exist and they are the foundation of any society. What these values ​​are will be described in more detail below, and the reasons on the basis of which one can argue about the degradation of the spiritual sphere will also be highlighted.

First, traditionally, we can talk about the problems that are noted when understanding this field of activity. Thus, science is usually included among its institutions, although this is absolutely not necessary. Science, first of all, is concerned with explaining the world around us, and not with the production and dissemination of spiritual values. It makes sense to highlight science as a separate 5th sphere of society’s activity (Part 5 will be devoted to science and problems in it).

What are values?

The spiritual sphere of society's life plays an important role in its development. First of all, it is capable of shaping the values, views, stereotypes and even worldview of many people, which significantly influences the character of society: whether it will be pragmatic, cynical, merciful, cruel, in a word, what spiritual orientations will reign in it, depends precisely on this areas of social life.

If people see examples of cruel or indifferent behavior, they will naturally adopt it. This is one of the main directions in art - educational.

What is the spiritual realm

First of all, it should be noted that spirituality is understood by sociology and cultural studies as a unifying principle in society, which is represented by traditions and moral values, reflected in religious teachings and images of art. If we consider it from an individual position, then spirituality is identified with conscience, which is strengthened through sermons and ideological and educational work.

Thus, the spiritual sphere is those areas in which people, by interacting, acquire and improve their understanding and attitude towards the world. Its most common “representatives” are educational institutions, theaters, philharmonic societies, religious buildings.

Spiritual sphere: types

This area can be divided into three broad areas, which differ from each other not only in subjects, but also in the methods by which society is enriched with knowledge.

Scientific spiritual sphere. Here, scientific knowledge allows us to determine the laws of the world. This area is characterized by abstract-logical forms of concepts with the help of which information is presented and comprehended.

Science performs several important functions:

  • cognitive;
  • prognostic;
  • explanatory;
  • ideological.

This area of ​​the spiritual sphere is characterized by systematicity and logic; the main criterion that distinguishes it from other areas is objectivity.

This form of worldview developed over a long period, so it is classified as historical. Religion can be considered as a bridge between the material and the spiritual: on the one hand, it has a number of principles and traditions, and on the other, characteristic material attributes: symbols, buildings of a certain shape, the cut of the clothes of ministers, etc. When there is no religion in society, it harmonizes it. With the help of religion, a social worldview is formed, which is aimed at creation, not destruction: instructions to raise children, be kind and honest, advice on mutual assistance are characteristic of almost all religions and are useful for any society.

Religion as a social institution performs the following functions:

  • compensatory;
  • regulatory;
  • integrative;
  • communicative.

Nowadays, religions need more public support than ever: as science advances, people's faith is lost and the influence of religion on their actions decreases.

Art as a spiritual sphere. Here, the main way of conveying meaning is expressed in verbal or pictorial form. Creations are created by professionals - artists, sculptors, writers, and they are able to give the form an aesthetic appearance.

Art performs a number of functions:

  • cognitive;
  • educational;
  • aesthetic.

Art, as part of the spiritual sphere, has a social content: thus, during periods of crisis, its dehumanization occurred, and, for example, during the transformation of art into a political instrument was observed.