Names of horses from films. Nicknames for horses: beautiful and famous names. Christian customs in horse names

The horse is a very intelligent and loyal animal, which has long been valued by its owners primarily for these qualities, and not just for its appearance. When choosing a name for your pet, it was customary to focus on the character traits and characteristics of the pet. The names of horses cannot be called only names, so selecting them is a responsible task.

The country has not yet officially passed a law according to which each horse must have documents confirming its identity. But when carrying out events for the sale, transportation of animals, and if a decision is made to participate in competitions of various sizes, then you cannot do without a passport.

If you bought a horse without documents, they should be obtained by contacting the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Horse Breeding (VNIIK). Animal passports issued before 1991 are considered invalid. The proof of ownership of a horse is always the act of purchase and sale, and on its basis, VNIIK will issue you with new papers.

There are tribal and sports passports. The most expensive documents will be needed for Arabian horses over 3 years old. For official papers for a Donchak, a Budyonnovets, a trotter, or a thoroughbred, you will have to pay almost three times less. For a horse that does not belong to a specific breed, that is, a crossbreed, you can order so-called “yellow” documents - this is a passport for a pleasure or sports horse.

How to register an animal

To identify and register a pet with the authorities, the owner will need to order a document, a graphic and written description of the characteristic features, and receive an identification number and nickname.

Carrying out the procedure of genetic examination of origin is relevant for breeding stallions, as is recording of identified animals on the farm, registration in the State Book in accordance with the breed. You will need to register your pet in the Animal Register, issue and receive a passport for it. This makes it possible to obtain information about the change of owner, farm, identification data of the horse, death, slaughter or disposal of individual individuals.

The verbal description of the animal in the document includes the name, names and civil code numbers of the father and mother, color, gender, date of birth, special features - on the head, neck, body and limbs, traces of injuries. When describing graphically, each of the signs - spots, marks, etc. - is marked with a certain color.

How to choose the right nickname

Horse names were never perceived as simply identifying the animal, but were full of meaning. For pets and breeding noble horses, names have long been chosen that carry a colossal meaning.

Even today, domestic horses are sometimes given simple “everyday” names – Serko, Zoyka, Glashka, Buyan. You can display a character or appearance trait in a nickname, for example, Weiner or Black - in a foreign style.

Thoroughbred and sports horses are another matter. When naming them, it is customary to adhere to the rules. The nickname should begin with the first letter of the mother's name, and in the middle contain the initial letter of the father's name. For example, if the horse’s name was Arab, and his companion was Insidious, then their offspring should have a name similar to Caravan.

The requirements for names for half-breed horses are not so strict. But in any case they must begin with a capital letter of the father's name. The names of sports horses often contain information about the stable or club. For European countries, this feature has long become the norm. Now it becomes clear why the names of the horses there are often long and difficult to pronounce.

The tradition of giving nicknames to horses according to the rules dates back to the times of Russian trotting horse breeding - the 19th century.

Based on the emotional character of the horse, it is permissible to call it Fighter, Mighty, Brave, Terrible, Strong, and so on. The names of birds and animals can be displayed in nicknames: Tigress, Leopard, Eagle, Tap Dancer. The names of natural phenomena are also used - Rolling, Sunrise, Blizzard. It is possible to use a job title or title - Bogatyr, Knight, Queen and the like. The name can reflect character traits - Good-natured, Brawler, Grumpy. Popular horse breeding terms are Black, Bay, Gray. There are anthroponyms - Neptune, Roland, Andromache, as well as toponyms - Paris, Brazil, America. Beautiful epithets are embodied in the nicknames Wavy, Shaggy, Velvet, Handsome. In our country, the favorite old Russian nicknames for mares and stallions are Zlata, Aksinya, Pelageya, Prokhor, Tikhon, Lukyan. You can find names precious stones– Turquoise, Amethyst, Topaz.

Prohibited nicknames

When thinking about what to name your horse, keep in mind that there are prohibited names. These include the nicknames of famous producers or the founders of famous offspring. It is unacceptable to name your horse after a first or last name famous personalities without their permission. It is not recommended to give your pet a name that consists of more than 18 characters. You cannot give your horses nicknames that contradict the principles of morality and humanity.

After everything, it becomes clear that it is not so easy to name a newborn foal. Consult with your family and settle on one name. If a potential future champion has been born, on whom high hopes are placed, it would be better to choose a nickname for him, taking into account the opinions of all breeders.

Interesting historical facts associated with the names of horses that became famous for something. For example, the faithful companion of the epic hero Ilya Muromets in a literary work was called Burushka-Kosmatushka. And the ally of the well-known Alexander the Great was a stallion named Bucephalus - “bull’s head”, if we take the literal translation from Greek. A horse named Rocinante from Cervantes' book, if we translate his name from Spanish, will turn out to be an ordinary “nag”. In O. Henry's work entitled “The Roads We Take,” a stallion named Bolivar appears before the reader.

A good nickname is the key to success

If we talk about horse names from A to Z, then today there are a great many options.

You can choose beautiful nicknames for your pets if you use any encyclopedic dictionary.

Names starting with the letter A: for girls these are Artemis, Amazon, Antalya, Alpha, Accurate and others, and for boys - Ataman, August, Admiral, Vanguard and the like.

On B - Bagheera, Fast, Goddess, Ballad, Lady and Leopard, Noble, Rebel, Bracelet, Bard, Beads.

On B - Warsaw, Eternity, Sorceress and the East, Vivaldi, Woland.

On G - Harmony, Mistress, Bitter, Engraving and Gloss, Gallant, Horizon, Genius.

On D - for example, Worthy, Friendly, Delta and Friend, Jean, Don Diego.

On E - Europe, Egyptian, Caustic and Yenisei, Ermak, Egypt.

On F - Desired, Josephine, Pearl and Lot, Painter, Cruel Priest.

On Z - Asterisk, Fun, Zorka, Villain and West, Zigzag, Funny, Stargazer.

On I - Spark, Empire, Zest, Emerald and Ideal, Tempter, Impulse, Ishmael.

On K - Marten, Copy, Cleopatra, Cobra and Prince, Crystal, Cavalier, Sorcerer.

On L - Letunya, Beloved, Ribbon, Logic and Ladny, Lovelace, Lamanche, Legionnaire.

On M - Dream, Magic, Milady and Maestro, Monomakh, Dreamy.

On N - Norway, Tenderness, Nefertiti, Nymesia and Neptune, Incomprehensible, Beloved, Temper.

On O - Orientation, Ottawa, Orbit, Olivia and Orpheus, Orlando, Mischievous, Fireheart.

On P - Pentogram, Parabel, Poetry, Perspective and Perseus, Poseidon, Glimpse, Prestige.

On C - Arrow, Fairy Tale, Symphony and Serpentine, Sapphire, Stimulus.

On T - Tiara, Mysterious, Mystery and Title, Patient, Typhoon.

On U - Delight, Threat, Cleverness and Pattern, Ember, Unique.

On F - Fantasy, Flicka, Flora and Fast and Furious, Faraday, Phoenix.

On X - Chrysanthemum, Artist, Sly and Khalif, Hunter, Cold.

On C - Gypsy, Queen, Tsunami and Centurion, Citrus, Candied fruit.

On H - Enchantress, Black, Silver Fox and Roan, Chester, Churchill, Champion.

On Sh - Chocolate, Prank, Chanel and Scamp, Shakespeare, Whisper.

On Shch - Generous, Generosity and Generous, Sherbet.

On E – Emotion, Erica and Elbrus, Standard.

In the south - Utah, Junior and Jupiter, Yumrak.

On Ya - Berry, Jasper and Yary, Jaguar.

This article provides only some examples of horse names. In reality, of course, there are much more of them. And each of them is unique in its own way.

Video “The most famous horses”

This short video will introduce you to the ten most famous horses and, of course, you will recognize their names.

Owners name their stallions and mares immediately after their birth. The name will remain unchanged throughout the animal's life. Nicknames for horses are not invented just like that. They must show the disposition of the mares and stallions, as well as their unique traits. The nicknames of thoroughbred horses also characterize their pedigree. Therefore, you should approach the choice of name responsibly. The names of horses are not an empty phrase; they have a deep meaning.

The horse is a noble animal, and it needs an appropriate name

How to choose a name for a foal

The names of horses in Russia at all times represented much more than just the designation of a specific animal. People were very careful in naming mares and stallions. There is a lot of documentary evidence of this, including in the works of poets and writers. There, horses always have beautiful and bright nicknames that best characterize the animal.

The question of what to name a horse will not affect you if you purchase an adult animal. Because he already has a name. But the situation may be completely different, this is the birth of a foal. As soon as he is born, he needs to come up with a name. Some people will not rack their brains and will go the simple route: they will name the newborn the usual name that comes to their mind. This is how Zorki, Buyans and others appear. However, this problem can be solved in another way: to show imagination and knowledge of the literature on this issue.

You can come up with any name for a horse that was born in a private farmstead; there are no prohibitions or restrictions in this regard. It can denote the temperament, suit or other quality of the horse. Sometimes it's easy beautiful word, which came from another language: Black, Weiner and others. Everything is left to the owner. Things are completely different in cases where the horse has a good pedigree, is a purebred or sports horse.

For a foal of noble blood, the name is chosen according to certain rules.

Name table

Letter of the alphabet Mare Stallion
A Adele, Alice, Watercolor, Alpha, Anika, Arina, Athena, Astoria Apollo, August, Aklon, Antey, Angel, Aston, Adonis
B Bassi, Bella, Bonita, Burka, Beatrice, Squirrel, Buffy, Bianca Ben, Benefit, Buran, Basil, Golden Eagle, Bruce, Buyan
IN Vanessa, Vasara, Venus, Vendetta, Veronia, Wendy, Vaiga Webster, Viscount, Versailles, Faithful, Watchman, Vizorg, Vulcan
G Proud, Loud, Guiana, Gaili, Glucose, Gelda, Gimby Hanibal, Garth, Hamlet, Gallop, Henry, Geopard, Garnet, Granite
D Julie, Desa, Jennifer, Virgo, Jilly, Dusty, Kindness, Doxy Dakar, Daniel, Darko, Dingo, Dombay, Doubloon, Daly, Durango
E Eurasia, Yesenia, Elinira, Ebbi, Elagia, Eila, Elis Euphrates, Elman, Yenisei, Eros, Jaeger, Ekim, Endai
AND Jasmine, Giselle, Juliet, Priestess, Georgette, Jastina, Zhelika Jafrey, Jacques, Geron, Zhibek, Reaper, Joker, Germes, Jaden
Z Zirana, Ziya, Star, Perky, Zayda, Zoriya, Fun Bunny, Sunset, Zambo, Zeus, Zerab, Zorik, Zulan, Zufar
AND Spain, Iboni, Igogosha, Zest, Graceful, Isolde Emerald, Icarus, Indigo, Irbis, Irhat, Ishtar, Illan, Ideal
TO Beauty, Goose, Strawberry, Drops, Katie, Water Lily, Sweetie Cadet, Cairo, Cameron, Caprice, Karat, Cascade, Quint, King, King
L Laguna, Legend, Luxury, Leila, Lava, Lolita, Lucy Leon, Lagoon, Lavrion, Lord, Lotus, Lucas, Lucifer
M Magic, Marquise, Marie, Mafia, Dream, Monica, Molly, Malta Master, Maclay, Marathon, Martin, Mowgli, Mahito, Milan, Michigan
N Forget-me-not, Tenderness, Nora, Natty, Nicole, Nymph, Narita Nord, Neuron, Napoleon, Nemo, Nautilus, Invincible
ABOUT Orchid, Odyssey, Ovation, Orlita, Ofea, Onezhka, Orneta Oasis, Ozar, Olsan, Olhard, Omar, Optimus, Orion
P Pandora, Prima, Panther, Peach, Pallet, Puma, Platinum, Song Pirate, Ash, Polis, Pegasus, Poseidon, Poker, Ghost, Pierrot
R Remira, Riona, Chamomile, Roel, Rosemary, Rosette, Regina Robber, Raphael, Ricky, Ringo, Romantic, Red, Reef
WITH Sofia, Susie, Element, Strategy, Snezhka, Sonali, Strelka Salute, Sandor, Gray-haired, Sensei, Smerch, Solomon, Stuart
T Tracy, Tamika, Tavrida, Titan, Theodora, Silence, Temida Typhoon, Tango, Tarzan, Titan, Tornado, Tulip, Talin
U Luck, Utopia, Delight, Ultra, Threat, Please, Clever Ember, Ulkus, Smart Guy, Hurricane, Success, Ulsan, Umberto
F Fergana, Faina, Florida, Frida, Favorite, Fauna, Ferrari Fan, Pharaoh, Feudal, Philip, Flamingo, Flipper, Weathervane
X Hilary, Heida, Holly, Helga, Hidelia, Honda, Firecracker Hacker, Harley, Harrison, Hathul, Hilton, Predator, Hugo
C Queen, Tsunami, Gypsy, Tsukata, Celeste, Tsukeria Flower, Tsargun, Cymbal, Tsistan, Tsedrik, Tsoster, Cent
H Seagull, Blueberry, Miracle, Chilli, Garlic, Sequence, Roan Chernish, Charles, Champion, Chicago, Chips, Wonderful
Sh-Shch Chocolate, Chanel, Shakira, Charlene, Generous, Dapper Shaman, Shanghai, Schumacher, Sage, Sherbet, Goldfinch
E Eji, Ekvida, Evelina, Epoch, Eila, Etoile, Aegis, Estella Evan, Egoist, Eclipse, Extreme, Elf, Eragon, Exclusive
Yu Juno, Yusita, Yutana, Julika, Yuniora, Yugoslavia Jeweler, Julius, Eugene, Yuvent, Yuzhny, Yuton, Yukas
I Berry, Yalta, Brightness, Yadviga, Fury, Fair, Jamaica Jacob, Hawk, Clear, Anchor, Amber, Yamato, January, Yarmak

Breeding farms

Now the names of horses in such farms are selected according to special patterns:

  • the name begins with the same letter as the mother’s;
  • in the middle of the nickname there is the first letter of the father's name.

Half-breeds don't have such strict rules. However, the sire and foal's names must begin with the same letter. In the names of mares and stallions intended for sports competitions, information about the team or stable is sometimes indicated. In most countries of the Old World this is mandatory requirement. For this reason, the names of mares and stallions from Europe are long and difficult to pronounce. It is prohibited to use names for horses from the protection list, offensive or obscene words. The nickname should not contain more than 16 letters, sometimes up to 27 are allowed.

The maximum number of letters in a horse's name is 27

Nicknames in Russian horse breeding

From the 19th to the 20th centuries, owners had to name purebred horses according to tradition. There were only a few recommended rules in circulation among horse breeders. One of them required that the nickname should include a relationship with the producers (at least with one of them). People tried to name stallions and mares with names that were typical of winners and famous animals.

These include Fighter, Mighty and others. This point was not included in the code, but no one canceled aesthetics.

Over a long period of time, a very compact and understandable system of nicknames was formed, which is easy to describe. People communicated a lot with animals, and this was the impetus for the active process of coming up with names. The meaning and function of accurately calling a horse has been known for a long time. Hundreds of years ago, in the steppes they grazed in herds, not having their own names. After the start of active exploitation by humans, it became necessary to call stallions and mares by individual nicknames.

Previously, horses were given nicknames based on their purpose.

IN ancient world the formidable names of the horses served several purposes during hostilities:

  • the owner's address to his horse;
  • designation of the animal's identity;
  • intimidation of the enemy.

The last item served as a striking addition to other elements of the warrior’s and horse’s equipment. With their help, psychological pressure was exerted on the enemy in order to instill fear and gain victory with minimal effort. Animal names could come from different names:

  • Animals (Leopard, Rabbit).
  • Birds that symbolized strength and beauty (Eagle, Cuckoo, Heron).
  • Random or symbolic objects (Broom, Damask steel, Bullet).
  • Abstract natural phenomena (Blizzard, Thunder, Rolling).
  • Groups of persons characterized by a specific position (Rich Man, Knight, Khan).
  • People with their qualitative characteristics (Brawler, Friend, Trickster). This group is very extensive and is actively used for the names of stallions and mares.
  • Anthroponyms from other languages, antiquity, literature (Dobrynya, Mamai, Polkan). The exact meaning of some names could only be known well-read people with education. However, their romance and historical spirit were also understandable to ordinary people. They were often called purebred horses.
  • Names of peoples and cities (Varyag, Tatarka, Poltava).
  • Adjectives of quality (Cheerful, Loyal, Vicious). They contained a descriptive description of the horses’ temperament and behavior, as well as the owner’s emotions.
  • Horse breeding terms (Bay, Gray, Steel). They carried ambiguous information about the bearer, but for purebred horses this was considered a big plus.

Sometimes nicknames are given based on the color of the animal

If you carefully look at these categories, it will become clear that they all contain accurate data about the qualities of the horse (actual or desired) and a strong emotional coloring.

With the help of them, the owners tried to make the animal more noble, to attract the attention of future owners or players at the races.

What has changed these days

Now horse owners are trying to make the first letter of the name the initial symbol of the father's nickname. And use the mother's initial in the middle of the word. With this approach, the character of the horses and their physical qualities are no longer taken into account. The predominant principle becomes formal, based on the initials of the parents. The horse's name loses its emotional and expressive component and becomes almost neutral.

Nowadays, the main requirement for a horse's name is that it contains the initials of the parents.

In the trotting horse breeding of the century before last, a list of words was formed from which nicknames for horses were compiled. All possible modifications were allowed using word formation by any means. A rational approach to finding a name for stallions and mares is no longer used. All prohibitions have been removed, except for indicating connections with manufacturers. Take a dictionary and look for a word that includes the initials of the parents. In fairness, it is worth mentioning that in the old days there were many names that did not carry obvious associations.

In modern times, some horse owners are returning to classic names that are also formally appropriate (Druzhok is the son of Rakita and Debosh).

The situation is worsened by the fact that using modern nicknames (Pavilion, Agenda, Session) it is very difficult to communicate with the animal. As a result, the formal name became analogous to a unique number.

You can choose a good name for your foal in different ways. Some will want to look through open lists of nicknames for boys and girls and choose the one they liked best. Some will prefer a formal approach and will look for nicknames with a certain combination of letters. You can look at the foal's behavior, its character, color and feel the name that suits it best.

Horses always have a name, whether they are kept as helpers on the farm or for riding. Horse names should be easy to pronounce, beautiful and suitable for pets, matching their appearance and character. Breeding horses receive their name, which is inscribed in their pedigree, made up of parts of the names of their parents. Usually they are complex, and owners also select pet names for horses that will be more appropriate and convenient in everyday life.

When purchased, adult horses already have a nickname, and new owners are deprived of the pleasure of choosing a name for the horse.

Adult horses already have a nickname when purchased

When a foal is purchased, it needs a name. Some owners approach this issue very simply and call their horses simple, faceless names, which are found in the farmsteads of many animals, and not just as the names of horses. Such names without imagination include:

  • Glashka;
  • Zorka;
  • Masha;
  • Borka;
  • Serco;
  • Vaska.

Such nicknames do not go well with such a noble animal as a horse, and do not add beauty to communication with it.

When choosing a name for a foal, you can focus on its external characteristics

When choosing beautiful nicknames for both girls’ horses and boys’ horses that will suit your pets, you can be guided by their external characteristics, characters, and behavioral characteristics. Also, when deciding what to name a horse, it is not prohibited to invent and given name, for example, by composing it from the first letters of the names of family members or by modifying the name of the month in which the foal was born.

When purchasing a foal for your personal farm, there are no restrictions on the choice of name

Names for horses, stallions and nicknames for mares in private households can be the names of geographical and astronomical objects, weather phenomena and precious stones. Animals are sometimes called by names historical figures, which sounds majestic, but is not always appropriate, especially if the horse is working. Such a nickname can even be funny if, for example, a horse named Shakespeare pulls a plow.

The type of activity in which it will be used can help in choosing a name for the foal.

When thinking about what to name a foal, you need to take into account how the horse will be used. Riding animals should have a more exalted name than draft animals and, especially, workers. You also need to remember that it would be bad form to call your pet by any nation, as well as common human names.

It is not recommended to use names that are offensive to people and animals.

If a horse is given the name of a mythical character, you need to know exactly who he was so as not to get into trouble by naming the stallion beautifully but inappropriately, for example, Kronos (according to legend, he devoured his children). Also not best option– choose a name for your foal using the name of another animal, existing or extinct.

In the event that the breeder cannot figure out what to name the foal, you can turn to such classic nicknames as:

  • Diamond;
  • Ruby;
  • Jasper;
  • Sunrise;
  • Good-natured;
  • Bay;
  • Turquoise;
  • Glorious;
  • Gambling.

Such horse nicknames will always be appropriate and will suit every horse.

Features of names for breeding horses

Breeding high-breed animals are named with respect certain requirements. Their nicknames are not selected based solely on the breeder’s imagination. According to generally accepted rules, the animal should receive a name in which the first letter will be the same as the mother’s nickname, and in the middle there will be the first letter of the father’s nickname. This requirement is mandatory. The pedigree of an animal always indicates the names of its parents and its own name. It also indicates the coordinates of the breeder, age and other characteristics of the animal.

Breeding horses are named in accordance with the requirements

The requirements for the nicknames of half-bred foals are much softer. The main condition is that the foal receive a name that begins with the same letter as the father's name. Otherwise, the breeder has complete freedom, taking into account only general norms and rules.

Features of names for sports horses

The names of sports horses are much more complex. They, according to international rules, must include several items. Thus, the name of the animal must necessarily reflect:

  • Mother's name;
  • Father's name;
  • Name of the club or stable.

For this reason, animal names are most often complex and long - up to 27 characters, and in rare cases more. Such a horse usually also has a second pet name, which the owners use. The official nickname is used only when an animal is entered at competitions and in documents.

Sport horses often have two names

In Russia, they began to give an animal a name according to these rules from the beginning of the 19th century, when trotting horse breeding with the selection of breeding individuals began to actively develop in the country. At the same time, many breed standards were developed.

What is prohibited in names

There are certain prohibitions when choosing a name. In a private household, of course, it is unlikely that anyone will monitor their compliance, but, nevertheless, they are worth taking into account. In breeding and sport breeding, ignoring them can result in a fine or even criminal liability. Thus, the following names are strictly prohibited when choosing:

  • Obscene language;
  • Religious terms of any faith;
  • Security list;
  • Words that offend the feelings of other peoples;
  • Contemptuous names for representatives of other countries or peoples;
  • Words capable of provoking national hatred.

Thus, you need to be very careful when choosing a name for your pet. It should also be carefully considered in relation to specific conditions. So, for example, even such an ordinary name as Zakhar, which is often used to call working stallions, can turn out to be an insult if a person with that name lives next door. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is still undesirable to use human names in the name of a horse, like any other animal.

Classification of names

There is an unusual classification of animal names, which is dealt with by a separate science - zoonymy. She divided almost all the nicknames given to horses into certain groups. This classification looks like this:

  • Expressive-emotional;
  • Natural phenomena;
  • Character;
  • Title;
  • Describing the external qualities of a word;
  • Anthroponyms;
  • Terms used in horse breeding;
  • Names of minerals;
  • Old Russian names that have fallen out of use in relation to a person;
  • Place names.

Each of these groups of names is separately divided into several more categories.

Beautiful nicknames for a mare

The names of mares are numerous, and every breeder will be able to choose best option, which he will like in sound and suit the appearance of the pet. The mare's name can be one of the following: Watercolor, Acacia, Amazon, Actress, Arabesque, Astra, Bulanka, Fast, Blizzard, Vesta, Graceful, Thunderstorm, Granta, Hydrangea, Carnation, Gothic, Geranium, Wisteria, Gerbera, Haze, Jewel, Girl, Dracaena, Europe, Pearl, Star, Spark, Beauty, Camellia, Comet, Lady, Swan, Azure, Moon, Swallow, Lily, Dreamer, Dream, Muse, Melody, Magnolia, Tender, Night, Jade, Nymph, Note, Omega, Ocher, Orchid, Fiery, Victory, Ruby, Rainbow, Rumba, Arrow, Element, Free, Mystery, Ultra, Flora, Fantasy, Fuchsia, Fortune, Chrysanthemum, Enchantress, Chocolate, Amber, Berry, Jasper.

The appearance of the animal when choosing a name has great value, and it must certainly be taken into account. The names of the mares must be combined with their appearance, otherwise you need to choose a different one. A white chocolate will look funny.

Nicknames for horses

For a stallion, the list of common names is also quite large, and they should also be selected taking into account the character and appearance of the horse. You can name your pet as follows: Agate, Apollo, Amethyst, Diamond, Absinthe, Atlantic, Harlequin, Brawler, Bolivar, Bell (suitable more for ponies), Damask steel, Beads, Wind, Vulcan, East, Jack, Wizard, Waltz, Thunder, Granite, Hyacinth, Hercules, Hercules, Hephaestus, Garnet, Smoke, Joker, Gin, Pearl, West, Starry, Zenith, Emerald, Frost, Source, Carnival, Chestnut, Cypress, Crystal, Flying, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Marble, Dreamer, Almond, Magnet, Meteor, Muscat, Jade, Nord, Narcissus, Neptune, Ocean, Orion, Fire, Onyx, Orlik, Odysseus, Pirate, Peony, Knight, Ruby, Dawn, Rolling, Salute, Sapphire, Saturn, Selenite, Dancer, Hurricane, Coal, Phoenix, Frigate, Phalinopsis, Cold, Brave, Citrus, Candied Fruit, Sorcerer, Black, Storm, Chocolate, Sherbet, Standard, Southern, Amber, Bright.

Video: a horse with an Olympic name

In addition to the names listed, there is also a huge selection of them. The owner can name his pet brightly and unusually, emphasizing with the nickname not only his dignity, but also his ingenuity.

It is human nature to give every living creature a name, investing in it a certain emotional meaning. The horse has been side by side with people for thousands of years and has firmly entered our life and culture. It is not surprising that since ancient times there has been a tradition of assigning loud and beautiful nicknames to horses. Bucephalus, Incitatus, Bolivar and many other famous horse names are an integral part of the study of history. It is believed that previously the name of a war horse was not inferior in importance to the coat of arms or banners of the commander. But what role does a horse’s name play in modern world, let's try to figure it out together.

In ancient times, the name of a war horse was equal in importance to the coat of arms or banners of a commander, and it is no less significant now.

We do not know what people called their horses in prehistoric times. However, thanks to the works of historians, we can judge how names were given to war horses. As a rule, they were based on the principle of intimidating the enemy and strengthening them with the help of nicknames of a warlike nature. However, as horse breeding develops and horses move from the category vehicle In the category of “man’s friend,” the nature of the names also changed. Thus, over many years, certain rules were formed that still exist today.

The main principle of naming horses is to reflect the animal’s connection with its parents. This was especially important when breeding purebred breeds.

With the popularization of equestrian sports, another principle was added to this principle - the nickname of the future champion. The popular saying “whatever you call a ship, so it will sail” has become firmly established in horse breeding. They tried to assign each foal born - a future athlete - a nickname that would lead him to glory.

As for a horse in a private yard, everything is much simpler here. As a rule, the names of horses on farms are simple and sonorous, reflecting some quality of the animal. So, in almost every village or farm one could find Orlik, Buyan, Zorka, Kashtan, Nochka and other popular names.

They tried to assign young representatives of sporting breeds a nickname that would lead them to glory.

Rules and prohibitions

The assignment of horse nicknames should be taken quite seriously, taking into account the breed, scope of use and significance of a particular horse. If you are buying a horse, say, for yourself or for amateur riding, then here important rule There will only be your personal preferences, taste and imagination. But it’s a completely different matter if the horse has a known pedigree, is used for breeding purposes, and is of pedigree value. Here you will have to adhere to certain limits. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • in Russia, representatives of the purebred English breed, Arabian, Trakehner and all trotters are usually named so that the nickname begins with the first letter of the mother’s nickname and in the middle contains the first letter of the father’s nickname;
  • for representatives of the Budennovsky, Don, Holstein, Terek and Hanoverian breeds, the nickname is selected so that it begins with the first letter of the father’s name and in the middle has the first letter of the mother’s nickname;
  • for representatives of the Akhal-Teke breed, the name can be selected according to the initial letter of the nickname of the father and mother - there is no difference;
  • for Oryol trotters, the nickname should not be more than 16 letters, for English thoroughbreds - no more than 27 letters in Russia and no more than 18 abroad. But for horses of the Dutch riding breed, the name must consist of more than 20 letters;
  • in England, names for horses of mares and stallions of the thoroughbred riding breed must be invented and communicated no later than February of the second year of the horse’s life. Otherwise, the owner will face an additional fee;
  • It is always prohibited to use offensive or obscene words when choosing a nickname, famous names stud stallions. All of them are included in the international protected list. Of course, you can keep your Eclipse in your backyard, but to participate in, say, competitions, such a name will be rejected.

For the descendants of horses with a known pedigree that will be used for breeding purposes, nicknames are given strictly according to the rules.

Modern pragmatism

If you look at the studbook of any sporting breed of horse, you will see that in the past the names of horses, although not always, reflected a clear characteristic of their owners and were selected with the aim of emphasizing the merits of the horse and its individuality. Today, romanticism has given way to stern pragmatism. Less and less often we see bright and loud names of stallions and mares, and more and more often they are selected “from the dictionary”, simply taking into account the appropriate letters. This approach is the result of industrial horse breeding, where a name is more of a serial number and a stamp than anything more. That is why more and more often at competitions we hear casual names or nicknames for horses: Pavilion, Seal, Girl, Pectin and so on.

However, if in our country they are still trying to preserve the sonority of nicknames for horses, then abroad they are often very long and awkward. It is especially fashionable to indicate in the name of the animal the name of the stables, factories, names of owners, companies and even stall numbers. With such a horse name, not only is it difficult to understand the peculiarity of the horse, but also its gender: girl or boy.

The name is entered into the horse's passport and remains for its entire life.

Name selection

The problem of what to name the horse is unlikely to worry you if you buy an adult horse. The most you have to do is come up with a “home” shortened version of the name or a diminutive form of it. However, in the case of a baby, most often you have to choose his name yourself, and here many people have the question of what to name the foal. Here your own imagination, associations, as well as some of our advice can help you.

  1. Expression of a horse's individual quality. Horses often boast rare colors or markings that help in choosing a name. The name can emphasize a certain character trait of the animal, its abilities, although it is difficult to discern them in a foal. And here it arises interesting point: Is the name so influential to the violent character of the horse with the nickname Buyan, or were the owners able to discern this feature in the baby?
  2. Favorite hero of a book, film, history, legend. If people's names are undesirable, then why not name the horse, for example, Zorro, Casper, Gene, Cupid?
  3. Geographical names, toponyms, names of cosmic bodies. Names for horses, stallions and mares in honor of toponyms and astronyms, for example, Cassiopeia, Pluto, Greece, Virginia, California, Elbrus and others sound beautiful.
  4. Dictionary to help. I would like to choose an original name for the horse and at the same time emphasize its quality, then you can look for something suitable in dictionaries. For example, in the dictionary English language many beautiful sonorous words. So, you can just call it Wind, but it sounds more unusual English version words - Windy, which means “windy”.

Name options

You can choose the name of your pet from a special table, which contains the most beautiful and euphonious nicknames of mares and stallions.

If you haven't found it yet suitable name your horse, then our list, which contains beautiful nicknames for horses, will definitely help. A separate column presents nicknames for mares and nicknames for stallions. It is very convenient to use the list, since all options are arranged alphabetically.

Letter of the alphabet Names of mares Nicknames of stallions
A Aphrodite, Antalya, Argentina, Alpha, Watercolor, America, Astoria, Artemis, Ambition, Amazon, Aristocrat, Gambling, Similar, Arabica, Athena. Abakan, Adams, Argon, Entourage, Lawyer, Adjutant, Aidar, Apollo, Diamond, Alchemist, Altair, Alfred, Amigo, Amethyst, Cupid, Ararat, Aristarchus, Harlequin, Artist, Ataman, Aphorism, Vanguard, Atlas.
B Fast, Belogrivka, Snow White, Bagheera, Boyarynya, Batista, Bulanka, Bavaria, Careless, Flashy, Young Lady, Beatrice, Joker, Banditka, Bravaya. Fighter, Joker, Brave, Beads, Boyar, Blogger, Banquet, Benefit, Buryat, Basurman, Bolivar, Balovnik, Rebel, Bonus, Baron, Velvet, Buyan, Leopard.
IN Venus, Windy, Virginia, Free, Messenger, Vidnaya, Varava, Sorceress, Card Holder, Byzantium, Victoriana, Flash, Spring, Venezuela, Virtuoso. Babylon, Jack, Vanillin, Waltz, Pennant, Varyag, Vesuvian, Versailles, Vector, Virage, Voivode, Wyandotte, Wind, Veselchak, Polite, Vegas, Knight, Warrior, Virtuoso, Splash, Crown, Velvet.
G Galaxy, Harmony, Grace, Guild, Loud, Graceful, Countess, Hussary, Duchess, Hypothesis, Proud, Glaze, Mistress, Graphics, Ingenious, Loud. Homer, Hyacinth, Hercules, Hussar, Grand, Goliath, Graceful, Gladiator, Count, Tourist, Hercules, Loud, Geyser, Glamor, Hero.
D Wild, Daring, Virtuous, Worthy, Maiden, Dakota, Valor, Lady, Dynasty, Delta, Demeter, Diadem, Drama. Dallas, Dzhigit, Dragoon, Joker, Dandy, Deja Vu, Friendly, Dakar, Dobrolyub, Jazz, Daring, Worthy, Dobrodey, Armor, Dobrynya, Gentleman, Donjuan.
E Eurasia, Egyptian, Yenisei, Caustic, Euphrosyne. Eunuch, Yenisei, Euphrates, Yerevan, Esaul, Ezdovoy, Evdokim, Evstratus, Jaeger, Elizar.
AND Priestess, Giselle, Pearl, Jellyfish, Geneva, Gesticulation, Vital. Jargon, Pearl, Jacquard, Jasmine, Ginseng, Token, Lover of Life, Zhigan, Juggler.
Z Entertainer, Mirror, Fun, Perky, Thoughtful, Golden, Villainous, Mystery, Caring. Zorro, Design, Starry, Zephyr, Zeus, Sunset, Race, Zodiac, Stargazer, Conspiracy, Conqueror, Zigzag.
AND Emerald, Graceful, Empire, Empress, Zest, Spark, Infinity, Intrigue, Illusion, Intuition, Idyll. Interest, Emerald, Indigo, Hidalgo, Impulse, Emperor, Ideal, Seeker.
TO Beauty, Queen, Magician, Sweetie, Comet, Classic, Caramel, Princess, Coquette. Cavalier, Kabul, Idol, Caprice, Cardinal, Consul, Prince, Carnival, Commander, Magician.
L Legend, Radiant, Flattering, Lady, Logic, Kind, Flying, Liberia, Avalanche, Gourmand. Lovelace, Lord, Ludger, Amiable, Legendary, Likhodey, Leader, Laureate, Alright.
M Lightning, Music, Magic, Dream, Malta, Melody, Mysticism, Milady, Fashionista, Monica, Mauritania. Moor, Dreamer, Silent, Marksman, Montreal, Marathon, Master, Monolith, Malachite, Monomakh, Mirage, Musketeer, Magnet, Maestro, Myth, Marshal, Master.
N Nymph, Reward, Heiress, Find, Note, Nostalgia, Nicole. Reliable, Insolent, Nuance, Elusive, Napoleon, Jade.
ABOUT Ovation, Octave, Mischief, Otrada, Olivia, Omega. Amulet, Sample, Mischief, Orion, Original, Olympus, Optimist, Ornament, Orpheus.
P Prima, Panther, Province, Pentagram, Premiere, Victory, Front, Perspective, Palette, Palmyra, Pandora. Pascal, Paladin, Paragraph, Ash, Ghost, Poseidon, Prize, Ptolemy, Landscape, Messenger, Feat, Positive, Prestige.
R Rhyme, Rhapsody, Roxana, Rubric, Robber, Rainbow, Rare. Radical, Foreshortening, Raphael, Robber, Romantic, Ruby, Rendezvous, Frisky, Realist, Dawn.
WITH Symphony, Strategy, Second, Obstinate, Freedom, Sahara, Element, Sonata, Soloist, Samara. Sapphire, Socrates, Daredevil, Saxon, Salute, Solieri, Solomon, Sultan, Spartak, Sputnik, Stimulus, Secret, Sommelier.
T Mystery, Silence, Tavrida, Mysterious, Snuffbox, Tactful, Tanzania. Tagil, Typhoon, Timer, Talent, Talisman, Titan, Dance, Tamerlane, Dancer, Tempo, Theodore.
U Luck, Smart, Ultra, Successful, Threat, Handy. Unison, Success, Clever, Hurricane, Unique.
F Fable, Faktura, Fantasy, Favorite, Frida, Fortuna, Felicia, Flicka. Favorite, Faraday, Pharisee, Fan, Fragment, Pharaoh, Wrapper, Focus, Fast and Furious.
X Characteristic, Charisma, Artist, Brave, Chrysanthemum. Caliph, Character, Hacker, Hunter, Chrome, Sly.
C Queen, Princess, Quote. Caesar, Tsarevich, Cyclone.
H Enchantress, Roan, Wonderful, Enchantress. Sorcerer, Champion, Chicago, Churchill, Chaplin, Genghis Khan.
Ш, Ш Chanel, Champagne, Generous, Naughty. Shaitan, Caricature, Sheriff, Chandolier, Saffron, Shakhnazar, Sherbet, Shanghai.
E Eurydice, Exotic, Eureka, Etoile, Elegy, Epoch, Emotion, Squadron. Eurydice, Epilogue, Everest, Egoist, Einstein, Equivalent, Eclipse, Exclusive, Extreme, Standard.
Yu Yunika, Junior, Juno. Jubilee, Jeweler, Young, Comedian, Jupiter.
I Berry, Brightness, Jamaica, Fury. Yary, January, Amber, Bright, Yamal.


The Russian language is rich and sonorous, so in the arsenal of domestic equestrians there will always be a beautiful nickname for their horse. For thoroughbred horses, you will have to use your imagination, as there are certain rules for naming animals. But for a domestic horse, you can choose a nickname at your discretion. However, in any case, a name is not a simple necessity or a stamp, so you should approach the choice responsibly. Remember the famous horse names from literary works. Perhaps in your stable there is a place for your own Gladiator, Arabchik, Karabakh, Ermine or even Frou-frou.

The horse is an animal that amazes with its endurance and grace. Having traveled with humans for thousands of years, horses are still our indispensable companions. And for many people they become not just a means of transportation, but also a friend, companion, comrade. If the decision has been made to purchase a foal, then the question of choosing a name will inevitably arise. This has its own nuances and some rules. In our article we suggest finding out about them, as well as viewing some horse names from A to Z in alphabetical order.


How to name a horse: features of nicknames in the equestrian world

If you are purchasing a horse to keep in household, then you can choose absolutely any name for it, guided by personal preferences or the striking characteristics of the animal. If nothing suitable comes to mind, you can study the list of the most common nicknames for mares and horses and choose any one you like. But if the choice was made in favor of a pedigree or a sports horse, then a completely different approach is needed. Before naming a horse, you should familiarize yourself with certain rules for choosing a name.

When buying an adult horse or from a breeding farm or farm, as a rule, there is no need to name the animal, since the name is immediately selected for the horse based on its breeding line. Also, at stud farms, each foal born immediately receives a nickname, taking into account its breeding value and pedigree. It is immediately entered into the passport when registering the horse and remains for life.

Name for a domestic horse

If you come to any village or hamlet and ask those who keep a horse on their farm what the animal’s name is, you will probably hear the usual simple nicknames. For example, Zorka, Nochka, Buyan, Veter, Sirko and others. This is not surprising, because the name for a domestic horse is always chosen according to the owner’s preferences. As a rule, it should be simple, short and clear. But if you want to highlight your horse, then you have the right to choose any nickname, even the name of a celebrity (but of a non-commercial nature).

When choosing a nickname for mares and stallions, it is best to choose one taking into account their characteristics, for example, based on the character of the foal, its color, and some individual markings. This will always be beneficial to emphasize the uniqueness of your horse. Also quite popular is the option of a name in honor of the mother or father. This practice is especially often observed when choosing names for sports and breeding mares and stallions. For example, there are Grace 2, Bracelet 3, Cupid 2, Zorka 2 and others.

When registering horses, it is prohibited to use obscene names. Even if an obscene name is translated into foreign language, it will be rejected anyway. You should always understand that the names of horses are the personification of their individuality, and you will have to name the name whenever necessary.

Horse of breeding and sporting value

If the name for a domestic horse does not depend on its breed, then if you are going to use the horse in sports or breeding, then you will have to approach the choice of name more responsibly. When buying a foal, you must know the names of its parents, since the capital letters of their names will be present in the foal's name. All thoroughbred horses are named in such a way that the name must begin with the capital letter of the name of the father or mother, and the capital letter of the name of the mother (father) must be in the middle of the word. For example, if the stallion’s name was Brosky, and the mare’s name was Graceful, then the name option for their foal could be BaGryanyi, BaGulnik and others.

When it comes to mares and stallions of breeding significance, then the names should be selected taking into account the breed. The fact is that many breeds have their own internal naming rules. For example, it is customary to give Russian nicknames to horses of the Donskoy and Budennovskaya breeds, and the same applies to horses of the Oryol trotting breed. At the same time, trotters are usually called by the first letter of their mother’s name. It is also very important that the initial letter of the father’s nickname be present in the middle of the name.

However, for some thoroughbred horses it is considered correct to name them after the first letter of the father’s name. For example, such a rule exists within German breeds: Hanover, Traken and others. So, if the boy’s name is Thunder, and the girl’s name is Ruffnut, then the foal that will be born to them can be called GroZny or Thunderstorm.

The names of sports horses deserve special attention. They may be named after the name of the club or stable to which they belong. This rule applies in many European countries. This is why mares and stallions sometimes have complex names that consist of 3-4 or even 5 words. For example, Willie Emerson Grand Vincent.

Does a nickname affect a horse's fate?

When choosing names for mares and stallions, you should use not only your imagination. It is very important to consider the practicality of the future nickname. After all, the animal will have to live with her all his life. And, as you know, names can influence fate and leave an imprint on the owner.

Many horse breeders confirm this theory. For example, one owner of a horse, which was named Torpedo, is sure that the energetic and full of strength animal fully corresponds to its name. Therefore, if you want your pet to have a calm disposition, it is more advisable to choose a kind, beautiful and euphonious nickname for him.

You can also use a nickname as a basis famous horse, which went down in history. The name Eclipse is especially popular. And this is not at all surprising. After all, this is one of the famous figures in equestrian sports. Until now, no one has yet been able to surpass the record of this horse in terms of speed and percentage of his victories.

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Classification of names

Horse names are divided into several groups, among which the following must be highlighted:

  1. Name based on character (Kind Man, Grumpy, Brawler).
  2. Names in honor of other animals (Marten, Tigress).
  3. Horse names can be formed by title (Bogatyr, Warrior, Brave).
  4. The names of precious stones (Ruby, Agate, Amethyst) can be taken as a basis for the name.
  5. They will be very euphonious for mares female names(Aksinya, Thekla or Palageya).

List of nicknames to help a novice horse breeder

Before naming your foal, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of the most common names. The table shows the best names for horses.

Letter of the alphabetMareStallion
AAdele, Alice, Watercolor, Alpha, Anika, Arina, Athena, AstoriaApollo, August, Aklon, Antey, Angel, Aston, Adonis
BBassi, Bella, Bonita, Burka, Beatrice, Squirrel, Buffy, BiancaBen, Benefit, Buran, Basil, Golden Eagle, Bruce, Buyan
INVanessa, Vasara, Venus, Vendetta, Veronia, Wendy, VaigaWebster, Viscount, Versailles, Faithful, Watchman, Vizorg, Vulcan
GProud, Loud, Guiana, Gaili, Glucose, Gelda, GimbyHanibal, Garth, Hamlet, Gallop, Henry, Geopard, Garnet, Granite
DJulie, Desa, Jennifer, Virgo, Jilly, Dusty, Kindness, DoxyDakar, Daniel, Darko, Dingo, Dombay, Doubloon, Daly, Durango
EEurasia, Yesenia, Elinira, Ebbi, Elagia, Eila, ElisEuphrates, Elman, Yenisei, Eros, Jaeger, Ekim, Endai
ANDJasmine, Giselle, Juliet, Priestess, Georgette, Jastina, ZhelikaJafrey, Jacques, Geron, Zhibek, Reaper, Joker, Germes, Jaden
ZZirana, Ziya, Star, Perky, Zayda, Zoriya, FunBunny, Sunset, Zambo, Zeus, Zerab, Zorik, Zulan, Zufar
ANDSpain, Iboni, Igogosha, Zest, Graceful, IsoldeEmerald, Icarus, Indigo, Irbis, Irhat, Ishtar, Illan, Ideal
TOBeauty, Goose, Strawberry, Drops, Katie, Water Lily, SweetieCadet, Cairo, Cameron, Caprice, Karat, Cascade, Quint, King, King
LLaguna, Legend, Luxury, Leila, Lava, Lolita, LucyLeon, Lagoon, Lavrion, Lord, Lotus, Lucas, Lucifer
MMagic, Marquise, Marie, Mafia, Dream, Monica, Molly, MaltaMaster, Maclay, Marathon, Martin, Mowgli, Mahito, Milan, Michigan
NForget-me-not, Tenderness, Nora, Natty, Nicole, Nymph, NaritaNord, Neuron, Napoleon, Nemo, Nautilus, Invincible
ABOUTOrchid, Odyssey, Ovation, Orlita, Ofea, Onezhka, OrnetaOasis, Ozar, Olsan, Olhard, Omar, Optimus, Orion
PPandora, Prima, Panther, Peach, Pallet, Puma, Platinum, SongPirate, Ash, Polis, Pegasus, Poseidon, Poker, Ghost, Pierrot
RRemira, Riona, Chamomile, Roel, Rosemary, Rosette, ReginaRobber, Raphael, Ricky, Ringo, Romantic, Red, Reef
WITHSofia, Susie, Element, Strategy, Snezhka, Sonali, StrelkaSalute, Sandor, Gray-haired, Sensei, Smerch, Solomon, Stuart
TTracy, Tamika, Tavrida, Titan, Theodora, Silence, TemidaTyphoon, Tango, Tarzan, Titan, Tornado, Tulip, Talin
ULuck, Utopia, Delight, Ultra, Threat, Please, CleverEmber, Ulkus, Smart Guy, Hurricane, Success, Ulsan, Umberto
FFergana, Faina, Florida, Frida, Favorite, Fauna, FerrariFan, Pharaoh, Feudal, Philip, Flamingo, Flipper, Weathervane
XHilary, Heida, Holly, Helga, Hidelia, Honda, FirecrackerHacker, Harley, Harrison, Hathul, Hilton, Predator, Hugo
CQueen, Tsunami, Gypsy, Tsukata, Celeste, TsukeriaFlower, Tsargun, Cymbal, Tsistan, Tsedrik, Tsoster, Cent
HSeagull, Blueberry, Miracle, Chilli, Garlic, Sequence, RoanChernish, Charles, Champion, Chicago, Chips, Wonderful
Sh-ShchChocolate, Chanel, Shakira, Charlene, Generous, DapperShaman, Shanghai, Schumacher, Sage, Sherbet, Goldfinch
EEji, Ekvida, Evelina, Epoch, Eila, Etoile, Aegis, EstellaEvan, Egoist, Eclipse, Extreme, Elf, Eragon, Exclusive
YuJuno, Yusita, Yutana, Julika, Yuniora, YugoslaviaJeweler, Julius, Eugene, Yuvent, Yuzhny, Yuton, Yukas
IBerry, Yalta, Brightness, Yadviga, Fury, Fair, JamaicaJacob, Hawk, Clear, Anchor, Amber, Yamato, January, Yarmak

Video “About the names of horses and their diet”

In this video you can see a beautiful graceful horse, as well as explanations from a specialist in choosing nicknames.