Hybrid tea rose GOLDEN MEDALLION. Rose medallion photo and description Hybrid tea rose golden medallion

Not available


60-100 cm

70x100 cm

Country: Serbia

Flowering time: July-September

Color: yellow

Group: hybrid tea roses

Planting in the ground: May

Article: 1.20

Quantity per package: 1 piece

Location: sun

Manufacturer: Monte Agro

Hybrid tea rose GOLDEN MEDALLION is part of the leading group of cut roses. Hybrid tea roses have a bush height of 60 to 100 cm. Peduncles are from 40 to 80 cm long, on one peduncle there are from 1 to 3 large flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter. The most fragrant red and purple varieties of hybrid tea roses, white roses have a very delicate aroma. Hybrid tea roses, like all roses, are picky about where they grow. Roses need rich, well-drained soil, as roses have a very deep root system. The location should be sunny, preferably protected from the winds. Rose plants are quite large, so it is not recommended to thicken the plantings. The rose is planted in May; before planting, it is recommended to store the seedling in a cold place, not allowing it to dry out, or immediately after purchase, plant it in a deep pot and transfer it to open ground in May. For the winter, hybrid tea roses require careful shelter, which should be well ventilated in winter to prevent the rose from dampening off. Frost hardiness zone (USDA) - zone six.

Seedlings are sold with a closed root system. The roots of the seedling are in the soil, which is wrapped in paper and packed in a plastic bag. The package, in turn, is placed in a cardboard tube with a plastic bottom. The tube contains a photo of the rose, a description of the variety and a diagram of planting the seedling. When planting, the tube and plastic bag are removed from the root system; the paper should not be removed, as it protects the earthen ball from destruction and therefore reduces injury to the roots. The seedlings have a well-formed trunk, with a diameter at the grafting site of at least 0.5 cm, 2-3 main shoots and 2-3 main roots, at least 20 cm long. SMITH IDEAL and LAXA rootstocks are used for the seedlings. The shoots of the seedlings are filled with wax, which does not need to be removed; the wax protects the seedlings from drying out and is not an obstacle to the awakening of the buds. Careful and thoughtful packaging allows you to keep the seedlings in excellent condition until planting in the ground. It is important to prevent overdrying and excessive moisture of the seedling's earthen coma.

Rose golden medallion description, photos and reviews, planting and care rules

To grow roses, you need to choose a place that is illuminated by the sun most of the day and protected from wind and drafts. The soil on the site should be nutritious and as loose as possible.

The seedlings are planted in open ground in early or mid-May, depending on weather conditions. The soil needs to be dug up at least 40 centimeters, since the Golden Medallion’s root system is deep. Humus and a small amount of ash must be added to the planting hole to neutralize the acidity of the soil.

The seedling is placed in a hole and covered with soil so that the root collar is covered only 2-3 centimeters. Planting deeper will cause the rose to go wild and it will turn into a non-flowering rose hip.

The soil around the seedling is carefully compacted as it is added. The rose should hold firmly to the ground and not sway under gusts of wind. If the bush sways after planting, it means it is not planted correctly and the roots may not take root.

Rose care

During cultivation, the rose needs regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and removing weeds. All these activities must be carried out regularly, otherwise you will not get a well-developed bush.

You need to water the rose once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions. On hot, dry days, the amount of watering is increased. The amount of moisture must be adjusted so that it reaches the depth of the root system. If you constantly moisten only the surface around the bush, the plant will begin to dry out.

The amount of moisture for the rose must be adjusted

But at the same time, you should not flood the bush, otherwise the roots will begin to rot from excess moisture and the plant will die. A young bush spends approximately 5-7 liters of water, an adult – 15 liters with each watering.

How and what to feed

At the beginning of development, in early spring, roses require large amounts of nitrogen to cause the growth of leaf mass and stimulate shoot growth. You can use mullein solution (1X10) or urea (according to the recommendations on the package) for fertilizing.

As soon as buds begin to form on the stems, fertilizing begins with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Nitrogen should be excluded from fertilizer mixtures during flowering so that the rose does not begin to “fatten.” Otherwise there will be more and more foliage, but few flowers.

An important point is the technology of fertilizing. To apply them, grooves are made around the bush at a distance of 30 cm, which are first spilled with water, only after that fertilizer is poured into them, 5-6 liters per bush. Then the grooves are covered with earth, and a day later the surface around the bush is loosened.

The number of rose feedings during the growing season is 3-4.

IMPORTANT. From the end of September, all feeding is stopped so as not to cause the growth of new shoots before wintering.

Method of pruning Golden Medallion roses

Several times a year, the rose bush needs to be pruned and pinched. Pruning is carried out according to the seasons:

    Spring– carried out immediately after removing the winter shelter. Very important for stimulating rose blooms during the season. But do not rush to carry it out if the buds have not yet woken up, so as not to accidentally cut them off. As soon as the kidneys reach a size of 0.5 cm, you need to start the procedure. The hybrid tea rose Golden Medallion is a medium-growing rose, so it produces shoots of 25 centimeters with 5-6 buds. All “blind” shoots are completely cut in. Summer– is also important for preventing the plant from wasting energy on producing fruits. It is carried out as the stems fade. Withered heads are removed along with the stem above the 2-3rd bud. Golden Medallion is a slightly rain-resistant rose. Therefore, during periods of prolonged rain, all flowers will have to be removed. If this is not done, they will become a source of fungal diseases, and the bush may die.

Golden Medallion is a classic representative of the hybrid tea type of roses. The flower, large in diameter, has many delicate, brightly colored petals with slightly wavy edges and a delicate, sweetish aroma.

Description of the Golden Medallion variety and photographs of roses

Hybrid tea rose Golden Medallion appeared in the gardens of flower lovers in 1984. The author of the variety is the German breeder Kordes. The variety got its name due to the rich creamy yellow color of the flowers appearing singly or in clusters of 3-4 pieces. The variety, in addition to the beauty of its flowering, is famous for its surprisingly rich, strong aroma.

Rose flowers open slowly. They are beautiful both in the phase of a long bud pointed at the top, and in their full bloom, when they look like a gold medal. These medals cover the rose bush from June until almost October. The background for the delicate flowers is the shiny, dark green foliage of the rose bush.

The height of the rose bush is 60-80 centimeters, width is 75 centimeters. Thanks to this combination of sizes, Golden Medallion forms a compact bush that looks beautiful in the flowerbed in all phases of development.

Rules for planting Golden Medallion roses

When planting Golden Medallion roses, the soil must be dug up to 40 centimeters

To grow roses, you need to choose a place that is illuminated by the sun most of the day and protected from wind and drafts. The soil on the site should be nutritious and as loose as possible.

The seedlings are planted in open ground in early or mid-May, depending on weather conditions. The soil needs to be dug up at least 40 centimeters, since the Golden Medallion’s root system is deep. Humus and a small amount of ash must be added to the planting hole to neutralize the acidity of the soil.

The seedling is placed in a hole and covered with soil so that the root collar is covered only 2-3 centimeters. Planting deeper will cause the rose to go wild and it will turn into a non-flowering rose hip.

The soil around the seedling is carefully compacted as it is added. The rose should hold firmly to the ground and not sway under gusts of wind. If the bush sways after planting, it means it is not planted correctly and the roots may not take root.

Rose care

During cultivation, the rose needs regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and removing weeds. All these activities must be carried out regularly, otherwise you will not get a well-developed bush.

You need to water the rose once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions. On hot, dry days, the amount of watering is increased. The amount of moisture must be adjusted so that it reaches the depth of the root system. If you constantly moisten only the surface around the bush, the plant will begin to dry out.

The amount of moisture for the rose must be adjusted

But at the same time, you should not flood the bush, otherwise the roots will begin to rot from excess moisture and the plant will die. A young bush spends approximately 5-7 liters of water, an adult – 15 liters with each watering.

How and what to feed

At the beginning of development, in early spring, roses require large amounts of nitrogen to cause the growth of leaf mass and stimulate shoot growth. You can use mullein solution (1X10) or urea (according to the recommendations on the package) for fertilizing.

As soon as buds begin to form on the stems, fertilizing begins with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. Nitrogen should be excluded from fertilizer mixtures during flowering so that the rose does not begin to “fatten.” Otherwise there will be more and more foliage, but few flowers.

An important point is the technology of fertilizing. To apply them, grooves are made around the bush at a distance of 30 cm, which are first spilled with water, only after that fertilizer is poured into them, 5-6 liters per bush. Then the grooves are covered with earth, and a day later the surface around the bush is loosened.

The number of rose feedings during the growing season is 3-4.

IMPORTANT. From the end of September, all feeding is stopped so as not to cause the growth of new shoots before wintering.

Method of pruning Golden Medallion roses

Several times a year, the rose bush needs to be pruned and pinched. Pruning is carried out according to the seasons:

  • Spring– carried out immediately after removing the winter shelter. Very important for stimulating rose blooms during the season. But do not rush to carry it out if the buds have not yet woken up, so as not to accidentally cut them off. As soon as the kidneys reach a size of 0.5 cm, you need to start the procedure. The hybrid tea rose Golden Medallion is a medium-growing rose, so it produces shoots of 25 centimeters with 5-6 buds. All “blind” shoots are completely cut in.
  • Summer– is also important for preventing the plant from wasting energy on producing fruits. It is carried out as the stems fade. Withered heads are removed along with the stem above the 2-3rd bud. Golden Medallion is a slightly rain-resistant rose. Therefore, during periods of prolonged rain, all flowers will have to be removed. If this is not done, they will become a source of fungal diseases, and the bush may die.

Golden Medallion roses are pruned three times

  • Autumn- carried out while preparing the rose for winter. Immediately before covering the plant for the winter, young, weak, too long and dry shoots are cut out. Heavy pruning in autumn is not recommended.

IMPORTANT. Use sharp pruning shears or garden shears for pruning. If you use a blunt instrument, it will tear the tissues of the stem and infection will begin to enter them.

Organization of wintering

Golden Medallion is a frost-resistant variety, but it is still not able to endure a harsh winter without shelter. After pruning, the root collar of the plant should be covered with humus or peat to a height of 30-40 centimeters.

Frame for covering roses

Then the bush must be covered with spruce branches as tightly as possible. Secure the spruce branches with a rope. If it is not possible to find spruce branches, the rose is covered with several layers of non-woven covering material. It can be wrapped around a bush or a wire frame can be built to hold the fabric.

ATTENTION. Do not cover the rose with plastic wrap; the rose will dry out under it during the winter.

Methods of protection against diseases

Black spotting usually occurs in cold and rainy weather

Like all roses, Golden Medallion is susceptible to a number of diseases associated with improper care and adverse weather conditions. As a preventative measure in the spring, the bush is treated with HOM, OXYCH or copper sulfate. This will prevent the most common disease of hybrid tea roses - powdery mildew.

Each disease is reflected in the appearance of the plant, according to which the diagnosis is made:

  • A dense white coating on the leaves and their deformation is powdery mildew. It affects roses in damp, cold weather. Rose Golden Medallion is relatively resistant to this disease, so it can be prevented by treatment with copper-containing preparations. If plaque does appear, the rose is treated with Forecast and Fundazol.
  • Yellowish, blurry spots on the upper part of the leaves and a gray coating on the back - downy mildew.
  • Round, yellow pads on leaves and shoots are rust. The disease is provoked by an abundance of precipitation combined with heat.
  • Purple or black spots on leaves and stems are called black spot. The Golden Medallion rose is often attacked in cold, rainy weather.

Pest Control

It is necessary to destroy emerging pests in a timely manner, as well as try to prevent their occurrence. They not only suck the juices out of the plant and spoil its appearance, but are also carriers of dangerous viral diseases. Your rose may appear:

  • Aphid- the most frequent guest on the bushes. It covers the shoots and leaves, leaving a sticky coating on them. You can protect the bush from this pest by planting marigolds, calendula, and nasturtium next to it. When aphids appear on a rose, it is sprayed with insecticides (Alatar, Komandor, Aktellik).
  • Spider mite. Appears on plants in hot, dry weather. Infection is indicated by a thin, white web on the leaves. When infected, use Malathion, Iskra, Sunmite.
  • rose sawfly- eats away the entire leaf blade, and it turns into a skeleton. Female sawflies lay larvae on the lower surface of the leaf. They must first be collected manually, and then the bush must be treated with Inta-Vir, Fosbecid, Aktara, Actellik. We recommend watching a video about this pest.

  • Rose cicada- settles in buds and on leaves that become covered with white spots. The leaf tissue seems to thin out and then dry out. Often appears on a rose if an apple, pear, cherry, plum or raspberry tree grows nearby. They destroy the pest with the drugs Zolon, Decis, Ariva.
  • Thrips– Leaves, buds, flowers are affected. The edges of the petals turn black, the leaves become covered with silvery spots. When a pest appears, the bush is washed with warm water with laundry soap diluted in it, then rinsed with clean water, then treated with Vermitek, Fitoverm, Agravertin, Confidor.

How to propagate Golden Medallion roses

Roses Golden Medallion, propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush

Hybrid tea rose seedlings Golden Medallion can be purchased in nurseries or online stores. Price In specialized nurseries you can purchase 2 and 3-4 year old seedlings at prices ranging from 3,000 to 5,500 rubles. This way you will get a hardened, mature bush, which is guaranteed to produce abundant flowering in the first year.

Annual seedlings are much cheaper, ranging from 200 to 900 rubles, depending on the quality of the planting material and its packaging.

Like most hybrid tea roses, this variety is propagated in two ways:

  • Cuttings. It is quite difficult to grow a full-fledged, rooted specimen when cutting Golden Medallion. The seedling may not be frost resistant enough. Herbaceous and fatty shoots are not suitable for rooting. The blanks are cut at an angle of 45 degrees in July. The cut is made from a green shoot under the bud, and half a centimeter above the bud. Before planting, the lower leaves are removed and the upper ones are cut in half. Rooting is carried out on prepared high ridges. The top 5 cm is covered with sand. The bed is moistened and cuttings are placed into it at an angle to a depth of 8-10 cm. The top of the planting is covered with transparent caps; plastic bottles are suitable for this. By autumn, the cuttings should have already sprung roots, after which the caps must be removed to harden off the plants. When cold weather sets in, the cuttings are covered with spruce branches or non-woven material thrown over the frame. By next spring, the seedlings will be ready to be planted in a permanent location.
  • Dividing the bush. You can divide an adult rose bush, at least three years old. The bush is dug up and cut into two parts. Each is planted separately, following the planting rules.