Which parts of actinidia do cats damage and why. How to grow a Garden of Eden with your own hands?: Actinidia and cats. What are the features of actinidia agricultural technology?

Actinidia is a valuable plant with a high content of vitamin C. The fruits contain acids that can be used in medicinal purposes. An obstacle to its acquisition is often a domestic cat. It poses a threat to the plant by nibbling young plantings. To help the vine, measures should be taken to protect it. This can be done with the help of improvised objects and tricks.

Why actinidia attracts cats

Actinidia berries have an attractive smell because they contain aromatic substances. Such components are found in valerian. For cats, this aroma is expressed as a narcotic effect. It induces a feeling of euphoria, disrupts coordination, relaxes muscles and confuses the animal's consciousness.


Inhaling the smell, cats behave abnormally, feel overexcited or sleep.

Pets prefer to completely destroy plantings or gnaw berries and bark. You can often observe cases of animals rubbing against the trunk. Sometimes they completely tear out the actinidia or fall asleep right next to the stump. Owners often observe fights between several pets over this plant. The cat family has an excellent sense of smell, so they can smell the vine from afar.

Protection measures

Frequent animal attacks require immediate action. According to felinologists, to save actinidia, you should resort to the following actions:

  1. Use rubber or plastic tubes. They can cover the stems. Flaw this method– insecurity of the rhizome.
  2. Install grids. To do this, you need to place a couple of high supports and attach the net to them. This method is suitable against lazy cats or kittens.
  3. Build an obstacle course. Use branches of thorny plants: sea buckthorn, rose or rose hip.
  4. Try to cover up the smell. Dried flowers or herbs with a strong smell are placed nearby. Sage or wormwood work well to cope with this task. They lay out citrus peels because animals cannot tolerate them.


There are species of cats that have no interest in actinidia. It is recommended to initially check your pet’s reaction to the vine.

Protection is only required for a while. Then the vine trunks become too hard and unattractive. Pets get used to feasting on young shoots. At a time when their stems have not yet grown stronger. According to the observations of felinologists, full protection of the plant will allow animals to be weaned on a subconscious level. After some time, the available means are removed.

Liana in most cases needs good protection from pets. If you protect yourself from the threat, you can gain a lot useful properties from actinidia. Having a cat is not an obstacle to growing medicinal herbs. By observing protective measures, you can minimize the risk of their destruction.

According to felinologists, cats show an increased interest in actinidia, often tearing vines out of the ground and breaking branches, because the plants contain specific odorous substances. Inhaling the smell of the plant, the pet experiences euphoria. Agronomists rate them as the most dangerous pests for vines. But to ward off your pet and save the plant, you can use available products from your garden plot.

Description and properties

According to veterinarians, rare consumption of actinidia fruits or bark will not cause serious harm to the health of the cat. The pet will not be able to eat volumes that can cause respiratory arrest.

Fruiting vines, reaching a height of 6 m, in the CIS countries are represented by 3 species: acute actinidia, polygamous and creeper. Main feature plant that is grown on personal plots, are leaves that change color. During flowering they are multi-colored, after - purple and pink, in autumn period acquire a scarlet or light purple color. The more straight sun rays the plant receives, the brighter the leaves. White, pleasantly smelling flowers do not appear for long - 5-9 days. last days spring or early summer.

The fruits of the plant contain large number vitamin C.

From August to September, the green, striped, elongated fruits ripen. Outwardly they look like large berries gooseberries. The fruits are edible and very healthy, as they contain maximum quantity ascorbic acid and essential amino acids. The most valuable substances in the composition include the following:

  • Iodine. Microelement normalizes metabolic processes and improves memory.
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid strengthens natural immune defense.
  • Plant fibers. Fiber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation.
  • Enzymes. Protein molecules accelerating chemical reactions, prevent burning behind the sternum and problems with digestion of food.

Why do cats like it?

The fruits of the plant have a strong but pleasant odor because they contain aromatic derivatives of nonterpene nature, the same as valerian. The aroma has a narcotic effect on cats, causing euphoria, loss of coordination, confusion and muscle relaxation. Having inhaled the smell of the fruits, the animals roll on the ground, meow, growl or go to sleep. Pets love to break off branches, chew bark and fruits, and rub against the trunk. Gardeners often note cases where cats have pulled out actinidia by the roots or remained resting near the stumps.

How to protect a plant?

Some felines do not show interest in the smell of actinidia, so before building protective fences around trees, gardeners recommend testing the reaction of your pet.

Frequent consumption of the plant is dangerous for the pet's life.

Agronomists who have been attacked by cats advise using the following techniques that will help save a young vine:

  • Tubes The stems can be covered with rubber or plastic pipes, but this method will not protect the plant's rhizomes.
  • Installation of grids. This method is ineffective if the cat can climb up the structure to an unprotected part of the plant, but such protection can protect against kittens and lazy pets. The best way- install 2-3 high supports on which you can attach a net folded 3-4 times.
  • Obstacle course. Agronomists advise covering actinidia with dry branches of thorny plants, for example, parts of bushes - roses, rose hips or sea buckthorn. Pear and apple trees are also suitable. The pile-up will eliminate the opportunity for cats to attack sprouts or dig up rhizomes.
  • Overpowering the smell. Gardeners recommend pouring fresh or dried flowers and herbs with a very powerful aroma into the ground next to actinidia. For example, sage, balsamic tansy, wormwood or fragrant rue will quickly repel cats. You can also put out orange or lemon peels, because cats cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits.

Observations by felinologists have revealed that young trees with weak, thin leaves and small fruits are of interest to representatives of the cat family. In older vines, the trunks become too hard and unattractive to pets. Therefore, trees require temporary protection. Once the cats stop hanging around, you can remove the specially built structures and grass.

We have had actinidia growing near our house for a long time. This is a vitamin
fruiting vine. Its old varieties are divided into male and female plants and
need early shelter for the winter.

Our variety is very heat-loving; it cannot withstand zero
temperature, so we cover it in mid-September and open it then,
when the danger of frost has passed.

The main difference between this vine is that it is very
attractive to cats. Actinidia secretes the same essential oils, as the roots

Several times I brought a male bush, but
after landing, I found only a eaten stump and an absolutely drunk cat near it. He
rolled from side to side, growled and even licked the ground. I had to take it into the house and think about how to protect the young actinidia.

I first put up a store-bought fence, but it wasn't as tall as I thought. The cat, leaning on it, stood on its hind legs and happily bit off leaves and twigs. Of course, this is not as dangerous as eating the roots, but it is not advisable.

I had to drive in several strong and high supports, and around them stretch a mesh folded several times. This protection turned out to be effective: high enough so that the cat does not reach the branches and roots, it is easy to assemble in the fall before laying the vine down and covering it.

Female actinidia bush in bloom

The most interesting thing is that the neighbor cats did not pay any attention to actinidia. There were no traditional “concerts” like they organize
at valerian. Only our pets react even to broken branches, and our
The older cat simply adores her.

The plant, protected in this way, took root well.
The old plant no longer attracts cats. You just need to keep track of
growth and youth

Cats, cats, cats, cats, how cute, affectionate, charming they all are, it’s not for nothing that they love these animals and many even have the courage to keep them in their care. Those who already have extensive experience in caring for cats are probably thinking about a serious question: what do cats like?

And they think about it for the simple reason that they really want to thank the animal for its warmth and affection that it gives to its owner, and to thank it in such a way that it would be cool by purely cat standards.

Why do cats love valerian and actinidia?

How can you show care for your cute pet so that he understands that you love him as much as he loves you? It is enough to know what cats like, and you can easily cope with this task.
For example, valerian - to say that they love it is to say nothing. Valerian beckons them with a mysterious dope, leading them into ecstasy with its scent alone, and if they even get to lick it, then... the bliss will be indescribable.
However, you should not abuse it.
In addition, in addition to valerian, cats are also very fond of a plant called Actinidia. The plant is unpretentious, in the form of a vine, but the effect from it is the same as from valerian - cats literally go crazy, attack this plant, sniff it out for a long time, sometimes it’s very funny to watch.

The famous Maru also respects Actinidia:

Maru the cat also loves matatabi stems

Besides the famous valerian, cats also love many things:

- hunt for everything that flies, crawls, buzzes, climb trees or just sharpen your claws on a sofa, chair, door;
- the owner's affection and the more, the better;
- bask in the sun or near a radiator, other heating devices will do, as long as the animal does not smoke;
- play with something or someone, be it the owner or just a ball, they will even play with dogs if they have a close friendship since childhood;
— a clean, dry toilet keeps your pet in good temper around the clock;
- cats also love to gnaw on plants and it’s okay that these are your indoor flowers, which you had difficulty acquiring because of their rarity or high cost, and if you really value flowers so much, then okay, the cat will just gnaw and vomit the young shoots onto your carpet - It’s as if he didn’t eat it;
- clean, soft, smooth wool is to the liking of not only the owners, but also the cats, they really like it when they are combed, combed, cherished, groomed, stroked, stroked, but not against the grain.

Why do cats love boxes?

This is something new for them, something they can sit in and get cozy in. And, then, the boxes attract them primarily because of their safety - they don’t need to pay much attention to self-defense, the so-called “I’m in the house” effect works).

The same effect can be observed when cats settle under the roof of a barn or shed, which is especially typical for animals living outside the city:

Here is also a video that many have probably seen:

Siberian cats under a canopy

And, of course, famous cat Maru clearly demonstrates in his videos how much he loves boxes.

Lots of small boxes and Maru

By the way, pay attention to how Maru understands and is offended by small boxes: there are ears back and strong tail wagging, expressing his displeasure.

How can I explain to my cat that I love him?

Don't do anything bad to him, respect him and love him. Nothing more is required. Animals feel and understand people very well, especially cats.
At one time, when I had a cat, he was a kind of people detector. First reaction to stranger the animal usually has the most correct one and they are rarely mistaken in their assessments.
But again, explaining to the cat that you love him does not mean that you need to pamper him and allow everything.

For example, there is no need to feed an animal at the table - this is pampering.

You don’t need to let him take up your entire bed, otherwise I know some British people who lie on the bed diagonally so that there is no room left for the owners.

What smells do cats not like?

In short - cutting. Citrus scents, especially. When you start peeling an orange or tangerine, my cat immediately squinted his eyes and ran out of the kitchen in horror.

Catching a mouse, jumping on the furniture, eating your sour cream, stealing a fish - for us these little things are almost unnoticeable, but cats love it all and very much. Do not deprive your pets of joy, because they try to surround you with attention and care, only in their own way, in a cat’s way.

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Michurin himself, at the beginning of the twentieth century, created the first varieties of actinidia; he called it “northern grapes” and prophesied a brilliant future for this vine. But years passed, and she remained little known. In this article I will introduce you to the varieties of actinidia, planting and care, and its reproduction.

Actinidia - inhabitants of the Russian Far East, Central and East Asia. The genus Actinidia unites about 30 species of vines, of which middle lane The following are grown in Russia:

— actinidia kolomikta (Aktinidia kolomikta)

- spicy (Aktinidia arguta)

– polygamy (Aktinidia polygama)

They are still not widespread, but certainly deserve wider use, as they are beautiful, hardy and produce healthy fruits.

Actinidia kolomikta is most suitable for growing in the middle zone; it is also known as Far Eastern raisin. It is a fruit vine 3-7 meters high. It has unusual leaves. Changing color throughout the season: when it blooms the leaves are variegated, after flowering they are pink and crimson, and in the fall they are red and purple. If actinidia receives enough sun, then the color of the leaves is the brightest.

Actinidia blooms in May-June, and lasts from 4 to 10 days. The flowers are fragrant, white, 1-2 cm in diameter. The fruits are striped, dark green, ripening in August-September. They are soft oblong fruits 2-3 cm long, edible and aromatic, slightly reminiscent of gooseberries.

Actinidia acute (arguta) is a large, fast-growing vine that can grow up to 25-30 meters! In a year, the plant can grow up to 3 meters. The leaves of the vine are dark green, the flowers are fragrant, greenish-white. It blooms in June, but the fruits ripen late - in September-October. The fruits are dark green or greenish-yellow, fleshy and have a pineapple scent. The fruits of arguta are tastier than those of kolomikta, but due to the fact that the vine itself is less winter-hardy, it very often dies. The best option then there is shelter for the vine along with support for the winter.

Actinidia polygamous (polygamous), known in America as the Silver Vine - a vine up to 4-5 meters high. The leaves are distinguished by having cream or white tips. The flowers are yellowish or white. Fragrant, appear in June, sometimes in July, depends on the weather, blooms for a long time: 2-3 weeks. Fruits up to 4 cm long with a “spout”, light orange in color, ripen late, but are inedible. The pungency and pungency of the fruit disappears after freezing.

Planting and care of actinidia.

The best time to plant vines is the first ten days of May. It is better to choose a well-lit, warm place. The soil is fertile, loose and air and water permeable. It is desirable that it be pH neutral or slightly acidic. The liana can grow in partial shade, but it should not be planted under a canopy. fruit trees. Black currants are considered the best neighbor for vines, but it is better to plant them away from apple trees.

Seedlings with a closed root system take root better. For each bush, prepare a hole with a width and depth of at least 60 cm. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom, and the hole is filled with humus, sand and garden soil in a ratio of 2:1:1, it would be nice to add ash and superphosphate. The plant does not like lime, so do not lime the soil when planting.

The root collar of actinidia should not be buried when planting. It should be at ground level. After planting, the plant is shaded from the spring sun. In the fifth year after planting, actinidia begins to actively bear fruit.

Actinidia is a dioecious plant; on one plant there are either female flowers, or male. They do not change throughout the life of the plant.

To get a harvest you need to have at least one male and one female plant. The best is 2 male plants to 5 female plants. The distance between seedlings is at least 2 meters.

When planting, further installation of supports must be provided. Trellis should be at a height of 2-3 meters to make it more convenient to collect fruits.

Caring for actinidia is quite simple: loosening, watering, weeding. Moreover, when correct landing For the first 2-3 years, no feeding is required. Subsequently, they are fed 2-3 times per season: in the spring (early May), during the appearance of the ovary and after fruiting. Do not use chlorine-containing fertilizers.

Lianas are pruned after leaf fall - in September-October. In adult plants, shoots are shortened to half their length and branches that thicken the crown are cut out. In the spring, pruning cannot be done; the juices will flow out of the wound and the plant will weaken.

For the winter, young plants are removed from their supports and covered with spruce branches, peat or fallen leaves.


Actinidia can be propagated both by seeds and shoots, cuttings, grafting, root suckers and air layering.

The easiest way to propagate actinidia is arc layers. To do this, at the end of May, they take a well-developed shoot, bend it to the ground, dig it in and secure it so that the end rises freely above the ground. Then all that remains is to water regularly. The next year, the rooted cuttings are separated from the mother plant.

Actinidia propagation by cuttings is used to quickly obtain valuable varieties and more seedlings. Green cuttings 10-15 cm long are harvested in late May - early June. Cuttings are cut from the top of the shoot so that each cutting has 2-3 buds or 2 internodes. The top leaf from the cutting is cut in half, the soft top and lower leaves are removed. The cuttings are planted in a substrate consisting of a layer of humus soil with an admixture of sand 10-12 cm thick, and a 5 cm layer of washed river sand is laid on top. The cuttings are immersed in the substrate up to the top bud and covered with film or glass jar, shade. Further care for cuttings consists of spraying with water 2 times a day and after the appearance of young shoots, the plantings begin to be ventilated. Next spring, the plants can be planted in a permanent place.

Another way to propagate actinidia is through lignified cuttings. They are harvested in late autumn and stored in a box with sand until spring. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse with loose soil fertile soil. Care is the same as for green ones.

Since both female and male plants are needed for fruiting, when cuttings the gender of the plant is transferred to the “baby”, that is, the gardener will immediately know what gender the young plant will be. Externally, the cuttings cannot be distinguished.