Characteristics of children born under the sign of Virgo. Raising boys and girls Dev. Names suitable for virgin children. Virgo in family life

Element - earth
Patron planet - Mercury
Color - dark blue, white
Stone - jade, carnelian
The main character trait is to criticize and improve
Positive character: calm, measured, efficient, attentive to details, practical, selfless in work, with a developed sense of duty, devoted, intellectual.
Negative character: unemotional, cold, limited, focused only on work, giving great value trifles, suspicious about one’s health, critical, petty, restless, fussy.

Your child will not do unexpected things, start quarrels or conflicts among peers, will not shirk his studies, and will not fight too much. So in this sense, you are lucky, raising him is easy. But you will have problems of a completely different kind. The baby will cause a lot of trouble for the parents because the intestines and skin are too sensitive. The first problem is constipation. There are also great difficulties in choosing food. One food causes constipation, another causes colic, and another causes allergies. Skin problems can be added to gastrointestinal problems. There may be peeling, eczema, allergies. Try to give him less medicine, do not resort to laxatives, but choose a suitable menu for him, give him more vegetables and fruits.

These children are often vegetarians. Under no circumstances insist on food that your child does not like. Your child may have hemorrhoids and worms. On the one hand, Virgo children are suspicious, so you should not be too worried about their health. On the other hand, they are secretive: they do not complain, keep their problems to themselves and suffer in silence. The child must trust you, otherwise he will not tell you anything.

These children, just like their Capricorn brothers, are selective in their communication. But when they finally find each other, they are faithful in their friendship. Invite his new friend into the house and help strengthen the connection. These children do not like noisy and crowded parties.

The child has a lot of common sense. If he does something wrong - teases the dog, pulls the cat's tail - explain to him why this should not be done. He will understand you and will not repeat the prank again.

The best parenting for your child is by example. If you think that your child is not very generous, draw his attention to the generous act of some friend.

As a rule, Virgos begin to read and write early. They have an active mind that demands food all the time. They love mind games, such as checkers or chess. When they get older, they are attracted to medicine, chemistry, and scientific literature. Fortunately, these children are not shy away from sports. They make good runners. The Virgo child is lively and agile, but at the same time more peaceful and calm than other children. The alternation of softness and irritability in moods creates a contradictory impression.

These children are usually shy. Even very beautiful girls often doubt their attractiveness. Praise your children, convince them that they are cute, charming, good looking, and this will not make them arrogant and make them worse. They will never admit that they need parental affection, but I advise you to pet them often, otherwise, when they grow up, they may have difficulties with the opposite sex.

There are rarely problems with studies. Children of this type love to study and are disciplined. But if you still have difficulties with your studies, then the reason is most likely the same as for Capricorns: they missed something and did not master some intermediate action. When a child is given a task, he must be given a very specific goal. For example, if a child writes poorly (boys have such problems more often than girls), this means that he cannot write individual letters. It is useless for him to say “learn to write well.” You need to figure out what exactly is not working and set a small goal for him, for example, learning to write the letters “k” or even a single element of a letter. You can be of great benefit to him if, in a calm environment, you figure out what exactly the child is lagging behind.

If the child is not well nervous system, he turns from calm to fussy and anxious, loses sleep. To prevent this from happening, he needs a solid daily routine that is not disturbed. Just like children born under others earth signs, Virgos do not tolerate change of environment well. Try to give them as little change as possible and show more warmth and love, even if the child seems unemotional to you.

Your child may benefit from playing music or some other form of art. Firstly, it relieves nervous tension, and secondly, it broadens your horizons, which will be very useful in adulthood. When children of this type grow up, they devote too much time to work, and they no longer have time to expand their horizons; this sometimes leads to limitations and impoverishes their inner world.

What is contraindicated for a Virgo child?

Violation of the daily routine. Noisy companies with many guests. Punishments. It is better to explain why this or that cannot be done; he has a lot of common sense - he will understand you. Vague assignments. The task must be specific, the goal clear.

What does a Virgo child need?

In a solid daily routine. In a carefully selected diet (less drugs!). He benefits from music or other forms of art. Educate him by personal example or examples from the lives of people he knows.

Virgo is a symbol of hard work and self-improvement. Practical, sensible people who strive to know and understand everything are born under this constellation. The Virgo girl, whose characteristics will be discussed in the article, differs from other signs in her modesty. She is quiet on the outside, but passionate at heart, ready to do anything for love. Looking at her, you cannot say this, but sometimes such vivid passions boil inside her that even more temperamental signs have not experienced.


Virgos are ruled by Mercury, which gives them lightness and mobility. Unlike Gemini, who is also ruled by this planet and strives for external activity, the psychic energy of Virgo is realized in a constant striving for perfection. Great internal organization and conscientiousness are their main qualities, and every Virgo girl will agree with this.

The characteristics of these individuals from an emotional point of view are very interesting. They are capable of great love, tenderness and strong feelings, but not every man is able to kindle their feelings. They rarely show their sensual side. But their practical and analytical part is always left in sight. At harmonious development Virgos become very gentle, attentive and diplomatic. Astrologers say that this is a unique combination when the mind and heart get along. But if her development begins to go inharmoniously, Virgo becomes picky, irritated, dissatisfied, and overly touchy. And first of all, she herself suffers from this.

Virgo: numbers of luck, favorable days

According to the horoscope, Wednesday is considered a favorable day of the week for Virgo. This is the most best period for important matters and undertakings. As astrologers say, if you start what you have planned on this day, you will certainly find the strength to complete the job to the end. Thursday and Friday are considered unfavorable; on these days it is most difficult for Virgos to make decisions and implement their ideas.

Each sign also has its own special numbers that bring it luck. For representatives of such a constellation as Virgo, the numbers 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27 are the most favorable.

Colors, mascots

Girls born under this constellation are advised by the stars to avoid bright colors. First of all, this applies to clothing and the interior of your home. It is best to give preference to tones that symbolize sophistication and refined taste - gray, dark blue, white.

The mascots of the sign include a grasshopper, an owl, fruits (especially apples, peaches, plums), and an image of the planet Earth. The preferred materials are gypsum and ceramics.

Virgo in combination with the eastern horoscope

According to the knowledge of Eastern astrologers, a horoscope based on the year of birth in combination with the zodiac sign determines the characteristics of a person’s relationships in life. In this way, you can learn in more detail the main features of each. So, Virgo-Goat, despite outward calm, is not very confident in herself. In friendship he values ​​constancy and needs protection and care. She is romantic in love and lucky if she quickly chooses a suitable partner. Otherwise, carefully sorting through the options, most likely, you will never find your ideal. Virgo born in is demanding and punctual. Likes to be on the sidelines, avoids any conflicts. Virgo-Ox is conservative, well organized and economical. Her nervous system is unusually sensitive, and if she does something imperfectly, she becomes deeply unhappy. Virgo-Dragon knows exactly what she wants from life, and successfully realizes herself both in her career and in her family.

Virgo-Tigers are unusually careful and prudent. They achieve a lot in their profession and are very picky when choosing a life partner. Virgo-Cats are looking for consistency in relationships, they love certainty, but their main problem is that they do nothing. Their life determines the degree of profitability of a particular business. Virgo-Snake, like Virgo-Dragon, is an extraordinary personality. She is incredibly smart, insightful, nothing can be hidden from her gaze. Those born in the year of the Horse are especially emotional and tend to look for a life partner in order to share their dreams and desires with him. Gives Virgo resourcefulness and strong self-control. The Virgo-Rooster is touchy and remembers the harm done to her for a long time, and can take painful revenge. Those born in the year of Dogs often set themselves impossible tasks and strive to help others. Virgo-Pig, like Virgo-Goat, loves home and appreciates comfort. These ladies cannot stand loneliness; it can become the most severe test in life for them.

Love relationships

Virgos rarely show passion in this aspect. Their natural tendency to analyze everything, including feelings, does not allow them to open up completely. No horoscope sign gives birth to so many bachelors and spinsters as this one. They try to express their love not with feelings, but with actions. Therefore, men tend to consider Virgo to be overly cold. She often comes across as shy, aloof and secretive. And this is actually true. These individuals are endowed with great self-control, and everything in their life is subject to discipline. A Virgo in love is always afraid of finding herself in a situation where she has to live with a person who does not suit her. She does not like ardent conquerors, prefers those who are disciplined and know how to wait. Her love can be enormous, but courtship with her can last a very long time, and she will not show the slightest response. Her love is a mystery that not everyone can solve. Not only feelings are important to her, but also spiritual unity with her chosen one.

Virgo in family life

Cold prudence often determines the time of her marriage. As astrology indicates, not a single Virgo girl is in a hurry to tie the knot. The characteristics of the sign indicate that she is very picky. Sometimes it takes her a long time to fall in love, and this lady will not just allow the wrong man to penetrate her soul.

Representatives of this sign perform well in family life: they manage the household, manage the budget wisely, and skillfully create comfort in the house. They tend to pay great attention to their health, as well as monitor the well-being of all family members. Virgo tends to “ground” her spouse, preventing him from getting involved in adventures. But he strongly supports his other half’s desire to develop in his career.

Of all the zodiac signs, the least jealous is the Virgo girl. The characteristics of the sign strongly indicate this. It’s simply impossible to even imagine this lady causing a scene like this. She herself is capable of flirting with men, but she will never go beyond the rather strict boundaries that she has set for herself. Virgo always strictly condemns women who are capable of cheating on their husbands.

Sign compatibility

According to horoscope best compatibility with Cancer. Virgo’s desire to take care and patronize perfectly coincides with his dependence. Both love money and home comfort. The advantage of such a union is that the partners constantly pull each other out of their shells. The downside is that both are very picky.

How to win a Virgo girl?

The girl of this sign is not a fortress that can be taken by battle. She takes choosing a partner very seriously and will never marry the first person she meets. Therefore, do not be overbearing and assertive, act gently. When inviting a Virgo on a date, under no circumstances should you choose places where vulgarity will be present. She loves a sophisticated atmosphere, intellectual conversations, and good music. She values ​​honesty and sincerity in a man, but she always tries to tell only the truth. If you lie to her and she finds out about it, you will lose her forever.

If you have decided that this is the one for whom you are ready to do anything, and are thinking about how to win a Virgo girl, then it is important for you not only to get her, but also to keep her. She will never live in marriage for the sake of children, out of pity or out of habit. If her feelings have faded, you will immediately know about it. She needs a reliable companion, and she needs to see that you will become her support and support for the rest of her life.

How to behave with Virgo?

Try to always be her good friend, support and share her interests. Representatives of this sign are always drawn to people with an intellectual level higher than their own. They love practical gifts, always have some useful hobby or are interested in something important. The financial aspect of a relationship is very important to her, every Virgo girl will agree with this. How to behave so as not to disappoint this person? Show that you know how to handle money as well as she does. Don't spend a lot of money in the presence of a Virgo, because she is practical and rational. She does not like and cannot tolerate stupidity and anger. In addition, a girl of this sign rarely shows activity, since she lacks determination, so you will have to take the initiative yourself.

How to attract Virgo's attention?

Ask her for help. She can never refuse. These people love to give advice and criticize most of all, but at the same time they can help real actions. Virgo's opinion is always correct. When you turn to her for advice, you will meet a sympathetic, kind person. Of course, she won’t immediately throw herself into the pool headlong, but will look closely at her chosen one for a long time. After all, her main mission is to serve her man, children, loved ones, family.

A horoscope is another great way to understand yourself and your loved ones. A person's date of birth influences them just as much as genetics or upbringing. Children with the zodiac sign Virgo are born from August 23 to September 23. They are a little different from other guys because they know how to think well and listen to their friends. But in order for such a child to develop his abilities to the maximum and become a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to provide him the right conditions growing up.


Almost all children who were born under this zodiac sign delight their parents. These kids are quite calm. They prefer mental labor to physical labor.

All of them have the following characteristic features:

  • caring for family and friends: they are always ready to help those around them;
  • integrity;
  • the presence of clear goals and pronounced mental abilities;
  • possession of the skill given to them from birth.

Virgos in preschool time

The Virgo boy's characteristics are fundamentally different from others in that he plans any task with great care; he will not be able to rush headlong into the pool. However, their main feature is ostentatious pomposity and belligerence. Also, kids do not like to be the center of attention, however, this does not mean that they do not like it.

Almost all children have an idea about every offense. This means that parents never need to be reminded of its consequences. Children practically do not participate in conflicts with their peers and are not prone to hysterics. In addition, they are quite neat and always maintain order.

If we talk about the baby’s health, then almost from birth, children suffer from various colics. Their food should be natural, as the intestines are very sensitive. It is necessary to give foods that have an allergenic basis with extreme caution.

But even if any disease has appeared, there is no need to tell your baby about it. Moreover, show concern in front of him. After all, everyone born under this sign suffers from hypochondria to some extent. And the slightest conversation about the disease will give reason to find the same symptoms in yourself.

Almost all kids are very devoted to their family and friends. They help them, even if no one asks them to do so. Sometimes their first toys become an ordinary broom or dustpan, even when the child is a boy.

The girls are already with early years can be seen in the kitchen. At first, children prepare the most primitive dishes, but over time they achieve perfection. For Virgos, it is not the cooking itself that is important, but the opportunity to treat their family and friends with delicious delicacies.

Virgo children often tend to exaggerate everything, which sometimes makes other kids laugh. Therefore, it is very important for parents to protect their children from any bullying. After all, this can ultimately lead to psychological trauma. We also need to channel their love for cleanliness in the right direction. Otherwise, it may eventually develop into some kind of obsession.

WITH special attention Such children take care of their hygiene. Their hands are always washed; in addition, children strive to control the cleanliness of others’ hands.

But, like any child, Virgos really need the love and care of their family. They need to not only be praised, but also show and show your love for them.

Virgo schoolchildren

These children are the best students themselves. Therefore, it is very pleasant for parents to be at school meetings. After all, everyone says only good things about their children. Most of them are not favorites of many teachers and are distinguished by their erudition. Well, besides this, they never violate discipline. This often causes envy among classmates.

Virgo children begin to show a desire to read early. They are interested in games that develop logic, such as chess. Having already matured a little, they show a desire for science. Teaching comes easily to them. They can carry on a conversation on various topics at an early age.

However, their modesty and shyness can sometimes prevent them from getting high grades. Children study a lot, so in order to relieve tension, they should be enrolled in music or other interesting clubs. They need to be praised more often and all their achievements celebrated so that their self-esteem grows. Praise may outwardly go unnoticed, but the child will mark it for himself as an achievement of something big.

Virgos are perfectionists; they will strive for perfection almost their entire lives. However, to overcome their pessimism, parents will have to work hard.

We need to explain to kids that the world is not ideal, almost all people make mistakes, and this will not make things worse. But such arguments must be given with examples to be more convincing.

Virgos are very practical. They won't spend their money just like that. Even children would rather buy a book or wardrobe accessories than ice cream or some trinket. High school students will try to find a job during the holidays, knowing in advance where the money they earn will be spent.

In high school, Virgos, as a rule, already know their future path. They determine in advance the best institute to attend. They know when they get married and how many children they will have. Already at this age they do not need prompting from their parents.

In addition, Virgos are always neat and pleasant to look at. They also like to have everything they need at hand. If someone does not have a pen or pencil, then you can take them from such a child.

However, Virgos can be very petty. For example, if some item is missing from the table, you may even end up refusing to eat. It is also very difficult to understand what such a child is thinking. No thoughts are reflected on his face.

If a Virgo child promises something, he will definitely fulfill everything he promised. He will also demand this from others. If the promise is not fulfilled, then this person will immediately lose his respect.

Virgos are quite sensitive and can worry about even the smallest things. They don’t like it if people swear in front of them or talk badly about a person behind his back. They also have the gift of persuasion.

How to educate?

When raising Virgo children, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • develop a daily routine and do not break it;
  • since baby Virgo is not too fond of large and noisy companies, you should not gather a crowd of people for the holiday;
  • When starting to educate such a child, it is necessary to give him specific tasks;
  • the daily routine must be clear and properly organized;
  • it is important to properly distribute the child’s nutrition;
  • Particular attention must be paid to taking medications during the baby’s illness.

Parents are of great importance for a child born under this sign. Especially if these parents are Leos. They are involved in raising children meaningfully from the moment they are born. They take them to different children's concerts, play games with them, and also teach them responsibility. Leo mother, although she has a domineering character, still loves her child very much. She tries to do everything to ensure that her child is loved and respected by everyone, and that he has the best.

If the child is Virgo and the parent is Aries, then there will be no mutual understanding. After all, two different temperaments will collide. Therefore, such a parent needs to show a little patience in raising.

A Virgo child and a Taurus parent will understand each other perfectly. Their characters are almost the same, because both belong to the element of Earth.

Virgo child and Gemini parent do not get along well. There are complete opposites of characters here. Often parents do not like a certain conservatism of the child.

With the Cancer parent there is a complete idyll. The same can be said about the Virgo parent. The characters are almost the same, so there will be no problems in raising them.

The characters combine very well if the child is Virgo and the parent is Capricorn. Such mothers and fathers will not demand much from the child.

Almost all Virgo children should be raised with affection and kindness. You definitely need to buy bright toys. When the kids go to school, try to introduce them to social life, and also help them choose true friends.

We take into account the year of birth

If we consider Virgos by year of birth, then their characters also differ.

  • The influence of the monkey will give the child the opportunity to distinguish himself from his peers by his seriousness. However, they will be highly influenced by others on themselves.
  • The rooster will allow the child to get on his feet very quickly.
  • A dog will bring some rationality into a child's life. Kids have practically no hobbies, but they persistently achieve their goals.
  • A child born in the year of the Pig will have a penchant for various pleasures, as well as hoarding.
  • The character of children born in the year of the Rat is different in that they can find a way out of any situation.
  • Being born in the year of the Ox instills a zeal for farming and agriculture.
  • The influence of the Tiger makes the child very practical.
  • Being born under the sign of the Cat provides a person with peace and wisdom.
  • Those born in the year of the Dragon will be very faithful. In addition, they are characterized by accuracy.
  • The influence of the Snake makes children very wise and also instills a love for various trinkets.
  • The Year of the Goat distinguishes them with a great desire to help others.

Choosing a name

All parents think for a long time about what name to name their child. After all, its influence on a person’s future is not a fairy tale at all. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose a suitable name so that it not only sounds beautiful, but also has great meaning.

Virgo child differs from others in his discipline, patience, politeness, accuracy and cleanliness.

Virgo much calmer than other children, although they are also lively, playful, and agile. These are children who are easy to manage, because they are obligatory and dutiful, and there is nothing to scold them for: they will not get dirty while walking on the street; They will not wear stale clothes, they will carefully put away their toys, and they will diligently and diligently complete their homework.

They love order in the house and are happy to help elders with housework, are caring towards their parents and the younger ones in the family, and try to be useful to everyone who needs help. at the moment their help, they easily obey the routine way of life in the house, they have a clear daily routine that they follow, they do everything by the hour.

Virgo child he is afraid of changes, accidents, all kinds of changes, and he is attached to home, parents, and expects support from them.

By nature, Virgos are shy, reserved, timid. They often lack initiative and appear quiet among their peers. However, they are respected for their logic and fairness. To rid such a child of complexes, you need to get him interested in sports and group activities.

A child who can do everything on his own does not need guardianship and does not require special care, but this is purely external. Internally, he is tensely waiting for affection, advice and help, he is also afraid of remaining unnecessary, thrown into independence, of being forced to make decisions.

Virgos do not need to be forced to do anything, they are always busy with something and find work for themselves, they are always ready to provide a service. Therefore, they are often overtired, and they really need proper rest, including night sleep.

When studying, Virgos get to the bottom of the truth; they have a million questions to which they are looking for answers, moreover, detailed and clear ones: they have specific thinking and a desire for clarity and clarity. Virgos pay a lot of attention to little things, this distracts them from the main thing - both in work and in study, and adults need to teach them to distinguish the forest for the trees.

In general, Virgos study well, and if parents make an effort to ensure that their child receives a serious education (and they have excellent learning abilities and memory), then this will be wonderful, because Virgos need constant confidence in the future, and such education is their support.

Virgo children, like adults, are tireless critics. They are observant and notice flaws that others do not see. Virgos will definitely express their comments; this is their need to improve and perfect the world. And if little Virgo is asked about her opinion, she will be even more happy. Finding out what the little Virgo thinks about this or that matter, how she evaluates this or that event, is even useful for adults, because Virgos are wise, and their advice is practical.

This child cannot stand criticism of himself, he endures any remark painfully, does not like it when his mistakes are noticed, and also has a hard time when he is teased or called names, as is often the case in children's groups. Therefore, in order not to irritate Virgo and so that the child does not get sick (and he can get sick precisely from worries!), remarks must be made gently and tactfully. Virgos themselves instinctively avoid criticism, knowing how to adapt to people.

Little Virgos are practitioners, realists and skeptics, they do not like fantasies, fairy tales, and do not know how to dream beyond reality. They benefit from emotions and an outlet for feelings. It is very useful to teach them to sing.

From early childhood, Virgos are picky and picky eaters. This can cause a lot of trouble for parents. Having matured, Virgos will begin to cook their own food - they are very squeamish - and the dinners will be wonderful: both tasty and healthy.

Virgos' suspiciousness, just as in relation to food, also manifests itself in relation to health.

Virgo children get sick often infectious diseases, including intestinal ones, since the intestines are the most weak point in their body, it can also react to stress, to which suspicious Virgos, who are restrained in expressing emotions, who do not know how to rest, are also susceptible.

Virgo's motto is "I ANALYZE"

Fixed sign, ruler- Mercury. Element - earth.
Lucky days- Wednesday.
Bad days- Thursday, Friday.
Time of year- autumn.
Good places- markets, exchanges, schools, meadows, fields, copses.
Numbers- 3, 5 (all divisible by 5), 6, 12 (all multiples of 12), 20, 27.
Color range- white, light blue, purple, green.
Stones- yellow sapphire (cat's eye), agate, jasper, malachite, topaz.
Metal- copper, tin.
Flowers- coltsfoot, red poppies, asters.
Symbols- Virgo, cube, vat.
Mascot- aster.
Lucky numbers in the lottery- 2, 7, 12 and their combinations 2712, 712...

Horoscope for a child - Virgo

From birth, the young Virgo will imitate sounds and copy those around her, and very accurately. This will reveal Dev’s rarely mentioned acting talent. The Virgo child is quick and smart, and at the same time quiet and silent. These seemingly incompatible, polar qualities will determine his entire future life.

Don't try to feed your baby applesauce if he wants peach. It's no use. He will deftly dodge a spoon with his unloved puree and at the same time smile charmingly. In addition, he may develop unusual taste preferences early on: for example, he will prefer spinach to ice cream. Having arisen in early childhood, such selectivity will remain throughout life and affect not only food.

Barring some picky eating and minor stomach upsets, raising a Virgo baby is a pleasure. Virgo children almost never throw tantrums, are very careful, and always put their toys in their place. Although Virgos are usually not seen or heard in the company of their peers, they feel great when surrounded by family and friends. They start talking early and speak very quickly and clearly. The Virgo child rarely causes grief to those at home, and for the mother he is simply a godsend - with pleasure, regardless of gender, he helps her with household chores. Virgo children are usually obedient and do not need to be told anything repeatedly.

At school, they are most often the teachers' favorites - not only are they the easiest to agree with, but they do their homework more carefully than anyone else. Teaching something to a quick-learning Virgo child is a pleasure. At the same time, do not get carried away with criticism, especially in the presence of strangers - this will cause him great moral trauma. The remark should be made tactfully, in a calm tone, explaining what he did wrong. And Virgo will hasten to correct her mistake.

Virgos are hardworking, responsible and serious, but at the same time unobtrusive and pleasant to talk to. True, if they are pushed around by more cheeky peers, they usually withdraw into themselves. As a class leader, Virgo, calm and tactful, will undoubtedly be in her place. However, if someone makes an obvious mistake, including the teacher (who, like any person, can make mistakes), Virgo will not miss the mistake and will certainly make a remark, which can embarrass the poor fellow. Virgo students are usually extremely meticulous and painstaking; they work long hours in libraries, preferring to gain knowledge from books rather than from the mouths of even authoritative people.

In childhood, Virgos need to study a lot, read and play (preferably intellectual games), otherwise (if there are even the slightest gaps in their education), when they become adults, they will feel inferior. For other signs of the Zodiac, ignorance of something is never as painful as for Virgos.

When a Virgo boy or girl begins to be interested in the opposite sex, it is better to pretend that nothing is happening. Focus on these issues... best way to ensure that the child withdraws into himself and thinks that he is doing something unclean. (Remember that the sign of Virgo gives birth to most bachelors and spinsters.)

The Virgo child, like no one else, needs constant confirmation of your love, expressed in words, kisses, etc. The lack of parental affection will have a bad effect on his future relationships with people. Even very beautiful and smart little Virgo girls and boys suffer from excessive modesty. Tell them as many kind words as possible, praise them, admire them. This will not spoil them (after all, deep down they are all self-critical), but will only instill confidence in their abilities.

Virgo develops certain habits from an early age. She doesn’t like it when people violate the once-for-all established daily routine, take her things without asking, or interfere in her affairs. If she avoids answering a question directly, there is no point in torturing her further. The Virgo child subtly notices the characteristics of family members and copies them in a very funny way. Virgo will need her own room before other children.

Virgos are very picky eaters: you will have to carefully study their tastes.

The Virgo child has an innate sense of responsibility; you can always rely on him. He treats his family and their problems with understanding and sympathy.

After all that has been said, you may get the impression that Virgo is a model child. This is true, but only partly.

Only Virgo is capable of driving you into a white heat with her “boringness”: either it seems to her that the sauce is too salty and she will talk about it for half a day, or she will refuse to put on the blouse you prepared because one wrinkle is not ironed out as neatly as she would like.

Virgos love to take care of small, helpless creatures. Therefore, when the question arises about choosing a pet, under no circumstances buy him a St. Bernard or a Shepherd. A true Virgo will always prefer a small animal: a kitten, a bird, a hamster.

It's worth listening to what your Virgo child says. He sometimes has more wisdom than other adults. You should not scold or reprimand Virgo for some kind of misconduct. They usually rarely do anything inappropriate.

Virgos are little realists, so they are perhaps the only children who do not really like fairy tales.

Even in childhood, Virgo must certainly have some big goal in life, which she will persistently strive to achieve with all her might.