How to make masonry from foam blocks. How to properly lay foam blocks on a concrete foundation. Laying foam blocks with your own hands: characteristics. Preparation and installation. Performing a partition. Rules for installing openings and partitions made of foam blocks

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Being an inexpensive and accessible material, foam blocks are widely used in the construction of residential buildings, garages, industrial and household use. They represent a serious alternative to traditional brick and allow limited time, without hiring hired workers, build the building yourself. No professional training is required to build permanent walls and internal partitions of a building from foam blocks with your own hands.

It is important to know technological nuances, comply with a number of conditions so that the laying of foam concrete products is carried out quickly and ensures the quality and durability of the building. Having mastered the specifics of constructing walls and walls, the laying technology of which is quite simple, you can carry out the construction yourself or monitor the correctness of the work performed by the builders.

The technical data of this material compares favorably with a number of significant advantages

You need to understand where to start laying foam blocks. Not everyone knows what materials and tools are needed, or how to work correctly, observing the main principles. Let's take a closer look at these issues.

Where to start laying foam blocks

High-quality masonry of walls made of foam blocks is carried out subject to the following recommendations:

  • ensuring reliable waterproofing of the building base. Using special waterproofing compounds or two layers of rolled roofing felt, you can effectively protect foam concrete walls from negative influence moisture;
  • performing masonry of foam concrete products from the highest corner point. This will make it possible to form a level base for the construction of capital walls and internal partitions, subject to control of horizontality by the building level;
  • fine-tuning the geometry of blocks with dimensional deviations. Sagging should be eliminated, burrs should be removed using a grater or a special plane, and defective products with large chips should be trimmed.

To ensure high strength and reliability of the structure, prepare the foundation surface for the construction of walls in advance

Laying foam blocks - necessary materials and tools

To complete the masonry, prepare the following materials:

  1. Foam concrete blocks. Use material for main walls that can withstand increased loads with a density of D600, and foam concrete marked D500 for interior partitions. Use products made by trusted manufacturers industrial technology. Please note that there is a certificate guaranteeing compliance with performance characteristics.
  2. Sandy cement mortar. When mixing sand and cement, maintain a 4:1 ratio. Add plasticizers if necessary, following the dosage indicated on the package. Application available materials allows you to lay blocks with dimensional deviations of up to two centimeters on an increased layer of mortar at low cost. The disadvantage is the increased thickness of the seam and increased heat loss caused by “cold bridges”.
  3. Adhesive composition. Dry mix industrial production It is offered in specialized stores in a form ready to be diluted with water (0.2 liters of water per kilogram of mixture is added). The glue is mixed with a mixer to a homogeneous consistency, laid in a layer of up to three millimeters, ensuring high adhesion to the foam concrete material. This allows you to reduce the cost of preparing the mixture and increase the thermal insulation of walls by reducing the thickness of the seam.

The entire process of laying foam blocks is not complicated, but there are some mandatory nuances

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


When deciding what composition will be used to lay foam blocks, give preference to increased strength with a reduced seam thickness. Do-it-yourself foam block laying is done using the following tools:

  • a hammer with a rubber nozzle, necessary for leveling the foam blocks;
  • building level, which allows you to control the horizontality of the rows;
  • square and hand hacksaw used for marking and cutting material;
  • an electric drill equipped with a nozzle for mixing the binder;
  • a trowel that ensures uniform application of the solution to the surface;
  • special plane and grater required for finishing the geometry;
  • wall chaser, which makes it easier to make grooves for reinforcement;
  • cord necessary to ensure correct laying of foam blocks;
  • brushes for wetting the surface of a building material with water.

Foam block laying technology

At self-construction walls of the building, masonry from foam blocks is carried out according to a certain algorithm. Follow the sequence of operations:

  • Clean foam concrete products from dirt. Ensure the correct geometry of the products by removing sagging and irregularities.

Maximum smoothness of the formed walls, which makes it possible to save on the absence of the need for subsequent leveling work

  • Check the presence of a waterproofing layer on the surface of the foundation. If necessary, lay two layers of rolled roofing felt, ensuring overlaps at the joints of 10–15 cm and a width exceeding the size of the foundation by 4–6 cm.
  • Determine the highest base angle using laser level. From this corner the foam blocks will be laid.
  • Apply a layer of cement mortar up to 3 cm onto the waterproofing coating of the base using a notched trowel. Lightly moisten the corner foam blocks with water using a brush. This will improve adhesion.
  • Install foam blocks at the corners of the foundation, which serve as a guide when laying the first row. Provide an overhang of 3–5 cm over the plinth to protect against moisture.
  • Secure the mooring cord to the outer elements with nails, preventing it from sagging.
  • Lay the bottom row of blocks on a sand-cement mortar, which allows you to level out unevenness in the foundation up to 2 cm. Wet the surfaces with water, make sure that all joints are filled with the mortar.
  • During the laying process, compact the blocks with a rubber hammer, ensuring the horizontal joint size is 1.5–2.0 cm, and the vertical joint size is up to 1 cm.
  • Check the horizontalness of the bottom row with a building level. Remove unevenness and distortions using a special plane. If necessary, hammer down the blocks with a rubber mallet.

Check horizontal levelness using a building level

  • Use a wall chaser to make a groove along the axis of the wall (along its entire length). Place steel rods in the grooves and weld them. Fill with cement mortar, forming an armored belt.
  • Lay the second and remaining rows of blocks in the same way, using an adhesive composition. Shift the blocks half the width when bandaging. Move the cord vertically, control horizontality layer by layer, and eliminate irregularities.
  • Reinforce every fourth level of masonry with steel rods. Place the rods in the grooves made. You can use steel mesh.
  • Erect interior walls, providing docking with the outer row at 50% of the length of the block. Strengthen the joint areas with reinforcement.
  • Create openings for windows and doors using ready-made foam block lintels. Reinforce with reinforcement and fill with cement mortar.
  • Secure removable formwork around the perimeter of the foam block box and the internal load-bearing walls. Place the reinforcement in it and fill it with concrete to a height of 20–30 cm.
  • After the concrete has hardened, insulate the reinforced belt and lay the floor slabs on it.
  • Constantly moisten the products with water when performing work in hot weather;

  • cook cement-sand mortar or the adhesive composition in small portions, which retain their properties for 1–2 hours after mixing;
  • adjust the position of the blocks in the rows for 15–20 minutes until the binder begins to harden;
  • produce construction works at a temperature of 5–25 degrees Celsius;
  • use antifreeze additives if construction is carried out at subzero temperatures;
  • Plaster a building made of foam concrete 30 days after the construction of the box, when the shrinkage process is completed (2–3 mm per meter of wall height).


The technology of laying foam blocks, described in detail in the presented article, has been tested in practice and is accessible even to beginners who do not have construction skills. The increased dimensions of the products with low weight make it possible to quickly erect walls. It is important to use commercially produced foam concrete blocks. High-quality binders should be used and technological recommendations should be followed. This will ensure the stability and long service life of the structure being built.

Blocks made of cellular concrete make it possible to connect or glue them traditionally. Making decisions related to the choice of masonry technique can have an impact on further heat loss in the house. With development building materials doubts arise about the use of methods for connecting elements brickwork. Adhesive for foam blocks makes it possible to create a thin-layer seam with a thickness of 1 to 3 mm. Compared to traditional 15 mm seams, this solution provides many significant advantages in laying foam blocks.

Advantages of a thin seam when laying foam blocks

Minimal seams between the blocks eliminate cold bridges - due to the thickness of the seam, there is a significant effect on reducing heat loss. It should also be kept in mind that any mixture that does not combine elements of cellular concrete is a material that conducts heat 4 times more easily, so the less it is, the better the wall will be insulated. Heat loss from 1 mm joint thickness in a single-layer wall made of foam blocks is only approx. 4%. A wall built from the same blocks, on mortar with a traditional joint thickness of 12 mm, generates heat losses that exceed 25%.

A thin seam gives more bearing capacity walls

You may come across a misconception, especially among “experts,” that the thicker the seam layer, the more the wall can withstand greater loads. The situation is completely opposite - the seam is the weakest element of the wall. The thinner its layer, the stronger the wall and can withstand more loads. Here we can use an analogy for superglues, which glue two surfaces together within a few seconds, forming a strong connection only if a very thin layer is used.

The use of a thin seam provides economic advantages

It is worth noting that the cost of making 1 m2 of wall also depends on the quantity and price of the mixture that we must use to connect the brickwork elements. Walls made of 20 cm thick blocks have an adhesive consumption of approx. 2.4 kg and approx. 0.6 liters of water for every m2 of wall. Using cement mortar with the same wall thickness, 24 dm3 of mortar is consumed - 7.5 liters of water and 42 kg of dry mixture.

Step-by-step instructions - how to lay foam blocks on glue

Foam concrete blocks are placed on adhesive solution. They require a very smooth and clean surface, so the surface of the blocks must be sanded and dust removed before applying the solution. To ensure that the seam has the appropriate thickness, the solution is applied with special trowels:

  1. The surface of the first layer of brickwork elements must be leveled with a special trowel and leveling solution, and then thoroughly cleaned with a brush from small particles and residues after grinding. With the same grater, we can remove uneven surfaces from vertical surfaces.
  2. It is necessary to lay waterproofing on the foundation. The first layer of blocks should be laid on a base of ordinary cement-lime mortar. Place the first element directly on the prepared mixture. You need to remember to maintain the ideal level of the first elements and their alignment.
  3. The contents of the bag of glue must be poured into a container with a measured amount of water recommended by the manufacturer, then mixed using a mechanical stirrer until a homogeneous mass is obtained so that there are no lumps in it.
  4. A layer of adhesive solution 1-3 mm thick is applied to the cleaned surface. The solution should be applied using a regular spatula that matches the width of the walls. When laying on thin-layer mortar, the blocks are not sprayed with water. Control correct location masonry elements in the corners of the building, as well as along the walls, should be checked using a level and a cord. Unevenness of individual brickwork elements is corrected using a rubber hammer.
  5. In the same way we lay each subsequent layer of foam concrete.
  6. Before plastering the surface with mortar, fill in the potholes and damage that may occur during laying. Thanks to the use of adhesive solutions, as well as special tools designed for applying glue, it is possible to significantly reduce time and optimize glue consumption.

Considering that the blocks are produced with high precision, this allows for a number of advantages arising from the possibility of using glue for foam blocks. The choice of this technique for connecting brickwork elements is the optimal and safe option, regardless of historical habits and solutions that do not withstand the pressure of current technical requirements.

Foam concrete is a material that is produced on the basis of cement mortar and foaming additives. The material may also contain ready-made foam made from foaming agents. Laying foam blocks is not accompanied by too many difficulties due to the low weight of the products. The work will be completed in more short time, if compared with ordinary brick, which is due to the impressive dimensions of lightweight concrete.

The structure of the foam block is porous and therefore it absorbs moisture like a sponge.

Features of laying foam blocks

Foam concrete is chosen not only because it is quite easy to work with, but also because of its outstanding characteristics. Thus, walls made of this material have excellent heat-saving and sound-proofing qualities. The material has a closed-cell structure, which prevents moisture from penetrating inside. The walls have the ability to withstand significant temperatures and fire, which is important in the construction of residential buildings. After construction is completed, you don’t have to worry about the walls deteriorating or rotting.

Types of foam blocks depending on filling.

During the masonry process, it is necessary to adjust the dimensions of the products; the blocks can be easily processed by drilling, planing and sawing. Thus, it is possible to arrange geometrically complex components of the structure, as well as to carry out construction taking into account any angle of inclination of the roof.

Masonry technology involves taking into account insufficiently high strength indicators of the material. That is why it is necessary to supplement the structure with a reinforced concrete frame of strength, which will increase the reliability of the building. The floor panels will rest on this system.

Some believe that a house built from foam concrete blocks can only be faced with brick. However, this belief is wrong. You can use siding, tiles, stone in natural or artificial forms as cladding; vapor-permeable plaster is also suitable.

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Technology of working with foam blocks

The masonry process is most conveniently carried out with blocks whose dimensions are 200x300x600 mm. If you plan to build walls from this material, then you can use strip material as the basis for the house. monolithic foundation, arranged on a sand cushion. This is due to the fact that the blocks do not have significant weight, which could subject the base to significant load.

When laying foam blocks in the basement area, it is recommended to use products with a more impressive density, which is equal to 700 kg/m2. Afterwards, waterproofing and insulation will need to be installed.

For laying blocks, you should use a special glue, which is a dry mixture of cement, fillers and additives that increase water resistance, strength, frost resistance and ductility. This adhesive composition is convenient to use, easy to apply and apply. On the other hand, there is an opinion that to carry out work using such glue, the master must have certain skills, so it is recommended to turn to professional masons.

Foam concrete blocks in the first row must be laid on a layer of waterproofing, which can be roofing felt.

If the base is uneven, it should be leveled with a solution. It is necessary to start working from a corner; the technology requires constant alignment of the position of products horizontally and vertically. To do this, use a plumb line and level.

Laying the foam block in the second row must be done by forming the correct seam; for this, the mixture should be laid in a layer of 2-3 mm, while the width of the strip should be equal to the equivalent indicator of the block. First, the mixture must be applied to the vertical side of the previous foam block, which will allow the formation of a butt seam, only after the glue is applied to horizontal surface. All rows should be laid with bandaging, as when working with ordinary bricks. This guarantees higher wall strength.

Leveling the surface should be done using a construction float. It is necessary to ensure that there are no level differences between products. Otherwise, cracks will form. Connect load-bearing walls can be done using anchors or bandaging.

When arranging partitions, you should use a slightly different method of carrying out work. Unlike the process of constructing load-bearing walls, products here need to be laid not on the base, but on the surface of the gasket, which will reduce the transmission of noise to the partition.

The peculiarity of the technology for laying blocks in the first row is that you should use cement mortar, not glue, and the layer should also be equal to a thickness of 2-3 cm. You can use ordinary mortar when building a wall if the base has minor deviations. This also applies to the blocks themselves, which could have been manufactured not in a factory, but at their own construction site.

If foam blocks are laid using glue, this will eliminate the occurrence of cold bridges, whereas using a solution it is difficult to achieve such an effect. That is why it is recommended to level the foundation before carrying out work. The absence of cold bridges is achieved due to the uniformity of the wall, which has seams of insignificant thickness. In addition, the process using glue will take much less time than in the case of a solution.

The foam blocks are laid in such a way that there are no voids left in the seams. This can be achieved if the glue is distributed using a notched trowel.

If the foam block is laid using cement mortar, then the products must first be wetted. When preparing such a mixture, it is necessary to use cement and sand in a ratio of 1:4.

If you decide that you cannot cope with this type of work, then you need to seek the help of professional developers. The cost of installation work will not be excessively high and will be limited to 1000-2000 rubles. for 1 m 3.

To carry out the work you need to prepare:

  • notched spatula;
  • glue;
  • construction float;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • waterproofing;
  • plumb line;
  • level.

So, the foundation is there, communications have been introduced. We begin the construction of load-bearing walls from foam blocks (foam concrete blocks), using for this purpose fibreated foam concrete M 600 (FPB) with dimensions 600*300*200. So how to lay foam blocks correctly? And what is the masonry of the first row, and what is the reinforcing belt made of? All about this in detail below...

More material with photographs on this topic is in the article “ .

Before laying the blocks, a layer of waterproofing must be laid under the base of the walls. To do this, the installation surface must be thoroughly cleaned. Roofing felt is laid as follows: a roll is rolled out onto a cleaned surface. Before it lies on the foundation, it must be warmed up ( blowtorch or gas burner). This is done for better bonding of surfaces, hence better waterproofing.

Laying the first row of foam blocks

At the end of this process, it is necessary to determine the highest angle of the foundation. This can be done using a level (if you have one) or a hose level, which you can actually make at home as follows. For example, the most long wall foundation - 10 m. Then you need to take any hose, with a length of at least 12 meters, or more. We insert glass tubes about 15–20 cm long at the ends of the hose and fill the hose with water so that the liquid level is in the middle of the tubes. On both tubes we mark this level with a marker. The top of the tube must be plugged with something, otherwise the water will spill out. Then we fix one end at any corner so that the mark corresponds to the level of the foundation. We bring the second end of the hose to each of the corners in turn.

Having determined the top point of the foundation, we place the block on it with a minimum layer of mortar, while leveling it horizontally. Then we re-attach the hose level so that the mark corresponds to the top edge of the block. Then, in other corners, using a hose and horizontal level, we place other blocks. After installing all the corners, be sure to stretch the ropes along the walls. Now we place the remaining blocks of the first row along the ropes. We lay them on a mortar where the ratio of cement to sand should be 1 to 3. Moreover, do not apply the mortar to the entire wall at once. Do this for two or three blocks, no more.

After the first row has been laid, it should be allowed to dry a little (2 - 3 hours). Then you need to lightly sand the top layer with a sanding float and remove dust with a brush. This is done when laying each row for better adhesion of the material. Then, using the same technology as when laying the corner blocks of the first row, we lay the corners of the next rows.

We carry out all the adjustment of the blocks only with a rubber hammer, but if there is no such thing, then you should put the board down and hit it. We must remember the rule that there must be a knitting between the rows, with each upper block extending onto the lower one by at least 8 cm. The next rows are placed on a special glue for cellular concrete. If there is none, then you can lay it out on any glue for tiles. The whole advantage of special glue is that it is light and not so noticeable in the masonry.

The glue is applied to two or three blocks, in a layer of about 3 mm, using a special trowel or a shaped spatula. If you have purchased the “correct” fiber foam concrete, then the blocks can only be laid on a horizontal layer of glue, which significantly reduces its consumption. If the geometric error of the blocks is large, then a vertical layer of glue should be made between the blocks. A metal reinforcing mesh must be laid on the surface of every third row so that it covers at least 2/3 of the wall surface. This is done to evenly distribute the loads over the entire area of ​​the wall. On the row of blocks that precedes the row of blocks of the window opening, it is imperative to lay the mesh in such a way that its edges extend outward beyond the boundaries of the opening by at least 50 cm. This is done even if the row preceding the window opening is not the “third”.

Along the perimeter of the openings, the masonry should be calculated so that the upper blocks corresponding to the top of the opening are intact (not cut). Jumpers will be laid on them, which extend onto the wall at least 40 cm. Reinforcing mesh should also be laid under the jumpers. If you purchased fiber foam concrete from good manufacturer, then they usually offer jumpers as well. Skeptics believe that they cannot be made from fiber foam concrete. But they think so out of ignorance. Jumpers made of fiber foam concrete have proven themselves well and have passed all types of tests.

In addition, you will get a wall made of homogeneous material, which will have a positive effect on its thermal conductivity.

When the construction of load-bearing walls is completed, they should be treated from the inside with a deep penetration acrylic primer.

If there are vertical gaps between the blocks, they should be covered with adhesive solution. On top of the walls it is necessary to make a reinforcing belt, or stabilization belt. It can be made either from cast fiber foam concrete (if possible), after making a reinforcement backfill, or from ordinary concrete. But in this case, you need to take care of additional insulation of the belt.

Based on experience, we can say that most builders do not follow the above rules and lay blocks like ordinary ordinary bricks. This leads to the emergence of cold bridges and other negative consequences.

If you decide to build a house, then it is very important to demolish an old house if it exists and decide what material you will build it from. Certain companies, such as, are responsible for house dismantling.

It could be brick, wood, or even clay. There is also aerated concrete, foam concrete and foam blocks. It’s the latter that we’ll talk about. Foam blocks have many advantages.

They are light and large in size, which means they are quicker to put in and cost less. And the surface of the foam blocks is even and you can save on mortar; it costs less than for some other building materials. Where to start building a house from foam blocks?

We start with choosing the foam blocks themselves. Here, as they say, foam block is different from foam block. It comes in different qualities.

You can choose by color: from dark to light gray, but do not take a white foam block. There may be little cement in it, or it may have been replaced with lime altogether. Such a foam block will not be durable.

You can choose by porosity. To do this, you need to look at the foam block in section. The bubbles should be separate and not merge with each other. This determines whether the foam block will get wet. After selection quality material foam blocks are delivered. During delivery, be especially careful not to damage the foam blocks.

It's better not to use cement. It is better to place such blocks on special glue, because it is the same density as the foam blocks themselves. You can reduce the consumption of the solution if you lay the foam blocks on glue instead of cement.

It can be laid in a thinner layer. And most importantly, if you place foam blocks on glue, you can avoid freezing of the walls. Cement freezes easier than foam blocks and glue.

It is not recommended to lay foam blocks directly on the foundation. It is better to put insulating material on the foundation, and then lay foam blocks on it. In addition, the surface of the foundation must first be leveled so that the masonry is level. The first row of blocks can be placed on a mortar of sand and cement, and the layer can be made quite thick (from 2 cm) to level the first row, which will guide you further.

The rules for laying foam blocks are determined by the qualitative characteristics of this material. It should be remembered that it is less durable than brick.

Due to high porosity, the mass of one unit of the product is small. Of course, it will be much easier for an experienced mason to build a house from foam blocks, but even a simple layman can cope with this task on his own. It is enough just to choose the mortar for masonry wisely and not to forget about some specific nuances of the work.

First of all, you should find out how the purchased material was produced.

There are only two options: the blocks are either cast (molded) or cut. In the first case, foam concrete was poured into pre-prepared forms of a certain size. In the second, a large monolithic slab was subsequently divided into blocks according to specified parameters.

Since the dimensions of cut products are smaller than those of cast products and deviate from the standard, an adhesive solution can be prepared for their laying. The blocks fit so tightly to each other that the geometry of the building is almost ideal. The time savings are also significant.

For molded foam blocks, a regular solution of sand and cement is prepared.

This is how it is possible to level out errors in size and unevenness. The solution fills the cracks, preventing the appearance of loopholes for cold from the street to enter the house. The main condition is that before work, the surface of the block connected to the solution must be moistened. Otherwise, due to uneven drying, the strength of the masonry will suffer.

Block stacking order

Regardless of the type of foam blocks, their first row is installed on a foundation covered with cement mortar with waterproofing laid inside. Today, the choice of waterproofing materials is wide; the most suitable ones include hydroisol, bicrost or rubemast. But experts advise abandoning the roofing felt that has become a classic.

Laying the first row of foam blocks with your own hands (video)

So, first the corner block is installed on the cement.

It is very important that all surfaces to be joined are thoroughly coated with a solution (adhesive or cement). A notched trowel is ideal to distribute it evenly. The masonry is done in two rows.

Since foam blocks are a relatively light material, reinforcement is laid periodically (at intervals of 3–4 rows) to give greater strength. Each type of block has its own method of strengthening the structure. If cement is used, then you can buy a ready-made masonry mesh (no more than 4–5 mm thick) and insert it into the seams between the blocks as you work.

In the case of cast material, you cannot do without special tools. You will need a saw and a wall chaser. But since foam concrete lends itself well to processing, making grooves and inserting reinforcement there will not be difficult.

Laying a wall made of foam concrete blocks

After finishing laying the foam blocks, you need to lay a special concrete-reinforced belt over the entire structure. It is on this that the floor slab will be located. It should be borne in mind that such a belt needs to be additionally insulated, so its width should be less than that of the blocks used.

For openings under windows and doors, there are U-shaped foam blocks. The main thing when purchasing them is to remember that in width they should correspond not to the ceiling itself, but to the already insulated one.

Thus, laying a foam block structure is not a difficult task if you do not improvise, but strictly follow the advice of experts.

We are building a house from foam blocks. Masonry walls, foundation, roof

Construction of a house made of foam concrete

Foam block walls are erected much faster than brick walls, which explains their enormous popularity.

Buildings built using this material are cheaper and at the same time have simply excellent performance characteristics. We think that the question of how to correctly lay foam blocks with your own hands probably arises among many owners. suburban areas. Therefore, let's look at the technology of constructing walls from this material in more detail.

Types of foam block

There are only two types of foam blocks available: molded and cut. The technology for laying them is somewhat different. In the first case, the blocks are cast in molds.

In the second, a huge slab is first made by casting, which is then cut into individual elements. Casting blocks are much inferior to split blocks in terms of evenness of edges. They are laid like bricks using cement mortar.

The split blocks are held together with a thin layer of a special adhesive mass.

This gives the developer certain advantages. Firstly, in order to lay foam blocks, you do not need to mix a huge amount of concrete. Secondly, adhesive seams do not constitute cold bridges. Thirdly, walls made of cut bricks are much smoother.

Tip: You can choose both domestic and imported glue. Both of these options have good adhesive properties. If you can’t buy special glue, you can use a frost-resistant mixture designed for laying tiles.

How to put foam blocks on glue

Block laying technology concrete mortar no different from the method of laying bricks. Therefore, we will not consider this method here. Let's take a closer look at how to lay foam blocks on glue with your own hands.

The construction of walls from this material can be done either in one row or in two. The second method is used more often. The point is that this allows you to get the optimal middle zone In Russia, the wall thickness is 40cm (the foam block has dimensions of 20*30*60cm).

Laying with glue, just like with cement mortar, is done with bandaging of the seams. Important: Pay maximum attention to the reliability of the foundation. The thermal insulation characteristics of a foam block are better than those of a brick, but in terms of strength it is still inferior to the latter. Therefore, walls built on a weak foundation can simply “tear” in the spring. Masonry is performed as follows: The first row of foam blocks is laid on the concrete mortar. When building walls with your own hands, ideal evenness of the surfaces can be achieved by using a cord stretched between rows.

The verticality of the corners is checked using a plumb line; Starting from the second row, glue is used. The surface of the foam blocks of the first row is coated with it, after which the first block of the second is installed. Its end is also coated with glue. The second block is pressed against it, etc.

d. It is important to prevent the presence of voids in the seams. The blocks are pressed tightly enough so that the glue sticks out a little. Subsequently, it is cleaned off with a trowel.

Reinforcement of foam block masonry

Foam blocks, the installation of which with glue, as you can see, is not particularly difficult; the material is not as durable as brick. Therefore, walls must be reinforced.

To do this, grooves are cut out in the blocks using a grinder. Foam concrete can be processed very easily, so this operation will not take much time. Reinforce the wall with 5mm rods every four rows.

A concrete monolithic armored belt two rows high of brickwork must be installed along the top of the finished wall. This will allow the load from the floor structure to be distributed more evenly on the walls.

An armored belt, since the thermal conductivity of concrete is higher than that of foam concrete, should be insulated. Well, we think we have answered the question in sufficient detail about how to lay foam blocks with your own hands. Maintain horizontal and vertical walls, and also do not allow voids to appear in the adhesive joints, and then you will have a reliable, beautiful and warm home. Related videos: Articles Laying foam blocks is a very responsible task. Improperly laid material loses its qualities over time and may crumble. Particularly in conditions high humidity the foam block loses its shape, so the walls must be properly waterproofed. Such masonry does not tolerate any foundation deformations, so many experts recommend creating a base in the form monolithic slab, which can be either a solid reinforced concrete structure or made of concrete blocks.

In this article we will look at how to correctly lay foam blocks and what is the best place to lay foam blocks on in order to avoid destructive deformations. The photo shows the process of laying foam blocks. About foam concrete blocks This material can be produced in two ways: Molding method. The foam mixture is poured into special forms, where it hardens to form a durable block. Laying of such material is carried out exclusively on a cement-sand mortar. Cutting method. A large block is formed from the foam, which is dried in an oven and cut into products of the required sizes.

In this case, specialized adhesive mixtures can be used for installation. This manufacturing method is characterized by high accuracy, and the error in the production of each block is no more than 1 mm, while material made by injection molding may differ slightly more. Characteristics of foam concrete blocks Foam concrete blocks. The building material has the following characteristics: Reliability and durability. Properly laid foam concrete block is a practically ageless material. Warmth. The high thermal resistance of such walls allows you to reduce heating costs by 30%. Excellent sound insulation. Easy to use. Anyone can lay out foam block masonry with their own hands House master, working with brick or cinder block.

There are only a few nuances here, which will be discussed below. Since even non-professional builders can lay cinder blocks or bricks correctly, you won’t have any special problems with this material. Eco-friendly. During the entire period of operation, the material does not release into the air harmful substances, second only to wood in environmental friendliness. Foam blocks and gas blocks are manufactured various sizes and shapes. Foam blocks of various sizes. Relatively light weight allows you to significantly save building materials by laying the foundation at a shallower depth. Fire safety. According to test results, the material has the first degree of fire resistance. Wide range of application. Today, the following types of foam blocks are distinguished: Structural. Which are used to create loaded structures that carry an additional load in addition to their weight. Thermal insulation, used for insulation purposes. Thermal insulation and structural, combining the properties of the two previous types. Many home craftsmen are interested in the following question: “Is it possible to put floor slabs on a foam block? "

Of course, you should build load-bearing walls with your own hands using only foam concrete blocks of grade 600 (and higher). A foundation for laying foam concrete blocks. As mentioned above, foam concrete blocks are required reliable foundation, which would minimize any deformation and pressure from the soil. And a monolithic foundation is an excellent choice. However, it has several significant disadvantages: The price of such a foundation is quite high, in addition, its construction is unjustified due to the relatively low weight of the foam block structure. With such a foundation, you will not be able to equip a basement, which in some cases significantly expands the usable space of the house. Taking these factors into account, many home craftsmen give preference to columnar or strip foundations, which, with the right approach, can also become a reliable foundation for such a house. Tape foundation. When a builder asks whether it is possible to lay floor slabs on foam blocks, this means constructing a two-story structure. And if a columnar foundation is aimed at light buildings, then a strip foundation may be quite suitable for two-storey house, so we will look at the features of working with this material. The instructions are as follows: We mark the territory using pegs and a fishing line that is stretched between them. Tip! When marking, you should take into account the allowances for arranging the formwork, which amount to a total of 15 cm. We dig a trench according to the markings. Its depth should be about one and a half meters. In the event that you are planning to arrange basement– the depth should be increased to at least two meters. We make a base for the formwork, which is made of wooden beams.

TO internal parties boards are nailed onto the beams, forming the formwork. We pour a layer of sand (about 15 cm) into the formwork, which must be watered and compacted tightly. We pour water abundantly and evenly. Tip! In order to check how well the sand layer is compacted, you just need to step on it. If there is no trace left, then everything is done correctly. Using a construction stapler, attach a plastic film to the formwork. Formwork with a reinforced frame .Tip! Use film in winter period it is impossible, because it will lose its elasticity, which will lead to poor quality of the foundation. Take steel rods and wire and tie reinforced frame. The design of such a frame is not of fundamental importance; the main criterion here is strength. Now you should start pouring concrete.

For this, a mixer machine or a specialized pump is used. We distribute the concrete evenly over the formwork using a wooden lath. Make sure that there are no empty seats or protrusions. After a month you can start laying walls. Articles