English rose golden celebration. Golden celebration Golden Celebration - English rose seedlings - roses - rose seedlings. grape seedlings. sale of rose and grape seedlings. delivery of rose and grape seedlings throughout Ukraine. Analysis of the possibility of growing roses

A rose will give your garden a delightful and unforgettable picture of giant spherical flowers, which resemble fire lanterns that are comfortably placed in your garden.

Rose Golden Celebration is in great demand among gardeners, and also takes prizes at exhibitions. The flowering period occurs at the end of July and continues to delight with its continuous flowering until frost.

Luxurious rose flowers Golden Celebration reveal a rich golden peach hue with a subtle, delicate aroma. The shape is cupped, the petals are slightly bent, the diameter is 14-16 cm, which will undoubtedly impress even a child. The flowering time of one flower is 7-10 days.

The bush is vigorous, round, with arched drooping shoots. The height of the bush reaches 120-150 cm in cold regions and 200-250 cm in warm ones. The leaves are glossy with an attractive glossy sheen. Rose variety Golden Celebration looks great planted with lavender or sage. Such a tandem will be in first place in your garden. It takes root well in cold regions and practically does not get sick.

Root system rose seedlingGolden Celebration To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, so your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy rose seedlingsGolden Celebration You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

Type of packaging: Rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in film, and have a label indicating the variety. The permissible shelf life in packaging without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions, is up to 3 months.

Orders with rose seedlings are sent during the autumn and spring planting seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with the customer’s climate zone).

Flowering - abundant, remontant;

Bush height - 120 - 150 cm;

Flower diameter - up to 16 cm;

Resistance to diseases and frosts - high;

The aroma is pronounced.

“This rose fits its name (“golden triumph”). Its flowers shine gold among the matte green foliage.” With these words, Niko Vermeilend begins the description of this variety in the book “Roses. Illustrated Encyclopedia". And Evgeny Pisarev at the beginning of the description indicates that Golden Celebration “is considered one of the best varieties Austin." It is not surprising that this rose grows in many gardens in Ukraine, and that Internet forums often discuss impressions of it. decorative qualities and the authors of many books have included it in their content. The most interesting thing is that you practically won’t meet a rose grower who would be dissatisfied with her. There are many prerequisites for this universal recognition - this is a beautiful color, combining a rich yellow color with a copper-yellow tint, and the huge size of the flower, which often reaches 16 cm in diameter, and the abundance of flowering on the surface of the entire bush, and the enchanting aroma in which some perceive fruity notes, some notes of wine and strawberries, some honey (Lance Walheim), and Natalya Valerievna Antigizova in her book “English Roses by David Austin" characterizes this aroma as apple, with notes of lemon tea. And how beautiful is a single flower: densely double, cup-shaped, large! And it doesn’t matter at all that during mass flowering the arched shoots droop slightly under the weight of the shoots, because the rounded bushes are simply dotted with beautiful fragrant flowers, as if they were gold. A moderate number of thorns makes working with this variety easier. But with the option of using this variety, it’s worth racking your brains, because if you live in a region with a warm climate, the height of the plant can reach two meters, and it is possible to use Golden Celebration as a low climbing rose, “drape” the walls of houses, fences, and decorate pergolas with it . In most of the territory of Ukraine, you should not expect that the height of the bush will exceed 120- 150 cm . If you have free time and desire, try planting this rose on an obelisk, lifting it from the ground - you will be impressed by the results obtained when flowering, then you will be able to observe every flower of this “golden” cascade. If No such a possibility, then simply combine Golden Celebration with 2-3 other roses that would complement it, or just plant a couple as a copy, without stretching the space between them - a distance of 45- 60 cm . By the way, Golden Celebration was called by David Austin's representatives as one of the most suitable varieties for standard culture.

In conclusion, let's pay attention to the origin of this rose. As already mentioned, this rose is a David Austin selection. It was obtained by a breeder in 1992 by crossing×. The working name of the variety is AUSgold. During its existence, the variety was awarded the following awards:Award of Garden Merit (RHS/RNRS), Royal Horticultural Society Show (2001); Modern Shrub Rose, Duneland Rose Society Show (2001); Modern Shrub Rose, Bay Country Rose Society Show (2000);Modern Shrub Rose, Grand Valley Rose Society (Michigan) ) Show (2000); Modern Shrub Rose, Mount Diablo Rose Society Show (2000).

A rose is a real decoration of any garden. She is beautiful, tender and very popular among gardeners. There are quite a few varieties that can be grown, and they all differ in their characteristics and performance. Rose Golden Celebration is one of the most popular and beautiful, famous for its long flowering, large flowers in large quantities and resistance to frost, for which many gardeners value it.

Rose Golden is one of the classic ones, which can be found in many gardens and front gardens. The flowers are large, with wavy edges and large buds. Most often the flowers are cream, yellow or deep amber in color. Very often for this beautiful bloom she is called the queen of flowers. By the way, it was precisely for such royal beauty and color that the variety received such a memorable name. Another feature is the aroma - it is strong, rich and sweet.

The flowers open quite slowly, so they remain on the bushes for a long time. They look good both in the bud phase and when opened. Typically, flowering begins by June and lasts until autumn, sometimes into October.

The height of the bushes is usually up to 80 cm, and the width is approximately the same. The bush looks quite compact and beautiful, so it looks good in any flower bed.

Rules for planting varieties

This variety of flowers does not like shade, so it needs a sufficient amount of sun. They also do not like drafts and strong wind. The soil must be loosened and fertilized before planting.

The seedling is placed in the soil towards the middle. You definitely need to dig the ground well, the hole should be about 40 cm, since the roots grow deep. They do not tolerate acidic soil, so you need to add a little ash. After the bush is placed in the ground, its root neck is sprinkled with 3 cm of soil - no more! This is very important, since Golden Celebration, when planted deeply, turns into, which is completely different.

After planting, the earth is compacted; the plant should sit firmly. If the bush sways even a little, there is a risk that it may not take root.

Features of bush care

Rose is fastidious to care for. If you want to get a truly stunning and dense bush with many flowers, you need to constantly fertilize it, water it, loosen the soil and remove weeds. Water usually twice a week, depending on the weather. If there is a drought, you need to water more, and so that the water reaches the roots, otherwise the bush will dry out. In order not to overwater, be guided by this: a young bush wants up to 7 liters, a large one - up to 15 liters with each watering.

Nitrogen is used for feeding, which stimulates shoot growth. Mullein and urea are also suitable. It is especially important to feed young plants. When buds appear, they switch to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Nitrogen is excluded, as it stimulates the appearance of leaf mass and prevents flowers from growing. They feed in this way: make grooves at a distance of 30 cm, fill them first with water, and then with water and fertilizer, after which they are filled and loosened. Vegetative period requires no more than 4 feedings.

Don't forget about pruning bushes. It is carried out seasonally, that is, in spring, summer and autumn. Spring stimulates the rose after wintering, summer allows you to get abundant flowering. Excessive pruning in the fall is not recommended, except for preparatory purposes. The variety is frost-resistant, but winter period The plant needs shelter.

Video “Learning to plant a rose”

From this video you will learn how to plant roses correctly.

The Golden Celebration rose has a bright yellow color. The height of the bush is usually about 120-150 cm. The width is about 120 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Disease resistance roses Golden Celebration: practically never gets sick.

Description: Golden Celebration roses

This rose has giant, spherical flowers on elegantly drooping branches. Copper-yellow color, unusual for English roses. A closer look at the petals reveals that the effect is created by many small pink dots against a deep yellow background. The smell is strong. Significant disease resistance. An excellent variety in all respects, combining beauty, strength and elegance. (DAER) One of Austin's finest. Grows quickly and grows into large bush. At good care blooms profusely. The flowers are densely double. In hot climates it can be grown as a short climbing rose. (RRC)The magnificent flowers of this stunning English rose combine an ancient form with a completely modern coloring. Yellow and red buds bloom into densely double flowers 8-14 in diameter, with inner petals forming a cup-shaped shape and bent outer ones. The color is usually deep egg yellow, but peach or pink tones, creating a copper-yellow hue. Flowers appear in small racemes and often droop. The aroma is light to medium and is described as spicy or fruity. Blooms profusely in early summer, followed by rapidly repeating waves of repeat blooms until the end of the season. The shoots are slightly to moderately spiny, arched, with shiny bright green foliage. The bush is round, spreading, reaches 120-150 in height and the same width in the coldest climates, and up to 180-200 in hot countries. This beautiful rose will be good in a mixborder - try combining it with lavender or sage. Disease resistance is good, although if black spot is common in your area, prevention is best. (TGR)

Golden Celebration. The variety was obtained in 1992. as a result of the crossbreeding Charles Austin X Abraham Darby. The result exceeded expectations. Today this rose can be called one of the best varieties of David Austin's selection.

U Golden Celebration very large, spherical flowers. Uniting up to 5 pieces in inflorescences, they elegantly droop on thin, elastic shoots. The buds consist of more than 60 copper-yellow petals. When they bloom, they turn into densely double flowers, the diameter of the bowl of which is at least 10 cm. The central part of the flower is formed from dense, erect petals, crowned with several rows of bent outer petals.

This is extremely unusual color scheme for English roses adds newness to classic old forms. If you look closely, you can see that such a characteristic mineral color Golden Celebration created by numerous small pink dots on a rich yellow background. Depending on the intensity of the inclusions, the flowers may turn peach or pinkish. In addition to their external beauty, the flowers have a rich, pleasant fruity-spicy aroma.

Saplings Golden Celebration grow quickly, turning into a spreading but rounded bush of large size. In the third year of planting, its dimensions will reach 1.5 m in height and about 1.2 m in width. At optimal conditions growing, these parameters will tend to 2 m. In hot climates, this variety is recommended to be grown as a low, climbing rose.

The shoots are moderately prickly, arched, drooping under the weight of the blossoms, densely leafy with glossy, bright green foliage. They are quite pliable for mounting on trellises, arches, pergolas, etc. With proper care, continuously appearing buds form abundant flowering. Its first wave occurs at the beginning of summer, and all subsequent waves smoothly flow into each other. And so on until late autumn.

Golden Celebration belongs to frost resistance zone 6, withstanding frosts down to -23C. Therefore, it is recommended to arrange a shelter for it for the winter. This rose has increased resistance to common diseases, although preventative measures against black spot are still recommended.

Golden Celebration - this is an excellent variety that successfully combines vigorous growth, elegance of weaving and beauty of flowering. Most good place The location for this rose will be a mixborder in the company of sage and lavender.

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