Quotes for photos on Instagram. We choose a quote for ourselves on Instagram under the photo. It’s time to work, an hour to post. When is the best time to write?

For many people, it’s not easy to come up with a quote for every day. We've simplified the task)

Choose from a variety of sayings, exactly those that suit you or come up with new ones, write in the comments, and we will be happy to add them on your behalf.

Instagram quotes are good for new achievements. Attract even more users for the photo.

We recommend the new Instagram channel On a city scale, Sports, motivation, healthy image life, self-education, personal growth🙌🏼 Create yourself every day, with us

Here is the actual list of quotes from Instagram:

  • Life goes on, with or without you.
  • If you are truly happy, it doesn't matter what people think.
  • When you get angry, you get old. No, I just ‘reached’ a new level.
  • Her attitude towards me is terrible, but she has a heart of gold.
  • What's yours is what's yours
  • Don't mistake my kindness for weakness, bitch.
  • You can't handle me, even if you have instructions.
  • Sorry, yes. Forget, never.
  • There is a void in my heart that you filled.
  • I don't need other people's time for my life


  • I never feel sexy. If people call me cute, I'm happier.
  • It’s not us, but happiness makes us happier.
  • Most importantly, enjoying life and being happy is all that matters.
  • Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
  • I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather themselves from powerlessness, and grow into a brave reflection. Be true to yourself until you die.
  • Love can be selfless.
  • When I'm feeling a little sad, I put on my favorites high heels and I dance

Large For Instagram:

  • Hey, I just met you, this is crazy
  • At least this one balloon flying towards me!
  • I must destroy you with hugs and kisses
  • Stop looking for happiness in that place, you just lost it.
  • I woke up like this
  • Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there are still so many reasons to smile.
  • Beauty is power, a smile is its sword
  • Last day of classes
  • Got my coffee and donut
  • Proof that I can take better selfies than you.
  • When your mom lectures you on how to lose weight in an hour, I don't worry. I have narrow mirrors to look good!
  • A friend will always make you smile, especially when you don't want to...
  • Life is like balloon If you never let go, you won't know how high you can rise.
  • Sometimes life can surprise you with a happy coincidence.
  • This is the echo of our laughter. The views we share. This is our past and this is our future. This is our friendship that will never fade.
  • Life isn't perfect, but my hair is! #selfieaddict
  • Always cool, never drunk, and a little cheeky.

Funny Captions for Instagram:

  • Friday, my second favorite word x
  • When I was in Rome, I did what the Romans didn't do.
  • I'm back with my ex...xbox 360
  • Do you only drink Diet Coke? You must be healthy.
  • The worst time to have a heart attack is while playing charades.
  • That moment when she says you're cute.

on Instagram:

  • With you I forget all my problems. With You, Time Freezes.
  • We come to love not by finding an ideal person, but by learning to see a person’s imperfection as beautiful.
  • When I fell because of you, I fell painfully!
  • If I ever write a story about my life, I wouldn't be surprised if your name is mentioned a billion times.
  • I want you to be happy, but I want you to be happy with me.
  • He will always be with you.
  • If you're mine, you're mine. I don't like to share.
  • Nothing can replace you!
  • I love you. That's all I know.
  • I'm not perfect, but I'm faithful.

Instagram Friendship Captions:

  • I don't know what's stronger, our jeans or our friendship!
  • “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark than alone in the light.” -Helen Keller
  • I don't know what I did to have a best friend like you.
  • Life was meant for best friends and good adventures!
  • She is mine best friend. You break her heart, I'll break your face.
  • This is me and my best friend for life!
  • Good Times + Crazy Friends = Good Memories!

Instagram captions for yourself:

  • I don't need your approval
  • I am who I am, I do what I do, and I would never do it any other way. I don't care if someone doesn't like it.
  • If I were you, I would adore myself.
  • I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. But when I say sorry... I mean it!
  • I didn't try to imitate anyone, I was myself.
  • I like to be myself. Maybe just thinner and with fewer wrinkles.
  • I'm proud of myself. I'm comfortable being who I am.
  • Everyone said you can be anything you want, so I became sexy!

Quotes for Instagram TOP 10 for 2019

  • A man must rise to the chastity of a woman, and not a woman, as is happening now, descend to the licentiousness of a man.
  • Laugh heartily and get plenty of sleep - that's two best medicines from any ailment.
  • Learn not to tell anyone anything.
    Then everything will be fine.
  • Your mistakes are your strength. Trees stand stronger on crooked roots.
  • A true friend is not the one who will share your misfortune, but the one who will not choke with envy when you are happy!
  • Gossip is when a dumb man tells a deaf man that a blind man saw a one-legged man walk on water.
  • There is no relationship without quarrels and resentments. Strong people they quarrel, get offended, but stay together! The weak are looking for a replacement.
  • If you know that you cannot fulfill a request, do not promise! People suffer not from refusals, but from deceptions.
  • It is very easy to fall in love with a person you don’t know at all, and it is infinitely difficult to continue to love a soul you already know every millimeter.
  • Put things in order in your thoughts and you will see the world with different eyes.

That's all. I’ll try to choose a few more quotes, if you have your own, write in the comments.

Ah... here are a couple more cool channels:

  1. Alex Strohl– takes photographs from different parts of the world.
  2. Brooklyn Street Art– graffiti in the city (Street Art)
  3. Oleg Artemyev – Russian cosmonaut.

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Beautiful quotes photos on Instagram that are short and meaningful for girls - how to choose them for a specific publication? See examples in the article below.

Modern Instagrammers have begun to pay more attention to describing the photos and videos they share online. Once upon a time, a bright and interesting message was enough. Now subscribers want to read the original text, which awakens emotions and invites reflection.

Sometimes your own words are not enough. Then quotes under photos on Instagram come to the rescue. Let's remember what it is. To quote means to quote a verbatim excerpt from a text, document, work of art, as well as a film, public speech, and so on. Each quote has its own author, and it must be indicated. This is its main difference from anonymous statements or statuses.

Inserting quotes on Instagram is a matter of technique. Include them in the description when you add a new post. There is nothing complicated, just don’t forget about the author of the words you use. It’s also good to write which work they are taken from. Don’t be embarrassed that a smart or beautiful idea doesn’t belong to you. By indicating the source of the quote, you will show your erudition and honesty; you do not appropriate other people’s words.

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Finding quotes for Instagram photos that suit your topic and mood can be difficult. If you can't figure out what phrase to add to your post, take a close look at the image. Think about what associations and feelings arise. You might immediately think of an appropriate poetic statement or a wise thought that someone beautifully phrased. If you are not sure that you remember the text or the author exactly, check yourself. Type the desired phrase in the browser search. The Internet will tell you, but pay attention to the reliability of the source.

Let's give a few universal advice where to get quotes for photos on Instagram:

    Read more. Reading improves literacy and broadens your horizons. And the statements of your favorite authors come to mind involuntarily. For example, well-read person seeing the amazing autumn landscape, will certainly remember the lines: “Sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me...", written by A.S. Pushkin. Or maybe the words of Fyodor Tyutchev: “In the original autumn there is a short, but wonderful time...”. Or from S.A. Yesenin: “The golden grove dissuaded me with a cheerful birch tongue...”;

    Go to Internet portals that specialize in collecting and classifying quotations of aphorisms from literary works, speeches famous personalities, from films. Typically, aphorisms are distributed by topic, arranged in alphabetical order. Sometimes you can see a classification by authorship. For example, the following resources will help you: citaty.su, quote-citation.com or finewords.ru;

    Watch high-quality movies and animation (cartoons). Many Soviet films have long been dismantled into quotes. And most of the statements have not lost their relevance even now; they are quite suitable for captioning a photo on Instagram. For example, “Life is good! And living well is even better!” - from the comedy “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” Or “Our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery!” - from "The Diamond Arm". There are dozens and hundreds of such examples, suitable for different topics;

    Include lines from your favorite songs in the description of your posts. If you like the work of an artist, why not quote him;

    Take quotes from speeches of public figures. For example, the phrase: “There is no money, but you hold on,” gained wide popularity;

    Pay attention to the speech of others. Sometimes on the subway, bus, other transport, or just on the street you can hear very apt phrases. Please cite them and indicate the source. Let’s say “grandmother from tram No. 5”;

    Do not forget that the truth speaks through the mouth of a baby. Write down funny children's quotes; they can be used to decorate not only a photo of a child, but also a completely serious post. Sometimes kids make unusual but correct judgments. Just don't forget to write the author's age;

If you still haven't found suitable words To describe the photo, do not fill in these fields. Search best quote some more time. The post can be edited later. And then you will add a bright statement to the description.

You can find very cheap likes on photos on Instagram by following the link provided. On the page that opens, you will be offered a wide range of services with a choice of quality and speed of delivery of material to the page. At the same time, you can get decent discounts and the opportunity to participate in promotions held by the site.

By the way, you can write these words in an unusual and beautiful font, we talk about this in another material. The quote superimposed directly on the photo looks very harmonious.

These short meaningful quotes for Instagram require exactly this approach:

    Every comedy, like every song, has its time and its time. Cervantes;

    Dedicate your life to serving the truth. Juvenal;

    Nadezhda is the best doctor known. A. Dumas the father;

    Universal law is freedom, which ends where the freedom of another begins. Victor Hugo;

    The only beauty I know is health. Heinrich Heine;

    One should know moderation in everything, everywhere. One must know when to stop in friendship and enmity. Saadi;

    What the law does not prohibit, shame prohibits. Seneca;

    Work dulls grief. Cicero;

    I love smart enemies. Salvador Dali.

And finally, about what beautiful quotes there are on Instagram. These are, of course, statements about the splendor of nature, seasons, cities and countries. And also about friendship and friends, about honesty and kindness, about courage and pride, about other wonderful feelings and qualities. There are many examples. And you will always have a choice. You just need to enter a specific request on the Internet. For example, quotes about hope, about people, about children, or something else that is close to you.

And if we talk about quotes under photos on Instagram for girls, then the palm belongs to the love theme. Perhaps it is this comprehensive and multifaceted feeling that is one of the leaders in the number of mentions on this social network.

These are the statements we want to add to the general collection:

    Separation will teach you to truly love. Saint-Exupery;

    Love knows no measure or price. E. M. Remarque;

    Before you love a woman in a girl, love the person in her. Vasily Sukhomlinsky;

    Story true love never ends. Richard Bach;

    The flame does not go out when two people are responsible for it. Robert Rozhdestvensky;

    Two eternal friends - love and separation - cannot go without the other. Bulat Okudzhava;

    When you're not around, the emptiness hurts. Nikolay Dorizo;

    Love is a voluptuous and bitter monster from which there is no protection. Sappho;

    Love is everything. That's all we know about her. Emily Dickinson.

Extremely inexpensive bots on Instagram are already waiting for their owner. Don’t overpay for unnecessary additional criteria - choose only the speed of receipt and variability of added accounts. Plus, at such a low cost, you also have the opportunity to get additional discounts!

But don’t forget that your Instagram should not become a collection of other people’s quotes. Don't post things like this too often. Otherwise, your subscribers may get the impression that you don’t have your own thoughts and opinions. If you are worried that there is nothing to fill the page with, read our material “How to manage Instagram correctly and in the same style - useful tips" There are tips there to help solve this problem.

Users create profiles: write information about themselves, use emoticons and formatting, add links, and set statuses. If your choice fell on quotes for Instagram, read this article. You will find a large selection of aphorisms, profile statuses and many quotes for photos.

The article is divided into blocks: girls, boys, about life, girlfriend, etc. - choose what suits you.

Set status: instructions

Instructions for smartphone:

  • Open the application.
  • Enter your username and password if you have not logged in previously.
  • Go to your profile - tap the last icon on the control panel at the bottom.
  • Click the edit button under the block with the number of subscriptions and followers.
  • Tap the About field.
  • Paste the text and click the checkmark at the top.
  • Click again to save your changes.

The algorithm is suitable for Android, iOS, and Windows devices - the application interface is the same.

Use the official client of the service - download it from the Play Store on your Android device, App Store on iOS.

Instructions for PC:

  • Open the official web version of the service. It's first in search results.
  • Log in - enter your username and password.
  • Click Login.
  • Go to your profile - click on the last icon at the top right.
  • Click Edit Profile.
  • Place the cursor in the About yourself field.
  • Enter the text.
  • At the bottom of the page, click Submit.

To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, use only the official application and website. Do not enter data on third-party sites - access may be stolen.

As it turned out, it is not enough to simply insert a phrase into the description under the photo - it needs to be formatted:

  • Add paragraphs. If the text is voluminous, break it into blocks using hyphens.
  • Use emoticons (emoji) as attention grabbers and markers for lists.
  • Short quotes on Instagram can also be supplemented with emojis for beauty.
  • Make indents between blocks - make a hyphen, insert an invisible space and hyphen again. Copy the invisible symbol here - ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. Transferring using dots is also popular.
  • Change fonts. Download the application or use online services textygram.ru.

These tips will make the text readable. Please remember that the account description is limited to 150 characters. If the desired status is longer, rephrase it. This way it will become capacious and unique. Here are quotes under photos of the sea - choose any.

Collections of the best quotes

Quotes for Instagram for girls

  • "If you saw ideal man“This is a mannequin.”
  • “I got angry and proudly left home. I remembered that the apartment was mine – it was back.”
  • “I crashed your car, but the good news is I won’t do it again.”
  • “Boys, make us happy - write correctly.”
  • “In winter, I didn’t pump my abs, but the refrigerator door.”

Here we will additionally tell you, these are our own tips.

Quotes about autumn for Instagram

  • “Do not cry for what is lost, just as trees do not cry for lost leaves.”
  • “In autumn, people should warm each other with words and hugs.”
  • “Behind the gray clouds there is a blue sky.”
  • “I wish my subscribers to find a person who will warm you in the fall.”
  • “With the first snow everything will pass.”
  • “Autumn... appears, damn it, in the midst of the holiday, when it seems that summer will last forever, and slates have forever pushed boots into the far corner.”
  • “Forgive me for being bad” - sorry for being bad.
  • “Do not listen to people - listen to the heart”- don't listen to people - listen to your heart.
  • "Go your way and do not turn around"- Go your way and don’t look back.
  • “The best is ahead” - the best is ahead.
  • “Make love not war” - make love, not war.
  • « “No one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl.” All little girls should be told they’re pretty, even if they aren’t.”“Nobody ever told me she was beautiful when I was a little girl.” All little girls should be told that they are beautiful, even if they are not.” – Marilyn Monroe

Quotes for Instagram from songs

  • “She kisses me with bright red lipstick
    And I tell her - don’t, listen, don’t.” – Hands Up
  • "But he stubbornly believed
    What will find peace in her eyes.” – Jah Khalib
  • “Well, how can you tolerate me?
    To endure, you need to love me.” –

    JONY, HammAli & Navai

  • "If you're happy,
    Don't tell anyone
    Happiness loves silence." –ST
  • "I wanted his last name,
    I tried it on and it fits perfectly
    To my name.” – Marie Crimebreri
  • "Just don't leave,
    I ask you for the hundredth time.
    I love you very much
    You too, but not now." – Tim Belorusskikh
  • “Hello, there’s so much I want to tell you.
    Hello, but our meeting is just a dream.” –

    Artik & Asti

Quotes on Instagram with meaning

  • “Lack of shame is the first sign of stupidity.”
  • “You can’t get used to anything in life—not even life itself.”
  • “Thank the universe for what you have and you will get what you want.”
  • “It’s better to do it and fail than not to do it and fail.”
  • “He who seeks an ideal environment will remain alone.”

Quotes about Instagram

  • “I’ll go to Instagram and see how many stores and beauty salons have subscribed to me.”
  • “I take advantage of the situation and take the phones of drunken friends to like photos.”
  • “The profile of a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey.”
  • “Watching ballet and Instagram at the same time means not seeing either the first or the second.” – Sergey Moskalev
  • “You didn’t give me flowers? Nothing - load up with a bouquet of antidepressants."
  • “Sometimes it seems like some people live to post photos.”

Cool Quotes for Instagram

  • “We lose one thing and gain another. I hope you lose me and find the brain."
  • “Your coolness will disappear as soon as you put on shoe covers.”
  • “Only my laptop and phone charge in my apartment.”
  • “It’s not time that kills love, but meanness.”
  • “A head on your shoulders is not enough—you need a brain.”

Cool Quotes for Instagram

  • “What do you want for your birthday? “Your absence from it.”
  • “Don’t run after the tram - the next one will come.”
  • “We understand how wrong we were when they do this to us.”
  • “The same thing happens in my head as in washing machine during washing."
  • “You can prove to a woman that she is wrong. But no one knows how.”

Quotes about life on Instagram

  • “If you want to live well, don’t stay where it’s bad.”
  • “If you are broken, grow again like a flower.”
  • “Those days that are remembered are life.”
  • “Everyone teaches how to live, but they themselves don’t know how.”
  • “Appreciate the present before it becomes the past.”

Short quotes for Instagram

  • “Beautiful things happen unexpectedly.”
  • “The soul is healed by the soul.”
  • “He who loses heart dies immediately.”
  • “I’m not jealous, but I’m protecting happiness.”
  • “People are leaving. Humble yourself."

Funny Quotes for Instagram

  • “They said the sweetness would make your butt stick together, but it was blown apart.”
  • “How can I explain to my neighbors that hitting the radiator does not control the volume of the music?”
  • “During ice conditions, there is a sharp decline in people’s culture.”
  • “Things went well, but they didn’t.”
  • “The worst thing about a passport photo is just a photocopy of the passport photo.”

Quotes on Instagram about girlfriends

  • “Praise a girl in front of her friends to learn about her shortcomings.”
  • “A true friend will forget about her problems if yours are more serious.”
  • “There are no girls as friends, there are like-minded people.”
  • “By the way, it’s interesting that men come and go, but girlfriends stay.” – Milla Jovovich
  • “Let your friend know how awesome she is right now!”
  • “Women’s friendship exists as long as interests coincide.”
  • “It's great that you are my friend. After all, every time something goes wrong in my life, I have to look at yours and you understand that everything is not so bad.”

And here are cool facts about your friend - you can write about yours)

Quotes on Instagram about yourself

  • “Don’t rush to start a conversation about yourself - it will start when you leave.”
    • “Be a queen in the kitchen, not in the bar.”
    • “I don’t use drugs – I’m crazy without them.”
    • “Few people know who I really am.”
    • “Beauty will attract attention - kindness will win the heart.”
    • “I realized a lot late.”
    • “Every man in his life should: build a YouTube channel, set up a Facebook public page and grow an Instagram account.”

    Cool quotes for Instagram

    • “The best things in life lead to obesity.”
    • “If you think while eating that you will gain weight, drink and don’t think about it.”
    • “Yes, I’m not good. I'm the best."
    • “Be careful – bullshit is possible.”
    • “When I found out that money doesn’t buy happiness, I refused.”

    This is our selection of statuses and aphorisms. Choose quotes for Instagram about yourself, guys, life and insert them into the description or under the photo. And finally, everyone’s favorite movie quotes for Instagram.

Hello, the topic of this article is beautiful quotes for Instagram about love. The first saying will be: Understand at least once that in this noisy life, in order to be with you, I seize every moment. That I love you, I love you madly. How I love life, how I love happiness!

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart.

Only in Russia they call loved ones... My grief!

Loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking together in the same direction. A. de Saint-Exupéry.

He who has experienced great love neglects friendship; but he who has wasted himself in friendship still knows nothing about love. J. Labruyère.

Love is always a sacrifice. A real, sincere feeling of love always involves sacrifice in the name of the one you love. Love without sacrifice is not love, but a big lie to yourself and others.

Women love, men play along in love. Arkady Davidovich

What can you say about a man who spent a thousand and one nights with a woman, listening to fairy tales? Alexander Kumor

True love is selfless. She has no selfish bias and is distinguished by prudence. Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

Voluptuousness, wishing to become a religion, invented love. Natalie Clifford Barney

The surest way to win the love of others is to give them your love. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. G. Leibniz.

No wonder women’s fidelity was given such great importance! Public good, public evil are associated with their behavior. Heaven or hell in a family is caused solely by rumors

Letters and gifts and glossy pictures expressing affection are important. But it’s even more important to listen to each other face to face; this is a great and rare art. T. Jansson.

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a small soul cherishes the spirit of hatred. Booker Taliaferro Washington

For a lover, nothing is difficult. M. Cicero.

A romantically inclined woman is disgusted by sex without love. That's why she rushes to fall in love at first sight. Lydia Yasinskaya

To love is bliss; to hate is torment. The entire law and prophets are focused on love for God and neighbor (Matthew 22:40).

Loved ones inspire, loving ones feed. T. Kleiman

Unforgivable pride is not wanting to owe your happiness to your loved one. G. Lessing.

Love is omnipotent! There is no sorrow on earth - higher than her punishment, no happiness - higher than the pleasure of serving her. Shakespeare

There is nothing more terrible for us than another person who does not care about us.

Anger towards a person will never develop into love.

Be human - do you want to love? Love it! But don't let yourself be used!

Love is everything...

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes

If a wife nags her husband, it means she wants to make him the better half.

The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us. A. S. Pushkin

Ah, the experience of feeling, how it interferes with feeling! Alphonse Daudet

Love for a person is very often stronger than love for yourself.

Amor et deliciae humani generis - love and joy of the human race.

They forgive a loved one what they do not forgive others, and they do not forgive what they forgive others. Shevelev I.N.

Only love makes a person beautiful, starting from the first love for a woman, ending with love for the world and man - everything else disfigures a person, leads him to death, that is, to power over another person. Mikhail Prishvin

Put your love into everything you do. If you are in trouble, turn inside yourself: what lesson should you learn from this situation? Louise Hay

To love deeply means to forget about yourself. J. Rousseau

How stronger love, the more defenseless she is. Duchess Diana (Marie de Bossac)

If old love does not rust, why does it start to creak? T. Kleiman

Women have all the heart, even the head. Jean Paul

Don't be a toy in love games.

Love is the delusion that one man or woman is better or worse than others

Heroine: a girl in a book who drowns and is saved by the hero and marries her a week later; but if this had happened ten years later, she would have preferred a life preserver—and so would he. Mark Twain

Separation is for love what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes small love, and fans the big one even stronger. A.I. Kuprin

Love preserves beauty, and a woman’s body lives with caresses, like a bee with flowers. Anatol France

Clara pacta, boni amici - with clear relationships, friendship is stronger.

He who stops loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive

Now any company that has something to show its clients wants to know how to write texts for Instagram. This social network quickly went beyond “I post photos from my phone.” Today, IG brings a noticeable increase in sales to online stores and increases awareness of brands of any size, and this must be used. And we will tell you how to do this in the article.

Instagram posts: three rules

Regardless of whether you will maintain a corporate profile or a page that will sell, you need to remember three basic rules. And move on to narrower nuances for a specific business over time.

So, 3 “pillars” of ideal text:

Keith first. Beautiful picture. The Instagram audience “forgives” fuzzy, blurry and faded photos only to those close to them. Do you have a business account? Post photos high quality, designed in the same style. Without this point, the user will not even reach the text, simply scrolling through an ugly picture.

The main advantage of Instagram posts against the backdrop of sales tests for the site is the ability to support each advantage of a product with a picture. Thanks to this, all the advantages that were previously crowded into bulleted lists will be noticed and appreciated.

If IG in your case is a platform for presenting a product, show it in different situations. The ideal formula for a photo with a product/service in IG is 1 one picture 1 advantage.

Do you sell backpacks? Show photos with internal compartments, clearly demonstrate how many things will fit into it.

Do you offer notepads? Then make layouts with colored covers and show the features of the internal content. Such photos should echo the text:

“the backpack has N compartments for a laptop, mp3, fitness bottle,”

“Choose notebooks with white or kraft paper, lined or unlined, lemon or raspberry. We have notebooks for every mood!”

Agree, such photos with captions will inspire more confidence than stamps like “impressive capacity” or “wide range.”

Keith second. Infogram. If a user signs up for a business account, they don't just want to see behind the scenes or products. He needs to know how to order a product, how to get to a nail salon, or who to call to book a tour to Europe. Therefore, it is advisable to unobtrusively leave contact information in each post and correctly design the account bio-header. Without this, even an excellent text will not be useful.

Bio design is an art. The header should be short and concise - so that the follower immediately understands what kind of company you are, what services/products you can offer him, and how exactly to get them.

If a person does not understand where he has ended up, he will immediately leave. If there is a link to a website or group on a social network, it is also published in the bio.

The header indicates the specialization of the store, the price per day, 2 addresses, phone number and website address. There is a lot of information, but it is presented compactly and answers all the subscriber’s questions

Keith third. Editing. It is logical that the text should be composed correctly and without errors. This advice is not even about the need to arm yourself with a dictionary when writing text, but about the fact that it is better to proofread each text 2-3 times before publishing. No one is immune from mistakes and typos, but raising your reputation after “blunders” is much more difficult than building a business from scratch. Therefore, proofreading, proofreading and proofreading again.

What to write on Instagram so that the text is read?

There are free photo templates you can use to make signs for your business, but there are no such templates for text. Laconic informational useful posts are positively received by followers; they can be diluted with advertising selling texts.

Example of text on Instagram for a cosmetics store. The profile contains not only photos of the products that the company sells, but also useful collections of tips

What to offer as entertainment depends on your audience. Post features of the use of goods, photos of the work process (employees, office, warehouse or store). And between them, place advertising and selling posts with products and service descriptions.

If, for example, you maintain a profile for a cosmetics store, dilute posts with products and prices with advice on choosing products, master classes on creating makeup, and the intricacies of facial care.

In the case of the tourism business, for example, you can dilute texts about last-minute tours and other services with tips on obtaining a foreign passport, planning a budget while traveling and describing interesting laws different countries. And so on. The principle is probably clear.

Post a photo of a courier who is rushing to the post office, a sleepy pastry chef who is whipping egg whites for macarons, a manager who is beautifully packaging the goods. Such posts have a clear goal - to inspire trust. Customers are always interested in taking a look behind the scenes, and you should give them that opportunity through Instagram.

For almost all types of businesses that develop on Instagram, the rule applies - the closer to the people, the better. , on Facebook or on your personal website you write strict texts and polish product cards so that only the “juice” is there, on Instagram you can afford more.

Behind the scenes is always interesting to the reader. The picture shows a post with a photo of the process of creating a print for a T-shirt

The text in such posts should be conversational and simple. Communicate with readers. For example:

“Marina tries every morning to make your morning cappuccino on the way to work warm and invigorating”; “Today and tomorrow we are open until 22 so that you have time to buy or order goods before the New Year. With us you will have time to buy gifts for everyone!”;

“Petya has worn out more than his first apron, sitting at the pottery wheel and lovingly creating your orders. And today we gave him a new one, because this jack of all trades has an anniversary.”

Yes, these are not selling texts. These are texts that work for brand and communication.

The more open and sincere your profile is, the faster readers and clients will reach out to you.

Time for work, posting - hour. When is the best time to write??

Although social networks and their visits are unpredictable, SumAll analysts were able to draw parallels and identify the hours during which the activity of photo feed visitors is high. If you publish a post during this period of time, there is a greater chance that it will be noticed.

But it is important to focus on the characteristics of the target audience. If you sell products for babies, then mothers on maternity leave at 17-18 hours will meet their husbands from work and go for a walk with the family, but the time between 10-15 hours, on the contrary, is more suitable for posting.

If your audience is mainly students, then in addition to the evening time, you can post texts for Instagram in the morning (when they go to classes and scroll through social networks in transport) and around 14-15 hours (when classes end).

Remember! Instagram already has algorithms for selecting content for the user (similar to FB). Therefore, posting time fades into the background (although it is still used by SMM specialists). The main goal is to motivate readers to comment and like in order to increase the value of your posts and their position in the news feed of followers.

When you control #hashtags, not they control you

Today, perhaps, only on Instagram hashtags are really useful. With their help, potential clients will find you, so the more clearly you select the database of requests for your business, the better.

It’s very easy to go to extremes with hashtags—to overdo it or, conversely, to underdo it. On average, the query field that can be used is 10-15 hashtags. These hash marks in signatures don’t look very nice, so you can move them to the very bottom of the text and even write them under the separator.

Create a branded hashtag - it could be the name of a store, coffee shop, salon, or company. If the name does not create a unique hashtag, add 1-2 more words on the topic of your business.

Firstly, using this hashtag you can be found by clients who already know about you (for example, they heard from friends). Secondly, you can find photos from clients. As a rule, followers themselves are happy to put hashtags for brands and companies in the service sector.

You can motivate them to put up the coveted grille by reposting the coolest photos from clients. This will replenish your profile with “live” photo reviews, which will increase the confidence of newcomers, and will work as word of mouth.

The coffee shop’s branded hashtag is placed not only in posts, but also in the comments to the photo of the company itself.

How NOT to write on Instagram, so as not to lose subscribers

Closed corporate accounts. Imagine you were invited to the opening of a store and were given a bunch of booklets and discount flyers. With a positive attitude, you approach the door decorated with balloons, and it is... closed. A client who sees a private corporate profile on a social network will experience the same feelings.

Only selling texts with photographs of goods and services. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and imagine that your feed is filled with bags, translation services, or children’s toys. Even if you are the target audience, you will soon get tired of this and will only make you want to unsubscribe.

Lack of dynamics and consistency. Any account in social networks either develops regularly or rapidly loses popularity. If you are promoting your account, do it through regular posts. 2-5 posts once a week are better than 10 in one day.