Ways to start a fire without matches. Starting a fire with a concave mirror. Balloons and condoms

You will need:

The most ancient and complex method is the production of fire by friction. There are various techniques this process, but the most important thing is to choose the right type of wood for the board and rod. Poplar, juniper, aspen, cedar, willow or walnut are suitable for this role. Of course, for effective ignition we need dry wood.
The rod is placed in a small hollowed-out recess in the board and clamped between the palms. You need to quickly spin the stick around its axis, creating friction. In this case, the wood will begin to smolder, a spark will appear, and the resulting coals are already used to further ignite the fire.

Hand drill

Another primitive and rather difficult method.

In addition to a stick and a plank, we will need tinder. Collect dry leaves, grass, bark in a pile, build something like a bird's nest - this material will help us get fire from the coals.

You need to cut a v-shaped hole in the board, and make a small depression next to it, under which you place pieces of bark.

Place a rod about 60 cm long in the hole and begin to rotate it between your hands until signs of smoldering appear in the hole. Carefully fan the fire to red coals, then transfer them to the tinder and, adding dry twigs and pine cones, try to ignite a full flame.

Let’s say right away: the two options described above are a long, labor-intensive process that requires enormous patience. But it may happen that you don't have anything else at hand. In this case, the forest and this knowledge will help out.

The method is similar to the previous one, but much more effective and simpler. If you do everything correctly, you will very quickly achieve the required speed and pressure, which will allow you to get the coveted coals and start a fire even in a wet forest.

Your task is to make a bow drill. To do this, prepare planks, a rod, a deck and a bow. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Look for a block or stone that we will need to apply pressure to the rod. The tree must be made of more hard rocks than the rod.

For onions, use a strong and resilient vine, about the length of your arm. Rope, lace, leather belt, etc. can be used as a bowstring. durable material, tear resistant. Pull the string onto the rod.

Next, prepare the fire board. Make a funnel and place the tinder under it. Then pull the string onto the rod so that you end up with a loop. Place one end of it into the cavity on the board, and press the other end with the block.

Now, in fact, the process itself that will help us make fire. Move the bow back and forth as if you were sawing. Rotate the rod quickly until coals appear. Throw the coals onto the tinder and blow gently.

When going on your next hike, take a flint with you. If you don’t have such a device, make it yourself - quartzite and a knife with a steel blade will be enough!
Also search charcoal. Its main purpose is to smolder when struck by a spark. But for this purpose, any fabric and even moss that can smolder for a long time without fire will do.

How to use flint? Hold the flint between your fingers so that its tip protrudes 6-8 cm forward. Hold the ignition material between the flint and your thumb. Now take a knife and hit the stone with it a couple of times. As a result of your actions, sparks will fall on the coal or fabric and begin to smolder. Place them in a tinder nest and blow. Then you can safely build your fire.

Jar and chocolate

Everything here is extremely simple. Run a chocolate bar along the bottom of an aluminum beverage or canned food can. Then wipe the bottom with a regular cloth. Chocolate is an ideal polishing agent and will make your jar shine like glass. You can use chocolate instead toothpaste.

Once you completely polish the bottom of the jar, the sun's rays will be able to reflect off of it and create a focal point.
This principle is reminiscent of the operation of a telescope. Again, turn the surface towards the sun's rays and direct them to the tinder made, located 3-4 cm from the focal point. Soon the flame will appear.

True, the downside is that you don’t always have an aluminum can at hand. And we definitely eat the chocolate bar before the fire appears!

This is the easiest way to get fire, but it will only work in sunny weather. Many of you probably melted soldiers or set fire to newspapers with it as a child. Now, using a lens, magnifying glass, magnifying glass, glasses or binoculars, let's try to make a fire.

To speed up the process, moisten the surface with water.

Place the lens at the angle of impact sunlight, focusing the beam at one point. Place the tinder in this place and wait just a few minutes.

As we already understood, the easiest way to create fire is with a lens. Unfortunately, it may not always be at hand, but a condom may well be lying around in the inner pocket of a real man. The same method can be taught to a child using an inflatable ball.

Fill the condom with water until it fits easily in your hand and is shaped like a sphere. Don't forget to tie the item tightly.

Then squeeze the ball so that a direct beam of light passes through it. As a result, you will get two lenses of small diameter. The focal length will be shorter than that of real lenses, so you need to keep them at a distance of 5-7 cm from dry objects that should catch fire.

With ice

Water and fire are seemingly two completely opposite elements. However, it is quite possible to start a fire from a piece of ice. This method is especially relevant in winter weather.

It is advisable to use clean water to keep the ice clear. If it contains specks, then you simply won’t succeed.

An icicle or piece will do pure ice from the river. You can also collect water from a reservoir or pre-melt the snow in your hands.

Let the liquid freeze in a container. The resulting piece of ice should be about 5 cm in size. Then cut out the lens in the center of the ice, polish and shape it. Point the lens at sunlight and wait for the result.

  1. For the first method, you will need a piece of foil - from chewing gum, chocolate, a pack of cigarettes, etc. Cut a short and narrow strip - about 1-1.5 cm - from the foil. Then shape it into a crescent shape so that the wide ends are just at the edges of the ribbon.

    The lower the battery power, the narrower the strip should be!

    In the battery next to the pressing point, scrape a little of the surface down to the adhesive layer and fix one end of the foil on it. Place your hands over the tinder and press the other edge of the strip against the contact - the paper will flare up instantly.

  2. Another method requires a piece of animal hair. Form a strip of it 1 cm wide and about 15 cm long and rub it with the battery on the side where the contacts are. Ignition will occur quickly, so prepare tinder and wood for the fire first.

Spoon and toilet paper

Surely any tourist will have these items, namely: a spoon, a pot and toilet paper.

Roll the paper into a tight rope 3-4 mm thick and roll it between your palms to make something similar to a cigarette. Then coat one end with soot from the pot.

Now let's move on to the spoon. It needs to be bent slightly inward towards the handle, and the bed should be slightly flattened so that your reflection inside does not have strong distortions.

Catch a beam of light with a spoon and place the paper directly above it on the soot side. After a few seconds the tourniquet will begin to smoke. Wait until intense smoldering begins and start building a fire.

You never know what surprises life will throw at you. Therefore it is worth it. We present to your attention a post by Boris Zak, a lover of travel, trail running and running in general (who, by the way, has already told us about his own). Today Boris will tell you about 10 ways to light a fire. Some of them will seem useful to you, and some will probably surprise you. :)

A little theory. What is fire?

Fire is the main phase of the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of light and heat. Fire can occur for various reasons: heating, chemical reaction, exposure to electricity.

So, to start a fire we need combustible materials, oxygen and high temperature.

Method 1. Start a fire using a condom

The condom is truly a unique thing; I think that all travelers have long appreciated this multi-purpose item. So, take a transparent condom and fill it with water.

Starting a fire with a condom

We use it as a lens, focus the beam on pre-prepared dry grass or paper, a little patience, and now smoke appears.

Method 2. Pepsi can

We polish the bottom of the jar and use it as a reflector. We direct the beam onto a sheet of paper or dry grass.

The bottom of the jar is an excellent reflector

Method 3. Photo frame and cling film

Take a photo frame and wrap it in cling film.

Frame wrapped in cling film

Place the frame on the stand and pour water.

Carefully pour water

That's it, the fire ignition installation is ready.


Method 4. Steel wool and mobile phone battery

Steel wool is a weave of very thin steel fibers that looks like regular cotton wool from a pharmacy. The steel itself is 98% iron and 2% carbon, the proportions may vary depending on the type of steel. We prepare a “nest” of dry leaves and grass, put cotton wool in it and run the battery contacts across the cotton wool several times.

Starting a fire using steel wool and a battery

Method 5. Battery and chewing gum foil

AA battery and chewing gum foil

Cut a strip of foil, fold it in half and sharpen the fold with scissors.

We apply the ends of the strip to the poles of the battery, and the main thing here is not to burn your fingers.

The same manipulations, only more clearly, are presented in the video.

Method 6. An interesting but expensive way to start a fire using IKEA products

Method 7. Ice

This method requires patience. Not only will you light a fire, but you will also stay warm. We take a piece of ice and, with light movements of the knife, shape it into lenses. Then we polish the surface of the lens with our hands.

Smooth ice works like a lens

Well, every child knows how to start a fire with a lens.

Method 8. Chemical reaction

Sodium is a silvery-white metal, ductile, even soft (easily cut with a knife), a fresh cut of sodium shines in the air and easily oxidizes to sodium oxide. To protect against oxygen in the air, sodium metal is stored under a layer of kerosene.

Sodium reacts very violently with water: a piece of sodium placed in water floats up, melts due to the heat generated, turning into a white ball that quickly moves in different directions on the surface of the water; the reaction produces hydrogen, which can ignite. This experiment is also called "dancing fire".

Sodium + water

Method 9. Flint

Sparks are struck using a flint. The tool is compact, lightweight and can be used in any weather. You can find a wide range of flints on the Internet. Which one you buy does not matter, the main thing is to learn how to use this gadget correctly.

Making sparks is not difficult, you just need to prepare good tinder. To do this, use dry, flammable material.

Method 10. Fire Piston

This pneumatic lighter was invented around 1770. It works on the same principle as a diesel engine. With strong compression, the air in the cylinder heats up to a temperature of over 300 ° C, which leads to the ignition of the tinder located at the end of the piston.

Fire Piston

In order to achieve high temperature, you need a strong blow.

Lighting a fire in the forest using matches or a lighter is a standard affair. What if, in a situation where you need to light a fire, you don’t have any matches or a lighter. It becomes necessary to light a fire without them. It is possible to do this. How to light a fire without matches? There are several ways to do this.

Friction without matches and lighters

This is a very complex method, with a primitive echo. The key aspect here is the type of wood that is used as a plank or rod.

A rod is a stick that needs to be rotated around its own axis. Powerful friction should form between the axle and this stick. As a result, a spark occurs. If the friction becomes very strong, smoldering coals will form. They can be used to start a fire.

The optimal types of wood for this purpose: walnut (preferably walnut), cypress, juniper, willow. Poplar, aspen and cedar wood are also good. Before use, it must be dried if it is damp or wet.

Using a hand drill

This method is the most ancient and extremely difficult to make a fire. It implies the presence of wood, good physical strength and great patience.

It is necessary to collect the tinder in a small pile, similar to a birds nest. A tinder nest must be used to ignite the flame. The task arises of obtaining a spark. A flammable material should be used to create this nest. To light a fire, dry grass, leaves or bark will do.

You need to make a slight depression in the nest. It is necessary to cut a V-shaped hole in the board. It is needed for the flame. A small depression is made next to the hole. The bark lies under it. Smoldering coals formed from the friction process will be stored on it. This will give you a chance to start a fire.

Then the rod needs to be rotated. It is placed in the indicated recess. Its minimum length is 60 cm. It exerts pressure on the board. The method of rotating it for lighting is between the palms. The movement should be fast up and down along the entire shaft. The steps continue until the required coals are obtained. They should have a red tint. If this is the case, you can knock on the plank to start a fire. The coals will end up on the bark. It should be placed next to the tinder nest created earlier. Then you need to blow on the coals a little to make a flame appear.

Making a drill from a bow

This method is considered the most effective. It helps to securely hold high blood pressure and proper dynamics of rotation of the rod. Powerful friction is generated, which is required for the appearance of a flame. In this method you need to use a rod, a board, and a weighting agent. Its function is to fix the rod and bow. It is used to press on the upper end of the rod. He himself moves due to the bow and therefore staggers. To fix it, you can use a small stone or an element of some kind of wood. In the second case, the wood element must be harder than the rod. Lubrication is also needed here. It can be water or oil.

The bow is created according to the length of your arm. A wooden rod with good flexibility and some curvature is used. For the bowstring you can use various materials: even a lace, even a rope or a piece of rough leather strip. The main thing is that this material has high strength. Next, the bowstring is tightened.

A special board is being prepared. A v-like hole is also cut. Tinder is placed underneath it.

The rod is enveloped by a bowstring. Then it is placed in a loop from it. One of its ends is in the hole in the board. On the second, it is necessary to apply pressure with a weighting agent - a stone or an element of wood.

You need to move the bow strictly horizontally forward and backward. The rod rotates at the maximum possible speed. The bow must move until the treasured coals are formed.

It is necessary to make the flame flare up. These coals are placed in tinder. Blow on them slightly. A flame will appear.

Applications of flint and steel

This is a rather outdated method. It was often used by soldiers before. The main components: high-quality flint and steel. If they are not there, a blade will do penknife(it's made of steel) and quartzite.

For ignition, you can use any dry, not very dense fabric. Moss will also work here. These materials are excellent at catching sparks. Their smoldering without flaring up continues for a very long time. If such materials are not available, you can use part of a mushroom or birch bark.

Any material taken, as well as stone, is fixed. The stone should be taken with two fingers: thumb and index. Their distance from it is approximately 5-7 cm. The position of the material being ignited is between the thumb and the flint used.

The blade hits this flint several times. Sparks appear. They get on the material used. It turns out to be smoldering

The flame is ignited. The material is placed in a tinder nest. You should blow on it a little. The fire is fanning.

Using the Lens

The lens is great for starting a fire. A standard lens can be used. Its task is to focus light from the sun on a specific area.

Suitable things for this method: magnifying glass, glasses, binocular lenses. When there is a little water on the lens, the ultraviolet ray is enhanced.

The lens rotates at the angle of the light source, that is, the sun. You need to focus the beam on a very modest area. The tinder nest is placed near the indicated spot. And after a few moments a flame appears.

The main drawback of this method is that the method is carried out only in the presence of sunlight. For example, in the evening or in cloudy weather it will not work

Using balloons and condoms.

If you fill such vacuums with water, you can form them into a lens. And with the help of a lens it is not difficult to make fire.

Any of these containers is filled with water. The tip is tied tightly. The shape of the container should be spherical (as far as possible). Just don’t inflate the vacuum to the limit. This will only distort the focus of the ultraviolet ray. The form should help create the necessary focus. The condom can be squeezed in the center. This creates two smaller lenses.

The vacuums used have a shorter focal length than standard lenses. For this reason, they are placed only 2-5 cm from the nest.

Using ice

In the classic work the phrase “ice and fire” appears. And these are not just words. By using a piece of ice, you can actually create fire. This piece just needs to take the shape of a lens. This way the process can occur as in the fifth method.

And this method is often used by winter tourists.

Here you will need clean water. Because the ice should be transparent. If it is cloudy or contains impurities, then the lens method will not work.

To form ice of the required transparency, you need to pour clear water into the mug. It is better to take it from a lake or other body of water. You can use fresh snow. It fits in this container. It's melting. The water needs to be frozen. Required thickness ice piece - approximately 5 cm. This layer is enough for a high-quality lens.

You can use a knife to make a piece of ice of the desired shape. It must be taken into account that the correct lens thickens in the middle and narrows at the edges. Once this shape is obtained, it must be polished by hand. The heat from your hands will melt the ice a little. Its surface will become smooth.

Such an ice lens is placed in relation to the sun in the same way as a glass lens (method five). The light beam is focused on the nest. A flame appears.

Soda can and chocolate bar

Required components:

  • A can of carbonated drink, it is better to take a Coca-Cola container.
  • Chocolate bar.
  • Sunny weather.

The chocolate should be rubbed on the bottom of the indicated container. This is a kind of polishing. This will create a mirror effect on the surface of the tin bottom. You can use toothpaste instead of chocolate. The effect is similar.

By polishing this way, you form a parabolic mirror. And the light beam will be reflected from it and concentrated on one point. In a telescope, mirrors operate on a similar principle.

The treated bottom of the jar turns towards the sun. This creates a perfectly focused beam of light directed at the tinder itself. Approximate distance of tinder from the beam: 2-3 cm. Literally within moments, a fire is formed.

This is good and effective way. But not all tourists take them with them into the depths of the forest, or others are given a soda can and a chocolate bar

Flint made from batteries and real wool

Maybe some hikers take such things with them. And the procedure itself is as follows:

The strip of wool stretches. Its length is 15 cm, width is 1 cm. You need to rub the battery with it. The battery itself should have a power of 9 W. Its contact side rubs well with wool. This material will ignite. You need to blow on it a little. The ignited wool falls on the tinder. It burns very quickly, you need to have time to light the tinder nest.

You never know what surprises life will throw at you. Therefore it is worth it. We present to your attention a post by Boris Zak, a lover of travel, trail running and running in general (who, by the way, has already told us about his own). Today Boris will tell you about 10 ways to light a fire. Some of them will seem useful to you, and some will probably surprise you. :)

A little theory. What is fire?

Fire is the main phase of the combustion process, which is accompanied by the release of light and heat. Fire can occur for various reasons: heat, chemical reaction, exposure to electricity.

So, to start a fire we need combustible materials, oxygen and high temperature.

Method 1. Start a fire using a condom

The condom is truly a unique thing; I think that all travelers have long appreciated this multi-purpose item. So, take a transparent condom and fill it with water.

Starting a fire with a condom

We use it as a lens, focus the beam on pre-prepared dry grass or paper, a little patience, and now smoke appears.

Method 2. Pepsi can

We polish the bottom of the jar and use it as a reflector. We direct the beam onto a sheet of paper or dry grass.

The bottom of the jar is an excellent reflector

Method 3. Photo frame and cling film

Take a photo frame and wrap it in cling film.

Frame wrapped in cling film

Place the frame on the stand and pour water.

Carefully pour water

That's it, the fire ignition installation is ready.


Method 4. Steel wool and mobile phone battery

Steel wool is a weave of very thin steel fibers that looks like regular cotton wool from a pharmacy. The steel itself is 98% iron and 2% carbon, the proportions may vary depending on the type of steel. We prepare a “nest” of dry leaves and grass, put cotton wool in it and run the battery contacts across the cotton wool several times.

Starting a fire using steel wool and a battery

Method 5. Battery and chewing gum foil

AA battery and chewing gum foil

Cut a strip of foil, fold it in half and sharpen the fold with scissors.

We apply the ends of the strip to the poles of the battery, and the main thing here is not to burn your fingers.

The same manipulations, only more clearly, are presented in the video.

Method 6. An interesting but expensive way to start a fire using IKEA products

Method 7. Ice

This method requires patience. Not only will you light a fire, but you will also stay warm. We take a piece of ice and, with light movements of the knife, shape it into lenses. Then we polish the surface of the lens with our hands.

Smooth ice works like a lens

Well, every child knows how to start a fire with a lens.

Method 8. Chemical reaction

Sodium is a silvery-white metal, ductile, even soft (easily cut with a knife), a fresh cut of sodium shines in the air and easily oxidizes to sodium oxide. To protect against oxygen in the air, sodium metal is stored under a layer of kerosene.

Sodium reacts very violently with water: a piece of sodium placed in water floats up, melts due to the heat generated, turning into a white ball that quickly moves in different directions along the surface of the water; the reaction produces hydrogen, which can ignite. This experiment is also called "dancing fire".

Sodium + water

Method 9. Flint

Sparks are struck using a flint. The tool is compact, lightweight and can be used in any weather. You can find a wide range of flints on the Internet. Which one you buy does not matter, the main thing is to learn how to use this gadget correctly.

Making sparks is not difficult, you just need to prepare good tinder. To do this, use dry, flammable material.

Method 10. Fire Piston

This pneumatic lighter was invented around 1770. It works on the same principle as a diesel engine. With strong compression, the air in the cylinder heats up to a temperature of over 300 ° C, which leads to the ignition of the tinder located at the end of the piston.

Fire Piston

In order to reach a high temperature, a strong blow is needed.

There are several ways to start a fire: friction, drilling, carving, focusing the sun's rays, but each of them has variations. The ability to start a fire in the wild often determines the issue of survival, so read carefully, maybe it will come in handy.

1. Lens from a bag, condom, bottle

Fill the transparent bag or plastic bottle water and try to focus the sun's rays. Plant in a windless place; it is better to strengthen the “lens” and leave it. It will light up, it will definitely light up.

2. Mirror from a tin can

The bottom of a beer can is a concave mirror that can focus the sun's rays; if polished, it can be used to make fire.

3. Lens made of ice

In one of the seasons of “MythBusters,” the presenters produced fire using a lens made of ice, made in the shape of a ball. So from ready ice You can cut out the lens and make fire. To create such a lens yourself, you can pour water into a bag and shape it into a ball, covering it with snow or soil. When it freezes, it becomes a lens.

4. Blacksmith method

If you hit a nail with a hammer and turn it for 3 minutes, you can light a cigarette from the nail, and accordingly, you can set the tinder on fire.

5. Flint carving

A piece of steel, preferably hardened, is suitable as a chair. But with flint it’s harder, even though this flint is lying on the road. Soft rocks will not give a spark; you need to find a very hard stone.

Typically, such stones resemble cloudy or even transparent glass. It is impossible to knock a spark out of a rounded stone; the pebbles must be split and a spark must be struck from the sharp edge. Test several stones for sparks and take the sparkliest one.

The tinder must be very dry, it must be collected from thin wood fibers, cotton socks will do, the cotton-like fluff of plants lights up at the slightest spark, carve it in a windless place, it is recommended to hold the tinder over a flint.

6. Rubbing the rope on a dry stick

A pine stick with a split in it, rubbed into it, place it so that there is space under the stick. You need a rope, preferably made from natural fibers; attach pieces of wood at the ends, like a chain saw. And, accordingly, cut, Shura. You need to saw with a lot of pressure and with quick, short movements. Literally at the count of ten it starts smoking. All that remains is to fan the fire.

7. Cotton ball friction

Between two dry boards, place a piece of cotton wool from a padded jacket, for example, and iron it back and forth until it begins to smolder. According to the stories of old people, fire is very easy to make.

8. Rubbing a stick against another stick

In dry and soft wooden plank make a groove into which you need to insert a hard wooden stick at an angle of 45 degrees. Pressing the stick from above, move it along the groove of the bottom plank; at the extreme point, the abraded material will collect; after a while, the hard stick will reach the desired temperature. Initially, clouds of smoke will appear. You can then watch the wood powder begin to accumulate chocolate color. Individual particles of this powder, carried away by rapid movement, are thrown out further. You can clearly see them falling, smoking, although no sparks are visible.

The source of combustion occurs where hot powder accumulates in a heap, where air flows freely and supports combustion.

9. Drilling

In soft, dry wood, make a recess and a groove for air to enter, take a hard, dry stick and insert it into the recess, covering it with a stone on top.
Place kindling material, tinder or wick, moss, lint, etc. around the hole. Move the dry, hard stick with the bow, which is overlapped onto the stick.

Drilling pine with beech gives the best results in terms of time. It is not recommended to use linden and aspen for these purposes.

10. Potato lighter

In order to light a fire, you first need to make, so to speak, an “electric generator”.
To create a generator you will need:

  • Potato
  • 2 toothpicks
  • Knife and teaspoon (Optional)
  • 2 wires
  • , nth quantity

The wires must be stripped! Cut the potatoes into two halves using. Pass the wires through half of the potatoes. Using a spoon, make a dimple in the other half of the potato - the size of the dimple is equal to the size of the spoon. Mix toothpaste with salt and fill the cavity in half of the potatoes.

Connect the 2 halves (wires with inside should be folded, but so that they are dipped in toothpaste). Connect potato halves using toothpicks

To start a fire, wrap a piece of cotton wool around one of the wires. Wait a couple of minutes (the battery should charge). Then you should bring the wires close to each other until a spark occurs.